Data model for Amazon Connect contact records
This article describes the data model for Amazon Connect contact records. Contact records capture the events associated with a contact in your contact center. Real-time and historical metrics are based on the data captured in the contact records.
Important things to know
We continually release new features that result in the addition of new fields to the contact records data model. Any changes we make to the data model are backward compatible. When you develop applications, we recommend that you build them to ignore the addition of new fields in the contact records data model. This will help ensure your applications are resilient.
Amazon Connect delivers contact records at least once. Contact records may be delivered again for multiple reasons, such as new information arriving after initial delivery. For example, when you use update-contact-attributes
to update a contact record, Amazon Connect delivers a new contact record. This contact record is available for 24 months from the time the associated contact was initiated. If you're building a system that consumes contact record export streams, be sure to include logic that checks for duplicate contact records for a contact. Use the LastUpdateTimestamp property to determine if a copy contains new data than previous copies. Then use the ContactId property for deduplication.
Every action taken on a unique contact generates an event. These events appear as a field or an attribute on the contact record. If the number of actions for a contact exceeds a threshold, such as an internal storage limit, then any actions that follow will not appear on that contact record.
For the contact record retention period and maximum size of the attributes section of a contact record, see Amazon Connect feature specifications.
For information about when a contact record is created (and thus can be exported or used for data reporting), see Events in the contact record.
For a list of all contact attributes, including telephony call and case attributes, see List of available contact attributes in Amazon Connect and their JSONPath references.
In the past we referred to contact records as Contact Trace Records (CTR). Now we use the term contact record only. There is no difference between the two terms.
Information about the agent who accepted the incoming contact.
- AgentInteractionDuration
The time, in whole seconds, that an agent interacted with a customer. For outbound calls, this is the time, in whole seconds, that an agent was connected to a contact, even if the customer is not present.
This does not include agent pause duration (which applies only to tasks).
Type: Integer
Min value: 0
- AgentPauseDuration
The time, in whole seconds, that a task assigned to an agent was paused.
Type: Integer
Min value: 0
- AfterContactWorkDuration
The difference in time, in whole seconds, between
.Type: Integer
Min value: 0
- AfterContactWorkEndTimestamp
The date and time when the agent stopped doing After Contact Work for the contact, in UTC time.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- AfterContactWorkStartTimestamp
The date and time when the agent started doing After Contact Work for the contact, in UTC time.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
The Amazon Resource Name of the agent.
Type: ARN
- ConnectedToAgentTimestamp
The date and time the contact was connected to the agent, in UTC time.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- CustomerHoldDuration
The time, in whole seconds, that the customer spent on hold while connected to the agent.
Type: Integer
Min value: 0
- DeviceInfo
Information about agent's device.
Type: DeviceInfo
- HierarchyGroups
The agent hierarchy groups for the agent.
Type: AgentHierarchyGroups
- LongestHoldDuration
The longest time, in whole seconds, that the customer was put on hold by the agent.
Type: Integer
Min value: 0
- NumberOfHolds
The number of times the customer was put on hold while connected to the agent.
Type: Integer
Min value: 0
- RoutingProfile
The routing profile of the agent.
Type: RoutingProfile
- Username
The username of the agent.
Type: String
Length: 1-100
- StateTransitions
The state transitions of a supervisor.
Type: Array of StateTransitions.
Information about an agent hierarchy group.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the group.
Type: ARN
- GroupName
The name of the hierarchy group.
Type: String
Length: 1-256
Information about the agent hierarchy. Hierarchies can be configured with up to five levels.
- Level1
The group at level one of the agent hierarchy.
Type: AgentHierarchyGroup
- Level2
The group at level two of the agent hierarchy.
Type: AgentHierarchyGroup
- Level3
The group at level three of the agent hierarchy.
Type: AgentHierarchyGroup
- Level4
The group at level four of the agent hierarchy.
Type: AgentHierarchyGroup
- Level5
The group at level five of the agent hierarchy.
Type: AgentHierarchyGroup
An object to specify the predefined attribute condition.
- Name
The name of predefined attribute.
Type: String
Length: 1-64
- Value
The value of predefined attribute.
Type: String
Length: 1-64
- ComparisonOperator
The comparison operator of the condition.
Type: String
Valid values: NumberGreaterOrEqualTo, Match, Range
- ProficiencyLevel
The proficiency level of the condition.
Type: Float
Valid values: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0
- Range
An Object to define the minimum and maximum proficiency levels.
Type: Range object
- MatchCriteria
An object to define AgentsCriteria.
Type: MatchCriteria object
- AgentsCriteria
An Object to define agentIds.
Type: AgentsCriteria object
- AgentIds
An object to specify a list of agents, by Agent ID.
Type: Array of strings
Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256
Contains user-defined attributes which are lightly typed within the contact.
This object is used only for task contacts. For voice or chat contacts, or for tasks that have contact attributes set with the flow block, check the ContactTraceRecord Attributes object.
- ContactDetailsName
Type: String
Length: 1-128
- ContactDetailsValue
Type: String
Length: 0-1024
- ReferenceAttributeName
Type: String
Length: 1-128
- ReferenceAttributesValue
Type: String
Length: 0-1024
Information about a contact.
To learn about all system-defined segment attributes, see Segment attributes.
- Agent
If this contact successfully connected to an agent, this is information about the agent.
Type: Agent
- AgentConnectionAttempts
The number of times Amazon Connect attempted to connect this contact with an agent.
Type: Integer
Min value: 0
- Attributes
The contact attributes, formatted as a map of keys and values.
Type: Attributes
- AWSAccountId
The ID of the AWS account that owns the contact.
Type: String
- AWSContactTraceRecordFormatVersion
The record format version.
Type: String
- Channel
How the contact reached your contact center.
Valid values:
- ConnectedToSystemTimestamp
The date and time the customer endpoint connected to Amazon Connect, in UTC time. For
, this matches InitiationTimestamp. ForOUTBOUND
, andAPI
, this is when the customer endpoint answers.Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- ContactId
The ID of the contact.
Type: String
Length: 1-256
- ContactLens
Information about Contact Lens features applied to this contact.
Type: ContactLens
- CustomerId
The customer's identification number. For example, the CustomerId may be a customer number from your CRM. You can create a Lambda function to pull the unique customer ID of the caller from your CRM system. If you enable Amazon Connect Voice ID capability, this attribute is populated with the CustomerSpeakerId of the caller.
Type: String
- CustomerEndpoint
The customer or external third party participant endpoint.
Type: Endpoint,
- CustomerVoiceActivity
object includes the following properties:- GreetingStartTimestamp
The date and time that measures the beginning of the customer greeting from an outbound voice call, in UTC time.
Type: String (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z')
- GreetingEndTimestamp
The date and time that measures the end of the customer greeting from an outbound voice call, in UTC time.
Type: String (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z')
- DisconnectTimestamp
The date and time that the customer endpoint disconnected from Amazon Connect, in UTC time.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- DisconnectReason
Indicates how the contact was terminated. This data is currently available in the Amazon Connect contact record stream and Contact details page.
The disconnect reason may not be accurate when there are agent or customer connectivity issues. For example, if the agent is having connectivity issues, the customer might not be able to hear them ("Are you there?") and hang up. This would be recorded as
and not reflect the connectivity issue.Type: String
Voice contacts can have the following disconnect reasons:
: Customer disconnected first. -
: Agent disconnected when the contact was still on the call. -
: In a third-party call, after the agent has left, the third-party disconnected the call while the contact was still on the call. -
: Disconnected due to an issue with connecting the call from the carrier, network congestion, network error, etc. -
: manager disconnected the agent from the call. -
: Call was disconnected in a flow. -
: This includes any reason not explicitly covered by the previous codes. For example, the contact was disconnected by an API.
Outbound campaign voice contacts can have the following disconnect reasons:
: Current configurations do not allow this destination to be dialed (for example, calling an endpoint destination from an ineligible instance). -
: Instance has insufficient permissions to make outbound calls or necessary resources were not found. -
: There was an unknown error, invalid parameter, or insufficient permissions to call the API. -
: Not enough agents available, or not enough telecom capacity for such calls.
Chats can have the following disconnect reasons:
: Agent explicitly disconnects or rejects a chat. -
: Customer explicitly disconnects. -
: Agent disconnected from the chat due to network issue. -
: Customer starts chat but never gets connection (websocket or streaming). -
: Chat disconnected due to expiration of configured chat duration. -
: Chat was disconnected or completed by a contact flow. -
: The StopContact API was called to end the chat. -
: Manager disconnected the agent from the barged-in chat. -
: Disconnect due to an idle participant. -
: An error in the system causing a chat session to end abnormally.
The disconnect reason will be recorded as 'null' for contacts that end for reasons outside of the list above.
Tasks can have the following disconnect reasons:
: Agent marked the task as complete. -
: Task expired automatically because it was not assigned or completed within 7 days. -
: Task was disconnected or completed by a flow. -
: The StopContact API was called to end the task. -
: This includes any reason not explicitly covered by the previous codes.
- AnsweringMachineDetectionStatus
Indicates how an outbound campaign call is actually disposed if the contact is connected to Amazon Connect.
Valid values:
: The number dialed was answered by a person. -
: The number dialed was answered by voicemail with a beep. -
: The number dialed was answered by a voicemail with no beep. -
: The number dialed kept ringing, but the call was not picked up. -
: The number dialed was connected but the answering machine detection could not determine whether the call was picked up by a person or voicemail. -
: The call disconnected before ringing, and there was no media to detect. -
: The number dialed was busy -
: The number dialed was not a valid number. -
: A special information tone (SIT) was detected. -
: A fax machine was detected. -
: The number dialed was connected, but there was an error in answering machine detection.
- InitialContactId
The identifier of the initial contact.
Type: String
Length: 1-256
- InitiationMethod
Indicates how the contact was initiated.
Valid values:
: The customer initiated voice (phone) contact with your contact center. -
: An agent initiated voice (phone) contact with the customer, by using the CCP to call their number. -
: The customer was transferred by an agent to another agent or to a queue, using quick connects in the CCP. This results in a new CTR being created. -
: The customer was contacted as part of a callback flow.For more information about the InitiationMethod in this scenario, see Queued callbacks in real-time metrics in Amazon Connect.
: The contact was initiated with Amazon Connect by API. This could be an outbound contact you created and queued to an agent, using the StartOutboundVoiceContact API, or it could be a live chat that was initiated by the customer with your contact center, where you called the StartChatConnect API. -
: The contact used the communication widget with video call. -
: While the customer was in one queue (listening to Customer queue flow), they were transferred into another queue using a flow block. -
: An agent initiated voice (phone) contact with an external participant to your contact center using either quick connect in the CCP or a flow block. -
: A supervisor initiated monitor on an agent. The supervisor can silently monitor the agent and customer, or barge the conversation. -
: When a Set disconnect flow block is triggered, it specifies which flow to run after a disconnect event during a contact.A disconnect event is when:
A chat, or task is disconnected.
A task is disconnected as a result of a flow action.
A task expires. The task is automatically disconnected if it is not completed in 30 days.
If a new contact is created while running a disconnect flow, then the initiation method for that new contact is DISCONNECT.
: An agent has replied to an inbound email contact to create an outbound email reply. -
- InitiationTimestamp
The date and time this contact was initiated, in UTC time. For
, this is when the contact arrived. ForOUTBOUND
, this is when the agent began dialing. ForCALLBACK
, this is when the callback contact was created. ForEXTERNAL_OUTBOUND
, this is when the agent started dialing the external participant. ForMONITOR
, this is when the manager started listening to a contact. ForTRANSFER
, this is when the transfer was initiated. ForAPI
, this is when the request arrived.Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
In the case of tasks, InitiationTimestamp signifies when the task contact was created, whereas EnqueueTimestamp signifies time when the task contact was put in a queue to match the contact with agent.
You can configure flows so there is processing done on the task before a contact is queued. For example, this processing can take one minute or maybe several days. Many tasks, especially those used for backoffice processing aren't queued so they may have an InitiationTimestamp but not an EnqueueTimestamp.
Scheduled tasks get initiated when a contact is created, however they only start running flows when the schedule is met.
The 7 days expiry value is not absolute and there could be cases where tasks expire just beyond 7 days ( 7.01 days )
- InstanceARN
The Amazon Resource Name of the Amazon Connect instance.
Type: ARN
- LastUpdateTimestamp
The date and time this contact was last updated, in UTC time.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- LastPausedTimestamp
The date and time this contact was last paused, in UTC time.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- LastResumedTimestamp
The date and time this contact was last resumed, in UTC time.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- MediaStreams
The media streams.
Type: Array of MediaStream
- NextContactId
The ID of the contact created when:
An agent uses a Quick Connect or the number pad on the CCP.
One of the following flow blocks is run:
Type: String
Length: 1-256
- PreviousContactId
The ID of the previous contact from which the current contact is created when:
An agent uses a Quick Connect or the number pad on the Content Control Panel.
One of the following flow blocks is run:
Type: String
Length: 1-256
- Queue
If this contact was queued, this is information about the queue.
Type: QueueInfo
- Campaign
Information associated with a campaign.
Type: Campaign object
- DisconnectDetails
Information about the call disconnect experience.
Type: DisconnectDetails
- QualityMetrics
Information about the quality of participant's media connection when the participant is talking during the call.
Type: QualityMetrics
- Recording
If recording was enabled, this is information about the recording.
Type: RecordingInfo
- Recordings
If recording was enabled, this is information about the recording.
Type: Array of RecordingsInfo
The first recording for a contact will appear in both the Recording and Recordings sections of the contact record.
- Amazon Q in Connect
If Amazon Q was enabled on the contact, this is information about the Amazon Q session.
Type: WisdomInfo
If this contact is associated with another contact, this is the identifier of the related contact.
Type: String
Length: 1-256.
- ScheduledTimestamp
The date and time when this contact was scheduled to trigger the flow to run, in UTC time. This is supported only for the task channel.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- SegmentAttributes
A set of system defined key-value pairs stored on individual contact segments using an attribute map. The attributes are standard Amazon Connect attributes and can be accessed in flows. Attribute keys can include only alphanumeric, -, and _ characters.
SegmentAttributes are where the email subject and SES flags are stored for email contacts.
This field can be used to show channel subtype. For example,
.Type: SegmentAttributes
Members: SegmentAttributeName, SegmentAttributeValue
- SystemEndpoint
The system endpoint. For
, this is the phone number that the customer dialed. ForOUTBOUND
, this is the outbound caller ID number assigned to the outbound queue that is used to dial the customer. For callback, this shows up asSoftphone
for calls handled by agents with softphone.When Transfer to phone number block is used without specifying a custom caller ID, the caller ID of the caller is passed as the caller ID. For example, if you transfer to an external number and no custom caller ID is used to specify that the call is coming from your organization, then the contact's caller ID is displayed to the external party.
Type: Endpoint,
- AdditionalEmailRecipients
The To and CC fields.
Type: String
Length: 1-256
- ContactAssociationId
A contact identifier that is common across all contacts linked by relatedContactId. This is used for email contacts in a thread.
Type: Integer
- TotalPauseCount
Total number of pauses including when the contact was not connected.
Type: Integer
- TotalPauseDurationInSeconds
Total pause duration, including before and after the agent was connected.
Type: Integer
- TransferCompletedTimestamp
TransferCompleteTimestamp is populated when the agent (who initiated the transfer) disconnects. If the agent who initiated transfer does not disconnect, it is not considered as a transfer complete.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- TransferredToEndpoint
If this contact was transferred out of Amazon Connect, the transfer endpoint.
Type: Endpoint
- Tags
Tags associated with the contact. This contains both AWS generated and user-defined tags.
Type: String to string map
Contact Lens information, if Contact Lens is enabled on the flow.
- ConversationalAnalytics
Information about the Contact Lens conversational analytics feature.
An object that holds the conversational analytics behavior for the contact.
Type: ConversationalAnalytics
Information about Contact Lens conversational analytics.
- Configuration
Configuration for conversational analytics for the contact.
Type: Configuration
Configuration for Contact Lens conversational analytics. You configure conversational analytics by using the Set recording and analytics behavior flow block in the Amazon Connect admin website, or by using the UpdateContactRecordingBehavior contact action in the Flow language.
- Enabled
Is Contact Lens enabled for the contact?
Type: Boolean
- ChannelConfiguration
Channel-specific Contact Lens conversational analytics configuration for the contact. Conversational analytics configuration is mapped to the flow block that can process contacts from different channels. While majority of configuration parameters apply to all channels, this object contains a subset that are channel-specific.
Type: ChannelConfiguration
- LanguageLocale
Language locale used by Contact Lens to analyze the contact.
Type: String
- RedactionConfiguration
Redaction configuration for the contact.
Type: RedactionConfiguration
Channel configuration for the contact.
- AnalyticsModes
List of analytics modes for the contact.
Type: AnalyticsModes
List of analytics modes for the contact.
- AnalyticsModes
Analytics mode for the contact.
Type: String
Valid values for voice:
Valid values for chat:
Redaction configuration for the contact.
- Behavior
Indicates whether redaction is enabled for sensitive data, such as personal information, in the Contact Lens output file and audio recording. When this field is set to
all other values in this object are ignored.Type: String
Valid values:
- Policy
Indicates whether you get both the redacted and the original transcripts and audio files, just the redacted transcripts and audio files, or only transcript with unredacted content.
indicates no redaction is applied.Type: String
Valid values:
- Entities
List of redaction entities for the contact. If this is present, only entities mentioned in this list are redacted.
Type: Entities
- MaskMode
How sensitive information in a contact record should be masked.
is selected, all redacted entities are replaced with[PII]
string. -
is selected, all redacted entities are replaced with the label of the entity. For example, whenEMAIL
entity is configured for redaction, emails in the transcript are replaced by[EMAIL]
Type: String
Valid values:
List of redaction entities for the contact.
- Entity
Entities that should be redacted for the contact.
Type: String
Min value: 0
Summary configurations for the contact.
- SummaryModes
List of summary modes for the contact.
Type: SummaryModes
Max value: 1
List of summary modes for the contact. PostContact
summary mode means
generative AI-powered
post-contact summaries are enabled for the contact.
- SummaryMode
Summary mode for the contact.
Type: String
Valid values:
Information about participant's device.
- PlatformName
Name of the platform that the participant used for the call.
Type: String
Length: 1-128
- PlatformVersion
Version of the platform that the participant used for the call.
Type: String
Length: 1-128
- OperatingSystem
Operating system that the participant used for the call.
Type: String
Length: 1-128
Information about the call disconnect experience. For information about how to use this data to troubleshoot call disconnects, see Troubleshoot call disconnects by using DisconnectDetails in the contact record.
- PotentialDisconnectIssue
Indicates the potential disconnection issues for a call. This field is not populated if the service does not detect potential issues.
Type: String
Length: 0-128
Valid values:
: Indicates potential issues with agent network connectivity. -
: Indicates problems with the customer hearing the agent due to potential issues with the agent's device such as their workstation, headset, or microphone.
Information about an endpoint. In Amazon Connect, an endpoint is the destination for a contact, such as a customer phone number, or a phone number for your contact center.
- Address
The value for the type of endpoint. For
, the value is a phone number in E.164 format.Type: String
Length: 1-256
- Type
The endpoint type. Currently, an endpoint can only be a telephone number.
Valid values:
An object to specify the expiration of a routing step.
- DurationInSeconds
The number of seconds to wait before expiring the routing step.
Type: Integer
Min value: 0
- ExpiryTimestamp
The timestamp indicating when the routing step expires.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
A tagged union to specify expression for a routing step.
- AndExpression
List of routing expressions which will be AND-ed together.
Type: Expression
Min value: 0
- OrExpression
List of routing expressions which will be OR-ed together.
Type: Expression
- AttributeCondition
An object to specify the predefined attribute condition.
Type: AttributeCondition
- NotAttributeCondition
An object to specify the predefined attribute condition to exclude agents with certain proficiencies.
Type: AttributeCondition
Information about the External Third Party participant.
- ExternalThirdPartyInteractionDuration
The time, in whole seconds, that the external participant interacted with the customer.
Type: Integer
Min value: 0
Information about the contact evaluation.
- FormId
A unique identifier for the form. It is always present.
Type: String
- EvaluationArn
The Amazon Resource Name for the evaluation form. It is always present.
Type: String
- State
The state of the evaluation.
Type: String
Valid values:
- StartTimestamp
The date and time when the evaluation was started, in UTC time.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- EndTimestamp
The date and time when the evaluation was submitted, in UTC time.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- DeleteTimestamp
The date and time when the evaluation was deleted, in UTC time.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- ExportLocation
The path where evaluation was exported.
Type: String
Length: 0-256
Information about the media stream used during the contact.
- Type
Type: MediaStreamType
Valid values:
Information about the quality of participant's media connection when the participant is talking during the call.
- Agent
Information about the quality of agent media connection. This is a measure of how the agent sounded to the customer.
Type: AgentQualityMetrics
- Customer
Information about the quality of customer media connection. This is a measure of how the customer sounded to the agent.
Type: CustomerQualityMetrics
Information about the quality of the agent's media connection. This is a measure of how the agent sounded to the customer.
AgentQualityMetrics is available for voice calls only.
- Audio
Information about the audio quality of the agent.
Type: AudioQualityMetricsInfo
Information about the quality of the customer's media connection. This is a measure of how the customer sounded to the agent.
CustomerQualityMetrics is available for in-app and web voice calls only. For information about in-app and web calling, see Set up in-app, web, video calling, and screen sharing capabilities.
- Audio
Information about the audio quality of the Agent.
Type: AudioQualityMetricsInfo
Information for quality score and potential quality issues for audio,
- QualityScore
Number representing the estimated quality of the media connection.
Type: Number
Min value: 1.00
Max val: 5.00
- PotentialQualityIssues
List of potential issues causing degradation of quality on a media connection. If the service did not detect any potential quality issues the list is empty.
Type: StringArray
Valid values: Empty array or array with any of the following values:
Information about a queue.
The Amazon Resource Name of the queue.
Type: ARN
- DequeueTimestamp
The date and time the contact was removed from the queue, in UTC time. Either the customer disconnected or the agent started interacting with the customer.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- Duration
The difference in time, in whole seconds, between
.Type: Integer
Min value: 0
- EnqueueTimestamp
The date and time the contact was added to the queue, in UTC time.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- Name
The name of the queue.
Type: String
Length: 1-256
Information about a voice recording.
- DeletionReason
If the recording was deleted, this is the reason entered for the deletion.
Type: String
- Location
The location, in Amazon S3, for the recording.
Type: String
Length: 0-256
- Status
The recording status.
Valid values:
- Type
The recording type.
Valid values:
Information about a voice recording, chat transcript, or screen recording.
- DeletionReason
If the recording/transcript was deleted, this is the reason entered for the deletion.
Type: String
- FragmentStartNumber
The number that identifies the Kinesis Video Streams fragment where the customer audio stream started.
Type: String
- FragmentStopNumber
The number that identifies the Kinesis Video Streams fragment where the customer audio stream stopped.
Type: String
- Location
The location, in Amazon S3, for the recording/transcript.
Type: String
Length: 0-256
- MediaStreamType
Information about the media stream used during the conversation.
Type: String
Valid values:
- ParticipantType
Information about the conversation participant: whether they are an agent or contact. Following are the participant types:
Type: String
- StartTimestamp
When the conversation of the last leg of the recording started.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- Status
The status of the recording/transcript.
Valid values:
- StopTimestamp
When the conversation of the last leg of recording stopped.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- StorageType
Where the recording/transcript is stored.
Type: String
Valid values: Amazon S3 |
Contains links to other documents that are related to a contact.
- Reference Info
When Type =
, the record also has a Status field.Status valid values:
List of routing criteria. Each time the routing criteria is updated on a contact, it is added to this list.
- ActivationTimestamp
The timestamp indicating when the routing criteria is set to active. A routing criteria is activated when the contact is transferred to a queue.
ActivationTimestamp is set on routing criteria for contacts in agent queue even though Routing criteria is never activated for contacts in agent queue.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- Index
Information about the index of the routing criteria.
Type: Integer
Min value: 0
- Steps
List of routing steps.
Type: List of Step objects
Length: 1-5
Information about a routing profile.
The Amazon Resource Name of the routing profile.
Type: ARN
- Name
The name of the routing profile.
Type: String
Length: 1-100
Information about the state transitions of a supervisor.
- stateStartTimestamp
The date and time when the state started in UTC time.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- stateEndTimestamp
The date and time when the state ended in UTC time.
Type: String (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- state
Valid values:
When Amazon Connect doesn't find an available agent who meet the requirements in a step for a given step duration, the routing criteria moves onto the next step sequentially until a join is completed with an agent. When all steps are exhausted, Amazon Connect offers the contact to any agent in the queue.
- Status
Represents status of the Routing step.
Type: String
- Expression
An object to specify the expression of a routing step..
Type: Expression
- Expiry
An object to specify the expiration of a routing step.
Type: Expiry
The latest Voice ID status.
- Authentication
The voice authentication information for the call.
Type: Authentication
- FraudDetection
The fraud detection information for the call.
Type: FraudDetection
- GeneratedSpeakerId
The speaker identifier generated by Voice ID.
Type: String
Length: 25 characters
- SpeakerEnrolled
Was the customer enrolled during this contact?
Type: Boolean
- SpeakerOptedOut
Did the customer opt out during this contact?
Type: Boolean
Information about an Amazon Q in Connect session.
- SessionArn
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Q in Connect session for the contact.
Type: ARN
Information about Voice ID authentication for a call.
- ScoreThreshold
The minimum authentication score required for a user to be authenticated.
Type: Integer
Min value: 0
Max value: 100
- MinimumSpeechInSeconds
The number of seconds of speech used to authenticate the user.
Type: Integer
Min value: 5
Max value: 10
- Score
The output of Voice ID authentication evaluation.
Type: Integer
Min value: 0
Max value: 100
- Result
The string output of Voice ID authentication evaluation.
Type: String
Length: 1-32
Valid values:
|Not Authenticated
|Not Enrolled
|Opted Out
Information about Voice ID fraud detection for a call.
- ScoreThreshold
The threshold for detection of fraudsters in a watchlist that was set in the flow for the contact.
Type: Integer
Min value: 0
Max value: 100
- Result
The string output of detection of fraudsters in a watchlist.
Type: String
Valid values:
High Risk
|Low Risk
- Reasons
Contains fraud types: Known Fraudster and Voice Spoofing.
Type: List of String
Length: 1-128
- RiskScoreKnownFraudster
The detection of fraudsters in a watchlist score for Known Fraudster category.
Type: Integer
Min value: 0
Max value: 100
- RiskScoreVoiceSpoofing
The fraud risk score based on Voice Spoofing, such as playback of audio from Text-to-Speech systems recorded audio.
Type: Integer
Length: 3
- RiskScoreSyntheticSpeech (unused)
This field is unused. This score is presented as a combined risk score for Voice Spoofing.
Type: Integer
Length: 3
- GeneratedFraudsterID
The fraudster ID if the fraud type is Known Fraudster.
Type: String
Length: 25 characters
- WatchlistID
The fraudster watchlist that was set in the flow for the contact. Use for Known Fraudster Detection.
Type: String
Length: 22 characters
How to identify abandoned contacts
An abandoned contact refers to a contact that was disconnected by the customer while in queue. This means that they weren't connected to an agent.
The contact record for an abandoned contact has a Queue, and an Enqueue Timestamp because it was enqueued. It won't have a ConnectedToAgentTimestamp, or any of the other fields that populate only after the contact has been connected to an agent.