Amazon DataZone’s interface consists of a management console within AWS and an off-console web application (data portal).
The Amazon DataZone management console can be used by AWS administrators for top-level-resource APIs, including creating and managing domains, AWS account associations for these domains, and data sources for which you want to delegate access management to Amazon DataZone. You can use the Amazon DataZone management console to manage all of the IAM roles and configuration needed to delegate access management control to the Amazon DataZone service for their explicitly configured AWS accounts. The Amazon DataZone data portal is a first-party AWS Identity Center application for SSO users. If enabled, the console can also be used by authorized IAM principals to federate into the data portal instead of using an SSO identity.
Amazon DataZone's data portal is designed to be used principally by AWS IAM Identity Center-authenticated users to manage access to data and perform data publishing, discovery, subscription, and analytics tasks.
Authorization in the Amazon DataZone
The Amazon DataZone console authorization model uses IAM authorization. The console is used by administrators primarily for setup. Amazon DataZone uses the concept of a domain administrator AWS account, and member AWS accounts, and the console is used from all of these accounts to build the trust relationships while respecting AWS Organization boundaries.
Authorization in the Amazon DataZone
The Amazon DataZone data portal authorization model is a hierarchical ACL with static role archetypes (profiles) that include administrators and viewers. For example, users can have a profile of administrator or user. At the level of a domain, they may have a domain user designation of data owner. At the level of a project, a user can be an owner or contributor. These profiles can be configured as one of two types: users and groups. These profiles are then associated with domains and projects, and the state for these permissions is stored in an association table.
Within this authorization model, Amazon DataZone allows users to manage user and group permissions. Users manage project membership, request membership to projects, and approve memberships. Users publish data, define data subscription approvers, subscribe to data, and approve subscriptions.
Users perform data analytics in specific projects when their data portal client requests IAM session credentials that Amazon DataZone generates based on the user's effective profile in the specific project context. This session is scoped both to the user's permissions and also the specific project's resources. Users then drop into Athena or Redshift to query the relevant data, and all of the underlying IAM work is completely abstracted away.
Amazon DataZone profiles and roles
Once a user is authenticated, the authenticated context maps to a user profile ID. This user profile can have multiple, different associations (project owner, domain administrator, etc.) which is used for authorizing users. Each association (for example, project owner, domain administrator, etc.) has permissions for certain activities based on the context. For example, a user that has a domain admin association can create additional domains, can assign other domain administrators to the domain, and can create project templates within their domain. A project owner can add or remove project members for their project, they can create publishing agreements with a domain, and publish assets to a domain.