eb create - AWS Elastic Beanstalk

eb create


Creates a new environment and deploys an application version to it.


You can deploy the application version from a few sources:

  • By default: From the application source code in the local project directory.

  • Using the --version option: From an application version that already exists in your application.

  • When your project directory doesn't have application code, or when using the --sample option: Deployed from a sample application, specific to your environment's platform.


eb create

eb create environment-name

An environment name must be between 4 and 40 characters in length. It can only contain letters, numbers, and hyphens (-). An environment name can't begin or end with a hyphen.

If you include an environment name in the command, the EB CLI doesn't prompt you to make any selections or create a service role.

If you run the command without an environment name argument, it runs in an interactive flow, and prompts you to enter or select values for some settings. In this interactive flow, in case you are deploying a sample application, the EB CLI also asks you if you want to download this sample application to your local project directory. By downloading it, you can use the EB CLI with the new environment later to run operations that require the application's code, such as eb deploy.

Some interactive flow prompts are displayed only under certain conditions. For example, if you choose to use an Application Load Balancer, and your account has at least one sharable Application Load Balancer, Elastic Beanstalk displays a prompt that asks if you want to use a shared load balancer. If no sharable Application Load Balancer exists in your account, this prompt isn't displayed.


None of these options are required. If you run eb create without any options, the EB CLI prompts you to enter or select a value for each setting.






Set the environment as the default environment for the current repository.

--cfg config-name

Use platform settings from a saved configuration in .elasticbeanstalk/saved_configs/ or your Amazon S3 bucket. Specify the name of the file only, without the .cfg.yml extension.

-c subdomain-name


--cname subdomain-name

The subdomain name to prefix the CNAME DNS entry that routes to your website.

Type: String

Default: The environment name




Attaches a database to the environment. If you run eb create with the --database option, but without the --database.username and --database.password options, EB CLI prompts you for the database master user name and password.

-db.engine engine


--database.engine engine

The database engine type. If you run eb create with this option, then EB CLI launches the environment with a database attached. This is the case even if you didn't run the command with the --database option.

Type: String

Valid values: mysql, oracle-se1, postgres, sqlserver-ex, sqlserver-web, sqlserver-se

-db.i instance_type


--database.instance instance_type

The type of Amazon EC2 instance to use for the database. If you run eb create with this option, then EB CLI launches the environment with a database attached. This is the case even if you didn't run the command with the --database option.

Type: String

Valid values:

Amazon RDS supports a standard set of DB instances. To select an appropriate DB instance for your DB engine, you must take into account some specific considerations. For more information, see DB instance classes in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

-db.pass password


--database.password password

The password for the database. If you run eb create with this option, then EB CLI launches the environment with a database attached. This is the case even if you didn't run the command with the --database option.

-db.size number_of_gigabytes


--database.size number_of_gigabytes

The number of gigabytes (GB) to allocate for database storage. If you run eb create with this option, then EB CLI launches the environment with a database attached. This is the case even if you didn't run the command with the --database option.

Type: Number

Valid values:

  • MySQL5 to 1024. The default is 5.

  • Postgres5 to 1024. The default is 5.

  • Oracle10 to 1024. The default is 10.

  • Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition30.

  • Microsoft SQL Server Web Edition30.

  • Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition200.

-db.user username


--database.username username

The user name for the database. If you run eb create with this option, then EB CLI launches the environment with a database attached even if you didn't run the command with the --database option. If you run eb create with the --database option, but without the --database.username and --database.password options, then EB CLI prompts you for the master database user name and password.

-db.version version


--database.version version

Used to specify the database engine version. If this flag is present, the environment will launch with a database with the specified version number, even if the --database flag isn't present.

--elb-type type

The load balancer type.

Type: String

Valid values: classic, application, network

Default: application




Enable Spot Instance requests for your environment. For more information, see Auto Scaling group.

Related options:

  • --instance-types

  • --on-demand-base-capacity

  • --on-demand-above-base-capacity

  • --spot-max-price

--env-group-suffix groupname The group name to append to the environment name. Only for use with Compose Environments.


Environment properties in a comma-separated list with the format name=value. See Configuring environment properties (environment variables) for limits.

-ip profile_name


--instance_profile profile_name

The instance profile with the IAM role with the temporary security credentials that your application needs to access AWS resources.



--instance-types type1[,type2 ...]

A comma-separated list of Amazon EC2 instance types that you want your environment to use. If you don't specify this option, Elastic Beanstalk provides default instance types.

For more information, see Amazon EC2 instances and Auto Scaling group.


The EB CLI only applies this option to Spot Instances. Unless this option is used with the --enable-spot option, the EB CLI ignores it. To specify an instance type for an On-Demand Instance, use the --intance-type (no "s") option instead.




The Amazon EC2 instance type that you want your environment to use. If you don't specify this option, Elastic Beanstalk provides a default instance type.

For more information, see Amazon EC2 instances.


The EB CLI only applies this option to On-Demand Instances. Don't use this option with the --enable-spot option, because the EB CLI ignores it when you do so. To specify instance types for a Spot Instance, use the --intance-types (with an "s") option instead.

-k key_name


--keyname key_name

The name of the Amazon EC2 key pair to use with the Secure Shell (SSH) client to securely log in to the Amazon EC2 instances that are running your Elastic Beanstalk application. If you include this option with the eb create command, the value you provide overwrites any key name that you might have specified with eb init.

Valid values: An existing key name that's registered with Amazon EC2

-im number-of-instances


--min-instances number-of-instances

The minimum number of Amazon EC2 instances that you require your environment to have.

Type: Number (integer)

Default: 1

Valid values: 1 to 10000

-ix number-of-instances


--max-instances number-of-instances

The maximum number of Amazon EC2 instances you allow your environment to have.

Type: Number (integer)

Default: 4

Valid values: 1 to 10000

--modules component-a component-b

A list of component environments to create. This is only for use with Compose Environments.




The minimum number of On-Demand Instances that your Auto Scaling group provisions before considering Spot Instances as your environment scales up.

This option can only be specified with the --enable-spot option. For more information, see Auto Scaling group.

Type: Number (integer)

Default: 0

Valid values: 0 to --max-instances (when absent: MaxSize option in aws:autoscaling:asg namespace)




The percentage of On-Demand Instances as part of additional capacity that your Auto Scaling group provisions that's more than the number of instances that's specified by the --on-demand-base-capacity option.

This option can only be specified with the --enable-spot option. For more details, see Auto Scaling group.

Type: Number (integer)

Default: 0 for a single-instance environment; 70 for a load-balanced environment

Valid values: 0 to 100

-p platform-version


--platform platform-version

The platform version to use. You can specify a platform, a platform and version, a platform branch, a solution stack name, or a solution stack ARN. For example:

  • php, PHP, node.js – The latest platform version for the specified platform

  • php-7.2, "PHP 7.2" – The recommended (typically latest) PHP 7.2 platform version

  • "PHP 7.2 running on 64bit Amazon Linux" – The recommended (typically latest) PHP platform version in this platform branch

  • "64bit Amazon Linux 2017.09 v2.6.3 running PHP 7.1" – The PHP platform version specified by this solution stack name

  • "arn:aws:elasticbeanstalk:us-east-2::platform/PHP 7.1 running on 64bit Amazon Linux/2.6.3" – The PHP platform version specified by this solution stack ARN

Use eb platform list to get a list of available configurations.

If you specify the --platform option, it overrides the value that was provided during eb init.




Preprocess and validate the environment manifest and configuration files in the source bundle. Validating configuration files can identify issues prior to deploying the application version to an environment.

-r region


--region region

The AWS Region where you want to deploy the application.

For the list of values you can specify for this option, see AWS Elastic Beanstalk Endpoints and Quotas in the AWS General Reference.


Deploy the sample application to the new environment instead of the code in your repository.

--scale number-of-instances

Launch with the specified number of instances

--service-role servicerole Assign a non-default service role to the environment.

Don't enter an ARN. Only enter the role name. Elastic Beanstalk prefixes the role name with the correct values to create the resulting ARN internally.

-ls load-balancer


--shared-lb load-balancer

Configure the environment to use a shared load balancer. Provide the name or ARN of a sharable load balancer in your account—an Application Load Balancer that you explicitly created, not one created by another Elastic Beanstalk environment. For more information, see Shared Application Load Balancer.

Parameter examples:

  • FrontEndLB – A load balancer name.

  • arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-2:123456789012:loadbalancer/app/FrontEndLB/0dbf78d8ad96abbc – An Application Load Balancer ARN.

You can specify this option only with --elb-type application. If you specify that option and don't specify --shared-lb, Elastic Beanstalk creates a dedicated load balancer for the environment.

-lp port


--shared-lb-port port

The default listener port of the shared load balancer for this environment. Elastic Beanstalk adds a listener rule that routes all traffic from this listener to the default environment process. For more information, see Shared Application Load Balancer.

Type: Number (integer)

Default: 80

Valid values: Any integer that represents a listener port of the shared load balancer.


Create the environment with a single Amazon EC2 instance and without a load balancer.


A single-instance environment isn't production ready. If the instance becomes unstable during deployment, or Elastic Beanstalk terminates and restarts the instance during a configuration update, your application can be unavailable for a period of time. Use single-instance environments for development, testing, or staging. Use load-balanced environments for production.




The maximum price per unit hour, in US dollars, that you're willing to pay for a Spot Instance.

This option can only be specified with the --enable-spot option. For more details, see Auto Scaling group.

Type: Number (float)

Default: The On-Demand price, for each instance type. The option's value in this case is null.

Valid values: 0.001 to 20.0

For recommendations about maximum price options for Spot Instances, see Spot Instance pricing history in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

--tags key1=value1[,key2=value2 ...]

Tag the resources in your environment. Tags are specified as a comma-separated list of key=value pairs.

For more information, see Tagging environments.

-t worker


--tier worker

Create a worker environment. Omit this option to create a web server environment.

--timeout minutes

Set number of minutes before the command times out.

--version version_label

Specifies the application version that you want deployed to the environment instead of the application source code in the local project directory.

Type: String

Valid values: An existing application version label


Configure a VPC for your environment. When you include this option, the EB CLI prompts you to enter all required settings prior to launching the environment.

--vpc.dbsubnets subnet1,subnet2

Specifies subnets for database instances in a VPC. Required when --vpc.id is specified.

--vpc.ec2subnets subnet1,subnet2

Specifies subnets for Amazon EC2 instances in a VPC. Required when --vpc.id is specified.


Launches your Elastic Load Balancing load balancer in a public subnet in your VPC.

You can't specify this option with the --tier worker or --single options.

--vpc.elbsubnets subnet1,subnet2

Specifies subnets for the Elastic Load Balancing load balancer in a VPC.

You can't specify this option with the --tier worker or --single options.

--vpc.id ID

Launches your environment in the specified VPC.


Launches your Amazon EC2 instances in a public subnet in your VPC.

You can't specify this option with the --tier worker option.

--vpc.securitygroups securitygroup1,securitygroup2

Specifies security group IDs. Required when --vpc.id is specified.

Common options


If successful, the command prompts you with questions and then returns the status of the create operation. If there were problems during the launch, you can use the eb events operation to get more details.

If you enabled CodeBuild support in your application, eb create displays information from CodeBuild as your code is built. For information about CodeBuild support in Elastic Beanstalk, see Using the EB CLI with AWS CodeBuild.


The following example creates an environment in interactive mode.

$ eb create Enter Environment Name (default is tmp-dev): ENTER Enter DNS CNAME prefix (default is tmp-dev): ENTER Select a load balancer type 1) classic 2) application 3) network (default is 2): ENTER Environment details for: tmp-dev Application name: tmp Region: us-east-2 Deployed Version: app-141029_145448 Environment ID: e-um3yfrzq22 Platform: 64bit Amazon Linux 2014.09 v1.0.9 running PHP 5.5 Tier: WebServer-Standard-1.0 CNAME: tmp-dev.elasticbeanstalk.com Updated: 2014-10-29 21:54:51.063000+00:00 Printing Status: ...

The following example also creates an environment in interactive mode. In this example, your project directory doesn't have application code. The command deploys a sample application and downloads it to your local project directory.

$ eb create Enter Environment Name (default is tmp-dev): ENTER Enter DNS CNAME prefix (default is tmp-dev): ENTER Select a load balancer type 1) classic 2) application 3) network (default is 2): ENTER NOTE: The current directory does not contain any source code. Elastic Beanstalk is launching the sample application instead. Do you want to download the sample application into the current directory? (Y/n): ENTER INFO: Downloading sample application to the current directory. INFO: Download complete. Environment details for: tmp-dev Application name: tmp Region: us-east-2 Deployed Version: Sample Application Environment ID: e-um3yfrzq22 Platform: 64bit Amazon Linux 2014.09 v1.0.9 running PHP 5.5 Tier: WebServer-Standard-1.0 CNAME: tmp-dev.elasticbeanstalk.com Updated: 2017-11-08 21:54:51.063000+00:00 Printing Status: ...

The following command creates an environment without displaying any prompts.

$ eb create dev-env Creating application version archive "app-160312_014028". Uploading test/app-160312_014028.zip to S3. This may take a while. Upload Complete. Application test has been created. Environment details for: dev-env Application name: test Region: us-east-2 Deployed Version: app-160312_014028 Environment ID: e-6fgpkjxyyi Platform: 64bit Amazon Linux 2015.09 v2.0.8 running PHP 5.6 Tier: WebServer-Standard CNAME: UNKNOWN Updated: 2016-03-12 01:40:33.614000+00:00 Printing Status: ...

The following command creates an environment in a custom VPC.

$ eb create dev-vpc --vpc.id vpc-0ce8dd99 --vpc.elbsubnets subnet-b356d7c6,subnet-02f74b0c --vpc.ec2subnets subnet-0bb7f0cd,subnet-3b6697c1 --vpc.securitygroup sg-70cff265 Creating application version archive "app-160312_014309". Uploading test/app-160312_014309.zip to S3. This may take a while. Upload Complete. Environment details for: dev-vpc Application name: test Region: us-east-2 Deployed Version: app-160312_014309 Environment ID: e-pqkcip3mns Platform: 64bit Amazon Linux 2015.09 v2.0.8 running Java 8 Tier: WebServer-Standard CNAME: UNKNOWN Updated: 2016-03-12 01:43:14.057000+00:00 Printing Status: ...