Create an SMB file share with a custom configuration - AWS Storage Gateway

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Create an SMB file share with a custom configuration

Use the following procedure to create a Server Message Block (SMB) file share with a custom configuration. To create an SMB file share using default configuration settings, see Create an SMB file share using the default configuration.


Using S3 Versioning, Cross-Region Replication, or the Rsync utility when uploading data from a File Gateway can have significant cost implications. For more information, see Avoiding unanticipated costs when uploading data from File Gateway.


Before you create your file share, do the following:

To create an SMB file share with customized settings
  1. Open the AWS Storage Gateway console at and choose File shares from the left navigation pane.

  2. Choose Create file share.

  3. Choose Customize configuration. You can ignore the other fields on this page for now. You will be prompted to configure gateway, protocol, and storage settings in subsequent steps.

  4. For Gateway, choose the Amazon S3 File Gateway from the dropdown list.

  5. For CloudWatch log group, choose one of the following from the dropdown list:

    • To turn off logging for this file share, choose Disable logging.

    • To automatically create a new log group for this file share, choose Created by Storage Gateway.

    • To send health and resource notifications for this file share to an existing log group, choose the desired group from the list.

    For more information about audit logs, see Understanding S3 File Gateway audit logs.

  6. (Optional) Under Tags - Optional, choose Add new tag, then enter a Key and Value for your file share. A tag is a case-sensitive key-value pair that helps you to categorize your Storage Gateway resources. Adding tags can make filtering and searching for your file share easier. You can repeat this step to add up to 50 tags.

    Choose Next when finished.

  7. For S3 bucket, do one of the following to specify where to store and retrieve files:

    • To connect the file share directly to an existing S3 bucket in your Amazon Web Services account, choose the bucket name from the dropdown list.

    • To connect the file share to an existing S3 bucket that's owned by an Amazon Web Services account other than the one that you're using to create the file share, choose A bucket in another account from the dropdown list, then enter the Cross-account bucket name.

    • To connect the file share to a new S3 bucket, choose Create a new S3 bucket, then choose the Region where the Amazon S3 endpoint for your new bucket is located, and enter a unique S3 bucket name. Choose Create S3 bucket when finished. For more information about creating new buckets, see How do I create an S3 bucket? in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

    • To connect the file share to an S3 bucket using an access point name, choose Amazon S3 access point name from the dropdown list, then enter the Access point name. If you need to create a new access point, you can choose Create an S3 access point. For further instructions, see Creating an access point in the Amazon S3 User Guide. For more information about access points, see Managing data access with Amazon S3 access points and Delegating access control to access points in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

    • To connect the file share to an S3 bucket using an access point alias, choose Amazon S3 access point alias from the dropdown list, then enter the Access point alias. If you need to create a new access point, you can choose Create an S3 access point. For further instructions, see Creating an access point in the Amazon S3 User Guide. For more information about access point aliases, see Using a bucket-style alias for your access point in the Amazon S3 User Guide.


    Each file share can only connect to one S3 bucket, but multiple file shares can connect to the same bucket. If you connect more than one file share to the same bucket, you must configure each file share to use a unique, non-overlapping S3 bucket prefix to prevent read/write conflicts.

    S3 File Gateway does not support support Amazon S3 buckets with periods (.) in the bucket name.

    Make sure your bucket name complies with the rules for bucket naming in Amazon S3. For more information, see Rules for bucket naming in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

  8. (Optional) For S3 bucket prefix, enter a prefix for your file share to apply to the objects it creates in Amazon S3. Prefixes are a way to organize your data in S3, similar to directories in traditional file structures. For more information, see Organizing objects using prefixes in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

    • If you connect more than one file share to the same bucket, you must configure each file share to use a unique, non-overlapping prefix to prevent read/write conflicts.

    • The prefix must end with a forward slash (/).

    • After the file share is created, the prefix can't be modified or deleted.

  9. For Region, choose the AWS Region where the S3 endpoint for your bucket is located from the dropdown list. This field appears only when you specify an access point or a bucket in another account for S3 bucket.

  10. For Storage class for new objects, choose a storage class from the dropdown list. For more information about storage classes, see Using storage classes with a File Gateway.

  11. For IAM Role, do one of the following to configure an IAM role for your file share:

    • To automatically create a new IAM role with the necessary permissions for your file share to work properly, choose Created by Storage Gateway from the dropdown list.

    • To use an existing IAM role, choose the role name from the dropdown list.

    • To create a new IAM role, choose Create a role. For further instructions, see Creating a role to delegate permissions to an AWS service in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

    For more information about how IAM roles control access between your file share and S3 bucket, see Granting access to an Amazon S3bucket.

  12. For Private link, do the following only if you need to configure your file share to communicate with AWS using a private endpoint in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Otherwise, skip this step. For more information, see What is AWS PrivateLink? in the AWS PrivateLink Guide.

    1. Select Use VPC endpoint.

    2. For Identify VPC endpoint by, do one of the following:

      • Select VPC endpoint ID, then choose the endpoint that you want to use from the VPC endpoint dropdown list.

      • Select DNS name, then enter the DNS name for the endpoint that you want to use.

  13. For Encryption, choose the type of encryption keys to use to encrypt objects that your File Gateway stores in Amazon S3:

    • To use server-side encryption managed with Amazon S3 (SSE-S3), choose S3-Managed Keys (SSE-S3).

      For more information, see Using server-side encryption with Amazon S3 managed keys in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

    • To use server-side encryption managed with AWS Key Management Service (SSE-KMS), choose KMS-Managed Keys (SSE-KMS). For Primary KMS key, choose an existing AWS KMS key, or choose Create a new KMS key to create a new KMS key in the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) console.

      For more information about AWS KMS, see What is AWS Key Management Service? in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

    • To use dual-layer server-side encryption managed with AWS Key Management Service (DSSE-KMS), choose Dual-layer server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service keys (DSSE-KMS). For Primary KMS key, choose an existing AWS KMS key, or choose Create a new KMS key to create a new KMS key in the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) console.

      For more information about DSSE-KMS, see Using dual-layer server-side encryption with AWS KMS keys in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.


      There are additional charges for using DSSE-KMS and AWS KMS keys. For more information, see AWS KMS pricing.

      To specify an AWS KMS key with an alias that is not listed or to use an AWS KMS key from a different AWS account, you must use the AWS Command Line Interface. Asymmetric KMS keys are not supported. For more information, see CreateSMBFileShare in the AWS Storage Gateway API Reference.


    Make sure that your file share uses the same encryption type as the Amazon S3 bucket where it stores your data.

  14. For Guess MIME types, select Guess media MIME type to allow Storage Gateway to guess the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) type for uploaded objects based on their file extensions.

  15. For Upload events, select Log an event when a file is successfully uploaded by the gateway if you want your gateway to record CloudWatch log events when it successfully uploads files to Amazon S3. Notification delay controls the delay between the most recent client write operation and generation of the ObjectUploaded log notification. Because clients can make many small writes to files in a short time, we recommend setting this parameter for as long as possible to avoid generating multiple notifications for the same file in rapid succession. For more information, see Getting file upload notification.


    This setting has no effect on the timing of the object uploading to S3, only on the timing of the notification.

    This setting is not meant to specify an exact time at which the notification will be sent. In some cases, the gateway might require more than the specified delay time to generate and send notifications.

    Choose Next when finished.

  16. For File share protocol, choose SMB.

  17. For User authentication, choose the authentication method that you want to use from the dropdown list:

    • To use your corporate Microsoft Active Directory or AWS Managed Microsoft AD to authenticate user access to your SMB file share, choose Active Directory. Your gateway must be joined to a domain to use this method. For more information, see Using Active Directory to authenticate users.


      To use AWS Managed Microsoft AD with an Amazon EC2 gateway, you must create the Amazon EC2 instance in the same VPC as the AWS Managed Microsoft AD, add the _workspaceMembers security group to the Amazon EC2 instance, and join the AD domain using the Admin credentials from the AWS Managed Microsoft AD.

      For more information about AWS Managed Microsoft AD, see the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.

      For more information about Amazon EC2, see the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Documentation.

      If Join status indicates that your gateway is already joined to an Active Directory domain, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, do the following:

      1. Choose Configure.

      2. For Domain, enter the name of the Active Directory domain that you want your gateway to join.

      3. Enter the Username and Password that the gateway will use to join the domain.

      4. (Optional) For Organization unit (OU), enter the designated OU that your Active Directory uses for new computer objects.

      5. (Optional) For Domain controller(s) (DC), enter the name of the DC through which your gateway will connect to Active Directory. You can leave this field blank to allow DNS to automatically select a DC.

      6. Choose Join Active Directory.


      Joining a domain creates an Active Directory account in the default container (which isn't an organizational unit), using the gateway's Gateway ID as the account name (for example, SGW-1234ADE). It is not possible to customize the name of this account.

      If your Active Directory environment requires that you pre-stage accounts to facilitate the domain join process, you need to create this account ahead of time.

      If your Active Directory environment has a designated OU for new computer objects, you must specify that OU when joining the domain.

    • To grant password-protected access to anyone who provides the guest password that you configure, choose Guest access. Your File Gateway doesn't need to be part of a Microsoft Active Directory domain to use this method. Choose Configure to specify your Guest password, then choose Save.

  18. For User access, do one of the following to specify which SMB clients can access your file share:

    • To grant access to all users that successfully authenticate through Active Directory, select All AD-authenticated users.

    • To allow or deny access to specific users or groups, choose Specific AD-authenticated users or groups, then do the following:

      • For Allowed users and groups, choose Add allowed user or Add allowed group and enter an Active Directory user or group that you want to allow file share access. Repeat this process to allow as many users and groups as necessary

      • For Denied users and groups, choose Add denied user or Add denied group and enter an Active Directory user or group that you want to deny file share access. Repeat this process to deny as many users and groups as necessary.


    The User and group file share access section appears only if User authentication is set to Active Directory.

    When specifying users or groups, do not include the domain. The domain name is implied by the membership of the gateway in the specific Active Directory to which it is joined.

  19. (Optional) For Admin users, enter a comma-separated list of Active Directory users and groups. Admin users receive privileges to update access control lists (ACLs) on all files and folders in the file share. Groups must be prefixed with the @ character, for example, @group1.

  20. For Access type, select one of the following:

    • To allow clients to read and write files on the file share, select Read/Write.

    • To allow clients to read files but not write to the file share, select Read-only.


      For file shares that are mounted on a Microsoft Windows client, if you choose Read-only, you might see a message about an unexpected error keeping you from creating the folder. You can ignore this message.

  21. For File and directory access control, select one of the following:

    • To set fine-grained permissions on files and folders in your SMB file share, select Windows Access Control List. For more information, see Using Microsoft Windows ACLs to Control Access to an SMB File Share.

    • To use POSIX permissions to control access to files and directories that are stored through your SMB file share, choose POSIX permissions.

  22. For Access based enumeration, do one of the following:

    • To make the files and folders on the share visible only to users who have read access, select Hide files and directories where user doesn't have permission.

    • To make the files and folders on the share visible to all users during directory enumeration, don't select the check box.


    Access-based enumeration is a system that filters the enumeration of files and folders on an SMB file share based on the share's access control lists (ACLs).

  23. For File access options, select one of the following:

    • To optimize the file share’s file buffering strategy using opportunistic locking, select Opportunistic lock. In most cases, activating opportunistic locking improves performance, particularly with regard to Windows context menus.

    • To allow the gateway - rather than the SMB client - to control file name case sensitivity, select Force case sensitivity.

    • To deactivate both settings, select Neither.


    To avoid file access conflicts, these settings are mutually exclusive and cannot be activated at the same time.

  24. (Optional) For Automated cache refresh from S3, choose Set cache refresh interval, then set the time in Minutes or Days to refresh the file share's cache using Time To Live (TTL). TTL is the length of time since the last refresh. After the TTL interval has elapsed, accessing a directory causes the File Gateway to refresh that directory's contents from the Amazon S3 bucket.


    Setting this value shorter than 30 minutes can negatively impact gateway performance in situations where large numbers of Amazon S3 objects are frequently created or deleted.

  25. For File ownership and permissions, select Give the S3 bucket owner full ownership of files created by the gateway, including read, write, edit, and delete permissions if you want the AWS account that owns the S3 bucket to have full control of all objects written to the bucket by your file share.

    Choose Next when finished.

  26. Review the file share configuration. Choose Edit to modify the settings for any section that you want to change. When finished, choose Create.

After your SMB file share is created, you can view its configuration settings in the AWS Storage Gateway console on the file share's Details tab. For instructions to mount your file share, see Mount your SMB file share on your client.