Document History (Real-Time Streaming) - Amazon IVS

Document History (Real-Time Streaming)

Real-Time Streaming User Guide Changes


Service Quotas

Increased the maximum number of stage subscribers from 10,000 to 25,000.

June 27, 2024

Generate Participant Tokens with a Key Pair

In Getting Started with IVS Real-Time Streaming, we updated Distribute Participant Tokens to explain the two ways to generate tokens (API and key pair) and we added "Creating Tokens with a Key Pair."

June 26, 2024

Individual participant recording

Added a new documentation section on Recording, with sub-documents on Individual Participant Recording (new) and Composite Recording (pre-existing). We also added Participant Recording State Change events and examples to Using EventBridge with IVS. API changes are described in the API Reference table.

June 20, 2024

Service Quotas

Increased the Stages quota from 100 to 1,000.

June 14, 2024

Broadcast SDK: Android 1.19.0, iOS 1.19.0

Updated version number and artifact links on the IVS documentation landing page and in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guides: Android and iOS. Also see the Release Notes.

June 13, 2024

Broadcast SDK: Web 1.13.0

Updated version number and artifact links on the IVS documentation landing page and in the low-latency-streaming broadcast SDK guide: Web. Also see the Release Notes.

In the guide, we updated the information in Error Handling for the new ERROR stage event.

June 13, 2024

Broadcast SDK: Web 1.12.0

Updated version number and artifact links on the IVS documentation landing page and in the low-latency-streaming broadcast SDK guide: Web. Also see the Release Notes.

In the guide, we updated the information in Handling Network Issues about the stage-connection ERRORED state.

May 20, 2024

Real-Time Streaming Optimizations

In Default Layers, Qualities, and Framerates, changed the max bitrate for Mobile, Low Layer, from 150,000 to 100,000 bps.

May 16, 2024

Broadcast SDK: Android 1.18.0, iOS 1.18.0

Updated version number and artifact links on the IVS documentation landing page and in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guides: Android and iOS. Also see the Release Notes.

May 16, 2024

Broadcast SDK: Web 1.11.0

Updated version number and artifact links on the IVS documentation landing page and in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guide: Web. Also see the Release Notes.

May 6, 2024

Broadcast SDK: Web 1.10.1

Updated version number and artifact links on the IVS documentation landing page and in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guide: Web. Also see the Release Notes.

April 30, 2024

Broadcast SDK: Android 1.15.2, iOS 1.15.2

Updated version number and artifact links on the IVS documentation landing page and in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guides: Android and iOS. Also see the Release Notes.

April 30, 2024

Broadcast SDK: iOS Guide

In Publish a Media Stream, we updated the code example.

April 26, 2024

Broadcast SDK: Android 1.17.0, iOS 1.17.0

Updated version number and artifact links for the new release, in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guides: Android and iOS. On the Amazon IVS documentation landing page, updated the broadcast SDK Reference links to point to the new version. Also see the Amazon IVS Release Notes for this release.

April 22, 2024

Server-side composition

In SSC, made various changes, especially in "Layout," to explain PiP and grid layouts.

In the Web Broadcast SDK Guide, added Server-Side Rendering Support.

March 26, 2024

OBS and WHIP Support

Added a note about quality issues (like intermittent video freezing) that can occur with WHIP in OBS.

March 22, 2024

Broadcast SDK: Android 1.16.0, iOS 1.16.0, Web 1.10.0

Updated version number and artifact links for the new release, in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guides: Android, iOS, and Web. On the Amazon IVS documentation landing page, updated the broadcast SDK Reference links to point to the new version. Also see the Amazon IVS Release Notes for this release.

March 21, 2024

Broadcast SDK: Android 1.15.1, iOS 1.15.1

Updated version number and artifact links for the new release, in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guides: Android and iOS. On the Amazon IVS documentation landing page, updated the broadcast SDK Reference links to point to the new version. Also see the Amazon IVS Release Notes for this release.

March 13, 2024

Broadcast SDK: Mobile Audio Modes

In "Audio Mode Presets," added information on the Volume Rocker preset category and an iOS known issue with the Video Chat preset. In "Advanced Use Cases," added a note on avoiding incorrect configurations, and added sections on "iOS Echo Cancellation" and "iOS Custom Audio Sources."

March 1, 2024

Broadcast SDK: Android 1.15.0, iOS 1.15.0, Web 1.9.0

Updated version number and artifact links for the new release, in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guides: Android, iOS, and Web. On the Amazon IVS documentation landing page, updated the broadcast SDK Reference links to point to the new version. Also see the Amazon IVS Release Notes for this release.

February 22, 2024

OBS and WHIP Support

Added a new page. This document explains how to use WHIP-compatible encoders like OBS to publish to IVS real-time streaming. WHIP (WebRTC-HTTP Ingestion Protocol) is an IETF draft developed to standardize WebRTC ingestion.

February 6, 2024

Broadcast SDK: Android 1.14.1, iOS 1.14.1, Web 1.8.0

Updated version number and artifact links for the new release, in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guides: Android, iOS, and Web. On the Amazon IVS documentation landing page, updated the broadcast SDK Reference links to point to the new version. Also see the Amazon IVS Release Notes for this release.

For the Android Guide, we added a new Known Issue (video size less than 176x176).

For the Web Guide, we added a new Known Issue. The workaround is constraining video resolution to 720p when invoking getUserMedia or getDisplayMedia.

In Real-Time Streaming Optimizations we updated Configuring Layered Encoding with Simulcast; now this is disabled by default.

February 1, 2024

Broadcast SDK: Android 1.13.4, iOS 1.13.4, Web 1.7.0

Updated version number and artifact links for the new release, in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guides: Android, iOS, and Web. On the Amazon IVS documentation landing page, updated the broadcast SDK Reference links to point to the new version. Also see the Amazon IVS Release Notes for this release.

January 3, 2024

IVS Glossary

Extended the glossary, covering IVS real-time, low-latency, and chat terms.

December 20, 2023

Stage Health: New CloudWatch Metrics

Renamed the PacketLoss (Stage) metric to be DownloadPacketLoss (Stage) and released additional CloudWatch metrics for IVS real-time streaming:

  • DownloadPacketLoss (Stage,Participant)

  • DroppedFrames (Stage,Participant)

  • SubscribeBitrate (Stage,Participant,MediaType)

See Monitoring IVS Real-Time Streaming.

December 7, 2023

IAM managed policies

Added two managed policies, IVSReadOnlyAccess and IVSFullAccess. See:

December 5, 2023

Broadcast SDK: Android 1.13.2, iOS 1.13.2

Updated version number and artifact links for the new release, in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guides: Android and iOS.

On the Amazon IVS documentation landing page, updated the broadcast SDK Reference links to point to the new version.

Also see the Amazon IVS Release Notes for this release.

December 4, 2023

Broadcast SDK: Android 1.13.1

Updated version number and artifact links for the new release, in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guide: Android.

On the Amazon IVS documentation landing page, updated the broadcast SDK Reference links to point to the new version.

Also see the Amazon IVS Release Notes for this release.

November 21, 2023

Service Quotas

Changed "Participant publish resolution" from 1080p to 720p.

November 18, 2023

Broadcast SDK: Android 1.13.0, iOS 1.13.0

Updated version number and artifact links for the new release, in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guides: Android and iOS.

On the Amazon IVS documentation landing page, updated the broadcast SDK Reference links to point to the new version.

Also see the Amazon IVS Release Notes for this release.

We also made various updates to Streaming Optimizations. Among other things, the "Adaptive Streaming: Layered Encoding with Simulcast" feature now requires explicit opt-in and is supported only in recent versions of the SDK.

November 17, 2023

Composite Recording

Made the following changes:

November 16, 2023

Server-side composition (SSC)

IVS server-side composition enables clients to offload the composition and broadcasting of an IVS stage to an IVS-managed service. SSC and RTMP broadcast to a channel are invoked through IVS control-plane endpoints in the stage’s home region. See:

Also see:

November 16, 2023

IVS broadcast SDK

In the Broadcast SDK overview, we updated Platform Requirements > Native Platforms to clarify which SDK versions are supported and we added "Mobile Browsers (iOS and Android)."

In the Broadcast Web Guide, we added "Mobile Web Limitations."

November 9, 2023

IVS broadcast SDK

We added a new page on Third-Party Camera Filters.

November 9, 2023

Getting Started with IVS Real-Time Streaming

We updated procedures in Set Up IAM Permissions.

October 20, 2023

Monitoring Real-Time Streaming

In CloudWatch Metrics: IVS Real-Time Streaming, we added sample values for dimensions.

October 17, 2023

Broadcast SDK: Web Guide

We made several changes to Monitor Remote Participant Media Mute State.

October 17, 2023

Broadcast SDK: Web 1.6.0

Updated version number and artifact links for the new release, in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guide: Web.

The Amazon IVS documentation landing page points to the current version of Broadcast SDK References.

Also see the Amazon IVS Release Notes for this release.

In the Web Guide, in "Retrieve a MediaStream from a Device," we also deleted the two max lines; best practice is to specify only ideal.

In Real-Time Streaming Optimizations, we added a new section, Optimizing Audio Bitrate and Stereo Support.

October 16, 2023

Stage Health: New CloudWatch Metrics

Released CloudWatch metrics for IVS real-time streaming. See Monitoring IVS Real-Time Streaming.

October 12, 2023

Broadcast SDK: Android 1.12.1

Updated version number and artifact links for the new release, in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guide: Android. Also added a new section, Using Bluetooth Microphones.

The Amazon IVS documentation landing page points to the current version of Broadcast SDK References.

Also see the Amazon IVS Release Notes for this release.

October 12, 2023

Broadcast SDK: Web 1.5.2

Updated version number and artifact links for the new release, in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guide: Web.

The Amazon IVS documentation landing page points to the current version of Broadcast SDK References.

Also see the Amazon IVS Release Notes for this release.

September 14, 2023

Getting Started with IVS Real-Time Streaming

In Android > Install the Broadcast SDK, added data binding.

September 12, 2023

Broadcast SDK error handling

Added "Error Handling" sections to the Broadcast SDK Guides: Web, Android, and iOS.

September 12, 2023

Getting Started with IVS Real-Time Streaming

In Distribute Participant Tokens, added an Important note about not building functionality based on current token format.

September 1, 2023

Getting Started with IVS Real-Time Streaming

In Set Up IAM Permissions, updated the set of permissions.

August 31, 2023

Broadcast SDK: Web 1.5.1, Android 1.12.0, and iOS 1.12.0

Updated version number and artifact links for the new release, in the real-time-streaming broadcast SDK guides: Web, Android, and iOS.

On the Amazon IVS documentation landing page, updated the broadcast SDK Reference links to point to the new version.

Also see the Amazon IVS Release Notes for this release.

August 23, 2023

Real-time streaming launch

Major documentation changes accompany this release. We renamed the previous documentation to be IVS Low-Latency Streaming and published new IVS Real-Time Streaming documentation. The IVS documentation landing page now has separate sections for real-time streaming and low-latency streaming. Each section has its own User Guide and API Reference.

For other documentation changes, see Document History (Low-Latency Streaming).

August 7, 2023

Broadcast SDK: Web 1.5.0, Android 1.11.0, and iOS 1.11.0

Updated version number and artifact links for the new release, in the broadcast SDK guides: Web, Android, and iOS.

On the Amazon IVS documentation landing page, updated the broadcast SDK Reference links to point to the new version.

Also see the Amazon IVS Release Notes for this release.

August 7, 2023

IVS Real-Time Streaming API Reference Changes

API Change Description Date

Generate Participant Tokens with a Key Pair

We added three objects (PublicKey, PublicKeySummary, StageEndpoints) and four endpoints: (DeletePublicKey, GetPublicKey, ImportPublicKey, ListPublicKeys). We modified the Stage object (added the endpoints field); that affects the CreateStage, GetStage, and UpdateStage responses.

June 26, 2024

Individual participant recording

We added one object (AutoParticipantRecordingConfiguration) and modified three objects (Participant, ParticipantSummary, Stage). This affects five endpoints: CreateStage request and response, GetParticipant response, GetStage response, ListParticipants request and response, and UpdateStage request and response.

June 20, 2024

Remove svs from ARN patterns

ARN patterns which specified [is]vs were updated to specify ivs. This affects all three Tag endpoints and the ChannelDestinationConfiguration$channelArn field.

April 25, 2024

Server-side composition updates

We added one object: PipConfiguration.

We modified two objects (LayoutConfiguration, GridConfiguration). This affects the GetComposition response and the StartComposition request and response.

March 13, 2024

Composite recording

We added 4 StorageConfiguration endpoints and 7 objects (DestinationDetail, RecordingConfiguration, S3DestinationConfiguration, S3Detail, S3StorageConfiguration, StorageConfiguration, StorageConfigurationSummary).

We modified 3 objects (Composition, Destination, DestinationConfiguration). This affects the GetComposition response and the StartComposition request and response.

November 16, 2023

Server-side composition

We added 8 Composition and EncoderConfiguration endpoints and 11 objects (ChannelDestinationConfiguration, Composition, CompositionSummary, Destination, DestinationConfiguration, DestinationSummary, EncoderConfiguration, EncoderConfigurationSummary, GridConfiguration, LayoutConfiguration, and Video).

November 16, 2023

Stage Health: New Participant Data

Added six fields to the Participant object: browserName, browserVersion, ispName, osName, osVersion, and sdkVersion. This affects the GetParticipant response.

October 12, 2023

Participant Token

Added an Important note about not building functionality based on current token format.

September 1, 2023

IVS Real-Time Streaming launch

Major documentation changes accompany this release. We renamed the previous documentation to be IVS Low-Latency Streaming and published new IVS Real-Time Streaming documentation. The IVS documentation landing page now has separate sections for real-time streaming and low-latency streaming. Each section has its own User Guide and API Reference.

IVS Real-Time Streaming API Reference is part of IVS real-time streaming documentation. Previously it was titled IVS Stage API Reference. Its prior history is described in Document History (Low-Latency Streaming).

August 7, 2023