Add CloudFormation templates to your product - AWS Marketplace

Add CloudFormation templates to your product

AWS Marketplace sellers can list AMI-based products that are delivered to AWS Marketplace buyers by using AWS CloudFormation templates. Adding a CloudFormation template to your AMI-based product allows your buyers to deploy your solution without having to manually configure the resources and dependencies. You can use the templates to define a cluster or distributed architecture for the products or to select different AMI combinations or product configurations. Single AMI solutions can contain a maximum of three CloudFormation templates.

The CloudFormation templates can be configured to deliver a single Amazon Machine Image (AMI) with associated configuration files and Lambda functions. Additionally, you must include an architectural diagram for each template.

Preparing your CloudFormation template

To build your CloudFormation templates, you must meet the template prerequisites and provide the required input and security parameters. When submitting your CloudFormation template, use the guidelines in the following sections.

Template prerequisites

  • Verify that the template is launched successfully through the AWS CloudFormation console in all AWS Regions enabled for your product. You can use the TaskCat tool to test your templates.

  • AMIs included in your CloudFormation template must either be the AMI of the product you are publishing or an AWS-managed AMI such as the latest Amazon Linux 2. Don't include any community AMI or AMI owned and shared by you or any other third-party. To use an AWS-managed AMI, use public parameters in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store instead of hardcoding AMI IDs. For example, within your CloudFormation template where you specify the AMI ID, you use a dynamic reference ImageId: '{{resolve:ssm:/aws/service/ecs/optimized-ami/amazon-linux-2/recommended/image_id}}'.

  • Build templates so that they do not depend on the use in a particular Availability Zone (AZ). Not all customers have access to all AZs, and AZs are mapped differently for different accounts.

  • If you're building a clustered solution using an Auto Scaling group, we recommend that you account for a scaling event. The new node should join the running cluster automatically.

  • Even for single-node products, we recommend using an Auto Scaling group.

  • If your solution involves a cluster of multiple instances, consider using placement groups if you want low network latency, high network throughput, or both among the instances.

  • For ease of review by the AWS Marketplace team and transparency to the customer, we recommend that you add comments in your UserData section.

Requirements for AMI details


If you create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) or AMI with CloudFormation on the server products page of the seller portal and are prompted to download the product load form, see Requirements for AMI details using the product load form instead.

When specifying the ImageId property of resources that deploy your AMI to EC2 instances such as AWS::EC2::Instance, AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration, and AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate resources, you must reference a template parameter. The parameter type must be either a AWS::EC2::Image::Id, AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id>, or String.

You can name this template parameter any valid parameter name. AWS Marketplace copies your template to its own Amazon S3 buckets and replaces the specified parameter with an AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter. When buyers deploy your template, that parameter resolves to the AWS Region-specific AMI ID of your published product.

The following template examples illustrate the ImageId property referencing template parameters using the intrinsic function Ref.

YAML example:

Parameters: ImageId: Type: AWS::EC2::Image::Id Default: ami-example1234567890 Resources: MyInstance: Type: AWS::EC2::Instance Properties: ImageId: !Ref ImageId

JSON example:

{ "Parameters": { "ImageId": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Image::Id", "Default": "ami-example1234567890" } }, "Resources": { "MyInstance": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties": { "ImageId": { "Ref": "ImageId" } } } } }

If you are deploying EC2 instances inside a nested stack instead of the root stack, the AMI ID must dynamically inherit its value from the root stack. Edit your root and nested stacks so that in the root stack, setting the value of your template parameter overrides the AMI ID used in this nested stack.

Requirements for AMI details using the product load form


When you create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) or AMI with CloudFormation on the server products page of the seller portal and are not immediately prompted to download the product load form, see Requirements for AMI details instead.

AMIs must be in a mapping table for each Region. The AWS Marketplace team updates the AMI IDs after they're cloned. Your source AMI must be in the us-east-1 Region. The other Regions can use placeholders.

YAML example:

Mappings: RegionMap: us-east-1: ImageId: ami-0123456789abcdef0 us-west-1: ImageId: ami-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx eu-west-1: ImageId: ami-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ap-southeast-1: ImageId: ami-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Resources: EC2Instance: Type: AWS::EC2::Instance Properties: ImageId: !FindInMap - RegionMap - !Ref AWS::Region - ImageId

Requirements for nested stack templates


This section only applies to pricing models that do not use the product load form. For pricing models that do use the product load form, only a fixed string is allowed for the nested stack TemplateURL property.

If your template includes nested stacks, the TemplateURL property of nested stack resources must reference the template parameters for the Amazon S3 bucket name, bucket Region, and Amazon S3 object key prefix. The parameter names for the bucket name must be MPS3BucketName, the bucket Region must be MPS3BucketRegion, and for the object key prefix must be MPS3KeyPrefix.

Set the default values for these parameters to correspond to your Amazon S3 bucket where your nested templates are stored. All nested templates must be publicly accessible. When you submit your template for publishing, AWS Marketplace copies your templates to its own Amazon S3 buckets and modifies the default values of those three parameters to correspond with where the copies are stored.

If you have multiple levels of nested stacks, all nested stacks that create additional nested stacks must be configured so that the TemplateURL property dynamically inherits the values of the S3 bucket name, S3 bucket Region, and S3 object key from the root stack. Edit your root and nested stacks so that in the root stack, setting the value of the template parameter MPS3BucketName, MPS3BucketRegion, and MPS3KeyPrefix overrides their respective values in the URL used in this nested stack to create additional nested stacks.

The following template examples illustrate the TemplateURL property referencing template parameters using the intrinsic function Fn::Sub.

YAML example:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: - Label: default: AWS Marketplace Parameters Parameters: - ImageId - MPS3BucketName - MPS3BucketRegion - MPS3KeyPrefix Parameters: ImageId: Type: AWS::EC2::Image::Id Default: ami-example1234567890 Description: The AMI that will be used to launch EC2 resources. MPS3BucketName: Type: String Default: sellerbucket Description: Name of the S3 bucket for your copy of the nested templates. MPS3BucketRegion: Type: String Default: us-east-1 Description: AWS Region where the S3 bucket for your copy of the nested templates is hosted. MPS3KeyPrefix: Type: String Default: sellerproductfolder/ Description: S3 key prefix that is used to simulate a folder for your copy of the nested templates. Resources: EC2Instance: Type: AWS::EC2::Instance Properties: ImageId: !Ref ImageId NestedStack: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Properties: TemplateURL: !Sub https://${MPS3BucketName}.s3.${MPS3BucketRegion}.${AWS::URLSuffix}/${MPS3KeyPrefix}nested-template.yaml

JSON example:

{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Metadata": { "AWS::CloudFormation::Interface": { "ParameterGroups": [ { "Label": { "default": "AWS Marketplace Parameters" }, "Parameters": [ "ImageId", "MPS3BucketName", "MPS3BucketRegion", "MPS3KeyPrefix" ] } ] } }, "Parameters": { "ImageId": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Image::Id", "Default": "ami-example1234567890", "Description": "The AMI that will be used to launch EC2 resources." }, "MPS3BucketName": { "Type": "String", "Default": "sellerbucket", "Description": "Name of the S3 bucket for your copy of the nested templates." }, "MPS3BucketRegion": { "Type": "String", "Default": "us-east-1", "Description": "AWS Region where the S3 bucket for your copy of the nested templates is hosted." }, "MPS3KeyPrefix": { "Type": "String", "Default": "sellerproductfolder/", "Description": "S3 key prefix that is used to simulate a folder for your copy of the nested templates." } }, "Resources": { "EC2Instance": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties": { "ImageId": { "Ref": "ImageId" } } }, "NestedStack": { "Type": "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack", "Properties": { "TemplateURL": { "Fn::Sub": "https://${MPS3BucketName}.s3.${MPS3BucketRegion}.${AWS::URLSuffix}/${MPS3KeyPrefix}nested-template.yaml" } } } } }

AWS::CloudFormation::Interface is used to define how parameters are grouped and sorted in the AWS CloudFormation console when buyers deploy your template.

Template input parameters

  • Input parameters to the template must not include the AWS Marketplace customer's AWS credentials (such as passwords, public keys, private keys, or certificates).

  • For sensitive input parameters such as passwords, choose the NoEcho property and enable stronger regular expression. For other input parameters, set the most common inputs along with appropriate helper text.

  • Use AWS CloudFormation parameter types for inputs where available.

  • Use AWS::CloudFormation::Interface to group and sort input parameters.

  • Don't set any default values for the following input parameters:


    Customers must provide these as input parameters.

    • Default CIDR ranges that allow ingress into remote access ports from the public internet

    • Default CIDR ranges that allow ingress into database connection ports from the public internet

    • Default passwords for users or databases

Network and security parameters

  • Ensure that the default SSH port (22) or RDP port (3389) isn't open to

  • Instead of using the default virtual private cloud (VPC), we recommend that you build a VPC with appropriate access control lists (ACLs) and security groups.

  • Your template can't request long-term access keys from users or create them to access AWS resources. If your AMI application requires access to the AWS services in the buyer’s account, it must use IAM roles for Amazon EC2.

  • Set IAM roles and policies to grant the least privilege and enable write access only when absolutely necessary. For example, if your application needs only S3:GET, PUT, and DELETE operations, specify those actions only. We don't recommend the use of S3:* in this case.

After your template is received, AWS Marketplace validates the product configuration and information and provides feedback for any required revisions.

Architectural diagram

You must provide an architectural diagram for each template. To learn more about diagramming, see What is architecture diagramming?

The diagram must meet the following criteria:

  • Illustrate a standard deployment on AWS.

  • Depict logically where resources are deployed. For example, resources like Amazon EC2 instances are in the correct subnet.

  • Use the most current AWS product icons for each AWS service deployed through the AWS CloudFormation template. To download the current set of architecture icons, refer to AWS Architecture Icons.

  • Include metadata for all the services deployed by the AWS CloudFormation template.

  • Include all networks, VPCs, and subnets deployed by the AWS CloudFormation template.

  • Show integration points, including third party assets, APIs and on-premises, hybrid assets.

  • Diagrams must be 1100 x 700 pixels in size. Maintain original diagram proportions without stretching or cropping.

Convert CloudFormation templates of existing products


This section is for sellers with an existing AMI with CloudFormation product that used the product load form to publish their templates and now want to update that template without using the product load form. If you are publishing a new product, see Preparing your CloudFormation templates.

If you create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) or AMI with CloudFormation on the server products page of the seller portal and are prompted to download the product load form, see Requirements for AMI details using the product load form.

If you want to use the self-service experience to update an existing product that previously used the product load form to publish, you must make changes to your existing CloudFormation template.

The following table describes the difference between using the product load form and the self-service experience:

Product load form Self-service experience
Value of ImageId property for EC2 resources References a mapping table for your AMI ID. For more information, see Requirements for AMI details using the product load form. References a template parameter for your AMI ID. For more information, see Requirements for AMI details.
Value of TemplateURL property for nested stacks Must be a fixed string and can't use intrinsic functions. Can be dynamic by using intrinsic functions. Must reference a set of template parameters. For more information, see Requirements for nested stack templates

The following example templates illustrate an example of an existing product that used the product load form to publish the template. In this example, the AMI ID is ami-example123456 and a nested template is in a seller’s S3 bucket at the location

YAML example published with the product load form:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Mappings: RegionMap: us-east-1: AMI: ami-example123456 Resources: EC2Instance: Type: AWS::EC2::Instance Properties: ImageId: !FindInMap - RegionMap - !Ref AWS::Region - AMI NestedStack: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Properties: TemplateURL:

JSON example published with the product load form:

{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Mappings": { "RegionMap": { "us-east-1": { "AMI": "ami-example123456" } } }, "Resources": { "EC2Instance": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties": { "ImageId": { "Fn::FindInMap": [ "RegionMap", { "Ref": "AWS::Region" }, "AMI" ] } } }, "NestedStack": { "Type": "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack", "Properties": { "TemplateURL": "" } } } }

The following template examples illustrate the changes required to use the self-service experience to update the product.

YAML example published with the self-service experience:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: - Label: default: AWS Marketplace Parameters Parameters: - ImageId - MPS3BucketName - MPS3BucketRegion - MPS3KeyPrefix Parameters: ImageId: Type: AWS::EC2::Image::Id Default: ami-example123456 Description: The AMI that will be used to launch EC2 resources. MPS3BucketName: Type: String Default: sellerbucket Description: Name of the S3 bucket for your copy of the nested templates. MPS3BucketRegion: Type: String Default: us-east-1 Description: AWS Region where the S3 bucket for your copy of the nested templates is hosted. MPS3KeyPrefix: Type: String Default: sellerproductfolder/ Description: S3 key prefix that is used to simulate a folder for your copy of the nested templates. Resources: EC2Instance: Type: AWS::EC2::Instance Properties: ImageId: !Ref ImageId NestedStack: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Properties: TemplateURL: !Sub https://${MPS3BucketName}.s3.${MPS3BucketRegion}.${AWS::URLSuffix}/${MPS3KeyPrefix}nested-template.yaml

JSON Example published with the self-service experience:

{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Metadata": { "AWS::CloudFormation::Interface": { "ParameterGroups": [ { "Label": { "default": "AWS Marketplace Parameters" }, "Parameters": [ "ImageId", "MPS3BucketName", "MPS3BucketRegion", "MPS3KeyPrefix" ] } ] } }, "Parameters": { "ImageId": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Image::Id", "Default": "ami-example123456", "Description": "The AMI that will be used to launch EC2 resources." }, "MPS3BucketName": { "Type": "String", "Default": "sellerbucket", "Description": "Name of the S3 bucket for your copy of the nested templates." }, "MPS3BucketRegion": { "Type": "String", "Default": "us-east-1", "Description": "AWS Region where the S3 bucket for your copy of the nested templates is hosted." }, "MPS3KeyPrefix": { "Type": "String", "Default": "sellerproductfolder/", "Description": "S3 key prefix that is used to simulate a folder for your copy of the nested templates." } }, "Resources": { "EC2Instance": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties": { "ImageId": { "Ref": "ImageId" } } }, "NestedStack": { "Type": "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack", "Properties": { "TemplateURL": { "Fn::Sub": "https://${MPS3BucketName}.s3.${MPS3BucketRegion}.${AWS::URLSuffix}/${MPS3KeyPrefix}nested-template.yaml" } } } } }