In addition to the HealthOmics service quotas, HealthOmics includes some quotas that have fixed sizes. You cannot increase these values.
HealthOmics storage fixed size quotas
The following table shows the maximum supported values for storage files. These values aren't adjustable.
Name | Description | Maximum | Adjustable Yes/No |
Storage - Maximum part size for a direct upload | The maximum part size for direct upload to a sequence store. | 100 MB | No |
Storage - Maximum parts in file for direct upload | The maximum number of parts in a file for direct upload to a sequence store in the current Region. | 10,000 | No |
Storage - Maximum reference size | The maximum size of a reference file that can be imported to a reference store. | 15 GB | No |
Storage - Maximum read set source size | The maximum size of a single source file in a read set that can be imported to a sequence store. | 976 GB | No |
The following table shows the maximum supported values related to sequence stores. These values are per-region and aren't adjustable.
Name | Description | Maximum | Adjustable Yes/No |
Storage - Maximum S3 access resource policy size | The maximum size of the S3 access resource policy | 15 KB | No |
Storage - Maximum propagated set level tags | The maximum number of set level tag keys, per store, that propogate to the S3 object | 5 | No |
HealthOmics workflow fixed size quotas
The following table shows the maximum supported sizes for workflow containers and workflow run parameter files. These values aren't adjustable.
Name | Description | Maximum size | Adjustable Yes/No |
Workflows - CPU instance container size | The maximum container image size for a CPU instance. | 45 Gibibytes | No |
Workflows - GPU instance container size | The maximum container image size for a GPU instance. | 95 Gibibytes | No |
Workflows - Run parameter file | The maximum size of a run parameter file. | 50,000 bytes | No |
For suggestions on how to reduce the size of your run parameter file, see Managing input parameter size.
The following table shows the maximum number of run caches per account. These values aren't adjustable.
Name | Description | Maximum number | Adjustable Yes/No |
Workflows - Maximum run caches | The maximum number of run caches that you can create for one account. One or more runs can share the same run cache. There is no quota for maximum number of runs that HealthOmics can cache per account. |
1000 | No |
HealthOmics Ready2Run workflow fixed size quotas
Each Ready2Run workflow has a maximum input file size. In the following table, the file size units are listed in Gibibytes (GiB). These maximum file sizes aren't adjustable.
Ready2Run workflow name | Maximum input file size (GiB) | Adjustable (Yes/No) |
AlphaFold for 601-1200 residues | 1 | No |
AlphaFold for up to 600 residues | 1 | No |
Bases2Fastq for 2x150 | 1000 | No |
Bases2Fastq for 2x300 | 1000 | No |
Bases2Fastq for 2x75 | 500 | No |
ESMFold for up to 800 residues | 1 | No |
GATK-BP fq2bam | 64 | No |
GATK-BP Germline bam2vcf for 30x genome | 39 | No |
GATK-BP Germline fq2vcf for 30x genome | 64 | No |
GATK-BP Somatic WES bam2vcf | 86 | No |
NVIDIA Parabricks BAM2FQ2BAM WGS for up to 30X | 80 | No |
NVIDIA Parabricks BAM2FQ2BAM WGS for up to 50X | 120 | No |
NVIDIA Parabricks BAM2FQ2BAM WGS for up to 5X | 20 | No |
NVIDIA Parabricks FQ2BAM WGS for up to 30X | 71 | No |
NVIDIA Parabricks FQ2BAM WGS for up to 50X | 137 | No |
NVIDIA Parabricks FQ2BAM WGS for up to 5X | 13 | No |
NVIDIA Parabricks Germline DeepVariant WGS for up to 30X | 71 | No |
NVIDIA Parabricks Germline DeepVariant WGS for up to 50X | 137 | No |
NVIDIA Parabricks Germline DeepVariant WGS for up to 5X | 12 | No |
NVIDIA Parabricks Germline HaplotypeCaller WGS for up to 30X | 71 | No |
NVIDIA Parabricks Germline HaplotypeCaller WGS for up to 50X | 137 | No |
NVIDIA Parabricks Germline HaplotypeCaller WGS for up to 5X | 13 | No |
NVIDIA Parabricks Somatic Mutect2 WGS for up to 50X | 196 | No |
scRNAseq with KallistoBUStools | 119 | No |
scRNAseq with Salmon Alevin-fry | 119 | No |
scRNAseq with STARsolo | 119 | No |
Sentieon Germline BAM WES for up to 300x | 9 | No |
Sentieon Germline BAM WGS for up to 32x | 18 | No |
Sentieon Germline FASTQ WES for up to 100x | 5 | No |
Sentieon Germline FASTQ WES for up to 300x | 26 | No |
Sentieon Germline FASTQ WGS for up to 32x | 51 | No |
Sentieon LongRead for ONT | 25 | No |
Sentieon LongRead for PacBio HiFi | 58 | No |
Sentieon Somatic WES | 50 | No |
Sentieon Somatic WGS | 113 | No |
Ultima Genomics DeepVariant for up to 40x | 91 | No |