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Exemplos do ElastiCache usando o AWS CLI

Modo de foco
Exemplos do ElastiCache usando o AWS CLI - AWS Command Line Interface

Os exemplos de código a seguir mostram como realizar ações e implementar cenários comuns usando o AWS Command Line Interface com o ElastiCache.

Ações são trechos de código de programas maiores e devem ser executadas em contexto. Embora as ações mostrem como chamar perfis de serviço individuais, você pode ver as ações no contexto em seus cenários relacionados.

Cada exemplo inclui um link para o código-fonte completo, em que você pode encontrar instruções sobre como configurar e executar o código.



O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar add-tags-to-resource.


Para adicionar tags a um recurso

O exemplo add-tags-to-resource a seguir adiciona até 10 tags, pares de valores-chave, a um cluster ou recurso de snapshot.

aws elasticache add-tags-to-resource \ --resource-name "arn:aws:elasticache:us-east-1:1234567890:cluster:my-mem-cluster" \ --tags '{"20150202":15, "ElastiCache":"Service"}'


{ "TagList": [ { "Value": "20150202", "Key": "APIVersion" }, { "Value": "ElastiCache", "Key": "Service" } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Monitoramento de custos com tags de alocação de custos no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para obter detalhes da API, consulte AddTagsToResource na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar add-tags-to-resource.


Para adicionar tags a um recurso

O exemplo add-tags-to-resource a seguir adiciona até 10 tags, pares de valores-chave, a um cluster ou recurso de snapshot.

aws elasticache add-tags-to-resource \ --resource-name "arn:aws:elasticache:us-east-1:1234567890:cluster:my-mem-cluster" \ --tags '{"20150202":15, "ElastiCache":"Service"}'


{ "TagList": [ { "Value": "20150202", "Key": "APIVersion" }, { "Value": "ElastiCache", "Key": "Service" } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Monitoramento de custos com tags de alocação de custos no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para obter detalhes da API, consulte AddTagsToResource na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar authorize-cache-security-group-ingress.


Autorizar a entrada do grupo de segurança de cache

O exemplo authorize-cache-security-group-ingress a seguir permite a entrada na rede para um grupo de segurança de cache.

aws elasticache authorize-cache-security-group-ingress \ --cache-security-group-name "my-sec-grp" \ --ec2-security-group-name "my-ec2-sec-grp" \ --ec2-security-group-owner-id "1234567890"

O comando não produz saída.

Para obter mais informações, consulte Atualizações de autoatendimento no Amazon ElastiCache no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar authorize-cache-security-group-ingress.


Autorizar a entrada do grupo de segurança de cache

O exemplo authorize-cache-security-group-ingress a seguir permite a entrada na rede para um grupo de segurança de cache.

aws elasticache authorize-cache-security-group-ingress \ --cache-security-group-name "my-sec-grp" \ --ec2-security-group-name "my-ec2-sec-grp" \ --ec2-security-group-owner-id "1234567890"

O comando não produz saída.

Para obter mais informações, consulte Atualizações de autoatendimento no Amazon ElastiCache no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar batch-apply-update-action.


Aplicar uma atualização de serviço

O exemplo batch-apply-update-action a seguir aplica uma atualização de serviço a um cluster Redis.

aws elasticache batch-apply-update-action \ --service-update-name elc-xxxxx406-xxx \ --replication-group-ids test-cluster


{ "ProcessedUpdateActions": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "pat-cluster", "ServiceUpdateName": "elc-xxxxx406-xxx", "UpdateActionStatus": "waiting-to-start" } ], "UnprocessedUpdateActions": [] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Atualizações de autoatendimento no Amazon ElastiCache no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar batch-apply-update-action.


Aplicar uma atualização de serviço

O exemplo batch-apply-update-action a seguir aplica uma atualização de serviço a um cluster Redis.

aws elasticache batch-apply-update-action \ --service-update-name elc-xxxxx406-xxx \ --replication-group-ids test-cluster


{ "ProcessedUpdateActions": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "pat-cluster", "ServiceUpdateName": "elc-xxxxx406-xxx", "UpdateActionStatus": "waiting-to-start" } ], "UnprocessedUpdateActions": [] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Atualizações de autoatendimento no Amazon ElastiCache no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar batch-stop-update-action.


Interromper uma atualização de serviço

O exemplo batch-stop-update-action a seguir aplica uma atualização de serviço a um cluster Redis.

aws elasticache batch-stop-update-action \ --service-update-name elc-xxxxx406-xxx \ --replication-group-ids test-cluster


{ "ProcessedUpdateActions": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "pat-cluster", "ServiceUpdateName": "elc-xxxxx406-xxx", "UpdateActionStatus": "stopping" } ], "UnprocessedUpdateActions": [] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Atualizações de autoatendimento no Amazon ElastiCache no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar batch-stop-update-action.


Interromper uma atualização de serviço

O exemplo batch-stop-update-action a seguir aplica uma atualização de serviço a um cluster Redis.

aws elasticache batch-stop-update-action \ --service-update-name elc-xxxxx406-xxx \ --replication-group-ids test-cluster


{ "ProcessedUpdateActions": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "pat-cluster", "ServiceUpdateName": "elc-xxxxx406-xxx", "UpdateActionStatus": "stopping" } ], "UnprocessedUpdateActions": [] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Atualizações de autoatendimento no Amazon ElastiCache no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar copy-snapshot.


Para copiar um snapshot

O exemplo copy-snapshot a seguir faz uma cópia de um snapshot existente.

aws elasticache copy-snapshot \ --source-snapshot-name "my-snapshot" \ --target-snapshot-name "my-snapshot-copy"


{ "Snapshot":{ "Engine": "redis", "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis3.2", "VpcId": "vpc-3820329f3", "CacheClusterId": "my-redis4", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 7, "NumCacheNodes": 1, "SnapshotName": "my-snapshot-copy", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2016-12-21T22:24:04.955Z", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-east-1c", "SnapshotStatus": "creating", "SnapshotSource": "manual", "SnapshotWindow": "07:00-08:00", "EngineVersion": "3.2.4", "NodeSnapshots": [ { "CacheSize": "3 MB", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2016-12-28T07:00:52Z", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2016-12-21T22:24:04.955Z" } ], "CacheSubnetGroupName": "default", "Port": 6379, "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "tue:09:30-tue:10:30", "CacheNodeType": "cache.m3.large" } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Exportar um backup no Guia do Usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte CopySnapshot na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar copy-snapshot.


Para copiar um snapshot

O exemplo copy-snapshot a seguir faz uma cópia de um snapshot existente.

aws elasticache copy-snapshot \ --source-snapshot-name "my-snapshot" \ --target-snapshot-name "my-snapshot-copy"


{ "Snapshot":{ "Engine": "redis", "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis3.2", "VpcId": "vpc-3820329f3", "CacheClusterId": "my-redis4", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 7, "NumCacheNodes": 1, "SnapshotName": "my-snapshot-copy", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2016-12-21T22:24:04.955Z", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-east-1c", "SnapshotStatus": "creating", "SnapshotSource": "manual", "SnapshotWindow": "07:00-08:00", "EngineVersion": "3.2.4", "NodeSnapshots": [ { "CacheSize": "3 MB", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2016-12-28T07:00:52Z", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2016-12-21T22:24:04.955Z" } ], "CacheSubnetGroupName": "default", "Port": 6379, "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "tue:09:30-tue:10:30", "CacheNodeType": "cache.m3.large" } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Exportar um backup no Guia do Usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte CopySnapshot na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar create-cache-cluster.


Criar um cluster de cache

O exemplo create-cache-cluster a seguir cria um cluster de cache usando o mecanismo Redis.

aws elasticache create-cache-cluster \ --cache-cluster-id "cluster-test" \ --engine redis \ --cache-node-type cache.m5.large \ --num-cache-nodes 1


{ "CacheCluster": { "CacheClusterId": "cluster-test", "ClientDownloadLandingPage": "", "CacheNodeType": "cache.m5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "CacheClusterStatus": "creating", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "sat:13:00-sat:14:00", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "CacheSecurityGroups": [], "CacheParameterGroup": { "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis5.0", "ParameterApplyStatus": "in-sync", "CacheNodeIdsToReboot": [] }, "CacheSubnetGroupName": "default", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "06:30-07:30", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Criar um cluster no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte CreateCacheCluster na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar create-cache-cluster.


Criar um cluster de cache

O exemplo create-cache-cluster a seguir cria um cluster de cache usando o mecanismo Redis.

aws elasticache create-cache-cluster \ --cache-cluster-id "cluster-test" \ --engine redis \ --cache-node-type cache.m5.large \ --num-cache-nodes 1


{ "CacheCluster": { "CacheClusterId": "cluster-test", "ClientDownloadLandingPage": "", "CacheNodeType": "cache.m5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "CacheClusterStatus": "creating", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "sat:13:00-sat:14:00", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "CacheSecurityGroups": [], "CacheParameterGroup": { "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis5.0", "ParameterApplyStatus": "in-sync", "CacheNodeIdsToReboot": [] }, "CacheSubnetGroupName": "default", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "06:30-07:30", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Criar um cluster no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte CreateCacheCluster na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar create-cache-parameter-group.


Criar um grupo de parâmetros de cache

O exemplo create-cache-parameter-group a seguir cria um novo grupo de parâmetros de cache do Amazon ElastiCache.

aws elasticache create-cache-parameter-group \ --cache-parameter-group-family "redis5.0" \ --cache-parameter-group-name "mygroup" \ --description "mygroup"


{ "CacheParameterGroup": { "CacheParameterGroupName": "mygroup", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis5.0", "Description": "my group" } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Criar um grupo de parâmetros no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar create-cache-parameter-group.


Criar um grupo de parâmetros de cache

O exemplo create-cache-parameter-group a seguir cria um novo grupo de parâmetros de cache do Amazon ElastiCache.

aws elasticache create-cache-parameter-group \ --cache-parameter-group-family "redis5.0" \ --cache-parameter-group-name "mygroup" \ --description "mygroup"


{ "CacheParameterGroup": { "CacheParameterGroupName": "mygroup", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis5.0", "Description": "my group" } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Criar um grupo de parâmetros no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar create-cache-subnet-group.


Criar um grupo de sub-rede de cache

O exemplo create-cache-subnet-group a seguir cria um novo grupo de sub-redes de cache.

aws elasticache create-cache-subnet-group \ --cache-subnet-group-name "mygroup" \ --cache-subnet-group-description "my subnet group" \ --subnet-ids "subnet-xxxxec4f"


{ "CacheSubnetGroup": { "CacheSubnetGroupName": "mygroup", "CacheSubnetGroupDescription": "my subnet group", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "Subnets": [ { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-xxxxec4f", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2d" } } ] } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Criar um grupo de sub-redes de cache no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar create-cache-subnet-group.


Criar um grupo de sub-rede de cache

O exemplo create-cache-subnet-group a seguir cria um novo grupo de sub-redes de cache.

aws elasticache create-cache-subnet-group \ --cache-subnet-group-name "mygroup" \ --cache-subnet-group-description "my subnet group" \ --subnet-ids "subnet-xxxxec4f"


{ "CacheSubnetGroup": { "CacheSubnetGroupName": "mygroup", "CacheSubnetGroupDescription": "my subnet group", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "Subnets": [ { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-xxxxec4f", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2d" } } ] } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Criar um grupo de sub-redes de cache no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar create-global-replication-group.


Criar um grupo de replicação global

O exemplo create-global-replication-group a seguir cria um novo grupo de replicação global.

aws elasticache create-global-replication-group \ --global-replication-group-id-suffix my-global-replication-group \ --primary-replication-group-id my-primary-cluster


{ "GlobalReplicationGroup": { "GlobalReplicationGroupId": "sgaui-my-global-replication-group", "GlobalReplicationGroupDescription": " ", "Status": "creating", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.6", "Members": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-primary-cluster", "ReplicationGroupRegion": "us-west-2", "Role": "PRIMARY", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "Status": "associating" } ], "ClusterEnabled": true, "GlobalNodeGroups": [ { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-my-global-replication-group-0001", "Slots": "0-16383" } ], "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Replicação entre regiões da AWS usando o datastore global no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar create-global-replication-group.


Criar um grupo de replicação global

O exemplo create-global-replication-group a seguir cria um novo grupo de replicação global.

aws elasticache create-global-replication-group \ --global-replication-group-id-suffix my-global-replication-group \ --primary-replication-group-id my-primary-cluster


{ "GlobalReplicationGroup": { "GlobalReplicationGroupId": "sgaui-my-global-replication-group", "GlobalReplicationGroupDescription": " ", "Status": "creating", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.6", "Members": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-primary-cluster", "ReplicationGroupRegion": "us-west-2", "Role": "PRIMARY", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "Status": "associating" } ], "ClusterEnabled": true, "GlobalNodeGroups": [ { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-my-global-replication-group-0001", "Slots": "0-16383" } ], "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Replicação entre regiões da AWS usando o datastore global no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar create-replication-group.


Criar um grupo de replicação

O exemplo create-replication-group a seguir cria um grupo de replicação do Redis (modo cluster desabilitado) ou do Redis (modo cluster habilitado). Essa operação é válida somente para o Redis.

aws elasticache create-replication-group \ --replication-group-id "mygroup" \ --replication-group-description "my group" \ --engine "redis" \ --cache-node-type "cache.m5.large"


{ "ReplicationGroup": { "ReplicationGroupId": "mygroup", "Description": "my group", "Status": "creating", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "MemberClusters": [ "mygroup-001" ], "AutomaticFailover": "disabled", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "06:00-07:00", "ClusterEnabled": false, "CacheNodeType": "cache.m5.large", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Criar um grupo de Replicação Redis no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar create-replication-group.


Criar um grupo de replicação

O exemplo create-replication-group a seguir cria um grupo de replicação do Redis (modo cluster desabilitado) ou do Redis (modo cluster habilitado). Essa operação é válida somente para o Redis.

aws elasticache create-replication-group \ --replication-group-id "mygroup" \ --replication-group-description "my group" \ --engine "redis" \ --cache-node-type "cache.m5.large"


{ "ReplicationGroup": { "ReplicationGroupId": "mygroup", "Description": "my group", "Status": "creating", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "MemberClusters": [ "mygroup-001" ], "AutomaticFailover": "disabled", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "06:00-07:00", "ClusterEnabled": false, "CacheNodeType": "cache.m5.large", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Criar um grupo de Replicação Redis no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar create-snapshot.


Para criar um snapshot

O exemplo create-snapshot a seguir cria um snapshot usando o mecanismo Redis.

aws elasticache create-snapshot \ --snapshot-name mysnapshot \ --cache-cluster-id cluster-test


{ "Snapshot": { "SnapshotName": "mysnapshot", "CacheClusterId": "cluster-test", "SnapshotStatus": "creating", "SnapshotSource": "manual", "CacheNodeType": "cache.m5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2020-03-19T03:12:01.483Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "sat:13:00-sat:14:00", "Port": 6379, "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis5.0", "CacheSubnetGroupName": "default", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "06:30-07:30", "NodeSnapshots": [ { "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheSize": "", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2020-03-19T03:12:01.483Z" } ] } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Backup e restauração do ElastiCache para Redis no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte CreateSnapshot na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar create-snapshot.


Para criar um snapshot

O exemplo create-snapshot a seguir cria um snapshot usando o mecanismo Redis.

aws elasticache create-snapshot \ --snapshot-name mysnapshot \ --cache-cluster-id cluster-test


{ "Snapshot": { "SnapshotName": "mysnapshot", "CacheClusterId": "cluster-test", "SnapshotStatus": "creating", "SnapshotSource": "manual", "CacheNodeType": "cache.m5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2020-03-19T03:12:01.483Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "sat:13:00-sat:14:00", "Port": 6379, "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis5.0", "CacheSubnetGroupName": "default", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "06:30-07:30", "NodeSnapshots": [ { "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheSize": "", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2020-03-19T03:12:01.483Z" } ] } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Backup e restauração do ElastiCache para Redis no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte CreateSnapshot na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar create-user-group.


Criar um grupo de usuários

O exemplo create-user-group a seguir cria um novo grupo de usuários.

aws elasticache create-user-group \ --user-group-id myusergroup \ --engine redis \ --user-ids default


{ "UserGroupId": "myusergroup", "Status": "creating", "Engine": "redis", "UserIds": [ "default" ], "ReplicationGroups": [], "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:usergroup:myusergroup" }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Autenticação de usuários com controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte CreateUserGroup na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar create-user-group.


Criar um grupo de usuários

O exemplo create-user-group a seguir cria um novo grupo de usuários.

aws elasticache create-user-group \ --user-group-id myusergroup \ --engine redis \ --user-ids default


{ "UserGroupId": "myusergroup", "Status": "creating", "Engine": "redis", "UserIds": [ "default" ], "ReplicationGroups": [], "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:usergroup:myusergroup" }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Autenticação de usuários com controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte CreateUserGroup na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar create-user.


Para criar um usuário

O exemplo create-user a seguir cria um novo usuário.

aws elasticache create-user \ --user-id user1 \ --user-name myUser \ --passwords mYnuUzrpAxXw2rdzx \ --engine redis \ --access-string "on ~app::* -@all +@read"


{ "UserId": "user2", "UserName": "myUser", "Status": "active", "Engine": "redis", "AccessString": "on ~app::* -@all +@read +@hash +@bitmap +@geo -setbit -bitfield -hset -hsetnx -hmset -hincrby -hincrbyfloat -hdel -bitop -geoadd -georadius -georadiusbymember", "UserGroupIds": [], "Authentication": { "Type": "password", "PasswordCount": 1 }, "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:user:user2" }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Autenticação de usuários com controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para obter detalhes da API, consulte CreateUser na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar create-user.


Para criar um usuário

O exemplo create-user a seguir cria um novo usuário.

aws elasticache create-user \ --user-id user1 \ --user-name myUser \ --passwords mYnuUzrpAxXw2rdzx \ --engine redis \ --access-string "on ~app::* -@all +@read"


{ "UserId": "user2", "UserName": "myUser", "Status": "active", "Engine": "redis", "AccessString": "on ~app::* -@all +@read +@hash +@bitmap +@geo -setbit -bitfield -hset -hsetnx -hmset -hincrby -hincrbyfloat -hdel -bitop -geoadd -georadius -georadiusbymember", "UserGroupIds": [], "Authentication": { "Type": "password", "PasswordCount": 1 }, "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:user:user2" }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Autenticação de usuários com controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para obter detalhes da API, consulte CreateUser na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar decrease-node-groups-in-global-replication-group.


Diminuir o número de grupos de nós em um grupo de replicação global

O decrease-node-groups-in-global-replication-group a seguir diminui a contagem de grupos de nós usando o mecanismo Redis.

aws elasticache decrease-node-groups-in-global-replication-group \ --global-replication-group-id sgaui-test \ --node-group-count 1 \ --apply-immediately \ --global-node-groups-to-retain sgaui-test-0003


{ "GlobalReplicationGroup": { "GlobalReplicationGroupId": "sgaui-test", "GlobalReplicationGroupDescription": "test", "Status": "modifying", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.6", "Members": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "test-2", "ReplicationGroupRegion": "us-east-1", "Role": "SECONDARY", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "Status": "associated" }, { "ReplicationGroupId": "test-1", "ReplicationGroupRegion": "us-west-2", "Role": "PRIMARY", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "Status": "associated" } ], "ClusterEnabled": true, "GlobalNodeGroups": [ { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-0001", "Slots": "0-449,1816-5461" }, { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-0002", "Slots": "6827-10922" }, { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-0003", "Slots": "10923-14052,15418-16383" }, { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-0004", "Slots": "450-1815,5462-6826,14053-15417" } ], "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Replicação entre Regiões da AWS usando o datastore global no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar decrease-node-groups-in-global-replication-group.


Diminuir o número de grupos de nós em um grupo de replicação global

O decrease-node-groups-in-global-replication-group a seguir diminui a contagem de grupos de nós usando o mecanismo Redis.

aws elasticache decrease-node-groups-in-global-replication-group \ --global-replication-group-id sgaui-test \ --node-group-count 1 \ --apply-immediately \ --global-node-groups-to-retain sgaui-test-0003


{ "GlobalReplicationGroup": { "GlobalReplicationGroupId": "sgaui-test", "GlobalReplicationGroupDescription": "test", "Status": "modifying", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.6", "Members": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "test-2", "ReplicationGroupRegion": "us-east-1", "Role": "SECONDARY", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "Status": "associated" }, { "ReplicationGroupId": "test-1", "ReplicationGroupRegion": "us-west-2", "Role": "PRIMARY", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "Status": "associated" } ], "ClusterEnabled": true, "GlobalNodeGroups": [ { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-0001", "Slots": "0-449,1816-5461" }, { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-0002", "Slots": "6827-10922" }, { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-0003", "Slots": "10923-14052,15418-16383" }, { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-0004", "Slots": "450-1815,5462-6826,14053-15417" } ], "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Replicação entre Regiões da AWS usando o datastore global no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar decrease-replica-count.


Diminuir a contagem de réplicas

O exemplo decrease-replica-count a seguir diminui dinamicamente o número de réplicas em um grupo de replicação Redis (modo de cluster desabilitado) ou o número de nós de réplica em um ou mais grupos de nós (fragmentos) de um grupo de replicação Redis (modo de cluster habilitado). Essa operação é executada sem tempo de inatividade do cluster.

aws elasticache decrease-replica-count \ --replication-group-id my-cluster \ --apply-immediately \ --new-replica-count 2


{ "ReplicationGroup": { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster", "Description": " ", "Status": "modifying", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "MemberClusters": [ "myrepliace", "my-cluster-001", "my-cluster-002", "my-cluster-003" ], "NodeGroups": [ { "NodeGroupId": "0001", "Status": "modifying", "PrimaryEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "ReaderEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "myrepliace", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "replica" }, { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "primary" }, { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "replica" }, { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "replica" } ] } ], "AutomaticFailover": "disabled", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "07:30-08:30", "ClusterEnabled": false, "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.xlarge", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Alterar o número de réplicas no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar decrease-replica-count.


Diminuir a contagem de réplicas

O exemplo decrease-replica-count a seguir diminui dinamicamente o número de réplicas em um grupo de replicação Redis (modo de cluster desabilitado) ou o número de nós de réplica em um ou mais grupos de nós (fragmentos) de um grupo de replicação Redis (modo de cluster habilitado). Essa operação é executada sem tempo de inatividade do cluster.

aws elasticache decrease-replica-count \ --replication-group-id my-cluster \ --apply-immediately \ --new-replica-count 2


{ "ReplicationGroup": { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster", "Description": " ", "Status": "modifying", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "MemberClusters": [ "myrepliace", "my-cluster-001", "my-cluster-002", "my-cluster-003" ], "NodeGroups": [ { "NodeGroupId": "0001", "Status": "modifying", "PrimaryEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "ReaderEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "myrepliace", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "replica" }, { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "primary" }, { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "replica" }, { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "replica" } ] } ], "AutomaticFailover": "disabled", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "07:30-08:30", "ClusterEnabled": false, "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.xlarge", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Alterar o número de réplicas no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar delete-cache-cluster.


Excluir um cluster de cache

O exemplo delete-cache-cluster a seguir exclui o cluster provisionado anteriormente especificado. O comando exclui todos os nós de cache associados, os endpoints dos nós e o próprio cluster. Quando você recebe uma resposta bem-sucedida dessa operação, o Amazon ElastiCache imediatamente começa a excluir o cluster; você não pode cancelar ou reverter essa operação.

Essa operação não é válida para o seguinte:

Clusters Redis (modo de cluster ativado) Um cluster que é a última réplica de leitura de um grupo de replicação Um grupo de nós (fragmento) que tem o modo Multi-AZ ativado Um cluster de um grupo de replicação Redis (modo de cluster ativado) Um cluster que não está no estado disponível

aws elasticache delete-cache-cluster \ --cache-cluster-id "my-cluster-002"


{ "CacheCluster": { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-002", "ClientDownloadLandingPage": "", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.xlarge", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "CacheClusterStatus": "deleting", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2019-11-26T03:35:04.546Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "mon:04:05-mon:05:05", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "NotificationConfiguration": { "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-x:xxxxxxx4152:My_Topic", "TopicStatus": "active" }, "CacheSecurityGroups": [], "CacheParameterGroup": { "CacheParameterGroupName": "mygroup", "ParameterApplyStatus": "in-sync", "CacheNodeIdsToReboot": [] }, "CacheSubnetGroupName": "kxkxk", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SecurityGroups": [ { "SecurityGroupId": "sg-xxxxxxxxxx9836", "Status": "active" }, { "SecurityGroupId": "sg-xxxxxxxxxxxx7b", "Status": "active" } ], "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "07:30-08:30", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Excluir um cluster no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte DeleteCacheCluster na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar delete-cache-cluster.


Excluir um cluster de cache

O exemplo delete-cache-cluster a seguir exclui o cluster provisionado anteriormente especificado. O comando exclui todos os nós de cache associados, os endpoints dos nós e o próprio cluster. Quando você recebe uma resposta bem-sucedida dessa operação, o Amazon ElastiCache imediatamente começa a excluir o cluster; você não pode cancelar ou reverter essa operação.

Essa operação não é válida para o seguinte:

Clusters Redis (modo de cluster ativado) Um cluster que é a última réplica de leitura de um grupo de replicação Um grupo de nós (fragmento) que tem o modo Multi-AZ ativado Um cluster de um grupo de replicação Redis (modo de cluster ativado) Um cluster que não está no estado disponível

aws elasticache delete-cache-cluster \ --cache-cluster-id "my-cluster-002"


{ "CacheCluster": { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-002", "ClientDownloadLandingPage": "", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.xlarge", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "CacheClusterStatus": "deleting", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2019-11-26T03:35:04.546Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "mon:04:05-mon:05:05", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "NotificationConfiguration": { "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-x:xxxxxxx4152:My_Topic", "TopicStatus": "active" }, "CacheSecurityGroups": [], "CacheParameterGroup": { "CacheParameterGroupName": "mygroup", "ParameterApplyStatus": "in-sync", "CacheNodeIdsToReboot": [] }, "CacheSubnetGroupName": "kxkxk", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SecurityGroups": [ { "SecurityGroupId": "sg-xxxxxxxxxx9836", "Status": "active" }, { "SecurityGroupId": "sg-xxxxxxxxxxxx7b", "Status": "active" } ], "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "07:30-08:30", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Excluir um cluster no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte DeleteCacheCluster na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar delete-cache-parameter-group.


Excluir um grupo de parâmetros de cache

O exemplo delete-cache-parameter-group a seguir exclui o grupo de parâmetros de cache especificado. Não é possível excluir um grupo de parâmetros de cache se ele estiver associado a qualquer cluster de cache.

aws elasticache delete-cache-parameter-group \ --cache-parameter-group-name myparamgroup

Este comando não produz saída.

Para obter mais informações, consulte Excluir um grupo de parâmetros no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar delete-cache-parameter-group.


Excluir um grupo de parâmetros de cache

O exemplo delete-cache-parameter-group a seguir exclui o grupo de parâmetros de cache especificado. Não é possível excluir um grupo de parâmetros de cache se ele estiver associado a qualquer cluster de cache.

aws elasticache delete-cache-parameter-group \ --cache-parameter-group-name myparamgroup

Este comando não produz saída.

Para obter mais informações, consulte Excluir um grupo de parâmetros no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar delete-cache-subnet-group.


Excluir um grupo de sub-redes de cache

O exemplo delete-cache-subnet-group a seguir exclui o grupo de sub-rede de cache especificado. Não é possível excluir um grupo de sub-rede de cache se ele estiver associado a qualquer cluster.

aws elasticache delete-cache-subnet-group \ --cache-subnet-group-name "mygroup"

Este comando não produz saída.

Para obter mais informações, consulte Excluir um grupo de sub-rede no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar delete-cache-subnet-group.


Excluir um grupo de sub-redes de cache

O exemplo delete-cache-subnet-group a seguir exclui o grupo de sub-rede de cache especificado. Não é possível excluir um grupo de sub-rede de cache se ele estiver associado a qualquer cluster.

aws elasticache delete-cache-subnet-group \ --cache-subnet-group-name "mygroup"

Este comando não produz saída.

Para obter mais informações, consulte Excluir um grupo de sub-rede no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar delete-global-replication-group.


Excluir um grupo de replicação global

O exemplo delete-global-replication-group a seguir exclui um novo grupo de replicação global.

aws elasticache delete-global-replication-group \ --global-replication-group-id my-global-replication-group \ --retain-primary-replication-group


{ "GlobalReplicationGroup": { "GlobalReplicationGroupId": "sgaui-my-grg", "GlobalReplicationGroupDescription": "my-grg", "Status": "deleting", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.6", "Members": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster-grg", "ReplicationGroupRegion": "us-west-2", "Role": "PRIMARY", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "Status": "associated" } ], "ClusterEnabled": false, "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Replicação entre Regiões da AWS usando o datastore global no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar delete-global-replication-group.


Excluir um grupo de replicação global

O exemplo delete-global-replication-group a seguir exclui um novo grupo de replicação global.

aws elasticache delete-global-replication-group \ --global-replication-group-id my-global-replication-group \ --retain-primary-replication-group


{ "GlobalReplicationGroup": { "GlobalReplicationGroupId": "sgaui-my-grg", "GlobalReplicationGroupDescription": "my-grg", "Status": "deleting", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.6", "Members": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster-grg", "ReplicationGroupRegion": "us-west-2", "Role": "PRIMARY", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "Status": "associated" } ], "ClusterEnabled": false, "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Replicação entre Regiões da AWS usando o datastore global no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar delete-replication-group.


Excluir um grupo de replicação

O exemplo delete-replication-group a seguir exclui um grupo de replicação existente. Por padrão, essa operação exclui todo o grupo de replicação, incluindo o primário/primários e todas as réplicas de leitura. Se o grupo de replicação tiver somente um primário, você poderá, opcionalmente, excluir somente as réplicas de leitura e, ao mesmo tempo, reter o primário ao configurar retainPrimaryCluster=true.

Quando você recebe uma resposta bem-sucedida dessa operação, o Amazon ElastiCache imediatamente começa a excluir os recursos selecionados; você não poderá cancelar ou reverter essa operação. Válido somente para Redis.

aws elasticache delete-replication-group \ --replication-group-id "mygroup"


{ "ReplicationGroup": { "ReplicationGroupId": "mygroup", "Description": "my group", "Status": "deleting", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "AutomaticFailover": "disabled", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "06:00-07:00", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar delete-replication-group.


Excluir um grupo de replicação

O exemplo delete-replication-group a seguir exclui um grupo de replicação existente. Por padrão, essa operação exclui todo o grupo de replicação, incluindo o primário/primários e todas as réplicas de leitura. Se o grupo de replicação tiver somente um primário, você poderá, opcionalmente, excluir somente as réplicas de leitura e, ao mesmo tempo, reter o primário ao configurar retainPrimaryCluster=true.

Quando você recebe uma resposta bem-sucedida dessa operação, o Amazon ElastiCache imediatamente começa a excluir os recursos selecionados; você não poderá cancelar ou reverter essa operação. Válido somente para Redis.

aws elasticache delete-replication-group \ --replication-group-id "mygroup"


{ "ReplicationGroup": { "ReplicationGroupId": "mygroup", "Description": "my group", "Status": "deleting", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "AutomaticFailover": "disabled", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "06:00-07:00", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar delete-snapshot.


Para excluir um snapshot

O exemplo delete-snapshot a seguir excluiu um snapshot usando o mecanismo Redis.

aws elasticache delete-snapshot \ --snapshot-name mysnapshot


{ "Snapshot": { "SnapshotName": "my-cluster-snapshot", "ReplicationGroupId": "mycluster", "ReplicationGroupDescription": "mycluster", "SnapshotStatus": "deleting", "SnapshotSource": "manual", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.xlarge", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "thu:12:00-thu:13:00", "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxxxxx152:My_Topic", "Port": 6379, "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis5.0.cluster.on", "CacheSubnetGroupName": "default", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 1, "SnapshotWindow": "13:00-14:00", "NumNodeGroups": 4, "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "NodeSnapshots": [ { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0002-003", "NodeGroupId": "0002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheSize": "6 MB", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2020-06-18T00:05:44.719000+00:00", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2020-06-25T20:34:30+00:00" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0003-003", "NodeGroupId": "0003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheSize": "6 MB", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2019-12-05T19:13:15.912000+00:00", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2020-06-25T20:34:30+00:00" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0004-002", "NodeGroupId": "0004", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheSize": "6 MB", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2019-12-09T19:44:34.324000+00:00", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2020-06-25T20:34:30+00:00" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0005-003", "NodeGroupId": "0005", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheSize": "6 MB", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2020-06-18T00:05:44.775000+00:00", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2020-06-25T20:34:30+00:00" } ] } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Backup e restauração do ElastiCache para Redis no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para obter detalhes da API, consulte DeleteSnapshot na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar delete-snapshot.


Para excluir um snapshot

O exemplo delete-snapshot a seguir excluiu um snapshot usando o mecanismo Redis.

aws elasticache delete-snapshot \ --snapshot-name mysnapshot


{ "Snapshot": { "SnapshotName": "my-cluster-snapshot", "ReplicationGroupId": "mycluster", "ReplicationGroupDescription": "mycluster", "SnapshotStatus": "deleting", "SnapshotSource": "manual", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.xlarge", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "thu:12:00-thu:13:00", "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxxxxx152:My_Topic", "Port": 6379, "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis5.0.cluster.on", "CacheSubnetGroupName": "default", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 1, "SnapshotWindow": "13:00-14:00", "NumNodeGroups": 4, "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "NodeSnapshots": [ { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0002-003", "NodeGroupId": "0002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheSize": "6 MB", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2020-06-18T00:05:44.719000+00:00", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2020-06-25T20:34:30+00:00" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0003-003", "NodeGroupId": "0003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheSize": "6 MB", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2019-12-05T19:13:15.912000+00:00", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2020-06-25T20:34:30+00:00" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0004-002", "NodeGroupId": "0004", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheSize": "6 MB", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2019-12-09T19:44:34.324000+00:00", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2020-06-25T20:34:30+00:00" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0005-003", "NodeGroupId": "0005", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheSize": "6 MB", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2020-06-18T00:05:44.775000+00:00", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2020-06-25T20:34:30+00:00" } ] } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Backup e restauração do ElastiCache para Redis no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para obter detalhes da API, consulte DeleteSnapshot na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar delete-user-group.


Excluir um grupo de usuários

O exemplo delete-user-group a seguir exclui um grupo de usuários.

aws elasticache delete-user-group \ --user-group-id myusergroup


{ "UserGroupId": "myusergroup", "Status": "deleting", "Engine": "redis", "UserIds": [ "default" ], "ReplicationGroups": [], "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:usergroup:myusergroup" }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Autenticação de usuários com controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte DeleteUserGroup na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar delete-user-group.


Excluir um grupo de usuários

O exemplo delete-user-group a seguir exclui um grupo de usuários.

aws elasticache delete-user-group \ --user-group-id myusergroup


{ "UserGroupId": "myusergroup", "Status": "deleting", "Engine": "redis", "UserIds": [ "default" ], "ReplicationGroups": [], "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:usergroup:myusergroup" }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Autenticação de usuários com controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte DeleteUserGroup na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar delete-user.


Como excluir um usuário

O exemplo delete-user a seguir exclui um usuário.

aws elasticache delete-user \ --user-id user2


{ "UserId": "user1", "UserName": "myUser", "Status": "deleting", "Engine": "redis", "AccessString": "on ~* +@all", "UserGroupIds": [ "myusergroup" ], "Authentication": { "Type": "password", "PasswordCount": 1 }, "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:user:user1" }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Autenticação de usuários com controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para obter detalhes da API, consulte DeleteUser na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar delete-user.


Como excluir um usuário

O exemplo delete-user a seguir exclui um usuário.

aws elasticache delete-user \ --user-id user2


{ "UserId": "user1", "UserName": "myUser", "Status": "deleting", "Engine": "redis", "AccessString": "on ~* +@all", "UserGroupIds": [ "myusergroup" ], "Authentication": { "Type": "password", "PasswordCount": 1 }, "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:user:user1" }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Autenticação de usuários com controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para obter detalhes da API, consulte DeleteUser na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-cache-clusters.


Descrever um cluster de cache

O exemplo describe-cache-clusters a seguir descreve um cluster de cache.

aws elasticache describe-cache-clusters


{ "CacheClusters": [ { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-003", "ClientDownloadLandingPage": "", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "CacheClusterStatus": "available", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2019-11-26T01:22:52.396Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "mon:17:30-mon:18:30", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "NotificationConfiguration": { "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxxx152:My_Topic", "TopicStatus": "active" }, "CacheSecurityGroups": [], "CacheParameterGroup": { "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis5.0", "ParameterApplyStatus": "in-sync", "CacheNodeIdsToReboot": [] }, "CacheSubnetGroupName": "kxkxk", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SecurityGroups": [ { "SecurityGroupId": "sg-xxxxxd7b", "Status": "active" } ], "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "06:30-07:30", "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false, "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxxx152:cluster:my-cache-cluster", "ReplicationGroupLogDeliveryEnabled": false, "LogDeliveryConfigurations": [ { "LogType": "slow-log", "DestinationType": "cloudwatch-logs", "DestinationDetails": { "CloudWatchLogsDetails": { "LogGroup": "test-log" } }, "LogFormat": "text", "Status": "active" } ] } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Gerenciar clusters no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-cache-clusters.


Descrever um cluster de cache

O exemplo describe-cache-clusters a seguir descreve um cluster de cache.

aws elasticache describe-cache-clusters


{ "CacheClusters": [ { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-003", "ClientDownloadLandingPage": "", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "CacheClusterStatus": "available", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2019-11-26T01:22:52.396Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "mon:17:30-mon:18:30", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "NotificationConfiguration": { "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxxx152:My_Topic", "TopicStatus": "active" }, "CacheSecurityGroups": [], "CacheParameterGroup": { "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis5.0", "ParameterApplyStatus": "in-sync", "CacheNodeIdsToReboot": [] }, "CacheSubnetGroupName": "kxkxk", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SecurityGroups": [ { "SecurityGroupId": "sg-xxxxxd7b", "Status": "active" } ], "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "06:30-07:30", "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false, "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxxx152:cluster:my-cache-cluster", "ReplicationGroupLogDeliveryEnabled": false, "LogDeliveryConfigurations": [ { "LogType": "slow-log", "DestinationType": "cloudwatch-logs", "DestinationDetails": { "CloudWatchLogsDetails": { "LogGroup": "test-log" } }, "LogFormat": "text", "Status": "active" } ] } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Gerenciar clusters no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-cache-engine-versions.


Descrever uma versão do mecanismo de cache

O exemplo describe-cache-engine-versions a seguir retorna uma lista dos mecanismos de cache disponíveis e suas versões.

aws elasticache describe-cache-engine-versions \ --engine "Redis"


{ "CacheEngineVersions": [ { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "2.6.13", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis2.6", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 2.6.13" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "2.8.19", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis2.8", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 2.8.19" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "2.8.21", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis2.8", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 2.8.21" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "2.8.22", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis2.8", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 2.8.22" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "2.8.23", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis2.8", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 2.8.23" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "2.8.24", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis2.8", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 2.8.24" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "2.8.6", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis2.8", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 2.8.6" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "3.2.10", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis3.2", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 3.2.10" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "3.2.4", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis3.2", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 3.2.4" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "3.2.6", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis3.2", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 3.2.6" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "4.0.10", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis4.0", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 4.0.10" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.0", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis5.0", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 5.0.0" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.3", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis5.0", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 5.0.3" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.4", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis5.0", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 5.0.4" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis5.0", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 5.0.5" } ] }

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-cache-engine-versions.


Descrever uma versão do mecanismo de cache

O exemplo describe-cache-engine-versions a seguir retorna uma lista dos mecanismos de cache disponíveis e suas versões.

aws elasticache describe-cache-engine-versions \ --engine "Redis"


{ "CacheEngineVersions": [ { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "2.6.13", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis2.6", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 2.6.13" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "2.8.19", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis2.8", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 2.8.19" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "2.8.21", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis2.8", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 2.8.21" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "2.8.22", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis2.8", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 2.8.22" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "2.8.23", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis2.8", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 2.8.23" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "2.8.24", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis2.8", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 2.8.24" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "2.8.6", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis2.8", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 2.8.6" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "3.2.10", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis3.2", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 3.2.10" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "3.2.4", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis3.2", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 3.2.4" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "3.2.6", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis3.2", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 3.2.6" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "4.0.10", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis4.0", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 4.0.10" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.0", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis5.0", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 5.0.0" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.3", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis5.0", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 5.0.3" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.4", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis5.0", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 5.0.4" }, { "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis5.0", "CacheEngineDescription": "Redis", "CacheEngineVersionDescription": "redis version 5.0.5" } ] }

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-cache-parameter-groups.


Descrever um grupo de parâmetros de cache

O exemplo describe-cache-parameter-groups a seguir retorna uma lista de descrições de grupo de parâmetros de cache.

aws elasticache describe-cache-parameter-groups \ --cache-parameter-group-name "mygroup"


{ "CacheParameterGroups": [ { "CacheParameterGroupName": "mygroup", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis5.0", "Description": " " } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Configurar parâmetros do mecanismo usando grupos de parâmetros no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-cache-parameter-groups.


Descrever um grupo de parâmetros de cache

O exemplo describe-cache-parameter-groups a seguir retorna uma lista de descrições de grupo de parâmetros de cache.

aws elasticache describe-cache-parameter-groups \ --cache-parameter-group-name "mygroup"


{ "CacheParameterGroups": [ { "CacheParameterGroupName": "mygroup", "CacheParameterGroupFamily": "redis5.0", "Description": " " } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Configurar parâmetros do mecanismo usando grupos de parâmetros no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-cache-parameters.


Descrever os parâmetros do cache

O exemplo ''describe-cache-parameters'' a seguir retorna a lista de parâmetros detalhada para o grupo de parâmetros de cache especificado.

aws elasticache describe-cache-parameters \ --cache-parameter-group-name "myparamgroup"


{ "Parameters": [ { "ParameterName": "activedefrag", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "Enabled active memory defragmentation", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-cycle-max", "ParameterValue": "75", "Description": "Maximal effort for defrag in CPU percentage", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-75", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-cycle-min", "ParameterValue": "5", "Description": "Minimal effort for defrag in CPU percentage", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-75", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-ignore-bytes", "ParameterValue": "104857600", "Description": "Minimum amount of fragmentation waste to start active defrag", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1048576-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-max-scan-fields", "ParameterValue": "1000", "Description": "Maximum number of set/hash/zset/list fields that will be processed from the main dictionary scan", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-1000000", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-threshold-lower", "ParameterValue": "10", "Description": "Minimum percentage of fragmentation to start active defrag", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-100", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-threshold-upper", "ParameterValue": "100", "Description": "Maximum percentage of fragmentation at which we use maximum effort", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-100", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "activerehashing", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "Apply rehashing or not.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "requires-reboot" }, { "ParameterName": "appendfsync", "ParameterValue": "everysec", "Description": "fsync policy for AOF persistence", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "always,everysec,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "appendonly", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Enable Redis persistence.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-hard-limit", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Normal client output buffer hard limit in bytes.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-soft-limit", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Normal client output buffer soft limit in bytes.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-soft-seconds", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Normal client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-hard-limit", "ParameterValue": "33554432", "Description": "Pubsub client output buffer hard limit in bytes.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-soft-limit", "ParameterValue": "8388608", "Description": "Pubsub client output buffer soft limit in bytes.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-soft-seconds", "ParameterValue": "60", "Description": "Pubsub client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-replica-soft-seconds", "ParameterValue": "60", "Description": "Replica client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-query-buffer-limit", "ParameterValue": "1073741824", "Description": "Max size of a single client query buffer", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1048576-1073741824", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "close-on-replica-write", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "If enabled, clients who attempt to write to a read-only replica will be disconnected. Applicable to 2.8.23 and higher.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "cluster-enabled", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Enable cluster mode", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "requires-reboot" }, { "ParameterName": "cluster-require-full-coverage", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Whether cluster becomes unavailable if one or more slots are not covered", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "databases", "ParameterValue": "16", "Description": "Set the number of databases.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-1200000", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "requires-reboot" }, { "ParameterName": "hash-max-ziplist-entries", "ParameterValue": "512", "Description": "The maximum number of hash entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "hash-max-ziplist-value", "ParameterValue": "64", "Description": "The threshold of biggest hash entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "hll-sparse-max-bytes", "ParameterValue": "3000", "Description": "HyperLogLog sparse representation bytes limit", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-16000", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lazyfree-lazy-eviction", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Perform an asynchronous delete on evictions", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lazyfree-lazy-expire", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Perform an asynchronous delete on expired keys", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lazyfree-lazy-server-del", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Perform an asynchronous delete on key updates", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lfu-decay-time", "ParameterValue": "1", "Description": "The amount of time in minutes to decrement the key counter for LFU eviction policy", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lfu-log-factor", "ParameterValue": "10", "Description": "The log factor for incrementing key counter for LFU eviction policy", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "list-compress-depth", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Number of quicklist ziplist nodes from each side of the list to exclude from compression. The head and tail of the list are always uncompressed for fast push/pop operations", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "list-max-ziplist-size", "ParameterValue": "-2", "Description": "The number of entries allowed per internal list node can be specified as a fixed maximum size or a maximum number of elements", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1-", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lua-replicate-commands", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "Always enable Lua effect replication or not", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lua-time-limit", "ParameterValue": "5000", "Description": "Max execution time of a Lua script in milliseconds. 0 for unlimited execution without warnings.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "5000", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "maxclients", "ParameterValue": "65000", "Description": "The maximum number of Redis clients.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-65000", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "requires-reboot" }, { "ParameterName": "maxmemory-policy", "ParameterValue": "volatile-lru", "Description": "Max memory policy.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "volatile-lru,allkeys-lru,volatile-lfu,allkeys-lfu,volatile-random,allkeys-random,volatile-ttl,noeviction", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "maxmemory-samples", "ParameterValue": "3", "Description": "Max memory samples.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "min-replicas-max-lag", "ParameterValue": "10", "Description": "The maximum amount of replica lag in seconds beyond which the master would stop taking writes. A value of 0 means the master always takes writes.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "min-replicas-to-write", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "The minimum number of replicas that must be present with lag no greater than min-replicas-max-lag for master to take writes. Setting this to 0 means the master always takes writes.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "notify-keyspace-events", "Description": "The keyspace events for Redis to notify Pub/Sub clients about. By default all notifications are disabled", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "proto-max-bulk-len", "ParameterValue": "536870912", "Description": "Max size of a single element request", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1048576-536870912", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "rename-commands", "ParameterValue": "", "Description": "Redis commands that can be dynamically renamed by the customer", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "APPEND,BITCOUNT,BITFIELD,BITOP,BITPOS,BLPOP,BRPOP,BRPOPLPUSH,BZPOPMIN,BZPOPMAX,CLIENT,COMMAND,DBSIZE,DECR,DECRBY,DEL,DISCARD,DUMP,ECHO,EVAL,EVALSHA,EXEC,EXISTS,EXPIRE,EXPIREAT,FLUSHALL,FLUSHDB,GEOADD,GEOHASH,GEOPOS,GEODIST,GEORADIUS,GEORADIUSBYMEMBER,GET,GETBIT,GETRANGE,GETSET,HDEL,HEXISTS,HGET,HGETALL,HINCRBY,HINCRBYFLOAT,HKEYS,HLEN,HMGET,HMSET,HSET,HSETNX,HSTRLEN,HVALS,INCR,INCRBY,INCRBYFLOAT,INFO,KEYS,LASTSAVE,LINDEX,LINSERT,LLEN,LPOP,LPUSH,LPUSHX,LRANGE,LREM,LSET,LTRIM,MEMORY,MGET,MONITOR,MOVE,MSET,MSETNX,MULTI,OBJECT,PERSIST,PEXPIRE,PEXPIREAT,PFADD,PFCOUNT,PFMERGE,PING,PSETEX,PSUBSCRIBE,PUBSUB,PTTL,PUBLISH,PUNSUBSCRIBE,RANDOMKEY,READONLY,READWRITE,RENAME,RENAMENX,RESTORE,ROLE,RPOP,RPOPLPUSH,RPUSH,RPUSHX,SADD,SCARD,SCRIPT,SDIFF,SDIFFSTORE,SELECT,SET,SETBIT,SETEX,SETNX,SETRANGE,SINTER,SINTERSTORE,SISMEMBER,SLOWLOG,SMEMBERS,SMOVE,SORT,SPOP,SRANDMEMBER,SREM,STRLEN,SUBSCRIBE,SUNION,SUNIONSTORE,SWAPDB,TIME,TOUCH,TTL,TYPE,UNSUBSCRIBE,UNLINK,UNWATCH,WAIT,WATCH,ZADD,ZCARD,ZCOUNT,ZINCRBY,ZINTERSTORE,ZLEXCOUNT,ZPOPMAX,ZPOPMIN,ZRANGE,ZRANGEBYLEX,ZREVRANGEBYLEX,ZRANGEBYSCORE,ZRANK,ZREM,ZREMRANGEBYLEX,ZREMRANGEBYRANK,ZREMRANGEBYSCORE,ZREVRANGE,ZREVRANGEBYSCORE,ZREVRANK,ZSCORE,ZUNIONSTORE,SCAN,SSCAN,HSCAN,ZSCAN,XINFO,XADD,XTRIM,XDEL,XRANGE,XREVRANGE,XLEN,XREAD,XGROUP,XREADGROUP,XACK,XCLAIM,XPENDING,GEORADIUS_RO,GEORADIUSBYMEMBER_RO,LOLWUT,XSETID,SUBSTR", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.3", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "repl-backlog-size", "ParameterValue": "1048576", "Description": "The replication backlog size in bytes for PSYNC. This is the size of the buffer which accumulates slave data when slave is disconnected for some time, so that when slave reconnects again, only transfer the portion of data which the slave missed. Minimum value is 16K.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "16384-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "repl-backlog-ttl", "ParameterValue": "3600", "Description": "The amount of time in seconds after the master no longer have any slaves connected for the master to free the replication backlog. A value of 0 means to never release the backlog.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "replica-allow-chaining", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Configures if chaining of replicas is allowed", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "replica-ignore-maxmemory", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "Determines if replica ignores maxmemory setting by not evicting items independent from the master", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "replica-lazy-flush", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Perform an asynchronous flushDB during replica sync", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "reserved-memory-percent", "ParameterValue": "25", "Description": "The percent of memory reserved for non-cache memory usage. You may want to increase this parameter for nodes with read replicas, AOF enabled, etc, to reduce swap usage.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-100", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "set-max-intset-entries", "ParameterValue": "512", "Description": "The limit in the size of the set in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "slowlog-log-slower-than", "ParameterValue": "10000", "Description": "The execution time, in microseconds, to exceed in order for the command to get logged. Note that a negative number disables the slow log, while a value of zero forces the logging of every command.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "slowlog-max-len", "ParameterValue": "128", "Description": "The length of the slow log. There is no limit to this length. Just be aware that it will consume memory. You can reclaim memory used by the slow log with SLOWLOG RESET.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "stream-node-max-bytes", "ParameterValue": "4096", "Description": "The maximum size of a single node in a stream in bytes", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "stream-node-max-entries", "ParameterValue": "100", "Description": "The maximum number of items a single node in a stream can contain", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "tcp-keepalive", "ParameterValue": "300", "Description": "If non-zero, send ACKs every given number of seconds.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "timeout", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Close connection if client is idle for a given number of seconds, or never if 0.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0,20-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "zset-max-ziplist-entries", "ParameterValue": "128", "Description": "The maximum number of sorted set entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "zset-max-ziplist-value", "ParameterValue": "64", "Description": "The threshold of biggest sorted set entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Gerenciar parâmetros no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-cache-parameters.


Descrever os parâmetros do cache

O exemplo ''describe-cache-parameters'' a seguir retorna a lista de parâmetros detalhada para o grupo de parâmetros de cache especificado.

aws elasticache describe-cache-parameters \ --cache-parameter-group-name "myparamgroup"


{ "Parameters": [ { "ParameterName": "activedefrag", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "Enabled active memory defragmentation", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-cycle-max", "ParameterValue": "75", "Description": "Maximal effort for defrag in CPU percentage", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-75", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-cycle-min", "ParameterValue": "5", "Description": "Minimal effort for defrag in CPU percentage", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-75", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-ignore-bytes", "ParameterValue": "104857600", "Description": "Minimum amount of fragmentation waste to start active defrag", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1048576-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-max-scan-fields", "ParameterValue": "1000", "Description": "Maximum number of set/hash/zset/list fields that will be processed from the main dictionary scan", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-1000000", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-threshold-lower", "ParameterValue": "10", "Description": "Minimum percentage of fragmentation to start active defrag", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-100", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-threshold-upper", "ParameterValue": "100", "Description": "Maximum percentage of fragmentation at which we use maximum effort", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-100", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "activerehashing", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "Apply rehashing or not.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "requires-reboot" }, { "ParameterName": "appendfsync", "ParameterValue": "everysec", "Description": "fsync policy for AOF persistence", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "always,everysec,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "appendonly", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Enable Redis persistence.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-hard-limit", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Normal client output buffer hard limit in bytes.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-soft-limit", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Normal client output buffer soft limit in bytes.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-soft-seconds", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Normal client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-hard-limit", "ParameterValue": "33554432", "Description": "Pubsub client output buffer hard limit in bytes.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-soft-limit", "ParameterValue": "8388608", "Description": "Pubsub client output buffer soft limit in bytes.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-soft-seconds", "ParameterValue": "60", "Description": "Pubsub client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-replica-soft-seconds", "ParameterValue": "60", "Description": "Replica client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-query-buffer-limit", "ParameterValue": "1073741824", "Description": "Max size of a single client query buffer", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1048576-1073741824", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "close-on-replica-write", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "If enabled, clients who attempt to write to a read-only replica will be disconnected. Applicable to 2.8.23 and higher.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "cluster-enabled", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Enable cluster mode", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "requires-reboot" }, { "ParameterName": "cluster-require-full-coverage", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Whether cluster becomes unavailable if one or more slots are not covered", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "databases", "ParameterValue": "16", "Description": "Set the number of databases.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-1200000", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "requires-reboot" }, { "ParameterName": "hash-max-ziplist-entries", "ParameterValue": "512", "Description": "The maximum number of hash entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "hash-max-ziplist-value", "ParameterValue": "64", "Description": "The threshold of biggest hash entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "hll-sparse-max-bytes", "ParameterValue": "3000", "Description": "HyperLogLog sparse representation bytes limit", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-16000", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lazyfree-lazy-eviction", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Perform an asynchronous delete on evictions", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lazyfree-lazy-expire", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Perform an asynchronous delete on expired keys", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lazyfree-lazy-server-del", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Perform an asynchronous delete on key updates", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lfu-decay-time", "ParameterValue": "1", "Description": "The amount of time in minutes to decrement the key counter for LFU eviction policy", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lfu-log-factor", "ParameterValue": "10", "Description": "The log factor for incrementing key counter for LFU eviction policy", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "list-compress-depth", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Number of quicklist ziplist nodes from each side of the list to exclude from compression. The head and tail of the list are always uncompressed for fast push/pop operations", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "list-max-ziplist-size", "ParameterValue": "-2", "Description": "The number of entries allowed per internal list node can be specified as a fixed maximum size or a maximum number of elements", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1-", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lua-replicate-commands", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "Always enable Lua effect replication or not", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lua-time-limit", "ParameterValue": "5000", "Description": "Max execution time of a Lua script in milliseconds. 0 for unlimited execution without warnings.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "5000", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "maxclients", "ParameterValue": "65000", "Description": "The maximum number of Redis clients.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-65000", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "requires-reboot" }, { "ParameterName": "maxmemory-policy", "ParameterValue": "volatile-lru", "Description": "Max memory policy.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "volatile-lru,allkeys-lru,volatile-lfu,allkeys-lfu,volatile-random,allkeys-random,volatile-ttl,noeviction", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "maxmemory-samples", "ParameterValue": "3", "Description": "Max memory samples.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "min-replicas-max-lag", "ParameterValue": "10", "Description": "The maximum amount of replica lag in seconds beyond which the master would stop taking writes. A value of 0 means the master always takes writes.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "min-replicas-to-write", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "The minimum number of replicas that must be present with lag no greater than min-replicas-max-lag for master to take writes. Setting this to 0 means the master always takes writes.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "notify-keyspace-events", "Description": "The keyspace events for Redis to notify Pub/Sub clients about. By default all notifications are disabled", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "proto-max-bulk-len", "ParameterValue": "536870912", "Description": "Max size of a single element request", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1048576-536870912", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "rename-commands", "ParameterValue": "", "Description": "Redis commands that can be dynamically renamed by the customer", "Source": "user", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "APPEND,BITCOUNT,BITFIELD,BITOP,BITPOS,BLPOP,BRPOP,BRPOPLPUSH,BZPOPMIN,BZPOPMAX,CLIENT,COMMAND,DBSIZE,DECR,DECRBY,DEL,DISCARD,DUMP,ECHO,EVAL,EVALSHA,EXEC,EXISTS,EXPIRE,EXPIREAT,FLUSHALL,FLUSHDB,GEOADD,GEOHASH,GEOPOS,GEODIST,GEORADIUS,GEORADIUSBYMEMBER,GET,GETBIT,GETRANGE,GETSET,HDEL,HEXISTS,HGET,HGETALL,HINCRBY,HINCRBYFLOAT,HKEYS,HLEN,HMGET,HMSET,HSET,HSETNX,HSTRLEN,HVALS,INCR,INCRBY,INCRBYFLOAT,INFO,KEYS,LASTSAVE,LINDEX,LINSERT,LLEN,LPOP,LPUSH,LPUSHX,LRANGE,LREM,LSET,LTRIM,MEMORY,MGET,MONITOR,MOVE,MSET,MSETNX,MULTI,OBJECT,PERSIST,PEXPIRE,PEXPIREAT,PFADD,PFCOUNT,PFMERGE,PING,PSETEX,PSUBSCRIBE,PUBSUB,PTTL,PUBLISH,PUNSUBSCRIBE,RANDOMKEY,READONLY,READWRITE,RENAME,RENAMENX,RESTORE,ROLE,RPOP,RPOPLPUSH,RPUSH,RPUSHX,SADD,SCARD,SCRIPT,SDIFF,SDIFFSTORE,SELECT,SET,SETBIT,SETEX,SETNX,SETRANGE,SINTER,SINTERSTORE,SISMEMBER,SLOWLOG,SMEMBERS,SMOVE,SORT,SPOP,SRANDMEMBER,SREM,STRLEN,SUBSCRIBE,SUNION,SUNIONSTORE,SWAPDB,TIME,TOUCH,TTL,TYPE,UNSUBSCRIBE,UNLINK,UNWATCH,WAIT,WATCH,ZADD,ZCARD,ZCOUNT,ZINCRBY,ZINTERSTORE,ZLEXCOUNT,ZPOPMAX,ZPOPMIN,ZRANGE,ZRANGEBYLEX,ZREVRANGEBYLEX,ZRANGEBYSCORE,ZRANK,ZREM,ZREMRANGEBYLEX,ZREMRANGEBYRANK,ZREMRANGEBYSCORE,ZREVRANGE,ZREVRANGEBYSCORE,ZREVRANK,ZSCORE,ZUNIONSTORE,SCAN,SSCAN,HSCAN,ZSCAN,XINFO,XADD,XTRIM,XDEL,XRANGE,XREVRANGE,XLEN,XREAD,XGROUP,XREADGROUP,XACK,XCLAIM,XPENDING,GEORADIUS_RO,GEORADIUSBYMEMBER_RO,LOLWUT,XSETID,SUBSTR", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.3", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "repl-backlog-size", "ParameterValue": "1048576", "Description": "The replication backlog size in bytes for PSYNC. This is the size of the buffer which accumulates slave data when slave is disconnected for some time, so that when slave reconnects again, only transfer the portion of data which the slave missed. Minimum value is 16K.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "16384-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "repl-backlog-ttl", "ParameterValue": "3600", "Description": "The amount of time in seconds after the master no longer have any slaves connected for the master to free the replication backlog. A value of 0 means to never release the backlog.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "replica-allow-chaining", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Configures if chaining of replicas is allowed", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "replica-ignore-maxmemory", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "Determines if replica ignores maxmemory setting by not evicting items independent from the master", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "replica-lazy-flush", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Perform an asynchronous flushDB during replica sync", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "reserved-memory-percent", "ParameterValue": "25", "Description": "The percent of memory reserved for non-cache memory usage. You may want to increase this parameter for nodes with read replicas, AOF enabled, etc, to reduce swap usage.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-100", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "set-max-intset-entries", "ParameterValue": "512", "Description": "The limit in the size of the set in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "slowlog-log-slower-than", "ParameterValue": "10000", "Description": "The execution time, in microseconds, to exceed in order for the command to get logged. Note that a negative number disables the slow log, while a value of zero forces the logging of every command.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "slowlog-max-len", "ParameterValue": "128", "Description": "The length of the slow log. There is no limit to this length. Just be aware that it will consume memory. You can reclaim memory used by the slow log with SLOWLOG RESET.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "stream-node-max-bytes", "ParameterValue": "4096", "Description": "The maximum size of a single node in a stream in bytes", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "stream-node-max-entries", "ParameterValue": "100", "Description": "The maximum number of items a single node in a stream can contain", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "tcp-keepalive", "ParameterValue": "300", "Description": "If non-zero, send ACKs every given number of seconds.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "timeout", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Close connection if client is idle for a given number of seconds, or never if 0.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0,20-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "zset-max-ziplist-entries", "ParameterValue": "128", "Description": "The maximum number of sorted set entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "zset-max-ziplist-value", "ParameterValue": "64", "Description": "The threshold of biggest sorted set entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "user", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Gerenciar parâmetros no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-cache-subnet-groups.


Descrever grupos de sub-redes de cache

O exemplo describe-cache-subnet-groups a seguir retorna uma lista de grupos de sub-rede.

aws elasticache describe-cache-subnet-groups


{ "CacheSubnetGroups": [ { "CacheSubnetGroupName": "default", "CacheSubnetGroupDescription": "Default CacheSubnetGroup", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "Subnets": [ { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-8d4bacf5", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2b" } }, { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-dde21380", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2c" } }, { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-6485ec4f", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2d" } }, { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-b4ebebff", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2a" } } ] }, { "CacheSubnetGroupName": "kxkxk", "CacheSubnetGroupDescription": "mygroup", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "Subnets": [ { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-b4ebebff", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2a" } } ] }, { "CacheSubnetGroupName": "test", "CacheSubnetGroupDescription": "test", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "Subnets": [ { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-b4ebebff", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2a" } } ] } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Sub-redes e grupos de sub-redes no Guia do usuário do Elasticache ou Sub-redes e grupos de sub-redes no Guia do usuário do ElastiCache para Memcached.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-cache-subnet-groups.


Descrever grupos de sub-redes de cache

O exemplo describe-cache-subnet-groups a seguir retorna uma lista de grupos de sub-rede.

aws elasticache describe-cache-subnet-groups


{ "CacheSubnetGroups": [ { "CacheSubnetGroupName": "default", "CacheSubnetGroupDescription": "Default CacheSubnetGroup", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "Subnets": [ { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-8d4bacf5", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2b" } }, { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-dde21380", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2c" } }, { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-6485ec4f", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2d" } }, { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-b4ebebff", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2a" } } ] }, { "CacheSubnetGroupName": "kxkxk", "CacheSubnetGroupDescription": "mygroup", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "Subnets": [ { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-b4ebebff", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2a" } } ] }, { "CacheSubnetGroupName": "test", "CacheSubnetGroupDescription": "test", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "Subnets": [ { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-b4ebebff", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2a" } } ] } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Sub-redes e grupos de sub-redes no Guia do usuário do Elasticache ou Sub-redes e grupos de sub-redes no Guia do usuário do ElastiCache para Memcached.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-engine-default-parameters.


Descrever os parâmetros padrão do mecanismo

O exemplo describe-engine-default-parameters a seguir retorna as informações sobre o mecanismo padrão e parâmetros do sistema do mecanismo de cache especificado.

aws elasticache describe-engine-default-parameters \ --cache-parameter-group-family "redis5.0"


{ "EngineDefaults": { "Parameters": [ { "ParameterName": "activedefrag", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Enabled active memory defragmentation", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-cycle-max", "ParameterValue": "75", "Description": "Maximal effort for defrag in CPU percentage", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-75", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-cycle-min", "ParameterValue": "5", "Description": "Minimal effort for defrag in CPU percentage", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-75", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-ignore-bytes", "ParameterValue": "104857600", "Description": "Minimum amount of fragmentation waste to start active defrag", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1048576-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-max-scan-fields", "ParameterValue": "1000", "Description": "Maximum number of set/hash/zset/list fields that will be processed from the main dictionary scan", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-1000000", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-threshold-lower", "ParameterValue": "10", "Description": "Minimum percentage of fragmentation to start active defrag", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-100", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-threshold-upper", "ParameterValue": "100", "Description": "Maximum percentage of fragmentation at which we use maximum effort", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-100", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "activerehashing", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "Apply rehashing or not.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "requires-reboot" }, { "ParameterName": "appendfsync", "ParameterValue": "everysec", "Description": "fsync policy for AOF persistence", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "always,everysec,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "appendonly", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Enable Redis persistence.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-hard-limit", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Normal client output buffer hard limit in bytes.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-soft-limit", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Normal client output buffer soft limit in bytes.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-soft-seconds", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Normal client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-hard-limit", "ParameterValue": "33554432", "Description": "Pubsub client output buffer hard limit in bytes.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-soft-limit", "ParameterValue": "8388608", "Description": "Pubsub client output buffer soft limit in bytes.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-soft-seconds", "ParameterValue": "60", "Description": "Pubsub client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-replica-soft-seconds", "ParameterValue": "60", "Description": "Replica client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-query-buffer-limit", "ParameterValue": "1073741824", "Description": "Max size of a single client query buffer", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1048576-1073741824", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "close-on-replica-write", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "If enabled, clients who attempt to write to a read-only replica will be disconnected. Applicable to 2.8.23 and higher.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "cluster-enabled", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Enable cluster mode", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "requires-reboot" }, { "ParameterName": "cluster-require-full-coverage", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Whether cluster becomes unavailable if one or more slots are not covered", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "databases", "ParameterValue": "16", "Description": "Set the number of databases.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-1200000", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "requires-reboot" }, { "ParameterName": "hash-max-ziplist-entries", "ParameterValue": "512", "Description": "The maximum number of hash entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "hash-max-ziplist-value", "ParameterValue": "64", "Description": "The threshold of biggest hash entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "hll-sparse-max-bytes", "ParameterValue": "3000", "Description": "HyperLogLog sparse representation bytes limit", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-16000", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lazyfree-lazy-eviction", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Perform an asynchronous delete on evictions", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lazyfree-lazy-expire", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Perform an asynchronous delete on expired keys", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lazyfree-lazy-server-del", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Perform an asynchronous delete on key updates", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lfu-decay-time", "ParameterValue": "1", "Description": "The amount of time in minutes to decrement the key counter for LFU eviction policy", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lfu-log-factor", "ParameterValue": "10", "Description": "The log factor for incrementing key counter for LFU eviction policy", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "list-compress-depth", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Number of quicklist ziplist nodes from each side of the list to exclude from compression. The head and tail of the list are always uncompressed for fast push/pop operations", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "list-max-ziplist-size", "ParameterValue": "-2", "Description": "The number of entries allowed per internal list node can be specified as a fixed maximum size or a maximum number of elements", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1-", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lua-replicate-commands", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "Always enable Lua effect replication or not", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lua-time-limit", "ParameterValue": "5000", "Description": "Max execution time of a Lua script in milliseconds. 0 for unlimited execution without warnings.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "5000", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "maxclients", "ParameterValue": "65000", "Description": "The maximum number of Redis clients.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-65000", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "requires-reboot" }, { "ParameterName": "maxmemory-policy", "ParameterValue": "volatile-lru", "Description": "Max memory policy.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "volatile-lru,allkeys-lru,volatile-lfu,allkeys-lfu,volatile-random,allkeys-random,volatile-ttl,noeviction", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "maxmemory-samples", "ParameterValue": "3", "Description": "Max memory samples.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "min-replicas-max-lag", "ParameterValue": "10", "Description": "The maximum amount of replica lag in seconds beyond which the master would stop taking writes. A value of 0 means the master always takes writes.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "min-replicas-to-write", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "The minimum number of replicas that must be present with lag no greater than min-replicas-max-lag for master to take writes. Setting this to 0 means the master always takes writes.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "notify-keyspace-events", "Description": "The keyspace events for Redis to notify Pub/Sub clients about. By default all notifications are disabled", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "proto-max-bulk-len", "ParameterValue": "536870912", "Description": "Max size of a single element request", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1048576-536870912", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "rename-commands", "ParameterValue": "", "Description": "Redis commands that can be dynamically renamed by the customer", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "APPEND,BITCOUNT,BITFIELD,BITOP,BITPOS,BLPOP,BRPOP,BRPOPLPUSH,BZPOPMIN,BZPOPMAX,CLIENT,COMMAND,DBSIZE,DECR,DECRBY,DEL,DISCARD,DUMP,ECHO,EVAL,EVALSHA,EXEC,EXISTS,EXPIRE,EXPIREAT,FLUSHALL,FLUSHDB,GEOADD,GEOHASH,GEOPOS,GEODIST,GEORADIUS,GEORADIUSBYMEMBER,GET,GETBIT,GETRANGE,GETSET,HDEL,HEXISTS,HGET,HGETALL,HINCRBY,HINCRBYFLOAT,HKEYS,HLEN,HMGET,HMSET,HSET,HSETNX,HSTRLEN,HVALS,INCR,INCRBY,INCRBYFLOAT,INFO,KEYS,LASTSAVE,LINDEX,LINSERT,LLEN,LPOP,LPUSH,LPUSHX,LRANGE,LREM,LSET,LTRIM,MEMORY,MGET,MONITOR,MOVE,MSET,MSETNX,MULTI,OBJECT,PERSIST,PEXPIRE,PEXPIREAT,PFADD,PFCOUNT,PFMERGE,PING,PSETEX,PSUBSCRIBE,PUBSUB,PTTL,PUBLISH,PUNSUBSCRIBE,RANDOMKEY,READONLY,READWRITE,RENAME,RENAMENX,RESTORE,ROLE,RPOP,RPOPLPUSH,RPUSH,RPUSHX,SADD,SCARD,SCRIPT,SDIFF,SDIFFSTORE,SELECT,SET,SETBIT,SETEX,SETNX,SETRANGE,SINTER,SINTERSTORE,SISMEMBER,SLOWLOG,SMEMBERS,SMOVE,SORT,SPOP,SRANDMEMBER,SREM,STRLEN,SUBSCRIBE,SUNION,SUNIONSTORE,SWAPDB,TIME,TOUCH,TTL,TYPE,UNSUBSCRIBE,UNLINK,UNWATCH,WAIT,WATCH,ZADD,ZCARD,ZCOUNT,ZINCRBY,ZINTERSTORE,ZLEXCOUNT,ZPOPMAX,ZPOPMIN,ZRANGE,ZRANGEBYLEX,ZREVRANGEBYLEX,ZRANGEBYSCORE,ZRANK,ZREM,ZREMRANGEBYLEX,ZREMRANGEBYRANK,ZREMRANGEBYSCORE,ZREVRANGE,ZREVRANGEBYSCORE,ZREVRANK,ZSCORE,ZUNIONSTORE,SCAN,SSCAN,HSCAN,ZSCAN,XINFO,XADD,XTRIM,XDEL,XRANGE,XREVRANGE,XLEN,XREAD,XGROUP,XREADGROUP,XACK,XCLAIM,XPENDING,GEORADIUS_RO,GEORADIUSBYMEMBER_RO,LOLWUT,XSETID,SUBSTR", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.3", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "repl-backlog-size", "ParameterValue": "1048576", "Description": "The replication backlog size in bytes for PSYNC. This is the size of the buffer which accumulates slave data when slave is disconnected for some time, so that when slave reconnects again, only transfer the portion of data which the slave missed. Minimum value is 16K.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "16384-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "repl-backlog-ttl", "ParameterValue": "3600", "Description": "The amount of time in seconds after the master no longer have any slaves connected for the master to free the replication backlog. A value of 0 means to never release the backlog.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "replica-allow-chaining", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Configures if chaining of replicas is allowed", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "replica-ignore-maxmemory", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "Determines if replica ignores maxmemory setting by not evicting items independent from the master", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "replica-lazy-flush", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Perform an asynchronous flushDB during replica sync", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "reserved-memory-percent", "ParameterValue": "25", "Description": "The percent of memory reserved for non-cache memory usage. You may want to increase this parameter for nodes with read replicas, AOF enabled, etc, to reduce swap usage.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-100", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "set-max-intset-entries", "ParameterValue": "512", "Description": "The limit in the size of the set in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "slowlog-log-slower-than", "ParameterValue": "10000", "Description": "The execution time, in microseconds, to exceed in order for the command to get logged. Note that a negative number disables the slow log, while a value of zero forces the logging of every command.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "slowlog-max-len", "ParameterValue": "128", "Description": "The length of the slow log. There is no limit to this length. Just be aware that it will consume memory. You can reclaim memory used by the slow log with SLOWLOG RESET.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "stream-node-max-bytes", "ParameterValue": "4096", "Description": "The maximum size of a single node in a stream in bytes", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "stream-node-max-entries", "ParameterValue": "100", "Description": "The maximum number of items a single node in a stream can contain", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "tcp-keepalive", "ParameterValue": "300", "Description": "If non-zero, send ACKs every given number of seconds.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "timeout", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Close connection if client is idle for a given number of seconds, or never if 0.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0,20-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "zset-max-ziplist-entries", "ParameterValue": "128", "Description": "The maximum number of sorted set entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "zset-max-ziplist-value", "ParameterValue": "64", "Description": "The threshold of biggest sorted set entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" } ] } }

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-engine-default-parameters.


Descrever os parâmetros padrão do mecanismo

O exemplo describe-engine-default-parameters a seguir retorna as informações sobre o mecanismo padrão e parâmetros do sistema do mecanismo de cache especificado.

aws elasticache describe-engine-default-parameters \ --cache-parameter-group-family "redis5.0"


{ "EngineDefaults": { "Parameters": [ { "ParameterName": "activedefrag", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Enabled active memory defragmentation", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-cycle-max", "ParameterValue": "75", "Description": "Maximal effort for defrag in CPU percentage", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-75", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-cycle-min", "ParameterValue": "5", "Description": "Minimal effort for defrag in CPU percentage", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-75", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-ignore-bytes", "ParameterValue": "104857600", "Description": "Minimum amount of fragmentation waste to start active defrag", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1048576-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-max-scan-fields", "ParameterValue": "1000", "Description": "Maximum number of set/hash/zset/list fields that will be processed from the main dictionary scan", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-1000000", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-threshold-lower", "ParameterValue": "10", "Description": "Minimum percentage of fragmentation to start active defrag", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-100", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "active-defrag-threshold-upper", "ParameterValue": "100", "Description": "Maximum percentage of fragmentation at which we use maximum effort", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-100", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "activerehashing", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "Apply rehashing or not.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "requires-reboot" }, { "ParameterName": "appendfsync", "ParameterValue": "everysec", "Description": "fsync policy for AOF persistence", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "always,everysec,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "appendonly", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Enable Redis persistence.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-hard-limit", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Normal client output buffer hard limit in bytes.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-soft-limit", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Normal client output buffer soft limit in bytes.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-soft-seconds", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Normal client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-hard-limit", "ParameterValue": "33554432", "Description": "Pubsub client output buffer hard limit in bytes.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-soft-limit", "ParameterValue": "8388608", "Description": "Pubsub client output buffer soft limit in bytes.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-soft-seconds", "ParameterValue": "60", "Description": "Pubsub client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-output-buffer-limit-replica-soft-seconds", "ParameterValue": "60", "Description": "Replica client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "client-query-buffer-limit", "ParameterValue": "1073741824", "Description": "Max size of a single client query buffer", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1048576-1073741824", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "close-on-replica-write", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "If enabled, clients who attempt to write to a read-only replica will be disconnected. Applicable to 2.8.23 and higher.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "cluster-enabled", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Enable cluster mode", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "requires-reboot" }, { "ParameterName": "cluster-require-full-coverage", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Whether cluster becomes unavailable if one or more slots are not covered", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "databases", "ParameterValue": "16", "Description": "Set the number of databases.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-1200000", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "requires-reboot" }, { "ParameterName": "hash-max-ziplist-entries", "ParameterValue": "512", "Description": "The maximum number of hash entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "hash-max-ziplist-value", "ParameterValue": "64", "Description": "The threshold of biggest hash entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "hll-sparse-max-bytes", "ParameterValue": "3000", "Description": "HyperLogLog sparse representation bytes limit", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-16000", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lazyfree-lazy-eviction", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Perform an asynchronous delete on evictions", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lazyfree-lazy-expire", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Perform an asynchronous delete on expired keys", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lazyfree-lazy-server-del", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Perform an asynchronous delete on key updates", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lfu-decay-time", "ParameterValue": "1", "Description": "The amount of time in minutes to decrement the key counter for LFU eviction policy", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lfu-log-factor", "ParameterValue": "10", "Description": "The log factor for incrementing key counter for LFU eviction policy", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "list-compress-depth", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Number of quicklist ziplist nodes from each side of the list to exclude from compression. The head and tail of the list are always uncompressed for fast push/pop operations", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "list-max-ziplist-size", "ParameterValue": "-2", "Description": "The number of entries allowed per internal list node can be specified as a fixed maximum size or a maximum number of elements", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1-", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lua-replicate-commands", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "Always enable Lua effect replication or not", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "lua-time-limit", "ParameterValue": "5000", "Description": "Max execution time of a Lua script in milliseconds. 0 for unlimited execution without warnings.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "5000", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "maxclients", "ParameterValue": "65000", "Description": "The maximum number of Redis clients.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-65000", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "requires-reboot" }, { "ParameterName": "maxmemory-policy", "ParameterValue": "volatile-lru", "Description": "Max memory policy.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "volatile-lru,allkeys-lru,volatile-lfu,allkeys-lfu,volatile-random,allkeys-random,volatile-ttl,noeviction", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "maxmemory-samples", "ParameterValue": "3", "Description": "Max memory samples.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "min-replicas-max-lag", "ParameterValue": "10", "Description": "The maximum amount of replica lag in seconds beyond which the master would stop taking writes. A value of 0 means the master always takes writes.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "min-replicas-to-write", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "The minimum number of replicas that must be present with lag no greater than min-replicas-max-lag for master to take writes. Setting this to 0 means the master always takes writes.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "notify-keyspace-events", "Description": "The keyspace events for Redis to notify Pub/Sub clients about. By default all notifications are disabled", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "proto-max-bulk-len", "ParameterValue": "536870912", "Description": "Max size of a single element request", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "1048576-536870912", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "rename-commands", "ParameterValue": "", "Description": "Redis commands that can be dynamically renamed by the customer", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "APPEND,BITCOUNT,BITFIELD,BITOP,BITPOS,BLPOP,BRPOP,BRPOPLPUSH,BZPOPMIN,BZPOPMAX,CLIENT,COMMAND,DBSIZE,DECR,DECRBY,DEL,DISCARD,DUMP,ECHO,EVAL,EVALSHA,EXEC,EXISTS,EXPIRE,EXPIREAT,FLUSHALL,FLUSHDB,GEOADD,GEOHASH,GEOPOS,GEODIST,GEORADIUS,GEORADIUSBYMEMBER,GET,GETBIT,GETRANGE,GETSET,HDEL,HEXISTS,HGET,HGETALL,HINCRBY,HINCRBYFLOAT,HKEYS,HLEN,HMGET,HMSET,HSET,HSETNX,HSTRLEN,HVALS,INCR,INCRBY,INCRBYFLOAT,INFO,KEYS,LASTSAVE,LINDEX,LINSERT,LLEN,LPOP,LPUSH,LPUSHX,LRANGE,LREM,LSET,LTRIM,MEMORY,MGET,MONITOR,MOVE,MSET,MSETNX,MULTI,OBJECT,PERSIST,PEXPIRE,PEXPIREAT,PFADD,PFCOUNT,PFMERGE,PING,PSETEX,PSUBSCRIBE,PUBSUB,PTTL,PUBLISH,PUNSUBSCRIBE,RANDOMKEY,READONLY,READWRITE,RENAME,RENAMENX,RESTORE,ROLE,RPOP,RPOPLPUSH,RPUSH,RPUSHX,SADD,SCARD,SCRIPT,SDIFF,SDIFFSTORE,SELECT,SET,SETBIT,SETEX,SETNX,SETRANGE,SINTER,SINTERSTORE,SISMEMBER,SLOWLOG,SMEMBERS,SMOVE,SORT,SPOP,SRANDMEMBER,SREM,STRLEN,SUBSCRIBE,SUNION,SUNIONSTORE,SWAPDB,TIME,TOUCH,TTL,TYPE,UNSUBSCRIBE,UNLINK,UNWATCH,WAIT,WATCH,ZADD,ZCARD,ZCOUNT,ZINCRBY,ZINTERSTORE,ZLEXCOUNT,ZPOPMAX,ZPOPMIN,ZRANGE,ZRANGEBYLEX,ZREVRANGEBYLEX,ZRANGEBYSCORE,ZRANK,ZREM,ZREMRANGEBYLEX,ZREMRANGEBYRANK,ZREMRANGEBYSCORE,ZREVRANGE,ZREVRANGEBYSCORE,ZREVRANK,ZSCORE,ZUNIONSTORE,SCAN,SSCAN,HSCAN,ZSCAN,XINFO,XADD,XTRIM,XDEL,XRANGE,XREVRANGE,XLEN,XREAD,XGROUP,XREADGROUP,XACK,XCLAIM,XPENDING,GEORADIUS_RO,GEORADIUSBYMEMBER_RO,LOLWUT,XSETID,SUBSTR", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.3", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "repl-backlog-size", "ParameterValue": "1048576", "Description": "The replication backlog size in bytes for PSYNC. This is the size of the buffer which accumulates slave data when slave is disconnected for some time, so that when slave reconnects again, only transfer the portion of data which the slave missed. Minimum value is 16K.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "16384-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "repl-backlog-ttl", "ParameterValue": "3600", "Description": "The amount of time in seconds after the master no longer have any slaves connected for the master to free the replication backlog. A value of 0 means to never release the backlog.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "replica-allow-chaining", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Configures if chaining of replicas is allowed", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "replica-ignore-maxmemory", "ParameterValue": "yes", "Description": "Determines if replica ignores maxmemory setting by not evicting items independent from the master", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "replica-lazy-flush", "ParameterValue": "no", "Description": "Perform an asynchronous flushDB during replica sync", "Source": "system", "DataType": "string", "AllowedValues": "yes,no", "IsModifiable": false, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "reserved-memory-percent", "ParameterValue": "25", "Description": "The percent of memory reserved for non-cache memory usage. You may want to increase this parameter for nodes with read replicas, AOF enabled, etc, to reduce swap usage.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-100", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "set-max-intset-entries", "ParameterValue": "512", "Description": "The limit in the size of the set in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "slowlog-log-slower-than", "ParameterValue": "10000", "Description": "The execution time, in microseconds, to exceed in order for the command to get logged. Note that a negative number disables the slow log, while a value of zero forces the logging of every command.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "slowlog-max-len", "ParameterValue": "128", "Description": "The length of the slow log. There is no limit to this length. Just be aware that it will consume memory. You can reclaim memory used by the slow log with SLOWLOG RESET.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "stream-node-max-bytes", "ParameterValue": "4096", "Description": "The maximum size of a single node in a stream in bytes", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "stream-node-max-entries", "ParameterValue": "100", "Description": "The maximum number of items a single node in a stream can contain", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "tcp-keepalive", "ParameterValue": "300", "Description": "If non-zero, send ACKs every given number of seconds.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "timeout", "ParameterValue": "0", "Description": "Close connection if client is idle for a given number of seconds, or never if 0.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0,20-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "zset-max-ziplist-entries", "ParameterValue": "128", "Description": "The maximum number of sorted set entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" }, { "ParameterName": "zset-max-ziplist-value", "ParameterValue": "64", "Description": "The threshold of biggest sorted set entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", "Source": "system", "DataType": "integer", "AllowedValues": "0-", "IsModifiable": true, "MinimumEngineVersion": "5.0.0", "ChangeType": "immediate" } ] } }

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-events.


Descrever eventos de um grupo de replicação

O exemplo describe-events a seguir retorna uma lista de eventos para um grupo de replicação.

aws elasticache describe-events \ --source-identifier test-cluster \ --source-type replication-group


{ "Events": [ { "SourceIdentifier": "test-cluster", "SourceType": "replication-group", "Message": "Automatic failover has been turned on for replication group test-cluster", "Date": "2020-03-18T23:51:34.457Z" }, { "SourceIdentifier": "test-cluster", "SourceType": "replication-group", "Message": "Replication group test-cluster created", "Date": "2020-03-18T23:50:31.378Z" } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Monitorar eventos no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte DescribeEvents na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-events.


Descrever eventos de um grupo de replicação

O exemplo describe-events a seguir retorna uma lista de eventos para um grupo de replicação.

aws elasticache describe-events \ --source-identifier test-cluster \ --source-type replication-group


{ "Events": [ { "SourceIdentifier": "test-cluster", "SourceType": "replication-group", "Message": "Automatic failover has been turned on for replication group test-cluster", "Date": "2020-03-18T23:51:34.457Z" }, { "SourceIdentifier": "test-cluster", "SourceType": "replication-group", "Message": "Replication group test-cluster created", "Date": "2020-03-18T23:50:31.378Z" } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Monitorar eventos no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte DescribeEvents na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-global-replication-groups.


Descrever grupos de replicação global

O exemplo describe-global-replication-groups a seguir retorna detalhes de um datastore Global.

aws elasticache describe-global-replication-groups \ --global-replication-group-id my-grg


{ "GlobalReplicationGroups": [ { "GlobalReplicationGroupId": "my-grg", "GlobalReplicationGroupDescription": "my-grg", "Status": "creating", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.6", "ClusterEnabled": false, "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Replicação entre Regiões da AWS usando o datastore global no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-global-replication-groups.


Descrever grupos de replicação global

O exemplo describe-global-replication-groups a seguir retorna detalhes de um datastore Global.

aws elasticache describe-global-replication-groups \ --global-replication-group-id my-grg


{ "GlobalReplicationGroups": [ { "GlobalReplicationGroupId": "my-grg", "GlobalReplicationGroupDescription": "my-grg", "Status": "creating", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.6", "ClusterEnabled": false, "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Replicação entre Regiões da AWS usando o datastore global no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-replication-groups.


Retornar uma lista de detalhes do grupo de replicação

O exemplo describe-replication-groups a seguir retorna os grupos de replicação.

aws elasticache describe-replication-groups


{ "ReplicationGroups": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster", "Description": "mycluster", "Status": "available", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "MemberClusters": [ "pat-cluster-001", "pat-cluster-002", "pat-cluster-003", "pat-cluster-004" ], "NodeGroups": [ { "NodeGroupId": "0001", "Status": "available", "PrimaryEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "ReaderEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "primary" }, { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "replica" }, { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "replica" }, { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-004", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "replica" } ] } ], "AutomaticFailover": "disabled", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "07:30-08:30", "ClusterEnabled": false, "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.xlarge", "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false, "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxxx152:replicationgroup:my-cluster", "LogDeliveryConfigurations": [ { "LogType": "slow-log", "DestinationType": "cloudwatch-logs", "DestinationDetails": { "CloudWatchLogsDetails": { "LogGroup": "test-log" } }, "LogFormat": "json", "Status": "active" } ] } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Gerenciar clusters no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-replication-groups.


Retornar uma lista de detalhes do grupo de replicação

O exemplo describe-replication-groups a seguir retorna os grupos de replicação.

aws elasticache describe-replication-groups


{ "ReplicationGroups": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster", "Description": "mycluster", "Status": "available", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "MemberClusters": [ "pat-cluster-001", "pat-cluster-002", "pat-cluster-003", "pat-cluster-004" ], "NodeGroups": [ { "NodeGroupId": "0001", "Status": "available", "PrimaryEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "ReaderEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "primary" }, { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "replica" }, { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "replica" }, { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-004", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "replica" } ] } ], "AutomaticFailover": "disabled", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "07:30-08:30", "ClusterEnabled": false, "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.xlarge", "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false, "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxxx152:replicationgroup:my-cluster", "LogDeliveryConfigurations": [ { "LogType": "slow-log", "DestinationType": "cloudwatch-logs", "DestinationDetails": { "CloudWatchLogsDetails": { "LogGroup": "test-log" } }, "LogFormat": "json", "Status": "active" } ] } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Gerenciar clusters no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-reserved-cache-nodes-offerings.


Descrever reserved-cache-nodes-offerings

O exemplo describe-reserved-cache-nodes-offerings a seguir retorna detalhes de opções reserved-cache-node.

aws elasticache describe-reserved-cache-nodes-offerings


{ "ReservedCacheNodesOfferings": [ { "ReservedCacheNodesOfferingId": "01ce0a19-a476-41cb-8aee-48eacbcdc8e5", "CacheNodeType": "cache.t3.small", "Duration": 31536000, "FixedPrice": 97.0, "UsagePrice": 0.0, "ProductDescription": "memcached", "OfferingType": "Partial Upfront", "RecurringCharges": [ { "RecurringChargeAmount": 0.011, "RecurringChargeFrequency": "Hourly" } ] }, { "ReservedCacheNodesOfferingId": "0443a27b-4da5-4b90-b92d-929fbd7abed2", "CacheNodeType": "cache.m3.2xlarge", "Duration": 31536000, "FixedPrice": 1772.0, "UsagePrice": 0.0, "ProductDescription": "redis", "OfferingType": "Heavy Utilization", "RecurringCharges": [ { "RecurringChargeAmount": 0.25, "RecurringChargeFrequency": "Hourly" } ] }, ... ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Obter informações sobre ofertas de nós reservados no Guia do usuário do Elasticache Redis ou Obter informações sobre ofertas de nós reservados no Guia do usuário do Elasticache Memcached.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-reserved-cache-nodes-offerings.


Descrever reserved-cache-nodes-offerings

O exemplo describe-reserved-cache-nodes-offerings a seguir retorna detalhes de opções reserved-cache-node.

aws elasticache describe-reserved-cache-nodes-offerings


{ "ReservedCacheNodesOfferings": [ { "ReservedCacheNodesOfferingId": "01ce0a19-a476-41cb-8aee-48eacbcdc8e5", "CacheNodeType": "cache.t3.small", "Duration": 31536000, "FixedPrice": 97.0, "UsagePrice": 0.0, "ProductDescription": "memcached", "OfferingType": "Partial Upfront", "RecurringCharges": [ { "RecurringChargeAmount": 0.011, "RecurringChargeFrequency": "Hourly" } ] }, { "ReservedCacheNodesOfferingId": "0443a27b-4da5-4b90-b92d-929fbd7abed2", "CacheNodeType": "cache.m3.2xlarge", "Duration": 31536000, "FixedPrice": 1772.0, "UsagePrice": 0.0, "ProductDescription": "redis", "OfferingType": "Heavy Utilization", "RecurringCharges": [ { "RecurringChargeAmount": 0.25, "RecurringChargeFrequency": "Hourly" } ] }, ... ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Obter informações sobre ofertas de nós reservados no Guia do usuário do Elasticache Redis ou Obter informações sobre ofertas de nós reservados no Guia do usuário do Elasticache Memcached.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-reserved-cache-nodes.


Descrever os nós de cache reservados

O exemplo describe-reserved-cache-nodes a seguir retorna informações sobre nós de cache reservados para esta conta ou sobre o nó de cache reservado especificado.

aws elasticache describe-reserved-cache-nodes


{ "ReservedCacheNodes": [ { "ReservedCacheNodeId": "mynode", "ReservedCacheNodesOfferingId": "xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx71", "CacheNodeType": "cache.t3.small", "StartTime": "2019-12-06T02:50:44.003Z", "Duration": 31536000, "FixedPrice": 0.0, "UsagePrice": 0.0, "CacheNodeCount": 1, "ProductDescription": "redis", "OfferingType": "No Upfront", "State": "payment-pending", "RecurringCharges": [ { "RecurringChargeAmount": 0.023, "RecurringChargeFrequency": "Hourly" } ], "ReservationARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxxxx52:reserved-instance:mynode" } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Gerenciar custos com nós reservados no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-reserved-cache-nodes.


Descrever os nós de cache reservados

O exemplo describe-reserved-cache-nodes a seguir retorna informações sobre nós de cache reservados para esta conta ou sobre o nó de cache reservado especificado.

aws elasticache describe-reserved-cache-nodes


{ "ReservedCacheNodes": [ { "ReservedCacheNodeId": "mynode", "ReservedCacheNodesOfferingId": "xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx71", "CacheNodeType": "cache.t3.small", "StartTime": "2019-12-06T02:50:44.003Z", "Duration": 31536000, "FixedPrice": 0.0, "UsagePrice": 0.0, "CacheNodeCount": 1, "ProductDescription": "redis", "OfferingType": "No Upfront", "State": "payment-pending", "RecurringCharges": [ { "RecurringChargeAmount": 0.023, "RecurringChargeFrequency": "Hourly" } ], "ReservationARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxxxx52:reserved-instance:mynode" } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Gerenciar custos com nós reservados no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-service-updates.


Descrever as atualizações de serviço

O exemplo describe-service-updates a seguir retorna detalhes sobre atualizações de serviços.

aws elasticache describe-service-updates


{ "ServiceUpdates": [ { "ServiceUpdateName": "elc-xxxxxxxx7-001", "ServiceUpdateReleaseDate": "2019-10-09T16:00:00Z", "ServiceUpdateEndDate": "2020-02-09T15:59:59Z", "ServiceUpdateSeverity": "important", "ServiceUpdateRecommendedApplyByDate": "2019-11-08T15:59:59Z", "ServiceUpdateStatus": "available", "ServiceUpdateDescription": "Upgrades to improve the security, reliability, and operational performance of your ElastiCache nodes", "ServiceUpdateType": "security-update", "Engine": "redis, memcached", "EngineVersion": "redis 2.6.13 and onwards, memcached 1.4.5 and onwards", "AutoUpdateAfterRecommendedApplyByDate": false, "EstimatedUpdateTime": "30 minutes per node" }, { "ServiceUpdateName": "elc-xxxxxxxx4-001", "ServiceUpdateReleaseDate": "2019-06-11T15:00:00Z", "ServiceUpdateEndDate": "2019-10-01T09:24:00Z", "ServiceUpdateSeverity": "important", "ServiceUpdateRecommendedApplyByDate": "2019-07-11T14:59:59Z", "ServiceUpdateStatus": "expired", "ServiceUpdateDescription": "Upgrades to improve the security, reliability, and operational performance of your ElastiCache nodes", "ServiceUpdateType": "security-update", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "redis 3.2.6, redis 4.0 and onwards", "AutoUpdateAfterRecommendedApplyByDate": false, "EstimatedUpdateTime": "30 minutes per node" } ] }

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-service-updates.


Descrever as atualizações de serviço

O exemplo describe-service-updates a seguir retorna detalhes sobre atualizações de serviços.

aws elasticache describe-service-updates


{ "ServiceUpdates": [ { "ServiceUpdateName": "elc-xxxxxxxx7-001", "ServiceUpdateReleaseDate": "2019-10-09T16:00:00Z", "ServiceUpdateEndDate": "2020-02-09T15:59:59Z", "ServiceUpdateSeverity": "important", "ServiceUpdateRecommendedApplyByDate": "2019-11-08T15:59:59Z", "ServiceUpdateStatus": "available", "ServiceUpdateDescription": "Upgrades to improve the security, reliability, and operational performance of your ElastiCache nodes", "ServiceUpdateType": "security-update", "Engine": "redis, memcached", "EngineVersion": "redis 2.6.13 and onwards, memcached 1.4.5 and onwards", "AutoUpdateAfterRecommendedApplyByDate": false, "EstimatedUpdateTime": "30 minutes per node" }, { "ServiceUpdateName": "elc-xxxxxxxx4-001", "ServiceUpdateReleaseDate": "2019-06-11T15:00:00Z", "ServiceUpdateEndDate": "2019-10-01T09:24:00Z", "ServiceUpdateSeverity": "important", "ServiceUpdateRecommendedApplyByDate": "2019-07-11T14:59:59Z", "ServiceUpdateStatus": "expired", "ServiceUpdateDescription": "Upgrades to improve the security, reliability, and operational performance of your ElastiCache nodes", "ServiceUpdateType": "security-update", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "redis 3.2.6, redis 4.0 and onwards", "AutoUpdateAfterRecommendedApplyByDate": false, "EstimatedUpdateTime": "30 minutes per node" } ] }

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-snapshots.


Descrever snapshots

O exemplo “describe-snapshots” a seguir retorna informações sobre os snapshot do cluster ou do grupo de replicação.

aws elasticache describe-snapshots


{ "Snapshots": [ { "SnapshotName": "", "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster2-002", "SnapshotStatus": "available", "SnapshotSource": "automated", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2019-11-26T01:22:52.396Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "mon:17:30-mon:18:30", "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxx52:My_Topic", "Port": 6379, "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis5.0", "CacheSubnetGroupName": "kxkxk", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 1, "SnapshotWindow": "06:30-07:30", "NodeSnapshots": [ { "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheSize": "5 MB", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2019-11-26T01:22:52.396Z", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2019-12-05T06:38:23Z" } ] }, { "SnapshotName": "myreplica-backup", "CacheClusterId": "myreplica", "SnapshotStatus": "available", "SnapshotSource": "manual", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2019-11-26T00:14:52.439Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "sat:10:00-sat:11:00", "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx152:My_Topic", "Port": 6379, "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis5.0", "CacheSubnetGroupName": "kxkxk", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "09:00-10:00", "NodeSnapshots": [ { "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheSize": "5 MB", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2019-11-26T00:14:52.439Z", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2019-11-26T00:25:01Z" } ] }, { "SnapshotName": "my-cluster", "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-003", "SnapshotStatus": "available", "SnapshotSource": "manual", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2019-11-25T23:56:17.186Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "sat:10:00-sat:11:00", "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx152:My_Topic", "Port": 6379, "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis5.0", "CacheSubnetGroupName": "kxkxk", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "09:00-10:00", "NodeSnapshots": [ { "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheSize": "5 MB", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2019-11-25T23:56:17.186Z", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2019-11-26T03:08:33Z" } ] } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Backup e restauração do ElastiCache para Redis no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para obter detalhes da API, consulte DescribeSnapshots na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-snapshots.


Descrever snapshots

O exemplo “describe-snapshots” a seguir retorna informações sobre os snapshot do cluster ou do grupo de replicação.

aws elasticache describe-snapshots


{ "Snapshots": [ { "SnapshotName": "", "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster2-002", "SnapshotStatus": "available", "SnapshotSource": "automated", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2019-11-26T01:22:52.396Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "mon:17:30-mon:18:30", "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxx52:My_Topic", "Port": 6379, "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis5.0", "CacheSubnetGroupName": "kxkxk", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 1, "SnapshotWindow": "06:30-07:30", "NodeSnapshots": [ { "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheSize": "5 MB", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2019-11-26T01:22:52.396Z", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2019-12-05T06:38:23Z" } ] }, { "SnapshotName": "myreplica-backup", "CacheClusterId": "myreplica", "SnapshotStatus": "available", "SnapshotSource": "manual", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2019-11-26T00:14:52.439Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "sat:10:00-sat:11:00", "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx152:My_Topic", "Port": 6379, "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis5.0", "CacheSubnetGroupName": "kxkxk", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "09:00-10:00", "NodeSnapshots": [ { "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheSize": "5 MB", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2019-11-26T00:14:52.439Z", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2019-11-26T00:25:01Z" } ] }, { "SnapshotName": "my-cluster", "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-003", "SnapshotStatus": "available", "SnapshotSource": "manual", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2019-11-25T23:56:17.186Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "sat:10:00-sat:11:00", "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx152:My_Topic", "Port": 6379, "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis5.0", "CacheSubnetGroupName": "kxkxk", "VpcId": "vpc-a3e97cdb", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "09:00-10:00", "NodeSnapshots": [ { "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheSize": "5 MB", "CacheNodeCreateTime": "2019-11-25T23:56:17.186Z", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2019-11-26T03:08:33Z" } ] } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Backup e restauração do ElastiCache para Redis no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para obter detalhes da API, consulte DescribeSnapshots na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-update-actions.


Descrever as ações de atualização

O exemplo describe-update-actions a seguir retorna detalhes das ações de atualização.

aws elasticache describe-update-actions


{ "UpdateActions": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "mycluster", "ServiceUpdateName": "elc-20191007-001", "ServiceUpdateReleaseDate": "2019-10-09T16:00:00Z", "ServiceUpdateSeverity": "important", "ServiceUpdateStatus": "available", "ServiceUpdateRecommendedApplyByDate": "2019-11-08T15:59:59Z", "ServiceUpdateType": "security-update", "UpdateActionAvailableDate": "2019-12-05T19:15:19.995Z", "UpdateActionStatus": "complete", "NodesUpdated": "9/9", "UpdateActionStatusModifiedDate": "2019-12-05T19:15:20.461Z", "SlaMet": "n/a", "Engine": "redis" }, { "CacheClusterId": "my-memcached-cluster", "ServiceUpdateName": "elc-20191007-001", "ServiceUpdateReleaseDate": "2019-10-09T16:00:00Z", "ServiceUpdateSeverity": "important", "ServiceUpdateStatus": "available", "ServiceUpdateRecommendedApplyByDate": "2019-11-08T15:59:59Z", "ServiceUpdateType": "security-update", "UpdateActionAvailableDate": "2019-12-04T18:26:05.349Z", "UpdateActionStatus": "complete", "NodesUpdated": "1/1", "UpdateActionStatusModifiedDate": "2019-12-04T18:26:05.352Z", "SlaMet": "n/a", "Engine": "redis" }, { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster", "ServiceUpdateName": "elc-20191007-001", "ServiceUpdateReleaseDate": "2019-10-09T16:00:00Z", "ServiceUpdateSeverity": "important", "ServiceUpdateStatus": "available", "ServiceUpdateRecommendedApplyByDate": "2019-11-08T15:59:59Z", "ServiceUpdateType": "security-update", "UpdateActionAvailableDate": "2019-11-26T03:36:26.320Z", "UpdateActionStatus": "complete", "NodesUpdated": "4/4", "UpdateActionStatusModifiedDate": "2019-12-04T22:11:12.664Z", "SlaMet": "n/a", "Engine": "redis" }, { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster2", "ServiceUpdateName": "elc-20191007-001", "ServiceUpdateReleaseDate": "2019-10-09T16:00:00Z", "ServiceUpdateSeverity": "important", "ServiceUpdateStatus": "available", "ServiceUpdateRecommendedApplyByDate": "2019-11-08T15:59:59Z", "ServiceUpdateType": "security-update", "UpdateActionAvailableDate": "2019-11-26T01:26:01.617Z", "UpdateActionStatus": "complete", "NodesUpdated": "3/3", "UpdateActionStatusModifiedDate": "2019-11-26T01:26:01.753Z", "SlaMet": "n/a", "Engine": "redis" } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Atualizações de autoatendimento no Amazon ElastiCache no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-update-actions.


Descrever as ações de atualização

O exemplo describe-update-actions a seguir retorna detalhes das ações de atualização.

aws elasticache describe-update-actions


{ "UpdateActions": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "mycluster", "ServiceUpdateName": "elc-20191007-001", "ServiceUpdateReleaseDate": "2019-10-09T16:00:00Z", "ServiceUpdateSeverity": "important", "ServiceUpdateStatus": "available", "ServiceUpdateRecommendedApplyByDate": "2019-11-08T15:59:59Z", "ServiceUpdateType": "security-update", "UpdateActionAvailableDate": "2019-12-05T19:15:19.995Z", "UpdateActionStatus": "complete", "NodesUpdated": "9/9", "UpdateActionStatusModifiedDate": "2019-12-05T19:15:20.461Z", "SlaMet": "n/a", "Engine": "redis" }, { "CacheClusterId": "my-memcached-cluster", "ServiceUpdateName": "elc-20191007-001", "ServiceUpdateReleaseDate": "2019-10-09T16:00:00Z", "ServiceUpdateSeverity": "important", "ServiceUpdateStatus": "available", "ServiceUpdateRecommendedApplyByDate": "2019-11-08T15:59:59Z", "ServiceUpdateType": "security-update", "UpdateActionAvailableDate": "2019-12-04T18:26:05.349Z", "UpdateActionStatus": "complete", "NodesUpdated": "1/1", "UpdateActionStatusModifiedDate": "2019-12-04T18:26:05.352Z", "SlaMet": "n/a", "Engine": "redis" }, { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster", "ServiceUpdateName": "elc-20191007-001", "ServiceUpdateReleaseDate": "2019-10-09T16:00:00Z", "ServiceUpdateSeverity": "important", "ServiceUpdateStatus": "available", "ServiceUpdateRecommendedApplyByDate": "2019-11-08T15:59:59Z", "ServiceUpdateType": "security-update", "UpdateActionAvailableDate": "2019-11-26T03:36:26.320Z", "UpdateActionStatus": "complete", "NodesUpdated": "4/4", "UpdateActionStatusModifiedDate": "2019-12-04T22:11:12.664Z", "SlaMet": "n/a", "Engine": "redis" }, { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster2", "ServiceUpdateName": "elc-20191007-001", "ServiceUpdateReleaseDate": "2019-10-09T16:00:00Z", "ServiceUpdateSeverity": "important", "ServiceUpdateStatus": "available", "ServiceUpdateRecommendedApplyByDate": "2019-11-08T15:59:59Z", "ServiceUpdateType": "security-update", "UpdateActionAvailableDate": "2019-11-26T01:26:01.617Z", "UpdateActionStatus": "complete", "NodesUpdated": "3/3", "UpdateActionStatusModifiedDate": "2019-11-26T01:26:01.753Z", "SlaMet": "n/a", "Engine": "redis" } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Atualizações de autoatendimento no Amazon ElastiCache no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-user-groups.


Descrever grupos de usuários

O exemplo describe-user-groups a seguir retorna uma lista de grupos de usuários.

aws elasticache describe-user-groups


{ "UserGroups": [ { "UserGroupId": "myusergroup", "Status": "active", "Engine": "redis", "UserIds": [ "default" ], "ReplicationGroups": [], "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:usergroup:myusergroup" } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Autenticação de usuários com controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte DescribeUserGroups na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-user-groups.


Descrever grupos de usuários

O exemplo describe-user-groups a seguir retorna uma lista de grupos de usuários.

aws elasticache describe-user-groups


{ "UserGroups": [ { "UserGroupId": "myusergroup", "Status": "active", "Engine": "redis", "UserIds": [ "default" ], "ReplicationGroups": [], "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:usergroup:myusergroup" } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Autenticação de usuários com controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte DescribeUserGroups na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-users.


Descrever usuários

O exemplo describe-users a seguir retorna uma lista de usuários.

aws elasticache describe-users


{ "Users": [ { "UserId": "default", "UserName": "default", "Status": "active", "Engine": "redis", "AccessString": "on ~* +@all", "UserGroupIds": [ "myusergroup" ], "Authentication": { "Type": "no-password" }, "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:user:default" }, { "UserId": "user1", "UserName": "myUser", "Status": "active", "Engine": "redis", "AccessString": "on ~* +@all", "UserGroupIds": [], "Authentication": { "Type": "password", "PasswordCount": 1 }, "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:user:user1" }, { "UserId": "user2", "UserName": "myUser", "Status": "active", "Engine": "redis", "AccessString": "on ~app::* -@all +@read +@hash +@bitmap +@geo -setbit -bitfield -hset -hsetnx -hmset -hincrby -hincrbyfloat -hdel -bitop -geoadd -georadius -georadiusbymember", "UserGroupIds": [], "Authentication": { "Type": "password", "PasswordCount": 1 }, "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:user:user2" } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Autenticação de usuários com controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte DescribeUsers na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar describe-users.


Descrever usuários

O exemplo describe-users a seguir retorna uma lista de usuários.

aws elasticache describe-users


{ "Users": [ { "UserId": "default", "UserName": "default", "Status": "active", "Engine": "redis", "AccessString": "on ~* +@all", "UserGroupIds": [ "myusergroup" ], "Authentication": { "Type": "no-password" }, "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:user:default" }, { "UserId": "user1", "UserName": "myUser", "Status": "active", "Engine": "redis", "AccessString": "on ~* +@all", "UserGroupIds": [], "Authentication": { "Type": "password", "PasswordCount": 1 }, "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:user:user1" }, { "UserId": "user2", "UserName": "myUser", "Status": "active", "Engine": "redis", "AccessString": "on ~app::* -@all +@read +@hash +@bitmap +@geo -setbit -bitfield -hset -hsetnx -hmset -hincrby -hincrbyfloat -hdel -bitop -geoadd -georadius -georadiusbymember", "UserGroupIds": [], "Authentication": { "Type": "password", "PasswordCount": 1 }, "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:user:user2" } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Autenticação de usuários com controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte DescribeUsers na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar disassociate-global-replication-group.


Dissociar um cluster secundário de um grupo de replicação global

O exemplo disassociate-global-replication-group a seguir remove um cluster secundário de um datastore Global

aws elasticache disassociate-global-replication-group \ --global-replication-group-id my-grg \ --replication-group-id my-cluster-grg-secondary \ --replication-group-region us-east-1


{ "GlobalReplicationGroup": { "GlobalReplicationGroupId": "my-grg", "GlobalReplicationGroupDescription": "my-grg", "Status": "modifying", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.6", "Members": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster-grg-secondary", "ReplicationGroupRegion": "us-east-1", "Role": "SECONDARY", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "Status": "associated" }, { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster-grg", "ReplicationGroupRegion": "us-west-2", "Role": "PRIMARY", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "Status": "associated" } ], "ClusterEnabled": false, "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Replicação entre Regiões da AWS usando o datastore global no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar disassociate-global-replication-group.


Dissociar um cluster secundário de um grupo de replicação global

O exemplo disassociate-global-replication-group a seguir remove um cluster secundário de um datastore Global

aws elasticache disassociate-global-replication-group \ --global-replication-group-id my-grg \ --replication-group-id my-cluster-grg-secondary \ --replication-group-region us-east-1


{ "GlobalReplicationGroup": { "GlobalReplicationGroupId": "my-grg", "GlobalReplicationGroupDescription": "my-grg", "Status": "modifying", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.6", "Members": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster-grg-secondary", "ReplicationGroupRegion": "us-east-1", "Role": "SECONDARY", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "Status": "associated" }, { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster-grg", "ReplicationGroupRegion": "us-west-2", "Role": "PRIMARY", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "Status": "associated" } ], "ClusterEnabled": false, "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Replicação entre Regiões da AWS usando o datastore global no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar increase-node-groups-in-global-replication-group.


Aumentar o número de grupos de nós em um grupo de replicação global

O increase-node-groups-in-global-replication-group a seguir aumenta a contagem de grupos de nós usando o mecanismo Redis.

aws elasticache increase-node-groups-in-global-replication-group \ --global-replication-group-id sgaui-pat-test-4 \ --node-group-count 6 \ --apply-immediately


{ "GlobalReplicationGroup": { "GlobalReplicationGroupId": "sgaui-test-4", "GlobalReplicationGroupDescription": "test-4", "Status": "modifying", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.6", "Members": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster-b", "ReplicationGroupRegion": "us-east-1", "Role": "SECONDARY", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "Status": "associated" }, { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster-a", "ReplicationGroupRegion": "us-west-2", "Role": "PRIMARY", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "Status": "associated" } ], "ClusterEnabled": true, "GlobalNodeGroups": [ { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-4-0001", "Slots": "0-234,2420-5461" }, { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-4-0002", "Slots": "5462-5904,6997-9830" }, { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-4-0003", "Slots": "10923-11190,13375-16383" }, { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-4-0004", "Slots": "235-2419,5905-6996" }, { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-4-0005", "Slots": "9831-10922,11191-13374" } ], "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Replicação entre Regiões da AWS usando o datastore global no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar increase-node-groups-in-global-replication-group.


Aumentar o número de grupos de nós em um grupo de replicação global

O increase-node-groups-in-global-replication-group a seguir aumenta a contagem de grupos de nós usando o mecanismo Redis.

aws elasticache increase-node-groups-in-global-replication-group \ --global-replication-group-id sgaui-pat-test-4 \ --node-group-count 6 \ --apply-immediately


{ "GlobalReplicationGroup": { "GlobalReplicationGroupId": "sgaui-test-4", "GlobalReplicationGroupDescription": "test-4", "Status": "modifying", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.6", "Members": [ { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster-b", "ReplicationGroupRegion": "us-east-1", "Role": "SECONDARY", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "Status": "associated" }, { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster-a", "ReplicationGroupRegion": "us-west-2", "Role": "PRIMARY", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "Status": "associated" } ], "ClusterEnabled": true, "GlobalNodeGroups": [ { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-4-0001", "Slots": "0-234,2420-5461" }, { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-4-0002", "Slots": "5462-5904,6997-9830" }, { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-4-0003", "Slots": "10923-11190,13375-16383" }, { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-4-0004", "Slots": "235-2419,5905-6996" }, { "GlobalNodeGroupId": "sgaui-test-4-0005", "Slots": "9831-10922,11191-13374" } ], "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Replicação entre Regiões da AWS usando o datastore global no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar increase-replica-count.


Aumentar a contagem de réplicas

O exemplo increase-replica-count a seguir faz uma das duas coisas. Ele pode aumentar dinamicamente o número de réplicas em um grupo de replicação Redis (modo de cluster desabilitado). Ou pode aumentar dinamicamente o número de nós de réplica em um ou mais grupos de nós (fragmentos) de um grupo de replicação Redis (modo de cluster habilitado). Essa operação é executada sem tempo de inatividade do cluster.

aws elasticache increase-replica-count \ --replication-group-id "my-cluster" \ --apply-immediately \ --new-replica-count 3


{ "ReplicationGroup": { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster", "Description": " ", "Status": "modifying", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "MemberClusters": [ "my-cluster-001", "my-cluster-002", "my-cluster-003", "my-cluster-004" ], "NodeGroups": [ { "NodeGroupId": "0001", "Status": "modifying", "PrimaryEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "ReaderEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "primary" }, { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "replica" } ] } ], "AutomaticFailover": "disabled", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "07:30-08:30", "ClusterEnabled": false, "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.xlarge", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Aumentar o número de réplicas em um fragmento no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar increase-replica-count.


Aumentar a contagem de réplicas

O exemplo increase-replica-count a seguir faz uma das duas coisas. Ele pode aumentar dinamicamente o número de réplicas em um grupo de replicação Redis (modo de cluster desabilitado). Ou pode aumentar dinamicamente o número de nós de réplica em um ou mais grupos de nós (fragmentos) de um grupo de replicação Redis (modo de cluster habilitado). Essa operação é executada sem tempo de inatividade do cluster.

aws elasticache increase-replica-count \ --replication-group-id "my-cluster" \ --apply-immediately \ --new-replica-count 3


{ "ReplicationGroup": { "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster", "Description": " ", "Status": "modifying", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "MemberClusters": [ "my-cluster-001", "my-cluster-002", "my-cluster-003", "my-cluster-004" ], "NodeGroups": [ { "NodeGroupId": "0001", "Status": "modifying", "PrimaryEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "ReaderEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "primary" }, { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "replica" } ] } ], "AutomaticFailover": "disabled", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "07:30-08:30", "ClusterEnabled": false, "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.xlarge", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Aumentar o número de réplicas em um fragmento no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar list-allowed-node-type-modifications.


Listar as modificações de nós permitidas

O exemplo list-allowed-node-type-modifications a seguir lista todos os tipos de nó disponíveis que você pode escalar para o tipo de nó atual do seu cluster do Redis ou do seu grupo de replicação.

aws elasticache list-allowed-node-type-modifications \ --replication-group-id "my-replication-group"


{ "ScaleUpModifications": [ "cache.m5.12xlarge", "cache.m5.24xlarge", "cache.m5.4xlarge", "cache.r5.12xlarge", "cache.r5.24xlarge", "cache.r5.2xlarge", "cache.r5.4xlarge" ], "ScaleDownModifications": [ "cache.m3.large", "cache.m3.medium", "cache.m3.xlarge", "cache.m4.large", "cache.m4.xlarge", "cache.m5.2xlarge", "cache.m5.large", "cache.m5.xlarge", "cache.r3.large", "cache.r4.large", "cache.r4.xlarge", "cache.r5.large", "cache.t2.medium", "cache.t2.micro", "cache.t2.small", "cache.t3.medium", "cache.t3.micro", "cache.t3.small" ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Escalar o ElastiCache para clusters do Redis no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar list-allowed-node-type-modifications.


Listar as modificações de nós permitidas

O exemplo list-allowed-node-type-modifications a seguir lista todos os tipos de nó disponíveis que você pode escalar para o tipo de nó atual do seu cluster do Redis ou do seu grupo de replicação.

aws elasticache list-allowed-node-type-modifications \ --replication-group-id "my-replication-group"


{ "ScaleUpModifications": [ "cache.m5.12xlarge", "cache.m5.24xlarge", "cache.m5.4xlarge", "cache.r5.12xlarge", "cache.r5.24xlarge", "cache.r5.2xlarge", "cache.r5.4xlarge" ], "ScaleDownModifications": [ "cache.m3.large", "cache.m3.medium", "cache.m3.xlarge", "cache.m4.large", "cache.m4.xlarge", "cache.m5.2xlarge", "cache.m5.large", "cache.m5.xlarge", "cache.r3.large", "cache.r4.large", "cache.r4.xlarge", "cache.r5.large", "cache.t2.medium", "cache.t2.micro", "cache.t2.small", "cache.t3.medium", "cache.t3.micro", "cache.t3.small" ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Escalar o ElastiCache para clusters do Redis no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar list-tags-for-resource.


Para listar as tags para um recurso

O exemplo list-tags-for-resource a seguir lista as tags para um recurso.

aws elasticache list-tags-for-resource \ --resource-name "arn:aws:elasticache:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster:my-cluster"


{ "TagList": [ { "Key": "Project", "Value": "querySpeedUp" }, { "Key": "Environment", "Value": "PROD" } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Listing Tags Using the AWS CLI no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar list-tags-for-resource.


Para listar as tags para um recurso

O exemplo list-tags-for-resource a seguir lista as tags para um recurso.

aws elasticache list-tags-for-resource \ --resource-name "arn:aws:elasticache:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster:my-cluster"


{ "TagList": [ { "Key": "Project", "Value": "querySpeedUp" }, { "Key": "Environment", "Value": "PROD" } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Listing Tags Using the AWS CLI no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar modify-cache-cluster.


Modificar clusters de cache

O exemplo modify-cache-cluster a seguir modifica as configurações do cluster especificado.

aws elasticache modify-cache-cluster \ --cache-cluster-id "my-cluster" \ --num-cache-nodes 1


{ "CacheCluster": { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster", "ClientDownloadLandingPage": "", "CacheNodeType": "cache.m5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "CacheClusterStatus": "available", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2019-12-04T18:24:56.652Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "sat:10:00-sat:11:00", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "CacheSecurityGroups": [], "CacheParameterGroup": { "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis5.0", "ParameterApplyStatus": "in-sync", "CacheNodeIdsToReboot": [] }, "CacheSubnetGroupName": "default", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "07:00-08:00", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Modificar um cluster do ElastiCache no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte ModifyCacheCluster na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar modify-cache-cluster.


Modificar clusters de cache

O exemplo modify-cache-cluster a seguir modifica as configurações do cluster especificado.

aws elasticache modify-cache-cluster \ --cache-cluster-id "my-cluster" \ --num-cache-nodes 1


{ "CacheCluster": { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster", "ClientDownloadLandingPage": "", "CacheNodeType": "cache.m5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "CacheClusterStatus": "available", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2019-12-04T18:24:56.652Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "sat:10:00-sat:11:00", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "CacheSecurityGroups": [], "CacheParameterGroup": { "CacheParameterGroupName": "default.redis5.0", "ParameterApplyStatus": "in-sync", "CacheNodeIdsToReboot": [] }, "CacheSubnetGroupName": "default", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "07:00-08:00", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Modificar um cluster do ElastiCache no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte ModifyCacheCluster na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar modify-cache-parameter-group.


Modificar um grupo de parâmetros de cache

O exemplo modify-cache-parameter-group a seguir modifica os parâmetros do grupo de parâmetros de cache especificado.

aws elasticache modify-cache-parameter-group \ --cache-parameter-group-name "mygroup" \ --parameter-name-values "ParameterName=activedefrag, ParameterValue=no"


{ "CacheParameterGroupName": "mygroup" }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Modificar um grupo de parâmetros no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar modify-cache-parameter-group.


Modificar um grupo de parâmetros de cache

O exemplo modify-cache-parameter-group a seguir modifica os parâmetros do grupo de parâmetros de cache especificado.

aws elasticache modify-cache-parameter-group \ --cache-parameter-group-name "mygroup" \ --parameter-name-values "ParameterName=activedefrag, ParameterValue=no"


{ "CacheParameterGroupName": "mygroup" }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Modificar um grupo de parâmetros no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar modify-cache-subnet-group.


Modificar um grupo de sub-redes de cache

O exemplo modify-cache-subnet-group a seguir modifica o grupo de sub-rede de cache especificado.

aws elasticache modify-cache-subnet-group \ --cache-subnet-group-name kxkxk \ --cache-subnet-group-description "mygroup"


{ "CacheSubnetGroup": { "CacheSubnetGroupName": "kxkxk", "CacheSubnetGroupDescription": "mygroup", "VpcId": "vpc-xxxxcdb", "Subnets": [ { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-xxxxbff", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2a" } } ] } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Modificar um grupo de sub-redes no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar modify-cache-subnet-group.


Modificar um grupo de sub-redes de cache

O exemplo modify-cache-subnet-group a seguir modifica o grupo de sub-rede de cache especificado.

aws elasticache modify-cache-subnet-group \ --cache-subnet-group-name kxkxk \ --cache-subnet-group-description "mygroup"


{ "CacheSubnetGroup": { "CacheSubnetGroupName": "kxkxk", "CacheSubnetGroupDescription": "mygroup", "VpcId": "vpc-xxxxcdb", "Subnets": [ { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-xxxxbff", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2a" } } ] } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Modificar um grupo de sub-redes no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar modify-global-replication-group.


Modificar um grupo de replicação global

O modify-global-replication-group a seguir modifica as propriedades de um grupo de replicação global, neste caso desativando o failover automático, usando o mecanismo Redis.

aws elasticache modify-global-replication-group \ --global-replication-group-id sgaui-pat-group \ --apply-immediately \ --no-automatic-failover-enabled


{ "GlobalReplicationGroup": { "GlobalReplicationGroupId": "sgaui-test-group", "GlobalReplicationGroupDescription": " ", "Status": "modifying", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.6", "ClusterEnabled": false, "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Replicação entre Regiões da AWS usando o datastore global no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar modify-global-replication-group.


Modificar um grupo de replicação global

O modify-global-replication-group a seguir modifica as propriedades de um grupo de replicação global, neste caso desativando o failover automático, usando o mecanismo Redis.

aws elasticache modify-global-replication-group \ --global-replication-group-id sgaui-pat-group \ --apply-immediately \ --no-automatic-failover-enabled


{ "GlobalReplicationGroup": { "GlobalReplicationGroupId": "sgaui-test-group", "GlobalReplicationGroupDescription": " ", "Status": "modifying", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.6", "ClusterEnabled": false, "AuthTokenEnabled": false, "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Replicação entre Regiões da AWS usando o datastore global no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar modify-replication-group-shard-configuration.


Modificar a configuração de um fragmento de grupo de replicação

O modify-replication-group-shard-configuration a seguir diminui a contagem de grupos de nós usando o mecanismo Redis.

aws elasticache modify-replication-group-shard-configuration \ --replication-group-id mycluster \ --node-group-count 3 \ --apply-immediately \ --node-groups-to-remove 0002


{ "ReplicationGroup": { "ReplicationGroupId": "mycluster", "Description": "mycluster", "GlobalReplicationGroupInfo": {}, "Status": "modifying", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "MemberClusters": [ "mycluster-0002-001", "mycluster-0002-002", "mycluster-0002-003", "mycluster-0003-001", "mycluster-0003-002", "mycluster-0003-003", "mycluster-0003-004", "mycluster-0004-001", "mycluster-0004-002", "mycluster-0004-003", "mycluster-0005-001", "mycluster-0005-002", "mycluster-0005-003" ], "NodeGroups": [ { "NodeGroupId": "0002", "Status": "modifying", "Slots": "894-1767,3134-4443,5149-5461,6827-7332,12570-13662", "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0002-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0002-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0002-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b" } ] }, { "NodeGroupId": "0003", "Status": "modifying", "Slots": "0-324,5462-5692,6784-6826,7698-8191,10923-11075,12441-12569,13663-16383", "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0003-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0003-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0003-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0003-004", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c" } ] }, { "NodeGroupId": "0004", "Status": "modifying", "Slots": "325-336,4706-5148,7333-7697,9012-10922,11076-12440", "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0004-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0004-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0004-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c" } ] }, { "NodeGroupId": "0005", "Status": "modifying", "Slots": "337-893,1768-3133,4444-4705,5693-6783,8192-9011", "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0005-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0005-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0005-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b" } ] } ], "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "MultiAZ": "enabled", "ConfigurationEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 1, "SnapshotWindow": "13:00-14:00", "ClusterEnabled": true, "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.xlarge", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Escalar o ElastiCache para clusters do Redis no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar modify-replication-group-shard-configuration.


Modificar a configuração de um fragmento de grupo de replicação

O modify-replication-group-shard-configuration a seguir diminui a contagem de grupos de nós usando o mecanismo Redis.

aws elasticache modify-replication-group-shard-configuration \ --replication-group-id mycluster \ --node-group-count 3 \ --apply-immediately \ --node-groups-to-remove 0002


{ "ReplicationGroup": { "ReplicationGroupId": "mycluster", "Description": "mycluster", "GlobalReplicationGroupInfo": {}, "Status": "modifying", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "MemberClusters": [ "mycluster-0002-001", "mycluster-0002-002", "mycluster-0002-003", "mycluster-0003-001", "mycluster-0003-002", "mycluster-0003-003", "mycluster-0003-004", "mycluster-0004-001", "mycluster-0004-002", "mycluster-0004-003", "mycluster-0005-001", "mycluster-0005-002", "mycluster-0005-003" ], "NodeGroups": [ { "NodeGroupId": "0002", "Status": "modifying", "Slots": "894-1767,3134-4443,5149-5461,6827-7332,12570-13662", "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0002-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0002-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0002-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b" } ] }, { "NodeGroupId": "0003", "Status": "modifying", "Slots": "0-324,5462-5692,6784-6826,7698-8191,10923-11075,12441-12569,13663-16383", "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0003-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0003-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0003-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0003-004", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c" } ] }, { "NodeGroupId": "0004", "Status": "modifying", "Slots": "325-336,4706-5148,7333-7697,9012-10922,11076-12440", "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0004-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0004-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0004-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c" } ] }, { "NodeGroupId": "0005", "Status": "modifying", "Slots": "337-893,1768-3133,4444-4705,5693-6783,8192-9011", "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0005-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0005-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0005-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b" } ] } ], "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "MultiAZ": "enabled", "ConfigurationEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 1, "SnapshotWindow": "13:00-14:00", "ClusterEnabled": true, "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.xlarge", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Escalar o ElastiCache para clusters do Redis no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar modify-replication-group.


Modificar um grupo de replicação

O modify-replication-group a seguir desabilita multi-AZ usando o mecanismo Redis.

aws elasticache modify-replication-group \ --replication-group-id test-cluster \ --no-multi-az-enabled \ --apply-immediately


{ "ReplicationGroup": { "ReplicationGroupId": "test-cluster", "Description": "test-cluster", "GlobalReplicationGroupInfo": { "GlobalReplicationGroupId": "sgaui-pat-group", "GlobalReplicationGroupMemberRole": "PRIMARY" }, "Status": "available", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "MemberClusters": [ "test-cluster-001", "test-cluster-002", "test-cluster-003" ], "NodeGroups": [ { "NodeGroupId": "0001", "Status": "available", "PrimaryEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "ReaderEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "test-cluster-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c", "CurrentRole": "primary" }, { "CacheClusterId": "test-cluster-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b", "CurrentRole": "replica" }, { "CacheClusterId": "test-cluster-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "replica" } ] } ], "SnapshottingClusterId": "test-cluster-002", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "MultiAZ": "disabled", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 1, "SnapshotWindow": "08:00-09:00", "ClusterEnabled": false, "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Modificar um grupo de replicação no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar modify-replication-group.


Modificar um grupo de replicação

O modify-replication-group a seguir desabilita multi-AZ usando o mecanismo Redis.

aws elasticache modify-replication-group \ --replication-group-id test-cluster \ --no-multi-az-enabled \ --apply-immediately


{ "ReplicationGroup": { "ReplicationGroupId": "test-cluster", "Description": "test-cluster", "GlobalReplicationGroupInfo": { "GlobalReplicationGroupId": "sgaui-pat-group", "GlobalReplicationGroupMemberRole": "PRIMARY" }, "Status": "available", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "MemberClusters": [ "test-cluster-001", "test-cluster-002", "test-cluster-003" ], "NodeGroups": [ { "NodeGroupId": "0001", "Status": "available", "PrimaryEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "ReaderEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "test-cluster-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c", "CurrentRole": "primary" }, { "CacheClusterId": "test-cluster-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b", "CurrentRole": "replica" }, { "CacheClusterId": "test-cluster-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "replica" } ] } ], "SnapshottingClusterId": "test-cluster-002", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "MultiAZ": "disabled", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 1, "SnapshotWindow": "08:00-09:00", "ClusterEnabled": false, "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Modificar um grupo de replicação no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar modify-user-group.


Modificar um grupo de usuários

O exemplo modify-user-group a seguir adiciona um usuário ao grupo de usuários.

aws elasticache modify-user-group \ --user-group-id myusergroup \ --user-ids-to-add user1


{ "UserGroupId": "myusergroup", "Status": "modifying", "Engine": "redis", "UserIds": [ "default" ], "PendingChanges": { "UserIdsToAdd": [ "user1" ] }, "ReplicationGroups": [], "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:usergroup:myusergroup" }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Autenticação de usuários com controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte ModifyUserGroup na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar modify-user-group.


Modificar um grupo de usuários

O exemplo modify-user-group a seguir adiciona um usuário ao grupo de usuários.

aws elasticache modify-user-group \ --user-group-id myusergroup \ --user-ids-to-add user1


{ "UserGroupId": "myusergroup", "Status": "modifying", "Engine": "redis", "UserIds": [ "default" ], "PendingChanges": { "UserIdsToAdd": [ "user1" ] }, "ReplicationGroups": [], "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:usergroup:myusergroup" }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Autenticação de usuários com controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte ModifyUserGroup na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar modify-user.


Modificar um usuário

O exemplo modify-user a seguir modifica a string de acesso de um usuário.

aws elasticache modify-user \ --user-id user2 \ --append-access-string "on ~* +@all"


{ "UserId": "user2", "UserName": "myUser", "Status": "modifying", "Engine": "redis", "AccessString": "on ~* +@all", "UserGroupIds": [], "Authentication": { "Type": "password", "PasswordCount": 1 }, "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:user:user2" }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Autenticação de usuários com controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte ModifyUser na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar modify-user.


Modificar um usuário

O exemplo modify-user a seguir modifica a string de acesso de um usuário.

aws elasticache modify-user \ --user-id user2 \ --append-access-string "on ~* +@all"


{ "UserId": "user2", "UserName": "myUser", "Status": "modifying", "Engine": "redis", "AccessString": "on ~* +@all", "UserGroupIds": [], "Authentication": { "Type": "password", "PasswordCount": 1 }, "ARN": "arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx52:user:user2" }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Autenticação de usuários com controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte ModifyUser na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar purchase-reserved-cache-nodes-offering.


Comprar uma reserved-cache-node-offering

O exemplo purchase-reserved-cache-nodes-offering a seguir permite que você compre uma oferta de nó de cache reservado.

aws elasticache purchase-reserved-cache-nodes-offering \ --reserved-cache-nodes-offering-id xxxxxxx-4da5-4b90-b92d-929fbd7abed2


{ "ReservedCacheNode": { "ReservedCacheNodeId": "ri-2020-06-30-17-59-40-474", "ReservedCacheNodesOfferingId": "xxxxxxx-4da5-4b90-b92d-929fbd7abed2", "CacheNodeType": "cache.m3.2xlarge", "StartTime": "2020-06-30T17:59:40.474000+00:00", "Duration": 31536000, "FixedPrice": 1772.0, "UsagePrice": 0.0, "CacheNodeCount": 1, "ProductDescription": "redis", "OfferingType": "Heavy Utilization", "State": "payment-pending", "RecurringCharges": [ { "RecurringChargeAmount": 0.25, "RecurringChargeFrequency": "Hourly" } ] } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Obter informações sobre ofertas de nós reservados no Guia do usuário do Elasticache Redis ou Obter informações sobre ofertas de nós reservados no Guia do usuário do Elasticache Memcached.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar purchase-reserved-cache-nodes-offering.


Comprar uma reserved-cache-node-offering

O exemplo purchase-reserved-cache-nodes-offering a seguir permite que você compre uma oferta de nó de cache reservado.

aws elasticache purchase-reserved-cache-nodes-offering \ --reserved-cache-nodes-offering-id xxxxxxx-4da5-4b90-b92d-929fbd7abed2


{ "ReservedCacheNode": { "ReservedCacheNodeId": "ri-2020-06-30-17-59-40-474", "ReservedCacheNodesOfferingId": "xxxxxxx-4da5-4b90-b92d-929fbd7abed2", "CacheNodeType": "cache.m3.2xlarge", "StartTime": "2020-06-30T17:59:40.474000+00:00", "Duration": 31536000, "FixedPrice": 1772.0, "UsagePrice": 0.0, "CacheNodeCount": 1, "ProductDescription": "redis", "OfferingType": "Heavy Utilization", "State": "payment-pending", "RecurringCharges": [ { "RecurringChargeAmount": 0.25, "RecurringChargeFrequency": "Hourly" } ] } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Obter informações sobre ofertas de nós reservados no Guia do usuário do Elasticache Redis ou Obter informações sobre ofertas de nós reservados no Guia do usuário do Elasticache Memcached.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar reboot-cache-cluster.


Reinicializar um cluster de cache

O exemplo reboot-cache-cluster a seguir reinicializa alguns ou todos os nós de cache em um cluster provisionado. Essa operação aplica qualquer grupo de parâmetros de cache modificado ao cluster. A operação de reinicialização ocorre o mais rápido possível e resulta em uma interrupção momentânea do cluster. Durante a reinicialização, o status do cluster é definido como REBOOTING.

aws elasticache reboot-cache-cluster \ --cache-cluster-id "my-cluster-001" \ --cache-node-ids-to-reboot "0001"


{ "CacheCluster": { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-001", "ClientDownloadLandingPage": "", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.xlarge", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "CacheClusterStatus": "rebooting cache cluster nodes", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2019-11-26T03:35:04.546Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "mon:04:05-mon:05:05", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "NotificationConfiguration": { "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx152:My_Topic", "TopicStatus": "active" }, "CacheSecurityGroups": [], "CacheParameterGroup": { "CacheParameterGroupName": "mygroup", "ParameterApplyStatus": "in-sync", "CacheNodeIdsToReboot": [] }, "CacheSubnetGroupName": "kxkxk", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SecurityGroups": [ { "SecurityGroupId": "sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxx836", "Status": "active" }, { "SecurityGroupId": "sg-xxxxxxxx7b", "Status": "active" } ], "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "07:30-08:30", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Reinicializando um cluster < no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte RebootCacheCluster na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar reboot-cache-cluster.


Reinicializar um cluster de cache

O exemplo reboot-cache-cluster a seguir reinicializa alguns ou todos os nós de cache em um cluster provisionado. Essa operação aplica qualquer grupo de parâmetros de cache modificado ao cluster. A operação de reinicialização ocorre o mais rápido possível e resulta em uma interrupção momentânea do cluster. Durante a reinicialização, o status do cluster é definido como REBOOTING.

aws elasticache reboot-cache-cluster \ --cache-cluster-id "my-cluster-001" \ --cache-node-ids-to-reboot "0001"


{ "CacheCluster": { "CacheClusterId": "my-cluster-001", "ClientDownloadLandingPage": "", "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.xlarge", "Engine": "redis", "EngineVersion": "5.0.5", "CacheClusterStatus": "rebooting cache cluster nodes", "NumCacheNodes": 1, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CacheClusterCreateTime": "2019-11-26T03:35:04.546Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "mon:04:05-mon:05:05", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "NotificationConfiguration": { "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx152:My_Topic", "TopicStatus": "active" }, "CacheSecurityGroups": [], "CacheParameterGroup": { "CacheParameterGroupName": "mygroup", "ParameterApplyStatus": "in-sync", "CacheNodeIdsToReboot": [] }, "CacheSubnetGroupName": "kxkxk", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true, "SecurityGroups": [ { "SecurityGroupId": "sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxx836", "Status": "active" }, { "SecurityGroupId": "sg-xxxxxxxx7b", "Status": "active" } ], "ReplicationGroupId": "my-cluster", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0, "SnapshotWindow": "07:30-08:30", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Reinicializando um cluster < no Guia do usuário do Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte RebootCacheCluster na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar reset-cache-parameter-group.


Redefinir um grupo de parâmetros de cache

O exemplo reset-cache-parameter-group a seguir modifica os parâmetros de um grupo de parâmetros de cache para o valor padrão do mecanismo ou sistema. Você pode redefinir parâmetros específicos enviando uma lista de nomes de parâmetros. Para redefinir todo o grupo de parâmetros de cache, especifique os parâmetros --reset-all-parameters e --cache-parameter-group-name.

aws elasticache reset-cache-parameter-group \ --cache-parameter-group-name "mygroup" \ --reset-all-parameters


{ "CacheParameterGroupName": "mygroup" }

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar reset-cache-parameter-group.


Redefinir um grupo de parâmetros de cache

O exemplo reset-cache-parameter-group a seguir modifica os parâmetros de um grupo de parâmetros de cache para o valor padrão do mecanismo ou sistema. Você pode redefinir parâmetros específicos enviando uma lista de nomes de parâmetros. Para redefinir todo o grupo de parâmetros de cache, especifique os parâmetros --reset-all-parameters e --cache-parameter-group-name.

aws elasticache reset-cache-parameter-group \ --cache-parameter-group-name "mygroup" \ --reset-all-parameters


{ "CacheParameterGroupName": "mygroup" }

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar start-migration.


Iniciar uma migração

O start-migration a seguir migra seus dados do Redis auto-hospedado no Amazon EC2 para o Amazon ElastiCache usando o mecanismo do Redis.

aws elasticache start-migration \ --replication-group-id test \ --customer-node-endpoint-list "Address='',Port=6379"


{ "ReplicationGroup": { "ReplicationGroupId": "test", "Description": "test", "GlobalReplicationGroupInfo": {}, "Status": "modifying", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "MemberClusters": [ "test-001", "test-002", "test-003" ], "NodeGroups": [ { "NodeGroupId": "0001", "Status": "available", "PrimaryEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "ReaderEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "test-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "primary" }, { "CacheClusterId": "test-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c", "CurrentRole": "replica" }, { "CacheClusterId": "test-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b", "CurrentRole": "replica" } ] } ], "SnapshottingClusterId": "test-002", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "MultiAZ": "enabled", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 1, "SnapshotWindow": "07:30-08:30", "ClusterEnabled": false, "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Migração on-line para o ElastiCache no Guia do usuário Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte StartMigration na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar start-migration.


Iniciar uma migração

O start-migration a seguir migra seus dados do Redis auto-hospedado no Amazon EC2 para o Amazon ElastiCache usando o mecanismo do Redis.

aws elasticache start-migration \ --replication-group-id test \ --customer-node-endpoint-list "Address='',Port=6379"


{ "ReplicationGroup": { "ReplicationGroupId": "test", "Description": "test", "GlobalReplicationGroupInfo": {}, "Status": "modifying", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "MemberClusters": [ "test-001", "test-002", "test-003" ], "NodeGroups": [ { "NodeGroupId": "0001", "Status": "available", "PrimaryEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "ReaderEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "test-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "CurrentRole": "primary" }, { "CacheClusterId": "test-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c", "CurrentRole": "replica" }, { "CacheClusterId": "test-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "ReadEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b", "CurrentRole": "replica" } ] } ], "SnapshottingClusterId": "test-002", "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "MultiAZ": "enabled", "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 1, "SnapshotWindow": "07:30-08:30", "ClusterEnabled": false, "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Migração on-line para o ElastiCache no Guia do usuário Elasticache.

  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte StartMigration na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar test-failover.


Testar o failover de um grupo de nós

O exemplo test-failover a seguir testa o failover automático no grupo de nós especificado (chamado de fragmento no console) em um grupo de replicação (chamado de cluster no console).

aws elasticache test-failover / --replication-group-id "mycluster" / --node-group-id "0001"


{ "ReplicationGroup": { "ReplicationGroupId": "mycluster", "Description": "My Cluster", "Status": "available", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "MemberClusters": [ "mycluster-0001-001", "mycluster-0001-002", "mycluster-0001-003", "mycluster-0002-001", "mycluster-0002-002", "mycluster-0002-003", "mycluster-0003-001", "mycluster-0003-002", "mycluster-0003-003" ], "NodeGroups": [ { "NodeGroupId": "0001", "Status": "available", "Slots": "0-5461", "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0001-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0001-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0001-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c" } ] }, { "NodeGroupId": "0002", "Status": "available", "Slots": "5462-10922", "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0002-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0002-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0002-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c" } ] }, { "NodeGroupId": "0003", "Status": "available", "Slots": "10923-16383", "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0003-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0003-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0003-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a" } ] } ], "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "ConfigurationEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 1, "SnapshotWindow": "13:00-14:00", "ClusterEnabled": true, "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }
  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte TestFailover na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar test-failover.


Testar o failover de um grupo de nós

O exemplo test-failover a seguir testa o failover automático no grupo de nós especificado (chamado de fragmento no console) em um grupo de replicação (chamado de cluster no console).

aws elasticache test-failover / --replication-group-id "mycluster" / --node-group-id "0001"


{ "ReplicationGroup": { "ReplicationGroupId": "mycluster", "Description": "My Cluster", "Status": "available", "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "MemberClusters": [ "mycluster-0001-001", "mycluster-0001-002", "mycluster-0001-003", "mycluster-0002-001", "mycluster-0002-002", "mycluster-0002-003", "mycluster-0003-001", "mycluster-0003-002", "mycluster-0003-003" ], "NodeGroups": [ { "NodeGroupId": "0001", "Status": "available", "Slots": "0-5461", "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0001-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0001-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0001-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c" } ] }, { "NodeGroupId": "0002", "Status": "available", "Slots": "5462-10922", "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0002-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0002-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0002-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c" } ] }, { "NodeGroupId": "0003", "Status": "available", "Slots": "10923-16383", "NodeGroupMembers": [ { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0003-001", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0003-002", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b" }, { "CacheClusterId": "mycluster-0003-003", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a" } ] } ], "AutomaticFailover": "enabled", "ConfigurationEndpoint": { "Address": "", "Port": 6379 }, "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 1, "SnapshotWindow": "13:00-14:00", "ClusterEnabled": true, "CacheNodeType": "cache.r5.large", "TransitEncryptionEnabled": false, "AtRestEncryptionEnabled": false } }
  • Para ver detalhes da API, consulte TestFailover na Referência de comandos da AWS CLI.

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