Search for completed and in-progress contacts in Amazon Connect - Amazon Connect

Search for completed and in-progress contacts in Amazon Connect

  • You can search for contacts as far back as two years ago.

  • Amazon Connect returns search results for both completed and in-progress contacts. For contacts handled by agents, a contact is only marked as completed once the agent has completed After Contact Work (ACW).

  • For voice and chat contacts, the Contact search page displays in-progress contacts that are connected to an agent or disconnected. In-progress queued callbacks are not shown on the Contact search page.

  • For tasks, Contact search displays all in-progress contacts after they are initiated.

  • The search results for a given query are limited to the first 10K results returned.

  • When you filter by Contact ID, only results for that specific contact will be returned and other criteria are ignored. For example, say you search for Contact ID 12345 and agent login Jane Doe. Results for Contact ID 12345 will be returned regardless of whether Jane Doe was the agent.

  • You cannot search for multiple contact IDs at the same time.

Key search features

  • Search by custom contact attributes (user-defined attributes).

  • Search for contacts that are in progress or completed using the Contact status filter.

  • Search a time range up to 8 weeks. Within the time range filter, you can specify the Timestamp type. This enables you to specify the time range. You can choose from initiated, connected to agent, disconnected, and scheduled timestamps.

    • Time range filter on Contact search has Timestamp type set to "Initiated" by default. Before the Timestamp type selection was introduced, the Timestamp type used by the Time Range filter was "Disconnected"

    • Saved searches on Contact search created prior to the launch of the ability to search for in-progress contacts (launched September 2023) have been updated with the filters Contact status = "Completed" and Timestamp type = "Disconnected". These selections were implied before the launch of in-progress contacts.

  • Multi-select for filters such as agent names and contact queues.

  • Filters for Contact Lens for Amazon Connect. You can search for Contact categories by specifying the full category name. Choose to search using Match any or Match all or Match none. For example, you can search contacts with both "category A" and "category B," or with either one of the two categories.

    In the Add filter drop-down box, the Contact Lens filters have CL next to them. You can apply these filters only if your organization has enabled Contact Lens.

    The contact search page, the filters section, the filter dropdown menu.

    If you want to remove the Contact Lens filters from a user's drop-down list, remove the following permissions from their security profile:

    • Search contacts by conversation: This controls access to the sentiment scores, non-talk time, and category searches.

    • Search contacts by keywords: This controls access to the keywords search.

    • Contact Lens - conversational analytics: On the Contact details page, this displays graphs that summarize conversational analytics.

  • Filters for Voice ID. You can search for the Voice ID authentication and fraud detection status of contacts, if your organization has enabled Voice ID. To access this functionality, on your security profile, you need Analytics and Optimization, Voice ID - attributes and search - View permission.

    The following image shows the filters available to search Voice ID: Authentication result, Fraud detection result, Speaker actions.

    The filter dropdown menu, filters for Voice ID.

Manage who can search for contacts and access detailed information

Before users can search for contacts in Amazon Connect, or access detailed contact information, they need to be assigned to the CallCenterManager security profile, or have the following Analytics and Optimization permissions:

  • Access metrics - Access (Required): Grants access to metrics data.

  • At least one of the following permissions is required to view contacts on Contact search and Contact details pages:

    • Contact search - View: Allows a user to access all contacts on Contact search and Contact details pages.

    • View my contacts - View: On the Contact search and Contact details pages, allows agents to view only those contacts that they handled.

  • Restrict contact access (Optional): Manage a user's access to results on the Contact search page based on their agent hierarchy group.

    For example, agents who are assigned to AgentGroup-1 can only view contact records for contacts handled by agents in that hierarchy group, and any groups below them. (If they have permissions for Recorded conversations, they can also listen to call recordings and view transcripts.) Agents assigned to AgentGroup-2 can only access contact records for contacts handled by their group, and any groups below them.

    Managers and others who are in higher level groups can view contact records for contacts handled by all the groups below them, such as AgentGroup-1 and 2.

    For this permission, All = View since View is the only action granted.

    For more information about hierarchy groups, see Organize agents into teams and groups for reporting.

    • Deleting a hierarchy level severs the link to existing contacts. This action can not be reversed.

    • When you change a user's hierarchy group, it may take a couple of minutes for their contact search results to reflect their new permissions.

    The following table lists the typical permissions and what contacts can be views on Contact search and Contact details pages.

    Contact search permission View My Contacts permission Restrict Contact Access permission Which contacts can be viewed



    Disabled All



    Enabled All contacts within your agent hierarchy, handled by an agent at your hierarchy level or below.



    Disabled Only contacts handled by the user (agent) to whom the permission is granted.



    Disabled No contacts

    We do not recommend assigning permissions in any other combination than what is shown in the preceding table.

  • Contact Lens - conversational analytics: On the Contact details page for a contact, you can view graphs that summarize conversational analytics: customer sentiment trend, sentiment, and non-talk time.

  • Recorded conversations (redacted): If your organization uses Contact Lens for Amazon Connect, you can assign this permission so agents access only those call recordings and transcripts in which sensitive data has been removed.

  • Recorded conversations (unredacted): If your organization isn't using Contact Lens, agents need Recorded conversations (unredacted) to listen to call recordings or view transcripts. If desired, you can use Restrict contact access to ensure they only have access to detailed information for those contacts handled by their hierarchy group.

  • Evaluation forms - perform evaluations: Allows users to search for evaluations by evaluation form, score, last updated date/range, evaluator, and status.

  • Voice ID - attributes and search: If your organization uses Voice ID, users with this permission can search for and view Voice ID results in the Contact detail page.

  • Users - View permission: You must have this permission to use the Agent filter on the Contact search page.

By default, the Amazon Connect Admin and CallCenterManager security profiles have these permissions.

For information about how to add more permissions to an existing security profile, see Update security profiles in Amazon Connect.

How to search for a contact

  1. Log in to Amazon Connect with a user account that has permissions to access contact records.

  2. In Amazon Connect choose Analytics and optimization, Contact search.

  3. Use the filters on the page to narrow your search. For date, you can search up to 8 weeks at a time.


To see if a conversation was recorded, you need to be assigned to a profile that has Manager monitor permissions. If a conversation was recorded, by default the search result will indicate so with an icon in the Recording column. You won't see this icon if you don't have permission to review the recordings.

Additional fields: Add columns to your search results

Use the options under Additional fields to add columns in your search results. These options are not used to filter your search.

For example, if you want to include columns for Agent Name and Routing profile in your search output, choose those columns here.


The Is transferred out option indicates whether the contact was transferred to an external number. For the date and time (in UTC time) when the transfer was connected, see TransferCompletedTimestamp in the ContactTraceRecord.

Download search results

You can download up to 3,000 search results at a time.