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Query examples using CSV

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Query examples using CSV - Neptune Analytics
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In this example, the query returns the number of rows in a given CSV file:

CALL neptune.read( { source: "<s3 path>", format: "csv" } ) YIELD row RETURN count(row)

You can run the query using the execute-query operation in the AWS CLI:

aws neptune-graph execute-query \ --graph-identifier ${graphIdentifier} \ --query-string 'CALL neptune.read({source: "<s3 path>", format: "csv"}) YIELD row RETURN count(row)' \ --language open_cypher \ /tmp/out.txt

A query can be flexible in what it does with rows read from a Parquet file. For instance, the following query creates a node with a field set to data from a CSV file:

CALL neptune.read( { source: "<s3 path>", format: "csv" } ) YIELD row CREATE (n {someField: row.someCol}) RETURN n

It is not considered good practice use a large results-producing clause like MATCH(n) prior to a CALL clause. This would lead to a long-running query due to cross product between incoming solutions from prior clauses and the rows read by neptune.read. It is recommended to start the query with CALL neptune.read.

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