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Listing existing graph snapshots

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Listing existing graph snapshots - Neptune Analytics
Halaman ini belum diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Anda. Minta terjemahan

The following information outlines the various methods and commands for managing graph snapshots in the Amazon Neptune database service. It covers the steps to list all existing graph snapshots, as well as how to retrieve details of a specific snapshot. The information also explains the different status states that a graph snapshot can have, such as "CREATING," "AVAILABLE," "FAILED," and "DELETING."


List all graph snapshots

aws neptune-graph list-graph-snapshots

Look up a single graph snapshot

aws neptune-graph get-graph-snapshot \ --snapshot-id <SNAPSHOT_ID>


  • CREATING: The snapshot is currently being created.

  • AVAILABLE: The snapshot is available and can be restored from.

  • FAILED: The snapshot failed to create.

  • DELETING: The snapshot is currently being deleted.

Neptune Console

You can view your snapshots by expanding Analytics and choosing Snapshots.

Expanded Analytics menu showing Graphs, Snapshots, and Import tasks options.

List all graph snapshots

aws neptune-graph list-graph-snapshots

Look up a single graph snapshot

aws neptune-graph get-graph-snapshot \ --snapshot-id <SNAPSHOT_ID>


  • CREATING: The snapshot is currently being created.

  • AVAILABLE: The snapshot is available and can be restored from.

  • FAILED: The snapshot failed to create.

  • DELETING: The snapshot is currently being deleted.

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