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Mode fokus
neptune.read() - Neptune Analytics
Halaman ini belum diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Anda. Minta terjemahan

Neptune supports a CALL procedure neptune.read to read data from Amazon S3 and then run an openCypher query (read, insert, update) using the data. The procedure yields each row in the file as a declared result variable row. It uses the IAM credentials of the caller to access the data in Amazon S3. See Create your IAM role for Amazon S3 access to set up the permissions. The AWS region of the Amazon S3 bucket must be in the same region where Neptune Analytics instance is located. Currently, cross-region reads are not supported.


CALL neptune.read( { source: "string", format: "parquet/csv", concurrency: 10 } ) YIELD row ...
  • source (required) - Amazon S3 URI to a single object. Amazon S3 prefix to multiple objects is not supported.

  • format (required) - parquet and csv are supported.

  • concurrency (optional) - Type: 0 or greater integer. Default: 0. Specifies the number of threads to be used for reading the file. If the value is 0, the maximum number of threads allowed by the resource will be used. For Parquet, it is recommended to be set to a number of row groups.


The neptune.read returns:

  • row - type:Map

    • Each row in the file, where the keys are the columns and the values are the data found in each column.

    • You can access each column's data like a property access (row.col).

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