Automate AWS Service Catalog portfolio and product deployment by using AWS CDK - AWS Prescriptive Guidance

Automate AWS Service Catalog portfolio and product deployment by using AWS CDK

Created by Sandeep Gawande (AWS), RAJNEESH TYAGI (AWS), and Viyoma Sachdeva (AWS)

Code repository: aws-cdk-servicecatalog-automation

Environment: PoC or pilot

Technologies: DevOps; Infrastructure; Management & governance

Workload: Open-source

AWS services: AWS Service Catalog; AWS CDK


AWS Service Catalog helps you centrally manage catalogs of IT services, or products, that are approved for use in your organization’s AWS environment. A collection of products is called a portfolio, and a portfolio also contains configuration information. With AWS Service Catalog, you can create a customized portfolio for each type of user in your organization and then grant access to the appropriate portfolio. Those users can then quickly deploy any product they need from within the portfolio.

If you have a complex networking infrastructure, such as multi-Region and multi-account architectures, it is recommended that you create and manage Service Catalog portfolios in a single, central account. This pattern describes how to use AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) to automate creation of Service Catalog portfolios in a central account, grant end users access to them, and then, optionally, provision products in one or more target AWS accounts. This ready-to-use solution creates the Service Catalog portfolios in the source account. It also, optionally, provisions products in target accounts by using AWS CloudFormation stacks and helps you configure TagOptions for the products:

  • AWS CloudFormation StackSets – You can use StackSets to launch Service Catalog products across multiple AWS Regions and accounts. In this solution, you have the option to automatically provision products when you deploy this solution. For more information, see Using AWS CloudFormation StackSets (Service Catalog documentation) and StackSets concepts (CloudFormation documentation).

  • TagOption library – You can manage tags on provisioned products by using TagOption library. A TagOption is a key-value pair managed in AWS Service Catalog. It is not an AWS tag, but it serves as a template for creating an AWS tag based on the TagOption. For more information, see TagOption library (Service Catalog documentation).

Prerequisites and limitations


  • An active AWS account that you want to use as the source account for administering Service Catalog portfolios.

  • If you are using this solution to provision products in one or more target accounts, the target account must already exist and be active.

  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to access AWS Service Catalog, AWS CloudFormation, and AWS IAM.

Product versions

  • AWS CDK version 2.27.0


Target technology stack

  • Service Catalog portfolios in a centralized AWS account

  • Service Catalog products deployed in target account

Target architecture

AWS CDK creating Service Catalog portfolios and provisioning products in the target account.
  1. In the portfolio (or source) account, you update the config.json file with the AWS account, AWS Region, IAM role, portfolio, and product information for your use case.

  2. You deploy the AWS CDK application.

  3. The AWS CDK application assumes the deployment IAM role and creates the Service Catalog portfolios and products defined in the config.json file.

    If you configured StackSets to deploy products in a target account, the process continues. If you didn’t configure StackSets to provision any products, then the process is complete.

  4. The AWS CDK application assumes the StackSet administrator role and deploys the AWS CloudFormation stack set you defined in the config.json file.

  5. In the target account, StackSets assumes the StackSet execution role and provisions the products.


AWS services

  • AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is a software development framework that helps you define and provision AWS Cloud infrastructure in code.

  • AWS CDK Toolkit is a command line cloud development kit that helps you interact with your AWS CDK app.

  • AWS CloudFormation helps you set up AWS resources, provision them quickly and consistently, and manage them throughout their lifecycle across AWS accounts and Regions.

  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) helps you securely manage access to your AWS resources by controlling who is authenticated and authorized to use them.

  • AWS Service Catalog helps you centrally manage catalogs of IT services that are approved for AWS. End users can quickly deploy only the approved IT services they need, following the constraints set by your organization.

Code repository

The code for this pattern is available on GitHub, in the aws-cdk-servicecatalog-automation repository. The code repository contains the following files and folders:

  • cdk-sevicecatalog-app – This folder contains the AWS CDK application for this solution.

  • config – This folder contains the config.json file and the CloudFormation template for deploying the products in the Service Catalog portfolio.

  • config/config.json – This file contains all of the configuration information. You update this file to customize this solution for your use case.

  • config/templates – This folder contains the CloudFormation templates for the Service Center products.

  • – This script deploys the solution.

  • – This script deletes the stack and all of the AWS resources created when deploying this solution.

To use the sample code, follow the instructions in the Epics section.

Best practices


TaskDescriptionSkills required

Install the AWS CDK Toolkit.

Make sure you have AWS CDK Toolkit installed. Enter the following command to confirm whether it is installed and check the version. 

cdk --version

If AWS CDK Toolkit is not installed, then enter the following command to install it.

npm install -g aws-cdk@2.27.0

If AWS CDK Toolkit version is earlier than 2.27.0, then enter the following command to update it to version 2.27.0.

npm install -g aws-cdk@2.27.0 --force
AWS DevOps, DevOps engineer

Clone the repository.

Enter the following command. In Clone the repository in the Additional information section, you can copy the full command containing the URL for the repository. This clones the aws-cdk-servicecatalog-automation repository from GitHub.

git clone <repository-URL>.git

This creates a cd aws-cdk-servicecatalog-automation folder in the target directory. Enter the following command to navigate into this folder.

cd aws-cdk-servicecatalog-automation
AWS DevOps, DevOps engineer

Set up AWS credentials.

Enter the following commands. These export the following variables, which define the AWS account and Region where you are deploying the stack.

export CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT=<12-digit AWS account number>

AWS credentials for AWS CDK are provided through environment variables.

AWS DevOps, DevOps engineer

Configure permissions for end user IAM roles.

If you are going to use IAM roles to grant access to the portfolio and the products in it, the roles must have permissions to be assumed by the service principal. For instructions about how to grant these permissions, see Enabling trusted access with Service Catalog (AWS Organizations documentation).

AWS DevOps, DevOps engineer

Configure IAM roles required by StackSets.

If you are using StackSets to automatically provision products in target accounts, you need to configure the IAM roles that administer and run the stack set.

  1. In the source account, confirm whether the AWSCloudFormationStackSetAdministrationRole already exists. In the target accounts, confirm whether AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole already exists. If these roles already exist, you can skip to the next epic.

  2. Follow the instructions in Grant self-managed permissions (IAM documentation) to create the stack set administration role in the portfolio account and create the execution role in each target account.

AWS DevOps, DevOps engineer
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Create the CloudFormation templates.

In the config/templates folder, create CloudFormation templates for any products that you want to include in your portfolios. For more information, see Working with AWS CloudFormation templates (CloudFormation documentation).

App developer, AWS DevOps, DevOps engineer

Customize the config file.

In the config folder, open the config.json file and define the parameters as appropriate for your use case. The following parameters are required unless otherwise noted:

  • In the portfolios section, define the following parameters to create one or more Service Catalog portfolios:

    • portfolioName – The name of the portfolio.

    • providerName – The name of the person, team, or organization that manages the portfolio.

    • description – A brief description of the portfolio.

    • roles – (Optional) Names of any IAM roles that should have access to this portfolio. Users who have this role can access the products in this portfolio.

    • users – (Optional) Names of any IAM users who should have access to this portfolio and its products.

    • groups – (Optional) Names of any IAM user groups that should have access to this portfolio and its products.

    Warning: IAM users have long-term credentials, which presents a security risk. To help mitigate this risk, we recommend that you provide these users with only the permissions they require to perform the task and that you remove these users when they are no longer needed.

    Important: roles, users, and groups are all optional parameters, but if you do not define one of these parameters, then no one can view the portfolio products in the Service Catalog console. Define at least one of these parameters. For more information, see Grant permissions to Service Catalog end users (Service Catalog documentation).

  • (Optional) In the tagOption section, define TagOptions for the products:

    • key – Name of the TagOption key

    • value – Allowed string values for the TagOption

    For more information, see TagOption library (Service Catalog documentation).

  • In the products section, define the following parameters for the products:

    • portfolioName – The name of the portfolio where you want to add the product. You can specify only one portfolio.

    • productName – The name of the product.

    • owner – The owner of the product.

    • productVersionName – The name of the product version in string value, such as v1.

    • templatePath – The file path for the CloudFormation template for the product.

    • deployWithStackSets – (Optional) Specify one or more accounts and Regions where you want to use StackSets to automatically provision products in the portfolios. If you use this deployment option, all of the following parameters in this section are required:

      • accounts – The target accounts.

      • regions – The target Regions.

      • stackSetAdministrationRoleName – The name of the IAM role used to administer the StackSets configuration. Do not change this value. This role must have this exact name.

      • stackSetExecutionRoleName – The name of the IAM role in the target account that deploys the stack instances. Do not change this value. This role must have this exact name.

For an example of a completed config file, see Sample config file in the Additional information section.

App developer, DevOps engineer, AWS DevOps

Deploy the solution.

Enter the following command. This deploys the AWS CDK app and provisions the Service Catalog portfolios and products as specified in the config.json file.

sh +x
App developer, DevOps engineer, AWS DevOps

Verify the deployment.

Verify successful deployment by doing the following:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console with credentials that can access one or more of the portfolios you defined in the config file.

  2. Open the Service Catalog console at

  3. In the navigation pane, under Provisioning, choose Products. Verify that you see a list of products that you specified for the portfolio.

  4. Follow the instructions in Launching a product (Service Catalog documentation) to launch one of the available products. Confirm that the available product versions and tags match the values you provided in the config file.

  5. If you chose to automatically provision products in one or more target accounts by using StackSets, do the following:

    1. Sign in with credentials that give you permissions to view the provisioned products in one of the target accounts.

    2. In the Service Catalog console, in the navigation pane, under Provisioning, choose Provisioned products.

    3. Confirm that the expected products appear in the list.

General AWS

(Optional) Update the portfolios and products.

If you want to use this solution to update the portfolios or products or to provision new products:

  1. Make the required changes in the config.json file.

  2. Add or modify any CloudFormation templates as needed in the config/template folder.

  3. Redeploy the solution.

For example, you can add additional portfolios or provision more resources. The AWS CDK app implements only the changes. If there are no changes to previously deployed portfolios or products, the redeployment doesn’t affect them.

App developer, DevOps engineer, General AWS
TaskDescriptionSkills required

(Optional) Remove AWS resources deployed by this solution.

If you want to delete a provisioned product, follow the instructions in Deleting provisioned products (Service Catalog documentation).

If you want to delete all the resources created by this solution, enter the following command.

AWS DevOps, DevOps engineer, App developer

Related resources

Additional information

Additional information

Clone the repository

Enter the following command to clone the repository from GitHub.

git clone

Sample config file

The following is a sample config.json file with example values.

{ "portfolios": [ { "displayName": "EC2 Product Portfolio", "providerName": "User1", "description": "Test1", "roles": [ "<Names of IAM roles that can access the products>" ], "users": [ "<Names of IAM users who can access the products>" ], "groups": [ "<Names of IAM user groups that can access the products>" ] }, { "displayName": "Autoscaling Product Portfolio", "providerName": "User2", "description": "Test2", "roles": [ "<Name of IAM role>" ] } ], "tagOption": [ { "key": "Group", "value": [ "finance", "engineering", "marketing", "research" ] }, { "key": "CostCenter", "value": [ "01", "02", "03", "04" ] }, { "key": "Environment", "value": [ "dev", "prod", "stage" ] } ], "products": [ { "portfolioName": "EC2 Product Profile", "productName": "Ec2", "owner": "owner1", "productVersionName": "v1", "templatePath": "../../config/templates/template1.json" }, { "portfolioName": "Autoscaling Product Profile", "productName": "autoscaling", "owner": "owner1", "productVersionName": "v1", "templatePath": "../../config/templates/template2.json", "deployWithStackSets": { "accounts": [ "012345678901", ], "regions": [ "us-west-2" ], "stackSetAdministrationRoleName": "AWSCloudFormationStackSetAdministrationRole", "stackSetExecutionRoleName": "AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole" } } ] }