Getting started as a buyer using AWS Marketplace - AWS Marketplace

Getting started as a buyer using AWS Marketplace

The following topics outline the process of getting started with software products as an AWS Marketplace buyer.

For information about getting started with data products, see Subscribing to data products on AWS Data Exchange in the AWS Data Exchange User Guide.

Tutorial: Buying an AMI-based software product

The following tutorial describes how to buy an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) product with AWS Marketplace.

Step 1: Creating an AWS account

You can browse the AWS Marketplace website ( without being signed in to your AWS account. However, you must sign in to subscribe to or launch products.

You must be signed in to your AWS account to access the AWS Marketplace console. For information about how to create an AWS account, see Creating an AWS account in the AWS Account Management Reference Guide.

Step 2: Choosing your software 

To choose your software
  1. Navigate to the AWS Marketplace website.


    You can shop, subscribe, and launch new instances from either the public AWS Marketplace website, at, or through AWS Marketplace in the AWS Management Console, at

    The experiences across the two locations are similar. This procedure uses the AWS Marketplace website but notes any major differences when using the console.

  2. The Shop All Categories pane contains the list of categories you can choose from. You can also choose software featured in the middle pane. For this tutorial, in the Shop All Categories pane, choose Content Management.

  3. From the Content Management list, choose WordPress Certified by Bitnami and Automattic.

  4. On the product details page, review the product information. The product details page includes additional information such as:

    • Buyer rating

    • Support offering

    • Highlights

    • Detailed product description

    • Pricing details for instance types in each AWS Region (for AMIs)

    • Additional resources to help you get started

  5. Choose Continue to Subscribe.

  6. If you aren't already signed in, you are directed to sign in to AWS Marketplace. If you already have an AWS account, you can use that account to sign in. If you don't already have an AWS account, see Step 1: Creating an AWS account.

  7. Read the Bitnami offer terms, then choose Accept Contract to agree to the subscription offer.

  8. It may take a moment for the subscription action to complete. When it does, you receive an email message about the subscription terms, and then you're able to continue. Choose Continue to Configuration to configure and launch your software.

Subscribing to a product means that you have accepted the terms of the product. If the product has a monthly fee, then upon subscription you are charged the fee, which is prorated based on the time remaining in the month. No other charges will be assessed until you launch an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance with the AMI you chose.


As a subscriber to a product, your account will receive email messages when a new version of the software you're subscribed to is published.

Step 3: Configuring your software

Because we chose software as an AMI, your next step is to configure the software, including selecting the delivery method, version, and AWS Region in which you want to use the software.

To configure your software
  1. On the Configure this software page, select 64-bit (x86) Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for the Delivery Method.

  2. Choose the latest version available for Software Version.

  3. Choose the Region you want to launch the product in, for example, US East (N. Virginia).


    As you make changes to your configuration, you might notice that the Ami Id at the bottom of the screen updates. The AMI ID has the form ami-<identifier>, for example, ami-123example456. Each version of each product in each Region has a different AMI. This AMI ID allows you to specify the correct AMI to use when launching the product. The Ami Alias is a similar ID that is easier to use in automation.

    For more information about the AMI alias, see Using AMI aliases in AWS Marketplace.

  4. Select Continue to Launch.

Step 4: Launching your software on Amazon EC2

Before you launch your Amazon EC2 instance, you need to decide if you want to launch with 1-Click launch or if you want to launch using the Amazon EC2 console. 1-Click launch helps you launch quickly with recommended default options such as security groups and instance types. With 1-Click launch, you can also see your estimated monthly bill. If you prefer more options, such as launching in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) or using Spot Instances, then you should launch using the Amazon EC2 console. The following procedures walk you through subscribing to the product and launching an EC2 instance using either 1-Click launch or the Amazon EC2 console.

Launching on Amazon EC2 using 1-Click launch

To launch on Amazon EC2 using 1-Click launch
  1. On the Launch this software page, choose Launch from website in the Choose Action dropdown, and review the default settings. If you want to change any of them, do the following:

    • In the EC2 Instance Type dropdown list, choose an instance type.

    • In the VPC Settings and Subnet Settings dropdown lists, select the network settings you want to use.

    • In the Security Group Settings, choose an existing security group, or choose Create New Based On Seller Settings to accept the default settings. For more information about security groups, see Amazon EC2 security groups in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

    • Expand Key Pair, and choose an existing key pair if you have one. If you don't have a key pair, you're prompted to create one. For more information about Amazon EC2 key pairs, see Amazon EC2 key pairs.

  2. When you're satisfied with your settings, choose Launch.

    Your new instance is launched with the WordPress Certified by Bitnami and Automattic software running on it. From here, you can view the instance details, create another instance, or view all instances of your software.

Launching on Amazon EC2 Using Launch with EC2 Console

To launch on Amazon EC2 Using Launch with EC2 Console
  1. On the Launch on EC2 page, choose the Launch with EC2 Console view, and then select an AMI version from the Select a Version list.

  2. Review the Firewall Settings, Installation Instructions, and Release Notes, and then choose Launch with EC2 Console.

  3. In the EC2 console, launch your AMI using the Request Instance Wizard. Follow the instructions in Get started with Amazon EC2 to navigate through the wizard.

Step 5: Managing your software

At any time, you can manage your software subscriptions in AWS Marketplace by using the Manage Subscriptions page of the AWS Marketplace console.

To manage your software
  1. Navigate to the AWS Marketplace console, and choose Manage subscriptions.

  2. On the Manage subscriptions page:

    • View your instance status by product

    • View your current monthly charges

    • Run a new instance

    • View seller profiles for your instance

    • Manage your instances

    • Link directly to your Amazon EC2 instance so you can configure your software


Only subscriptions in the current AWS account appear on the Manage subscriptions page. If the account is a management account of an AWS Organization, subscriptions from member accounts do not appear.

Step 6: Terminating your instance

When you've decided that you no longer need the instance, you can terminate it.


You can't restart a terminated instance. However, you can launch additional instances of the same AMI.

To terminate your instance
  1. Navigate to the AWS Marketplace console, and choose Manage subscriptions.

  2. On the Manage subscriptions page, choose the software subscription that you want to terminate an instance of, and select Manage.

  3. On the specific subscription page, choose View instances from the Actions dropdown list.

  4. Select the Region that the instance you want to terminate is in. This opens the Amazon EC2 console and shows the instances in that Region in a new tab. If necessary, you can return to this tab to see the Instance ID for the instance to close.

  5. In the Amazon EC2 console, choose the Instance ID to open the Instance details page.

  6. From the Instance state dropdown list, choose Terminate instance.

  7. Choose Terminate when prompted for confirmation.

    Termination takes a few minutes to complete.

For more information

For more information about product categories and types, see Product categories in AWS Marketplace and Product types available in AWS Marketplace.

For more information about Amazon EC2, see the service documentation at Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Documentation.

To learn more about AWS, see