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Setting up Zendesk for connecting to Amazon Q Business

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Setting up Zendesk for connecting to Amazon Q Business - Amazon Q Business
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Before you connect Zendesk to Amazon Q Business, you need to create and retrieve the Zendesk credentials you will use to connect Zendesk to Amazon Q. You will also need to add any authorization permissions needed by Zendesk to connect to Amazon Q.

The following procedure gives you an overview of how to configure Zendesk for Amazon Q.

Configuring Zendesk for OAuth 2.0 authentication
  1. Log in to your Zendesk account. Note the username and password you logged in with. You will need them later to connect to Amazon Q.

  2. Copy your Zendesk URL, if you haven't already, from the Zendesk webpage URL. This will be the URL you will input as host URL in Amazon Q.


    You can also copy your Zendesk host URL from the top menu in the Admin Center.

  3. From the left navigation menu, choose the settings icon. Then, choose Go to Admin Center.

    Settings icon in left menu and Admin Center link highlighted with numbered callouts.
  4. In Admin Center, from the left navigation menu, under Apps and integrations, choose Zendesk API.

    Admin Center interface with Apps and integrations menu expanded, highlighting Zendesk API option.
  5. From the Zendesk API menu, choose OAuth Clients and then choose Add OAuth client.

    Zendesk API interface showing OAuth Clients tab and Add OAuth client button.
  6. On the OAuth Clients page, under Create a new OAuth client enter the following information:

    • Client name – A human-readable name for your client. This will be visible to users.

    • Unique identifier – An internal code-level identifier for your client. This will be the Client ID you input in Amazon Q.

    Optionally, choose to fill in other information based on your use case. Then, choose Save.

    Zendesk API OAuth client creation form with fields for client details and configuration options.
  7. On the Please store the secret that will appear dialog box that appears, select OK. Then, copy the secret you see into a text editor of your choice and save it. You won't be able to re-generate this secret so it's important that you store it securely. You will input this as the client secret during the connection configuration process in Amazon Q.

    Dialog box prompting to store a secret, with options to Cancel or select OK.

    You now have the username, password, host URL, client ID, and client secret you need to connect Zendesk to Amazon Q.

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