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[AG.DEP.3] Enable deployment to the landing zone - DevOps Guidance
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[AG.DEP.3] Enable deployment to the landing zone


Dedicate an environment for each system to host the resources and tools required to perform controlled and uniform application deployments to related non-production and production environments. These deployment environments can include infrastructure or services such as pipelines and build agents.

At a minimum, each system should have a set of deployment, test, and production environments to support the development lifecycle. Having these environments at the system level, as opposed to sharing environments across multiple systems or at the team level, provides multiple benefits:

  • Isolation of systems: Each system's resources are isolated, reducing the risk of cross-system interference, reaching quotas, and security breaches.

  • Tailored environments: The environments can be customized according to the specific needs of each system, improving efficiency and reducing unnecessary resource usage.

  • Separation of concerns: Each environment handles a specific aspect of the application lifecycle (deployment, testing, production), ensuring a clean and organized workflow.

The deployment environment should include resources and tools to support building, validation, promotion, and deployment of the system. A deployment environment may not be necessary for all organizations and scenarios, such as if your development lifecycle tools are hosted on-premises or outside of your landing zone. For these use cases, you will need to verify network connectivity between your external tools and your landing zone environments.

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