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[OA.AWE.3] Balance work schedules for diverse global teams - DevOps Guidance
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[OA.AWE.3] Balance work schedules for diverse global teams


Flexible work policies for appropriate roles are recommended because they help organizations attract and retain skilled employees, while also promoting a healthy work-life balance, improving employee satisfaction, and facilitating global collaboration. Establish policies and guidelines that facilitate remote work and flexible schedules, while fostering communication and collaboration among team members across different time zones and locations.

Use techniques such as follow-the-sun support models and handovers to promote seamless collaboration across different time zones. Schedule meetings that are convenient for all team members or record and share information if such scheduling is not feasible. Provide employees with the necessary technology and tools to effectively work remotely, while protecting company information through appropriate security measures. Seek feedback from employees to refine and improve the organization's remote work and flexible schedule policies to better meet the needs and preferences of its workforce.

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