Getting started with Amazon WorkMail - Amazon WorkMail

Getting started with Amazon WorkMail

Whether you're a new Amazon WorkMail user or an existing user of Amazon WorkDocs or Amazon WorkSpaces, get started with Amazon WorkMail by completing the following steps.


Complete the Prerequisites before getting started.

Step 1: Sign in to the Amazon WorkMail console

You must sign in to the Amazon WorkMail console before you can add users and manage their accounts and mailboxes.

To sign in to the Amazon WorkMail console
  1. Open the Amazon WorkMail console at

  2. If necessary, change the AWS Region. In the bar at the top of the console window, open the Select a Region list and choose a Region. For more information about regions, see Regions and endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

Step 2: Set up your Amazon WorkMail site

  1. After you sign in to the Amazon WorkMail console, you set up your organization and add a domain. We recommend using a dedicated domain for your Amazon WorkMail organization. For more information, see Creating an organization and Adding a domain.

  2. (Optional) You can choose to use a free testing domain provided by Amazon WorkMail. If you choose to do this, skip to step 4.


    Test domains use this format: As you go, remember that you should only use test domains for testing. Don't use a test domain for a production environment. Also, you must have at least one enabled user in your Amazon WorkMail organization. If you don't have an enabled user, the domain can become available for registration and use by other customers.

  3. If you use an external domain, verify that domain by adding the appropriate text (TXT) and mail exchange (MX) records to your Domain Name System (DNS) service. TXT records allow you to enter notes in the DNS. MX records specify the incoming mail servers. Make sure to set your domain as the default for your organization. For more information, see Verifying domains and Choosing the default domain.

  4. Create new users or enable your existing directory users for Amazon WorkMail. For more information, see Adding a user.

  5. (Optional) If you have existing Microsoft Exchange mailboxes, migrate them to Amazon WorkMail. For more information, see Migrating to Amazon WorkMail.

After you've finished setting up your Amazon WorkMail site, you can access Amazon WorkMail using the web application URL.

To locate your Amazon WorkMail web application URL
  1. Open the Amazon WorkMail console at

    If necessary, change the AWS Region. To do so, open the Select a region list, located to the right of the search box, then choose the desired Region. For more information, see Region and endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Organizations, and then choose the name of your organization.

    The Organization settings page appears and displays the URL under User login. The URLs take this form:

Step 3: Set up Amazon WorkMail user access

Choose from the following options to set up Amazon WorkMail user access:

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