
class aws_cdk.aws_kms.AliasProps(*, alias_name, target_key, removal_policy=None)

Bases: object

Construction properties for a KMS Key Alias object.

  • alias_name (str) – The name of the alias. The name must start with alias followed by a forward slash, such as alias/. You can’t specify aliases that begin with alias/AWS. These aliases are reserved.

  • target_key (IKey) – The ID of the key for which you are creating the alias. Specify the key’s globally unique identifier or Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You can’t specify another alias.

  • removal_policy (Optional[RemovalPolicy]) – Policy to apply when the alias is removed from this stack. Default: - The alias will be deleted


lit=test/integ.key-sharing.lit.ts infused


# Stack that defines the key
class KeyStack(cdk.Stack):

    def __init__(self, scope, id, *, description=None, env=None, stackName=None, tags=None, synthesizer=None, terminationProtection=None, analyticsReporting=None):
        super().__init__(scope, id, description=description, env=env, stackName=stackName, tags=tags, synthesizer=synthesizer, terminationProtection=terminationProtection, analyticsReporting=analyticsReporting)
        self.key = kms.Key(self, "MyKey", removal_policy=cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY)

# Stack that uses the key
class UseStack(cdk.Stack):
    def __init__(self, scope, id, *, key, description=None, env=None, stackName=None, tags=None, synthesizer=None, terminationProtection=None, analyticsReporting=None):
        super().__init__(scope, id, key=key, description=description, env=env, stackName=stackName, tags=tags, synthesizer=synthesizer, terminationProtection=terminationProtection, analyticsReporting=analyticsReporting)

        # Use the IKey object here.
        kms.Alias(self, "Alias",

key_stack = KeyStack(app, "KeyStack")
UseStack(app, "UseStack", key=key_stack.key)



The name of the alias.

The name must start with alias followed by a forward slash, such as alias/. You can’t specify aliases that begin with alias/AWS. These aliases are reserved.


Policy to apply when the alias is removed from this stack.

  • The alias will be deleted


The ID of the key for which you are creating the alias.

Specify the key’s globally unique identifier or Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You can’t specify another alias.