Outdated subprocess module API High

Using outdated multiprocessing API calls to start and communicate with processes, is not recommended. The subprocess module can be used instead.

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Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) external icon

Noncompliant example

1def subprocess_call_noncompliant():
2    import subprocess
3    with open("~/output.txt", "w") as f:
4        # Noncompliant: uses 'subprocess.call' with
5        # 'stdout = PIPE' or 'stderr = PIPE'.
6        subprocess.call("~/test.sh", stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

Compliant example

1def subprocess_call_compliant():
2    import subprocess
3    with open("~/output.txt", "w") as f:
4        # Compliant: uses 'subprocess.call' without
5        # 'stdout = PIPE' or 'stderr = PIPE'.
6        subprocess.call("~/test.sh", stdout=f)