Missing pagination Medium

Missing pagination on a paginated call can lead to inaccurate results. One must paginate to ensure additional results are not present, before returning the results.

Detector ID
Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) external icon

Noncompliant example

1def s3_loop_noncompliant(s3bucket_name, s3prefix_name):
2    import boto3
4    s3_client = boto3.resource('s3').meta.client
5    # Noncompliant: loops through the contents without checking whether
6    # more requests are needed.
7    list_object_response = s3_client.list_objects_v2(Bucket=s3bucket_name,
8                                                     Prefix=s3prefix_name)
9    try:
10        if 'Contents' in list_object_response:
11            s3_deployment_folders = list_object_response['Contents']
12            return s3_deployment_folders
14    except ListException:
15        print("List objects in bucket {} with prefix {} "
16              "failed with response {}".format(s3bucket_name,
17                                               s3prefix_name,
18                                               list_object_response))

Compliant example

1def s3_recursion_compliant(self, s3bucket_name, s3prefix_name, token=None):
2    import boto3
4    s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
5    list_object_response = s3_client.list_objects_v2(
6        Bucket=s3bucket_name,
7        Prefix=s3prefix_name,
8        ContinuationToken=token
9    ) if token else s3_client.list_objects_v2(Bucket=s3bucket_name,
10                                              Prefix=s3prefix_name)
12    s3_deployment_folders = list_object_response['Contents']
13    # Compliant: keeps requesting until no more requests are needed.
14    if not list_object_response['IsTruncated']:
15        return s3_deployment_folders
17    next_response = self.s3_recursion_compliant(s3bucket_name, s3prefix_name,
18                                                list_object_response
19                                                ['NextContinuationToken'])
20    s3_deployment_folders += next_response
22    return s3_deployment_folders