AWS Device Farm document history - AWS Device Farm

AWS Device Farm document history

The following table describes the important changes to the documentation since the last release of this guide.

Change Description Date Changed
AL2 support Device Farm now supports the AL2 test environment for Android. Learn more about AL2. November 6, 2023
Migration from Standard to Custom test environments Updated migration guide to document deprecation for standard mode tests in December 2023. September 3, 2023
VPC ENI support Device Farm now allows private devices to use the VPC-ENI connectivity feature to help customers securely connect to their private endpoints hosted on AWS, on-premise software, or another cloud provider. Learn nore about VPC-ENI. May 15, 2023
Polaris UI updates The Device Farm console now supports the Polaris framework. July 28, 2021
Python 3 support

Device Farm now supports Python 3 in custom mode tests. Learn more about using Python 3 in your test packages:

April 20, 2020
New security information and information on tagging AWS resources.

To make securing AWS services easier and more comprehensive, a new section on security has been built. To read more, see Security in AWS Device Farm

A new section on tagging in Device Farm has been added. To learn more about tagging, see Tagging in Device Farm.

March 27, 2020
Removal of Direct Device Access. Direct Device Access (remote debugging on private devices) is no longer available for general usage. For inquiries into future availability of Direct Device Access, please contact us. September 9, 2019
Update Gradle plugin configuration A revised Gradle plugin configuration now includes a customizable version of the gradle configuration, with optional parameters commented out. Learn more about Setting up the Device Farm Gradle plugin. August 16, 2019
New requirement for test runs with XCTest For test runs that use the XCTest framework, Device Farm now requires an app package that is built for testing. Learn more about Integrating Device Farm with XCTest for iOS. February 4, 2019
Support for Appium Node.js and Appium Ruby test types in custom environments You can now run your tests in both Appium Node.js and Appium Ruby custom test environments. Learn more about Test frameworks and built-in tests in AWS Device Farm. January 10, 2019
Support for Appium server version 1.7.2 in both standard and custom environments. Support for version 1.8.1 using a custom test spec YAML file in a custom test environment. You can now run your tests in both standard and custom test environments with Appium server versions 1.72, 1.71, and 1.6.5. You can also run your tests with versions 1.8.1 and 1.8.0 using a custom test spec YAML file in a custom test environment. Learn more about Test frameworks and built-in tests in AWS Device Farm. October 2, 2018
Custom test environments With a custom test environment, you can ensure your tests run like they do in your local environment. Device Farm now provides support for live log and video streaming, so you can get instant feedback on your tests that are run in a custom test environment. Learn more about Custom test environments in AWS Device Farm. August, 16 2018
Support for using Device Farm as an AWS CodePipeline test provider You can now configure a pipeline in AWS CodePipeline to use AWS Device Farm runs as test actions in your release process. CodePipeline enables you to quickly link your repository to build and test stages to achieve a continuous integration system customized to your needs. Learn more about Integrating AWS Device Farm in a CodePipeline test stage. July, 19 2018
Support for Private Devices You can now use private devices to schedule test runs and start remote access sessions. You can manage profiles and settings for these devices, create Amazon VPC endpoints to test private apps, and create remote debugging sessions. Learn more about Private devices in AWS Device Farm. May 2, 2018
Support for Appium 1.6.3 You can now set the Appium version for your Appium custom tests. March 21, 2017
Set the execution timeout for test runs

You can set the execution timeout for a test run or for all tests in a project. Learn more about Setting the execution timeout for test runs in AWS Device Farm.

February 9, 2017
Network Shaping

You can now simulate network connections and conditions for a test run. Learn more about Simulating network connections and conditions for your AWS Device Farm runs.

December 8, 2016
New Troubleshooting Section

You can now troubleshoot test package uploads using a set of procedures designed to resolve error messages you might encounter in the Device Farm console. Learn more about Troubleshooting Device Farm errors.

August 10, 2016
Remote Access Sessions

You can now remotely access and interact with a single device in the console. Learn more about Remote access.

April 19, 2016
Device Slots Self-Service

You can now purchase device slots using the AWS Management Console, the AWS Command Line Interface, or the API. Learn more about how to Purchasing a device slot in Device Farm.

March 22, 2016
How to stop test runs

You can now stop test runs using the AWS Management Console, the AWS Command Line Interface, or the API. Learn more about how to Stopping a run in AWS Device Farm.

March 22, 2016
New XCTest UI test types

You can now run XCTest UI custom tests on iOS applications. Learn more about the Integrating XCTest UI for iOS with Device Farm test type.

March 8, 2016
New Appium Python test types

You can now run Appium Python custom tests on Android, iOS, and web applications. Learn more about Test frameworks and built-in tests in AWS Device Farm.

January 19, 2016
Web Application test types

You can now run Appium Java JUnit and TestNG custom tests on web applications. Learn more about Web app tests in AWS Device Farm.

November 19, 2015
AWS Device Farm Gradle Plugin

Learn more about how to install and use the Device Farm Gradle plugin.

September 28, 2015
New Android Built-in Test: Explorer

The explorer test crawls your app by analyzing each screen as if it were an end user and takes screenshots as it explores.

September 16, 2015
iOS support added

Learn more about testing iOS devices and running iOS tests (including XCTest) in Test frameworks and built-in tests in AWS Device Farm.

August 4, 2015
Initial public release

This is the initial public release of the AWS Device Farm Developer Guide.

July 13, 2015