Troubleshooting a misconfigured linked S3 bucket
In some cases, an FSx for Lustre file system's linked S3 bucket might have a misconfigured data repository lifecycle state.
Possible cause
This error can occur if Amazon FSx does not have the necessary AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions that are required to access the linked data repository. The required IAM permissions support the Amazon FSx for Lustre service-linked role that is used to access the specified Amazon S3 bucket on your behalf.
Action to take
Ensure that your IAM entity (user, group, or role) has the appropriate permissions to create file systems. Doing this includes adding the permissions policy that supports the Amazon FSx for Lustre service-linked role. For more information, see Adding permissions to use data repositories in Amazon S3.
Using the Amazon FSx CLI or API, refresh the file system's
with theupdate-file-system
CLI command (UpdateFileSystem is the equivalent API action), as fsx update-file-system \ --file-system-id fs-0123456789abcdef0 \ --lustre-configuration AutoImportPolicy=
For more information about service-linked roles, see Using service-linked roles for Amazon FSx.
Possible Cause
This error can occur if the linked Amazon S3 data repository has an existing event
notification configuration with event types that overlap with the Amazon FSx event
notification configuration (s3:ObjectCreated:*
This can also occur if the Amazon FSx event notification configuration on the linked S3 bucket was deleted or modified.
Action to take
Remove any existing event notification on the linked S3 bucket that uses either or both of the event types that the FSx event configuration uses,
Ensure that there is an S3 Event Notification Configuration in your linked S3 bucket with the name
, event typess3:ObjectCreated:*
, and send to the SNS topic withARN:
Reapply the FSx event notification configuration on the S3 bucket by using the Amazon FSx CLI or API, to refresh the file system's
. Do so with theupdate-file-system
CLI command (UpdateFileSystem is the equivalent API action), as fsx update-file-system \ --file-system-id fs-0123456789abcdef0 \ --lustre-configuration AutoImportPolicy=