Granting an entitlement on a flow - AWS Elemental MediaConnect

Granting an entitlement on a flow

You can grant an entitlement to an existing flow to share your content with another AWS account (the subscriber account). The subscriber creates an AWS Elemental MediaConnect flow in the same AWS Region, using your flow as the source. When this happens, the service generates an output on your flow to represent the video stream from your flow to the subscriber's flow.

The subscriber can use an entitlement only once.


Before you can grant an entitlement, you must do the following:

To grant an entitlement on a flow (console)
  1. Open the MediaConnect console at

  2. On the Flows page, choose the name of the flow that you want to grant an entitlement on.

    The details page for that flow appears.

  3. Choose the Entitlements tab.

  4. Choose Grant entitlement.

    The Grant entitlement page appears.

  5. For Name, specify a name for the entitlement that will help you and the subscriber differentiate this flow from other flows. The name also becomes part of the entitlement ARN, which is visible to the subscriber.

  6. For Subscriber account ID, specify the subscriber's 12-digit AWS account ID. Don't include hyphens in the ID.

  7. For Description, specify a description that will help you identify this entitlement later. The description is visible only on the AWS Elemental MediaConnect console for your account.

  8. For Data transfer subscriber fee percent, specify the percentage of the entitlement data transfer fee that you want the subscriber to be responsible for. AWS bills your account for the remainder. For example, if you specify 15, AWS bills the subscriber's account for 15% of the entitlement data transfer fee and your account for the remaining 85%.


    Even if you specify that the subscriber is responsible for a portion or all of the entitlement data transfer fee, the subscriber will not incur fees until they create and start a flow that is based on this entitlement.

  9. For Entitlement status, specify whether you want the entitlement enabled or disabled. If the entitlement is enabled, the subscriber can create a flow based on the entitlement and start streaming content right away. If the entitlement is disabled, the subscriber must wait for you to enable it before content can stream from your flow to their flow.

  10. If you want to encrypt the video as it is sent from your flow to the subscriber's flow, choose one of the following tabs:

    Static key encryption
    1. In the Encryption section, choose Enable.

    2. For Encryption type, choose Static key.

    3. For Role ARN, specify the ARN of the role that you created when you set up encryption.

    4. For Secret ARN, specify the ARN that AWS Secrets Manager assigned when you created the secret to store the encryption key.

    5. For Encryption algorithm, choose the type of encryption that you want to use to encrypt the source.

    SPEKE encryption
    1. In the Encryption section, choose Enable.

    2. For Encryption type, choose SPEKE.

    3. For Encryption algorithm, choose the type of encryption that you want to use to encrypt the source.

    4. For Role ARN, enter the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that provides you access to send your requests through API Gateway. You created this role when you set up encryption.

      The following example shows a role ARN:

    5. For Resource ID, enter an identifier for the content. The service sends this to the key server to identify the current endpoint. How unique you make this depends on how fine-grained you want access controls to be. The resource ID is also known as the content ID.

      The following example shows a resource ID:

    6. For Device ID, enter the value of one of the devices that you configured with your conditional access (CA) platform key provider.

    7. For URL, enter the URL of the API Gateway proxy that you set up to talk to your key server. The API Gateway proxy must reside in the same AWS Region as MediaConnect.

      The following example shows a URL.
    8. (Optional) For Constant initialization vector enter a 128-bit, 16-byte hex value represented by a 32-character string, to be used with the key for encrypting content.

  11. At the bottom of the page, choose Grant entitlement.

  12. On the Entitlements tab, locate the new entitlement in the list.

  13. Make a note of the entitlement ARN.

  14. Provide the following information to the subscriber:

    • The entitlement ARN

    • The AWS Region that you created the flow in

    • The encryption key and algorithm if you set up encryption on the entitlement

    • The percentage of the entitlement data transfer fee that the subscriber is responsible for


    MediaConnect suppresses null packets in an effort to optimize the data connection between the content originator's flow and the subscriber's flow. This can result in a fluctuating bitrate on the subscriber's flow, or a difference between the bitrate of the content originator's flow and the subscriber’s flow. We recommend that you monitor source health as a combination of SourceBitRate and other metrics such as SourceContinuityCounter and SourceNotRecoveredPackets.

To grant an entitlement on a flow (AWS CLI)
  1. Create a JSON file that contains the details of the entitlements that you want to grant.

    The following example shows the structure for the contents of the file:

    [ { "Description": "For AnyCompany", "Encryption": [ { "Algorithm": "aes128", "KeyType": "static-key", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/MediaConnect-ASM", "SecretArn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:111122223333:secret:mySecret1" } ], "Name": "AnyCompany_Entitlement", "Subscribers": [ "444455556666", "123456789012" ] }, { "Description": "For Example Corp", "Name": "ExampleCorp", "Subscribers": [ "777788889999" ] } ]
  2. In the AWS CLI, use the grant-flow-entitlements command:

    aws mediaconnect grant-flow-entitlements --entitlements --flow-arn arn:aws:mediaconnect:us-east-1:111122223333:flow:1-23aBC45dEF67hiJ8-12AbC34DE5fG:BaseballGame --cli-input-json file://entitlements.json

    The following example shows the return value:

    { "Entitlements": [ { "Name": "AnyCompany_Entitlement", "EntitlementArn": "arn:aws:mediaconnect:us-west-2:111122223333:entitlement:1-11aa22bb11aa22bb-3333cccc4444:AnyCompany_Entitlement", "Subscribers": [ "444455556666", "123456789012" ], "Description": "For AnyCompany", "Encryption": { "SecretArn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:111122223333:secret:mySecret1", "Algorithm": "aes128", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/MediaConnect-ASM", "KeyType": "static-key" } }, { "Name": "ExampleCorp", "EntitlementArn": "arn:aws:mediaconnect:us-west-2:111122223333:entitlement:1-3333cccc4444dddd-1111aaaa2222:ExampleCorp", "Subscribers": [ "777788889999" ], "Description": "For Example Corp" } ], "FlowArn": "arn:aws:mediaconnect:us-east-1:111122223333:flow:1-23aBC45dEF67hiJ8-12AbC34DE5fG:BaseballGame" }