AWS::RDS::DBCluster - AWS CloudFormation


The AWS::RDS::DBCluster resource creates an Amazon Aurora DB cluster or Multi-AZ DB cluster.

For more information about creating an Aurora DB cluster, see Creating an Amazon Aurora DB cluster in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

For more information about creating a Multi-AZ DB cluster, see Creating a Multi-AZ DB cluster in the Amazon RDS User Guide.


You can only create this resource in AWS Regions where Amazon Aurora or Multi-AZ DB clusters are supported.

Updating DB clusters

When properties labeled "Update requires: Replacement" are updated, AWS CloudFormation first creates a replacement DB cluster, then changes references from other dependent resources to point to the replacement DB cluster, and finally deletes the old DB cluster.


We highly recommend that you take a snapshot of the database before updating the stack. If you don't, you lose the data when AWS CloudFormation replaces your DB cluster. To preserve your data, perform the following procedure:

  1. Deactivate any applications that are using the DB cluster so that there's no activity on the DB instance.

  2. Create a snapshot of the DB cluster. For more information, see Creating a DB cluster snapshot.

  3. If you want to restore your DB cluster using a DB cluster snapshot, modify the updated template with your DB cluster changes and add the SnapshotIdentifier property with the ID of the DB cluster snapshot that you want to use.

    After you restore a DB cluster with a SnapshotIdentifier property, you must specify the same SnapshotIdentifier property for any future updates to the DB cluster. When you specify this property for an update, the DB cluster is not restored from the DB cluster snapshot again, and the data in the database is not changed. However, if you don't specify the SnapshotIdentifier property, an empty DB cluster is created, and the original DB cluster is deleted. If you specify a property that is different from the previous snapshot restore property, a new DB cluster is restored from the specified SnapshotIdentifier property, and the original DB cluster is deleted.

  4. Update the stack.

Currently, when you are updating the stack for an Aurora Serverless DB cluster, you can't include changes to any other properties when you specify one of the following properties: PreferredBackupWindow, PreferredMaintenanceWindow, and Port. This limitation doesn't apply to provisioned DB clusters.

For more information about updating other properties of this resource, see ModifyDBCluster . For more information about updating stacks, see AWS CloudFormation Stacks Updates.

Deleting DB clusters

The default DeletionPolicy for AWS::RDS::DBCluster resources is Snapshot. For more information about how AWS CloudFormation deletes resources, see DeletionPolicy Attribute.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Type" : "AWS::RDS::DBCluster", "Properties" : { "AllocatedStorage" : Integer, "AssociatedRoles" : [ DBClusterRole, ... ], "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade" : Boolean, "AvailabilityZones" : [ String, ... ], "BacktrackWindow" : Integer, "BackupRetentionPeriod" : Integer, "CopyTagsToSnapshot" : Boolean, "DatabaseName" : String, "DBClusterIdentifier" : String, "DBClusterInstanceClass" : String, "DBClusterParameterGroupName" : String, "DBInstanceParameterGroupName" : String, "DBSubnetGroupName" : String, "DBSystemId" : String, "DeletionProtection" : Boolean, "Domain" : String, "DomainIAMRoleName" : String, "EnableCloudwatchLogsExports" : [ String, ... ], "EnableGlobalWriteForwarding" : Boolean, "EnableHttpEndpoint" : Boolean, "EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication" : Boolean, "EnableLocalWriteForwarding" : Boolean, "Engine" : String, "EngineLifecycleSupport" : String, "EngineMode" : String, "EngineVersion" : String, "GlobalClusterIdentifier" : String, "Iops" : Integer, "KmsKeyId" : String, "ManageMasterUserPassword" : Boolean, "MasterUsername" : String, "MasterUserPassword" : String, "MasterUserSecret" : MasterUserSecret, "MonitoringInterval" : Integer, "MonitoringRoleArn" : String, "NetworkType" : String, "PerformanceInsightsEnabled" : Boolean, "PerformanceInsightsKmsKeyId" : String, "PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod" : Integer, "Port" : Integer, "PreferredBackupWindow" : String, "PreferredMaintenanceWindow" : String, "PubliclyAccessible" : Boolean, "ReadEndpoint" : ReadEndpoint, "ReplicationSourceIdentifier" : String, "RestoreToTime" : String, "RestoreType" : String, "ScalingConfiguration" : ScalingConfiguration, "ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration" : ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration, "SnapshotIdentifier" : String, "SourceDBClusterIdentifier" : String, "SourceRegion" : String, "StorageEncrypted" : Boolean, "StorageType" : String, "Tags" : [ Tag, ... ], "UseLatestRestorableTime" : Boolean, "VpcSecurityGroupIds" : [ String, ... ] } }


Type: AWS::RDS::DBCluster Properties: AllocatedStorage: Integer AssociatedRoles: - DBClusterRole AutoMinorVersionUpgrade: Boolean AvailabilityZones: - String BacktrackWindow: Integer BackupRetentionPeriod: Integer CopyTagsToSnapshot: Boolean DatabaseName: String DBClusterIdentifier: String DBClusterInstanceClass: String DBClusterParameterGroupName: String DBInstanceParameterGroupName: String DBSubnetGroupName: String DBSystemId: String DeletionProtection: Boolean Domain: String DomainIAMRoleName: String EnableCloudwatchLogsExports: - String EnableGlobalWriteForwarding: Boolean EnableHttpEndpoint: Boolean EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication: Boolean EnableLocalWriteForwarding: Boolean Engine: String EngineLifecycleSupport: String EngineMode: String EngineVersion: String GlobalClusterIdentifier: String Iops: Integer KmsKeyId: String ManageMasterUserPassword: Boolean MasterUsername: String MasterUserPassword: String MasterUserSecret: MasterUserSecret MonitoringInterval: Integer MonitoringRoleArn: String NetworkType: String PerformanceInsightsEnabled: Boolean PerformanceInsightsKmsKeyId: String PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod: Integer Port: Integer PreferredBackupWindow: String PreferredMaintenanceWindow: String PubliclyAccessible: Boolean ReadEndpoint: ReadEndpoint ReplicationSourceIdentifier: String RestoreToTime: String RestoreType: String ScalingConfiguration: ScalingConfiguration ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration: ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration SnapshotIdentifier: String SourceDBClusterIdentifier: String SourceRegion: String StorageEncrypted: Boolean StorageType: String Tags: - Tag UseLatestRestorableTime: Boolean VpcSecurityGroupIds: - String



The amount of storage in gibibytes (GiB) to allocate to each DB instance in the Multi-AZ DB cluster.

Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only

This setting is required to create a Multi-AZ DB cluster.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Update requires: No interruption


Provides a list of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles that are associated with the DB cluster. IAM roles that are associated with a DB cluster grant permission for the DB cluster to access other Amazon Web Services on your behalf.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: Array of DBClusterRole

Update requires: No interruption


Specifies whether minor engine upgrades are applied automatically to the DB cluster during the maintenance window. By default, minor engine upgrades are applied automatically.

Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Update requires: No interruption


A list of Availability Zones (AZs) where instances in the DB cluster can be created. For information on AWS Regions and Availability Zones, see Choosing the Regions and Availability Zones in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: Array of String

Update requires: Replacement


The target backtrack window, in seconds. To disable backtracking, set this value to 0.

Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora MySQL DB clusters only

Default: 0


  • If specified, this value must be set to a number from 0 to 259,200 (72 hours).

Required: No

Type: Integer

Minimum: 0

Update requires: No interruption


The number of days for which automated backups are retained.

Default: 1


  • Must be a value from 1 to 35

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: Integer

Minimum: 1

Update requires: No interruption


A value that indicates whether to copy all tags from the DB cluster to snapshots of the DB cluster. The default is not to copy them.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Update requires: No interruption


The name of your database. If you don't provide a name, then Amazon RDS won't create a database in this DB cluster. For naming constraints, see Naming Constraints in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement


The DB cluster identifier. This parameter is stored as a lowercase string.


  • Must contain from 1 to 63 letters, numbers, or hyphens.

  • First character must be a letter.

  • Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.

Example: my-cluster1

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z]{1}(?:-?[a-zA-Z0-9]){0,62}$

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 63

Update requires: Replacement


The compute and memory capacity of each DB instance in the Multi-AZ DB cluster, for example db.m6gd.xlarge. Not all DB instance classes are available in all AWS Regions, or for all database engines.

For the full list of DB instance classes and availability for your engine, see DB instance class in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

This setting is required to create a Multi-AZ DB cluster.

Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The name of the DB cluster parameter group to associate with this DB cluster.


If you apply a parameter group to an existing DB cluster, then its DB instances might need to reboot. This can result in an outage while the DB instances are rebooting.

If you apply a change to parameter group associated with a stopped DB cluster, then the update stack waits until the DB cluster is started.

To list all of the available DB cluster parameter group names, use the following command:

aws rds describe-db-cluster-parameter-groups --query "DBClusterParameterGroups[].DBClusterParameterGroupName" --output text

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The name of the DB parameter group to apply to all instances of the DB cluster.


When you apply a parameter group using the DBInstanceParameterGroupName parameter, the DB cluster isn't rebooted automatically. Also, parameter changes are applied immediately rather than during the next maintenance window.

Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters only

Default: The existing name setting


  • The DB parameter group must be in the same DB parameter group family as this DB cluster.

  • The DBInstanceParameterGroupName parameter is valid in combination with the AllowMajorVersionUpgrade parameter for a major version upgrade only.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


A DB subnet group that you want to associate with this DB cluster.

If you are restoring a DB cluster to a point in time with RestoreType set to copy-on-write, and don't specify a DB subnet group name, then the DB cluster is restored with a default DB subnet group.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement


Reserved for future use.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement


A value that indicates whether the DB cluster has deletion protection enabled. The database can't be deleted when deletion protection is enabled. By default, deletion protection is disabled.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Update requires: No interruption


Indicates the directory ID of the Active Directory to create the DB cluster.

For Amazon Aurora DB clusters, Amazon RDS can use Kerberos authentication to authenticate users that connect to the DB cluster.

For more information, see Kerberos authentication in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


Specifies the name of the IAM role to use when making API calls to the Directory Service.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The list of log types that need to be enabled for exporting to CloudWatch Logs. The values in the list depend on the DB engine being used. For more information, see Publishing Database Logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

Aurora MySQL

Valid values: audit, error, general, slowquery

Aurora PostgreSQL

Valid values: postgresql

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: Array of String

Update requires: No interruption


Specifies whether to enable this DB cluster to forward write operations to the primary cluster of a global cluster (Aurora global database). By default, write operations are not allowed on Aurora DB clusters that are secondary clusters in an Aurora global database.

You can set this value only on Aurora DB clusters that are members of an Aurora global database. With this parameter enabled, a secondary cluster can forward writes to the current primary cluster, and the resulting changes are replicated back to this cluster. For the primary DB cluster of an Aurora global database, this value is used immediately if the primary is demoted by a global cluster API operation, but it does nothing until then.

Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Update requires: No interruption


Specifies whether to enable the HTTP endpoint for the DB cluster. By default, the HTTP endpoint isn't enabled.

When enabled, the HTTP endpoint provides a connectionless web service API (RDS Data API) for running SQL queries on the DB cluster. You can also query your database from inside the RDS console with the RDS query editor.

RDS Data API is supported with the following DB clusters:

  • Aurora PostgreSQL Serverless v2 and provisioned

  • Aurora PostgreSQL and Aurora MySQL Serverless v1

For more information, see Using RDS Data API in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Update requires: No interruption


A value that indicates whether to enable mapping of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts. By default, mapping is disabled.

For more information, see IAM Database Authentication in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Update requires: No interruption


Specifies whether read replicas can forward write operations to the writer DB instance in the DB cluster. By default, write operations aren't allowed on reader DB instances.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Update requires: No interruption


The name of the database engine to be used for this DB cluster.

Valid Values:

  • aurora-mysql

  • aurora-postgresql

  • mysql

  • postgres

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Some interruptions


The life cycle type for this DB cluster.


By default, this value is set to open-source-rds-extended-support, which enrolls your DB cluster into Amazon RDS Extended Support. At the end of standard support, you can avoid charges for Extended Support by setting the value to open-source-rds-extended-support-disabled. In this case, creating the DB cluster will fail if the DB major version is past its end of standard support date.

You can use this setting to enroll your DB cluster into Amazon RDS Extended Support. With RDS Extended Support, you can run the selected major engine version on your DB cluster past the end of standard support for that engine version. For more information, see the following sections:

Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Valid Values: open-source-rds-extended-support | open-source-rds-extended-support-disabled

Default: open-source-rds-extended-support

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Some interruptions


The DB engine mode of the DB cluster, either provisioned or serverless.

The serverless engine mode only applies for Aurora Serverless v1 DB clusters. Aurora Serverless v2 DB clusters use the provisioned engine mode.

For information about limitations and requirements for Serverless DB clusters, see the following sections in the Amazon Aurora User Guide:

Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement


The version number of the database engine to use.

To list all of the available engine versions for Aurora MySQL version 2 (5.7-compatible) and version 3 (8.0-compatible), use the following command:

aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine aurora-mysql --query "DBEngineVersions[].EngineVersion"

You can supply either 5.7 or 8.0 to use the default engine version for Aurora MySQL version 2 or version 3, respectively.

To list all of the available engine versions for Aurora PostgreSQL, use the following command:

aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine aurora-postgresql --query "DBEngineVersions[].EngineVersion"

To list all of the available engine versions for RDS for MySQL, use the following command:

aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine mysql --query "DBEngineVersions[].EngineVersion"

To list all of the available engine versions for RDS for PostgreSQL, use the following command:

aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine postgres --query "DBEngineVersions[].EngineVersion"

Aurora MySQL

For information, see Database engine updates for Amazon Aurora MySQL in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

Aurora PostgreSQL

For information, see Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL releases and engine versions in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.


For information, see Amazon RDS for MySQL in the Amazon RDS User Guide.


For information, see Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Some interruptions


If you are configuring an Aurora global database cluster and want your Aurora DB cluster to be a secondary member in the global database cluster, specify the global cluster ID of the global database cluster. To define the primary database cluster of the global cluster, use the AWS::RDS::GlobalCluster resource.

If you aren't configuring a global database cluster, don't specify this property.


To remove the DB cluster from a global database cluster, specify an empty value for the GlobalClusterIdentifier property.

For information about Aurora global databases, see Working with Amazon Aurora Global Databases in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: ^$|^[a-zA-Z]{1}(?:-?[a-zA-Z0-9]){0,62}$

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 63

Update requires: Some interruptions


The amount of Provisioned IOPS (input/output operations per second) to be initially allocated for each DB instance in the Multi-AZ DB cluster.

For information about valid IOPS values, see Provisioned IOPS storage in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

This setting is required to create a Multi-AZ DB cluster.

Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only


  • Must be a multiple between .5 and 50 of the storage amount for the DB cluster.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Update requires: No interruption


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS KMS key that is used to encrypt the database instances in the DB cluster, such as arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678910:key/abcd1234-a123-456a-a12b-a123b4cd56ef. If you enable the StorageEncrypted property but don't specify this property, the default KMS key is used. If you specify this property, you must set the StorageEncrypted property to true.

If you specify the SnapshotIdentifier property, the StorageEncrypted property value is inherited from the snapshot, and if the DB cluster is encrypted, the specified KmsKeyId property is used.

If you create a read replica of an encrypted DB cluster in another AWS Region, make sure to set KmsKeyId to a KMS key identifier that is valid in the destination AWS Region. This KMS key is used to encrypt the read replica in that AWS Region.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement


Specifies whether to manage the master user password with AWS Secrets Manager.

For more information, see Password management with AWS Secrets Manager in the Amazon RDS User Guide and Password management with AWS Secrets Manager in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters


  • Can't manage the master user password with AWS Secrets Manager if MasterUserPassword is specified.

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Update requires: No interruption


The name of the master user for the DB cluster.


If you specify the SourceDBClusterIdentifier, SnapshotIdentifier, or GlobalClusterIdentifier property, don't specify this property. The value is inherited from the source DB cluster, the snapshot, or the primary DB cluster for the global database cluster, respectively.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: Conditional

Type: String

Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$

Minimum: 1

Update requires: Some interruptions


The master password for the DB instance.


If you specify the SourceDBClusterIdentifier, SnapshotIdentifier, or GlobalClusterIdentifier property, don't specify this property. The value is inherited from the source DB cluster, the snapshot, or the primary DB cluster for the global database cluster, respectively.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: Conditional

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The secret managed by RDS in AWS Secrets Manager for the master user password.

For more information, see Password management with AWS Secrets Manager in the Amazon RDS User Guide and Password management with AWS Secrets Manager in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

Required: No

Type: MasterUserSecret

Update requires: No interruption


The interval, in seconds, between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics are collected for the DB cluster. To turn off collecting Enhanced Monitoring metrics, specify 0.

If MonitoringRoleArn is specified, also set MonitoringInterval to a value other than 0.

Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only

Valid Values: 0 | 1 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 30 | 60

Default: 0

Required: No

Type: Integer

Update requires: No interruption


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that permits RDS to send Enhanced Monitoring metrics to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. An example is arn:aws:iam:123456789012:role/emaccess. For information on creating a monitoring role, see Setting up and enabling Enhanced Monitoring in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

If MonitoringInterval is set to a value other than 0, supply a MonitoringRoleArn value.

Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The network type of the DB cluster.

Valid values:

  • IPV4

  • DUAL

The network type is determined by the DBSubnetGroup specified for the DB cluster. A DBSubnetGroup can support only the IPv4 protocol or the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols (DUAL).

For more information, see Working with a DB instance in a VPC in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


Specifies whether to turn on Performance Insights for the DB cluster.

For more information, see Using Amazon Performance Insights in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Update requires: No interruption


The AWS KMS key identifier for encryption of Performance Insights data.

The AWS KMS key identifier is the key ARN, key ID, alias ARN, or alias name for the KMS key.

If you don't specify a value for PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId, then Amazon RDS uses your default KMS key. There is a default KMS key for your AWS account. Your AWS account has a different default KMS key for each AWS Region.

Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The number of days to retain Performance Insights data.

Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only

Valid Values:

  • 7

  • month * 31, where month is a number of months from 1-23. Examples: 93 (3 months * 31), 341 (11 months * 31), 589 (19 months * 31)

  • 731

Default: 7 days

If you specify a retention period that isn't valid, such as 94, Amazon RDS issues an error.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Update requires: No interruption


The port number on which the DB instances in the DB cluster accept connections.


  • When EngineMode is provisioned, 3306 (for both Aurora MySQL and Aurora PostgreSQL)

  • When EngineMode is serverless:

    • 3306 when Engine is aurora or aurora-mysql

    • 5432 when Engine is aurora-postgresql


The No interruption on update behavior only applies to DB clusters. If you are updating a DB instance, see Port for the AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: Integer

Update requires: No interruption


The daily time range during which automated backups are created. For more information, see Backup Window in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.


  • Must be in the format hh24:mi-hh24:mi.

  • Must be in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

  • Must not conflict with the preferred maintenance window.

  • Must be at least 30 minutes.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

Format: ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi

The default is a 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block of time for each AWS Region, occurring on a random day of the week. To see the time blocks available, see Adjusting the Preferred DB Cluster Maintenance Window in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

Valid Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun.

Constraints: Minimum 30-minute window.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


Specifies whether the DB cluster is publicly accessible.

When the DB cluster is publicly accessible and you connect from outside of the DB cluster's virtual private cloud (VPC), its Domain Name System (DNS) endpoint resolves to the public IP address. When you connect from within the same VPC as the DB cluster, the endpoint resolves to the private IP address. Access to the DB cluster is ultimately controlled by the security group it uses. That public access isn't permitted if the security group assigned to the DB cluster doesn't permit it.

When the DB cluster isn't publicly accessible, it is an internal DB cluster with a DNS name that resolves to a private IP address.

Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only

Default: The default behavior varies depending on whether DBSubnetGroupName is specified.

If DBSubnetGroupName isn't specified, and PubliclyAccessible isn't specified, the following applies:

  • If the default VPC in the target Region doesn’t have an internet gateway attached to it, the DB cluster is private.

  • If the default VPC in the target Region has an internet gateway attached to it, the DB cluster is public.

If DBSubnetGroupName is specified, and PubliclyAccessible isn't specified, the following applies:

  • If the subnets are part of a VPC that doesn’t have an internet gateway attached to it, the DB cluster is private.

  • If the subnets are part of a VPC that has an internet gateway attached to it, the DB cluster is public.

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Update requires: Replacement


This data type represents the information you need to connect to an Amazon RDS DB instance. This data type is used as a response element in the following actions:

  • CreateDBInstance

  • DescribeDBInstances

  • DeleteDBInstance

For the data structure that represents Amazon Aurora DB cluster endpoints, see DBClusterEndpoint.

Required: No

Type: ReadEndpoint

Update requires: No interruption


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source DB instance or DB cluster if this DB cluster is created as a read replica.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The date and time to restore the DB cluster to.

Valid Values: Value must be a time in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) format


  • Must be before the latest restorable time for the DB instance

  • Must be specified if UseLatestRestorableTime parameter isn't provided

  • Can't be specified if the UseLatestRestorableTime parameter is enabled

  • Can't be specified if the RestoreType parameter is copy-on-write

This property must be used with SourceDBClusterIdentifier property. The resulting cluster will have the identifier that matches the value of the DBclusterIdentifier property.

Example: 2015-03-07T23:45:00Z

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement


The type of restore to be performed. You can specify one of the following values:

  • full-copy - The new DB cluster is restored as a full copy of the source DB cluster.

  • copy-on-write - The new DB cluster is restored as a clone of the source DB cluster.

If you don't specify a RestoreType value, then the new DB cluster is restored as a full copy of the source DB cluster.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement


The scaling configuration of an Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster.

This property is only supported for Aurora Serverless v1. For Aurora Serverless v2, Use the ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration property.

Valid for: Aurora Serverless v1 DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: ScalingConfiguration

Update requires: No interruption


The scaling configuration of an Aurora Serverless V2 DB cluster.

This property is only supported for Aurora Serverless v2. For Aurora Serverless v1, Use the ScalingConfiguration property.

Valid for: Aurora Serverless v2 DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration

Update requires: No interruption


The identifier for the DB snapshot or DB cluster snapshot to restore from.

You can use either the name or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to specify a DB cluster snapshot. However, you can use only the ARN to specify a DB snapshot.

After you restore a DB cluster with a SnapshotIdentifier property, you must specify the same SnapshotIdentifier property for any future updates to the DB cluster. When you specify this property for an update, the DB cluster is not restored from the snapshot again, and the data in the database is not changed. However, if you don't specify the SnapshotIdentifier property, an empty DB cluster is created, and the original DB cluster is deleted. If you specify a property that is different from the previous snapshot restore property, a new DB cluster is restored from the specified SnapshotIdentifier property, and the original DB cluster is deleted.

If you specify the SnapshotIdentifier property to restore a DB cluster (as opposed to specifying it for DB cluster updates), then don't specify the following properties:

  • GlobalClusterIdentifier

  • MasterUsername

  • MasterUserPassword

  • ReplicationSourceIdentifier

  • RestoreType

  • SourceDBClusterIdentifier

  • SourceRegion

  • StorageEncrypted (for an encrypted snapshot)

  • UseLatestRestorableTime


  • Must match the identifier of an existing Snapshot.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement


When restoring a DB cluster to a point in time, the identifier of the source DB cluster from which to restore.


  • Must match the identifier of an existing DBCluster.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement


The AWS Region which contains the source DB cluster when replicating a DB cluster. For example, us-east-1.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement


Indicates whether the DB cluster is encrypted.

If you specify the KmsKeyId property, then you must enable encryption.

If you specify the SourceDBClusterIdentifier property, don't specify this property. The value is inherited from the source DB cluster, and if the DB cluster is encrypted, the specified KmsKeyId property is used.

If you specify the SnapshotIdentifier and the specified snapshot is encrypted, don't specify this property. The value is inherited from the snapshot, and the specified KmsKeyId property is used.

If you specify the SnapshotIdentifier and the specified snapshot isn't encrypted, you can use this property to specify that the restored DB cluster is encrypted. Specify the KmsKeyId property for the KMS key to use for encryption. If you don't want the restored DB cluster to be encrypted, then don't set this property or set it to false.


If you specify both the StorageEncrypted and SnapshotIdentifier properties without specifying the KmsKeyId property, then the restored DB cluster inherits the encryption settings from the DB snapshot that provide.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Update requires: Replacement


The storage type to associate with the DB cluster.

For information on storage types for Aurora DB clusters, see Storage configurations for Amazon Aurora DB clusters. For information on storage types for Multi-AZ DB clusters, see Settings for creating Multi-AZ DB clusters.

This setting is required to create a Multi-AZ DB cluster.

When specified for a Multi-AZ DB cluster, a value for the Iops parameter is required.

Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Valid Values:

  • Aurora DB clusters - aurora | aurora-iopt1

  • Multi-AZ DB clusters - io1 | io2 | gp3


  • Aurora DB clusters - aurora

  • Multi-AZ DB clusters - io1


When you create an Aurora DB cluster with the storage type set to aurora-iopt1, the storage type is returned in the response. The storage type isn't returned when you set it to aurora.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


Tags to assign to the DB cluster.

Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: Array of Tag

Maximum: 50

Update requires: No interruption


A value that indicates whether to restore the DB cluster to the latest restorable backup time. By default, the DB cluster is not restored to the latest restorable backup time.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: Boolean

Update requires: Replacement


A list of EC2 VPC security groups to associate with this DB cluster.

If you plan to update the resource, don't specify VPC security groups in a shared VPC.

Valid for: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Required: No

Type: Array of String

Update requires: No interruption

Return values


When you pass the logical ID of this resource to the intrinsic Ref function, Ref returns the name (DBClusterIdentifier) of the DB cluster.

For more information about using the Ref function, see Ref.


The Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function returns a value for a specified attribute of this type. The following are the available attributes and sample return values.

For more information about using the Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function, see Fn::GetAtt.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the DB cluster.


The AWS Region-unique, immutable identifier for the DB cluster. This identifier is found in AWS CloudTrail log entries whenever the KMS key for the DB cluster is accessed.


The connection endpoint for the DB cluster. For example:


The port number that will accept connections on this DB cluster. For example: 3306


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the secret.


The reader endpoint for the DB cluster. For example:


The storage throughput for the DB cluster. The throughput is automatically set based on the IOPS that you provision, and is not configurable.

This setting is only for non-Aurora Multi-AZ DB clusters.


The following examples create DB clusters.


For an example that adds a scaling policy for a DB cluster with Application Auto Scaling, see Declaring a scaling policy for an Aurora DB cluster.

Creating an Amazon Aurora DB cluster with two DB instances

The following example creates an Amazon Aurora DB cluster and adds two DB instances to it. Because Amazon RDS automatically assigns a writer and reader DB instances in the cluster, use the cluster endpoint to read and write data, not the individual DB instance endpoints.


The example uses the time_zone Aurora MySQL parameter. For Aurora PostgreSQL, use the timezone parameter instead.


{ "Parameters": { "Username": { "NoEcho": "true", "Description": "Username for Aurora MySQL database access", "Type": "String", "MinLength": "1", "MaxLength": "16", "Default": "bevelvoerder", "AllowedPattern": "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*", "ConstraintDescription": "must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters." }, "Password": { "NoEcho": "true", "Description": "Password for Aurora MySQL database access", "Type": "String", "MinLength": "8", "MaxLength": "41", "Default": "Passw0rd", "AllowedPattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9]*", "ConstraintDescription": "must contain only alphanumeric characters." } }, "Resources": { "RDSCluster": { "Type": "AWS::RDS::DBCluster", "Properties": { "MasterUsername": { "Ref": "Username" }, "MasterUserPassword": { "Ref": "Password" }, "Engine": "aurora-mysql", "DBClusterParameterGroupName": { "Ref": "RDSDBClusterParameterGroup" } } }, "RDSDBInstance1": { "Type": "AWS::RDS::DBInstance", "Properties": { "DBParameterGroupName": { "Ref": "RDSDBParameterGroup" }, "Engine": "aurora-mysql", "DBClusterIdentifier": { "Ref": "RDSCluster" }, "PubliclyAccessible": "true", "DBInstanceClass": "db.r3.xlarge" } }, "RDSDBInstance2": { "Type": "AWS::RDS::DBInstance", "Properties": { "DBParameterGroupName": { "Ref": "RDSDBParameterGroup" }, "Engine": "aurora-mysql", "DBClusterIdentifier": { "Ref": "RDSCluster" }, "PubliclyAccessible": "true", "DBInstanceClass": "db.r3.xlarge" } }, "RDSDBClusterParameterGroup": { "Type": "AWS::RDS::DBClusterParameterGroup", "Properties": { "Description": "CloudFormation Sample Aurora Cluster Parameter Group", "Family": "aurora5.6", "Parameters": { "time_zone": "US/Eastern" } } }, "RDSDBParameterGroup": { "Type": "AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup", "Properties": { "Description": "CloudFormation Sample Aurora Parameter Group", "Family": "aurora5.6", "Parameters": { "sql_mode": "IGNORE_SPACE", "max_allowed_packet": 1024, "innodb_buffer_pool_size": "{DBInstanceClassMemory*3/4}" } } } } }


Parameters: Username: NoEcho: 'true' Description: Username for Aurora MySQL database access Type: String MinLength: '1' MaxLength: '16' Default: "bevelvoerder" AllowedPattern: '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' ConstraintDescription: must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters. Password: NoEcho: 'true' Description: Password for Aurora MySQL database access Type: String MinLength: '8' MaxLength: '41' Default: "Passw0rd" AllowedPattern: '[a-zA-Z0-9]*' ConstraintDescription: must contain only alphanumeric characters. Resources: RDSCluster: Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBCluster' Properties: MasterUsername: Ref: Username MasterUserPassword: Ref: Password Engine: aurora-mysql DBClusterParameterGroupName: Ref: RDSDBClusterParameterGroup RDSDBInstance1: Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBInstance' Properties: DBParameterGroupName: Ref: RDSDBParameterGroup Engine: aurora-mysql DBClusterIdentifier: Ref: RDSCluster PubliclyAccessible: 'true' DBInstanceClass: db.r3.xlarge RDSDBInstance2: Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBInstance' Properties: DBParameterGroupName: Ref: RDSDBParameterGroup Engine: aurora-mysql DBClusterIdentifier: Ref: RDSCluster PubliclyAccessible: 'true' DBInstanceClass: db.r3.xlarge RDSDBClusterParameterGroup: Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBClusterParameterGroup' Properties: Description: CloudFormation Sample Aurora Cluster Parameter Group Family: aurora5.6 Parameters: time_zone: US/Eastern RDSDBParameterGroup: Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup' Properties: Description: CloudFormation Sample Aurora Parameter Group Family: aurora5.6 Parameters: sql_mode: IGNORE_SPACE max_allowed_packet: 1024 innodb_buffer_pool_size: '{DBInstanceClassMemory*3/4}'

Creating an Amazon Aurora DB cluster that exports logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs

The following example creates an Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster that exports logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. For more information about exporting Aurora DB cluster logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs, see Publishing Database Logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.


{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion" : "2010-09-09", "Description" : "AWS CloudFormation Sample Template for sending Aurora DB cluster logs to CloudWatch Logs: Sample template showing how to create an Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster that exports logs to CloudWatch Logs. **WARNING** This template enables log exports to CloudWatch Logs. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template.", "Parameters" : { "DBUsername" : { "NoEcho" : "true", "Description" : "Username for PostgreSQL database access", "Type" : "String", "MinLength" : "1", "MaxLength" : "16", "AllowedPattern" : "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*", "ConstraintDescription" : "must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters." }, "DBPassword" : { "NoEcho" : "true", "Description" : "Password for PostgreSQL database access", "Type" : "String", "MinLength" : "8", "MaxLength" : "41", "AllowedPattern" : "[a-zA-Z0-9]*", "ConstraintDescription" : "must contain only alphanumeric characters." } }, "Resources" : { "RDSCluster" : { "Type": "AWS::RDS::DBCluster", "Properties" : { "MasterUsername" : { "Ref" : "DBUsername" }, "MasterUserPassword" : { "Ref" : "DBPassword" }, "DBClusterIdentifier" : "aurora-postgresql-cluster", "Engine" : "aurora-postgresql", "EngineVersion" : "10.7", "DBClusterParameterGroupName" : "default.aurora-postgresql10", "EnableCloudwatchLogsExports" : ["postgresql"] } }, "RDSDBInstance1": { "Type" : "AWS::RDS::DBInstance", "Properties" : { "DBInstanceIdentifier" : "aurora-postgresql-instance1", "Engine" : "aurora-postgresql", "DBClusterIdentifier" : { "Ref" : "RDSCluster" }, "PubliclyAccessible" : "true", "DBInstanceClass" : "db.r4.large" } }, "RDSDBInstance2": { "Type" : "AWS::RDS::DBInstance", "Properties" : { "DBInstanceIdentifier" : "aurora-postgresql-instance2", "Engine" : "aurora-postgresql", "DBClusterIdentifier" : { "Ref" : "RDSCluster" }, "PubliclyAccessible" : "true", "DBInstanceClass" : "db.r4.large" } }, } }


AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: >- AWS CloudFormation Sample Template for sending Aurora DB cluster logs to CloudWatch Logs: Sample template showing how to create an Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster that exports logs to CloudWatch Logs. **WARNING** This template enables log exports to CloudWatch Logs. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template. Parameters: DBUsername: NoEcho: 'true' Description: Username for PostgreSQL database access Type: String MinLength: '1' MaxLength: '16' AllowedPattern: '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' ConstraintDescription: must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters. DBPassword: NoEcho: 'true' Description: Password for PostgreSQL database access Type: String MinLength: '8' MaxLength: '41' AllowedPattern: '[a-zA-Z0-9]*' ConstraintDescription: must contain only alphanumeric characters. Resources: RDSCluster: Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBCluster' Properties: MasterUsername: !Ref DBUsername MasterUserPassword: !Ref DBPassword DBClusterIdentifier: aurora-postgresql-cluster Engine: aurora-postgresql EngineVersion: '10.7' DBClusterParameterGroupName: default.aurora-postgresql10 EnableCloudwatchLogsExports: - postgresql RDSDBInstance1: Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBInstance' Properties: DBInstanceIdentifier: aurora-postgresql-instance1 Engine: aurora-postgresql DBClusterIdentifier: !Ref RDSCluster PubliclyAccessible: 'true' DBInstanceClass: db.r4.large RDSDBInstance2: Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBInstance' Properties: DBInstanceIdentifier: aurora-postgresql-instance2 Engine: aurora-postgresql DBClusterIdentifier: !Ref RDSCluster PubliclyAccessible: 'true' DBInstanceClass: db.r4.large

Creating a Multi-AZ DB cluster

The following example creates a Multi-AZ DB cluster. A Multi-AZ DB cluster has a writer DB instance and two reader DB instances in three separate Availability Zones in the same AWS Region. Multi-AZ DB clusters provide high availability, increased capacity for read workloads, and lower write latency. You must specify a supported DB engine and DB engine version while creating a Multi-AZ DB cluster. For more information, see Multi-AZ DB cluster deployments in the Amazon RDS User Guide.


{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "AWS CloudFormation Sample Template for creating a Multi-AZ DB cluster.", "Parameters": { "DBUsername": { "NoEcho": "true", "Description": "Username for database access", "Type": "String", "MinLength": "1", "MaxLength": "16", "AllowedPattern": "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*", "ConstraintDescription": "Must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters." }, "DBPassword": { "NoEcho": "true", "Description": "Password for database access", "Type": "String", "MinLength": "8", "MaxLength": "41", "AllowedPattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9]*", "ConstraintDescription": "Must contain only alphanumeric characters." }, "DBClusterIdentifier": { "Type": "String" }, "Engine": { "Type": "String" }, "EngineVersion": { "Type": "String" }, "AllocatedStorage": { "Type": "Number" }, "Iops": { "Type": "Number" } }, "Resources": { "MultiAZDBCluster": { "Type": "AWS::RDS::DBCluster", "Properties": { "MasterUsername": { "Ref": "DBUsername" }, "MasterUserPassword": { "Ref": "DBPassword" }, "DBClusterIdentifier": { "Ref": "DBClusterIdentifier" }, "Engine": { "Ref": "Engine" }, "EngineVersion": { "Ref": "EngineVersion" }, "AllocatedStorage": { "Ref": "AllocatedStorage" }, "Iops": { "Ref": "Iops" }, "DBClusterInstanceClass": "db.r6gd.xlarge", "BackupRetentionPeriod": 1, "StorageType": "io1" } } } }


AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: AWS CloudFormation Sample Template for creating a Multi-AZ DB cluster. Parameters: DBUsername: NoEcho: 'true' Description: Username for database access Type: String MinLength: '1' MaxLength: '16' AllowedPattern: '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' ConstraintDescription: Must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters. DBPassword: NoEcho: 'true' Description: Password for database access Type: String MinLength: '8' MaxLength: '41' AllowedPattern: '[a-zA-Z0-9]*' ConstraintDescription: Must contain only alphanumeric characters. DBClusterIdentifier: Type: String Engine: Type: String EngineVersion: Type: String AllocatedStorage: Type: Number Iops: Type: Number Resources: MultiAZDBCluster: Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBCluster' Properties: MasterUsername: !Ref DBUsername MasterUserPassword: !Ref DBPassword DBClusterIdentifier: !Ref DBClusterIdentifier Engine: !Ref Engine EngineVersion: !Ref EngineVersion AllocatedStorage: !Ref AllocatedStorage Iops: !Ref Iops DBClusterInstanceClass: db.r6gd.xlarge BackupRetentionPeriod: 1 StorageType: io1

Creating an Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 DB cluster

The following example creates an Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 DB cluster. Aurora Serverless v2 automates the processes of monitoring the workload and adjusting the capacity for your databases. It adjusts the capacity in increments to provide the necessary database resources to meet an application's requirements. For more information, see Using Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

You must provide a supported engine version when you create an Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 DB cluster. For more information, see Aurora Serverless v2 in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.


This example creates an Aurora MySQL Serverless v2 DB cluster by setting Engine to aurora-mysql.


{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "ServerlessV2 Cluster", "Parameters": { "MasterUsername": { "Type": "String" }, "MasterUserPassword": { "Type": "String", "NoEcho": true }, "DBClusterIdentifier": { "Type": "String" }, "EngineVersion": { "Type": "String" }, "MinCapacity": { "Type": "String" }, "MaxCapacity": { "Type": "String" } }, "Resources": { "RDSDBCluster": { "Type": "AWS::RDS::DBCluster", "Properties": { "Engine": "aurora-mysql", "DBClusterIdentifier": { "Ref": "DBClusterIdentifier" }, "EngineVersion": { "Ref": "EngineVersion" }, "MasterUsername": { "Ref": "MasterUsername" }, "MasterUserPassword": { "Ref": "MasterUserPassword" }, "ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration": { "MinCapacity": { "Ref": "MinCapacity" }, "MaxCapacity": { "Ref": "MaxCapacity" } } } }, "RDSDBInstance": { "Type": "AWS::RDS::DBInstance", "Properties": { "Engine": "aurora-mysql", "DBInstanceClass": "db.serverless", "DBClusterIdentifier": { "Ref": "RDSDBCluster" } } } } }


AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: ServerlessV2 Cluster Parameters: MasterUsername: Type: String MasterUserPassword: Type: String NoEcho: true DBClusterIdentifier: Type: String EngineVersion: Type: String MinCapacity: Type: String MaxCapacity: Type: String Resources: RDSDBCluster: Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBCluster' Properties: Engine: aurora-mysql DBClusterIdentifier: !Ref DBClusterIdentifier EngineVersion: !Ref EngineVersion MasterUsername: !Ref MasterUsername MasterUserPassword: !Ref MasterUserPassword ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration: MinCapacity: !Ref MinCapacity MaxCapacity: !Ref MaxCapacity RDSDBInstance: Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBInstance' Properties: Engine: aurora-mysql DBInstanceClass: db.serverless DBClusterIdentifier: !Ref RDSDBCluster

Creating an Amazon Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster

The following example creates an Amazon Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster. An Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster is a DB cluster that automatically starts up, shuts down, and scales up or down its compute capacity based on your application's needs. For more information about Aurora Serverless v1 DB clusters, see Using Amazon Aurora Serverless in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.


This example creates an Aurora MySQL Serverless DB cluster by setting Engine to aurora and EngineVersion to 5.6.10a. To create an Aurora PostgreSQL Serverless DB cluster, set Engine to aurora-postgresql and EngineVersion to 10.7.


{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion" : "2010-09-09", "Description" : "AWS CloudFormation Sample Template AuroraServerlessDBCluster: Sample template showing how to create an Amazon Aurora Serverless DB cluster. **WARNING** This template creates an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template.", "Parameters" : { "DBUsername" : { "NoEcho" : "true", "Description" : "Username for MySQL database access", "Type" : "String", "MinLength" : "1", "MaxLength" : "16", "AllowedPattern" : "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*", "ConstraintDescription" : "must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters." }, "DBPassword" : { "NoEcho" : "true", "Description" : "Password MySQL database access", "Type" : "String", "MinLength" : "8", "MaxLength" : "41", "AllowedPattern" : "[a-zA-Z0-9]*", "ConstraintDescription" : "must contain only alphanumeric characters." } }, "Resources" : { "RDSCluster" : { "Type": "AWS::RDS::DBCluster", "Properties" : { "MasterUsername" : { "Ref": "DBUsername" }, "MasterUserPassword" : { "Ref": "DBPassword" }, "DBClusterIdentifier" : "my-serverless-cluster", "Engine" : "aurora", "EngineVersion" : "5.6.10a", "EngineMode" : "serverless", "ScalingConfiguration" : { "AutoPause" : true, "MinCapacity" : 4, "MaxCapacity" : 32, "SecondsUntilAutoPause" : 1000 } } } } }


AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: >- AWS CloudFormation Sample Template AuroraServerlessDBCluster: Sample template showing how to create an Amazon Aurora Serverless DB cluster. **WARNING** This template creates an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template. Parameters: DBUsername: NoEcho: 'true' Description: Username for MySQL database access Type: String MinLength: '1' MaxLength: '16' AllowedPattern: '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*' ConstraintDescription: must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters. DBPassword: NoEcho: 'true' Description: Password MySQL database access Type: String MinLength: '8' MaxLength: '41' AllowedPattern: '[a-zA-Z0-9]*' ConstraintDescription: must contain only alphanumeric characters. Resources: RDSCluster: Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBCluster' Properties: MasterUsername: !Ref DBUsername MasterUserPassword: !Ref DBPassword DBClusterIdentifier: my-serverless-cluster Engine: aurora EngineVersion: 5.6.10a EngineMode: serverless ScalingConfiguration: AutoPause: true MinCapacity: 4 MaxCapacity: 32 SecondsUntilAutoPause: 1000

Create a Secrets Manager secret for a master password

The following example creates a AWS CloudFormation stack with the AWS::RDS::DBInstance resource with managed master user password feature. The secret which is used to authenticate the DB instance is shown in the Secret stack output. This output can be removed if showing this value to other CloudFormation stack isn't required.

For more information about managing password with Secrets Manager, see Password management with AWS Secrets Manager in the Amazon RDS User Guide and Password management with AWS Secrets Manager in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.


{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "A sample template", "Resources": { "MyCluster": { "Properties": { "Engine": "aurora-mysql", "MasterUsername": "masteruser", "ManageMasterUserPassword": true, "MasterUserSecret": { "KmsKeyId": { "Ref": "KMSKey" } } }, "Type": "AWS::RDS::DBCluster" }, "MyInstance": { "Properties": { "DBClusterIdentifier": { "Ref": "MyCluster" }, "DBInstanceClass": "db.t2.small", "Engine": "aurora-mysql", "PubliclyAccessible": "true" }, "Type": "AWS::RDS::DBInstance" }, "KMSKey": { "Type": "AWS::KMS::Key", "Properties": { "Description": "Manual test KMS key", "EnableKeyRotation": true, "KeyPolicy": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Id": { "Ref": "AWS::StackName" }, "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Allow administration of the key", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": { "Fn::Sub": "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:root" } }, "Action": [ "kms:*" ], "Resource": "*" } ] } } } }, "Outputs": { "Secret": { "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": "MyCluster.MasterUserSecret.SecretArn" } } } }


AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09" Description: A sample template Resources: MyCluster: Properties: Engine: aurora-mysql MasterUsername: masteruser ManageMasterUserPassword: true MasterUserSecret: KmsKeyId: !Ref KMSKey Type: "AWS::RDS::DBCluster" MyInstance: Properties: DBClusterIdentifier: Ref: MyCluster DBInstanceClass: db.t2.small Engine: aurora-mysql PubliclyAccessible: "true" Type: "AWS::RDS::DBInstance" KMSKey: Type: 'AWS::KMS::Key' Properties: Description: Manual test KMS key EnableKeyRotation: True KeyPolicy: Version: "2012-10-17" Id: !Ref "AWS::StackName" Statement: - Sid: "Allow administration of the key" Effect: "Allow" Principal: AWS: Fn::Sub: 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:root' Action: - "kms:*" Resource: "*" Outputs: Secret: Value: Fn::GetAtt: MyCluster.MasterUserSecret.SecretArn

Restoring an Amazon Aurora DB cluster

The following example restores an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. The example assumes that SourceDBCluster property already exists.


{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "AWS CloudFormation Sample Template To Restore AuroraDBCluster: Sample template showing how to restore an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. **WARNING** This template creates an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template.", "Resources": { "RDSCluster": { "Type": "AWS::RDS::DBCluster", "Properties": { "DBClusterIdentifier": "my-multi-az-cluster-pit", "SourceDBClusterIdentifier": "my-multi-az-cluster", "RestoreToTime": "2023-05-29T23:50:00Z", "DBClusterInstanceClass": "db.r6gd.large", "StorageType": "io1", "Iops": 1000, "PubliclyAccessible": true } } } }


Description: >- AWS CloudFormation Sample Template To Restore AuroraDBCluster: Sample template showing how to restore an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. **WARNING** This template creates an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template. Resources: RDSCluster: Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBCluster' Properties: DBClusterIdentifier: my-multi-az-cluster-pit SourceDBClusterIdentifier: my-multi-az-cluster RestoreToTime: 2023-05-29T23:50:00Z DBClusterInstanceClass: db.r6gd.large StorageType: io1 Iops: 1000 PubliclyAccessible: true