Semaphore overflow prevention Medium

When you remove an item from the JoinableQueue without calling JoinableQueue.task_done(), and then process that item, a semaphore overflow exception might be thrown. This is caused when the semaphore used to count the number of unfinished tasks overflows.

Detector ID
Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) external icon

Noncompliant example

1def post_tasks_noncompliant(jobs, es_url):
2    import multiprocessing
3    import requests
4    jobs = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()
5    while True:
6        try:
7            # Noncompliant: fails to call JoinableQueue.task_done()
8            # for each task removed from the JoinableQueue.
9            image, image_name, tag = jobs.get()
10            formatted_es_url = es_url.format(image_name)
11            files = {'file': image.content, 'tag': tag}
12            r =, files=files)
13        finally:
14            print("Task Done!!")

Compliant example

1def post_tasks_compliant(jobs, es_url):
2    import multiprocessing
3    import requests
4    jobs = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()
5    while True:
6        try:
7            image, image_name, tag = jobs.get()
8            formatted_es_url = es_url.format(image_name)
9            files = {'file': image.content, 'tag': tag}
10            r =, files=files)
11        finally:
12            # Compliant: calls JoinableQueue.task_done()
13            # for each task removed from the JoinableQueue.
14            jobs.task_done()