Gunakan PutLexicon dengan AWS SDK atau CLI - AWS SDKContoh Kode

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Gunakan PutLexicon dengan AWS SDK atau CLI

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanPutLexicon.


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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Polly; using Amazon.Polly.Model; /// <summary> /// Creates a new Amazon Polly lexicon using the AWS SDK for .NET. /// </summary> public class PutLexicon { public static async Task Main() { string lexiconContent = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<lexicon version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" " + "xsi:schemaLocation=\"\" " + "alphabet=\"ipa\" xml:lang=\"en-US\">" + "<lexeme><grapheme>test1</grapheme><alias>test2</alias></lexeme>" + "</lexicon>"; string lexiconName = "SampleLexicon"; var client = new AmazonPollyClient(); var putLexiconRequest = new PutLexiconRequest() { Name = lexiconName, Content = lexiconContent, }; try { var response = await client.PutLexiconAsync(putLexiconRequest); if (response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { Console.WriteLine($"Successfully created Lexicon: {lexiconName}."); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Could not create Lexicon: {lexiconName}."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception caught: " + ex.Message); } } }
  • Untuk API detailnya, lihat PutLexicondi AWS SDK for .NET APIReferensi.


Untuk menyimpan leksikon

put-lexiconContoh berikut menyimpan leksikon pengucapan yang ditentukan. example.plsFile tersebut menentukan leksikon yang sesuai dengan W3CPLS.

aws polly put-lexicon \ --name w3c \ --content file://example.pls

Isi dari example.pls

{ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <lexicon version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" alphabet="ipa" xml:lang="en-US"> <lexeme> <grapheme>W3C</grapheme> <alias>World Wide Web Consortium</alias> </lexeme> </lexicon> }

Perintah ini tidak menghasilkan output.

Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menggunakan PutLexicon operasi di Panduan Pengembang Amazon Polly.

  • Untuk API detailnya, lihat PutLexicondi Referensi AWS CLI Perintah.

SDKuntuk Python (Boto3)

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class PollyWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon Polly functions.""" def __init__(self, polly_client, s3_resource): """ :param polly_client: A Boto3 Amazon Polly client. :param s3_resource: A Boto3 Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) resource. """ self.polly_client = polly_client self.s3_resource = s3_resource self.voice_metadata = None def create_lexicon(self, name, content): """ Creates a lexicon with the specified content. A lexicon contains custom pronunciations. :param name: The name of the lexicon. :param content: The content of the lexicon. """ try: self.polly_client.put_lexicon(Name=name, Content=content)"Created lexicon %s.", name) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't create lexicon %s.") raise
  • Untuk API detailnya, lihat PutLexicon AWSSDKReferensi Python (Boto3). API

SDKuntuk Rust

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async fn make_lexicon(client: &Client, name: &str, from: &str, to: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let content = format!("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <lexicon version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\" alphabet=\"ipa\" xml:lang=\"en-US\"> <lexeme><grapheme>{}</grapheme><alias>{}</alias></lexeme> </lexicon>", from, to); client .put_lexicon() .name(name) .content(content) .send() .await?; println!("Added lexicon"); Ok(()) }
  • Untuk API detailnya, lihat PutLexicon AWSSDKuntuk API referensi Rust.