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Contoh Amazon S3 menggunakan SDK for Ruby
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara melakukan tindakan dan menerapkan skenario umum dengan menggunakan Amazon S3. AWS SDK for Ruby
Dasar-dasar adalah contoh kode yang menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana melakukan operasi penting dalam suatu layanan.
Tindakan adalah kutipan kode dari program yang lebih besar dan harus dijalankan dalam konteks. Sementara tindakan menunjukkan cara memanggil fungsi layanan individual, Anda dapat melihat tindakan dalam konteks dalam skenario terkait.
Skenario adalah contoh kode yang menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana menyelesaikan tugas tertentu dengan memanggil beberapa fungsi dalam layanan atau dikombinasikan dengan yang lain Layanan AWS.
Setiap contoh menyertakan tautan ke kode sumber lengkap, di mana Anda dapat menemukan instruksi tentang cara mengatur dan menjalankan kode dalam konteks.
Contoh kode berikut ini menunjukkan cara memulai menggunakan Amazon S3.
- SDK untuk Ruby
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. # frozen_string_literal: true # S3Manager is a class responsible for managing S3 operations # such as listing all S3 buckets in the current AWS account. class S3Manager def initialize(client) @client = client @logger =$stdout) end # Lists and prints all S3 buckets in the current AWS account. def list_buckets'Here are the buckets in your account:') response = @client.list_buckets if response.buckets.empty?"You don't have any S3 buckets yet.") else response.buckets.each do |bucket|"- #{}") end end rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e @logger.error("Encountered an error while listing buckets: #{e.message}") end end if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__ s3_client = manager = manager.list_buckets end
Untuk detail API, lihat ListBucketsdi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Hal-hal mendasar
Contoh kode berikut ini menunjukkan cara:
Membuat bucket dan mengunggah file ke dalamnya.
Mengunduh objek dari bucket.
Menyalin objek ke subfolder di bucket.
Membuat daftar objek dalam bucket.
Menghapus objek bucket dan bucket tersebut.
- SDK untuk Ruby
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. require 'aws-sdk-s3' # Wraps the getting started scenario actions. class ScenarioGettingStarted attr_reader :s3_resource # @param s3_resource [Aws::S3::Resource] An Amazon S3 resource. def initialize(s3_resource) @s3_resource = s3_resource end # Creates a bucket with a random name in the currently configured account and # AWS Region. # # @return [Aws::S3::Bucket] The newly created bucket. def create_bucket bucket = @s3_resource.create_bucket( bucket: "amzn-s3-demo-bucket-#{Random.uuid}", create_bucket_configuration: { location_constraint: 'us-east-1' # NOTE: only certain regions permitted } ) puts("Created demo bucket named #{}.") rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts('Tried and failed to create demo bucket.') puts("\t#{e.code}: #{e.message}") puts("\nCan't continue the demo without a bucket!") raise else bucket end # Requests a file name from the user. # # @return The name of the file. def create_file'demo.txt', w) { |f| f.write('This is a demo file.') } end # Uploads a file to an Amazon S3 bucket. # # @param bucket [Aws::S3::Bucket] The bucket object representing the upload destination # @return [Aws::S3::Object] The Amazon S3 object that contains the uploaded file. def upload_file(bucket)'demo.txt', 'w+') { |f| f.write('This is a demo file.') } s3_object = bucket.object(File.basename('demo.txt')) s3_object.upload_file('demo.txt') puts("Uploaded file demo.txt into bucket #{} with key #{s3_object.key}.") rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts("Couldn't upload file demo.txt to #{}.") puts("\t#{e.code}: #{e.message}") raise else s3_object end # Downloads an Amazon S3 object to a file. # # @param s3_object [Aws::S3::Object] The object to download. def download_file(s3_object) puts("\nDo you want to download #{s3_object.key} to a local file (y/n)? ") answer = gets.chomp.downcase if answer == 'y' puts('Enter a name for the downloaded file: ') file_name = gets.chomp s3_object.download_file(file_name) puts("Object #{s3_object.key} successfully downloaded to #{file_name}.") end rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts("Couldn't download #{s3_object.key}.") puts("\t#{e.code}: #{e.message}") raise end # Copies an Amazon S3 object to a subfolder within the same bucket. # # @param source_object [Aws::S3::Object] The source object to copy. # @return [Aws::S3::Object, nil] The destination object. def copy_object(source_object) dest_object = nil puts("\nDo you want to copy #{source_object.key} to a subfolder in your bucket (y/n)? ") answer = gets.chomp.downcase if answer == 'y' dest_object = source_object.bucket.object("demo-folder/#{source_object.key}") dest_object.copy_from(source_object) puts("Copied #{source_object.key} to #{dest_object.key}.") end rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts("Couldn't copy #{source_object.key}.") puts("\t#{e.code}: #{e.message}") raise else dest_object end # Lists the objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. # # @param bucket [Aws::S3::Bucket] The bucket to query. def list_objects(bucket) puts("\nYour bucket contains the following objects:") bucket.objects.each do |obj| puts("\t#{obj.key}") end rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts("Couldn't list the objects in bucket #{}.") puts("\t#{e.code}: #{e.message}") raise end # Deletes the objects in an Amazon S3 bucket and deletes the bucket. # # @param bucket [Aws::S3::Bucket] The bucket to empty and delete. def delete_bucket(bucket) puts("\nDo you want to delete all of the objects as well as the bucket (y/n)? ") answer = gets.chomp.downcase if answer == 'y' bucket.objects.batch_delete! bucket.delete puts("Emptied and deleted bucket #{}.\n") end rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts("Couldn't empty and delete bucket #{}.") puts("\t#{e.code}: #{e.message}") raise end end # Runs the Amazon S3 getting started scenario. def run_scenario(scenario) puts('-' * 88) puts('Welcome to the Amazon S3 getting started demo!') puts('-' * 88) bucket = scenario.create_bucket s3_object = scenario.upload_file(bucket) scenario.download_file(s3_object) scenario.copy_object(s3_object) scenario.list_objects(bucket) scenario.delete_bucket(bucket) puts('Thanks for watching!') puts('-' * 88) rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError puts('Something went wrong with the demo!') end run_scenario( if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
Untuk detail API, lihat topik berikut di Referensi API AWS SDK for Ruby .
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanCopyObject
- SDK untuk Ruby
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. Salin objek.
require 'aws-sdk-s3' # Wraps Amazon S3 object actions. class ObjectCopyWrapper attr_reader :source_object # @param source_object [Aws::S3::Object] An existing Amazon S3 object. This is used as the source object for # copy actions. def initialize(source_object) @source_object = source_object end # Copy the source object to the specified target bucket and rename it with the target key. # # @param target_bucket [Aws::S3::Bucket] An existing Amazon S3 bucket where the object is copied. # @param target_object_key [String] The key to give the copy of the object. # @return [Aws::S3::Object, nil] The copied object when successful; otherwise, nil. def copy_object(target_bucket, target_object_key) @source_object.copy_to(bucket:, key: target_object_key) target_bucket.object(target_object_key) rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't copy #{@source_object.key} to #{target_object_key}. Here's why: #{e.message}" end end # Example usage: def run_demo source_bucket_name = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket1" source_key = "my-source-file.txt" target_bucket_name = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket2" target_key = "my-target-file.txt" source_bucket = wrapper = target_bucket = target_object = wrapper.copy_object(target_bucket, target_key) return unless target_object puts "Copied #{source_key} from #{source_bucket_name} to #{target_object.bucket_name}:#{target_object.key}." end run_demo if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
Salin objek dan tambahkan enkripsi di sisi server ke objek tujuan.
require 'aws-sdk-s3' # Wraps Amazon S3 object actions. class ObjectCopyEncryptWrapper attr_reader :source_object # @param source_object [Aws::S3::Object] An existing Amazon S3 object. This is used as the source object for # copy actions. def initialize(source_object) @source_object = source_object end # Copy the source object to the specified target bucket, rename it with the target key, and encrypt it. # # @param target_bucket [Aws::S3::Bucket] An existing Amazon S3 bucket where the object is copied. # @param target_object_key [String] The key to give the copy of the object. # @return [Aws::S3::Object, nil] The copied object when successful; otherwise, nil. def copy_object(target_bucket, target_object_key, encryption) @source_object.copy_to(bucket:, key: target_object_key, server_side_encryption: encryption) target_bucket.object(target_object_key) rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't copy #{@source_object.key} to #{target_object_key}. Here's why: #{e.message}" end end # Example usage: def run_demo source_bucket_name = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket1" source_key = "my-source-file.txt" target_bucket_name = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket2" target_key = "my-target-file.txt" target_encryption = "AES256" source_bucket = wrapper = target_bucket = target_object = wrapper.copy_object(target_bucket, target_key, target_encryption) return unless target_object puts "Copied #{source_key} from #{source_bucket_name} to #{target_object.bucket_name}:#{target_object.key} and "\ "encrypted the target with #{target_object.server_side_encryption} encryption." end run_demo if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
Untuk detail API, lihat CopyObjectdi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanCreateBucket
- SDK untuk Ruby
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. require 'aws-sdk-s3' # Wraps Amazon S3 bucket actions. class BucketCreateWrapper attr_reader :bucket # @param bucket [Aws::S3::Bucket] An Amazon S3 bucket initialized with a name. This is a client-side object until # create is called. def initialize(bucket) @bucket = bucket end # Creates an Amazon S3 bucket in the specified AWS Region. # # @param region [String] The Region where the bucket is created. # @return [Boolean] True when the bucket is created; otherwise, false. def create?(region) @bucket.create(create_bucket_configuration: { location_constraint: region }) true rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't create bucket. Here's why: #{e.message}" false end # Gets the Region where the bucket is located. # # @return [String] The location of the bucket. def location if @bucket.nil? 'None. You must create a bucket before you can get its location!' else @bucket.client.get_bucket_location(bucket: end rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e "Couldn't get the location of #{}. Here's why: #{e.message}" end end # Example usage: def run_demo region = "us-west-2" wrapper ="amzn-s3-demo-bucket-#{Random.uuid}")) return unless wrapper.create?(region) puts "Created bucket #{}." puts "Your bucket's region is: #{wrapper.location}" end run_demo if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
Untuk detail API, lihat CreateBucketdi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanDeleteBucket
- SDK untuk Ruby
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. # Deletes the objects in an Amazon S3 bucket and deletes the bucket. # # @param bucket [Aws::S3::Bucket] The bucket to empty and delete. def delete_bucket(bucket) puts("\nDo you want to delete all of the objects as well as the bucket (y/n)? ") answer = gets.chomp.downcase if answer == 'y' bucket.objects.batch_delete! bucket.delete puts("Emptied and deleted bucket #{}.\n") end rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts("Couldn't empty and delete bucket #{}.") puts("\t#{e.code}: #{e.message}") raise end
Untuk detail API, lihat DeleteBucketdi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanDeleteBucketCors
- SDK untuk Ruby
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. require 'aws-sdk-s3' # Wraps Amazon S3 bucket CORS configuration. class BucketCorsWrapper attr_reader :bucket_cors # @param bucket_cors [Aws::S3::BucketCors] A bucket CORS object configured with an existing bucket. def initialize(bucket_cors) @bucket_cors = bucket_cors end # Deletes the CORS configuration of a bucket. # # @return [Boolean] True if the CORS rules were deleted; otherwise, false. def delete_cors @bucket_cors.delete true rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't delete CORS rules for #{}. Here's why: #{e.message}" false end end
Untuk detail API, lihat DeleteBucketCorsdi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanDeleteBucketPolicy
- SDK untuk Ruby
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. # Wraps an Amazon S3 bucket policy. class BucketPolicyWrapper attr_reader :bucket_policy # @param bucket_policy [Aws::S3::BucketPolicy] A bucket policy object configured with an existing bucket. def initialize(bucket_policy) @bucket_policy = bucket_policy end def delete_policy @bucket_policy.delete true rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't delete the policy from #{}. Here's why: #{e.message}" false end end
Untuk detail API, lihat DeleteBucketPolicydi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanDeleteObjects
- SDK untuk Ruby
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. # Deletes the objects in an Amazon S3 bucket and deletes the bucket. # # @param bucket [Aws::S3::Bucket] The bucket to empty and delete. def delete_bucket(bucket) puts("\nDo you want to delete all of the objects as well as the bucket (y/n)? ") answer = gets.chomp.downcase if answer == 'y' bucket.objects.batch_delete! bucket.delete puts("Emptied and deleted bucket #{}.\n") end rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts("Couldn't empty and delete bucket #{}.") puts("\t#{e.code}: #{e.message}") raise end
Untuk detail API, lihat DeleteObjectsdi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanGetBucketCors
- SDK untuk Ruby
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. require 'aws-sdk-s3' # Wraps Amazon S3 bucket CORS configuration. class BucketCorsWrapper attr_reader :bucket_cors # @param bucket_cors [Aws::S3::BucketCors] A bucket CORS object configured with an existing bucket. def initialize(bucket_cors) @bucket_cors = bucket_cors end # Gets the CORS configuration of a bucket. # # @return [Aws::S3::Type::GetBucketCorsOutput, nil] The current CORS configuration for the bucket. def cors rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't get CORS configuration for #{}. Here's why: #{e.message}" nil end end
Untuk detail API, lihat GetBucketCorsdi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanGetBucketPolicy
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. # Wraps an Amazon S3 bucket policy. class BucketPolicyWrapper attr_reader :bucket_policy # @param bucket_policy [Aws::S3::BucketPolicy] A bucket policy object configured with an existing bucket. def initialize(bucket_policy) @bucket_policy = bucket_policy end # Gets the policy of a bucket. # # @return [Aws::S3::GetBucketPolicyOutput, nil] The current bucket policy. def policy policy = policy.respond_to?(:read) ? : policy rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't get the policy for #{}. Here's why: #{e.message}" nil end end
Untuk detail API, lihat GetBucketPolicydi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanGetObject
- SDK untuk Ruby
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. Dapatkan objek.
require 'aws-sdk-s3' # Wraps Amazon S3 object actions. class ObjectGetWrapper attr_reader :object # @param object [Aws::S3::Object] An existing Amazon S3 object. def initialize(object) @object = object end # Gets the object directly to a file. # # @param target_path [String] The path to the file where the object is downloaded. # @return [Aws::S3::Types::GetObjectOutput, nil] The retrieved object data if successful; otherwise nil. def get_object(target_path) @object.get(response_target: target_path) rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't get object #{@object.key}. Here's why: #{e.message}" end end # Example usage: def run_demo bucket_name = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket" object_key = "my-object.txt" target_path = "my-object-as-file.txt" wrapper =, object_key)) obj_data = wrapper.get_object(target_path) return unless obj_data puts "Object #{object_key} (#{obj_data.content_length} bytes} downloaded to #{target_path}." end run_demo if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
Dapatkan objek dan laporkan status enkripsi di sisi servernya.
require 'aws-sdk-s3' # Wraps Amazon S3 object actions. class ObjectGetEncryptionWrapper attr_reader :object # @param object [Aws::S3::Object] An existing Amazon S3 object. def initialize(object) @object = object end # Gets the object into memory. # # @return [Aws::S3::Types::GetObjectOutput, nil] The retrieved object data if successful; otherwise nil. def object @object.get rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't get object #{@object.key}. Here's why: #{e.message}" end end # Example usage: def run_demo bucket_name = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket" object_key = "my-object.txt" wrapper =, object_key)) obj_data = wrapper.get_object return unless obj_data encryption = obj_data.server_side_encryption.nil? ? 'no' : obj_data.server_side_encryption puts "Object #{object_key} uses #{encryption} encryption." end run_demo if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
Untuk detail API, lihat GetObjectdi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanHeadObject
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. require 'aws-sdk-s3' # Wraps Amazon S3 object actions. class ObjectExistsWrapper attr_reader :object # @param object [Aws::S3::Object] An Amazon S3 object. def initialize(object) @object = object end # Checks whether the object exists. # # @return [Boolean] True if the object exists; otherwise false. def exists? @object.exists? rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't check existence of object #{}:#{@object.key}. Here's why: #{e.message}" false end end # Example usage: def run_demo bucket_name = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket" object_key = "my-object.txt" wrapper =, object_key)) exists = wrapper.exists? puts "Object #{object_key} #{exists ? 'does' : 'does not'} exist." end run_demo if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
Untuk detail API, lihat HeadObjectdi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanListBuckets
- SDK untuk Ruby
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. require 'aws-sdk-s3' # Wraps Amazon S3 resource actions. class BucketListWrapper attr_reader :s3_resource # @param s3_resource [Aws::S3::Resource] An Amazon S3 resource. def initialize(s3_resource) @s3_resource = s3_resource end # Lists buckets for the current account. # # @param count [Integer] The maximum number of buckets to list. def list_buckets(count) puts 'Found these buckets:' @s3_resource.buckets.each do |bucket| puts "\t#{}" count -= 1 break if end true rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't list buckets. Here's why: #{e.message}" false end end # Example usage: def run_demo wrapper = wrapper.list_buckets(25) end run_demo if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
Untuk detail API, lihat ListBucketsdi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanListObjectsV2
- SDK untuk Ruby
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. require 'aws-sdk-s3' # Wraps Amazon S3 bucket actions. class BucketListObjectsWrapper attr_reader :bucket # @param bucket [Aws::S3::Bucket] An existing Amazon S3 bucket. def initialize(bucket) @bucket = bucket end # Lists object in a bucket. # # @param max_objects [Integer] The maximum number of objects to list. # @return [Integer] The number of objects listed. def list_objects(max_objects) count = 0 puts "The objects in #{} are:" @bucket.objects.each do |obj| puts "\t#{obj.key}" count += 1 break if count == max_objects end count rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't list objects in bucket #{}. Here's why: #{e.message}" 0 end end # Example usage: def run_demo bucket_name = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket" wrapper = count = wrapper.list_objects(25) puts "Listed #{count} objects." end run_demo if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
Untuk detail API, lihat ListObjectsV2 di Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanPutBucketCors
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. require 'aws-sdk-s3' # Wraps Amazon S3 bucket CORS configuration. class BucketCorsWrapper attr_reader :bucket_cors # @param bucket_cors [Aws::S3::BucketCors] A bucket CORS object configured with an existing bucket. def initialize(bucket_cors) @bucket_cors = bucket_cors end # Sets CORS rules on a bucket. # # @param allowed_methods [Array<String>] The types of HTTP requests to allow. # @param allowed_origins [Array<String>] The origins to allow. # @returns [Boolean] True if the CORS rules were set; otherwise, false. def set_cors(allowed_methods, allowed_origins) @bucket_cors.put( cors_configuration: { cors_rules: [ { allowed_methods: allowed_methods, allowed_origins: allowed_origins, allowed_headers: %w[*], max_age_seconds: 3600 } ] } ) true rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't set CORS rules for #{}. Here's why: #{e.message}" false end end
Untuk detail API, lihat PutBucketCorsdi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanPutBucketPolicy
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. # Wraps an Amazon S3 bucket policy. class BucketPolicyWrapper attr_reader :bucket_policy # @param bucket_policy [Aws::S3::BucketPolicy] A bucket policy object configured with an existing bucket. def initialize(bucket_policy) @bucket_policy = bucket_policy end # Sets a policy on a bucket. # def policy(policy) @bucket_policy.put(policy: policy) true rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't set the policy for #{}. Here's why: #{e.message}" false end end
Untuk detail API, lihat PutBucketPolicydi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanPutBucketWebsite
- SDK untuk Ruby
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. require 'aws-sdk-s3' # Wraps Amazon S3 bucket website actions. class BucketWebsiteWrapper attr_reader :bucket_website # @param bucket_website [Aws::S3::BucketWebsite] A bucket website object configured with an existing bucket. def initialize(bucket_website) @bucket_website = bucket_website end # Sets a bucket as a static website. # # @param index_document [String] The name of the index document for the website. # @param error_document [String] The name of the error document to show for 4XX errors. # @return [Boolean] True when the bucket is configured as a website; otherwise, false. def set_website(index_document, error_document) @bucket_website.put( website_configuration: { index_document: { suffix: index_document }, error_document: { key: error_document } } ) true rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't configure #{} as a website. Here's why: #{e.message}" false end end # Example usage: def run_demo bucket_name = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket" index_document = "index.html" error_document = "404.html" wrapper = return unless wrapper.set_website(index_document, error_document) puts "Successfully configured bucket #{bucket_name} as a static website." end run_demo if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
Untuk detail API, lihat PutBucketWebsitedi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanPutObject
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. Unggah file menggunakan pengunggah terkelola (Object.upload_file).
require 'aws-sdk-s3' # Wraps Amazon S3 object actions. class ObjectUploadFileWrapper attr_reader :object # @param object [Aws::S3::Object] An existing Amazon S3 object. def initialize(object) @object = object end # Uploads a file to an Amazon S3 object by using a managed uploader. # # @param file_path [String] The path to the file to upload. # @return [Boolean] True when the file is uploaded; otherwise false. def upload_file(file_path) @object.upload_file(file_path) true rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't upload file #{file_path} to #{@object.key}. Here's why: #{e.message}" false end end # Example usage: def run_demo bucket_name = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket" object_key = "my-uploaded-file" file_path = "object_upload_file.rb" wrapper =, object_key)) return unless wrapper.upload_file(file_path) puts "File #{file_path} successfully uploaded to #{bucket_name}:#{object_key}." end run_demo if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
Unggah file menggunakan Object.put.
require 'aws-sdk-s3' # Wraps Amazon S3 object actions. class ObjectPutWrapper attr_reader :object # @param object [Aws::S3::Object] An existing Amazon S3 object. def initialize(object) @object = object end def put_object(source_file_path), 'rb') do |file| @object.put(body: file) end true rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't put #{source_file_path} to #{object.key}. Here's why: #{e.message}" false end end # Example usage: def run_demo bucket_name = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket" object_key = "my-object-key" file_path = "my-local-file.txt" wrapper =, object_key)) success = wrapper.put_object(file_path) return unless success puts "Put file #{file_path} into #{object_key} in #{bucket_name}." end run_demo if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
Unggah file menggunakan Object.put dan tambahkan enkripsi di sisi server.
require 'aws-sdk-s3' # Wraps Amazon S3 object actions. class ObjectPutSseWrapper attr_reader :object # @param object [Aws::S3::Object] An existing Amazon S3 object. def initialize(object) @object = object end def put_object_encrypted(object_content, encryption) @object.put(body: object_content, server_side_encryption: encryption) true rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't put your content to #{object.key}. Here's why: #{e.message}" false end end # Example usage: def run_demo bucket_name = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket" object_key = "my-encrypted-content" object_content = "This is my super-secret content." encryption = "AES256" wrapper =, object_content)) return unless wrapper.put_object_encrypted(object_content, encryption) puts "Put your content into #{bucket_name}:#{object_key} and encrypted it with #{encryption}." end run_demo if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
Untuk detail API, lihat PutObjectdi Referensi AWS SDK for Ruby API.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara membuat URL presigned untuk Amazon S3 dan mengunggah objek.
- SDK untuk Ruby
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. require 'aws-sdk-s3' require 'net/http' # Creates a presigned URL that can be used to upload content to an object. # # @param bucket [Aws::S3::Bucket] An existing Amazon S3 bucket. # @param object_key [String] The key to give the uploaded object. # @return [URI, nil] The parsed URI if successful; otherwise nil. def get_presigned_url(bucket, object_key) url = bucket.object(object_key).presigned_url(:put) puts "Created presigned URL: #{url}" URI(url) rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e puts "Couldn't create presigned URL for #{}:#{object_key}. Here's why: #{e.message}" end # Example usage: def run_demo bucket_name = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket" object_key = "my-file.txt" object_content = "This is the content of my-file.txt." bucket = presigned_url = get_presigned_url(bucket, object_key) return unless presigned_url response = Net::HTTP.start( do |http| http.send_request('PUT', presigned_url.request_uri, object_content, 'content_type' => '') end case response when Net::HTTPSuccess puts 'Content uploaded!' else puts response.value end end run_demo if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
Contoh nirserver
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara mengimplementasikan fungsi Lambda yang menerima peristiwa yang dipicu dengan mengunggah objek ke bucket S3. Fungsi ini mengambil nama bucket S3 dan kunci objek dari parameter peristiwa dan memanggil Amazon S3 API untuk mengambil dan mencatat jenis konten objek.
- SDK untuk Ruby
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. Mengkonsumsi acara S3 dengan Lambda menggunakan Ruby.
require 'json' require 'uri' require 'aws-sdk' puts 'Loading function' def lambda_handler(event:, context:) s3 = 'region') # Your AWS region # puts "Received event: #{JSON.dump(event)}" # Get the object from the event and show its content type bucket = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name'] key = URI.decode_www_form_component(event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key'], Encoding::UTF_8) begin response = s3.get_object(bucket: bucket, key: key) puts "CONTENT TYPE: #{response.content_type}" return response.content_type rescue StandardError => e puts e.message puts "Error getting object #{key} from bucket #{bucket}. Make sure they exist and your bucket is in the same region as this function." raise e end end