AWS SDK for Go API Reference
We announced the upcoming end-of-support for AWS SDK for Go (v1). We recommend that you migrate to AWS SDK for Go v2. For dates, additional details, and information on how to migrate, please refer to the linked announcement.
import "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/rds"

Overview ▾

Package rds provides the client and types for making API requests to Amazon Relational Database Service.

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a web service that makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. It provides cost-efficient, resizeable capacity for an industry-standard relational database and manages common database administration tasks, freeing up developers to focus on what makes their applications and businesses unique.

Amazon RDS gives you access to the capabilities of a MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Db2, or Amazon Aurora database server. These capabilities mean that the code, applications, and tools you already use today with your existing databases work with Amazon RDS without modification. Amazon RDS automatically backs up your database and maintains the database software that powers your DB instance. Amazon RDS is flexible: you can scale your DB instance's compute resources and storage capacity to meet your application's demand. As with all Amazon Web Services, there are no up-front investments, and you pay only for the resources you use.

This interface reference for Amazon RDS contains documentation for a programming or command line interface you can use to manage Amazon RDS. Amazon RDS is asynchronous, which means that some interfaces might require techniques such as polling or callback functions to determine when a command has been applied. In this reference, the parameter descriptions indicate whether a command is applied immediately, on the next instance reboot, or during the maintenance window. The reference structure is as follows, and we list following some related topics from the user guide.

Amazon RDS API Reference

Amazon RDS User Guide

See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/rds-2014-10-31 for more information on this service.

See rds package documentation for more information. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/service/rds/

Using the Client

To contact Amazon Relational Database Service with the SDK use the New function to create a new service client. With that client you can make API requests to the service. These clients are safe to use concurrently.

See the SDK's documentation for more information on how to use the SDK. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/

See aws.Config documentation for more information on configuring SDK clients. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/#Config

See the Amazon Relational Database Service client RDS for more information on creating client for this service. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/service/rds/#New

IAM User or Role Database Authentication

The rdsutil package's BuildAuthToken function provides a connection authentication token builder. Given an endpoint of the RDS database, AWS region, DB user, and AWS credentials the function will create an presigned URL to use as the authentication token for the database's connection.

The following example shows how to use BuildAuthToken to create an authentication token for connecting to a MySQL database in RDS.

authToken, err := rdsutils.BuildAuthToken(dbEndpoint, awsRegion, dbUser, awsCreds)

// Create the MySQL DNS string for the DB connection
// user:password@protocol(endpoint)/dbname?<params>
dnsStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s)/%s?tls=true",
   dbUser, authToken, dbEndpoint, dbName,

// Use db to perform SQL operations on database
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", dnsStr)

See rdsutil package for more information. http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/service/rds/rdsutils/

The stub package, rdsiface, can be used to provide alternative implementations of service clients, such as mocking the client for testing.

Operations ▾

DescribeBlueGreenDeployments ( Paginator )
DescribeCertificates ( Paginator )
DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackups ( Paginator )
DescribeDBClusterBacktracks ( Paginator )
DescribeDBClusterEndpoints ( Paginator )
DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups ( Paginator )
DescribeDBClusterParameters ( Paginator )
DescribeDBClusterSnapshots ( Paginator )
DescribeDBClusters ( Paginator )
DescribeDBEngineVersions ( Paginator )
DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackups ( Paginator )
DescribeDBInstances ( Paginator )
DescribeDBLogFiles ( Paginator )
DescribeDBParameterGroups ( Paginator )
DescribeDBParameters ( Paginator )
DescribeDBProxies ( Paginator )
DescribeDBProxyEndpoints ( Paginator )
DescribeDBProxyTargetGroups ( Paginator )
DescribeDBProxyTargets ( Paginator )
DescribeDBRecommendations ( Paginator )
DescribeDBSecurityGroups ( Paginator )
DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabases ( Paginator )
DescribeDBSnapshots ( Paginator )
DescribeDBSubnetGroups ( Paginator )
DescribeEngineDefaultParameters ( Paginator )
DescribeEventSubscriptions ( Paginator )
DescribeEvents ( Paginator )
DescribeExportTasks ( Paginator )
DescribeGlobalClusters ( Paginator )
DescribeIntegrations ( Paginator )
DescribeOptionGroupOptions ( Paginator )
DescribeOptionGroups ( Paginator )
DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions ( Paginator )
DescribePendingMaintenanceActions ( Paginator )
DescribeReservedDBInstances ( Paginator )
DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferings ( Paginator )
DescribeSourceRegions ( Paginator )
DescribeTenantDatabases ( Paginator )
DownloadDBLogFilePortion ( Paginator )

Types ▾

type RDS
func New(p client.ConfigProvider, cfgs ...*aws.Config) *RDS
func (c *RDS) AddRoleToDBCluster(input *AddRoleToDBClusterInput) (*AddRoleToDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) AddRoleToDBClusterRequest(input *AddRoleToDBClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *AddRoleToDBClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) AddRoleToDBClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AddRoleToDBClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AddRoleToDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) AddRoleToDBInstance(input *AddRoleToDBInstanceInput) (*AddRoleToDBInstanceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) AddRoleToDBInstanceRequest(input *AddRoleToDBInstanceInput) (req *request.Request, output *AddRoleToDBInstanceOutput)
func (c *RDS) AddRoleToDBInstanceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AddRoleToDBInstanceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AddRoleToDBInstanceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) AddSourceIdentifierToSubscription(input *AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput) (*AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionRequest(input *AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput) (req *request.Request, output *AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionOutput)
func (c *RDS) AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) AddTagsToResource(input *AddTagsToResourceInput) (*AddTagsToResourceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) AddTagsToResourceRequest(input *AddTagsToResourceInput) (req *request.Request, output *AddTagsToResourceOutput)
func (c *RDS) AddTagsToResourceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AddTagsToResourceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AddTagsToResourceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction(input *ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) (*ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionRequest(input *ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) (req *request.Request, output *ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput)
func (c *RDS) ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngress(input *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) (*AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressRequest(input *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) (req *request.Request, output *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput)
func (c *RDS) AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) BacktrackDBCluster(input *BacktrackDBClusterInput) (*BacktrackDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) BacktrackDBClusterRequest(input *BacktrackDBClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *BacktrackDBClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) BacktrackDBClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *BacktrackDBClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*BacktrackDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CancelExportTask(input *CancelExportTaskInput) (*CancelExportTaskOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CancelExportTaskRequest(input *CancelExportTaskInput) (req *request.Request, output *CancelExportTaskOutput)
func (c *RDS) CancelExportTaskWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CancelExportTaskInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CancelExportTaskOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CopyDBClusterParameterGroup(input *CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) (*CopyDBClusterParameterGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CopyDBClusterParameterGroupRequest(input *CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *CopyDBClusterParameterGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) CopyDBClusterParameterGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CopyDBClusterParameterGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CopyDBClusterSnapshot(input *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) (*CopyDBClusterSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CopyDBClusterSnapshotRequest(input *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) (req *request.Request, output *CopyDBClusterSnapshotOutput)
func (c *RDS) CopyDBClusterSnapshotWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CopyDBClusterSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CopyDBParameterGroup(input *CopyDBParameterGroupInput) (*CopyDBParameterGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CopyDBParameterGroupRequest(input *CopyDBParameterGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *CopyDBParameterGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) CopyDBParameterGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CopyDBParameterGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CopyDBParameterGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CopyDBSnapshot(input *CopyDBSnapshotInput) (*CopyDBSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CopyDBSnapshotRequest(input *CopyDBSnapshotInput) (req *request.Request, output *CopyDBSnapshotOutput)
func (c *RDS) CopyDBSnapshotWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CopyDBSnapshotInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CopyDBSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CopyOptionGroup(input *CopyOptionGroupInput) (*CopyOptionGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CopyOptionGroupRequest(input *CopyOptionGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *CopyOptionGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) CopyOptionGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CopyOptionGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CopyOptionGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateBlueGreenDeployment(input *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) (*CreateBlueGreenDeploymentOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateBlueGreenDeploymentRequest(input *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateBlueGreenDeploymentWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateBlueGreenDeploymentOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateCustomDBEngineVersion(input *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateCustomDBEngineVersionRequest(input *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateCustomDBEngineVersionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBCluster(input *CreateDBClusterInput) (*CreateDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBClusterEndpoint(input *CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) (*CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBClusterEndpointRequest(input *CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBClusterEndpointWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateDBClusterEndpointInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBClusterParameterGroup(input *CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput) (*CreateDBClusterParameterGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBClusterParameterGroupRequest(input *CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateDBClusterParameterGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBClusterParameterGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateDBClusterParameterGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBClusterRequest(input *CreateDBClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateDBClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBClusterSnapshot(input *CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput) (*CreateDBClusterSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBClusterSnapshotRequest(input *CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateDBClusterSnapshotOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBClusterSnapshotWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateDBClusterSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateDBClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBInstance(input *CreateDBInstanceInput) (*CreateDBInstanceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBInstanceReadReplica(input *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaRequest(input *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBInstanceRequest(input *CreateDBInstanceInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateDBInstanceOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBInstanceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateDBInstanceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateDBInstanceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBParameterGroup(input *CreateDBParameterGroupInput) (*CreateDBParameterGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBParameterGroupRequest(input *CreateDBParameterGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateDBParameterGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBParameterGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateDBParameterGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateDBParameterGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBProxy(input *CreateDBProxyInput) (*CreateDBProxyOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBProxyEndpoint(input *CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) (*CreateDBProxyEndpointOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBProxyEndpointRequest(input *CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateDBProxyEndpointOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBProxyEndpointWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateDBProxyEndpointInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateDBProxyEndpointOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBProxyRequest(input *CreateDBProxyInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateDBProxyOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBProxyWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateDBProxyInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateDBProxyOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBSecurityGroup(input *CreateDBSecurityGroupInput) (*CreateDBSecurityGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBSecurityGroupRequest(input *CreateDBSecurityGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateDBSecurityGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBSecurityGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateDBSecurityGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateDBSecurityGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBShardGroup(input *CreateDBShardGroupInput) (*CreateDBShardGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBShardGroupRequest(input *CreateDBShardGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateDBShardGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBShardGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateDBShardGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateDBShardGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBSnapshot(input *CreateDBSnapshotInput) (*CreateDBSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBSnapshotRequest(input *CreateDBSnapshotInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateDBSnapshotOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBSnapshotWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateDBSnapshotInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateDBSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBSubnetGroup(input *CreateDBSubnetGroupInput) (*CreateDBSubnetGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBSubnetGroupRequest(input *CreateDBSubnetGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateDBSubnetGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateDBSubnetGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateDBSubnetGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateDBSubnetGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateEventSubscription(input *CreateEventSubscriptionInput) (*CreateEventSubscriptionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateEventSubscriptionRequest(input *CreateEventSubscriptionInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateEventSubscriptionOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateEventSubscriptionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateEventSubscriptionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateEventSubscriptionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateGlobalCluster(input *CreateGlobalClusterInput) (*CreateGlobalClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateGlobalClusterRequest(input *CreateGlobalClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateGlobalClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateGlobalClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateGlobalClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateGlobalClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateIntegration(input *CreateIntegrationInput) (*CreateIntegrationOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateIntegrationRequest(input *CreateIntegrationInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateIntegrationOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateIntegrationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateIntegrationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateIntegrationOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateOptionGroup(input *CreateOptionGroupInput) (*CreateOptionGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateOptionGroupRequest(input *CreateOptionGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateOptionGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateOptionGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateOptionGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateOptionGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateTenantDatabase(input *CreateTenantDatabaseInput) (*CreateTenantDatabaseOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) CreateTenantDatabaseRequest(input *CreateTenantDatabaseInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateTenantDatabaseOutput)
func (c *RDS) CreateTenantDatabaseWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateTenantDatabaseInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateTenantDatabaseOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteBlueGreenDeployment(input *DeleteBlueGreenDeploymentInput) (*DeleteBlueGreenDeploymentOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteBlueGreenDeploymentRequest(input *DeleteBlueGreenDeploymentInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteBlueGreenDeploymentOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteBlueGreenDeploymentWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteBlueGreenDeploymentInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteBlueGreenDeploymentOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteCustomDBEngineVersion(input *DeleteCustomDBEngineVersionInput) (*DeleteCustomDBEngineVersionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteCustomDBEngineVersionRequest(input *DeleteCustomDBEngineVersionInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteCustomDBEngineVersionOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteCustomDBEngineVersionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteCustomDBEngineVersionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteCustomDBEngineVersionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBCluster(input *DeleteDBClusterInput) (*DeleteDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBClusterAutomatedBackup(input *DeleteDBClusterAutomatedBackupInput) (*DeleteDBClusterAutomatedBackupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBClusterAutomatedBackupRequest(input *DeleteDBClusterAutomatedBackupInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteDBClusterAutomatedBackupOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBClusterAutomatedBackupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteDBClusterAutomatedBackupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteDBClusterAutomatedBackupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBClusterEndpoint(input *DeleteDBClusterEndpointInput) (*DeleteDBClusterEndpointOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBClusterEndpointRequest(input *DeleteDBClusterEndpointInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteDBClusterEndpointOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBClusterEndpointWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteDBClusterEndpointInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteDBClusterEndpointOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBClusterParameterGroup(input *DeleteDBClusterParameterGroupInput) (*DeleteDBClusterParameterGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBClusterParameterGroupRequest(input *DeleteDBClusterParameterGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteDBClusterParameterGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBClusterParameterGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteDBClusterParameterGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteDBClusterParameterGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBClusterRequest(input *DeleteDBClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteDBClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBClusterSnapshot(input *DeleteDBClusterSnapshotInput) (*DeleteDBClusterSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBClusterSnapshotRequest(input *DeleteDBClusterSnapshotInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteDBClusterSnapshotOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBClusterSnapshotWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteDBClusterSnapshotInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteDBClusterSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteDBClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBInstance(input *DeleteDBInstanceInput) (*DeleteDBInstanceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBInstanceAutomatedBackup(input *DeleteDBInstanceAutomatedBackupInput) (*DeleteDBInstanceAutomatedBackupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBInstanceAutomatedBackupRequest(input *DeleteDBInstanceAutomatedBackupInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteDBInstanceAutomatedBackupOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBInstanceAutomatedBackupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteDBInstanceAutomatedBackupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteDBInstanceAutomatedBackupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBInstanceRequest(input *DeleteDBInstanceInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteDBInstanceOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBInstanceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteDBInstanceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteDBInstanceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBParameterGroup(input *DeleteDBParameterGroupInput) (*DeleteDBParameterGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBParameterGroupRequest(input *DeleteDBParameterGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteDBParameterGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBParameterGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteDBParameterGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteDBParameterGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBProxy(input *DeleteDBProxyInput) (*DeleteDBProxyOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBProxyEndpoint(input *DeleteDBProxyEndpointInput) (*DeleteDBProxyEndpointOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBProxyEndpointRequest(input *DeleteDBProxyEndpointInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteDBProxyEndpointOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBProxyEndpointWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteDBProxyEndpointInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteDBProxyEndpointOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBProxyRequest(input *DeleteDBProxyInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteDBProxyOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBProxyWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteDBProxyInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteDBProxyOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBSecurityGroup(input *DeleteDBSecurityGroupInput) (*DeleteDBSecurityGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBSecurityGroupRequest(input *DeleteDBSecurityGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteDBSecurityGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBSecurityGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteDBSecurityGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteDBSecurityGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBShardGroup(input *DeleteDBShardGroupInput) (*DeleteDBShardGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBShardGroupRequest(input *DeleteDBShardGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteDBShardGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBShardGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteDBShardGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteDBShardGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBSnapshot(input *DeleteDBSnapshotInput) (*DeleteDBSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBSnapshotRequest(input *DeleteDBSnapshotInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteDBSnapshotOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBSnapshotWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteDBSnapshotInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteDBSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBSubnetGroup(input *DeleteDBSubnetGroupInput) (*DeleteDBSubnetGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBSubnetGroupRequest(input *DeleteDBSubnetGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteDBSubnetGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteDBSubnetGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteDBSubnetGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteDBSubnetGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteEventSubscription(input *DeleteEventSubscriptionInput) (*DeleteEventSubscriptionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteEventSubscriptionRequest(input *DeleteEventSubscriptionInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteEventSubscriptionOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteEventSubscriptionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteEventSubscriptionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteEventSubscriptionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteGlobalCluster(input *DeleteGlobalClusterInput) (*DeleteGlobalClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteGlobalClusterRequest(input *DeleteGlobalClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteGlobalClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteGlobalClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteGlobalClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteGlobalClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteIntegration(input *DeleteIntegrationInput) (*DeleteIntegrationOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteIntegrationRequest(input *DeleteIntegrationInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteIntegrationOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteIntegrationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteIntegrationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteIntegrationOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteOptionGroup(input *DeleteOptionGroupInput) (*DeleteOptionGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteOptionGroupRequest(input *DeleteOptionGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteOptionGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteOptionGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteOptionGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteOptionGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteTenantDatabase(input *DeleteTenantDatabaseInput) (*DeleteTenantDatabaseOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeleteTenantDatabaseRequest(input *DeleteTenantDatabaseInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteTenantDatabaseOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeleteTenantDatabaseWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteTenantDatabaseInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteTenantDatabaseOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeregisterDBProxyTargets(input *DeregisterDBProxyTargetsInput) (*DeregisterDBProxyTargetsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DeregisterDBProxyTargetsRequest(input *DeregisterDBProxyTargetsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeregisterDBProxyTargetsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DeregisterDBProxyTargetsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeregisterDBProxyTargetsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeregisterDBProxyTargetsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeAccountAttributes(input *DescribeAccountAttributesInput) (*DescribeAccountAttributesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeAccountAttributesRequest(input *DescribeAccountAttributesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeAccountAttributesOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeAccountAttributesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeAccountAttributesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeAccountAttributesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeBlueGreenDeployments(input *DescribeBlueGreenDeploymentsInput) (*DescribeBlueGreenDeploymentsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeBlueGreenDeploymentsPages(input *DescribeBlueGreenDeploymentsInput, fn func(*DescribeBlueGreenDeploymentsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeBlueGreenDeploymentsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeBlueGreenDeploymentsInput, fn func(*DescribeBlueGreenDeploymentsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeBlueGreenDeploymentsRequest(input *DescribeBlueGreenDeploymentsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeBlueGreenDeploymentsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeBlueGreenDeploymentsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeBlueGreenDeploymentsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeBlueGreenDeploymentsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeCertificates(input *DescribeCertificatesInput) (*DescribeCertificatesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeCertificatesPages(input *DescribeCertificatesInput, fn func(*DescribeCertificatesOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeCertificatesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeCertificatesInput, fn func(*DescribeCertificatesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeCertificatesRequest(input *DescribeCertificatesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeCertificatesOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeCertificatesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeCertificatesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeCertificatesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackups(input *DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackupsInput) (*DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackupsPages(input *DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackupsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackupsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackupsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackupsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackupsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackupsRequest(input *DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackupsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackupsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackupsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackupsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterBacktracks(input *DescribeDBClusterBacktracksInput) (*DescribeDBClusterBacktracksOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterBacktracksPages(input *DescribeDBClusterBacktracksInput, fn func(*DescribeDBClusterBacktracksOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterBacktracksPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClusterBacktracksInput, fn func(*DescribeDBClusterBacktracksOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterBacktracksRequest(input *DescribeDBClusterBacktracksInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBClusterBacktracksOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterBacktracksWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClusterBacktracksInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBClusterBacktracksOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterEndpoints(input *DescribeDBClusterEndpointsInput) (*DescribeDBClusterEndpointsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterEndpointsPages(input *DescribeDBClusterEndpointsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBClusterEndpointsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterEndpointsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClusterEndpointsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBClusterEndpointsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterEndpointsRequest(input *DescribeDBClusterEndpointsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBClusterEndpointsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterEndpointsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClusterEndpointsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBClusterEndpointsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups(input *DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsInput) (*DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsPages(input *DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsRequest(input *DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterParameters(input *DescribeDBClusterParametersInput) (*DescribeDBClusterParametersOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterParametersPages(input *DescribeDBClusterParametersInput, fn func(*DescribeDBClusterParametersOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterParametersPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClusterParametersInput, fn func(*DescribeDBClusterParametersOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterParametersRequest(input *DescribeDBClusterParametersInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBClusterParametersOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterParametersWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClusterParametersInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBClusterParametersOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes(input *DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributesInput) (*DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributesRequest(input *DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributesOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterSnapshots(input *DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsInput) (*DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsPages(input *DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsRequest(input *DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClusters(input *DescribeDBClustersInput) (*DescribeDBClustersOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClustersPages(input *DescribeDBClustersInput, fn func(*DescribeDBClustersOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClustersPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClustersInput, fn func(*DescribeDBClustersOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClustersRequest(input *DescribeDBClustersInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBClustersOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBClustersWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClustersInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBClustersOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBEngineVersions(input *DescribeDBEngineVersionsInput) (*DescribeDBEngineVersionsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBEngineVersionsPages(input *DescribeDBEngineVersionsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBEngineVersionsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBEngineVersionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBEngineVersionsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBEngineVersionsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBEngineVersionsRequest(input *DescribeDBEngineVersionsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBEngineVersionsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBEngineVersionsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBEngineVersionsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBEngineVersionsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackups(input *DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsInput) (*DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsPages(input *DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsRequest(input *DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBInstances(input *DescribeDBInstancesInput) (*DescribeDBInstancesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBInstancesPages(input *DescribeDBInstancesInput, fn func(*DescribeDBInstancesOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBInstancesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBInstancesInput, fn func(*DescribeDBInstancesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBInstancesRequest(input *DescribeDBInstancesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBInstancesOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBInstancesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBInstancesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBInstancesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBLogFiles(input *DescribeDBLogFilesInput) (*DescribeDBLogFilesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBLogFilesPages(input *DescribeDBLogFilesInput, fn func(*DescribeDBLogFilesOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBLogFilesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBLogFilesInput, fn func(*DescribeDBLogFilesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBLogFilesRequest(input *DescribeDBLogFilesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBLogFilesOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBLogFilesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBLogFilesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBLogFilesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBParameterGroups(input *DescribeDBParameterGroupsInput) (*DescribeDBParameterGroupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBParameterGroupsPages(input *DescribeDBParameterGroupsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBParameterGroupsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBParameterGroupsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBParameterGroupsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBParameterGroupsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBParameterGroupsRequest(input *DescribeDBParameterGroupsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBParameterGroupsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBParameterGroupsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBParameterGroupsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBParameterGroupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBParameters(input *DescribeDBParametersInput) (*DescribeDBParametersOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBParametersPages(input *DescribeDBParametersInput, fn func(*DescribeDBParametersOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBParametersPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBParametersInput, fn func(*DescribeDBParametersOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBParametersRequest(input *DescribeDBParametersInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBParametersOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBParametersWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBParametersInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBParametersOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxies(input *DescribeDBProxiesInput) (*DescribeDBProxiesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxiesPages(input *DescribeDBProxiesInput, fn func(*DescribeDBProxiesOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxiesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBProxiesInput, fn func(*DescribeDBProxiesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxiesRequest(input *DescribeDBProxiesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBProxiesOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxiesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBProxiesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBProxiesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxyEndpoints(input *DescribeDBProxyEndpointsInput) (*DescribeDBProxyEndpointsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxyEndpointsPages(input *DescribeDBProxyEndpointsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBProxyEndpointsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxyEndpointsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBProxyEndpointsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBProxyEndpointsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxyEndpointsRequest(input *DescribeDBProxyEndpointsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBProxyEndpointsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxyEndpointsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBProxyEndpointsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBProxyEndpointsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxyTargetGroups(input *DescribeDBProxyTargetGroupsInput) (*DescribeDBProxyTargetGroupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxyTargetGroupsPages(input *DescribeDBProxyTargetGroupsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBProxyTargetGroupsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxyTargetGroupsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBProxyTargetGroupsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBProxyTargetGroupsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxyTargetGroupsRequest(input *DescribeDBProxyTargetGroupsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBProxyTargetGroupsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxyTargetGroupsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBProxyTargetGroupsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBProxyTargetGroupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxyTargets(input *DescribeDBProxyTargetsInput) (*DescribeDBProxyTargetsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxyTargetsPages(input *DescribeDBProxyTargetsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBProxyTargetsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxyTargetsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBProxyTargetsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBProxyTargetsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxyTargetsRequest(input *DescribeDBProxyTargetsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBProxyTargetsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBProxyTargetsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBProxyTargetsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBProxyTargetsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBRecommendations(input *DescribeDBRecommendationsInput) (*DescribeDBRecommendationsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBRecommendationsPages(input *DescribeDBRecommendationsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBRecommendationsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBRecommendationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBRecommendationsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBRecommendationsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBRecommendationsRequest(input *DescribeDBRecommendationsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBRecommendationsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBRecommendationsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBRecommendationsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBRecommendationsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSecurityGroups(input *DescribeDBSecurityGroupsInput) (*DescribeDBSecurityGroupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSecurityGroupsPages(input *DescribeDBSecurityGroupsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBSecurityGroupsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSecurityGroupsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBSecurityGroupsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBSecurityGroupsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSecurityGroupsRequest(input *DescribeDBSecurityGroupsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBSecurityGroupsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSecurityGroupsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBSecurityGroupsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBSecurityGroupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBShardGroups(input *DescribeDBShardGroupsInput) (*DescribeDBShardGroupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBShardGroupsRequest(input *DescribeDBShardGroupsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBShardGroupsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBShardGroupsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBShardGroupsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBShardGroupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSnapshotAttributes(input *DescribeDBSnapshotAttributesInput) (*DescribeDBSnapshotAttributesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSnapshotAttributesRequest(input *DescribeDBSnapshotAttributesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBSnapshotAttributesOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSnapshotAttributesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBSnapshotAttributesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBSnapshotAttributesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabases(input *DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabasesInput) (*DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabasesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabasesPages(input *DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabasesInput, fn func(*DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabasesOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabasesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabasesInput, fn func(*DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabasesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabasesRequest(input *DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabasesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabasesOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabasesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabasesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabasesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSnapshots(input *DescribeDBSnapshotsInput) (*DescribeDBSnapshotsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSnapshotsPages(input *DescribeDBSnapshotsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBSnapshotsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSnapshotsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBSnapshotsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBSnapshotsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSnapshotsRequest(input *DescribeDBSnapshotsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBSnapshotsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSnapshotsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBSnapshotsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBSnapshotsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSubnetGroups(input *DescribeDBSubnetGroupsInput) (*DescribeDBSubnetGroupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSubnetGroupsPages(input *DescribeDBSubnetGroupsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBSubnetGroupsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSubnetGroupsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBSubnetGroupsInput, fn func(*DescribeDBSubnetGroupsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSubnetGroupsRequest(input *DescribeDBSubnetGroupsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDBSubnetGroupsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeDBSubnetGroupsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBSubnetGroupsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDBSubnetGroupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParameters(input *DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersInput) (*DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersRequest(input *DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeEngineDefaultParameters(input *DescribeEngineDefaultParametersInput) (*DescribeEngineDefaultParametersOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeEngineDefaultParametersPages(input *DescribeEngineDefaultParametersInput, fn func(*DescribeEngineDefaultParametersOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeEngineDefaultParametersPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEngineDefaultParametersInput, fn func(*DescribeEngineDefaultParametersOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeEngineDefaultParametersRequest(input *DescribeEngineDefaultParametersInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEngineDefaultParametersOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeEngineDefaultParametersWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEngineDefaultParametersInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEngineDefaultParametersOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeEventCategories(input *DescribeEventCategoriesInput) (*DescribeEventCategoriesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeEventCategoriesRequest(input *DescribeEventCategoriesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEventCategoriesOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeEventCategoriesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventCategoriesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEventCategoriesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeEventSubscriptions(input *DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput) (*DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeEventSubscriptionsPages(input *DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput, fn func(*DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeEventSubscriptionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput, fn func(*DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeEventSubscriptionsRequest(input *DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeEventSubscriptionsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeEvents(input *DescribeEventsInput) (*DescribeEventsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeEventsPages(input *DescribeEventsInput, fn func(*DescribeEventsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeEventsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventsInput, fn func(*DescribeEventsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeEventsRequest(input *DescribeEventsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEventsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeEventsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEventsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeExportTasks(input *DescribeExportTasksInput) (*DescribeExportTasksOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeExportTasksPages(input *DescribeExportTasksInput, fn func(*DescribeExportTasksOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeExportTasksPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeExportTasksInput, fn func(*DescribeExportTasksOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeExportTasksRequest(input *DescribeExportTasksInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeExportTasksOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeExportTasksWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeExportTasksInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeExportTasksOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeGlobalClusters(input *DescribeGlobalClustersInput) (*DescribeGlobalClustersOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeGlobalClustersPages(input *DescribeGlobalClustersInput, fn func(*DescribeGlobalClustersOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeGlobalClustersPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeGlobalClustersInput, fn func(*DescribeGlobalClustersOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeGlobalClustersRequest(input *DescribeGlobalClustersInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeGlobalClustersOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeGlobalClustersWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeGlobalClustersInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeGlobalClustersOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeIntegrations(input *DescribeIntegrationsInput) (*DescribeIntegrationsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeIntegrationsPages(input *DescribeIntegrationsInput, fn func(*DescribeIntegrationsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeIntegrationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeIntegrationsInput, fn func(*DescribeIntegrationsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeIntegrationsRequest(input *DescribeIntegrationsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeIntegrationsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeIntegrationsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeIntegrationsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeIntegrationsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeOptionGroupOptions(input *DescribeOptionGroupOptionsInput) (*DescribeOptionGroupOptionsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeOptionGroupOptionsPages(input *DescribeOptionGroupOptionsInput, fn func(*DescribeOptionGroupOptionsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeOptionGroupOptionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeOptionGroupOptionsInput, fn func(*DescribeOptionGroupOptionsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeOptionGroupOptionsRequest(input *DescribeOptionGroupOptionsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeOptionGroupOptionsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeOptionGroupOptionsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeOptionGroupOptionsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeOptionGroupOptionsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeOptionGroups(input *DescribeOptionGroupsInput) (*DescribeOptionGroupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeOptionGroupsPages(input *DescribeOptionGroupsInput, fn func(*DescribeOptionGroupsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeOptionGroupsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeOptionGroupsInput, fn func(*DescribeOptionGroupsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeOptionGroupsRequest(input *DescribeOptionGroupsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeOptionGroupsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeOptionGroupsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeOptionGroupsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeOptionGroupsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions(input *DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsInput) (*DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsPages(input *DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsInput, fn func(*DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsInput, fn func(*DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsRequest(input *DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribePendingMaintenanceActions(input *DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput) (*DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsPages(input *DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput, fn func(*DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput, fn func(*DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest(input *DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeReservedDBInstances(input *DescribeReservedDBInstancesInput) (*DescribeReservedDBInstancesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferings(input *DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferingsInput) (*DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferingsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferingsPages(input *DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferingsInput, fn func(*DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferingsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferingsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferingsInput, fn func(*DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferingsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferingsRequest(input *DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferingsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferingsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferingsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferingsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferingsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeReservedDBInstancesPages(input *DescribeReservedDBInstancesInput, fn func(*DescribeReservedDBInstancesOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeReservedDBInstancesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReservedDBInstancesInput, fn func(*DescribeReservedDBInstancesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeReservedDBInstancesRequest(input *DescribeReservedDBInstancesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeReservedDBInstancesOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeReservedDBInstancesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReservedDBInstancesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeReservedDBInstancesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeSourceRegions(input *DescribeSourceRegionsInput) (*DescribeSourceRegionsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeSourceRegionsPages(input *DescribeSourceRegionsInput, fn func(*DescribeSourceRegionsOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeSourceRegionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeSourceRegionsInput, fn func(*DescribeSourceRegionsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeSourceRegionsRequest(input *DescribeSourceRegionsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeSourceRegionsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeSourceRegionsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeSourceRegionsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeSourceRegionsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeTenantDatabases(input *DescribeTenantDatabasesInput) (*DescribeTenantDatabasesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeTenantDatabasesPages(input *DescribeTenantDatabasesInput, fn func(*DescribeTenantDatabasesOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeTenantDatabasesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeTenantDatabasesInput, fn func(*DescribeTenantDatabasesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DescribeTenantDatabasesRequest(input *DescribeTenantDatabasesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeTenantDatabasesOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeTenantDatabasesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeTenantDatabasesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeTenantDatabasesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeValidDBInstanceModifications(input *DescribeValidDBInstanceModificationsInput) (*DescribeValidDBInstanceModificationsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DescribeValidDBInstanceModificationsRequest(input *DescribeValidDBInstanceModificationsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeValidDBInstanceModificationsOutput)
func (c *RDS) DescribeValidDBInstanceModificationsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeValidDBInstanceModificationsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeValidDBInstanceModificationsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DisableHttpEndpoint(input *DisableHttpEndpointInput) (*DisableHttpEndpointOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DisableHttpEndpointRequest(input *DisableHttpEndpointInput) (req *request.Request, output *DisableHttpEndpointOutput)
func (c *RDS) DisableHttpEndpointWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DisableHttpEndpointInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DisableHttpEndpointOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DownloadDBLogFilePortion(input *DownloadDBLogFilePortionInput) (*DownloadDBLogFilePortionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) DownloadDBLogFilePortionPages(input *DownloadDBLogFilePortionInput, fn func(*DownloadDBLogFilePortionOutput, bool) bool) error
func (c *RDS) DownloadDBLogFilePortionPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DownloadDBLogFilePortionInput, fn func(*DownloadDBLogFilePortionOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error
func (c *RDS) DownloadDBLogFilePortionRequest(input *DownloadDBLogFilePortionInput) (req *request.Request, output *DownloadDBLogFilePortionOutput)
func (c *RDS) DownloadDBLogFilePortionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DownloadDBLogFilePortionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DownloadDBLogFilePortionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) EnableHttpEndpoint(input *EnableHttpEndpointInput) (*EnableHttpEndpointOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) EnableHttpEndpointRequest(input *EnableHttpEndpointInput) (req *request.Request, output *EnableHttpEndpointOutput)
func (c *RDS) EnableHttpEndpointWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *EnableHttpEndpointInput, opts ...request.Option) (*EnableHttpEndpointOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) FailoverDBCluster(input *FailoverDBClusterInput) (*FailoverDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) FailoverDBClusterRequest(input *FailoverDBClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *FailoverDBClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) FailoverDBClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *FailoverDBClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*FailoverDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) FailoverGlobalCluster(input *FailoverGlobalClusterInput) (*FailoverGlobalClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) FailoverGlobalClusterRequest(input *FailoverGlobalClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *FailoverGlobalClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) FailoverGlobalClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *FailoverGlobalClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*FailoverGlobalClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ListTagsForResource(input *ListTagsForResourceInput) (*ListTagsForResourceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ListTagsForResourceRequest(input *ListTagsForResourceInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListTagsForResourceOutput)
func (c *RDS) ListTagsForResourceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListTagsForResourceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListTagsForResourceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyActivityStream(input *ModifyActivityStreamInput) (*ModifyActivityStreamOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyActivityStreamRequest(input *ModifyActivityStreamInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyActivityStreamOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyActivityStreamWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyActivityStreamInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyActivityStreamOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyCertificates(input *ModifyCertificatesInput) (*ModifyCertificatesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyCertificatesRequest(input *ModifyCertificatesInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyCertificatesOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyCertificatesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyCertificatesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyCertificatesOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyCurrentDBClusterCapacity(input *ModifyCurrentDBClusterCapacityInput) (*ModifyCurrentDBClusterCapacityOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyCurrentDBClusterCapacityRequest(input *ModifyCurrentDBClusterCapacityInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyCurrentDBClusterCapacityOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyCurrentDBClusterCapacityWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyCurrentDBClusterCapacityInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyCurrentDBClusterCapacityOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyCustomDBEngineVersion(input *ModifyCustomDBEngineVersionInput) (*ModifyCustomDBEngineVersionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyCustomDBEngineVersionRequest(input *ModifyCustomDBEngineVersionInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyCustomDBEngineVersionOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyCustomDBEngineVersionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyCustomDBEngineVersionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyCustomDBEngineVersionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBCluster(input *ModifyDBClusterInput) (*ModifyDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBClusterEndpoint(input *ModifyDBClusterEndpointInput) (*ModifyDBClusterEndpointOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBClusterEndpointRequest(input *ModifyDBClusterEndpointInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyDBClusterEndpointOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBClusterEndpointWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyDBClusterEndpointInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyDBClusterEndpointOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBClusterParameterGroup(input *ModifyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) (*DBClusterParameterGroupNameMessage, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBClusterParameterGroupRequest(input *ModifyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *DBClusterParameterGroupNameMessage)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBClusterParameterGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyDBClusterParameterGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DBClusterParameterGroupNameMessage, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBClusterRequest(input *ModifyDBClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyDBClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttribute(input *ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttributeInput) (*ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttributeOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttributeRequest(input *ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttributeInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttributeOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttributeWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttributeInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttributeOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyDBClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBInstance(input *ModifyDBInstanceInput) (*ModifyDBInstanceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBInstanceRequest(input *ModifyDBInstanceInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyDBInstanceOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBInstanceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyDBInstanceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyDBInstanceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBParameterGroup(input *ModifyDBParameterGroupInput) (*DBParameterGroupNameMessage, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBParameterGroupRequest(input *ModifyDBParameterGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *DBParameterGroupNameMessage)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBParameterGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyDBParameterGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DBParameterGroupNameMessage, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBProxy(input *ModifyDBProxyInput) (*ModifyDBProxyOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBProxyEndpoint(input *ModifyDBProxyEndpointInput) (*ModifyDBProxyEndpointOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBProxyEndpointRequest(input *ModifyDBProxyEndpointInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyDBProxyEndpointOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBProxyEndpointWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyDBProxyEndpointInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyDBProxyEndpointOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBProxyRequest(input *ModifyDBProxyInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyDBProxyOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBProxyTargetGroup(input *ModifyDBProxyTargetGroupInput) (*ModifyDBProxyTargetGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBProxyTargetGroupRequest(input *ModifyDBProxyTargetGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyDBProxyTargetGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBProxyTargetGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyDBProxyTargetGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyDBProxyTargetGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBProxyWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyDBProxyInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyDBProxyOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBRecommendation(input *ModifyDBRecommendationInput) (*ModifyDBRecommendationOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBRecommendationRequest(input *ModifyDBRecommendationInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyDBRecommendationOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBRecommendationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyDBRecommendationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyDBRecommendationOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBShardGroup(input *ModifyDBShardGroupInput) (*ModifyDBShardGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBShardGroupRequest(input *ModifyDBShardGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyDBShardGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBShardGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyDBShardGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyDBShardGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBSnapshot(input *ModifyDBSnapshotInput) (*ModifyDBSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBSnapshotAttribute(input *ModifyDBSnapshotAttributeInput) (*ModifyDBSnapshotAttributeOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBSnapshotAttributeRequest(input *ModifyDBSnapshotAttributeInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyDBSnapshotAttributeOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBSnapshotAttributeWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyDBSnapshotAttributeInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyDBSnapshotAttributeOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBSnapshotRequest(input *ModifyDBSnapshotInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyDBSnapshotOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBSnapshotWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyDBSnapshotInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyDBSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBSubnetGroup(input *ModifyDBSubnetGroupInput) (*ModifyDBSubnetGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBSubnetGroupRequest(input *ModifyDBSubnetGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyDBSubnetGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyDBSubnetGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyDBSubnetGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyDBSubnetGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyEventSubscription(input *ModifyEventSubscriptionInput) (*ModifyEventSubscriptionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyEventSubscriptionRequest(input *ModifyEventSubscriptionInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyEventSubscriptionOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyEventSubscriptionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyEventSubscriptionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyEventSubscriptionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyGlobalCluster(input *ModifyGlobalClusterInput) (*ModifyGlobalClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyGlobalClusterRequest(input *ModifyGlobalClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyGlobalClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyGlobalClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyGlobalClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyGlobalClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyIntegration(input *ModifyIntegrationInput) (*ModifyIntegrationOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyIntegrationRequest(input *ModifyIntegrationInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyIntegrationOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyIntegrationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyIntegrationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyIntegrationOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyOptionGroup(input *ModifyOptionGroupInput) (*ModifyOptionGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyOptionGroupRequest(input *ModifyOptionGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyOptionGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyOptionGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyOptionGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyOptionGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyTenantDatabase(input *ModifyTenantDatabaseInput) (*ModifyTenantDatabaseOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ModifyTenantDatabaseRequest(input *ModifyTenantDatabaseInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyTenantDatabaseOutput)
func (c *RDS) ModifyTenantDatabaseWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyTenantDatabaseInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyTenantDatabaseOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) PromoteReadReplica(input *PromoteReadReplicaInput) (*PromoteReadReplicaOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) PromoteReadReplicaDBCluster(input *PromoteReadReplicaDBClusterInput) (*PromoteReadReplicaDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) PromoteReadReplicaDBClusterRequest(input *PromoteReadReplicaDBClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *PromoteReadReplicaDBClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) PromoteReadReplicaDBClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PromoteReadReplicaDBClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PromoteReadReplicaDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) PromoteReadReplicaRequest(input *PromoteReadReplicaInput) (req *request.Request, output *PromoteReadReplicaOutput)
func (c *RDS) PromoteReadReplicaWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PromoteReadReplicaInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PromoteReadReplicaOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOffering(input *PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOfferingInput) (*PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOfferingOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOfferingRequest(input *PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOfferingInput) (req *request.Request, output *PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOfferingOutput)
func (c *RDS) PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOfferingWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOfferingInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOfferingOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RebootDBCluster(input *RebootDBClusterInput) (*RebootDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RebootDBClusterRequest(input *RebootDBClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *RebootDBClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) RebootDBClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RebootDBClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RebootDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RebootDBInstance(input *RebootDBInstanceInput) (*RebootDBInstanceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RebootDBInstanceRequest(input *RebootDBInstanceInput) (req *request.Request, output *RebootDBInstanceOutput)
func (c *RDS) RebootDBInstanceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RebootDBInstanceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RebootDBInstanceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RebootDBShardGroup(input *RebootDBShardGroupInput) (*RebootDBShardGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RebootDBShardGroupRequest(input *RebootDBShardGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *RebootDBShardGroupOutput)
func (c *RDS) RebootDBShardGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RebootDBShardGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RebootDBShardGroupOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RegisterDBProxyTargets(input *RegisterDBProxyTargetsInput) (*RegisterDBProxyTargetsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RegisterDBProxyTargetsRequest(input *RegisterDBProxyTargetsInput) (req *request.Request, output *RegisterDBProxyTargetsOutput)
func (c *RDS) RegisterDBProxyTargetsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RegisterDBProxyTargetsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RegisterDBProxyTargetsOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RemoveFromGlobalCluster(input *RemoveFromGlobalClusterInput) (*RemoveFromGlobalClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RemoveFromGlobalClusterRequest(input *RemoveFromGlobalClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *RemoveFromGlobalClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) RemoveFromGlobalClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RemoveFromGlobalClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RemoveFromGlobalClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RemoveRoleFromDBCluster(input *RemoveRoleFromDBClusterInput) (*RemoveRoleFromDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RemoveRoleFromDBClusterRequest(input *RemoveRoleFromDBClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *RemoveRoleFromDBClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) RemoveRoleFromDBClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RemoveRoleFromDBClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RemoveRoleFromDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RemoveRoleFromDBInstance(input *RemoveRoleFromDBInstanceInput) (*RemoveRoleFromDBInstanceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RemoveRoleFromDBInstanceRequest(input *RemoveRoleFromDBInstanceInput) (req *request.Request, output *RemoveRoleFromDBInstanceOutput)
func (c *RDS) RemoveRoleFromDBInstanceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RemoveRoleFromDBInstanceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RemoveRoleFromDBInstanceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscription(input *RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionInput) (*RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionRequest(input *RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionInput) (req *request.Request, output *RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionOutput)
func (c *RDS) RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RemoveTagsFromResource(input *RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) (*RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest(input *RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) (req *request.Request, output *RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput)
func (c *RDS) RemoveTagsFromResourceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RemoveTagsFromResourceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) ResetDBClusterParameterGroup(input *ResetDBClusterParameterGroupInput) (*DBClusterParameterGroupNameMessage, error)
func (c *RDS) ResetDBClusterParameterGroupRequest(input *ResetDBClusterParameterGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *DBClusterParameterGroupNameMessage)
func (c *RDS) ResetDBClusterParameterGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ResetDBClusterParameterGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DBClusterParameterGroupNameMessage, error)
func (c *RDS) ResetDBParameterGroup(input *ResetDBParameterGroupInput) (*DBParameterGroupNameMessage, error)
func (c *RDS) ResetDBParameterGroupRequest(input *ResetDBParameterGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *DBParameterGroupNameMessage)
func (c *RDS) ResetDBParameterGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ResetDBParameterGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DBParameterGroupNameMessage, error)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBClusterFromS3(input *RestoreDBClusterFromS3Input) (*RestoreDBClusterFromS3Output, error)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBClusterFromS3Request(input *RestoreDBClusterFromS3Input) (req *request.Request, output *RestoreDBClusterFromS3Output)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBClusterFromS3WithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RestoreDBClusterFromS3Input, opts ...request.Option) (*RestoreDBClusterFromS3Output, error)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot(input *RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshotInput) (*RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshotRequest(input *RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshotInput) (req *request.Request, output *RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshotOutput)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshotWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshotInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime(input *RestoreDBClusterToPointInTimeInput) (*RestoreDBClusterToPointInTimeOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBClusterToPointInTimeRequest(input *RestoreDBClusterToPointInTimeInput) (req *request.Request, output *RestoreDBClusterToPointInTimeOutput)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBClusterToPointInTimeWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RestoreDBClusterToPointInTimeInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RestoreDBClusterToPointInTimeOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot(input *RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshotInput) (*RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshotRequest(input *RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshotInput) (req *request.Request, output *RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshotOutput)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshotWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshotInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshotOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBInstanceFromS3(input *RestoreDBInstanceFromS3Input) (*RestoreDBInstanceFromS3Output, error)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBInstanceFromS3Request(input *RestoreDBInstanceFromS3Input) (req *request.Request, output *RestoreDBInstanceFromS3Output)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBInstanceFromS3WithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RestoreDBInstanceFromS3Input, opts ...request.Option) (*RestoreDBInstanceFromS3Output, error)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime(input *RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTimeInput) (*RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTimeOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTimeRequest(input *RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTimeInput) (req *request.Request, output *RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTimeOutput)
func (c *RDS) RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTimeWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTimeInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTimeOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngress(input *RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) (*RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressRequest(input *RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) (req *request.Request, output *RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput)
func (c *RDS) RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StartActivityStream(input *StartActivityStreamInput) (*StartActivityStreamOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StartActivityStreamRequest(input *StartActivityStreamInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartActivityStreamOutput)
func (c *RDS) StartActivityStreamWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartActivityStreamInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartActivityStreamOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StartDBCluster(input *StartDBClusterInput) (*StartDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StartDBClusterRequest(input *StartDBClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartDBClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) StartDBClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartDBClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StartDBInstance(input *StartDBInstanceInput) (*StartDBInstanceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StartDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplication(input *StartDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationInput) (*StartDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StartDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationRequest(input *StartDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationOutput)
func (c *RDS) StartDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StartDBInstanceRequest(input *StartDBInstanceInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartDBInstanceOutput)
func (c *RDS) StartDBInstanceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartDBInstanceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartDBInstanceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StartExportTask(input *StartExportTaskInput) (*StartExportTaskOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StartExportTaskRequest(input *StartExportTaskInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartExportTaskOutput)
func (c *RDS) StartExportTaskWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartExportTaskInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartExportTaskOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StopActivityStream(input *StopActivityStreamInput) (*StopActivityStreamOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StopActivityStreamRequest(input *StopActivityStreamInput) (req *request.Request, output *StopActivityStreamOutput)
func (c *RDS) StopActivityStreamWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StopActivityStreamInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StopActivityStreamOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StopDBCluster(input *StopDBClusterInput) (*StopDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StopDBClusterRequest(input *StopDBClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *StopDBClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) StopDBClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StopDBClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StopDBClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StopDBInstance(input *StopDBInstanceInput) (*StopDBInstanceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StopDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplication(input *StopDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationInput) (*StopDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StopDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationRequest(input *StopDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *StopDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationOutput)
func (c *RDS) StopDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StopDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StopDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) StopDBInstanceRequest(input *StopDBInstanceInput) (req *request.Request, output *StopDBInstanceOutput)
func (c *RDS) StopDBInstanceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StopDBInstanceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StopDBInstanceOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) SwitchoverBlueGreenDeployment(input *SwitchoverBlueGreenDeploymentInput) (*SwitchoverBlueGreenDeploymentOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) SwitchoverBlueGreenDeploymentRequest(input *SwitchoverBlueGreenDeploymentInput) (req *request.Request, output *SwitchoverBlueGreenDeploymentOutput)
func (c *RDS) SwitchoverBlueGreenDeploymentWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *SwitchoverBlueGreenDeploymentInput, opts ...request.Option) (*SwitchoverBlueGreenDeploymentOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) SwitchoverGlobalCluster(input *SwitchoverGlobalClusterInput) (*SwitchoverGlobalClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) SwitchoverGlobalClusterRequest(input *SwitchoverGlobalClusterInput) (req *request.Request, output *SwitchoverGlobalClusterOutput)
func (c *RDS) SwitchoverGlobalClusterWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *SwitchoverGlobalClusterInput, opts ...request.Option) (*SwitchoverGlobalClusterOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) SwitchoverReadReplica(input *SwitchoverReadReplicaInput) (*SwitchoverReadReplicaOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) SwitchoverReadReplicaRequest(input *SwitchoverReadReplicaInput) (req *request.Request, output *SwitchoverReadReplicaOutput)
func (c *RDS) SwitchoverReadReplicaWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *SwitchoverReadReplicaInput, opts ...request.Option) (*SwitchoverReadReplicaOutput, error)
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilDBClusterAvailable(input *DescribeDBClustersInput) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilDBClusterAvailableWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClustersInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilDBClusterDeleted(input *DescribeDBClustersInput) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilDBClusterDeletedWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClustersInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilDBClusterSnapshotAvailable(input *DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsInput) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilDBClusterSnapshotAvailableWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilDBClusterSnapshotDeleted(input *DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsInput) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilDBClusterSnapshotDeletedWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilDBInstanceAvailable(input *DescribeDBInstancesInput) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilDBInstanceAvailableWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBInstancesInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilDBInstanceDeleted(input *DescribeDBInstancesInput) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilDBInstanceDeletedWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBInstancesInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilDBSnapshotAvailable(input *DescribeDBSnapshotsInput) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilDBSnapshotAvailableWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBSnapshotsInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilDBSnapshotDeleted(input *DescribeDBSnapshotsInput) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilDBSnapshotDeletedWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDBSnapshotsInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilTenantDatabaseAvailable(input *DescribeTenantDatabasesInput) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilTenantDatabaseAvailableWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeTenantDatabasesInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilTenantDatabaseDeleted(input *DescribeTenantDatabasesInput) error
func (c *RDS) WaitUntilTenantDatabaseDeletedWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeTenantDatabasesInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error
func ActivityStreamMode_Values() []string
func ActivityStreamPolicyStatus_Values() []string
func ActivityStreamStatus_Values() []string
func ApplyMethod_Values() []string
func AuditPolicyState_Values() []string
func AuthScheme_Values() []string
func AutomationMode_Values() []string
func ClientPasswordAuthType_Values() []string
func CustomEngineVersionStatus_Values() []string
func DBProxyEndpointStatus_Values() []string
func DBProxyEndpointTargetRole_Values() []string
func DBProxyStatus_Values() []string
func EngineFamily_Values() []string
func ExportSourceType_Values() []string
func FailoverStatus_Values() []string
func GlobalClusterMemberSynchronizationStatus_Values() []string
func IAMAuthMode_Values() []string
func IntegrationStatus_Values() []string
func LimitlessDatabaseStatus_Values() []string
func LocalWriteForwardingStatus_Values() []string
func ReplicaMode_Values() []string
func SourceType_Values() []string
func TargetHealthReason_Values() []string
func TargetRole_Values() []string
func TargetState_Values() []string
func TargetType_Values() []string
func WriteForwardingStatus_Values() []string
type AccountQuota
type AddRoleToDBClusterInput
type AddRoleToDBClusterOutput
type AddRoleToDBInstanceInput
type AddRoleToDBInstanceOutput
type AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput
type AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionOutput
type AddTagsToResourceInput
type AddTagsToResourceOutput
type ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput
type ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput
type AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput
type AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput
type AvailabilityZone
type AvailableProcessorFeature
type BacktrackDBClusterInput
type BacktrackDBClusterOutput
type BlueGreenDeployment
type BlueGreenDeploymentTask
type CancelExportTaskInput
type CancelExportTaskOutput
type Certificate
type CertificateDetails
type CharacterSet
type CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration
type ClusterPendingModifiedValues
type ConnectionPoolConfiguration
type ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo
type ContextAttribute
type CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput
type CopyDBClusterParameterGroupOutput
type CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput
type CopyDBClusterSnapshotOutput
type CopyDBParameterGroupInput
type CopyDBParameterGroupOutput
type CopyDBSnapshotInput
type CopyDBSnapshotOutput
type CopyOptionGroupInput
type CopyOptionGroupOutput
type CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput
type CreateBlueGreenDeploymentOutput
type CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput
type CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput
type CreateDBClusterEndpointInput
type CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput
type CreateDBClusterInput
type CreateDBClusterOutput
type CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput
type CreateDBClusterParameterGroupOutput
type CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput
type CreateDBClusterSnapshotOutput
type CreateDBInstanceInput
type CreateDBInstanceOutput
type CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput
type CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaOutput
type CreateDBParameterGroupInput
type CreateDBParameterGroupOutput
type CreateDBProxyEndpointInput
type CreateDBProxyEndpointOutput
type CreateDBProxyInput
type CreateDBProxyOutput
type CreateDBSecurityGroupInput
type CreateDBSecurityGroupOutput
type CreateDBShardGroupInput
type CreateDBShardGroupOutput
type CreateDBSnapshotInput
type CreateDBSnapshotOutput
type CreateDBSubnetGroupInput
type CreateDBSubnetGroupOutput
type CreateEventSubscriptionInput
type CreateEventSubscriptionOutput
type CreateGlobalClusterInput
type CreateGlobalClusterOutput
type CreateIntegrationInput
type CreateIntegrationOutput
type CreateOptionGroupInput
type CreateOptionGroupOutput
type CreateTenantDatabaseInput
type CreateTenantDatabaseOutput
type CustomDBEngineVersionAMI
type DBCluster
type DBClusterAutomatedBackup
type DBClusterEndpoint
type DBClusterMember
type DBClusterOptionGroupStatus
type DBClusterParameterGroup
type DBClusterParameterGroupNameMessage
type DBClusterRole
type DBClusterSnapshot
type DBClusterSnapshotAttribute
type DBClusterSnapshotAttributesResult
type DBClusterStatusInfo
type DBEngineVersion
type DBInstance
type DBInstanceAutomatedBackup
type DBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplication
type DBInstanceRole
type DBInstanceStatusInfo
type DBParameterGroup
type DBParameterGroupNameMessage
type DBParameterGroupStatus
type DBProxy
type DBProxyEndpoint
type DBProxyTarget
type DBProxyTargetGroup
type DBRecommendation
type DBSecurityGroup
type DBSecurityGroupMembership
type DBShardGroup
type DBSnapshot
type DBSnapshotAttribute
type DBSnapshotAttributesResult
type DBSnapshotTenantDatabase
type DBSubnetGroup
type DeleteBlueGreenDeploymentInput
type DeleteBlueGreenDeploymentOutput
type DeleteCustomDBEngineVersionInput
type DeleteCustomDBEngineVersionOutput
type DeleteDBClusterAutomatedBackupInput
type DeleteDBClusterAutomatedBackupOutput
type DeleteDBClusterEndpointInput
type DeleteDBClusterEndpointOutput
type DeleteDBClusterInput
type DeleteDBClusterOutput
type DeleteDBClusterParameterGroupInput
type DeleteDBClusterParameterGroupOutput
type DeleteDBClusterSnapshotInput
type DeleteDBClusterSnapshotOutput
type DeleteDBInstanceAutomatedBackupInput
type DeleteDBInstanceAutomatedBackupOutput
type DeleteDBInstanceInput
type DeleteDBInstanceOutput
type DeleteDBParameterGroupInput
type DeleteDBParameterGroupOutput
type DeleteDBProxyEndpointInput
type DeleteDBProxyEndpointOutput
type DeleteDBProxyInput
type DeleteDBProxyOutput
type DeleteDBSecurityGroupInput
type DeleteDBSecurityGroupOutput
type DeleteDBShardGroupInput
type DeleteDBShardGroupOutput
type DeleteDBSnapshotInput
type DeleteDBSnapshotOutput
type DeleteDBSubnetGroupInput
type DeleteDBSubnetGroupOutput
type DeleteEventSubscriptionInput
type DeleteEventSubscriptionOutput
type DeleteGlobalClusterInput
type DeleteGlobalClusterOutput
type DeleteIntegrationInput
type DeleteIntegrationOutput
type DeleteOptionGroupInput
type DeleteOptionGroupOutput
type DeleteTenantDatabaseInput
type DeleteTenantDatabaseOutput
type DeregisterDBProxyTargetsInput
type DeregisterDBProxyTargetsOutput
type DescribeAccountAttributesInput
type DescribeAccountAttributesOutput
type DescribeBlueGreenDeploymentsInput
type DescribeBlueGreenDeploymentsOutput
type DescribeCertificatesInput
type DescribeCertificatesOutput
type DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackupsInput
type DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackupsOutput
type DescribeDBClusterBacktracksInput
type DescribeDBClusterBacktracksOutput
type DescribeDBClusterEndpointsInput
type DescribeDBClusterEndpointsOutput
type DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsInput
type DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsOutput
type DescribeDBClusterParametersInput
type DescribeDBClusterParametersOutput
type DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributesInput
type DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributesOutput
type DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsInput
type DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsOutput
type DescribeDBClustersInput
type DescribeDBClustersOutput
type DescribeDBEngineVersionsInput
type DescribeDBEngineVersionsOutput
type DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsInput
type DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsOutput
type DescribeDBInstancesInput
type DescribeDBInstancesOutput
type DescribeDBLogFilesDetails
type DescribeDBLogFilesInput
type DescribeDBLogFilesOutput
type DescribeDBParameterGroupsInput
type DescribeDBParameterGroupsOutput
type DescribeDBParametersInput
type DescribeDBParametersOutput
type DescribeDBProxiesInput
type DescribeDBProxiesOutput
type DescribeDBProxyEndpointsInput
type DescribeDBProxyEndpointsOutput
type DescribeDBProxyTargetGroupsInput
type DescribeDBProxyTargetGroupsOutput
type DescribeDBProxyTargetsInput
type DescribeDBProxyTargetsOutput
type DescribeDBRecommendationsInput
type DescribeDBRecommendationsOutput
type DescribeDBSecurityGroupsInput
type DescribeDBSecurityGroupsOutput
type DescribeDBShardGroupsInput
type DescribeDBShardGroupsOutput
type DescribeDBSnapshotAttributesInput
type DescribeDBSnapshotAttributesOutput
type DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabasesInput
type DescribeDBSnapshotTenantDatabasesOutput
type DescribeDBSnapshotsInput
type DescribeDBSnapshotsOutput
type DescribeDBSubnetGroupsInput
type DescribeDBSubnetGroupsOutput
type DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersInput
type DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersOutput
type DescribeEngineDefaultParametersInput
type DescribeEngineDefaultParametersOutput
type DescribeEventCategoriesInput
type DescribeEventCategoriesOutput
type DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput
type DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput
type DescribeEventsInput
type DescribeEventsOutput
type DescribeExportTasksInput
type DescribeExportTasksOutput
type DescribeGlobalClustersInput
type DescribeGlobalClustersOutput
type DescribeIntegrationsInput
type DescribeIntegrationsOutput
type DescribeOptionGroupOptionsInput
type DescribeOptionGroupOptionsOutput
type DescribeOptionGroupsInput
type DescribeOptionGroupsOutput
type DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsInput
type DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsOutput
type DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput
type DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput
type DescribeReservedDBInstancesInput
type DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferingsInput
type DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferingsOutput
type DescribeReservedDBInstancesOutput
type DescribeSourceRegionsInput
type DescribeSourceRegionsOutput
type DescribeTenantDatabasesInput
type DescribeTenantDatabasesOutput
type DescribeValidDBInstanceModificationsInput
type DescribeValidDBInstanceModificationsOutput
type DisableHttpEndpointInput
type DisableHttpEndpointOutput
type DocLink
type DomainMembership
type DoubleRange
type DownloadDBLogFilePortionInput
type DownloadDBLogFilePortionOutput
type EC2SecurityGroup
type EnableHttpEndpointInput
type EnableHttpEndpointOutput
type Endpoint
type EngineDefaults
type Event
type EventCategoriesMap
type EventSubscription
type ExportTask
type FailoverDBClusterInput
type FailoverDBClusterOutput
type FailoverGlobalClusterInput
type FailoverGlobalClusterOutput
type FailoverState
type Filter
type GlobalCluster
type GlobalClusterMember
type IPRange
type Integration
type IntegrationError
type IssueDetails
type LimitlessDatabase
type ListTagsForResourceInput
type ListTagsForResourceOutput
type MasterUserSecret
type Metric
type MetricQuery
type MetricReference
type MinimumEngineVersionPerAllowedValue
type ModifyActivityStreamInput
type ModifyActivityStreamOutput
type ModifyCertificatesInput
type ModifyCertificatesOutput
type ModifyCurrentDBClusterCapacityInput
type ModifyCurrentDBClusterCapacityOutput
type ModifyCustomDBEngineVersionInput
type ModifyCustomDBEngineVersionOutput
type ModifyDBClusterEndpointInput
type ModifyDBClusterEndpointOutput
type ModifyDBClusterInput
type ModifyDBClusterOutput
type ModifyDBClusterParameterGroupInput
type ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttributeInput
type ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttributeOutput
type ModifyDBInstanceInput
type ModifyDBInstanceOutput
type ModifyDBParameterGroupInput
type ModifyDBProxyEndpointInput
type ModifyDBProxyEndpointOutput
type ModifyDBProxyInput
type ModifyDBProxyOutput
type ModifyDBProxyTargetGroupInput
type ModifyDBProxyTargetGroupOutput
type ModifyDBRecommendationInput
type ModifyDBRecommendationOutput
type ModifyDBShardGroupInput
type ModifyDBShardGroupOutput
type ModifyDBSnapshotAttributeInput
type ModifyDBSnapshotAttributeOutput
type ModifyDBSnapshotInput
type ModifyDBSnapshotOutput
type ModifyDBSubnetGroupInput
type ModifyDBSubnetGroupOutput
type ModifyEventSubscriptionInput
type ModifyEventSubscriptionOutput
type ModifyGlobalClusterInput
type ModifyGlobalClusterOutput
type ModifyIntegrationInput
type ModifyIntegrationOutput
type ModifyOptionGroupInput
type ModifyOptionGroupOutput
type ModifyTenantDatabaseInput
type ModifyTenantDatabaseOutput
type Option
type OptionConfiguration
type OptionGroup
type OptionGroupMembership
type OptionGroupOption
type OptionGroupOptionSetting
type OptionSetting
type OptionVersion
type OrderableDBInstanceOption
type Outpost
type Parameter
type PendingCloudwatchLogsExports
type PendingMaintenanceAction
type PendingModifiedValues
type PerformanceInsightsMetricDimensionGroup
type PerformanceInsightsMetricQuery
type PerformanceIssueDetails
type ProcessorFeature
type PromoteReadReplicaDBClusterInput
type PromoteReadReplicaDBClusterOutput
type PromoteReadReplicaInput
type PromoteReadReplicaOutput
type PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOfferingInput
type PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOfferingOutput
type Range
type RdsCustomClusterConfiguration
type RebootDBClusterInput
type RebootDBClusterOutput
type RebootDBInstanceInput
type RebootDBInstanceOutput
type RebootDBShardGroupInput
type RebootDBShardGroupOutput
type RecommendedAction
type RecommendedActionParameter
type RecommendedActionUpdate
type RecurringCharge
type ReferenceDetails
type RegisterDBProxyTargetsInput
type RegisterDBProxyTargetsOutput
type RemoveFromGlobalClusterInput
type RemoveFromGlobalClusterOutput
type RemoveRoleFromDBClusterInput
type RemoveRoleFromDBClusterOutput
type RemoveRoleFromDBInstanceInput
type RemoveRoleFromDBInstanceOutput
type RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionInput
type RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionOutput
type RemoveTagsFromResourceInput
type RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput
type ReservedDBInstance
type ReservedDBInstancesOffering
type ResetDBClusterParameterGroupInput
type ResetDBParameterGroupInput
type ResourcePendingMaintenanceActions
type RestoreDBClusterFromS3Input
type RestoreDBClusterFromS3Output
type RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshotInput
type RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshotOutput
type RestoreDBClusterToPointInTimeInput
type RestoreDBClusterToPointInTimeOutput
type RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshotInput
type RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshotOutput
type RestoreDBInstanceFromS3Input
type RestoreDBInstanceFromS3Output
type RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTimeInput
type RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTimeOutput
type RestoreWindow
type RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput
type RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput
type ScalarReferenceDetails
type ScalingConfiguration
type ScalingConfigurationInfo
type ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration
type ServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationInfo
type SourceRegion
type StartActivityStreamInput
type StartActivityStreamOutput
type StartDBClusterInput
type StartDBClusterOutput
type StartDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationInput
type StartDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationOutput
type StartDBInstanceInput
type StartDBInstanceOutput
type StartExportTaskInput
type StartExportTaskOutput
type StopActivityStreamInput
type StopActivityStreamOutput
type StopDBClusterInput
type StopDBClusterOutput
type StopDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationInput
type StopDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationOutput
type StopDBInstanceInput
type StopDBInstanceOutput
type Subnet
type SwitchoverBlueGreenDeploymentInput
type SwitchoverBlueGreenDeploymentOutput
type SwitchoverDetail
type SwitchoverGlobalClusterInput
type SwitchoverGlobalClusterOutput
type SwitchoverReadReplicaInput
type SwitchoverReadReplicaOutput
type Tag
type TargetHealth
type TenantDatabase
type TenantDatabasePendingModifiedValues
type Timezone
type UpgradeTarget
type UserAuthConfig
type UserAuthConfigInfo
type ValidDBInstanceModificationsMessage
type ValidStorageOptions
type VpcSecurityGroupMembership

Examples ▾

RDS.AddRoleToDBCluster (Shared00)
RDS.AddRoleToDBInstance (Shared00)
RDS.AddSourceIdentifierToSubscription (Shared00)
RDS.AddTagsToResource (Shared00)
RDS.ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction (Shared00)
RDS.AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngress (Shared00)
RDS.CancelExportTask (Shared00)
RDS.CopyDBClusterParameterGroup (Shared00)
RDS.CopyDBClusterSnapshot (Shared00)
RDS.CopyDBParameterGroup (Shared00)
RDS.CopyDBSnapshot (Shared00)
RDS.CopyOptionGroup (Shared00)
RDS.CreateBlueGreenDeployment (Shared00)
RDS.CreateBlueGreenDeployment (Shared01)
RDS.CreateDBClusterEndpoint (Shared00)
RDS.CreateDBClusterParameterGroup (Shared00)
RDS.CreateDBClusterSnapshot (Shared00)
RDS.CreateDBCluster (Shared00)
RDS.CreateDBCluster (Shared01)
RDS.CreateDBInstanceReadReplica (Shared00)
RDS.CreateDBInstance (Shared00)
RDS.CreateDBParameterGroup (Shared00)
RDS.CreateDBSecurityGroup (Shared00)
RDS.CreateDBSnapshot (Shared00)
RDS.CreateDBSubnetGroup (Shared00)
RDS.CreateEventSubscription (Shared00)
RDS.CreateGlobalCluster (Shared00)
RDS.CreateIntegration (Shared00)
RDS.CreateOptionGroup (Shared00)
RDS.DeleteBlueGreenDeployment (Shared00)
RDS.DeleteBlueGreenDeployment (Shared01)
RDS.DeleteDBClusterEndpoint (Shared00)
RDS.DeleteDBClusterParameterGroup (Shared00)
RDS.DeleteDBClusterSnapshot (Shared00)
RDS.DeleteDBCluster (Shared00)
RDS.DeleteDBInstanceAutomatedBackup (Shared00)
RDS.DeleteDBInstance (Shared00)
RDS.DeleteDBParameterGroup (Shared00)
RDS.DeleteDBSecurityGroup (Shared00)
RDS.DeleteDBSnapshot (Shared00)
RDS.DeleteDBSubnetGroup (Shared00)
RDS.DeleteEventSubscription (Shared00)
RDS.DeleteGlobalCluster (Shared00)
RDS.DeleteIntegration (Shared00)
RDS.DeleteOptionGroup (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeAccountAttributes (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeBlueGreenDeployments (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeBlueGreenDeployments (Shared01)
RDS.DescribeBlueGreenDeployments (Shared02)
RDS.DescribeCertificates (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBClusterBacktracks (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBClusterEndpoints (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBClusterEndpoints (Shared01)
RDS.DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBClusterParameters (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBClusterSnapshots (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBClusters (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBEngineVersions (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackups (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBInstances (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBLogFiles (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBParameterGroups (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBParameters (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBSecurityGroups (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBSnapshotAttributes (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBSnapshots (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeDBSubnetGroups (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParameters (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeEngineDefaultParameters (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeEventCategories (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeEventSubscriptions (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeEvents (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeExportTasks (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeGlobalClusters (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeIntegrations (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeOptionGroupOptions (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeOptionGroups (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions (Shared00)
RDS.DescribePendingMaintenanceActions (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferings (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeReservedDBInstances (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeSourceRegions (Shared00)
RDS.DescribeValidDBInstanceModifications (Shared00)
RDS.DownloadDBLogFilePortion (Shared00)
RDS.FailoverDBCluster (Shared00)
RDS.ListTagsForResource (Shared00)
RDS.ModifyCertificates (Shared00)
RDS.ModifyCurrentDBClusterCapacity (Shared00)
RDS.ModifyDBClusterEndpoint (Shared00)
RDS.ModifyDBClusterParameterGroup (Shared00)
RDS.ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttribute (Shared00)
RDS.ModifyDBCluster (Shared00)
RDS.ModifyDBInstance (Shared00)
RDS.ModifyDBParameterGroup (Shared00)
RDS.ModifyDBSnapshotAttribute (Shared00)
RDS.ModifyDBSnapshotAttribute (Shared01)
RDS.ModifyDBSnapshot (Shared00)
RDS.ModifyDBSubnetGroup (Shared00)
RDS.ModifyEventSubscription (Shared00)
RDS.ModifyGlobalCluster (Shared00)
RDS.ModifyIntegration (Shared00)
RDS.ModifyOptionGroup (Shared00)
RDS.PromoteReadReplica (Shared00)
RDS.PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOffering (Shared00)
RDS.RebootDBInstance (Shared00)
RDS.RemoveFromGlobalCluster (Shared00)
RDS.RemoveRoleFromDBCluster (Shared00)
RDS.RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscription (Shared00)
RDS.RemoveTagsFromResource (Shared00)
RDS.ResetDBClusterParameterGroup (Shared00)
RDS.ResetDBParameterGroup (Shared00)
RDS.RestoreDBClusterFromS3 (Shared00)
RDS.RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot (Shared00)
RDS.RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime (Shared00)
RDS.RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot (Shared00)
RDS.RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime (Shared00)
RDS.RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngress (Shared00)
RDS.StartActivityStream (Shared00)
RDS.StartDBCluster (Shared00)
RDS.StartDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplication (Shared00)
RDS.StartDBInstance (Shared00)
RDS.StartExportTask (Shared00)
RDS.StopActivityStream (Shared00)
RDS.StopDBCluster (Shared00)
RDS.StopDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplication (Shared00)
RDS.StopDBInstance (Shared00)
RDS.SwitchoverBlueGreenDeployment (Shared00)
RDS.SwitchoverBlueGreenDeployment (Shared01)

Constants ▾

const (
    // ActivityStreamModeSync is a ActivityStreamMode enum value
    ActivityStreamModeSync = "sync"

    // ActivityStreamModeAsync is a ActivityStreamMode enum value
    ActivityStreamModeAsync = "async"
const (
    // ActivityStreamPolicyStatusLocked is a ActivityStreamPolicyStatus enum value
    ActivityStreamPolicyStatusLocked = "locked"

    // ActivityStreamPolicyStatusUnlocked is a ActivityStreamPolicyStatus enum value
    ActivityStreamPolicyStatusUnlocked = "unlocked"

    // ActivityStreamPolicyStatusLockingPolicy is a ActivityStreamPolicyStatus enum value
    ActivityStreamPolicyStatusLockingPolicy = "locking-policy"

    // ActivityStreamPolicyStatusUnlockingPolicy is a ActivityStreamPolicyStatus enum value
    ActivityStreamPolicyStatusUnlockingPolicy = "unlocking-policy"
const (
    // ActivityStreamStatusStopped is a ActivityStreamStatus enum value
    ActivityStreamStatusStopped = "stopped"

    // ActivityStreamStatusStarting is a ActivityStreamStatus enum value
    ActivityStreamStatusStarting = "starting"

    // ActivityStreamStatusStarted is a ActivityStreamStatus enum value
    ActivityStreamStatusStarted = "started"

    // ActivityStreamStatusStopping is a ActivityStreamStatus enum value
    ActivityStreamStatusStopping = "stopping"
const (
    // ApplyMethodImmediate is a ApplyMethod enum value
    ApplyMethodImmediate = "immediate"

    // ApplyMethodPendingReboot is a ApplyMethod enum value
    ApplyMethodPendingReboot = "pending-reboot"
const (
    // AuditPolicyStateLocked is a AuditPolicyState enum value
    AuditPolicyStateLocked = "locked"

    // AuditPolicyStateUnlocked is a AuditPolicyState enum value
    AuditPolicyStateUnlocked = "unlocked"
const (
    // AutomationModeFull is a AutomationMode enum value
    AutomationModeFull = "full"

    // AutomationModeAllPaused is a AutomationMode enum value
    AutomationModeAllPaused = "all-paused"
const (
    // ClientPasswordAuthTypeMysqlNativePassword is a ClientPasswordAuthType enum value
    ClientPasswordAuthTypeMysqlNativePassword = "MYSQL_NATIVE_PASSWORD"

    // ClientPasswordAuthTypePostgresScramSha256 is a ClientPasswordAuthType enum value
    ClientPasswordAuthTypePostgresScramSha256 = "POSTGRES_SCRAM_SHA_256"

    // ClientPasswordAuthTypePostgresMd5 is a ClientPasswordAuthType enum value
    ClientPasswordAuthTypePostgresMd5 = "POSTGRES_MD5"

    // ClientPasswordAuthTypeSqlServerAuthentication is a ClientPasswordAuthType enum value
    ClientPasswordAuthTypeSqlServerAuthentication = "SQL_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION"
const (
    // CustomEngineVersionStatusAvailable is a CustomEngineVersionStatus enum value
    CustomEngineVersionStatusAvailable = "available"

    // CustomEngineVersionStatusInactive is a CustomEngineVersionStatus enum value
    CustomEngineVersionStatusInactive = "inactive"

    // CustomEngineVersionStatusInactiveExceptRestore is a CustomEngineVersionStatus enum value
    CustomEngineVersionStatusInactiveExceptRestore = "inactive-except-restore"
const (
    // DBProxyEndpointStatusAvailable is a DBProxyEndpointStatus enum value
    DBProxyEndpointStatusAvailable = "available"

    // DBProxyEndpointStatusModifying is a DBProxyEndpointStatus enum value
    DBProxyEndpointStatusModifying = "modifying"

    // DBProxyEndpointStatusIncompatibleNetwork is a DBProxyEndpointStatus enum value
    DBProxyEndpointStatusIncompatibleNetwork = "incompatible-network"

    // DBProxyEndpointStatusInsufficientResourceLimits is a DBProxyEndpointStatus enum value
    DBProxyEndpointStatusInsufficientResourceLimits = "insufficient-resource-limits"

    // DBProxyEndpointStatusCreating is a DBProxyEndpointStatus enum value
    DBProxyEndpointStatusCreating = "creating"

    // DBProxyEndpointStatusDeleting is a DBProxyEndpointStatus enum value
    DBProxyEndpointStatusDeleting = "deleting"
const (
    // DBProxyEndpointTargetRoleReadWrite is a DBProxyEndpointTargetRole enum value
    DBProxyEndpointTargetRoleReadWrite = "READ_WRITE"

    // DBProxyEndpointTargetRoleReadOnly is a DBProxyEndpointTargetRole enum value
    DBProxyEndpointTargetRoleReadOnly = "READ_ONLY"
const (
    // DBProxyStatusAvailable is a DBProxyStatus enum value
    DBProxyStatusAvailable = "available"

    // DBProxyStatusModifying is a DBProxyStatus enum value
    DBProxyStatusModifying = "modifying"

    // DBProxyStatusIncompatibleNetwork is a DBProxyStatus enum value
    DBProxyStatusIncompatibleNetwork = "incompatible-network"

    // DBProxyStatusInsufficientResourceLimits is a DBProxyStatus enum value
    DBProxyStatusInsufficientResourceLimits = "insufficient-resource-limits"

    // DBProxyStatusCreating is a DBProxyStatus enum value
    DBProxyStatusCreating = "creating"

    // DBProxyStatusDeleting is a DBProxyStatus enum value
    DBProxyStatusDeleting = "deleting"

    // DBProxyStatusSuspended is a DBProxyStatus enum value
    DBProxyStatusSuspended = "suspended"

    // DBProxyStatusSuspending is a DBProxyStatus enum value
    DBProxyStatusSuspending = "suspending"

    // DBProxyStatusReactivating is a DBProxyStatus enum value
    DBProxyStatusReactivating = "reactivating"
const (
    // EngineFamilyMysql is a EngineFamily enum value
    EngineFamilyMysql = "MYSQL"

    // EngineFamilyPostgresql is a EngineFamily enum value
    EngineFamilyPostgresql = "POSTGRESQL"

    // EngineFamilySqlserver is a EngineFamily enum value
    EngineFamilySqlserver = "SQLSERVER"
const (
    // ExportSourceTypeSnapshot is a ExportSourceType enum value
    ExportSourceTypeSnapshot = "SNAPSHOT"

    // ExportSourceTypeCluster is a ExportSourceType enum value
    ExportSourceTypeCluster = "CLUSTER"
const (
    // FailoverStatusPending is a FailoverStatus enum value
    FailoverStatusPending = "pending"

    // FailoverStatusFailingOver is a FailoverStatus enum value
    FailoverStatusFailingOver = "failing-over"

    // FailoverStatusCancelling is a FailoverStatus enum value
    FailoverStatusCancelling = "cancelling"
const (
    // GlobalClusterMemberSynchronizationStatusConnected is a GlobalClusterMemberSynchronizationStatus enum value
    GlobalClusterMemberSynchronizationStatusConnected = "connected"

    // GlobalClusterMemberSynchronizationStatusPendingResync is a GlobalClusterMemberSynchronizationStatus enum value
    GlobalClusterMemberSynchronizationStatusPendingResync = "pending-resync"
const (
    // IAMAuthModeDisabled is a IAMAuthMode enum value
    IAMAuthModeDisabled = "DISABLED"

    // IAMAuthModeRequired is a IAMAuthMode enum value
    IAMAuthModeRequired = "REQUIRED"

    // IAMAuthModeEnabled is a IAMAuthMode enum value
    IAMAuthModeEnabled = "ENABLED"
const (
    // IntegrationStatusCreating is a IntegrationStatus enum value
    IntegrationStatusCreating = "creating"

    // IntegrationStatusActive is a IntegrationStatus enum value
    IntegrationStatusActive = "active"

    // IntegrationStatusModifying is a IntegrationStatus enum value
    IntegrationStatusModifying = "modifying"

    // IntegrationStatusFailed is a IntegrationStatus enum value
    IntegrationStatusFailed = "failed"

    // IntegrationStatusDeleting is a IntegrationStatus enum value
    IntegrationStatusDeleting = "deleting"

    // IntegrationStatusSyncing is a IntegrationStatus enum value
    IntegrationStatusSyncing = "syncing"

    // IntegrationStatusNeedsAttention is a IntegrationStatus enum value
    IntegrationStatusNeedsAttention = "needs_attention"
const (
    // LimitlessDatabaseStatusActive is a LimitlessDatabaseStatus enum value
    LimitlessDatabaseStatusActive = "active"

    // LimitlessDatabaseStatusNotInUse is a LimitlessDatabaseStatus enum value
    LimitlessDatabaseStatusNotInUse = "not-in-use"

    // LimitlessDatabaseStatusEnabled is a LimitlessDatabaseStatus enum value
    LimitlessDatabaseStatusEnabled = "enabled"

    // LimitlessDatabaseStatusDisabled is a LimitlessDatabaseStatus enum value
    LimitlessDatabaseStatusDisabled = "disabled"

    // LimitlessDatabaseStatusEnabling is a LimitlessDatabaseStatus enum value
    LimitlessDatabaseStatusEnabling = "enabling"

    // LimitlessDatabaseStatusDisabling is a LimitlessDatabaseStatus enum value
    LimitlessDatabaseStatusDisabling = "disabling"

    // LimitlessDatabaseStatusModifyingMaxCapacity is a LimitlessDatabaseStatus enum value
    LimitlessDatabaseStatusModifyingMaxCapacity = "modifying-max-capacity"

    // LimitlessDatabaseStatusError is a LimitlessDatabaseStatus enum value
    LimitlessDatabaseStatusError = "error"
const (
    // LocalWriteForwardingStatusEnabled is a LocalWriteForwardingStatus enum value
    LocalWriteForwardingStatusEnabled = "enabled"

    // LocalWriteForwardingStatusDisabled is a LocalWriteForwardingStatus enum value
    LocalWriteForwardingStatusDisabled = "disabled"

    // LocalWriteForwardingStatusEnabling is a LocalWriteForwardingStatus enum value
    LocalWriteForwardingStatusEnabling = "enabling"

    // LocalWriteForwardingStatusDisabling is a LocalWriteForwardingStatus enum value
    LocalWriteForwardingStatusDisabling = "disabling"

    // LocalWriteForwardingStatusRequested is a LocalWriteForwardingStatus enum value
    LocalWriteForwardingStatusRequested = "requested"
const (
    // ReplicaModeOpenReadOnly is a ReplicaMode enum value
    ReplicaModeOpenReadOnly = "open-read-only"

    // ReplicaModeMounted is a ReplicaMode enum value
    ReplicaModeMounted = "mounted"
const (
    // SourceTypeDbInstance is a SourceType enum value
    SourceTypeDbInstance = "db-instance"

    // SourceTypeDbParameterGroup is a SourceType enum value
    SourceTypeDbParameterGroup = "db-parameter-group"

    // SourceTypeDbSecurityGroup is a SourceType enum value
    SourceTypeDbSecurityGroup = "db-security-group"

    // SourceTypeDbSnapshot is a SourceType enum value
    SourceTypeDbSnapshot = "db-snapshot"

    // SourceTypeDbCluster is a SourceType enum value
    SourceTypeDbCluster = "db-cluster"

    // SourceTypeDbClusterSnapshot is a SourceType enum value
    SourceTypeDbClusterSnapshot = "db-cluster-snapshot"

    // SourceTypeCustomEngineVersion is a SourceType enum value
    SourceTypeCustomEngineVersion = "custom-engine-version"

    // SourceTypeDbProxy is a SourceType enum value
    SourceTypeDbProxy = "db-proxy"

    // SourceTypeBlueGreenDeployment is a SourceType enum value
    SourceTypeBlueGreenDeployment = "blue-green-deployment"
const (
    // TargetHealthReasonUnreachable is a TargetHealthReason enum value
    TargetHealthReasonUnreachable = "UNREACHABLE"

    // TargetHealthReasonConnectionFailed is a TargetHealthReason enum value
    TargetHealthReasonConnectionFailed = "CONNECTION_FAILED"

    // TargetHealthReasonAuthFailure is a TargetHealthReason enum value
    TargetHealthReasonAuthFailure = "AUTH_FAILURE"

    // TargetHealthReasonPendingProxyCapacity is a TargetHealthReason enum value
    TargetHealthReasonPendingProxyCapacity = "PENDING_PROXY_CAPACITY"

    // TargetHealthReasonInvalidReplicationState is a TargetHealthReason enum value
    TargetHealthReasonInvalidReplicationState = "INVALID_REPLICATION_STATE"
const (
    // TargetRoleReadWrite is a TargetRole enum value
    TargetRoleReadWrite = "READ_WRITE"

    // TargetRoleReadOnly is a TargetRole enum value
    TargetRoleReadOnly = "READ_ONLY"

    // TargetRoleUnknown is a TargetRole enum value
    TargetRoleUnknown = "UNKNOWN"
const (
    // TargetStateRegistering is a TargetState enum value
    TargetStateRegistering = "REGISTERING"

    // TargetStateAvailable is a TargetState enum value
    TargetStateAvailable = "AVAILABLE"

    // TargetStateUnavailable is a TargetState enum value
    TargetStateUnavailable = "UNAVAILABLE"
const (
    // TargetTypeRdsInstance is a TargetType enum value
    TargetTypeRdsInstance = "RDS_INSTANCE"

    // TargetTypeRdsServerlessEndpoint is a TargetType enum value
    TargetTypeRdsServerlessEndpoint = "RDS_SERVERLESS_ENDPOINT"

    // TargetTypeTrackedCluster is a TargetType enum value
    TargetTypeTrackedCluster = "TRACKED_CLUSTER"
const (
    // WriteForwardingStatusEnabled is a WriteForwardingStatus enum value
    WriteForwardingStatusEnabled = "enabled"

    // WriteForwardingStatusDisabled is a WriteForwardingStatus enum value
    WriteForwardingStatusDisabled = "disabled"

    // WriteForwardingStatusEnabling is a WriteForwardingStatus enum value
    WriteForwardingStatusEnabling = "enabling"

    // WriteForwardingStatusDisabling is a WriteForwardingStatus enum value
    WriteForwardingStatusDisabling = "disabling"

    // WriteForwardingStatusUnknown is a WriteForwardingStatus enum value
    WriteForwardingStatusUnknown = "unknown"
const (

    // ErrCodeAuthorizationAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "AuthorizationAlreadyExists".
    // The specified CIDR IP range or Amazon EC2 security group is already authorized
    // for the specified DB security group.
    ErrCodeAuthorizationAlreadyExistsFault = "AuthorizationAlreadyExists"

    // ErrCodeAuthorizationNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "AuthorizationNotFound".
    // The specified CIDR IP range or Amazon EC2 security group might not be authorized
    // for the specified DB security group.
    // Or, RDS might not be authorized to perform necessary actions using IAM on
    // your behalf.
    ErrCodeAuthorizationNotFoundFault = "AuthorizationNotFound"

    // ErrCodeAuthorizationQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "AuthorizationQuotaExceeded".
    // The DB security group authorization quota has been reached.
    ErrCodeAuthorizationQuotaExceededFault = "AuthorizationQuotaExceeded"

    // ErrCodeBackupPolicyNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "BackupPolicyNotFoundFault".
    ErrCodeBackupPolicyNotFoundFault = "BackupPolicyNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeBlueGreenDeploymentAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "BlueGreenDeploymentAlreadyExistsFault".
    // A blue/green deployment with the specified name already exists.
    ErrCodeBlueGreenDeploymentAlreadyExistsFault = "BlueGreenDeploymentAlreadyExistsFault"

    // ErrCodeBlueGreenDeploymentNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "BlueGreenDeploymentNotFoundFault".
    // BlueGreenDeploymentIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing blue/green deployment.
    ErrCodeBlueGreenDeploymentNotFoundFault = "BlueGreenDeploymentNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeCertificateNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "CertificateNotFound".
    // CertificateIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing certificate.
    ErrCodeCertificateNotFoundFault = "CertificateNotFound"

    // ErrCodeCreateCustomDBEngineVersionFault for service response error code
    // "CreateCustomDBEngineVersionFault".
    // An error occurred while trying to create the CEV.
    ErrCodeCreateCustomDBEngineVersionFault = "CreateCustomDBEngineVersionFault"

    // ErrCodeCustomAvailabilityZoneNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "CustomAvailabilityZoneNotFound".
    // CustomAvailabilityZoneId doesn't refer to an existing custom Availability
    // Zone identifier.
    ErrCodeCustomAvailabilityZoneNotFoundFault = "CustomAvailabilityZoneNotFound"

    // ErrCodeCustomDBEngineVersionAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "CustomDBEngineVersionAlreadyExistsFault".
    // A CEV with the specified name already exists.
    ErrCodeCustomDBEngineVersionAlreadyExistsFault = "CustomDBEngineVersionAlreadyExistsFault"

    // ErrCodeCustomDBEngineVersionNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "CustomDBEngineVersionNotFoundFault".
    // The specified CEV was not found.
    ErrCodeCustomDBEngineVersionNotFoundFault = "CustomDBEngineVersionNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeCustomDBEngineVersionQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "CustomDBEngineVersionQuotaExceededFault".
    // You have exceeded your CEV quota.
    ErrCodeCustomDBEngineVersionQuotaExceededFault = "CustomDBEngineVersionQuotaExceededFault"

    // ErrCodeDBClusterAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "DBClusterAlreadyExistsFault".
    // The user already has a DB cluster with the given identifier.
    ErrCodeDBClusterAlreadyExistsFault = "DBClusterAlreadyExistsFault"

    // ErrCodeDBClusterAutomatedBackupNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBClusterAutomatedBackupNotFoundFault".
    // No automated backup for this DB cluster was found.
    ErrCodeDBClusterAutomatedBackupNotFoundFault = "DBClusterAutomatedBackupNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeDBClusterAutomatedBackupQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "DBClusterAutomatedBackupQuotaExceededFault".
    // The quota for retained automated backups was exceeded. This prevents you
    // from retaining any additional automated backups. The retained automated backups
    // quota is the same as your DB cluster quota.
    ErrCodeDBClusterAutomatedBackupQuotaExceededFault = "DBClusterAutomatedBackupQuotaExceededFault"

    // ErrCodeDBClusterBacktrackNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBClusterBacktrackNotFoundFault".
    // BacktrackIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing backtrack.
    ErrCodeDBClusterBacktrackNotFoundFault = "DBClusterBacktrackNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeDBClusterEndpointAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "DBClusterEndpointAlreadyExistsFault".
    // The specified custom endpoint can't be created because it already exists.
    ErrCodeDBClusterEndpointAlreadyExistsFault = "DBClusterEndpointAlreadyExistsFault"

    // ErrCodeDBClusterEndpointNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBClusterEndpointNotFoundFault".
    // The specified custom endpoint doesn't exist.
    ErrCodeDBClusterEndpointNotFoundFault = "DBClusterEndpointNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeDBClusterEndpointQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "DBClusterEndpointQuotaExceededFault".
    // The cluster already has the maximum number of custom endpoints.
    ErrCodeDBClusterEndpointQuotaExceededFault = "DBClusterEndpointQuotaExceededFault"

    // ErrCodeDBClusterNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBClusterNotFoundFault".
    // DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing DB cluster.
    ErrCodeDBClusterNotFoundFault = "DBClusterNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeDBClusterParameterGroupNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBClusterParameterGroupNotFound".
    // DBClusterParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing DB cluster parameter
    // group.
    ErrCodeDBClusterParameterGroupNotFoundFault = "DBClusterParameterGroupNotFound"

    // ErrCodeDBClusterQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "DBClusterQuotaExceededFault".
    // The user attempted to create a new DB cluster and the user has already reached
    // the maximum allowed DB cluster quota.
    ErrCodeDBClusterQuotaExceededFault = "DBClusterQuotaExceededFault"

    // ErrCodeDBClusterRoleAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "DBClusterRoleAlreadyExists".
    // The specified IAM role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is already associated with
    // the specified DB cluster.
    ErrCodeDBClusterRoleAlreadyExistsFault = "DBClusterRoleAlreadyExists"

    // ErrCodeDBClusterRoleNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBClusterRoleNotFound".
    // The specified IAM role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) isn't associated with the
    // specified DB cluster.
    ErrCodeDBClusterRoleNotFoundFault = "DBClusterRoleNotFound"

    // ErrCodeDBClusterRoleQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "DBClusterRoleQuotaExceeded".
    // You have exceeded the maximum number of IAM roles that can be associated
    // with the specified DB cluster.
    ErrCodeDBClusterRoleQuotaExceededFault = "DBClusterRoleQuotaExceeded"

    // ErrCodeDBClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "DBClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsFault".
    // The user already has a DB cluster snapshot with the given identifier.
    ErrCodeDBClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsFault = "DBClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsFault"

    // ErrCodeDBClusterSnapshotNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBClusterSnapshotNotFoundFault".
    // DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing DB cluster snapshot.
    ErrCodeDBClusterSnapshotNotFoundFault = "DBClusterSnapshotNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeDBInstanceAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "DBInstanceAlreadyExists".
    // The user already has a DB instance with the given identifier.
    ErrCodeDBInstanceAlreadyExistsFault = "DBInstanceAlreadyExists"

    // ErrCodeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBInstanceAutomatedBackupNotFound".
    // No automated backup for this DB instance was found.
    ErrCodeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupNotFoundFault = "DBInstanceAutomatedBackupNotFound"

    // ErrCodeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "DBInstanceAutomatedBackupQuotaExceeded".
    // The quota for retained automated backups was exceeded. This prevents you
    // from retaining any additional automated backups. The retained automated backups
    // quota is the same as your DB instance quota.
    ErrCodeDBInstanceAutomatedBackupQuotaExceededFault = "DBInstanceAutomatedBackupQuotaExceeded"

    // ErrCodeDBInstanceNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBInstanceNotFound".
    // DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing DB instance.
    ErrCodeDBInstanceNotFoundFault = "DBInstanceNotFound"

    // ErrCodeDBInstanceRoleAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "DBInstanceRoleAlreadyExists".
    // The specified RoleArn or FeatureName value is already associated with the
    // DB instance.
    ErrCodeDBInstanceRoleAlreadyExistsFault = "DBInstanceRoleAlreadyExists"

    // ErrCodeDBInstanceRoleNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBInstanceRoleNotFound".
    // The specified RoleArn value doesn't match the specified feature for the DB
    // instance.
    ErrCodeDBInstanceRoleNotFoundFault = "DBInstanceRoleNotFound"

    // ErrCodeDBInstanceRoleQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "DBInstanceRoleQuotaExceeded".
    // You can't associate any more Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management
    // (IAM) roles with the DB instance because the quota has been reached.
    ErrCodeDBInstanceRoleQuotaExceededFault = "DBInstanceRoleQuotaExceeded"

    // ErrCodeDBLogFileNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBLogFileNotFoundFault".
    // LogFileName doesn't refer to an existing DB log file.
    ErrCodeDBLogFileNotFoundFault = "DBLogFileNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeDBParameterGroupAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "DBParameterGroupAlreadyExists".
    // A DB parameter group with the same name exists.
    ErrCodeDBParameterGroupAlreadyExistsFault = "DBParameterGroupAlreadyExists"

    // ErrCodeDBParameterGroupNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBParameterGroupNotFound".
    // DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing DB parameter group.
    ErrCodeDBParameterGroupNotFoundFault = "DBParameterGroupNotFound"

    // ErrCodeDBParameterGroupQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "DBParameterGroupQuotaExceeded".
    // The request would result in the user exceeding the allowed number of DB parameter
    // groups.
    ErrCodeDBParameterGroupQuotaExceededFault = "DBParameterGroupQuotaExceeded"

    // ErrCodeDBProxyAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "DBProxyAlreadyExistsFault".
    // The specified proxy name must be unique for all proxies owned by your Amazon
    // Web Services account in the specified Amazon Web Services Region.
    ErrCodeDBProxyAlreadyExistsFault = "DBProxyAlreadyExistsFault"

    // ErrCodeDBProxyEndpointAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "DBProxyEndpointAlreadyExistsFault".
    // The specified DB proxy endpoint name must be unique for all DB proxy endpoints
    // owned by your Amazon Web Services account in the specified Amazon Web Services
    // Region.
    ErrCodeDBProxyEndpointAlreadyExistsFault = "DBProxyEndpointAlreadyExistsFault"

    // ErrCodeDBProxyEndpointNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBProxyEndpointNotFoundFault".
    // The DB proxy endpoint doesn't exist.
    ErrCodeDBProxyEndpointNotFoundFault = "DBProxyEndpointNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeDBProxyEndpointQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "DBProxyEndpointQuotaExceededFault".
    // The DB proxy already has the maximum number of endpoints.
    ErrCodeDBProxyEndpointQuotaExceededFault = "DBProxyEndpointQuotaExceededFault"

    // ErrCodeDBProxyNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBProxyNotFoundFault".
    // The specified proxy name doesn't correspond to a proxy owned by your Amazon
    // Web Services account in the specified Amazon Web Services Region.
    ErrCodeDBProxyNotFoundFault = "DBProxyNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeDBProxyQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "DBProxyQuotaExceededFault".
    // Your Amazon Web Services account already has the maximum number of proxies
    // in the specified Amazon Web Services Region.
    ErrCodeDBProxyQuotaExceededFault = "DBProxyQuotaExceededFault"

    // ErrCodeDBProxyTargetAlreadyRegisteredFault for service response error code
    // "DBProxyTargetAlreadyRegisteredFault".
    // The proxy is already associated with the specified RDS DB instance or Aurora
    // DB cluster.
    ErrCodeDBProxyTargetAlreadyRegisteredFault = "DBProxyTargetAlreadyRegisteredFault"

    // ErrCodeDBProxyTargetGroupNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBProxyTargetGroupNotFoundFault".
    // The specified target group isn't available for a proxy owned by your Amazon
    // Web Services account in the specified Amazon Web Services Region.
    ErrCodeDBProxyTargetGroupNotFoundFault = "DBProxyTargetGroupNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeDBProxyTargetNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBProxyTargetNotFoundFault".
    // The specified RDS DB instance or Aurora DB cluster isn't available for a
    // proxy owned by your Amazon Web Services account in the specified Amazon Web
    // Services Region.
    ErrCodeDBProxyTargetNotFoundFault = "DBProxyTargetNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeDBSecurityGroupAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "DBSecurityGroupAlreadyExists".
    // A DB security group with the name specified in DBSecurityGroupName already
    // exists.
    ErrCodeDBSecurityGroupAlreadyExistsFault = "DBSecurityGroupAlreadyExists"

    // ErrCodeDBSecurityGroupNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBSecurityGroupNotFound".
    // DBSecurityGroupName doesn't refer to an existing DB security group.
    ErrCodeDBSecurityGroupNotFoundFault = "DBSecurityGroupNotFound"

    // ErrCodeDBSecurityGroupNotSupportedFault for service response error code
    // "DBSecurityGroupNotSupported".
    // A DB security group isn't allowed for this action.
    ErrCodeDBSecurityGroupNotSupportedFault = "DBSecurityGroupNotSupported"

    // ErrCodeDBSecurityGroupQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "QuotaExceeded.DBSecurityGroup".
    // The request would result in the user exceeding the allowed number of DB security
    // groups.
    ErrCodeDBSecurityGroupQuotaExceededFault = "QuotaExceeded.DBSecurityGroup"

    // ErrCodeDBShardGroupAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "DBShardGroupAlreadyExists".
    // The specified DB shard group name must be unique in your Amazon Web Services
    // account in the specified Amazon Web Services Region.
    ErrCodeDBShardGroupAlreadyExistsFault = "DBShardGroupAlreadyExists"

    // ErrCodeDBShardGroupNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBShardGroupNotFound".
    // The specified DB shard group name wasn't found.
    ErrCodeDBShardGroupNotFoundFault = "DBShardGroupNotFound"

    // ErrCodeDBSnapshotAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "DBSnapshotAlreadyExists".
    // DBSnapshotIdentifier is already used by an existing snapshot.
    ErrCodeDBSnapshotAlreadyExistsFault = "DBSnapshotAlreadyExists"

    // ErrCodeDBSnapshotNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBSnapshotNotFound".
    // DBSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing DB snapshot.
    ErrCodeDBSnapshotNotFoundFault = "DBSnapshotNotFound"

    // ErrCodeDBSnapshotTenantDatabaseNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBSnapshotTenantDatabaseNotFoundFault".
    // The specified snapshot tenant database wasn't found.
    ErrCodeDBSnapshotTenantDatabaseNotFoundFault = "DBSnapshotTenantDatabaseNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeDBSubnetGroupAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "DBSubnetGroupAlreadyExists".
    // DBSubnetGroupName is already used by an existing DB subnet group.
    ErrCodeDBSubnetGroupAlreadyExistsFault = "DBSubnetGroupAlreadyExists"

    // ErrCodeDBSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs for service response error code
    // "DBSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs".
    // Subnets in the DB subnet group should cover at least two Availability Zones
    // unless there is only one Availability Zone.
    ErrCodeDBSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs = "DBSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs"

    // ErrCodeDBSubnetGroupNotAllowedFault for service response error code
    // "DBSubnetGroupNotAllowedFault".
    // The DBSubnetGroup shouldn't be specified while creating read replicas that
    // lie in the same region as the source instance.
    ErrCodeDBSubnetGroupNotAllowedFault = "DBSubnetGroupNotAllowedFault"

    // ErrCodeDBSubnetGroupNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DBSubnetGroupNotFoundFault".
    // DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing DB subnet group.
    ErrCodeDBSubnetGroupNotFoundFault = "DBSubnetGroupNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeDBSubnetGroupQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "DBSubnetGroupQuotaExceeded".
    // The request would result in the user exceeding the allowed number of DB subnet
    // groups.
    ErrCodeDBSubnetGroupQuotaExceededFault = "DBSubnetGroupQuotaExceeded"

    // ErrCodeDBSubnetQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "DBSubnetQuotaExceededFault".
    // The request would result in the user exceeding the allowed number of subnets
    // in a DB subnet groups.
    ErrCodeDBSubnetQuotaExceededFault = "DBSubnetQuotaExceededFault"

    // ErrCodeDBUpgradeDependencyFailureFault for service response error code
    // "DBUpgradeDependencyFailure".
    // The DB upgrade failed because a resource the DB depends on can't be modified.
    ErrCodeDBUpgradeDependencyFailureFault = "DBUpgradeDependencyFailure"

    // ErrCodeDomainNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "DomainNotFoundFault".
    // Domain doesn't refer to an existing Active Directory domain.
    ErrCodeDomainNotFoundFault = "DomainNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeEc2ImagePropertiesNotSupportedFault for service response error code
    // "Ec2ImagePropertiesNotSupportedFault".
    // The AMI configuration prerequisite has not been met.
    ErrCodeEc2ImagePropertiesNotSupportedFault = "Ec2ImagePropertiesNotSupportedFault"

    // ErrCodeEventSubscriptionQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "EventSubscriptionQuotaExceeded".
    // You have reached the maximum number of event subscriptions.
    ErrCodeEventSubscriptionQuotaExceededFault = "EventSubscriptionQuotaExceeded"

    // ErrCodeExportTaskAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "ExportTaskAlreadyExists".
    // You can't start an export task that's already running.
    ErrCodeExportTaskAlreadyExistsFault = "ExportTaskAlreadyExists"

    // ErrCodeExportTaskNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "ExportTaskNotFound".
    // The export task doesn't exist.
    ErrCodeExportTaskNotFoundFault = "ExportTaskNotFound"

    // ErrCodeGlobalClusterAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "GlobalClusterAlreadyExistsFault".
    // The GlobalClusterIdentifier already exists. Choose a new global database
    // identifier (unique name) to create a new global database cluster.
    ErrCodeGlobalClusterAlreadyExistsFault = "GlobalClusterAlreadyExistsFault"

    // ErrCodeGlobalClusterNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "GlobalClusterNotFoundFault".
    // The GlobalClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing global database
    // cluster.
    ErrCodeGlobalClusterNotFoundFault = "GlobalClusterNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeGlobalClusterQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "GlobalClusterQuotaExceededFault".
    // The number of global database clusters for this account is already at the
    // maximum allowed.
    ErrCodeGlobalClusterQuotaExceededFault = "GlobalClusterQuotaExceededFault"

    // ErrCodeIamRoleMissingPermissionsFault for service response error code
    // "IamRoleMissingPermissions".
    // The IAM role requires additional permissions to export to an Amazon S3 bucket.
    ErrCodeIamRoleMissingPermissionsFault = "IamRoleMissingPermissions"

    // ErrCodeIamRoleNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "IamRoleNotFound".
    // The IAM role is missing for exporting to an Amazon S3 bucket.
    ErrCodeIamRoleNotFoundFault = "IamRoleNotFound"

    // ErrCodeInstanceQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "InstanceQuotaExceeded".
    // The request would result in the user exceeding the allowed number of DB instances.
    ErrCodeInstanceQuotaExceededFault = "InstanceQuotaExceeded"

    // ErrCodeInsufficientAvailableIPsInSubnetFault for service response error code
    // "InsufficientAvailableIPsInSubnetFault".
    // The requested operation can't be performed because there aren't enough available
    // IP addresses in the proxy's subnets. Add more CIDR blocks to the VPC or remove
    // IP address that aren't required from the subnets.
    ErrCodeInsufficientAvailableIPsInSubnetFault = "InsufficientAvailableIPsInSubnetFault"

    // ErrCodeInsufficientDBClusterCapacityFault for service response error code
    // "InsufficientDBClusterCapacityFault".
    // The DB cluster doesn't have enough capacity for the current operation.
    ErrCodeInsufficientDBClusterCapacityFault = "InsufficientDBClusterCapacityFault"

    // ErrCodeInsufficientDBInstanceCapacityFault for service response error code
    // "InsufficientDBInstanceCapacity".
    // The specified DB instance class isn't available in the specified Availability
    // Zone.
    ErrCodeInsufficientDBInstanceCapacityFault = "InsufficientDBInstanceCapacity"

    // ErrCodeInsufficientStorageClusterCapacityFault for service response error code
    // "InsufficientStorageClusterCapacity".
    // There is insufficient storage available for the current action. You might
    // be able to resolve this error by updating your subnet group to use different
    // Availability Zones that have more storage available.
    ErrCodeInsufficientStorageClusterCapacityFault = "InsufficientStorageClusterCapacity"

    // ErrCodeIntegrationAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "IntegrationAlreadyExistsFault".
    // The integration you are trying to create already exists.
    ErrCodeIntegrationAlreadyExistsFault = "IntegrationAlreadyExistsFault"

    // ErrCodeIntegrationConflictOperationFault for service response error code
    // "IntegrationConflictOperationFault".
    // A conflicting conditional operation is currently in progress against this
    // resource. Typically occurs when there are multiple requests being made to
    // the same resource at the same time, and these requests conflict with each
    // other.
    ErrCodeIntegrationConflictOperationFault = "IntegrationConflictOperationFault"

    // ErrCodeIntegrationNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "IntegrationNotFoundFault".
    // The specified integration could not be found.
    ErrCodeIntegrationNotFoundFault = "IntegrationNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeIntegrationQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "IntegrationQuotaExceededFault".
    // You can't crate any more zero-ETL integrations because the quota has been
    // reached.
    ErrCodeIntegrationQuotaExceededFault = "IntegrationQuotaExceededFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidBlueGreenDeploymentStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidBlueGreenDeploymentStateFault".
    // The blue/green deployment can't be switched over or deleted because there
    // is an invalid configuration in the green environment.
    ErrCodeInvalidBlueGreenDeploymentStateFault = "InvalidBlueGreenDeploymentStateFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidCustomDBEngineVersionStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidCustomDBEngineVersionStateFault".
    // You can't delete the CEV.
    ErrCodeInvalidCustomDBEngineVersionStateFault = "InvalidCustomDBEngineVersionStateFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDBClusterAutomatedBackupStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidDBClusterAutomatedBackupStateFault".
    // The automated backup is in an invalid state. For example, this automated
    // backup is associated with an active cluster.
    ErrCodeInvalidDBClusterAutomatedBackupStateFault = "InvalidDBClusterAutomatedBackupStateFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDBClusterCapacityFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidDBClusterCapacityFault".
    // Capacity isn't a valid Aurora Serverless DB cluster capacity. Valid capacity
    // values are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256.
    ErrCodeInvalidDBClusterCapacityFault = "InvalidDBClusterCapacityFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDBClusterEndpointStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidDBClusterEndpointStateFault".
    // The requested operation can't be performed on the endpoint while the endpoint
    // is in this state.
    ErrCodeInvalidDBClusterEndpointStateFault = "InvalidDBClusterEndpointStateFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDBClusterSnapshotStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidDBClusterSnapshotStateFault".
    // The supplied value isn't a valid DB cluster snapshot state.
    ErrCodeInvalidDBClusterSnapshotStateFault = "InvalidDBClusterSnapshotStateFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDBClusterStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidDBClusterStateFault".
    // The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is in this state.
    ErrCodeInvalidDBClusterStateFault = "InvalidDBClusterStateFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDBInstanceAutomatedBackupStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidDBInstanceAutomatedBackupState".
    // The automated backup is in an invalid state. For example, this automated
    // backup is associated with an active instance.
    ErrCodeInvalidDBInstanceAutomatedBackupStateFault = "InvalidDBInstanceAutomatedBackupState"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDBInstanceStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidDBInstanceState".
    // The DB instance isn't in a valid state.
    ErrCodeInvalidDBInstanceStateFault = "InvalidDBInstanceState"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDBParameterGroupStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidDBParameterGroupState".
    // The DB parameter group is in use or is in an invalid state. If you are attempting
    // to delete the parameter group, you can't delete it when the parameter group
    // is in this state.
    ErrCodeInvalidDBParameterGroupStateFault = "InvalidDBParameterGroupState"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDBProxyEndpointStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidDBProxyEndpointStateFault".
    // You can't perform this operation while the DB proxy endpoint is in a particular
    // state.
    ErrCodeInvalidDBProxyEndpointStateFault = "InvalidDBProxyEndpointStateFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDBProxyStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidDBProxyStateFault".
    // The requested operation can't be performed while the proxy is in this state.
    ErrCodeInvalidDBProxyStateFault = "InvalidDBProxyStateFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDBSecurityGroupStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidDBSecurityGroupState".
    // The state of the DB security group doesn't allow deletion.
    ErrCodeInvalidDBSecurityGroupStateFault = "InvalidDBSecurityGroupState"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDBShardGroupStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidDBShardGroupState".
    // The DB shard group must be in the available state.
    ErrCodeInvalidDBShardGroupStateFault = "InvalidDBShardGroupState"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDBSnapshotStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidDBSnapshotState".
    // The state of the DB snapshot doesn't allow deletion.
    ErrCodeInvalidDBSnapshotStateFault = "InvalidDBSnapshotState"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDBSubnetGroupFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidDBSubnetGroupFault".
    // The DBSubnetGroup doesn't belong to the same VPC as that of an existing cross-region
    // read replica of the same source instance.
    ErrCodeInvalidDBSubnetGroupFault = "InvalidDBSubnetGroupFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDBSubnetGroupStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidDBSubnetGroupStateFault".
    // The DB subnet group cannot be deleted because it's in use.
    ErrCodeInvalidDBSubnetGroupStateFault = "InvalidDBSubnetGroupStateFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidDBSubnetStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidDBSubnetStateFault".
    // The DB subnet isn't in the available state.
    ErrCodeInvalidDBSubnetStateFault = "InvalidDBSubnetStateFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidEventSubscriptionStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidEventSubscriptionState".
    // This error can occur if someone else is modifying a subscription. You should
    // retry the action.
    ErrCodeInvalidEventSubscriptionStateFault = "InvalidEventSubscriptionState"

    // ErrCodeInvalidExportOnlyFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidExportOnly".
    // The export is invalid for exporting to an Amazon S3 bucket.
    ErrCodeInvalidExportOnlyFault = "InvalidExportOnly"

    // ErrCodeInvalidExportSourceStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidExportSourceState".
    // The state of the export snapshot is invalid for exporting to an Amazon S3
    // bucket.
    ErrCodeInvalidExportSourceStateFault = "InvalidExportSourceState"

    // ErrCodeInvalidExportTaskStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidExportTaskStateFault".
    // You can't cancel an export task that has completed.
    ErrCodeInvalidExportTaskStateFault = "InvalidExportTaskStateFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidGlobalClusterStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidGlobalClusterStateFault".
    // The global cluster is in an invalid state and can't perform the requested
    // operation.
    ErrCodeInvalidGlobalClusterStateFault = "InvalidGlobalClusterStateFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidIntegrationStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidIntegrationStateFault".
    // The integration is in an invalid state and can't perform the requested operation.
    ErrCodeInvalidIntegrationStateFault = "InvalidIntegrationStateFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidMaxAcuFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidMaxAcu".
    // The maximum capacity of the DB shard group must be 48-7168 Aurora capacity
    // units (ACUs).
    ErrCodeInvalidMaxAcuFault = "InvalidMaxAcu"

    // ErrCodeInvalidOptionGroupStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidOptionGroupStateFault".
    // The option group isn't in the available state.
    ErrCodeInvalidOptionGroupStateFault = "InvalidOptionGroupStateFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidResourceStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidResourceStateFault".
    // The operation can't be performed because another operation is in progress.
    ErrCodeInvalidResourceStateFault = "InvalidResourceStateFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidRestoreFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidRestoreFault".
    // Cannot restore from VPC backup to non-VPC DB instance.
    ErrCodeInvalidRestoreFault = "InvalidRestoreFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidS3BucketFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidS3BucketFault".
    // The specified Amazon S3 bucket name can't be found or Amazon RDS isn't authorized
    // to access the specified Amazon S3 bucket. Verify the SourceS3BucketName and
    // S3IngestionRoleArn values and try again.
    ErrCodeInvalidS3BucketFault = "InvalidS3BucketFault"

    // ErrCodeInvalidSubnet for service response error code
    // "InvalidSubnet".
    // The requested subnet is invalid, or multiple subnets were requested that
    // are not all in a common VPC.
    ErrCodeInvalidSubnet = "InvalidSubnet"

    // ErrCodeInvalidVPCNetworkStateFault for service response error code
    // "InvalidVPCNetworkStateFault".
    // The DB subnet group doesn't cover all Availability Zones after it's created
    // because of users' change.
    ErrCodeInvalidVPCNetworkStateFault = "InvalidVPCNetworkStateFault"

    // ErrCodeKMSKeyNotAccessibleFault for service response error code
    // "KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault".
    // An error occurred accessing an Amazon Web Services KMS key.
    ErrCodeKMSKeyNotAccessibleFault = "KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault"

    // ErrCodeMaxDBShardGroupLimitReached for service response error code
    // "MaxDBShardGroupLimitReached".
    // The maximum number of DB shard groups for your Amazon Web Services account
    // in the specified Amazon Web Services Region has been reached.
    ErrCodeMaxDBShardGroupLimitReached = "MaxDBShardGroupLimitReached"

    // ErrCodeNetworkTypeNotSupported for service response error code
    // "NetworkTypeNotSupported".
    // The network type is invalid for the DB instance. Valid nework type values
    // are IPV4 and DUAL.
    ErrCodeNetworkTypeNotSupported = "NetworkTypeNotSupported"

    // ErrCodeOptionGroupAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "OptionGroupAlreadyExistsFault".
    // The option group you are trying to create already exists.
    ErrCodeOptionGroupAlreadyExistsFault = "OptionGroupAlreadyExistsFault"

    // ErrCodeOptionGroupNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "OptionGroupNotFoundFault".
    // The specified option group could not be found.
    ErrCodeOptionGroupNotFoundFault = "OptionGroupNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeOptionGroupQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "OptionGroupQuotaExceededFault".
    // The quota of 20 option groups was exceeded for this Amazon Web Services account.
    ErrCodeOptionGroupQuotaExceededFault = "OptionGroupQuotaExceededFault"

    // ErrCodePointInTimeRestoreNotEnabledFault for service response error code
    // "PointInTimeRestoreNotEnabled".
    // SourceDBInstanceIdentifier refers to a DB instance with BackupRetentionPeriod
    // equal to 0.
    ErrCodePointInTimeRestoreNotEnabledFault = "PointInTimeRestoreNotEnabled"

    // ErrCodeProvisionedIopsNotAvailableInAZFault for service response error code
    // "ProvisionedIopsNotAvailableInAZFault".
    // Provisioned IOPS not available in the specified Availability Zone.
    ErrCodeProvisionedIopsNotAvailableInAZFault = "ProvisionedIopsNotAvailableInAZFault"

    // ErrCodeReservedDBInstanceAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "ReservedDBInstanceAlreadyExists".
    // User already has a reservation with the given identifier.
    ErrCodeReservedDBInstanceAlreadyExistsFault = "ReservedDBInstanceAlreadyExists"

    // ErrCodeReservedDBInstanceNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "ReservedDBInstanceNotFound".
    // The specified reserved DB Instance not found.
    ErrCodeReservedDBInstanceNotFoundFault = "ReservedDBInstanceNotFound"

    // ErrCodeReservedDBInstanceQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "ReservedDBInstanceQuotaExceeded".
    // Request would exceed the user's DB Instance quota.
    ErrCodeReservedDBInstanceQuotaExceededFault = "ReservedDBInstanceQuotaExceeded"

    // ErrCodeReservedDBInstancesOfferingNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "ReservedDBInstancesOfferingNotFound".
    // Specified offering does not exist.
    ErrCodeReservedDBInstancesOfferingNotFoundFault = "ReservedDBInstancesOfferingNotFound"

    // ErrCodeResourceNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "ResourceNotFoundFault".
    // The specified resource ID was not found.
    ErrCodeResourceNotFoundFault = "ResourceNotFoundFault"

    // ErrCodeSNSInvalidTopicFault for service response error code
    // "SNSInvalidTopic".
    // SNS has responded that there is a problem with the SNS topic specified.
    ErrCodeSNSInvalidTopicFault = "SNSInvalidTopic"

    // ErrCodeSNSNoAuthorizationFault for service response error code
    // "SNSNoAuthorization".
    // You do not have permission to publish to the SNS topic ARN.
    ErrCodeSNSNoAuthorizationFault = "SNSNoAuthorization"

    // ErrCodeSNSTopicArnNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "SNSTopicArnNotFound".
    // The SNS topic ARN does not exist.
    ErrCodeSNSTopicArnNotFoundFault = "SNSTopicArnNotFound"

    // ErrCodeSharedSnapshotQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "SharedSnapshotQuotaExceeded".
    // You have exceeded the maximum number of accounts that you can share a manual
    // DB snapshot with.
    ErrCodeSharedSnapshotQuotaExceededFault = "SharedSnapshotQuotaExceeded"

    // ErrCodeSnapshotQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "SnapshotQuotaExceeded".
    // The request would result in the user exceeding the allowed number of DB snapshots.
    ErrCodeSnapshotQuotaExceededFault = "SnapshotQuotaExceeded"

    // ErrCodeSourceClusterNotSupportedFault for service response error code
    // "SourceClusterNotSupportedFault".
    // The source DB cluster isn't supported for a blue/green deployment.
    ErrCodeSourceClusterNotSupportedFault = "SourceClusterNotSupportedFault"

    // ErrCodeSourceDatabaseNotSupportedFault for service response error code
    // "SourceDatabaseNotSupportedFault".
    // The source DB instance isn't supported for a blue/green deployment.
    ErrCodeSourceDatabaseNotSupportedFault = "SourceDatabaseNotSupportedFault"

    // ErrCodeSourceNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "SourceNotFound".
    // The requested source could not be found.
    ErrCodeSourceNotFoundFault = "SourceNotFound"

    // ErrCodeStorageQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "StorageQuotaExceeded".
    // The request would result in the user exceeding the allowed amount of storage
    // available across all DB instances.
    ErrCodeStorageQuotaExceededFault = "StorageQuotaExceeded"

    // ErrCodeStorageTypeNotAvailableFault for service response error code
    // "StorageTypeNotAvailableFault".
    // The aurora-iopt1 storage type isn't available, because you modified the DB
    // cluster to use this storage type less than one month ago.
    ErrCodeStorageTypeNotAvailableFault = "StorageTypeNotAvailableFault"

    // ErrCodeStorageTypeNotSupportedFault for service response error code
    // "StorageTypeNotSupported".
    // The specified StorageType can't be associated with the DB instance.
    ErrCodeStorageTypeNotSupportedFault = "StorageTypeNotSupported"

    // ErrCodeSubnetAlreadyInUse for service response error code
    // "SubnetAlreadyInUse".
    // The DB subnet is already in use in the Availability Zone.
    ErrCodeSubnetAlreadyInUse = "SubnetAlreadyInUse"

    // ErrCodeSubscriptionAlreadyExistFault for service response error code
    // "SubscriptionAlreadyExist".
    // The supplied subscription name already exists.
    ErrCodeSubscriptionAlreadyExistFault = "SubscriptionAlreadyExist"

    // ErrCodeSubscriptionCategoryNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "SubscriptionCategoryNotFound".
    // The supplied category does not exist.
    ErrCodeSubscriptionCategoryNotFoundFault = "SubscriptionCategoryNotFound"

    // ErrCodeSubscriptionNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "SubscriptionNotFound".
    // The subscription name does not exist.
    ErrCodeSubscriptionNotFoundFault = "SubscriptionNotFound"

    // ErrCodeTenantDatabaseAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
    // "TenantDatabaseAlreadyExists".
    // You attempted to either create a tenant database that already exists or modify
    // a tenant database to use the name of an existing tenant database.
    ErrCodeTenantDatabaseAlreadyExistsFault = "TenantDatabaseAlreadyExists"

    // ErrCodeTenantDatabaseNotFoundFault for service response error code
    // "TenantDatabaseNotFound".
    // The specified tenant database wasn't found in the DB instance.
    ErrCodeTenantDatabaseNotFoundFault = "TenantDatabaseNotFound"

    // ErrCodeTenantDatabaseQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
    // "TenantDatabaseQuotaExceeded".
    // You attempted to create more tenant databases than are permitted in your
    // Amazon Web Services account.
    ErrCodeTenantDatabaseQuotaExceededFault = "TenantDatabaseQuotaExceeded"

    // ErrCodeUnsupportedDBEngineVersionFault for service response error code
    // "UnsupportedDBEngineVersion".
    // The specified DB engine version isn't supported for Aurora Limitless Database.
    ErrCodeUnsupportedDBEngineVersionFault = "UnsupportedDBEngineVersion"
const (
    ServiceName = "rds"       // Name of service.
    EndpointsID = ServiceName // ID to lookup a service endpoint with.
    ServiceID   = "RDS"       // ServiceID is a unique identifier of a specific service.

Service information constants

const (
    // AuthSchemeSecrets is a AuthScheme enum value
    AuthSchemeSecrets = "SECRETS"

func ActivityStreamMode_Values

func ActivityStreamMode_Values() []string

ActivityStreamMode_Values returns all elements of the ActivityStreamMode enum

func ActivityStreamPolicyStatus_Values

func ActivityStreamPolicyStatus_Values() []string

ActivityStreamPolicyStatus_Values returns all elements of the ActivityStreamPolicyStatus enum

func ActivityStreamStatus_Values

func ActivityStreamStatus_Values() []string

ActivityStreamStatus_Values returns all elements of the ActivityStreamStatus enum

func ApplyMethod_Values

func ApplyMethod_Values() []string

ApplyMethod_Values returns all elements of the ApplyMethod enum

func AuditPolicyState_Values

func AuditPolicyState_Values() []string

AuditPolicyState_Values returns all elements of the AuditPolicyState enum

func AuthScheme_Values

func AuthScheme_Values() []string

AuthScheme_Values returns all elements of the AuthScheme enum

func AutomationMode_Values

func AutomationMode_Values() []string

AutomationMode_Values returns all elements of the AutomationMode enum

func ClientPasswordAuthType_Values

func ClientPasswordAuthType_Values() []string

ClientPasswordAuthType_Values returns all elements of the ClientPasswordAuthType enum

func CustomEngineVersionStatus_Values

func CustomEngineVersionStatus_Values() []string

CustomEngineVersionStatus_Values returns all elements of the CustomEngineVersionStatus enum

func DBProxyEndpointStatus_Values

func DBProxyEndpointStatus_Values() []string

DBProxyEndpointStatus_Values returns all elements of the DBProxyEndpointStatus enum

func DBProxyEndpointTargetRole_Values

func DBProxyEndpointTargetRole_Values() []string

DBProxyEndpointTargetRole_Values returns all elements of the DBProxyEndpointTargetRole enum

func DBProxyStatus_Values

func DBProxyStatus_Values() []string

DBProxyStatus_Values returns all elements of the DBProxyStatus enum

func EngineFamily_Values

func EngineFamily_Values() []string

EngineFamily_Values returns all elements of the EngineFamily enum

func ExportSourceType_Values

func ExportSourceType_Values() []string

ExportSourceType_Values returns all elements of the ExportSourceType enum

func FailoverStatus_Values

func FailoverStatus_Values() []string

FailoverStatus_Values returns all elements of the FailoverStatus enum

func GlobalClusterMemberSynchronizationStatus_Values

func GlobalClusterMemberSynchronizationStatus_Values() []string

GlobalClusterMemberSynchronizationStatus_Values returns all elements of the GlobalClusterMemberSynchronizationStatus enum

func IAMAuthMode_Values

func IAMAuthMode_Values() []string

IAMAuthMode_Values returns all elements of the IAMAuthMode enum

func IntegrationStatus_Values

func IntegrationStatus_Values() []string

IntegrationStatus_Values returns all elements of the IntegrationStatus enum

func LimitlessDatabaseStatus_Values

func LimitlessDatabaseStatus_Values() []string

LimitlessDatabaseStatus_Values returns all elements of the LimitlessDatabaseStatus enum

func LocalWriteForwardingStatus_Values

func LocalWriteForwardingStatus_Values() []string

LocalWriteForwardingStatus_Values returns all elements of the LocalWriteForwardingStatus enum

func ReplicaMode_Values

func ReplicaMode_Values() []string

ReplicaMode_Values returns all elements of the ReplicaMode enum

func SourceType_Values

func SourceType_Values() []string

SourceType_Values returns all elements of the SourceType enum

func TargetHealthReason_Values

func TargetHealthReason_Values() []string

TargetHealthReason_Values returns all elements of the TargetHealthReason enum

func TargetRole_Values

func TargetRole_Values() []string

TargetRole_Values returns all elements of the TargetRole enum

func TargetState_Values

func TargetState_Values() []string

TargetState_Values returns all elements of the TargetState enum

func TargetType_Values

func TargetType_Values() []string

TargetType_Values returns all elements of the TargetType enum

func WriteForwardingStatus_Values

func WriteForwardingStatus_Values() []string

WriteForwardingStatus_Values returns all elements of the WriteForwardingStatus enum

type AccountQuota

type AccountQuota struct {

    // The name of the Amazon RDS quota for this Amazon Web Services account.
    AccountQuotaName *string `type:"string"`

    // The maximum allowed value for the quota.
    Max *int64 `type:"long"`

    // The amount currently used toward the quota maximum.
    Used *int64 `type:"long"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes a quota for an Amazon Web Services account.

The following are account quotas:

  • AllocatedStorage - The total allocated storage per account, in GiB. The used value is the total allocated storage in the account, in GiB.

  • AuthorizationsPerDBSecurityGroup - The number of ingress rules per DB security group. The used value is the highest number of ingress rules in a DB security group in the account. Other DB security groups in the account might have a lower number of ingress rules.

  • CustomEndpointsPerDBCluster - The number of custom endpoints per DB cluster. The used value is the highest number of custom endpoints in a DB clusters in the account. Other DB clusters in the account might have a lower number of custom endpoints.

  • DBClusterParameterGroups - The number of DB cluster parameter groups per account, excluding default parameter groups. The used value is the count of nondefault DB cluster parameter groups in the account.

  • DBClusterRoles - The number of associated Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles per DB cluster. The used value is the highest number of associated IAM roles for a DB cluster in the account. Other DB clusters in the account might have a lower number of associated IAM roles.

  • DBClusters - The number of DB clusters per account. The used value is the count of DB clusters in the account.

  • DBInstanceRoles - The number of associated IAM roles per DB instance. The used value is the highest number of associated IAM roles for a DB instance in the account. Other DB instances in the account might have a lower number of associated IAM roles.

  • DBInstances - The number of DB instances per account. The used value is the count of the DB instances in the account. Amazon RDS DB instances, Amazon Aurora DB instances, Amazon Neptune instances, and Amazon DocumentDB instances apply to this quota.

  • DBParameterGroups - The number of DB parameter groups per account, excluding default parameter groups. The used value is the count of nondefault DB parameter groups in the account.

  • DBSecurityGroups - The number of DB security groups (not VPC security groups) per account, excluding the default security group. The used value is the count of nondefault DB security groups in the account.

  • DBSubnetGroups - The number of DB subnet groups per account. The used value is the count of the DB subnet groups in the account.

  • EventSubscriptions - The number of event subscriptions per account. The used value is the count of the event subscriptions in the account.

  • ManualClusterSnapshots - The number of manual DB cluster snapshots per account. The used value is the count of the manual DB cluster snapshots in the account.

  • ManualSnapshots - The number of manual DB instance snapshots per account. The used value is the count of the manual DB instance snapshots in the account.

  • OptionGroups - The number of DB option groups per account, excluding default option groups. The used value is the count of nondefault DB option groups in the account.

  • ReadReplicasPerMaster - The number of read replicas per DB instance. The used value is the highest number of read replicas for a DB instance in the account. Other DB instances in the account might have a lower number of read replicas.

  • ReservedDBInstances - The number of reserved DB instances per account. The used value is the count of the active reserved DB instances in the account.

  • SubnetsPerDBSubnetGroup - The number of subnets per DB subnet group. The used value is highest number of subnets for a DB subnet group in the account. Other DB subnet groups in the account might have a lower number of subnets.

For more information, see Quotas for Amazon RDS (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_Limits.html) in the Amazon RDS User Guide and Quotas for Amazon Aurora (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/CHAP_Limits.html) in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

func (AccountQuota) GoString

func (s AccountQuota) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AccountQuota) SetAccountQuotaName

func (s *AccountQuota) SetAccountQuotaName(v string) *AccountQuota

SetAccountQuotaName sets the AccountQuotaName field's value.

func (*AccountQuota) SetMax

func (s *AccountQuota) SetMax(v int64) *AccountQuota

SetMax sets the Max field's value.

func (*AccountQuota) SetUsed

func (s *AccountQuota) SetUsed(v int64) *AccountQuota

SetUsed sets the Used field's value.

func (AccountQuota) String

func (s AccountQuota) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type AddRoleToDBClusterInput

type AddRoleToDBClusterInput struct {

    // The name of the DB cluster to associate the IAM role with.
    // DBClusterIdentifier is a required field
    DBClusterIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The name of the feature for the DB cluster that the IAM role is to be associated
    // with. For information about supported feature names, see DBEngineVersion.
    FeatureName *string `type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to associate with the Aurora
    // DB cluster, for example arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/AuroraAccessRole.
    // RoleArn is a required field
    RoleArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddRoleToDBClusterInput) GoString

func (s AddRoleToDBClusterInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddRoleToDBClusterInput) SetDBClusterIdentifier

func (s *AddRoleToDBClusterInput) SetDBClusterIdentifier(v string) *AddRoleToDBClusterInput

SetDBClusterIdentifier sets the DBClusterIdentifier field's value.

func (*AddRoleToDBClusterInput) SetFeatureName

func (s *AddRoleToDBClusterInput) SetFeatureName(v string) *AddRoleToDBClusterInput

SetFeatureName sets the FeatureName field's value.

func (*AddRoleToDBClusterInput) SetRoleArn

func (s *AddRoleToDBClusterInput) SetRoleArn(v string) *AddRoleToDBClusterInput

SetRoleArn sets the RoleArn field's value.

func (AddRoleToDBClusterInput) String

func (s AddRoleToDBClusterInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddRoleToDBClusterInput) Validate

func (s *AddRoleToDBClusterInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type AddRoleToDBClusterOutput

type AddRoleToDBClusterOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddRoleToDBClusterOutput) GoString

func (s AddRoleToDBClusterOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (AddRoleToDBClusterOutput) String

func (s AddRoleToDBClusterOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type AddRoleToDBInstanceInput

type AddRoleToDBInstanceInput struct {

    // The name of the DB instance to associate the IAM role with.
    // DBInstanceIdentifier is a required field
    DBInstanceIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The name of the feature for the DB instance that the IAM role is to be associated
    // with. For information about supported feature names, see DBEngineVersion.
    // FeatureName is a required field
    FeatureName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to associate with the DB instance,
    // for example arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/AccessRole.
    // RoleArn is a required field
    RoleArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddRoleToDBInstanceInput) GoString

func (s AddRoleToDBInstanceInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddRoleToDBInstanceInput) SetDBInstanceIdentifier

func (s *AddRoleToDBInstanceInput) SetDBInstanceIdentifier(v string) *AddRoleToDBInstanceInput

SetDBInstanceIdentifier sets the DBInstanceIdentifier field's value.

func (*AddRoleToDBInstanceInput) SetFeatureName

func (s *AddRoleToDBInstanceInput) SetFeatureName(v string) *AddRoleToDBInstanceInput

SetFeatureName sets the FeatureName field's value.

func (*AddRoleToDBInstanceInput) SetRoleArn

func (s *AddRoleToDBInstanceInput) SetRoleArn(v string) *AddRoleToDBInstanceInput

SetRoleArn sets the RoleArn field's value.

func (AddRoleToDBInstanceInput) String

func (s AddRoleToDBInstanceInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddRoleToDBInstanceInput) Validate

func (s *AddRoleToDBInstanceInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type AddRoleToDBInstanceOutput

type AddRoleToDBInstanceOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddRoleToDBInstanceOutput) GoString

func (s AddRoleToDBInstanceOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (AddRoleToDBInstanceOutput) String

func (s AddRoleToDBInstanceOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput

type AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput struct {

    // The identifier of the event source to be added.
    // Constraints:
    //    * If the source type is a DB instance, a DBInstanceIdentifier value must
    //    be supplied.
    //    * If the source type is a DB cluster, a DBClusterIdentifier value must
    //    be supplied.
    //    * If the source type is a DB parameter group, a DBParameterGroupName value
    //    must be supplied.
    //    * If the source type is a DB security group, a DBSecurityGroupName value
    //    must be supplied.
    //    * If the source type is a DB snapshot, a DBSnapshotIdentifier value must
    //    be supplied.
    //    * If the source type is a DB cluster snapshot, a DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier
    //    value must be supplied.
    //    * If the source type is an RDS Proxy, a DBProxyName value must be supplied.
    // SourceIdentifier is a required field
    SourceIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The name of the RDS event notification subscription you want to add a source
    // identifier to.
    // SubscriptionName is a required field
    SubscriptionName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput) GoString

func (s AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput) SetSourceIdentifier

func (s *AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput) SetSourceIdentifier(v string) *AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput

SetSourceIdentifier sets the SourceIdentifier field's value.

func (*AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput) SetSubscriptionName

func (s *AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput) SetSubscriptionName(v string) *AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput

SetSubscriptionName sets the SubscriptionName field's value.

func (AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput) String

func (s AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput) Validate

func (s *AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionOutput

type AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionOutput struct {

    // Contains the results of a successful invocation of the DescribeEventSubscriptions
    // action.
    EventSubscription *EventSubscription `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionOutput) GoString

func (s AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionOutput) SetEventSubscription

func (s *AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionOutput) SetEventSubscription(v *EventSubscription) *AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionOutput

SetEventSubscription sets the EventSubscription field's value.

func (AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionOutput) String

func (s AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type AddTagsToResourceInput

type AddTagsToResourceInput struct {

    // The Amazon RDS resource that the tags are added to. This value is an Amazon
    // Resource Name (ARN). For information about creating an ARN, see Constructing
    // an RDS Amazon Resource Name (ARN) (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.ARN.html#USER_Tagging.ARN.Constructing).
    // ResourceName is a required field
    ResourceName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The tags to be assigned to the Amazon RDS resource.
    // Tags is a required field
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddTagsToResourceInput) GoString

func (s AddTagsToResourceInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddTagsToResourceInput) SetResourceName

func (s *AddTagsToResourceInput) SetResourceName(v string) *AddTagsToResourceInput

SetResourceName sets the ResourceName field's value.

func (*AddTagsToResourceInput) SetTags

func (s *AddTagsToResourceInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *AddTagsToResourceInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (AddTagsToResourceInput) String

func (s AddTagsToResourceInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddTagsToResourceInput) Validate

func (s *AddTagsToResourceInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type AddTagsToResourceOutput

type AddTagsToResourceOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddTagsToResourceOutput) GoString

func (s AddTagsToResourceOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (AddTagsToResourceOutput) String

func (s AddTagsToResourceOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput

type ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput struct {

    // The pending maintenance action to apply to this resource.
    // Valid Values: system-update, db-upgrade, hardware-maintenance, ca-certificate-rotation
    // ApplyAction is a required field
    ApplyAction *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // A value that specifies the type of opt-in request, or undoes an opt-in request.
    // An opt-in request of type immediate can't be undone.
    // Valid Values:
    //    * immediate - Apply the maintenance action immediately.
    //    * next-maintenance - Apply the maintenance action during the next maintenance
    //    window for the resource.
    //    * undo-opt-in - Cancel any existing next-maintenance opt-in requests.
    // OptInType is a required field
    OptInType *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The RDS Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource that the pending maintenance
    // action applies to. For information about creating an ARN, see Constructing
    // an RDS Amazon Resource Name (ARN) (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.ARN.html#USER_Tagging.ARN.Constructing).
    // ResourceIdentifier is a required field
    ResourceIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) GoString

func (s ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) SetApplyAction

func (s *ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) SetApplyAction(v string) *ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput

SetApplyAction sets the ApplyAction field's value.

func (*ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) SetOptInType

func (s *ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) SetOptInType(v string) *ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput

SetOptInType sets the OptInType field's value.

func (*ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) SetResourceIdentifier

func (s *ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) SetResourceIdentifier(v string) *ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput

SetResourceIdentifier sets the ResourceIdentifier field's value.

func (ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) String

func (s ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) Validate

func (s *ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput

type ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput struct {

    // Describes the pending maintenance actions for a resource.
    ResourcePendingMaintenanceActions *ResourcePendingMaintenanceActions `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput) GoString

func (s ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput) SetResourcePendingMaintenanceActions

func (s *ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput) SetResourcePendingMaintenanceActions(v *ResourcePendingMaintenanceActions) *ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput

SetResourcePendingMaintenanceActions sets the ResourcePendingMaintenanceActions field's value.

func (ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput) String

func (s ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput

type AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput struct {

    // The IP range to authorize.
    CIDRIP *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of the DB security group to add authorization to.
    // DBSecurityGroupName is a required field
    DBSecurityGroupName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Id of the EC2 security group to authorize. For VPC DB security groups, EC2SecurityGroupId
    // must be provided. Otherwise, EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and either EC2SecurityGroupName
    // or EC2SecurityGroupId must be provided.
    EC2SecurityGroupId *string `type:"string"`

    // Name of the EC2 security group to authorize. For VPC DB security groups,
    // EC2SecurityGroupId must be provided. Otherwise, EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and
    // either EC2SecurityGroupName or EC2SecurityGroupId must be provided.
    EC2SecurityGroupName *string `type:"string"`

    // Amazon Web Services account number of the owner of the EC2 security group
    // specified in the EC2SecurityGroupName parameter. The Amazon Web Services
    // access key ID isn't an acceptable value. For VPC DB security groups, EC2SecurityGroupId
    // must be provided. Otherwise, EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and either EC2SecurityGroupName
    // or EC2SecurityGroupId must be provided.
    EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId *string `type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) GoString

func (s AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) SetCIDRIP

func (s *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) SetCIDRIP(v string) *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput

SetCIDRIP sets the CIDRIP field's value.

func (*AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) SetDBSecurityGroupName

func (s *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) SetDBSecurityGroupName(v string) *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput

SetDBSecurityGroupName sets the DBSecurityGroupName field's value.

func (*AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) SetEC2SecurityGroupId

func (s *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) SetEC2SecurityGroupId(v string) *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput

SetEC2SecurityGroupId sets the EC2SecurityGroupId field's value.

func (*AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) SetEC2SecurityGroupName

func (s *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) SetEC2SecurityGroupName(v string) *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput

SetEC2SecurityGroupName sets the EC2SecurityGroupName field's value.

func (*AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) SetEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId

func (s *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) SetEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId(v string) *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput

SetEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId sets the EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId field's value.

func (AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) String

func (s AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) Validate

func (s *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput

type AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput struct {

    // Contains the details for an Amazon RDS DB security group.
    // This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeDBSecurityGroups
    // action.
    DBSecurityGroup *DBSecurityGroup `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput) GoString

func (s AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput) SetDBSecurityGroup

func (s *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput) SetDBSecurityGroup(v *DBSecurityGroup) *AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput

SetDBSecurityGroup sets the DBSecurityGroup field's value.

func (AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput) String

func (s AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngressOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type AvailabilityZone

type AvailabilityZone struct {

    // The name of the Availability Zone.
    Name *string `type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Contains Availability Zone information.

This data type is used as an element in the OrderableDBInstanceOption data type.

func (AvailabilityZone) GoString

func (s AvailabilityZone) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AvailabilityZone) SetName

func (s *AvailabilityZone) SetName(v string) *AvailabilityZone

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (AvailabilityZone) String

func (s AvailabilityZone) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type AvailableProcessorFeature

type AvailableProcessorFeature struct {

    // The allowed values for the processor feature of the DB instance class.
    AllowedValues *string `type:"string"`

    // The default value for the processor feature of the DB instance class.
    DefaultValue *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of the processor feature. Valid names are coreCount and threadsPerCore.
    Name *string `type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Contains the available processor feature information for the DB instance class of a DB instance.

For more information, see Configuring the Processor of the DB Instance Class (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.DBInstanceClass.html#USER_ConfigureProcessor) in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

func (AvailableProcessorFeature) GoString

func (s AvailableProcessorFeature) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AvailableProcessorFeature) SetAllowedValues

func (s *AvailableProcessorFeature) SetAllowedValues(v string) *AvailableProcessorFeature

SetAllowedValues sets the AllowedValues field's value.

func (*AvailableProcessorFeature) SetDefaultValue

func (s *AvailableProcessorFeature) SetDefaultValue(v string) *AvailableProcessorFeature

SetDefaultValue sets the DefaultValue field's value.

func (*AvailableProcessorFeature) SetName

func (s *AvailableProcessorFeature) SetName(v string) *AvailableProcessorFeature

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (AvailableProcessorFeature) String

func (s AvailableProcessorFeature) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type BacktrackDBClusterInput

type BacktrackDBClusterInput struct {

    // The timestamp of the time to backtrack the DB cluster to, specified in ISO
    // 8601 format. For more information about ISO 8601, see the ISO8601 Wikipedia
    // page. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601)
    // If the specified time isn't a consistent time for the DB cluster, Aurora
    // automatically chooses the nearest possible consistent time for the DB cluster.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must contain a valid ISO 8601 timestamp.
    //    * Can't contain a timestamp set in the future.
    // Example: 2017-07-08T18:00Z
    // BacktrackTo is a required field
    BacktrackTo *time.Time `type:"timestamp" required:"true"`

    // The DB cluster identifier of the DB cluster to be backtracked. This parameter
    // is stored as a lowercase string.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens.
    //    * First character must be a letter.
    //    * Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
    // Example: my-cluster1
    // DBClusterIdentifier is a required field
    DBClusterIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Specifies whether to force the DB cluster to backtrack when binary logging
    // is enabled. Otherwise, an error occurs when binary logging is enabled.
    Force *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Specifies whether to backtrack the DB cluster to the earliest possible backtrack
    // time when BacktrackTo is set to a timestamp earlier than the earliest backtrack
    // time. When this parameter is disabled and BacktrackTo is set to a timestamp
    // earlier than the earliest backtrack time, an error occurs.
    UseEarliestTimeOnPointInTimeUnavailable *bool `type:"boolean"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (BacktrackDBClusterInput) GoString

func (s BacktrackDBClusterInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*BacktrackDBClusterInput) SetBacktrackTo

func (s *BacktrackDBClusterInput) SetBacktrackTo(v time.Time) *BacktrackDBClusterInput

SetBacktrackTo sets the BacktrackTo field's value.

func (*BacktrackDBClusterInput) SetDBClusterIdentifier

func (s *BacktrackDBClusterInput) SetDBClusterIdentifier(v string) *BacktrackDBClusterInput

SetDBClusterIdentifier sets the DBClusterIdentifier field's value.

func (*BacktrackDBClusterInput) SetForce

func (s *BacktrackDBClusterInput) SetForce(v bool) *BacktrackDBClusterInput

SetForce sets the Force field's value.

func (*BacktrackDBClusterInput) SetUseEarliestTimeOnPointInTimeUnavailable

func (s *BacktrackDBClusterInput) SetUseEarliestTimeOnPointInTimeUnavailable(v bool) *BacktrackDBClusterInput

SetUseEarliestTimeOnPointInTimeUnavailable sets the UseEarliestTimeOnPointInTimeUnavailable field's value.

func (BacktrackDBClusterInput) String

func (s BacktrackDBClusterInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*BacktrackDBClusterInput) Validate

func (s *BacktrackDBClusterInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type BacktrackDBClusterOutput

type BacktrackDBClusterOutput struct {

    // Contains the backtrack identifier.
    BacktrackIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // The timestamp of the time at which the backtrack was requested.
    BacktrackRequestCreationTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

    // The timestamp of the time to which the DB cluster was backtracked.
    BacktrackTo *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

    // The timestamp of the time from which the DB cluster was backtracked.
    BacktrackedFrom *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

    // Contains a user-supplied DB cluster identifier. This identifier is the unique
    // key that identifies a DB cluster.
    DBClusterIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // The status of the backtrack. This property returns one of the following values:
    //    * applying - The backtrack is currently being applied to or rolled back
    //    from the DB cluster.
    //    * completed - The backtrack has successfully been applied to or rolled
    //    back from the DB cluster.
    //    * failed - An error occurred while the backtrack was applied to or rolled
    //    back from the DB cluster.
    //    * pending - The backtrack is currently pending application to or rollback
    //    from the DB cluster.
    Status *string `type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeDBClusterBacktracks action.

func (BacktrackDBClusterOutput) GoString

func (s BacktrackDBClusterOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*BacktrackDBClusterOutput) SetBacktrackIdentifier

func (s *BacktrackDBClusterOutput) SetBacktrackIdentifier(v string) *BacktrackDBClusterOutput

SetBacktrackIdentifier sets the BacktrackIdentifier field's value.

func (*BacktrackDBClusterOutput) SetBacktrackRequestCreationTime

func (s *BacktrackDBClusterOutput) SetBacktrackRequestCreationTime(v time.Time) *BacktrackDBClusterOutput

SetBacktrackRequestCreationTime sets the BacktrackRequestCreationTime field's value.

func (*BacktrackDBClusterOutput) SetBacktrackTo

func (s *BacktrackDBClusterOutput) SetBacktrackTo(v time.Time) *BacktrackDBClusterOutput

SetBacktrackTo sets the BacktrackTo field's value.

func (*BacktrackDBClusterOutput) SetBacktrackedFrom

func (s *BacktrackDBClusterOutput) SetBacktrackedFrom(v time.Time) *BacktrackDBClusterOutput

SetBacktrackedFrom sets the BacktrackedFrom field's value.

func (*BacktrackDBClusterOutput) SetDBClusterIdentifier

func (s *BacktrackDBClusterOutput) SetDBClusterIdentifier(v string) *BacktrackDBClusterOutput

SetDBClusterIdentifier sets the DBClusterIdentifier field's value.

func (*BacktrackDBClusterOutput) SetStatus

func (s *BacktrackDBClusterOutput) SetStatus(v string) *BacktrackDBClusterOutput

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (BacktrackDBClusterOutput) String

func (s BacktrackDBClusterOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type BlueGreenDeployment

type BlueGreenDeployment struct {

    // The unique identifier of the blue/green deployment.
    BlueGreenDeploymentIdentifier *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // The user-supplied name of the blue/green deployment.
    BlueGreenDeploymentName *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // The time when the blue/green deployment was created, in Universal Coordinated
    // Time (UTC).
    CreateTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

    // The time when the blue/green deployment was deleted, in Universal Coordinated
    // Time (UTC).
    DeleteTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

    // The source database for the blue/green deployment.
    // Before switchover, the source database is the production database in the
    // blue environment.
    Source *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // The status of the blue/green deployment.
    // Valid Values:
    //    * PROVISIONING - Resources are being created in the green environment.
    //    * AVAILABLE - Resources are available in the green environment.
    //    * SWITCHOVER_IN_PROGRESS - The deployment is being switched from the blue
    //    environment to the green environment.
    //    * SWITCHOVER_COMPLETED - Switchover from the blue environment to the green
    //    environment is complete.
    //    * INVALID_CONFIGURATION - Resources in the green environment are invalid,
    //    so switchover isn't possible.
    //    * SWITCHOVER_FAILED - Switchover was attempted but failed.
    //    * DELETING - The blue/green deployment is being deleted.
    Status *string `type:"string"`

    // Additional information about the status of the blue/green deployment.
    StatusDetails *string `type:"string"`

    // The details about each source and target resource in the blue/green deployment.
    SwitchoverDetails []*SwitchoverDetail `type:"list"`

    // A list of tags. For more information, see Tagging Amazon RDS Resources (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    TagList []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`

    // The target database for the blue/green deployment.
    // Before switchover, the target database is the clone database in the green
    // environment.
    Target *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // Either tasks to be performed or tasks that have been completed on the target
    // database before switchover.
    Tasks []*BlueGreenDeploymentTask `type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Details about a blue/green deployment.

For more information, see Using Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments for database updates (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/blue-green-deployments.html) in the Amazon RDS User Guide and Using Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments for database updates (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/blue-green-deployments.html) in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

func (BlueGreenDeployment) GoString

func (s BlueGreenDeployment) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*BlueGreenDeployment) SetBlueGreenDeploymentIdentifier

func (s *BlueGreenDeployment) SetBlueGreenDeploymentIdentifier(v string) *BlueGreenDeployment

SetBlueGreenDeploymentIdentifier sets the BlueGreenDeploymentIdentifier field's value.

func (*BlueGreenDeployment) SetBlueGreenDeploymentName

func (s *BlueGreenDeployment) SetBlueGreenDeploymentName(v string) *BlueGreenDeployment

SetBlueGreenDeploymentName sets the BlueGreenDeploymentName field's value.

func (*BlueGreenDeployment) SetCreateTime

func (s *BlueGreenDeployment) SetCreateTime(v time.Time) *BlueGreenDeployment

SetCreateTime sets the CreateTime field's value.

func (*BlueGreenDeployment) SetDeleteTime

func (s *BlueGreenDeployment) SetDeleteTime(v time.Time) *BlueGreenDeployment

SetDeleteTime sets the DeleteTime field's value.

func (*BlueGreenDeployment) SetSource

func (s *BlueGreenDeployment) SetSource(v string) *BlueGreenDeployment

SetSource sets the Source field's value.

func (*BlueGreenDeployment) SetStatus

func (s *BlueGreenDeployment) SetStatus(v string) *BlueGreenDeployment

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (*BlueGreenDeployment) SetStatusDetails

func (s *BlueGreenDeployment) SetStatusDetails(v string) *BlueGreenDeployment

SetStatusDetails sets the StatusDetails field's value.

func (*BlueGreenDeployment) SetSwitchoverDetails

func (s *BlueGreenDeployment) SetSwitchoverDetails(v []*SwitchoverDetail) *BlueGreenDeployment

SetSwitchoverDetails sets the SwitchoverDetails field's value.

func (*BlueGreenDeployment) SetTagList

func (s *BlueGreenDeployment) SetTagList(v []*Tag) *BlueGreenDeployment

SetTagList sets the TagList field's value.

func (*BlueGreenDeployment) SetTarget

func (s *BlueGreenDeployment) SetTarget(v string) *BlueGreenDeployment

SetTarget sets the Target field's value.

func (*BlueGreenDeployment) SetTasks

func (s *BlueGreenDeployment) SetTasks(v []*BlueGreenDeploymentTask) *BlueGreenDeployment

SetTasks sets the Tasks field's value.

func (BlueGreenDeployment) String

func (s BlueGreenDeployment) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type BlueGreenDeploymentTask

type BlueGreenDeploymentTask struct {

    // The name of the blue/green deployment task.
    Name *string `type:"string"`

    // The status of the blue/green deployment task.
    // Valid Values:
    //    * PENDING - The resource is being prepared for deployment.
    //    * IN_PROGRESS - The resource is being deployed.
    //    * COMPLETED - The resource has been deployed.
    //    * FAILED - Deployment of the resource failed.
    Status *string `type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Details about a task for a blue/green deployment.

For more information, see Using Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments for database updates (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/blue-green-deployments.html) in the Amazon RDS User Guide and Using Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments for database updates (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/blue-green-deployments.html) in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

func (BlueGreenDeploymentTask) GoString

func (s BlueGreenDeploymentTask) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*BlueGreenDeploymentTask) SetName

func (s *BlueGreenDeploymentTask) SetName(v string) *BlueGreenDeploymentTask

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (*BlueGreenDeploymentTask) SetStatus

func (s *BlueGreenDeploymentTask) SetStatus(v string) *BlueGreenDeploymentTask

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (BlueGreenDeploymentTask) String

func (s BlueGreenDeploymentTask) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CancelExportTaskInput

type CancelExportTaskInput struct {

    // The identifier of the snapshot or cluster export task to cancel.
    // ExportTaskIdentifier is a required field
    ExportTaskIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CancelExportTaskInput) GoString

func (s CancelExportTaskInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CancelExportTaskInput) SetExportTaskIdentifier

func (s *CancelExportTaskInput) SetExportTaskIdentifier(v string) *CancelExportTaskInput

SetExportTaskIdentifier sets the ExportTaskIdentifier field's value.

func (CancelExportTaskInput) String

func (s CancelExportTaskInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CancelExportTaskInput) Validate

func (s *CancelExportTaskInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CancelExportTaskOutput

type CancelExportTaskOutput struct {

    // The data exported from the snapshot or cluster.
    // Valid Values:
    //    * database - Export all the data from a specified database.
    //    * database.table table-name - Export a table of the snapshot or cluster.
    //    This format is valid only for RDS for MySQL, RDS for MariaDB, and Aurora
    //    MySQL.
    //    * database.schema schema-name - Export a database schema of the snapshot
    //    or cluster. This format is valid only for RDS for PostgreSQL and Aurora
    //    PostgreSQL.
    //    * database.schema.table table-name - Export a table of the database schema.
    //    This format is valid only for RDS for PostgreSQL and Aurora PostgreSQL.
    ExportOnly []*string `type:"list"`

    // A unique identifier for the snapshot or cluster export task. This ID isn't
    // an identifier for the Amazon S3 bucket where the data is exported.
    ExportTaskIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // The reason the export failed, if it failed.
    FailureCause *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of the IAM role that is used to write to Amazon S3 when exporting
    // a snapshot or cluster.
    IamRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

    // The key identifier of the Amazon Web Services KMS key that is used to encrypt
    // the data when it's exported to Amazon S3. The KMS key identifier is its key
    // ARN, key ID, alias ARN, or alias name. The IAM role used for the export must
    // have encryption and decryption permissions to use this KMS key.
    KmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

    // The progress of the snapshot or cluster export task as a percentage.
    PercentProgress *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The Amazon S3 bucket where the snapshot or cluster is exported to.
    S3Bucket *string `type:"string"`

    // The Amazon S3 bucket prefix that is the file name and path of the exported
    // data.
    S3Prefix *string `type:"string"`

    // The time when the snapshot was created.
    SnapshotTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the snapshot or cluster exported to Amazon
    // S3.
    SourceArn *string `type:"string"`

    // The type of source for the export.
    SourceType *string `type:"string" enum:"ExportSourceType"`

    // The progress status of the export task. The status can be one of the following:
    //    * CANCELED
    //    * CANCELING
    //    * COMPLETE
    //    * FAILED
    //    * IN_PROGRESS
    //    * STARTING
    Status *string `type:"string"`

    // The time when the snapshot or cluster export task ended.
    TaskEndTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

    // The time when the snapshot or cluster export task started.
    TaskStartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

    // The total amount of data exported, in gigabytes.
    TotalExtractedDataInGB *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // A warning about the snapshot or cluster export task.
    WarningMessage *string `type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Contains the details of a snapshot or cluster export to Amazon S3.

This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeExportTasks operation.

func (CancelExportTaskOutput) GoString

func (s CancelExportTaskOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CancelExportTaskOutput) SetExportOnly

func (s *CancelExportTaskOutput) SetExportOnly(v []*string) *CancelExportTaskOutput

SetExportOnly sets the ExportOnly field's value.

func (*CancelExportTaskOutput) SetExportTaskIdentifier

func (s *CancelExportTaskOutput) SetExportTaskIdentifier(v string) *CancelExportTaskOutput

SetExportTaskIdentifier sets the ExportTaskIdentifier field's value.

func (*CancelExportTaskOutput) SetFailureCause

func (s *CancelExportTaskOutput) SetFailureCause(v string) *CancelExportTaskOutput

SetFailureCause sets the FailureCause field's value.

func (*CancelExportTaskOutput) SetIamRoleArn

func (s *CancelExportTaskOutput) SetIamRoleArn(v string) *CancelExportTaskOutput

SetIamRoleArn sets the IamRoleArn field's value.

func (*CancelExportTaskOutput) SetKmsKeyId

func (s *CancelExportTaskOutput) SetKmsKeyId(v string) *CancelExportTaskOutput

SetKmsKeyId sets the KmsKeyId field's value.

func (*CancelExportTaskOutput) SetPercentProgress

func (s *CancelExportTaskOutput) SetPercentProgress(v int64) *CancelExportTaskOutput

SetPercentProgress sets the PercentProgress field's value.

func (*CancelExportTaskOutput) SetS3Bucket

func (s *CancelExportTaskOutput) SetS3Bucket(v string) *CancelExportTaskOutput

SetS3Bucket sets the S3Bucket field's value.

func (*CancelExportTaskOutput) SetS3Prefix

func (s *CancelExportTaskOutput) SetS3Prefix(v string) *CancelExportTaskOutput

SetS3Prefix sets the S3Prefix field's value.

func (*CancelExportTaskOutput) SetSnapshotTime

func (s *CancelExportTaskOutput) SetSnapshotTime(v time.Time) *CancelExportTaskOutput

SetSnapshotTime sets the SnapshotTime field's value.

func (*CancelExportTaskOutput) SetSourceArn

func (s *CancelExportTaskOutput) SetSourceArn(v string) *CancelExportTaskOutput

SetSourceArn sets the SourceArn field's value.

func (*CancelExportTaskOutput) SetSourceType

func (s *CancelExportTaskOutput) SetSourceType(v string) *CancelExportTaskOutput

SetSourceType sets the SourceType field's value.

func (*CancelExportTaskOutput) SetStatus

func (s *CancelExportTaskOutput) SetStatus(v string) *CancelExportTaskOutput

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (*CancelExportTaskOutput) SetTaskEndTime

func (s *CancelExportTaskOutput) SetTaskEndTime(v time.Time) *CancelExportTaskOutput

SetTaskEndTime sets the TaskEndTime field's value.

func (*CancelExportTaskOutput) SetTaskStartTime

func (s *CancelExportTaskOutput) SetTaskStartTime(v time.Time) *CancelExportTaskOutput

SetTaskStartTime sets the TaskStartTime field's value.

func (*CancelExportTaskOutput) SetTotalExtractedDataInGB

func (s *CancelExportTaskOutput) SetTotalExtractedDataInGB(v int64) *CancelExportTaskOutput

SetTotalExtractedDataInGB sets the TotalExtractedDataInGB field's value.

func (*CancelExportTaskOutput) SetWarningMessage

func (s *CancelExportTaskOutput) SetWarningMessage(v string) *CancelExportTaskOutput

SetWarningMessage sets the WarningMessage field's value.

func (CancelExportTaskOutput) String

func (s CancelExportTaskOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type Certificate

type Certificate struct {

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the certificate.
    CertificateArn *string `type:"string"`

    // The unique key that identifies a certificate.
    CertificateIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // The type of the certificate.
    CertificateType *string `type:"string"`

    // Indicates whether there is an override for the default certificate identifier.
    CustomerOverride *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // If there is an override for the default certificate identifier, when the
    // override expires.
    CustomerOverrideValidTill *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

    // The thumbprint of the certificate.
    Thumbprint *string `type:"string"`

    // The starting date from which the certificate is valid.
    ValidFrom *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

    // The final date that the certificate continues to be valid.
    ValidTill *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

A CA certificate for an Amazon Web Services account.

For more information, see Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to a DB instance (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html) in the Amazon RDS User Guide and Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to a DB cluster (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html) in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

func (Certificate) GoString

func (s Certificate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Certificate) SetCertificateArn

func (s *Certificate) SetCertificateArn(v string) *Certificate

SetCertificateArn sets the CertificateArn field's value.

func (*Certificate) SetCertificateIdentifier

func (s *Certificate) SetCertificateIdentifier(v string) *Certificate

SetCertificateIdentifier sets the CertificateIdentifier field's value.

func (*Certificate) SetCertificateType

func (s *Certificate) SetCertificateType(v string) *Certificate

SetCertificateType sets the CertificateType field's value.

func (*Certificate) SetCustomerOverride

func (s *Certificate) SetCustomerOverride(v bool) *Certificate

SetCustomerOverride sets the CustomerOverride field's value.

func (*Certificate) SetCustomerOverrideValidTill

func (s *Certificate) SetCustomerOverrideValidTill(v time.Time) *Certificate

SetCustomerOverrideValidTill sets the CustomerOverrideValidTill field's value.

func (*Certificate) SetThumbprint

func (s *Certificate) SetThumbprint(v string) *Certificate

SetThumbprint sets the Thumbprint field's value.

func (*Certificate) SetValidFrom

func (s *Certificate) SetValidFrom(v time.Time) *Certificate

SetValidFrom sets the ValidFrom field's value.

func (*Certificate) SetValidTill

func (s *Certificate) SetValidTill(v time.Time) *Certificate

SetValidTill sets the ValidTill field's value.

func (Certificate) String

func (s Certificate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CertificateDetails

type CertificateDetails struct {

    // The CA identifier of the CA certificate used for the DB instance's server
    // certificate.
    CAIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // The expiration date of the DB instance’s server certificate.
    ValidTill *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

The details of the DB instance’s server certificate.

For more information, see Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to a DB instance (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html) in the Amazon RDS User Guide and Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to a DB cluster (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html) in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

func (CertificateDetails) GoString

func (s CertificateDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CertificateDetails) SetCAIdentifier

func (s *CertificateDetails) SetCAIdentifier(v string) *CertificateDetails

SetCAIdentifier sets the CAIdentifier field's value.

func (*CertificateDetails) SetValidTill

func (s *CertificateDetails) SetValidTill(v time.Time) *CertificateDetails

SetValidTill sets the ValidTill field's value.

func (CertificateDetails) String

func (s CertificateDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CharacterSet

type CharacterSet struct {

    // The description of the character set.
    CharacterSetDescription *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of the character set.
    CharacterSetName *string `type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

This data type is used as a response element in the action DescribeDBEngineVersions.

func (CharacterSet) GoString

func (s CharacterSet) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CharacterSet) SetCharacterSetDescription

func (s *CharacterSet) SetCharacterSetDescription(v string) *CharacterSet

SetCharacterSetDescription sets the CharacterSetDescription field's value.

func (*CharacterSet) SetCharacterSetName

func (s *CharacterSet) SetCharacterSetName(v string) *CharacterSet

SetCharacterSetName sets the CharacterSetName field's value.

func (CharacterSet) String

func (s CharacterSet) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration

type CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration struct {

    // The list of log types to disable.
    DisableLogTypes []*string `type:"list"`

    // The list of log types to enable.
    EnableLogTypes []*string `type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

The configuration setting for the log types to be enabled for export to CloudWatch Logs for a specific DB instance or DB cluster.

The EnableLogTypes and DisableLogTypes arrays determine which logs will be exported (or not exported) to CloudWatch Logs. The values within these arrays depend on the DB engine being used.

For more information about exporting CloudWatch Logs for Amazon RDS DB instances, see Publishing Database Logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_LogAccess.html#USER_LogAccess.Procedural.UploadtoCloudWatch) in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

For more information about exporting CloudWatch Logs for Amazon Aurora DB clusters, see Publishing Database Logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/USER_LogAccess.html#USER_LogAccess.Procedural.UploadtoCloudWatch) in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

func (CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration) GoString

func (s CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration) SetDisableLogTypes

func (s *CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration) SetDisableLogTypes(v []*string) *CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration

SetDisableLogTypes sets the DisableLogTypes field's value.

func (*CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration) SetEnableLogTypes

func (s *CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration) SetEnableLogTypes(v []*string) *CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration

SetEnableLogTypes sets the EnableLogTypes field's value.

func (CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration) String

func (s CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ClusterPendingModifiedValues

type ClusterPendingModifiedValues struct {

    // The allocated storage size in gibibytes (GiB) for all database engines except
    // Amazon Aurora. For Aurora, AllocatedStorage always returns 1, because Aurora
    // DB cluster storage size isn't fixed, but instead automatically adjusts as
    // needed.
    AllocatedStorage *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The number of days for which automatic DB snapshots are retained.
    BackupRetentionPeriod *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The details of the DB instance’s server certificate.
    // For more information, see Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to a DB instance
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide and Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to
    // a DB cluster (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    CertificateDetails *CertificateDetails `type:"structure"`

    // The DBClusterIdentifier value for the DB cluster.
    DBClusterIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // The database engine version.
    EngineVersion *string `type:"string"`

    // Indicates whether mapping of Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management
    // (IAM) accounts to database accounts is enabled.
    IAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The Provisioned IOPS (I/O operations per second) value. This setting is only
    // for non-Aurora Multi-AZ DB clusters.
    Iops *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The master credentials for the DB cluster.
    MasterUserPassword *string `type:"string"`

    // A list of the log types whose configuration is still pending. In other words,
    // these log types are in the process of being activated or deactivated.
    PendingCloudwatchLogsExports *PendingCloudwatchLogsExports `type:"structure"`

    // Reserved for future use.
    RdsCustomClusterConfiguration *RdsCustomClusterConfiguration `type:"structure"`

    // The storage type for the DB cluster.
    StorageType *string `type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

This data type is used as a response element in the ModifyDBCluster operation and contains changes that will be applied during the next maintenance window.

func (ClusterPendingModifiedValues) GoString

func (s ClusterPendingModifiedValues) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetAllocatedStorage

func (s *ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetAllocatedStorage(v int64) *ClusterPendingModifiedValues

SetAllocatedStorage sets the AllocatedStorage field's value.

func (*ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetBackupRetentionPeriod

func (s *ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetBackupRetentionPeriod(v int64) *ClusterPendingModifiedValues

SetBackupRetentionPeriod sets the BackupRetentionPeriod field's value.

func (*ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetCertificateDetails

func (s *ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetCertificateDetails(v *CertificateDetails) *ClusterPendingModifiedValues

SetCertificateDetails sets the CertificateDetails field's value.

func (*ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetDBClusterIdentifier

func (s *ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetDBClusterIdentifier(v string) *ClusterPendingModifiedValues

SetDBClusterIdentifier sets the DBClusterIdentifier field's value.

func (*ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetEngineVersion

func (s *ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetEngineVersion(v string) *ClusterPendingModifiedValues

SetEngineVersion sets the EngineVersion field's value.

func (*ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetIAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled

func (s *ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetIAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled(v bool) *ClusterPendingModifiedValues

SetIAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled sets the IAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled field's value.

func (*ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetIops

func (s *ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetIops(v int64) *ClusterPendingModifiedValues

SetIops sets the Iops field's value.

func (*ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetMasterUserPassword

func (s *ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetMasterUserPassword(v string) *ClusterPendingModifiedValues

SetMasterUserPassword sets the MasterUserPassword field's value.

func (*ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetPendingCloudwatchLogsExports

func (s *ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetPendingCloudwatchLogsExports(v *PendingCloudwatchLogsExports) *ClusterPendingModifiedValues

SetPendingCloudwatchLogsExports sets the PendingCloudwatchLogsExports field's value.

func (*ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetRdsCustomClusterConfiguration

func (s *ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetRdsCustomClusterConfiguration(v *RdsCustomClusterConfiguration) *ClusterPendingModifiedValues

SetRdsCustomClusterConfiguration sets the RdsCustomClusterConfiguration field's value.

func (*ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetStorageType

func (s *ClusterPendingModifiedValues) SetStorageType(v string) *ClusterPendingModifiedValues

SetStorageType sets the StorageType field's value.

func (ClusterPendingModifiedValues) String

func (s ClusterPendingModifiedValues) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ConnectionPoolConfiguration

type ConnectionPoolConfiguration struct {

    // The number of seconds for a proxy to wait for a connection to become available
    // in the connection pool. This setting only applies when the proxy has opened
    // its maximum number of connections and all connections are busy with client
    // sessions. For an unlimited wait time, specify 0.
    // Default: 120
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be between 0 and 3600.
    ConnectionBorrowTimeout *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // One or more SQL statements for the proxy to run when opening each new database
    // connection. Typically used with SET statements to make sure that each connection
    // has identical settings such as time zone and character set. For multiple
    // statements, use semicolons as the separator. You can also include multiple
    // variables in a single SET statement, such as SET x=1, y=2.
    // Default: no initialization query
    InitQuery *string `type:"string"`

    // The maximum size of the connection pool for each target in a target group.
    // The value is expressed as a percentage of the max_connections setting for
    // the RDS DB instance or Aurora DB cluster used by the target group.
    // If you specify MaxIdleConnectionsPercent, then you must also include a value
    // for this parameter.
    // Default: 10 for RDS for Microsoft SQL Server, and 100 for all other engines
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be between 1 and 100.
    MaxConnectionsPercent *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // A value that controls how actively the proxy closes idle database connections
    // in the connection pool. The value is expressed as a percentage of the max_connections
    // setting for the RDS DB instance or Aurora DB cluster used by the target group.
    // With a high value, the proxy leaves a high percentage of idle database connections
    // open. A low value causes the proxy to close more idle connections and return
    // them to the database.
    // If you specify this parameter, then you must also include a value for MaxConnectionsPercent.
    // Default: The default value is half of the value of MaxConnectionsPercent.
    // For example, if MaxConnectionsPercent is 80, then the default value of MaxIdleConnectionsPercent
    // is 40. If the value of MaxConnectionsPercent isn't specified, then for SQL
    // Server, MaxIdleConnectionsPercent is 5, and for all other engines, the default
    // is 50.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be between 0 and the value of MaxConnectionsPercent.
    MaxIdleConnectionsPercent *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // Each item in the list represents a class of SQL operations that normally
    // cause all later statements in a session using a proxy to be pinned to the
    // same underlying database connection. Including an item in the list exempts
    // that class of SQL operations from the pinning behavior.
    // Default: no session pinning filters
    SessionPinningFilters []*string `type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Specifies the settings that control the size and behavior of the connection pool associated with a DBProxyTargetGroup.

func (ConnectionPoolConfiguration) GoString

func (s ConnectionPoolConfiguration) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ConnectionPoolConfiguration) SetConnectionBorrowTimeout

func (s *ConnectionPoolConfiguration) SetConnectionBorrowTimeout(v int64) *ConnectionPoolConfiguration

SetConnectionBorrowTimeout sets the ConnectionBorrowTimeout field's value.

func (*ConnectionPoolConfiguration) SetInitQuery

func (s *ConnectionPoolConfiguration) SetInitQuery(v string) *ConnectionPoolConfiguration

SetInitQuery sets the InitQuery field's value.

func (*ConnectionPoolConfiguration) SetMaxConnectionsPercent

func (s *ConnectionPoolConfiguration) SetMaxConnectionsPercent(v int64) *ConnectionPoolConfiguration

SetMaxConnectionsPercent sets the MaxConnectionsPercent field's value.

func (*ConnectionPoolConfiguration) SetMaxIdleConnectionsPercent

func (s *ConnectionPoolConfiguration) SetMaxIdleConnectionsPercent(v int64) *ConnectionPoolConfiguration

SetMaxIdleConnectionsPercent sets the MaxIdleConnectionsPercent field's value.

func (*ConnectionPoolConfiguration) SetSessionPinningFilters

func (s *ConnectionPoolConfiguration) SetSessionPinningFilters(v []*string) *ConnectionPoolConfiguration

SetSessionPinningFilters sets the SessionPinningFilters field's value.

func (ConnectionPoolConfiguration) String

func (s ConnectionPoolConfiguration) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo

type ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo struct {

    // The number of seconds for a proxy to wait for a connection to become available
    // in the connection pool. Only applies when the proxy has opened its maximum
    // number of connections and all connections are busy with client sessions.
    ConnectionBorrowTimeout *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // One or more SQL statements for the proxy to run when opening each new database
    // connection. Typically used with SET statements to make sure that each connection
    // has identical settings such as time zone and character set. This setting
    // is empty by default. For multiple statements, use semicolons as the separator.
    // You can also include multiple variables in a single SET statement, such as
    // SET x=1, y=2.
    InitQuery *string `type:"string"`

    // The maximum size of the connection pool for each target in a target group.
    // The value is expressed as a percentage of the max_connections setting for
    // the RDS DB instance or Aurora DB cluster used by the target group.
    MaxConnectionsPercent *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // Controls how actively the proxy closes idle database connections in the connection
    // pool. The value is expressed as a percentage of the max_connections setting
    // for the RDS DB instance or Aurora DB cluster used by the target group. With
    // a high value, the proxy leaves a high percentage of idle database connections
    // open. A low value causes the proxy to close more idle connections and return
    // them to the database.
    MaxIdleConnectionsPercent *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // Each item in the list represents a class of SQL operations that normally
    // cause all later statements in a session using a proxy to be pinned to the
    // same underlying database connection. Including an item in the list exempts
    // that class of SQL operations from the pinning behavior. This setting is only
    // supported for MySQL engine family databases. Currently, the only allowed
    // value is EXCLUDE_VARIABLE_SETS.
    SessionPinningFilters []*string `type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Displays the settings that control the size and behavior of the connection pool associated with a DBProxyTarget.

func (ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo) GoString

func (s ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo) SetConnectionBorrowTimeout

func (s *ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo) SetConnectionBorrowTimeout(v int64) *ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo

SetConnectionBorrowTimeout sets the ConnectionBorrowTimeout field's value.

func (*ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo) SetInitQuery

func (s *ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo) SetInitQuery(v string) *ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo

SetInitQuery sets the InitQuery field's value.

func (*ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo) SetMaxConnectionsPercent

func (s *ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo) SetMaxConnectionsPercent(v int64) *ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo

SetMaxConnectionsPercent sets the MaxConnectionsPercent field's value.

func (*ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo) SetMaxIdleConnectionsPercent

func (s *ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo) SetMaxIdleConnectionsPercent(v int64) *ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo

SetMaxIdleConnectionsPercent sets the MaxIdleConnectionsPercent field's value.

func (*ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo) SetSessionPinningFilters

func (s *ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo) SetSessionPinningFilters(v []*string) *ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo

SetSessionPinningFilters sets the SessionPinningFilters field's value.

func (ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo) String

func (s ConnectionPoolConfigurationInfo) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ContextAttribute

type ContextAttribute struct {

    // The key of ContextAttribute.
    Key *string `type:"string"`

    // The value of ContextAttribute.
    Value *string `type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

The additional attributes of RecommendedAction data type.

func (ContextAttribute) GoString

func (s ContextAttribute) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ContextAttribute) SetKey

func (s *ContextAttribute) SetKey(v string) *ContextAttribute

SetKey sets the Key field's value.

func (*ContextAttribute) SetValue

func (s *ContextAttribute) SetValue(v string) *ContextAttribute

SetValue sets the Value field's value.

func (ContextAttribute) String

func (s ContextAttribute) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput

type CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput struct {

    // The identifier or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the source DB cluster parameter
    // group. For information about creating an ARN, see Constructing an ARN for
    // Amazon RDS (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/USER_Tagging.ARN.html#USER_Tagging.ARN.Constructing)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must specify a valid DB cluster parameter group.
    // SourceDBClusterParameterGroupIdentifier is a required field
    SourceDBClusterParameterGroupIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // A list of tags. For more information, see Tagging Amazon RDS Resources (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`

    // A description for the copied DB cluster parameter group.
    // TargetDBClusterParameterGroupDescription is a required field
    TargetDBClusterParameterGroupDescription *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The identifier for the copied DB cluster parameter group.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't be null, empty, or blank
    //    * Must contain from 1 to 255 letters, numbers, or hyphens
    //    * First character must be a letter
    //    * Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
    // Example: my-cluster-param-group1
    // TargetDBClusterParameterGroupIdentifier is a required field
    TargetDBClusterParameterGroupIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) GoString

func (s CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) SetSourceDBClusterParameterGroupIdentifier

func (s *CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) SetSourceDBClusterParameterGroupIdentifier(v string) *CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput

SetSourceDBClusterParameterGroupIdentifier sets the SourceDBClusterParameterGroupIdentifier field's value.

func (*CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) SetTags

func (s *CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) SetTargetDBClusterParameterGroupDescription

func (s *CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) SetTargetDBClusterParameterGroupDescription(v string) *CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput

SetTargetDBClusterParameterGroupDescription sets the TargetDBClusterParameterGroupDescription field's value.

func (*CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) SetTargetDBClusterParameterGroupIdentifier

func (s *CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) SetTargetDBClusterParameterGroupIdentifier(v string) *CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput

SetTargetDBClusterParameterGroupIdentifier sets the TargetDBClusterParameterGroupIdentifier field's value.

func (CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) String

func (s CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) Validate

func (s *CopyDBClusterParameterGroupInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CopyDBClusterParameterGroupOutput

type CopyDBClusterParameterGroupOutput struct {

    // Contains the details of an Amazon RDS DB cluster parameter group.
    // This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups
    // action.
    DBClusterParameterGroup *DBClusterParameterGroup `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CopyDBClusterParameterGroupOutput) GoString

func (s CopyDBClusterParameterGroupOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CopyDBClusterParameterGroupOutput) SetDBClusterParameterGroup

func (s *CopyDBClusterParameterGroupOutput) SetDBClusterParameterGroup(v *DBClusterParameterGroup) *CopyDBClusterParameterGroupOutput

SetDBClusterParameterGroup sets the DBClusterParameterGroup field's value.

func (CopyDBClusterParameterGroupOutput) String

func (s CopyDBClusterParameterGroupOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput

type CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput struct {

    // Specifies whether to copy all tags from the source DB cluster snapshot to
    // the target DB cluster snapshot. By default, tags are not copied.
    CopyTags *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // DestinationRegion is used for presigning the request to a given region.
    DestinationRegion *string `type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier for an encrypted DB cluster snapshot.
    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier is the key ARN, key ID, alias
    // ARN, or alias name for the Amazon Web Services KMS key.
    // If you copy an encrypted DB cluster snapshot from your Amazon Web Services
    // account, you can specify a value for KmsKeyId to encrypt the copy with a
    // new KMS key. If you don't specify a value for KmsKeyId, then the copy of
    // the DB cluster snapshot is encrypted with the same KMS key as the source
    // DB cluster snapshot.
    // If you copy an encrypted DB cluster snapshot that is shared from another
    // Amazon Web Services account, then you must specify a value for KmsKeyId.
    // To copy an encrypted DB cluster snapshot to another Amazon Web Services Region,
    // you must set KmsKeyId to the Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier you want
    // to use to encrypt the copy of the DB cluster snapshot in the destination
    // Amazon Web Services Region. KMS keys are specific to the Amazon Web Services
    // Region that they are created in, and you can't use KMS keys from one Amazon
    // Web Services Region in another Amazon Web Services Region.
    // If you copy an unencrypted DB cluster snapshot and specify a value for the
    // KmsKeyId parameter, an error is returned.
    KmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

    // When you are copying a DB cluster snapshot from one Amazon Web Services GovCloud
    // (US) Region to another, the URL that contains a Signature Version 4 signed
    // request for the CopyDBClusterSnapshot API operation in the Amazon Web Services
    // Region that contains the source DB cluster snapshot to copy. Use the PreSignedUrl
    // parameter when copying an encrypted DB cluster snapshot from another Amazon
    // Web Services Region. Don't specify PreSignedUrl when copying an encrypted
    // DB cluster snapshot in the same Amazon Web Services Region.
    // This setting applies only to Amazon Web Services GovCloud (US) Regions. It's
    // ignored in other Amazon Web Services Regions.
    // The presigned URL must be a valid request for the CopyDBClusterSnapshot API
    // operation that can run in the source Amazon Web Services Region that contains
    // the encrypted DB cluster snapshot to copy. The presigned URL request must
    // contain the following parameter values:
    //    * KmsKeyId - The KMS key identifier for the KMS key to use to encrypt
    //    the copy of the DB cluster snapshot in the destination Amazon Web Services
    //    Region. This is the same identifier for both the CopyDBClusterSnapshot
    //    operation that is called in the destination Amazon Web Services Region,
    //    and the operation contained in the presigned URL.
    //    * DestinationRegion - The name of the Amazon Web Services Region that
    //    the DB cluster snapshot is to be created in.
    //    * SourceDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier - The DB cluster snapshot identifier
    //    for the encrypted DB cluster snapshot to be copied. This identifier must
    //    be in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) format for the source Amazon Web
    //    Services Region. For example, if you are copying an encrypted DB cluster
    //    snapshot from the us-west-2 Amazon Web Services Region, then your SourceDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier
    //    looks like the following example: arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:123456789012:cluster-snapshot:aurora-cluster1-snapshot-20161115.
    // To learn how to generate a Signature Version 4 signed request, see Authenticating
    // Requests: Using Query Parameters (Amazon Web Services Signature Version 4)
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-query-string-auth.html)
    // and Signature Version 4 Signing Process (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-4.html).
    // If you are using an Amazon Web Services SDK tool or the CLI, you can specify
    // SourceRegion (or --source-region for the CLI) instead of specifying PreSignedUrl
    // manually. Specifying SourceRegion autogenerates a presigned URL that is a
    // valid request for the operation that can run in the source Amazon Web Services
    // Region.
    PreSignedUrl *string `type:"string"`

    // The identifier of the DB cluster snapshot to copy. This parameter isn't case-sensitive.
    // You can't copy an encrypted, shared DB cluster snapshot from one Amazon Web
    // Services Region to another.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must specify a valid system snapshot in the "available" state.
    //    * If the source snapshot is in the same Amazon Web Services Region as
    //    the copy, specify a valid DB snapshot identifier.
    //    * If the source snapshot is in a different Amazon Web Services Region
    //    than the copy, specify a valid DB cluster snapshot ARN. For more information,
    //    go to Copying Snapshots Across Amazon Web Services Regions (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/USER_CopySnapshot.html#USER_CopySnapshot.AcrossRegions)
    //    in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    // Example: my-cluster-snapshot1
    // SourceDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier is a required field
    SourceDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // SourceRegion is the source region where the resource exists. This is not
    // sent over the wire and is only used for presigning. This value should always
    // have the same region as the source ARN.
    SourceRegion *string `type:"string" ignore:"true"`

    // A list of tags. For more information, see Tagging Amazon RDS Resources (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`

    // The identifier of the new DB cluster snapshot to create from the source DB
    // cluster snapshot. This parameter isn't case-sensitive.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must contain from 1 to 63 letters, numbers, or hyphens.
    //    * First character must be a letter.
    //    * Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
    // Example: my-cluster-snapshot2
    // TargetDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier is a required field
    TargetDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) GoString

func (s CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetCopyTags

func (s *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetCopyTags(v bool) *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput

SetCopyTags sets the CopyTags field's value.

func (*CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetDestinationRegion

func (s *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetDestinationRegion(v string) *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput

SetDestinationRegion sets the DestinationRegion field's value.

func (*CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetKmsKeyId

func (s *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetKmsKeyId(v string) *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput

SetKmsKeyId sets the KmsKeyId field's value.

func (*CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetPreSignedUrl

func (s *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetPreSignedUrl(v string) *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput

SetPreSignedUrl sets the PreSignedUrl field's value.

func (*CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetSourceDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier

func (s *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetSourceDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier(v string) *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput

SetSourceDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier sets the SourceDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier field's value.

func (*CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetSourceRegion

func (s *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetSourceRegion(v string) *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput

SetSourceRegion sets the SourceRegion field's value.

func (*CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetTags

func (s *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetTargetDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier

func (s *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetTargetDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier(v string) *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput

SetTargetDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier sets the TargetDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier field's value.

func (CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) String

func (s CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) Validate

func (s *CopyDBClusterSnapshotInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CopyDBClusterSnapshotOutput

type CopyDBClusterSnapshotOutput struct {

    // Contains the details for an Amazon RDS DB cluster snapshot
    // This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeDBClusterSnapshots
    // action.
    DBClusterSnapshot *DBClusterSnapshot `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CopyDBClusterSnapshotOutput) GoString

func (s CopyDBClusterSnapshotOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CopyDBClusterSnapshotOutput) SetDBClusterSnapshot

func (s *CopyDBClusterSnapshotOutput) SetDBClusterSnapshot(v *DBClusterSnapshot) *CopyDBClusterSnapshotOutput

SetDBClusterSnapshot sets the DBClusterSnapshot field's value.

func (CopyDBClusterSnapshotOutput) String

func (s CopyDBClusterSnapshotOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CopyDBParameterGroupInput

type CopyDBParameterGroupInput struct {

    // The identifier or ARN for the source DB parameter group. For information
    // about creating an ARN, see Constructing an ARN for Amazon RDS (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.ARN.html#USER_Tagging.ARN.Constructing)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must specify a valid DB parameter group.
    // SourceDBParameterGroupIdentifier is a required field
    SourceDBParameterGroupIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // A list of tags. For more information, see Tagging Amazon RDS Resources (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`

    // A description for the copied DB parameter group.
    // TargetDBParameterGroupDescription is a required field
    TargetDBParameterGroupDescription *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The identifier for the copied DB parameter group.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't be null, empty, or blank
    //    * Must contain from 1 to 255 letters, numbers, or hyphens
    //    * First character must be a letter
    //    * Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
    // Example: my-db-parameter-group
    // TargetDBParameterGroupIdentifier is a required field
    TargetDBParameterGroupIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CopyDBParameterGroupInput) GoString

func (s CopyDBParameterGroupInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CopyDBParameterGroupInput) SetSourceDBParameterGroupIdentifier

func (s *CopyDBParameterGroupInput) SetSourceDBParameterGroupIdentifier(v string) *CopyDBParameterGroupInput

SetSourceDBParameterGroupIdentifier sets the SourceDBParameterGroupIdentifier field's value.

func (*CopyDBParameterGroupInput) SetTags

func (s *CopyDBParameterGroupInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CopyDBParameterGroupInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CopyDBParameterGroupInput) SetTargetDBParameterGroupDescription

func (s *CopyDBParameterGroupInput) SetTargetDBParameterGroupDescription(v string) *CopyDBParameterGroupInput

SetTargetDBParameterGroupDescription sets the TargetDBParameterGroupDescription field's value.

func (*CopyDBParameterGroupInput) SetTargetDBParameterGroupIdentifier

func (s *CopyDBParameterGroupInput) SetTargetDBParameterGroupIdentifier(v string) *CopyDBParameterGroupInput

SetTargetDBParameterGroupIdentifier sets the TargetDBParameterGroupIdentifier field's value.

func (CopyDBParameterGroupInput) String

func (s CopyDBParameterGroupInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CopyDBParameterGroupInput) Validate

func (s *CopyDBParameterGroupInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CopyDBParameterGroupOutput

type CopyDBParameterGroupOutput struct {

    // Contains the details of an Amazon RDS DB parameter group.
    // This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeDBParameterGroups
    // action.
    DBParameterGroup *DBParameterGroup `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CopyDBParameterGroupOutput) GoString

func (s CopyDBParameterGroupOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CopyDBParameterGroupOutput) SetDBParameterGroup

func (s *CopyDBParameterGroupOutput) SetDBParameterGroup(v *DBParameterGroup) *CopyDBParameterGroupOutput

SetDBParameterGroup sets the DBParameterGroup field's value.

func (CopyDBParameterGroupOutput) String

func (s CopyDBParameterGroupOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CopyDBSnapshotInput

type CopyDBSnapshotInput struct {

    // Specifies whether to copy the DB option group associated with the source
    // DB snapshot to the target Amazon Web Services account and associate with
    // the target DB snapshot. The associated option group can be copied only with
    // cross-account snapshot copy calls.
    CopyOptionGroup *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Specifies whether to copy all tags from the source DB snapshot to the target
    // DB snapshot. By default, tags aren't copied.
    CopyTags *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // DestinationRegion is used for presigning the request to a given region.
    DestinationRegion *string `type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier for an encrypted DB snapshot.
    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier is the key ARN, key ID, alias
    // ARN, or alias name for the KMS key.
    // If you copy an encrypted DB snapshot from your Amazon Web Services account,
    // you can specify a value for this parameter to encrypt the copy with a new
    // KMS key. If you don't specify a value for this parameter, then the copy of
    // the DB snapshot is encrypted with the same Amazon Web Services KMS key as
    // the source DB snapshot.
    // If you copy an encrypted DB snapshot that is shared from another Amazon Web
    // Services account, then you must specify a value for this parameter.
    // If you specify this parameter when you copy an unencrypted snapshot, the
    // copy is encrypted.
    // If you copy an encrypted snapshot to a different Amazon Web Services Region,
    // then you must specify an Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier for the destination
    // Amazon Web Services Region. KMS keys are specific to the Amazon Web Services
    // Region that they are created in, and you can't use KMS keys from one Amazon
    // Web Services Region in another Amazon Web Services Region.
    KmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of an option group to associate with the copy of the snapshot.
    // Specify this option if you are copying a snapshot from one Amazon Web Services
    // Region to another, and your DB instance uses a nondefault option group. If
    // your source DB instance uses Transparent Data Encryption for Oracle or Microsoft
    // SQL Server, you must specify this option when copying across Amazon Web Services
    // Regions. For more information, see Option group considerations (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_CopySnapshot.html#USER_CopySnapshot.Options)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    OptionGroupName *string `type:"string"`

    // When you are copying a snapshot from one Amazon Web Services GovCloud (US)
    // Region to another, the URL that contains a Signature Version 4 signed request
    // for the CopyDBSnapshot API operation in the source Amazon Web Services Region
    // that contains the source DB snapshot to copy.
    // This setting applies only to Amazon Web Services GovCloud (US) Regions. It's
    // ignored in other Amazon Web Services Regions.
    // You must specify this parameter when you copy an encrypted DB snapshot from
    // another Amazon Web Services Region by using the Amazon RDS API. Don't specify
    // PreSignedUrl when you are copying an encrypted DB snapshot in the same Amazon
    // Web Services Region.
    // The presigned URL must be a valid request for the CopyDBClusterSnapshot API
    // operation that can run in the source Amazon Web Services Region that contains
    // the encrypted DB cluster snapshot to copy. The presigned URL request must
    // contain the following parameter values:
    //    * DestinationRegion - The Amazon Web Services Region that the encrypted
    //    DB snapshot is copied to. This Amazon Web Services Region is the same
    //    one where the CopyDBSnapshot operation is called that contains this presigned
    //    URL. For example, if you copy an encrypted DB snapshot from the us-west-2
    //    Amazon Web Services Region to the us-east-1 Amazon Web Services Region,
    //    then you call the CopyDBSnapshot operation in the us-east-1 Amazon Web
    //    Services Region and provide a presigned URL that contains a call to the
    //    CopyDBSnapshot operation in the us-west-2 Amazon Web Services Region.
    //    For this example, the DestinationRegion in the presigned URL must be set
    //    to the us-east-1 Amazon Web Services Region.
    //    * KmsKeyId - The KMS key identifier for the KMS key to use to encrypt
    //    the copy of the DB snapshot in the destination Amazon Web Services Region.
    //    This is the same identifier for both the CopyDBSnapshot operation that
    //    is called in the destination Amazon Web Services Region, and the operation
    //    contained in the presigned URL.
    //    * SourceDBSnapshotIdentifier - The DB snapshot identifier for the encrypted
    //    snapshot to be copied. This identifier must be in the Amazon Resource
    //    Name (ARN) format for the source Amazon Web Services Region. For example,
    //    if you are copying an encrypted DB snapshot from the us-west-2 Amazon
    //    Web Services Region, then your SourceDBSnapshotIdentifier looks like the
    //    following example: arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:123456789012:snapshot:mysql-instance1-snapshot-20161115.
    // To learn how to generate a Signature Version 4 signed request, see Authenticating
    // Requests: Using Query Parameters (Amazon Web Services Signature Version 4)
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-query-string-auth.html)
    // and Signature Version 4 Signing Process (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-4.html).
    // If you are using an Amazon Web Services SDK tool or the CLI, you can specify
    // SourceRegion (or --source-region for the CLI) instead of specifying PreSignedUrl
    // manually. Specifying SourceRegion autogenerates a presigned URL that is a
    // valid request for the operation that can run in the source Amazon Web Services
    // Region.
    PreSignedUrl *string `type:"string"`

    // The identifier for the source DB snapshot.
    // If the source snapshot is in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the copy,
    // specify a valid DB snapshot identifier. For example, you might specify rds:mysql-instance1-snapshot-20130805.
    // If the source snapshot is in a different Amazon Web Services Region than
    // the copy, specify a valid DB snapshot ARN. For example, you might specify
    // arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:123456789012:snapshot:mysql-instance1-snapshot-20130805.
    // If you are copying from a shared manual DB snapshot, this parameter must
    // be the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the shared DB snapshot.
    // If you are copying an encrypted snapshot this parameter must be in the ARN
    // format for the source Amazon Web Services Region.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must specify a valid system snapshot in the "available" state.
    // Example: rds:mydb-2012-04-02-00-01
    // Example: arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:123456789012:snapshot:mysql-instance1-snapshot-20130805
    // SourceDBSnapshotIdentifier is a required field
    SourceDBSnapshotIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // SourceRegion is the source region where the resource exists. This is not
    // sent over the wire and is only used for presigning. This value should always
    // have the same region as the source ARN.
    SourceRegion *string `type:"string" ignore:"true"`

    // A list of tags. For more information, see Tagging Amazon RDS Resources (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`

    // The external custom Availability Zone (CAZ) identifier for the target CAZ.
    // Example: rds-caz-aiqhTgQv.
    TargetCustomAvailabilityZone *string `type:"string"`

    // The identifier for the copy of the snapshot.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't be null, empty, or blank
    //    * Must contain from 1 to 255 letters, numbers, or hyphens
    //    * First character must be a letter
    //    * Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
    // Example: my-db-snapshot
    // TargetDBSnapshotIdentifier is a required field
    TargetDBSnapshotIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CopyDBSnapshotInput) GoString

func (s CopyDBSnapshotInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetCopyOptionGroup

func (s *CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetCopyOptionGroup(v bool) *CopyDBSnapshotInput

SetCopyOptionGroup sets the CopyOptionGroup field's value.

func (*CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetCopyTags

func (s *CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetCopyTags(v bool) *CopyDBSnapshotInput

SetCopyTags sets the CopyTags field's value.

func (*CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetDestinationRegion

func (s *CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetDestinationRegion(v string) *CopyDBSnapshotInput

SetDestinationRegion sets the DestinationRegion field's value.

func (*CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetKmsKeyId

func (s *CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetKmsKeyId(v string) *CopyDBSnapshotInput

SetKmsKeyId sets the KmsKeyId field's value.

func (*CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetOptionGroupName

func (s *CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetOptionGroupName(v string) *CopyDBSnapshotInput

SetOptionGroupName sets the OptionGroupName field's value.

func (*CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetPreSignedUrl

func (s *CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetPreSignedUrl(v string) *CopyDBSnapshotInput

SetPreSignedUrl sets the PreSignedUrl field's value.

func (*CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetSourceDBSnapshotIdentifier

func (s *CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetSourceDBSnapshotIdentifier(v string) *CopyDBSnapshotInput

SetSourceDBSnapshotIdentifier sets the SourceDBSnapshotIdentifier field's value.

func (*CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetSourceRegion

func (s *CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetSourceRegion(v string) *CopyDBSnapshotInput

SetSourceRegion sets the SourceRegion field's value.

func (*CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetTags

func (s *CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CopyDBSnapshotInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetTargetCustomAvailabilityZone

func (s *CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetTargetCustomAvailabilityZone(v string) *CopyDBSnapshotInput

SetTargetCustomAvailabilityZone sets the TargetCustomAvailabilityZone field's value.

func (*CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetTargetDBSnapshotIdentifier

func (s *CopyDBSnapshotInput) SetTargetDBSnapshotIdentifier(v string) *CopyDBSnapshotInput

SetTargetDBSnapshotIdentifier sets the TargetDBSnapshotIdentifier field's value.

func (CopyDBSnapshotInput) String

func (s CopyDBSnapshotInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CopyDBSnapshotInput) Validate

func (s *CopyDBSnapshotInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CopyDBSnapshotOutput

type CopyDBSnapshotOutput struct {

    // Contains the details of an Amazon RDS DB snapshot.
    // This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeDBSnapshots action.
    DBSnapshot *DBSnapshot `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CopyDBSnapshotOutput) GoString

func (s CopyDBSnapshotOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CopyDBSnapshotOutput) SetDBSnapshot

func (s *CopyDBSnapshotOutput) SetDBSnapshot(v *DBSnapshot) *CopyDBSnapshotOutput

SetDBSnapshot sets the DBSnapshot field's value.

func (CopyDBSnapshotOutput) String

func (s CopyDBSnapshotOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CopyOptionGroupInput

type CopyOptionGroupInput struct {

    // The identifier for the source option group.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must specify a valid option group.
    // SourceOptionGroupIdentifier is a required field
    SourceOptionGroupIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // A list of tags. For more information, see Tagging Amazon RDS Resources (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`

    // The description for the copied option group.
    // TargetOptionGroupDescription is a required field
    TargetOptionGroupDescription *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The identifier for the copied option group.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't be null, empty, or blank
    //    * Must contain from 1 to 255 letters, numbers, or hyphens
    //    * First character must be a letter
    //    * Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
    // Example: my-option-group
    // TargetOptionGroupIdentifier is a required field
    TargetOptionGroupIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CopyOptionGroupInput) GoString

func (s CopyOptionGroupInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CopyOptionGroupInput) SetSourceOptionGroupIdentifier

func (s *CopyOptionGroupInput) SetSourceOptionGroupIdentifier(v string) *CopyOptionGroupInput

SetSourceOptionGroupIdentifier sets the SourceOptionGroupIdentifier field's value.

func (*CopyOptionGroupInput) SetTags

func (s *CopyOptionGroupInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CopyOptionGroupInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CopyOptionGroupInput) SetTargetOptionGroupDescription

func (s *CopyOptionGroupInput) SetTargetOptionGroupDescription(v string) *CopyOptionGroupInput

SetTargetOptionGroupDescription sets the TargetOptionGroupDescription field's value.

func (*CopyOptionGroupInput) SetTargetOptionGroupIdentifier

func (s *CopyOptionGroupInput) SetTargetOptionGroupIdentifier(v string) *CopyOptionGroupInput

SetTargetOptionGroupIdentifier sets the TargetOptionGroupIdentifier field's value.

func (CopyOptionGroupInput) String

func (s CopyOptionGroupInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CopyOptionGroupInput) Validate

func (s *CopyOptionGroupInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CopyOptionGroupOutput

type CopyOptionGroupOutput struct {
    OptionGroup *OptionGroup `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CopyOptionGroupOutput) GoString

func (s CopyOptionGroupOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CopyOptionGroupOutput) SetOptionGroup

func (s *CopyOptionGroupOutput) SetOptionGroup(v *OptionGroup) *CopyOptionGroupOutput

SetOptionGroup sets the OptionGroup field's value.

func (CopyOptionGroupOutput) String

func (s CopyOptionGroupOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput

type CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput struct {

    // The name of the blue/green deployment.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't be the same as an existing blue/green deployment name in the same
    //    account and Amazon Web Services Region.
    // BlueGreenDeploymentName is a required field
    BlueGreenDeploymentName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source production database.
    // Specify the database that you want to clone. The blue/green deployment creates
    // this database in the green environment. You can make updates to the database
    // in the green environment, such as an engine version upgrade. When you are
    // ready, you can switch the database in the green environment to be the production
    // database.
    // Source is a required field
    Source *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Tags to assign to the blue/green deployment.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`

    // The DB cluster parameter group associated with the Aurora DB cluster in the
    // green environment.
    // To test parameter changes, specify a DB cluster parameter group that is different
    // from the one associated with the source DB cluster.
    TargetDBClusterParameterGroupName *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // Specify the DB instance class for the databases in the green environment.
    // This parameter only applies to RDS DB instances, because DB instances within
    // an Aurora DB cluster can have multiple different instance classes. If you're
    // creating a blue/green deployment from an Aurora DB cluster, don't specify
    // this parameter. After the green environment is created, you can individually
    // modify the instance classes of the DB instances within the green DB cluster.
    TargetDBInstanceClass *string `min:"5" type:"string"`

    // The DB parameter group associated with the DB instance in the green environment.
    // To test parameter changes, specify a DB parameter group that is different
    // from the one associated with the source DB instance.
    TargetDBParameterGroupName *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // The engine version of the database in the green environment.
    // Specify the engine version to upgrade to in the green environment.
    TargetEngineVersion *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // Whether to upgrade the storage file system configuration on the green database.
    // This option migrates the green DB instance from the older 32-bit file system
    // to the preferred configuration. For more information, see Upgrading the storage
    // file system for a DB instance (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_PIOPS.StorageTypes.html#USER_PIOPS.UpgradeFileSystem).
    UpgradeTargetStorageConfig *bool `type:"boolean"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) GoString

func (s CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) SetBlueGreenDeploymentName

func (s *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) SetBlueGreenDeploymentName(v string) *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput

SetBlueGreenDeploymentName sets the BlueGreenDeploymentName field's value.

func (*CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) SetSource

func (s *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) SetSource(v string) *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput

SetSource sets the Source field's value.

func (*CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) SetTargetDBClusterParameterGroupName

func (s *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) SetTargetDBClusterParameterGroupName(v string) *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput

SetTargetDBClusterParameterGroupName sets the TargetDBClusterParameterGroupName field's value.

func (*CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) SetTargetDBInstanceClass

func (s *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) SetTargetDBInstanceClass(v string) *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput

SetTargetDBInstanceClass sets the TargetDBInstanceClass field's value.

func (*CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) SetTargetDBParameterGroupName

func (s *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) SetTargetDBParameterGroupName(v string) *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput

SetTargetDBParameterGroupName sets the TargetDBParameterGroupName field's value.

func (*CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) SetTargetEngineVersion

func (s *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) SetTargetEngineVersion(v string) *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput

SetTargetEngineVersion sets the TargetEngineVersion field's value.

func (*CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) SetUpgradeTargetStorageConfig

func (s *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) SetUpgradeTargetStorageConfig(v bool) *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput

SetUpgradeTargetStorageConfig sets the UpgradeTargetStorageConfig field's value.

func (CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) String

func (s CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) Validate

func (s *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateBlueGreenDeploymentOutput

type CreateBlueGreenDeploymentOutput struct {

    // Details about a blue/green deployment.
    // For more information, see Using Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments for database
    // updates (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/blue-green-deployments.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide and Using Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments
    // for database updates (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/blue-green-deployments.html)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    BlueGreenDeployment *BlueGreenDeployment `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateBlueGreenDeploymentOutput) GoString

func (s CreateBlueGreenDeploymentOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateBlueGreenDeploymentOutput) SetBlueGreenDeployment

func (s *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentOutput) SetBlueGreenDeployment(v *BlueGreenDeployment) *CreateBlueGreenDeploymentOutput

SetBlueGreenDeployment sets the BlueGreenDeployment field's value.

func (CreateBlueGreenDeploymentOutput) String

func (s CreateBlueGreenDeploymentOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput

type CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput struct {

    // The name of an Amazon S3 bucket that contains database installation files
    // for your CEV. For example, a valid bucket name is my-custom-installation-files.
    DatabaseInstallationFilesS3BucketName *string `min:"3" type:"string"`

    // The Amazon S3 directory that contains the database installation files for
    // your CEV. For example, a valid bucket name is 123456789012/cev1. If this
    // setting isn't specified, no prefix is assumed.
    DatabaseInstallationFilesS3Prefix *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // An optional description of your CEV.
    Description *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // The database engine. RDS Custom for Oracle supports the following values:
    //    * custom-oracle-ee
    //    * custom-oracle-ee-cdb
    //    * custom-oracle-se2
    //    * custom-oracle-se2-cdb
    // Engine is a required field
    Engine *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The name of your CEV. The name format is 19.customized_string. For example,
    // a valid CEV name is 19.my_cev1. This setting is required for RDS Custom for
    // Oracle, but optional for Amazon RDS. The combination of Engine and EngineVersion
    // is unique per customer per Region.
    // EngineVersion is a required field
    EngineVersion *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI). For RDS Custom for SQL Server,
    // an AMI ID is required to create a CEV. For RDS Custom for Oracle, the default
    // is the most recent AMI available, but you can specify an AMI ID that was
    // used in a different Oracle CEV. Find the AMIs used by your CEVs by calling
    // the DescribeDBEngineVersions (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeDBEngineVersions.html)
    // operation.
    ImageId *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier for an encrypted CEV. A symmetric
    // encryption KMS key is required for RDS Custom, but optional for Amazon RDS.
    // If you have an existing symmetric encryption KMS key in your account, you
    // can use it with RDS Custom. No further action is necessary. If you don't
    // already have a symmetric encryption KMS key in your account, follow the instructions
    // in Creating a symmetric encryption KMS key (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kms/latest/developerguide/create-keys.html#create-symmetric-cmk)
    // in the Amazon Web Services Key Management Service Developer Guide.
    // You can choose the same symmetric encryption key when you create a CEV and
    // a DB instance, or choose different keys.
    KMSKeyId *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // The CEV manifest, which is a JSON document that describes the installation
    // .zip files stored in Amazon S3. Specify the name/value pairs in a file or
    // a quoted string. RDS Custom applies the patches in the order in which they
    // are listed.
    // The following JSON fields are valid:
    // MediaImportTemplateVersion
    // Version of the CEV manifest. The date is in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
    // databaseInstallationFileNames
    // Ordered list of installation files for the CEV.
    // opatchFileNames
    // Ordered list of OPatch installers used for the Oracle DB engine.
    // psuRuPatchFileNames
    // The PSU and RU patches for this CEV.
    // OtherPatchFileNames
    // The patches that are not in the list of PSU and RU patches. Amazon RDS applies
    // these patches after applying the PSU and RU patches.
    // For more information, see Creating the CEV manifest (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/custom-cev.html#custom-cev.preparing.manifest)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    Manifest *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // The ARN of a CEV to use as a source for creating a new CEV. You can specify
    // a different Amazon Machine Imagine (AMI) by using either Source or UseAwsProvidedLatestImage.
    // You can't specify a different JSON manifest when you specify SourceCustomDbEngineVersionIdentifier.
    SourceCustomDbEngineVersionIdentifier *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // A list of tags. For more information, see Tagging Amazon RDS Resources (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`

    // Specifies whether to use the latest service-provided Amazon Machine Image
    // (AMI) for the CEV. If you specify UseAwsProvidedLatestImage, you can't also
    // specify ImageId.
    UseAwsProvidedLatestImage *bool `type:"boolean"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) GoString

func (s CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetDatabaseInstallationFilesS3BucketName

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetDatabaseInstallationFilesS3BucketName(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput

SetDatabaseInstallationFilesS3BucketName sets the DatabaseInstallationFilesS3BucketName field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetDatabaseInstallationFilesS3Prefix

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetDatabaseInstallationFilesS3Prefix(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput

SetDatabaseInstallationFilesS3Prefix sets the DatabaseInstallationFilesS3Prefix field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetDescription

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetDescription(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetEngine

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetEngine(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput

SetEngine sets the Engine field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetEngineVersion

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetEngineVersion(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput

SetEngineVersion sets the EngineVersion field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetImageId

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetImageId(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput

SetImageId sets the ImageId field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetKMSKeyId

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetKMSKeyId(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput

SetKMSKeyId sets the KMSKeyId field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetManifest

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetManifest(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput

SetManifest sets the Manifest field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetSourceCustomDbEngineVersionIdentifier

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetSourceCustomDbEngineVersionIdentifier(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput

SetSourceCustomDbEngineVersionIdentifier sets the SourceCustomDbEngineVersionIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetUseAwsProvidedLatestImage

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) SetUseAwsProvidedLatestImage(v bool) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput

SetUseAwsProvidedLatestImage sets the UseAwsProvidedLatestImage field's value.

func (CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) String

func (s CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) Validate

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

type CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput struct {

    // The creation time of the DB engine version.
    CreateTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

    // JSON string that lists the installation files and parameters that RDS Custom
    // uses to create a custom engine version (CEV). RDS Custom applies the patches
    // in the order in which they're listed in the manifest. You can set the Oracle
    // home, Oracle base, and UNIX/Linux user and group using the installation parameters.
    // For more information, see JSON fields in the CEV manifest (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/custom-cev.preparing.html#custom-cev.preparing.manifest.fields)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    CustomDBEngineVersionManifest *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // The description of the database engine.
    DBEngineDescription *string `type:"string"`

    // A value that indicates the source media provider of the AMI based on the
    // usage operation. Applicable for RDS Custom for SQL Server.
    DBEngineMediaType *string `type:"string"`

    // The ARN of the custom engine version.
    DBEngineVersionArn *string `type:"string"`

    // The description of the database engine version.
    DBEngineVersionDescription *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of the DB parameter group family for the database engine.
    DBParameterGroupFamily *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of the Amazon S3 bucket that contains your database installation
    // files.
    DatabaseInstallationFilesS3BucketName *string `type:"string"`

    // The Amazon S3 directory that contains the database installation files. If
    // not specified, then no prefix is assumed.
    DatabaseInstallationFilesS3Prefix *string `type:"string"`

    // The default character set for new instances of this engine version, if the
    // CharacterSetName parameter of the CreateDBInstance API isn't specified.
    DefaultCharacterSet *CharacterSet `type:"structure"`

    // The name of the database engine.
    Engine *string `type:"string"`

    // The version number of the database engine.
    EngineVersion *string `type:"string"`

    // The types of logs that the database engine has available for export to CloudWatch
    // Logs.
    ExportableLogTypes []*string `type:"list"`

    // The EC2 image
    Image *CustomDBEngineVersionAMI `type:"structure"`

    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier for an encrypted CEV. This parameter
    // is required for RDS Custom, but optional for Amazon RDS.
    KMSKeyId *string `type:"string"`

    // The major engine version of the CEV.
    MajorEngineVersion *string `type:"string"`

    // The status of the DB engine version, either available or deprecated.
    Status *string `type:"string"`

    // A list of the supported CA certificate identifiers.
    // For more information, see Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to a DB instance
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide and Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to
    // a DB cluster (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    SupportedCACertificateIdentifiers []*string `type:"list"`

    // A list of the character sets supported by this engine for the CharacterSetName
    // parameter of the CreateDBInstance operation.
    SupportedCharacterSets []*CharacterSet `locationNameList:"CharacterSet" type:"list"`

    // A list of the supported DB engine modes.
    SupportedEngineModes []*string `type:"list"`

    // A list of features supported by the DB engine.
    // The supported features vary by DB engine and DB engine version.
    // To determine the supported features for a specific DB engine and DB engine
    // version using the CLI, use the following command:
    // aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine <engine_name> --engine-version
    // <engine_version>
    // For example, to determine the supported features for RDS for PostgreSQL version
    // 13.3 using the CLI, use the following command:
    // aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine postgres --engine-version 13.3
    // The supported features are listed under SupportedFeatureNames in the output.
    SupportedFeatureNames []*string `type:"list"`

    // A list of the character sets supported by the Oracle DB engine for the NcharCharacterSetName
    // parameter of the CreateDBInstance operation.
    SupportedNcharCharacterSets []*CharacterSet `locationNameList:"CharacterSet" type:"list"`

    // A list of the time zones supported by this engine for the Timezone parameter
    // of the CreateDBInstance action.
    SupportedTimezones []*Timezone `locationNameList:"Timezone" type:"list"`

    // Indicates whether the engine version supports Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL.
    SupportsBabelfish *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Indicates whether the engine version supports rotating the server certificate
    // without rebooting the DB instance.
    SupportsCertificateRotationWithoutRestart *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Indicates whether you can use Aurora global databases with a specific DB
    // engine version.
    SupportsGlobalDatabases *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Indicates whether the DB engine version supports zero-ETL integrations with
    // Amazon Redshift.
    SupportsIntegrations *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Indicates whether the DB engine version supports Aurora Limitless Database.
    SupportsLimitlessDatabase *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Indicates whether the DB engine version supports forwarding write operations
    // from reader DB instances to the writer DB instance in the DB cluster. By
    // default, write operations aren't allowed on reader DB instances.
    // Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only
    SupportsLocalWriteForwarding *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Indicates whether the engine version supports exporting the log types specified
    // by ExportableLogTypes to CloudWatch Logs.
    SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Indicates whether you can use Aurora parallel query with a specific DB engine
    // version.
    SupportsParallelQuery *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Indicates whether the database engine version supports read replicas.
    SupportsReadReplica *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // A list of tags. For more information, see Tagging Amazon RDS Resources (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    TagList []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`

    // A list of engine versions that this database engine version can be upgraded
    // to.
    ValidUpgradeTarget []*UpgradeTarget `locationNameList:"UpgradeTarget" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

This data type is used as a response element in the action DescribeDBEngineVersions.

func (CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) GoString

func (s CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetCreateTime

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetCreateTime(v time.Time) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetCreateTime sets the CreateTime field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetCustomDBEngineVersionManifest

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetCustomDBEngineVersionManifest(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetCustomDBEngineVersionManifest sets the CustomDBEngineVersionManifest field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetDBEngineDescription

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetDBEngineDescription(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetDBEngineDescription sets the DBEngineDescription field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetDBEngineMediaType

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetDBEngineMediaType(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetDBEngineMediaType sets the DBEngineMediaType field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetDBEngineVersionArn

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetDBEngineVersionArn(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetDBEngineVersionArn sets the DBEngineVersionArn field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetDBEngineVersionDescription

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetDBEngineVersionDescription(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetDBEngineVersionDescription sets the DBEngineVersionDescription field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetDBParameterGroupFamily

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetDBParameterGroupFamily(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetDBParameterGroupFamily sets the DBParameterGroupFamily field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetDatabaseInstallationFilesS3BucketName

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetDatabaseInstallationFilesS3BucketName(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetDatabaseInstallationFilesS3BucketName sets the DatabaseInstallationFilesS3BucketName field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetDatabaseInstallationFilesS3Prefix

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetDatabaseInstallationFilesS3Prefix(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetDatabaseInstallationFilesS3Prefix sets the DatabaseInstallationFilesS3Prefix field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetDefaultCharacterSet

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetDefaultCharacterSet(v *CharacterSet) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetDefaultCharacterSet sets the DefaultCharacterSet field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetEngine

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetEngine(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetEngine sets the Engine field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetEngineVersion

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetEngineVersion(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetEngineVersion sets the EngineVersion field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetExportableLogTypes

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetExportableLogTypes(v []*string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetExportableLogTypes sets the ExportableLogTypes field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetImage

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetImage(v *CustomDBEngineVersionAMI) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetImage sets the Image field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetKMSKeyId

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetKMSKeyId(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetKMSKeyId sets the KMSKeyId field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetMajorEngineVersion

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetMajorEngineVersion(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetMajorEngineVersion sets the MajorEngineVersion field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetStatus

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetStatus(v string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportedCACertificateIdentifiers

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportedCACertificateIdentifiers(v []*string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetSupportedCACertificateIdentifiers sets the SupportedCACertificateIdentifiers field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportedCharacterSets

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportedCharacterSets(v []*CharacterSet) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetSupportedCharacterSets sets the SupportedCharacterSets field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportedEngineModes

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportedEngineModes(v []*string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetSupportedEngineModes sets the SupportedEngineModes field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportedFeatureNames

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportedFeatureNames(v []*string) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetSupportedFeatureNames sets the SupportedFeatureNames field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportedNcharCharacterSets

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportedNcharCharacterSets(v []*CharacterSet) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetSupportedNcharCharacterSets sets the SupportedNcharCharacterSets field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportedTimezones

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportedTimezones(v []*Timezone) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetSupportedTimezones sets the SupportedTimezones field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsBabelfish

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsBabelfish(v bool) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetSupportsBabelfish sets the SupportsBabelfish field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsCertificateRotationWithoutRestart

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsCertificateRotationWithoutRestart(v bool) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetSupportsCertificateRotationWithoutRestart sets the SupportsCertificateRotationWithoutRestart field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsGlobalDatabases

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsGlobalDatabases(v bool) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetSupportsGlobalDatabases sets the SupportsGlobalDatabases field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsIntegrations

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsIntegrations(v bool) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetSupportsIntegrations sets the SupportsIntegrations field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsLimitlessDatabase

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsLimitlessDatabase(v bool) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetSupportsLimitlessDatabase sets the SupportsLimitlessDatabase field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsLocalWriteForwarding

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsLocalWriteForwarding(v bool) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetSupportsLocalWriteForwarding sets the SupportsLocalWriteForwarding field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs(v bool) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetSupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs sets the SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsParallelQuery

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsParallelQuery(v bool) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetSupportsParallelQuery sets the SupportsParallelQuery field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsReadReplica

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetSupportsReadReplica(v bool) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetSupportsReadReplica sets the SupportsReadReplica field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetTagList

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetTagList(v []*Tag) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetTagList sets the TagList field's value.

func (*CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetValidUpgradeTarget

func (s *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) SetValidUpgradeTarget(v []*UpgradeTarget) *CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput

SetValidUpgradeTarget sets the ValidUpgradeTarget field's value.

func (CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) String

func (s CreateCustomDBEngineVersionOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateDBClusterEndpointInput

type CreateDBClusterEndpointInput struct {

    // The identifier to use for the new endpoint. This parameter is stored as a
    // lowercase string.
    // DBClusterEndpointIdentifier is a required field
    DBClusterEndpointIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The DB cluster identifier of the DB cluster associated with the endpoint.
    // This parameter is stored as a lowercase string.
    // DBClusterIdentifier is a required field
    DBClusterIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The type of the endpoint, one of: READER, WRITER, ANY.
    // EndpointType is a required field
    EndpointType *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // List of DB instance identifiers that aren't part of the custom endpoint group.
    // All other eligible instances are reachable through the custom endpoint. This
    // parameter is relevant only if the list of static members is empty.
    ExcludedMembers []*string `type:"list"`

    // List of DB instance identifiers that are part of the custom endpoint group.
    StaticMembers []*string `type:"list"`

    // The tags to be assigned to the Amazon RDS resource.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) GoString

func (s CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) SetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) SetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBClusterEndpointInput

SetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier sets the DBClusterEndpointIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) SetDBClusterIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) SetDBClusterIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBClusterEndpointInput

SetDBClusterIdentifier sets the DBClusterIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) SetEndpointType

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) SetEndpointType(v string) *CreateDBClusterEndpointInput

SetEndpointType sets the EndpointType field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) SetExcludedMembers

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) SetExcludedMembers(v []*string) *CreateDBClusterEndpointInput

SetExcludedMembers sets the ExcludedMembers field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) SetStaticMembers

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) SetStaticMembers(v []*string) *CreateDBClusterEndpointInput

SetStaticMembers sets the StaticMembers field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateDBClusterEndpointInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) String

func (s CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) Validate

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput

type CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput struct {

    // The type associated with a custom endpoint. One of: READER, WRITER, ANY.
    CustomEndpointType *string `type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the endpoint.
    DBClusterEndpointArn *string `type:"string"`

    // The identifier associated with the endpoint. This parameter is stored as
    // a lowercase string.
    DBClusterEndpointIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // A unique system-generated identifier for an endpoint. It remains the same
    // for the whole life of the endpoint.
    DBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // The DB cluster identifier of the DB cluster associated with the endpoint.
    // This parameter is stored as a lowercase string.
    DBClusterIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // The DNS address of the endpoint.
    Endpoint *string `type:"string"`

    // The type of the endpoint. One of: READER, WRITER, CUSTOM.
    EndpointType *string `type:"string"`

    // List of DB instance identifiers that aren't part of the custom endpoint group.
    // All other eligible instances are reachable through the custom endpoint. Only
    // relevant if the list of static members is empty.
    ExcludedMembers []*string `type:"list"`

    // List of DB instance identifiers that are part of the custom endpoint group.
    StaticMembers []*string `type:"list"`

    // The current status of the endpoint. One of: creating, available, deleting,
    // inactive, modifying. The inactive state applies to an endpoint that can't
    // be used for a certain kind of cluster, such as a writer endpoint for a read-only
    // secondary cluster in a global database.
    Status *string `type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

This data type represents the information you need to connect to an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. This data type is used as a response element in the following actions:

  • CreateDBClusterEndpoint

  • DescribeDBClusterEndpoints

  • ModifyDBClusterEndpoint

  • DeleteDBClusterEndpoint

For the data structure that represents Amazon RDS DB instance endpoints, see Endpoint.

func (CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) GoString

func (s CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetCustomEndpointType

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetCustomEndpointType(v string) *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput

SetCustomEndpointType sets the CustomEndpointType field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetDBClusterEndpointArn

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetDBClusterEndpointArn(v string) *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput

SetDBClusterEndpointArn sets the DBClusterEndpointArn field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput

SetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier sets the DBClusterEndpointIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput

SetDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier sets the DBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetDBClusterIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetDBClusterIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput

SetDBClusterIdentifier sets the DBClusterIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetEndpoint

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetEndpoint(v string) *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput

SetEndpoint sets the Endpoint field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetEndpointType

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetEndpointType(v string) *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput

SetEndpointType sets the EndpointType field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetExcludedMembers

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetExcludedMembers(v []*string) *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput

SetExcludedMembers sets the ExcludedMembers field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetStaticMembers

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetStaticMembers(v []*string) *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput

SetStaticMembers sets the StaticMembers field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetStatus

func (s *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) SetStatus(v string) *CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) String

func (s CreateDBClusterEndpointOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateDBClusterInput

type CreateDBClusterInput struct {

    // The amount of storage in gibibytes (GiB) to allocate to each DB instance
    // in the Multi-AZ DB cluster.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only
    // This setting is required to create a Multi-AZ DB cluster.
    AllocatedStorage *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // Specifies whether minor engine upgrades are applied automatically to the
    // DB cluster during the maintenance window. By default, minor engine upgrades
    // are applied automatically.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only
    AutoMinorVersionUpgrade *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // A list of Availability Zones (AZs) where you specifically want to create
    // DB instances in the DB cluster.
    // For information on AZs, see Availability Zones (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/Concepts.RegionsAndAvailabilityZones.html#Concepts.RegionsAndAvailabilityZones.AvailabilityZones)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters only
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't specify more than three AZs.
    AvailabilityZones []*string `locationNameList:"AvailabilityZone" type:"list"`

    // The target backtrack window, in seconds. To disable backtracking, set this
    // value to 0.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora MySQL DB clusters only
    // Default: 0
    // Constraints:
    //    * If specified, this value must be set to a number from 0 to 259,200 (72
    //    hours).
    BacktrackWindow *int64 `type:"long"`

    // The number of days for which automated backups are retained.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    // Default: 1
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be a value from 1 to 35.
    BackupRetentionPeriod *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The CA certificate identifier to use for the DB cluster's server certificate.
    // For more information, see Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to a DB instance
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters
    CACertificateIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of the character set (CharacterSet) to associate the DB cluster
    // with.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters only
    CharacterSetName *string `type:"string"`

    // Specifies whether to copy all tags from the DB cluster to snapshots of the
    // DB cluster. The default is not to copy them.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    CopyTagsToSnapshot *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The identifier for this DB cluster. This parameter is stored as a lowercase
    // string.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must contain from 1 to 63 (for Aurora DB clusters) or 1 to 52 (for Multi-AZ
    //    DB clusters) letters, numbers, or hyphens.
    //    * First character must be a letter.
    //    * Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
    // Example: my-cluster1
    // DBClusterIdentifier is a required field
    DBClusterIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The compute and memory capacity of each DB instance in the Multi-AZ DB cluster,
    // for example db.m6gd.xlarge. Not all DB instance classes are available in
    // all Amazon Web Services Regions, or for all database engines.
    // For the full list of DB instance classes and availability for your engine,
    // see DB instance class (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.DBInstanceClass.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // This setting is required to create a Multi-AZ DB cluster.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only
    DBClusterInstanceClass *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of the DB cluster parameter group to associate with this DB cluster.
    // If you don't specify a value, then the default DB cluster parameter group
    // for the specified DB engine and version is used.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    // Constraints:
    //    * If supplied, must match the name of an existing DB cluster parameter
    //    group.
    DBClusterParameterGroupName *string `type:"string"`

    // A DB subnet group to associate with this DB cluster.
    // This setting is required to create a Multi-AZ DB cluster.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must match the name of an existing DB subnet group.
    // Example: mydbsubnetgroup
    DBSubnetGroupName *string `type:"string"`

    // Reserved for future use.
    DBSystemId *string `type:"string"`

    // The name for your database of up to 64 alphanumeric characters. A database
    // named postgres is always created. If this parameter is specified, an additional
    // database with this name is created.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

    // Specifies whether the DB cluster has deletion protection enabled. The database
    // can't be deleted when deletion protection is enabled. By default, deletion
    // protection isn't enabled.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    DeletionProtection *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // DestinationRegion is used for presigning the request to a given region.
    DestinationRegion *string `type:"string"`

    // The Active Directory directory ID to create the DB cluster in.
    // For Amazon Aurora DB clusters, Amazon RDS can use Kerberos authentication
    // to authenticate users that connect to the DB cluster.
    // For more information, see Kerberos authentication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/kerberos-authentication.html)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters only
    Domain *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of the IAM role to use when making API calls to the Directory Service.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters only
    DomainIAMRoleName *string `type:"string"`

    // The list of log types that need to be enabled for exporting to CloudWatch
    // Logs.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    // The following values are valid for each DB engine:
    //    * Aurora MySQL - audit | error | general | slowquery
    //    * Aurora PostgreSQL - postgresql
    //    * RDS for MySQL - error | general | slowquery
    //    * RDS for PostgreSQL - postgresql | upgrade
    // For more information about exporting CloudWatch Logs for Amazon RDS, see
    // Publishing Database Logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_LogAccess.html#USER_LogAccess.Procedural.UploadtoCloudWatch)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // For more information about exporting CloudWatch Logs for Amazon Aurora, see
    // Publishing Database Logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/USER_LogAccess.html#USER_LogAccess.Procedural.UploadtoCloudWatch)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    EnableCloudwatchLogsExports []*string `type:"list"`

    // Specifies whether to enable this DB cluster to forward write operations to
    // the primary cluster of a global cluster (Aurora global database). By default,
    // write operations are not allowed on Aurora DB clusters that are secondary
    // clusters in an Aurora global database.
    // You can set this value only on Aurora DB clusters that are members of an
    // Aurora global database. With this parameter enabled, a secondary cluster
    // can forward writes to the current primary cluster, and the resulting changes
    // are replicated back to this cluster. For the primary DB cluster of an Aurora
    // global database, this value is used immediately if the primary is demoted
    // by a global cluster API operation, but it does nothing until then.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters only
    EnableGlobalWriteForwarding *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Specifies whether to enable the HTTP endpoint for the DB cluster. By default,
    // the HTTP endpoint isn't enabled.
    // When enabled, the HTTP endpoint provides a connectionless web service API
    // (RDS Data API) for running SQL queries on the DB cluster. You can also query
    // your database from inside the RDS console with the RDS query editor.
    // RDS Data API is supported with the following DB clusters:
    //    * Aurora PostgreSQL Serverless v2 and provisioned
    //    * Aurora PostgreSQL and Aurora MySQL Serverless v1
    // For more information, see Using RDS Data API (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/data-api.html)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters only
    EnableHttpEndpoint *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Specifies whether to enable mapping of Amazon Web Services Identity and Access
    // Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts. By default, mapping isn't
    // enabled.
    // For more information, see IAM Database Authentication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/UsingWithRDS.IAMDBAuth.html)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters only
    EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Specifies whether to enable Aurora Limitless Database. You must enable Aurora
    // Limitless Database to create a DB shard group.
    // Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only
    EnableLimitlessDatabase *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Specifies whether read replicas can forward write operations to the writer
    // DB instance in the DB cluster. By default, write operations aren't allowed
    // on reader DB instances.
    // Valid for: Aurora DB clusters only
    EnableLocalWriteForwarding *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Specifies whether to turn on Performance Insights for the DB cluster.
    // For more information, see Using Amazon Performance Insights (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_PerfInsights.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only
    EnablePerformanceInsights *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The database engine to use for this DB cluster.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    // Valid Values:
    //    * aurora-mysql
    //    * aurora-postgresql
    //    * mysql
    //    * postgres
    //    * neptune - For information about using Amazon Neptune, see the Amazon
    //    Neptune User Guide (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/neptune/latest/userguide/intro.html).
    // Engine is a required field
    Engine *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The life cycle type for this DB cluster.
    // By default, this value is set to open-source-rds-extended-support, which
    // enrolls your DB cluster into Amazon RDS Extended Support. At the end of standard
    // support, you can avoid charges for Extended Support by setting the value
    // to open-source-rds-extended-support-disabled. In this case, creating the
    // DB cluster will fail if the DB major version is past its end of standard
    // support date.
    // You can use this setting to enroll your DB cluster into Amazon RDS Extended
    // Support. With RDS Extended Support, you can run the selected major engine
    // version on your DB cluster past the end of standard support for that engine
    // version. For more information, see the following sections:
    //    * Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL only) - Using Amazon RDS Extended Support
    //    (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/extended-support.html)
    //    in the Amazon Aurora User Guide
    //    * Amazon RDS - Using Amazon RDS Extended Support (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/extended-support.html)
    //    in the Amazon RDS User Guide
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    // Valid Values: open-source-rds-extended-support | open-source-rds-extended-support-disabled
    // Default: open-source-rds-extended-support
    EngineLifecycleSupport *string `type:"string"`

    // The DB engine mode of the DB cluster, either provisioned or serverless.
    // The serverless engine mode only applies for Aurora Serverless v1 DB clusters.
    // Aurora Serverless v2 DB clusters use the provisioned engine mode.
    // For information about limitations and requirements for Serverless DB clusters,
    // see the following sections in the Amazon Aurora User Guide:
    //    * Limitations of Aurora Serverless v1 (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-serverless.html#aurora-serverless.limitations)
    //    * Requirements for Aurora Serverless v2 (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-serverless-v2.requirements.html)
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters only
    EngineMode *string `type:"string"`

    // The version number of the database engine to use.
    // To list all of the available engine versions for Aurora MySQL version 2 (5.7-compatible)
    // and version 3 (MySQL 8.0-compatible), use the following command:
    // aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine aurora-mysql --query "DBEngineVersions[].EngineVersion"
    // You can supply either 5.7 or 8.0 to use the default engine version for Aurora
    // MySQL version 2 or version 3, respectively.
    // To list all of the available engine versions for Aurora PostgreSQL, use the
    // following command:
    // aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine aurora-postgresql --query "DBEngineVersions[].EngineVersion"
    // To list all of the available engine versions for RDS for MySQL, use the following
    // command:
    // aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine mysql --query "DBEngineVersions[].EngineVersion"
    // To list all of the available engine versions for RDS for PostgreSQL, use
    // the following command:
    // aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine postgres --query "DBEngineVersions[].EngineVersion"
    // For information about a specific engine, see the following topics:
    //    * Aurora MySQL - see Database engine updates for Amazon Aurora MySQL (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/AuroraMySQL.Updates.html)
    //    in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    //    * Aurora PostgreSQL - see Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL releases and engine
    //    versions (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/AuroraPostgreSQL.Updates.20180305.html)
    //    in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    //    * RDS for MySQL - see Amazon RDS for MySQL (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_MySQL.html#MySQL.Concepts.VersionMgmt)
    //    in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    //    * RDS for PostgreSQL - see Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_PostgreSQL.html#PostgreSQL.Concepts)
    //    in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    EngineVersion *string `type:"string"`

    // The global cluster ID of an Aurora cluster that becomes the primary cluster
    // in the new global database cluster.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters only
    GlobalClusterIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // The amount of Provisioned IOPS (input/output operations per second) to be
    // initially allocated for each DB instance in the Multi-AZ DB cluster.
    // For information about valid IOPS values, see Provisioned IOPS storage (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_Storage.html#USER_PIOPS)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // This setting is required to create a Multi-AZ DB cluster.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be a multiple between .5 and 50 of the storage amount for the DB
    //    cluster.
    Iops *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier for an encrypted DB cluster.
    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier is the key ARN, key ID, alias
    // ARN, or alias name for the KMS key. To use a KMS key in a different Amazon
    // Web Services account, specify the key ARN or alias ARN.
    // When a KMS key isn't specified in KmsKeyId:
    //    * If ReplicationSourceIdentifier identifies an encrypted source, then
    //    Amazon RDS uses the KMS key used to encrypt the source. Otherwise, Amazon
    //    RDS uses your default KMS key.
    //    * If the StorageEncrypted parameter is enabled and ReplicationSourceIdentifier
    //    isn't specified, then Amazon RDS uses your default KMS key.
    // There is a default KMS key for your Amazon Web Services account. Your Amazon
    // Web Services account has a different default KMS key for each Amazon Web
    // Services Region.
    // If you create a read replica of an encrypted DB cluster in another Amazon
    // Web Services Region, make sure to set KmsKeyId to a KMS key identifier that
    // is valid in the destination Amazon Web Services Region. This KMS key is used
    // to encrypt the read replica in that Amazon Web Services Region.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    KmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

    // Specifies whether to manage the master user password with Amazon Web Services
    // Secrets Manager.
    // For more information, see Password management with Amazon Web Services Secrets
    // Manager (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/rds-secrets-manager.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide and Password management with Amazon Web Services
    // Secrets Manager (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/rds-secrets-manager.html)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't manage the master user password with Amazon Web Services Secrets
    //    Manager if MasterUserPassword is specified.
    ManageMasterUserPassword *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The password for the master database user.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must contain from 8 to 41 characters.
    //    * Can contain any printable ASCII character except "/", """, or "@".
    //    * Can't be specified if ManageMasterUserPassword is turned on.
    MasterUserPassword *string `type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier to encrypt a secret that is automatically
    // generated and managed in Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager.
    // This setting is valid only if the master user password is managed by RDS
    // in Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager for the DB cluster.
    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier is the key ARN, key ID, alias
    // ARN, or alias name for the KMS key. To use a KMS key in a different Amazon
    // Web Services account, specify the key ARN or alias ARN.
    // If you don't specify MasterUserSecretKmsKeyId, then the aws/secretsmanager
    // KMS key is used to encrypt the secret. If the secret is in a different Amazon
    // Web Services account, then you can't use the aws/secretsmanager KMS key to
    // encrypt the secret, and you must use a customer managed KMS key.
    // There is a default KMS key for your Amazon Web Services account. Your Amazon
    // Web Services account has a different default KMS key for each Amazon Web
    // Services Region.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    MasterUserSecretKmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of the master user for the DB cluster.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be 1 to 16 letters or numbers.
    //    * First character must be a letter.
    //    * Can't be a reserved word for the chosen database engine.
    MasterUsername *string `type:"string"`

    // The interval, in seconds, between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics
    // are collected for the DB cluster. To turn off collecting Enhanced Monitoring
    // metrics, specify 0.
    // If MonitoringRoleArn is specified, also set MonitoringInterval to a value
    // other than 0.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only
    // Valid Values: 0 | 1 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 30 | 60
    // Default: 0
    MonitoringInterval *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that permits RDS to send
    // Enhanced Monitoring metrics to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. An example is arn:aws:iam:123456789012:role/emaccess.
    // For information on creating a monitoring role, see Setting up and enabling
    // Enhanced Monitoring (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Monitoring.OS.html#USER_Monitoring.OS.Enabling)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // If MonitoringInterval is set to a value other than 0, supply a MonitoringRoleArn
    // value.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only
    MonitoringRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

    // The network type of the DB cluster.
    // The network type is determined by the DBSubnetGroup specified for the DB
    // cluster. A DBSubnetGroup can support only the IPv4 protocol or the IPv4 and
    // the IPv6 protocols (DUAL).
    // For more information, see Working with a DB instance in a VPC (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/USER_VPC.WorkingWithRDSInstanceinaVPC.html)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters only
    // Valid Values: IPV4 | DUAL
    NetworkType *string `type:"string"`

    // The option group to associate the DB cluster with.
    // DB clusters are associated with a default option group that can't be modified.
    OptionGroupName *string `type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier for encryption of Performance
    // Insights data.
    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier is the key ARN, key ID, alias
    // ARN, or alias name for the KMS key.
    // If you don't specify a value for PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId, then Amazon
    // RDS uses your default KMS key. There is a default KMS key for your Amazon
    // Web Services account. Your Amazon Web Services account has a different default
    // KMS key for each Amazon Web Services Region.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only
    PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId *string `type:"string"`

    // The number of days to retain Performance Insights data.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only
    // Valid Values:
    //    * 7
    //    * month * 31, where month is a number of months from 1-23. Examples: 93
    //    (3 months * 31), 341 (11 months * 31), 589 (19 months * 31)
    //    * 731
    // Default: 7 days
    // If you specify a retention period that isn't valid, such as 94, Amazon RDS
    // issues an error.
    PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The port number on which the instances in the DB cluster accept connections.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    // Valid Values: 1150-65535
    // Default:
    //    * RDS for MySQL and Aurora MySQL - 3306
    //    * RDS for PostgreSQL and Aurora PostgreSQL - 5432
    Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // When you are replicating a DB cluster from one Amazon Web Services GovCloud
    // (US) Region to another, an URL that contains a Signature Version 4 signed
    // request for the CreateDBCluster operation to be called in the source Amazon
    // Web Services Region where the DB cluster is replicated from. Specify PreSignedUrl
    // only when you are performing cross-Region replication from an encrypted DB
    // cluster.
    // The presigned URL must be a valid request for the CreateDBCluster API operation
    // that can run in the source Amazon Web Services Region that contains the encrypted
    // DB cluster to copy.
    // The presigned URL request must contain the following parameter values:
    //    * KmsKeyId - The KMS key identifier for the KMS key to use to encrypt
    //    the copy of the DB cluster in the destination Amazon Web Services Region.
    //    This should refer to the same KMS key for both the CreateDBCluster operation
    //    that is called in the destination Amazon Web Services Region, and the
    //    operation contained in the presigned URL.
    //    * DestinationRegion - The name of the Amazon Web Services Region that
    //    Aurora read replica will be created in.
    //    * ReplicationSourceIdentifier - The DB cluster identifier for the encrypted
    //    DB cluster to be copied. This identifier must be in the Amazon Resource
    //    Name (ARN) format for the source Amazon Web Services Region. For example,
    //    if you are copying an encrypted DB cluster from the us-west-2 Amazon Web
    //    Services Region, then your ReplicationSourceIdentifier would look like
    //    Example: arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:123456789012:cluster:aurora-cluster1.
    // To learn how to generate a Signature Version 4 signed request, see Authenticating
    // Requests: Using Query Parameters (Amazon Web Services Signature Version 4)
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-query-string-auth.html)
    // and Signature Version 4 Signing Process (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-4.html).
    // If you are using an Amazon Web Services SDK tool or the CLI, you can specify
    // SourceRegion (or --source-region for the CLI) instead of specifying PreSignedUrl
    // manually. Specifying SourceRegion autogenerates a presigned URL that is a
    // valid request for the operation that can run in the source Amazon Web Services
    // Region.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters only
    PreSignedUrl *string `type:"string"`

    // The daily time range during which automated backups are created if automated
    // backups are enabled using the BackupRetentionPeriod parameter.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    // The default is a 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block
    // of time for each Amazon Web Services Region. To view the time blocks available,
    // see Backup window (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/Aurora.Managing.Backups.html#Aurora.Managing.Backups.BackupWindow)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be in the format hh24:mi-hh24:mi.
    //    * Must be in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
    //    * Must not conflict with the preferred maintenance window.
    //    * Must be at least 30 minutes.
    PreferredBackupWindow *string `type:"string"`

    // The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    // The default is a 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block
    // of time for each Amazon Web Services Region, occurring on a random day of
    // the week. To see the time blocks available, see Adjusting the Preferred DB
    // Cluster Maintenance Window (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/USER_UpgradeDBInstance.Maintenance.html#AdjustingTheMaintenanceWindow.Aurora)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be in the format ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi.
    //    * Days must be one of Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun.
    //    * Must be in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
    //    * Must be at least 30 minutes.
    PreferredMaintenanceWindow *string `type:"string"`

    // Specifies whether the DB cluster is publicly accessible.
    // When the DB cluster is publicly accessible and you connect from outside of
    // the DB cluster's virtual private cloud (VPC), its Domain Name System (DNS)
    // endpoint resolves to the public IP address. When you connect from within
    // the same VPC as the DB cluster, the endpoint resolves to the private IP address.
    // Access to the DB cluster is ultimately controlled by the security group it
    // uses. That public access isn't permitted if the security group assigned to
    // the DB cluster doesn't permit it.
    // When the DB cluster isn't publicly accessible, it is an internal DB cluster
    // with a DNS name that resolves to a private IP address.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Multi-AZ DB clusters only
    // Default: The default behavior varies depending on whether DBSubnetGroupName
    // is specified.
    // If DBSubnetGroupName isn't specified, and PubliclyAccessible isn't specified,
    // the following applies:
    //    * If the default VPC in the target Region doesn’t have an internet gateway
    //    attached to it, the DB cluster is private.
    //    * If the default VPC in the target Region has an internet gateway attached
    //    to it, the DB cluster is public.
    // If DBSubnetGroupName is specified, and PubliclyAccessible isn't specified,
    // the following applies:
    //    * If the subnets are part of a VPC that doesn’t have an internet gateway
    //    attached to it, the DB cluster is private.
    //    * If the subnets are part of a VPC that has an internet gateway attached
    //    to it, the DB cluster is public.
    PubliclyAccessible *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Reserved for future use.
    RdsCustomClusterConfiguration *RdsCustomClusterConfiguration `type:"structure"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source DB instance or DB cluster if
    // this DB cluster is created as a read replica.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    ReplicationSourceIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // For DB clusters in serverless DB engine mode, the scaling properties of the
    // DB cluster.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters only
    ScalingConfiguration *ScalingConfiguration `type:"structure"`

    // Contains the scaling configuration of an Aurora Serverless v2 DB cluster.
    // For more information, see Using Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-serverless-v2.html)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration *ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration `type:"structure"`

    // SourceRegion is the source region where the resource exists. This is not
    // sent over the wire and is only used for presigning. This value should always
    // have the same region as the source ARN.
    SourceRegion *string `type:"string" ignore:"true"`

    // Specifies whether the DB cluster is encrypted.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    StorageEncrypted *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The storage type to associate with the DB cluster.
    // For information on storage types for Aurora DB clusters, see Storage configurations
    // for Amazon Aurora DB clusters (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/Aurora.Overview.StorageReliability.html#aurora-storage-type).
    // For information on storage types for Multi-AZ DB clusters, see Settings for
    // creating Multi-AZ DB clusters (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/create-multi-az-db-cluster.html#create-multi-az-db-cluster-settings).
    // This setting is required to create a Multi-AZ DB cluster.
    // When specified for a Multi-AZ DB cluster, a value for the Iops parameter
    // is required.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    // Valid Values:
    //    * Aurora DB clusters - aurora | aurora-iopt1
    //    * Multi-AZ DB clusters - io1 | io2 | gp3
    // Default:
    //    * Aurora DB clusters - aurora
    //    * Multi-AZ DB clusters - io1
    // When you create an Aurora DB cluster with the storage type set to aurora-iopt1,
    // the storage type is returned in the response. The storage type isn't returned
    // when you set it to aurora.
    StorageType *string `type:"string"`

    // Tags to assign to the DB cluster.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`

    // A list of EC2 VPC security groups to associate with this DB cluster.
    // Valid for Cluster Type: Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
    VpcSecurityGroupIds []*string `locationNameList:"VpcSecurityGroupId" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBClusterInput) GoString

func (s CreateDBClusterInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetAllocatedStorage

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetAllocatedStorage(v int64) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetAllocatedStorage sets the AllocatedStorage field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade(v bool) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade sets the AutoMinorVersionUpgrade field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetAvailabilityZones

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetAvailabilityZones(v []*string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetAvailabilityZones sets the AvailabilityZones field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetBacktrackWindow

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetBacktrackWindow(v int64) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetBacktrackWindow sets the BacktrackWindow field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetBackupRetentionPeriod

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetBackupRetentionPeriod(v int64) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetBackupRetentionPeriod sets the BackupRetentionPeriod field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetCACertificateIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetCACertificateIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetCACertificateIdentifier sets the CACertificateIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetCharacterSetName

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetCharacterSetName(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetCharacterSetName sets the CharacterSetName field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetCopyTagsToSnapshot

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetCopyTagsToSnapshot(v bool) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetCopyTagsToSnapshot sets the CopyTagsToSnapshot field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetDBClusterIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetDBClusterIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetDBClusterIdentifier sets the DBClusterIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetDBClusterInstanceClass

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetDBClusterInstanceClass(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetDBClusterInstanceClass sets the DBClusterInstanceClass field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetDBClusterParameterGroupName

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetDBClusterParameterGroupName(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetDBClusterParameterGroupName sets the DBClusterParameterGroupName field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetDBSubnetGroupName

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetDBSubnetGroupName(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetDBSubnetGroupName sets the DBSubnetGroupName field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetDBSystemId

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetDBSystemId(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetDBSystemId sets the DBSystemId field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetDatabaseName

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetDatabaseName(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetDeletionProtection

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetDeletionProtection(v bool) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetDeletionProtection sets the DeletionProtection field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetDestinationRegion

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetDestinationRegion(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetDestinationRegion sets the DestinationRegion field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetDomain

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetDomain(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetDomain sets the Domain field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetDomainIAMRoleName

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetDomainIAMRoleName(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetDomainIAMRoleName sets the DomainIAMRoleName field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetEnableCloudwatchLogsExports

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetEnableCloudwatchLogsExports(v []*string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetEnableCloudwatchLogsExports sets the EnableCloudwatchLogsExports field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetEnableGlobalWriteForwarding

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetEnableGlobalWriteForwarding(v bool) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetEnableGlobalWriteForwarding sets the EnableGlobalWriteForwarding field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetEnableHttpEndpoint

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetEnableHttpEndpoint(v bool) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetEnableHttpEndpoint sets the EnableHttpEndpoint field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetEnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetEnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication(v bool) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetEnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication sets the EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetEnableLimitlessDatabase

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetEnableLimitlessDatabase(v bool) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetEnableLimitlessDatabase sets the EnableLimitlessDatabase field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetEnableLocalWriteForwarding

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetEnableLocalWriteForwarding(v bool) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetEnableLocalWriteForwarding sets the EnableLocalWriteForwarding field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetEnablePerformanceInsights

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetEnablePerformanceInsights(v bool) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetEnablePerformanceInsights sets the EnablePerformanceInsights field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetEngine

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetEngine(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetEngine sets the Engine field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetEngineLifecycleSupport

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetEngineLifecycleSupport(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetEngineLifecycleSupport sets the EngineLifecycleSupport field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetEngineMode

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetEngineMode(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetEngineMode sets the EngineMode field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetEngineVersion

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetEngineVersion(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetEngineVersion sets the EngineVersion field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetGlobalClusterIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetGlobalClusterIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetGlobalClusterIdentifier sets the GlobalClusterIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetIops

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetIops(v int64) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetIops sets the Iops field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetKmsKeyId

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetKmsKeyId(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetKmsKeyId sets the KmsKeyId field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetManageMasterUserPassword

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetManageMasterUserPassword(v bool) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetManageMasterUserPassword sets the ManageMasterUserPassword field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetMasterUserPassword

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetMasterUserPassword(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetMasterUserPassword sets the MasterUserPassword field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetMasterUserSecretKmsKeyId

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetMasterUserSecretKmsKeyId(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetMasterUserSecretKmsKeyId sets the MasterUserSecretKmsKeyId field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetMasterUsername

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetMasterUsername(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetMasterUsername sets the MasterUsername field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetMonitoringInterval

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetMonitoringInterval(v int64) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetMonitoringInterval sets the MonitoringInterval field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetMonitoringRoleArn

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetMonitoringRoleArn(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetMonitoringRoleArn sets the MonitoringRoleArn field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetNetworkType

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetNetworkType(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetNetworkType sets the NetworkType field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetOptionGroupName

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetOptionGroupName(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetOptionGroupName sets the OptionGroupName field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetPerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetPerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetPerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId sets the PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetPerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetPerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod(v int64) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetPerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod sets the PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetPort

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetPort(v int64) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetPreSignedUrl

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetPreSignedUrl(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetPreSignedUrl sets the PreSignedUrl field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetPreferredBackupWindow

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetPreferredBackupWindow(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetPreferredBackupWindow sets the PreferredBackupWindow field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow sets the PreferredMaintenanceWindow field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetPubliclyAccessible

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetPubliclyAccessible(v bool) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetPubliclyAccessible sets the PubliclyAccessible field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetRdsCustomClusterConfiguration

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetRdsCustomClusterConfiguration(v *RdsCustomClusterConfiguration) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetRdsCustomClusterConfiguration sets the RdsCustomClusterConfiguration field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetReplicationSourceIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetReplicationSourceIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetReplicationSourceIdentifier sets the ReplicationSourceIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetScalingConfiguration

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetScalingConfiguration(v *ScalingConfiguration) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetScalingConfiguration sets the ScalingConfiguration field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration(v *ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration sets the ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetSourceRegion

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetSourceRegion(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetSourceRegion sets the SourceRegion field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetStorageEncrypted

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetStorageEncrypted(v bool) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetStorageEncrypted sets the StorageEncrypted field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetStorageType

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetStorageType(v string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetStorageType sets the StorageType field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) SetVpcSecurityGroupIds

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) SetVpcSecurityGroupIds(v []*string) *CreateDBClusterInput

SetVpcSecurityGroupIds sets the VpcSecurityGroupIds field's value.

func (CreateDBClusterInput) String

func (s CreateDBClusterInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBClusterInput) Validate

func (s *CreateDBClusterInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateDBClusterOutput

type CreateDBClusterOutput struct {

    // Contains the details of an Amazon Aurora DB cluster or Multi-AZ DB cluster.
    // For an Amazon Aurora DB cluster, this data type is used as a response element
    // in the operations CreateDBCluster, DeleteDBCluster, DescribeDBClusters, FailoverDBCluster,
    // ModifyDBCluster, PromoteReadReplicaDBCluster, RestoreDBClusterFromS3, RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot,
    // RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime, StartDBCluster, and StopDBCluster.
    // For a Multi-AZ DB cluster, this data type is used as a response element in
    // the operations CreateDBCluster, DeleteDBCluster, DescribeDBClusters, FailoverDBCluster,
    // ModifyDBCluster, RebootDBCluster, RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot, and RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime.
    // For more information on Amazon Aurora DB clusters, see What is Amazon Aurora?
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/CHAP_AuroraOverview.html)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    // For more information on Multi-AZ DB clusters, see Multi-AZ deployments with
    // two readable standby DB instances (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/multi-az-db-clusters-concepts.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    DBCluster *DBCluster `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBClusterOutput) GoString

func (s CreateDBClusterOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBClusterOutput) SetDBCluster

func (s *CreateDBClusterOutput) SetDBCluster(v *DBCluster) *CreateDBClusterOutput

SetDBCluster sets the DBCluster field's value.

func (CreateDBClusterOutput) String

func (s CreateDBClusterOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput

type CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput struct {

    // The name of the DB cluster parameter group.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must not match the name of an existing DB cluster parameter group.
    // This value is stored as a lowercase string.
    // DBClusterParameterGroupName is a required field
    DBClusterParameterGroupName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The DB cluster parameter group family name. A DB cluster parameter group
    // can be associated with one and only one DB cluster parameter group family,
    // and can be applied only to a DB cluster running a database engine and engine
    // version compatible with that DB cluster parameter group family.
    // Aurora MySQL
    // Example: aurora-mysql5.7, aurora-mysql8.0
    // Aurora PostgreSQL
    // Example: aurora-postgresql14
    // RDS for MySQL
    // Example: mysql8.0
    // RDS for PostgreSQL
    // Example: postgres13
    // To list all of the available parameter group families for a DB engine, use
    // the following command:
    // aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --query "DBEngineVersions[].DBParameterGroupFamily"
    // --engine <engine>
    // For example, to list all of the available parameter group families for the
    // Aurora PostgreSQL DB engine, use the following command:
    // aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --query "DBEngineVersions[].DBParameterGroupFamily"
    // --engine aurora-postgresql
    // The output contains duplicates.
    // The following are the valid DB engine values:
    //    * aurora-mysql
    //    * aurora-postgresql
    //    * mysql
    //    * postgres
    // DBParameterGroupFamily is a required field
    DBParameterGroupFamily *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The description for the DB cluster parameter group.
    // Description is a required field
    Description *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Tags to assign to the DB cluster parameter group.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput) GoString

func (s CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput) SetDBClusterParameterGroupName

func (s *CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput) SetDBClusterParameterGroupName(v string) *CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput

SetDBClusterParameterGroupName sets the DBClusterParameterGroupName field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput) SetDBParameterGroupFamily

func (s *CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput) SetDBParameterGroupFamily(v string) *CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput

SetDBParameterGroupFamily sets the DBParameterGroupFamily field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput) SetDescription

func (s *CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput) SetDescription(v string) *CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput) String

func (s CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput) Validate

func (s *CreateDBClusterParameterGroupInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateDBClusterParameterGroupOutput

type CreateDBClusterParameterGroupOutput struct {

    // Contains the details of an Amazon RDS DB cluster parameter group.
    // This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups
    // action.
    DBClusterParameterGroup *DBClusterParameterGroup `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBClusterParameterGroupOutput) GoString

func (s CreateDBClusterParameterGroupOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBClusterParameterGroupOutput) SetDBClusterParameterGroup

func (s *CreateDBClusterParameterGroupOutput) SetDBClusterParameterGroup(v *DBClusterParameterGroup) *CreateDBClusterParameterGroupOutput

SetDBClusterParameterGroup sets the DBClusterParameterGroup field's value.

func (CreateDBClusterParameterGroupOutput) String

func (s CreateDBClusterParameterGroupOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput

type CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput struct {

    // The identifier of the DB cluster to create a snapshot for. This parameter
    // isn't case-sensitive.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must match the identifier of an existing DBCluster.
    // Example: my-cluster1
    // DBClusterIdentifier is a required field
    DBClusterIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The identifier of the DB cluster snapshot. This parameter is stored as a
    // lowercase string.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must contain from 1 to 63 letters, numbers, or hyphens.
    //    * First character must be a letter.
    //    * Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
    // Example: my-cluster1-snapshot1
    // DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier is a required field
    DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The tags to be assigned to the DB cluster snapshot.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput) GoString

func (s CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetDBClusterIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetDBClusterIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput

SetDBClusterIdentifier sets the DBClusterIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput

SetDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier sets the DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput) String

func (s CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput) Validate

func (s *CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateDBClusterSnapshotOutput

type CreateDBClusterSnapshotOutput struct {

    // Contains the details for an Amazon RDS DB cluster snapshot
    // This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeDBClusterSnapshots
    // action.
    DBClusterSnapshot *DBClusterSnapshot `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBClusterSnapshotOutput) GoString

func (s CreateDBClusterSnapshotOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBClusterSnapshotOutput) SetDBClusterSnapshot

func (s *CreateDBClusterSnapshotOutput) SetDBClusterSnapshot(v *DBClusterSnapshot) *CreateDBClusterSnapshotOutput

SetDBClusterSnapshot sets the DBClusterSnapshot field's value.

func (CreateDBClusterSnapshotOutput) String

func (s CreateDBClusterSnapshotOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateDBInstanceInput

type CreateDBInstanceInput struct {

    // The amount of storage in gibibytes (GiB) to allocate for the DB instance.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora DB instances. Aurora cluster
    // volumes automatically grow as the amount of data in your database increases,
    // though you are only charged for the space that you use in an Aurora cluster
    // volume.
    // Amazon RDS Custom
    // Constraints to the amount of storage for each storage type are the following:
    //    * General Purpose (SSD) storage (gp2, gp3): Must be an integer from 40
    //    to 65536 for RDS Custom for Oracle, 16384 for RDS Custom for SQL Server.
    //    * Provisioned IOPS storage (io1, io2): Must be an integer from 40 to 65536
    //    for RDS Custom for Oracle, 16384 for RDS Custom for SQL Server.
    // RDS for Db2
    // Constraints to the amount of storage for each storage type are the following:
    //    * General Purpose (SSD) storage (gp3): Must be an integer from 20 to 65536.
    //    * Provisioned IOPS storage (io1, io2): Must be an integer from 100 to
    //    65536.
    // RDS for MariaDB
    // Constraints to the amount of storage for each storage type are the following:
    //    * General Purpose (SSD) storage (gp2, gp3): Must be an integer from 20
    //    to 65536.
    //    * Provisioned IOPS storage (io1, io2): Must be an integer from 100 to
    //    65536.
    //    * Magnetic storage (standard): Must be an integer from 5 to 3072.
    // RDS for MySQL
    // Constraints to the amount of storage for each storage type are the following:
    //    * General Purpose (SSD) storage (gp2, gp3): Must be an integer from 20
    //    to 65536.
    //    * Provisioned IOPS storage (io1, io2): Must be an integer from 100 to
    //    65536.
    //    * Magnetic storage (standard): Must be an integer from 5 to 3072.
    // RDS for Oracle
    // Constraints to the amount of storage for each storage type are the following:
    //    * General Purpose (SSD) storage (gp2, gp3): Must be an integer from 20
    //    to 65536.
    //    * Provisioned IOPS storage (io1, io2): Must be an integer from 100 to
    //    65536.
    //    * Magnetic storage (standard): Must be an integer from 10 to 3072.
    // RDS for PostgreSQL
    // Constraints to the amount of storage for each storage type are the following:
    //    * General Purpose (SSD) storage (gp2, gp3): Must be an integer from 20
    //    to 65536.
    //    * Provisioned IOPS storage (io1, io2): Must be an integer from 100 to
    //    65536.
    //    * Magnetic storage (standard): Must be an integer from 5 to 3072.
    // RDS for SQL Server
    // Constraints to the amount of storage for each storage type are the following:
    //    * General Purpose (SSD) storage (gp2, gp3): Enterprise and Standard editions:
    //    Must be an integer from 20 to 16384. Web and Express editions: Must be
    //    an integer from 20 to 16384.
    //    * Provisioned IOPS storage (io1, io2): Enterprise and Standard editions:
    //    Must be an integer from 100 to 16384. Web and Express editions: Must be
    //    an integer from 100 to 16384.
    //    * Magnetic storage (standard): Enterprise and Standard editions: Must
    //    be an integer from 20 to 1024. Web and Express editions: Must be an integer
    //    from 20 to 1024.
    AllocatedStorage *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // Specifies whether minor engine upgrades are applied automatically to the
    // DB instance during the maintenance window. By default, minor engine upgrades
    // are applied automatically.
    // If you create an RDS Custom DB instance, you must set AutoMinorVersionUpgrade
    // to false.
    AutoMinorVersionUpgrade *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The Availability Zone (AZ) where the database will be created. For information
    // on Amazon Web Services Regions and Availability Zones, see Regions and Availability
    // Zones (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.RegionsAndAvailabilityZones.html).
    // For Amazon Aurora, each Aurora DB cluster hosts copies of its storage in
    // three separate Availability Zones. Specify one of these Availability Zones.
    // Aurora automatically chooses an appropriate Availability Zone if you don't
    // specify one.
    // Default: A random, system-chosen Availability Zone in the endpoint's Amazon
    // Web Services Region.
    // Constraints:
    //    * The AvailabilityZone parameter can't be specified if the DB instance
    //    is a Multi-AZ deployment.
    //    * The specified Availability Zone must be in the same Amazon Web Services
    //    Region as the current endpoint.
    // Example: us-east-1d
    AvailabilityZone *string `type:"string"`

    // The number of days for which automated backups are retained. Setting this
    // parameter to a positive number enables backups. Setting this parameter to
    // 0 disables automated backups.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora DB instances. The retention period
    // for automated backups is managed by the DB cluster.
    // Default: 1
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be a value from 0 to 35.
    //    * Can't be set to 0 if the DB instance is a source to read replicas.
    //    * Can't be set to 0 for an RDS Custom for Oracle DB instance.
    BackupRetentionPeriod *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The location for storing automated backups and manual snapshots.
    // Valid Values:
    //    * outposts (Amazon Web Services Outposts)
    //    * region (Amazon Web Services Region)
    // Default: region
    // For more information, see Working with Amazon RDS on Amazon Web Services
    // Outposts (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/rds-on-outposts.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    BackupTarget *string `type:"string"`

    // The CA certificate identifier to use for the DB instance's server certificate.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    // For more information, see Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to a DB instance
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide and Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to
    // a DB cluster (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    CACertificateIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // For supported engines, the character set (CharacterSet) to associate the
    // DB instance with.
    // This setting doesn't apply to the following DB instances:
    //    * Amazon Aurora - The character set is managed by the DB cluster. For
    //    more information, see CreateDBCluster.
    //    * RDS Custom - However, if you need to change the character set, you can
    //    change it on the database itself.
    CharacterSetName *string `type:"string"`

    // Specifies whether to copy tags from the DB instance to snapshots of the DB
    // instance. By default, tags are not copied.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora DB instances. Copying tags to
    // snapshots is managed by the DB cluster. Setting this value for an Aurora
    // DB instance has no effect on the DB cluster setting.
    CopyTagsToSnapshot *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The instance profile associated with the underlying Amazon EC2 instance of
    // an RDS Custom DB instance.
    // This setting is required for RDS Custom.
    // Constraints:
    //    * The profile must exist in your account.
    //    * The profile must have an IAM role that Amazon EC2 has permissions to
    //    assume.
    //    * The instance profile name and the associated IAM role name must start
    //    with the prefix AWSRDSCustom.
    // For the list of permissions required for the IAM role, see Configure IAM
    // and your VPC (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/custom-setup-orcl.html#custom-setup-orcl.iam-vpc)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    CustomIamInstanceProfile *string `type:"string"`

    // The identifier of the DB cluster that this DB instance will belong to.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    DBClusterIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // The compute and memory capacity of the DB instance, for example db.m5.large.
    // Not all DB instance classes are available in all Amazon Web Services Regions,
    // or for all database engines. For the full list of DB instance classes, and
    // availability for your engine, see DB instance classes (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.DBInstanceClass.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide or Aurora DB instance classes (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/Concepts.DBInstanceClass.html)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    // DBInstanceClass is a required field
    DBInstanceClass *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The identifier for this DB instance. This parameter is stored as a lowercase
    // string.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must contain from 1 to 63 letters, numbers, or hyphens.
    //    * First character must be a letter.
    //    * Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
    // Example: mydbinstance
    // DBInstanceIdentifier is a required field
    DBInstanceIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The meaning of this parameter differs according to the database engine you
    // use.
    // Amazon Aurora MySQL
    // The name of the database to create when the primary DB instance of the Aurora
    // MySQL DB cluster is created. If this parameter isn't specified for an Aurora
    // MySQL DB cluster, no database is created in the DB cluster.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must contain 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters.
    //    * Can't be a word reserved by the database engine.
    // Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL
    // The name of the database to create when the primary DB instance of the Aurora
    // PostgreSQL DB cluster is created. A database named postgres is always created.
    // If this parameter is specified, an additional database with this name is
    // created.
    // Constraints:
    //    * It must contain 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters.
    //    * Must begin with a letter. Subsequent characters can be letters, underscores,
    //    or digits (0 to 9).
    //    * Can't be a word reserved by the database engine.
    // Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle
    // The Oracle System ID (SID) of the created RDS Custom DB instance. If you
    // don't specify a value, the default value is ORCL for non-CDBs and RDSCDB
    // for CDBs.
    // Default: ORCL
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must contain 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters.
    //    * Must contain a letter.
    //    * Can't be a word reserved by the database engine.
    // Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server
    // Not applicable. Must be null.
    // RDS for Db2
    // The name of the database to create when the DB instance is created. If this
    // parameter isn't specified, no database is created in the DB instance. In
    // some cases, we recommend that you don't add a database name. For more information,
    // see Additional considerations (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/db2-db-instance-prereqs.html#db2-prereqs-additional-considerations)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must contain 1 to 64 letters or numbers.
    //    * Must begin with a letter. Subsequent characters can be letters, underscores,
    //    or digits (0-9).
    //    * Can't be a word reserved by the specified database engine.
    // RDS for MariaDB
    // The name of the database to create when the DB instance is created. If this
    // parameter isn't specified, no database is created in the DB instance.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must contain 1 to 64 letters or numbers.
    //    * Must begin with a letter. Subsequent characters can be letters, underscores,
    //    or digits (0-9).
    //    * Can't be a word reserved by the specified database engine.
    // RDS for MySQL
    // The name of the database to create when the DB instance is created. If this
    // parameter isn't specified, no database is created in the DB instance.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must contain 1 to 64 letters or numbers.
    //    * Must begin with a letter. Subsequent characters can be letters, underscores,
    //    or digits (0-9).
    //    * Can't be a word reserved by the specified database engine.
    // RDS for Oracle
    // The Oracle System ID (SID) of the created DB instance. If you don't specify
    // a value, the default value is ORCL. You can't specify the string null, or
    // any other reserved word, for DBName.
    // Default: ORCL
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't be longer than 8 characters.
    // RDS for PostgreSQL
    // The name of the database to create when the DB instance is created. A database
    // named postgres is always created. If this parameter is specified, an additional
    // database with this name is created.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must contain 1 to 63 letters, numbers, or underscores.
    //    * Must begin with a letter. Subsequent characters can be letters, underscores,
    //    or digits (0-9).
    //    * Can't be a word reserved by the specified database engine.
    // RDS for SQL Server
    // Not applicable. Must be null.
    DBName *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of the DB parameter group to associate with this DB instance. If
    // you don't specify a value, then Amazon RDS uses the default DB parameter
    // group for the specified DB engine and version.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be 1 to 255 letters, numbers, or hyphens.
    //    * The first character must be a letter.
    //    * Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
    DBParameterGroupName *string `type:"string"`

    // A list of DB security groups to associate with this DB instance.
    // This setting applies to the legacy EC2-Classic platform, which is no longer
    // used to create new DB instances. Use the VpcSecurityGroupIds setting instead.
    DBSecurityGroups []*string `locationNameList:"DBSecurityGroupName" type:"list"`

    // A DB subnet group to associate with this DB instance.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must match the name of an existing DB subnet group.
    //    * Must not be default.
    // Example: mydbsubnetgroup
    DBSubnetGroupName *string `type:"string"`

    // The Oracle system identifier (SID), which is the name of the Oracle database
    // instance that manages your database files. In this context, the term "Oracle
    // database instance" refers exclusively to the system global area (SGA) and
    // Oracle background processes. If you don't specify a SID, the value defaults
    // to RDSCDB. The Oracle SID is also the name of your CDB.
    DBSystemId *string `type:"string"`

    // Indicates whether the DB instance has a dedicated log volume (DLV) enabled.
    DedicatedLogVolume *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Specifies whether the DB instance has deletion protection enabled. The database
    // can't be deleted when deletion protection is enabled. By default, deletion
    // protection isn't enabled. For more information, see Deleting a DB Instance
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_DeleteInstance.html).
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora DB instances. You can enable
    // or disable deletion protection for the DB cluster. For more information,
    // see CreateDBCluster. DB instances in a DB cluster can be deleted even when
    // deletion protection is enabled for the DB cluster.
    DeletionProtection *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The Active Directory directory ID to create the DB instance in. Currently,
    // you can create only Db2, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL
    // DB instances in an Active Directory Domain.
    // For more information, see Kerberos Authentication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/kerberos-authentication.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // This setting doesn't apply to the following DB instances:
    //    * Amazon Aurora (The domain is managed by the DB cluster.)
    //    * RDS Custom
    Domain *string `type:"string"`

    // The ARN for the Secrets Manager secret with the credentials for the user
    // joining the domain.
    // Example: arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:account-number:secret:myselfmanagedADtestsecret-123456
    DomainAuthSecretArn *string `type:"string"`

    // The IPv4 DNS IP addresses of your primary and secondary Active Directory
    // domain controllers.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Two IP addresses must be provided. If there isn't a secondary domain
    //    controller, use the IP address of the primary domain controller for both
    //    entries in the list.
    // Example:,
    DomainDnsIps []*string `type:"list"`

    // The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of an Active Directory domain.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't be longer than 64 characters.
    // Example: mymanagedADtest.mymanagedAD.mydomain
    DomainFqdn *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of the IAM role to use when making API calls to the Directory Service.
    // This setting doesn't apply to the following DB instances:
    //    * Amazon Aurora (The domain is managed by the DB cluster.)
    //    * RDS Custom
    DomainIAMRoleName *string `type:"string"`

    // The Active Directory organizational unit for your DB instance to join.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be in the distinguished name format.
    //    * Can't be longer than 64 characters.
    // Example: OU=mymanagedADtestOU,DC=mymanagedADtest,DC=mymanagedAD,DC=mydomain
    DomainOu *string `type:"string"`

    // The list of log types to enable for exporting to CloudWatch Logs. For more
    // information, see Publishing Database Logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_LogAccess.html#USER_LogAccess.Procedural.UploadtoCloudWatch)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // This setting doesn't apply to the following DB instances:
    //    * Amazon Aurora (CloudWatch Logs exports are managed by the DB cluster.)
    //    * RDS Custom
    // The following values are valid for each DB engine:
    //    * RDS for Db2 - diag.log | notify.log
    //    * RDS for MariaDB - audit | error | general | slowquery
    //    * RDS for Microsoft SQL Server - agent | error
    //    * RDS for MySQL - audit | error | general | slowquery
    //    * RDS for Oracle - alert | audit | listener | trace | oemagent
    //    * RDS for PostgreSQL - postgresql | upgrade
    EnableCloudwatchLogsExports []*string `type:"list"`

    // Specifies whether to enable a customer-owned IP address (CoIP) for an RDS
    // on Outposts DB instance.
    // A CoIP provides local or external connectivity to resources in your Outpost
    // subnets through your on-premises network. For some use cases, a CoIP can
    // provide lower latency for connections to the DB instance from outside of
    // its virtual private cloud (VPC) on your local network.
    // For more information about RDS on Outposts, see Working with Amazon RDS on
    // Amazon Web Services Outposts (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/rds-on-outposts.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // For more information about CoIPs, see Customer-owned IP addresses (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/outposts/latest/userguide/routing.html#ip-addressing)
    // in the Amazon Web Services Outposts User Guide.
    EnableCustomerOwnedIp *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Specifies whether to enable mapping of Amazon Web Services Identity and Access
    // Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts. By default, mapping isn't
    // enabled.
    // For more information, see IAM Database Authentication for MySQL and PostgreSQL
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.IAMDBAuth.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // This setting doesn't apply to the following DB instances:
    //    * Amazon Aurora (Mapping Amazon Web Services IAM accounts to database
    //    accounts is managed by the DB cluster.)
    //    * RDS Custom
    EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Specifies whether to enable Performance Insights for the DB instance. For
    // more information, see Using Amazon Performance Insights (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_PerfInsights.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    EnablePerformanceInsights *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The database engine to use for this DB instance.
    // Not every database engine is available in every Amazon Web Services Region.
    // Valid Values:
    //    * aurora-mysql (for Aurora MySQL DB instances)
    //    * aurora-postgresql (for Aurora PostgreSQL DB instances)
    //    * custom-oracle-ee (for RDS Custom for Oracle DB instances)
    //    * custom-oracle-ee-cdb (for RDS Custom for Oracle DB instances)
    //    * custom-oracle-se2 (for RDS Custom for Oracle DB instances)
    //    * custom-oracle-se2-cdb (for RDS Custom for Oracle DB instances)
    //    * custom-sqlserver-ee (for RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instances)
    //    * custom-sqlserver-se (for RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instances)
    //    * custom-sqlserver-web (for RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instances)
    //    * db2-ae
    //    * db2-se
    //    * mariadb
    //    * mysql
    //    * oracle-ee
    //    * oracle-ee-cdb
    //    * oracle-se2
    //    * oracle-se2-cdb
    //    * postgres
    //    * sqlserver-ee
    //    * sqlserver-se
    //    * sqlserver-ex
    //    * sqlserver-web
    // Engine is a required field
    Engine *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The life cycle type for this DB instance.
    // By default, this value is set to open-source-rds-extended-support, which
    // enrolls your DB instance into Amazon RDS Extended Support. At the end of
    // standard support, you can avoid charges for Extended Support by setting the
    // value to open-source-rds-extended-support-disabled. In this case, creating
    // the DB instance will fail if the DB major version is past its end of standard
    // support date.
    // This setting applies only to RDS for MySQL and RDS for PostgreSQL. For Amazon
    // Aurora DB instances, the life cycle type is managed by the DB cluster.
    // You can use this setting to enroll your DB instance into Amazon RDS Extended
    // Support. With RDS Extended Support, you can run the selected major engine
    // version on your DB instance past the end of standard support for that engine
    // version. For more information, see Using Amazon RDS Extended Support (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/extended-support.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // Valid Values: open-source-rds-extended-support | open-source-rds-extended-support-disabled
    // Default: open-source-rds-extended-support
    EngineLifecycleSupport *string `type:"string"`

    // The version number of the database engine to use.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora DB instances. The version number
    // of the database engine the DB instance uses is managed by the DB cluster.
    // For a list of valid engine versions, use the DescribeDBEngineVersions operation.
    // The following are the database engines and links to information about the
    // major and minor versions that are available with Amazon RDS. Not every database
    // engine is available for every Amazon Web Services Region.
    // Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle
    // A custom engine version (CEV) that you have previously created. This setting
    // is required for RDS Custom for Oracle. The CEV name has the following format:
    // 19.customized_string. A valid CEV name is 19.my_cev1. For more information,
    // see Creating an RDS Custom for Oracle DB instance (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/custom-creating.html#custom-creating.create)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server
    // See RDS Custom for SQL Server general requirements (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/custom-reqs-limits-MS.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // RDS for Db2
    // For information, see Db2 on Amazon RDS versions (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_Db2.html#Db2.Concepts.VersionMgmt)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // RDS for MariaDB
    // For information, see MariaDB on Amazon RDS versions (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_MariaDB.html#MariaDB.Concepts.VersionMgmt)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // RDS for Microsoft SQL Server
    // For information, see Microsoft SQL Server versions on Amazon RDS (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_SQLServer.html#SQLServer.Concepts.General.VersionSupport)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // RDS for MySQL
    // For information, see MySQL on Amazon RDS versions (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_MySQL.html#MySQL.Concepts.VersionMgmt)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // RDS for Oracle
    // For information, see Oracle Database Engine release notes (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Appendix.Oracle.PatchComposition.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // RDS for PostgreSQL
    // For information, see Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL versions and extensions (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_PostgreSQL.html#PostgreSQL.Concepts)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    EngineVersion *string `type:"string"`

    // The amount of Provisioned IOPS (input/output operations per second) to initially
    // allocate for the DB instance. For information about valid IOPS values, see
    // Amazon RDS DB instance storage (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_Storage.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora DB instances. Storage is managed
    // by the DB cluster.
    // Constraints:
    //    * For RDS for Db2, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL - Must be a
    //    multiple between .5 and 50 of the storage amount for the DB instance.
    //    * For RDS for SQL Server - Must be a multiple between 1 and 50 of the
    //    storage amount for the DB instance.
    Iops *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier for an encrypted DB instance.
    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier is the key ARN, key ID, alias
    // ARN, or alias name for the KMS key. To use a KMS key in a different Amazon
    // Web Services account, specify the key ARN or alias ARN.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora DB instances. The Amazon Web
    // Services KMS key identifier is managed by the DB cluster. For more information,
    // see CreateDBCluster.
    // If StorageEncrypted is enabled, and you do not specify a value for the KmsKeyId
    // parameter, then Amazon RDS uses your default KMS key. There is a default
    // KMS key for your Amazon Web Services account. Your Amazon Web Services account
    // has a different default KMS key for each Amazon Web Services Region.
    // For Amazon RDS Custom, a KMS key is required for DB instances. For most RDS
    // engines, if you leave this parameter empty while enabling StorageEncrypted,
    // the engine uses the default KMS key. However, RDS Custom doesn't use the
    // default key when this parameter is empty. You must explicitly specify a key.
    KmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

    // The license model information for this DB instance.
    // License models for RDS for Db2 require additional configuration. The Bring
    // Your Own License (BYOL) model requires a custom parameter group. The Db2
    // license through Amazon Web Services Marketplace model requires an Amazon
    // Web Services Marketplace subscription. For more information, see RDS for
    // Db2 licensing options (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/db2-licensing.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // The default for RDS for Db2 is bring-your-own-license.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora or RDS Custom DB instances.
    // Valid Values:
    //    * RDS for Db2 - bring-your-own-license | marketplace-license
    //    * RDS for MariaDB - general-public-license
    //    * RDS for Microsoft SQL Server - license-included
    //    * RDS for MySQL - general-public-license
    //    * RDS for Oracle - bring-your-own-license | license-included
    //    * RDS for PostgreSQL - postgresql-license
    LicenseModel *string `type:"string"`

    // Specifies whether to manage the master user password with Amazon Web Services
    // Secrets Manager.
    // For more information, see Password management with Amazon Web Services Secrets
    // Manager (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/rds-secrets-manager.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't manage the master user password with Amazon Web Services Secrets
    //    Manager if MasterUserPassword is specified.
    ManageMasterUserPassword *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The password for the master user.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora DB instances. The password for
    // the master user is managed by the DB cluster.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't be specified if ManageMasterUserPassword is turned on.
    //    * Can include any printable ASCII character except "/", """, or "@". For
    //    RDS for Oracle, can't include the "&" (ampersand) or the "'" (single quotes)
    //    character.
    // Length Constraints:
    //    * RDS for Db2 - Must contain from 8 to 255 characters.
    //    * RDS for MariaDB - Must contain from 8 to 41 characters.
    //    * RDS for Microsoft SQL Server - Must contain from 8 to 128 characters.
    //    * RDS for MySQL - Must contain from 8 to 41 characters.
    //    * RDS for Oracle - Must contain from 8 to 30 characters.
    //    * RDS for PostgreSQL - Must contain from 8 to 128 characters.
    MasterUserPassword *string `type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier to encrypt a secret that is automatically
    // generated and managed in Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager.
    // This setting is valid only if the master user password is managed by RDS
    // in Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager for the DB instance.
    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier is the key ARN, key ID, alias
    // ARN, or alias name for the KMS key. To use a KMS key in a different Amazon
    // Web Services account, specify the key ARN or alias ARN.
    // If you don't specify MasterUserSecretKmsKeyId, then the aws/secretsmanager
    // KMS key is used to encrypt the secret. If the secret is in a different Amazon
    // Web Services account, then you can't use the aws/secretsmanager KMS key to
    // encrypt the secret, and you must use a customer managed KMS key.
    // There is a default KMS key for your Amazon Web Services account. Your Amazon
    // Web Services account has a different default KMS key for each Amazon Web
    // Services Region.
    MasterUserSecretKmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

    // The name for the master user.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora DB instances. The name for the
    // master user is managed by the DB cluster.
    // This setting is required for RDS DB instances.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be 1 to 16 letters, numbers, or underscores.
    //    * First character must be a letter.
    //    * Can't be a reserved word for the chosen database engine.
    MasterUsername *string `type:"string"`

    // The upper limit in gibibytes (GiB) to which Amazon RDS can automatically
    // scale the storage of the DB instance.
    // For more information about this setting, including limitations that apply
    // to it, see Managing capacity automatically with Amazon RDS storage autoscaling
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_PIOPS.StorageTypes.html#USER_PIOPS.Autoscaling)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // This setting doesn't apply to the following DB instances:
    //    * Amazon Aurora (Storage is managed by the DB cluster.)
    //    * RDS Custom
    MaxAllocatedStorage *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The interval, in seconds, between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics
    // are collected for the DB instance. To disable collection of Enhanced Monitoring
    // metrics, specify 0.
    // If MonitoringRoleArn is specified, then you must set MonitoringInterval to
    // a value other than 0.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    // Valid Values: 0 | 1 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 30 | 60
    // Default: 0
    MonitoringInterval *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The ARN for the IAM role that permits RDS to send enhanced monitoring metrics
    // to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. For example, arn:aws:iam:123456789012:role/emaccess.
    // For information on creating a monitoring role, see Setting Up and Enabling
    // Enhanced Monitoring (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Monitoring.OS.html#USER_Monitoring.OS.Enabling)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // If MonitoringInterval is set to a value other than 0, then you must supply
    // a MonitoringRoleArn value.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    MonitoringRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

    // Specifies whether the DB instance is a Multi-AZ deployment. You can't set
    // the AvailabilityZone parameter if the DB instance is a Multi-AZ deployment.
    // This setting doesn't apply to the following DB instances:
    //    * Amazon Aurora (DB instance Availability Zones (AZs) are managed by the
    //    DB cluster.)
    //    * RDS Custom
    MultiAZ *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Specifies whether to use the multi-tenant configuration or the single-tenant
    // configuration (default). This parameter only applies to RDS for Oracle container
    // database (CDB) engines.
    // Note the following restrictions:
    //    * The DB engine that you specify in the request must support the multi-tenant
    //    configuration. If you attempt to enable the multi-tenant configuration
    //    on a DB engine that doesn't support it, the request fails.
    //    * If you specify the multi-tenant configuration when you create your DB
    //    instance, you can't later modify this DB instance to use the single-tenant
    //    configuration.
    MultiTenant *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The name of the NCHAR character set for the Oracle DB instance.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    NcharCharacterSetName *string `type:"string"`

    // The network type of the DB instance.
    // The network type is determined by the DBSubnetGroup specified for the DB
    // instance. A DBSubnetGroup can support only the IPv4 protocol or the IPv4
    // and the IPv6 protocols (DUAL).
    // For more information, see Working with a DB instance in a VPC (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_VPC.WorkingWithRDSInstanceinaVPC.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // Valid Values: IPV4 | DUAL
    NetworkType *string `type:"string"`

    // The option group to associate the DB instance with.
    // Permanent options, such as the TDE option for Oracle Advanced Security TDE,
    // can't be removed from an option group. Also, that option group can't be removed
    // from a DB instance after it is associated with a DB instance.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora or RDS Custom DB instances.
    OptionGroupName *string `type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier for encryption of Performance
    // Insights data.
    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier is the key ARN, key ID, alias
    // ARN, or alias name for the KMS key.
    // If you don't specify a value for PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId, then Amazon
    // RDS uses your default KMS key. There is a default KMS key for your Amazon
    // Web Services account. Your Amazon Web Services account has a different default
    // KMS key for each Amazon Web Services Region.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId *string `type:"string"`

    // The number of days to retain Performance Insights data.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    // Valid Values:
    //    * 7
    //    * month * 31, where month is a number of months from 1-23. Examples: 93
    //    (3 months * 31), 341 (11 months * 31), 589 (19 months * 31)
    //    * 731
    // Default: 7 days
    // If you specify a retention period that isn't valid, such as 94, Amazon RDS
    // returns an error.
    PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The port number on which the database accepts connections.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Aurora DB instances. The port number is managed
    // by the cluster.
    // Valid Values: 1150-65535
    // Default:
    //    * RDS for Db2 - 50000
    //    * RDS for MariaDB - 3306
    //    * RDS for Microsoft SQL Server - 1433
    //    * RDS for MySQL - 3306
    //    * RDS for Oracle - 1521
    //    * RDS for PostgreSQL - 5432
    // Constraints:
    //    * For RDS for Microsoft SQL Server, the value can't be 1234, 1434, 3260,
    //    3343, 3389, 47001, or 49152-49156.
    Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The daily time range during which automated backups are created if automated
    // backups are enabled, using the BackupRetentionPeriod parameter. The default
    // is a 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block of time for
    // each Amazon Web Services Region. For more information, see Backup window
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_WorkingWithAutomatedBackups.html#USER_WorkingWithAutomatedBackups.BackupWindow)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora DB instances. The daily time
    // range for creating automated backups is managed by the DB cluster.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be in the format hh24:mi-hh24:mi.
    //    * Must be in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
    //    * Must not conflict with the preferred maintenance window.
    //    * Must be at least 30 minutes.
    PreferredBackupWindow *string `type:"string"`

    // The time range each week during which system maintenance can occur. For more
    // information, see Amazon RDS Maintenance Window (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_UpgradeDBInstance.Maintenance.html#Concepts.DBMaintenance)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // The default is a 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block
    // of time for each Amazon Web Services Region, occurring on a random day of
    // the week.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be in the format ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi.
    //    * The day values must be mon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat | sun.
    //    * Must be in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
    //    * Must not conflict with the preferred backup window.
    //    * Must be at least 30 minutes.
    PreferredMaintenanceWindow *string `type:"string"`

    // The number of CPU cores and the number of threads per core for the DB instance
    // class of the DB instance.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora or RDS Custom DB instances.
    ProcessorFeatures []*ProcessorFeature `locationNameList:"ProcessorFeature" type:"list"`

    // The order of priority in which an Aurora Replica is promoted to the primary
    // instance after a failure of the existing primary instance. For more information,
    // see Fault Tolerance for an Aurora DB Cluster (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/Concepts.AuroraHighAvailability.html#Aurora.Managing.FaultTolerance)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    // Default: 1
    // Valid Values: 0 - 15
    PromotionTier *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // Specifies whether the DB instance is publicly accessible.
    // When the DB instance is publicly accessible and you connect from outside
    // of the DB instance's virtual private cloud (VPC), its Domain Name System
    // (DNS) endpoint resolves to the public IP address. When you connect from within
    // the same VPC as the DB instance, the endpoint resolves to the private IP
    // address. Access to the DB instance is ultimately controlled by the security
    // group it uses. That public access is not permitted if the security group
    // assigned to the DB instance doesn't permit it.
    // When the DB instance isn't publicly accessible, it is an internal DB instance
    // with a DNS name that resolves to a private IP address.
    // Default: The default behavior varies depending on whether DBSubnetGroupName
    // is specified.
    // If DBSubnetGroupName isn't specified, and PubliclyAccessible isn't specified,
    // the following applies:
    //    * If the default VPC in the target Region doesn’t have an internet gateway
    //    attached to it, the DB instance is private.
    //    * If the default VPC in the target Region has an internet gateway attached
    //    to it, the DB instance is public.
    // If DBSubnetGroupName is specified, and PubliclyAccessible isn't specified,
    // the following applies:
    //    * If the subnets are part of a VPC that doesn’t have an internet gateway
    //    attached to it, the DB instance is private.
    //    * If the subnets are part of a VPC that has an internet gateway attached
    //    to it, the DB instance is public.
    PubliclyAccessible *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Specifes whether the DB instance is encrypted. By default, it isn't encrypted.
    // For RDS Custom DB instances, either enable this setting or leave it unset.
    // Otherwise, Amazon RDS reports an error.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora DB instances. The encryption
    // for DB instances is managed by the DB cluster.
    StorageEncrypted *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The storage throughput value for the DB instance.
    // This setting applies only to the gp3 storage type.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora or RDS Custom DB instances.
    StorageThroughput *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The storage type to associate with the DB instance.
    // If you specify io1, io2, or gp3, you must also include a value for the Iops
    // parameter.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora DB instances. Storage is managed
    // by the DB cluster.
    // Valid Values: gp2 | gp3 | io1 | io2 | standard
    // Default: io1, if the Iops parameter is specified. Otherwise, gp2.
    StorageType *string `type:"string"`

    // Tags to assign to the DB instance.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`

    // The ARN from the key store with which to associate the instance for TDE encryption.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora or RDS Custom DB instances.
    TdeCredentialArn *string `type:"string"`

    // The password for the given ARN from the key store in order to access the
    // device.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    TdeCredentialPassword *string `type:"string"`

    // The time zone of the DB instance. The time zone parameter is currently supported
    // only by RDS for Db2 (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/db2-time-zone)
    // and RDS for SQL Server (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_SQLServer.html#SQLServer.Concepts.General.TimeZone).
    Timezone *string `type:"string"`

    // A list of Amazon EC2 VPC security groups to associate with this DB instance.
    // This setting doesn't apply to Amazon Aurora DB instances. The associated
    // list of EC2 VPC security groups is managed by the DB cluster.
    // Default: The default EC2 VPC security group for the DB subnet group's VPC.
    VpcSecurityGroupIds []*string `locationNameList:"VpcSecurityGroupId" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBInstanceInput) GoString

func (s CreateDBInstanceInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetAllocatedStorage

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetAllocatedStorage(v int64) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetAllocatedStorage sets the AllocatedStorage field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade sets the AutoMinorVersionUpgrade field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetAvailabilityZone

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetAvailabilityZone(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetAvailabilityZone sets the AvailabilityZone field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetBackupRetentionPeriod

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetBackupRetentionPeriod(v int64) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetBackupRetentionPeriod sets the BackupRetentionPeriod field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetBackupTarget

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetBackupTarget(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetBackupTarget sets the BackupTarget field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetCACertificateIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetCACertificateIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetCACertificateIdentifier sets the CACertificateIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetCharacterSetName

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetCharacterSetName(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetCharacterSetName sets the CharacterSetName field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetCopyTagsToSnapshot

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetCopyTagsToSnapshot(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetCopyTagsToSnapshot sets the CopyTagsToSnapshot field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetCustomIamInstanceProfile

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetCustomIamInstanceProfile(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetCustomIamInstanceProfile sets the CustomIamInstanceProfile field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDBClusterIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDBClusterIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetDBClusterIdentifier sets the DBClusterIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDBInstanceClass

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDBInstanceClass(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetDBInstanceClass sets the DBInstanceClass field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDBInstanceIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDBInstanceIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetDBInstanceIdentifier sets the DBInstanceIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDBName

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDBName(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetDBName sets the DBName field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDBParameterGroupName

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDBParameterGroupName(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetDBParameterGroupName sets the DBParameterGroupName field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDBSecurityGroups

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDBSecurityGroups(v []*string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetDBSecurityGroups sets the DBSecurityGroups field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDBSubnetGroupName

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDBSubnetGroupName(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetDBSubnetGroupName sets the DBSubnetGroupName field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDBSystemId

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDBSystemId(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetDBSystemId sets the DBSystemId field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDedicatedLogVolume

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDedicatedLogVolume(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetDedicatedLogVolume sets the DedicatedLogVolume field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDeletionProtection

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDeletionProtection(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetDeletionProtection sets the DeletionProtection field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDomain

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDomain(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetDomain sets the Domain field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDomainAuthSecretArn

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDomainAuthSecretArn(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetDomainAuthSecretArn sets the DomainAuthSecretArn field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDomainDnsIps

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDomainDnsIps(v []*string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetDomainDnsIps sets the DomainDnsIps field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDomainFqdn

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDomainFqdn(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetDomainFqdn sets the DomainFqdn field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDomainIAMRoleName

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDomainIAMRoleName(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetDomainIAMRoleName sets the DomainIAMRoleName field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDomainOu

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetDomainOu(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetDomainOu sets the DomainOu field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetEnableCloudwatchLogsExports

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetEnableCloudwatchLogsExports(v []*string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetEnableCloudwatchLogsExports sets the EnableCloudwatchLogsExports field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetEnableCustomerOwnedIp

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetEnableCustomerOwnedIp(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetEnableCustomerOwnedIp sets the EnableCustomerOwnedIp field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetEnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetEnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetEnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication sets the EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetEnablePerformanceInsights

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetEnablePerformanceInsights(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetEnablePerformanceInsights sets the EnablePerformanceInsights field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetEngine

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetEngine(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetEngine sets the Engine field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetEngineLifecycleSupport

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetEngineLifecycleSupport(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetEngineLifecycleSupport sets the EngineLifecycleSupport field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetEngineVersion

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetEngineVersion(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetEngineVersion sets the EngineVersion field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetIops

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetIops(v int64) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetIops sets the Iops field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetKmsKeyId

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetKmsKeyId(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetKmsKeyId sets the KmsKeyId field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetLicenseModel

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetLicenseModel(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetLicenseModel sets the LicenseModel field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetManageMasterUserPassword

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetManageMasterUserPassword(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetManageMasterUserPassword sets the ManageMasterUserPassword field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetMasterUserPassword

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetMasterUserPassword(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetMasterUserPassword sets the MasterUserPassword field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetMasterUserSecretKmsKeyId

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetMasterUserSecretKmsKeyId(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetMasterUserSecretKmsKeyId sets the MasterUserSecretKmsKeyId field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetMasterUsername

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetMasterUsername(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetMasterUsername sets the MasterUsername field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetMaxAllocatedStorage

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetMaxAllocatedStorage(v int64) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetMaxAllocatedStorage sets the MaxAllocatedStorage field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetMonitoringInterval

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetMonitoringInterval(v int64) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetMonitoringInterval sets the MonitoringInterval field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetMonitoringRoleArn

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetMonitoringRoleArn(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetMonitoringRoleArn sets the MonitoringRoleArn field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetMultiAZ

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetMultiAZ(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetMultiAZ sets the MultiAZ field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetMultiTenant

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetMultiTenant(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetMultiTenant sets the MultiTenant field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetNcharCharacterSetName

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetNcharCharacterSetName(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetNcharCharacterSetName sets the NcharCharacterSetName field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetNetworkType

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetNetworkType(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetNetworkType sets the NetworkType field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetOptionGroupName

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetOptionGroupName(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetOptionGroupName sets the OptionGroupName field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetPerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetPerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetPerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId sets the PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetPerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetPerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod(v int64) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetPerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod sets the PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetPort

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetPort(v int64) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetPreferredBackupWindow

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetPreferredBackupWindow(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetPreferredBackupWindow sets the PreferredBackupWindow field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow sets the PreferredMaintenanceWindow field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetProcessorFeatures

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetProcessorFeatures(v []*ProcessorFeature) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetProcessorFeatures sets the ProcessorFeatures field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetPromotionTier

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetPromotionTier(v int64) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetPromotionTier sets the PromotionTier field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetPubliclyAccessible

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetPubliclyAccessible(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetPubliclyAccessible sets the PubliclyAccessible field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetStorageEncrypted

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetStorageEncrypted(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetStorageEncrypted sets the StorageEncrypted field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetStorageThroughput

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetStorageThroughput(v int64) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetStorageThroughput sets the StorageThroughput field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetStorageType

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetStorageType(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetStorageType sets the StorageType field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetTdeCredentialArn

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetTdeCredentialArn(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetTdeCredentialArn sets the TdeCredentialArn field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetTdeCredentialPassword

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetTdeCredentialPassword(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetTdeCredentialPassword sets the TdeCredentialPassword field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetTimezone

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetTimezone(v string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetTimezone sets the Timezone field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) SetVpcSecurityGroupIds

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) SetVpcSecurityGroupIds(v []*string) *CreateDBInstanceInput

SetVpcSecurityGroupIds sets the VpcSecurityGroupIds field's value.

func (CreateDBInstanceInput) String

func (s CreateDBInstanceInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBInstanceInput) Validate

func (s *CreateDBInstanceInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateDBInstanceOutput

type CreateDBInstanceOutput struct {

    // Contains the details of an Amazon RDS DB instance.
    // This data type is used as a response element in the operations CreateDBInstance,
    // CreateDBInstanceReadReplica, DeleteDBInstance, DescribeDBInstances, ModifyDBInstance,
    // PromoteReadReplica, RebootDBInstance, RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot, RestoreDBInstanceFromS3,
    // RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime, StartDBInstance, and StopDBInstance.
    DBInstance *DBInstance `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBInstanceOutput) GoString

func (s CreateDBInstanceOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBInstanceOutput) SetDBInstance

func (s *CreateDBInstanceOutput) SetDBInstance(v *DBInstance) *CreateDBInstanceOutput

SetDBInstance sets the DBInstance field's value.

func (CreateDBInstanceOutput) String

func (s CreateDBInstanceOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

type CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput struct {

    // The amount of storage (in gibibytes) to allocate initially for the read replica.
    // Follow the allocation rules specified in CreateDBInstance.
    // Be sure to allocate enough storage for your read replica so that the create
    // operation can succeed. You can also allocate additional storage for future
    // growth.
    AllocatedStorage *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // Specifies whether to automatically apply minor engine upgrades to the read
    // replica during the maintenance window.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    // Default: Inherits the value from the source DB instance.
    AutoMinorVersionUpgrade *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The Availability Zone (AZ) where the read replica will be created.
    // Default: A random, system-chosen Availability Zone in the endpoint's Amazon
    // Web Services Region.
    // Example: us-east-1d
    AvailabilityZone *string `type:"string"`

    // The CA certificate identifier to use for the read replica's server certificate.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    // For more information, see Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to a DB instance
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide and Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to
    // a DB cluster (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    CACertificateIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // Specifies whether to copy all tags from the read replica to snapshots of
    // the read replica. By default, tags aren't copied.
    CopyTagsToSnapshot *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The instance profile associated with the underlying Amazon EC2 instance of
    // an RDS Custom DB instance. The instance profile must meet the following requirements:
    //    * The profile must exist in your account.
    //    * The profile must have an IAM role that Amazon EC2 has permissions to
    //    assume.
    //    * The instance profile name and the associated IAM role name must start
    //    with the prefix AWSRDSCustom.
    // For the list of permissions required for the IAM role, see Configure IAM
    // and your VPC (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/custom-setup-orcl.html#custom-setup-orcl.iam-vpc)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // This setting is required for RDS Custom DB instances.
    CustomIamInstanceProfile *string `type:"string"`

    // The compute and memory capacity of the read replica, for example db.m4.large.
    // Not all DB instance classes are available in all Amazon Web Services Regions,
    // or for all database engines. For the full list of DB instance classes, and
    // availability for your engine, see DB Instance Class (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.DBInstanceClass.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // Default: Inherits the value from the source DB instance.
    DBInstanceClass *string `type:"string"`

    // The DB instance identifier of the read replica. This identifier is the unique
    // key that identifies a DB instance. This parameter is stored as a lowercase
    // string.
    // DBInstanceIdentifier is a required field
    DBInstanceIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The name of the DB parameter group to associate with this DB instance.
    // If you don't specify a value for DBParameterGroupName, then Amazon RDS uses
    // the DBParameterGroup of the source DB instance for a same Region read replica,
    // or the default DBParameterGroup for the specified DB engine for a cross-Region
    // read replica.
    // Specifying a parameter group for this operation is only supported for MySQL
    // DB instances for cross-Region read replicas and for Oracle DB instances.
    // It isn't supported for MySQL DB instances for same Region read replicas or
    // for RDS Custom.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be 1 to 255 letters, numbers, or hyphens.
    //    * First character must be a letter.
    //    * Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
    DBParameterGroupName *string `type:"string"`

    // A DB subnet group for the DB instance. The new DB instance is created in
    // the VPC associated with the DB subnet group. If no DB subnet group is specified,
    // then the new DB instance isn't created in a VPC.
    // Constraints:
    //    * If supplied, must match the name of an existing DB subnet group.
    //    * The specified DB subnet group must be in the same Amazon Web Services
    //    Region in which the operation is running.
    //    * All read replicas in one Amazon Web Services Region that are created
    //    from the same source DB instance must either: Specify DB subnet groups
    //    from the same VPC. All these read replicas are created in the same VPC.
    //    Not specify a DB subnet group. All these read replicas are created outside
    //    of any VPC.
    // Example: mydbsubnetgroup
    DBSubnetGroupName *string `type:"string"`

    // Indicates whether the DB instance has a dedicated log volume (DLV) enabled.
    DedicatedLogVolume *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Specifies whether to enable deletion protection for the DB instance. The
    // database can't be deleted when deletion protection is enabled. By default,
    // deletion protection isn't enabled. For more information, see Deleting a DB
    // Instance (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_DeleteInstance.html).
    DeletionProtection *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // DestinationRegion is used for presigning the request to a given region.
    DestinationRegion *string `type:"string"`

    // The Active Directory directory ID to create the DB instance in. Currently,
    // only MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL DB instances can
    // be created in an Active Directory Domain.
    // For more information, see Kerberos Authentication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/kerberos-authentication.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    Domain *string `type:"string"`

    // The ARN for the Secrets Manager secret with the credentials for the user
    // joining the domain.
    // Example: arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:account-number:secret:myselfmanagedADtestsecret-123456
    DomainAuthSecretArn *string `type:"string"`

    // The IPv4 DNS IP addresses of your primary and secondary Active Directory
    // domain controllers.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Two IP addresses must be provided. If there isn't a secondary domain
    //    controller, use the IP address of the primary domain controller for both
    //    entries in the list.
    // Example:,
    DomainDnsIps []*string `type:"list"`

    // The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of an Active Directory domain.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't be longer than 64 characters.
    // Example: mymanagedADtest.mymanagedAD.mydomain
    DomainFqdn *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of the IAM role to use when making API calls to the Directory Service.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    DomainIAMRoleName *string `type:"string"`

    // The Active Directory organizational unit for your DB instance to join.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be in the distinguished name format.
    //    * Can't be longer than 64 characters.
    // Example: OU=mymanagedADtestOU,DC=mymanagedADtest,DC=mymanagedAD,DC=mydomain
    DomainOu *string `type:"string"`

    // The list of logs that the new DB instance is to export to CloudWatch Logs.
    // The values in the list depend on the DB engine being used. For more information,
    // see Publishing Database Logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_LogAccess.html#USER_LogAccess.Procedural.UploadtoCloudWatch)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    EnableCloudwatchLogsExports []*string `type:"list"`

    // Specifies whether to enable a customer-owned IP address (CoIP) for an RDS
    // on Outposts read replica.
    // A CoIP provides local or external connectivity to resources in your Outpost
    // subnets through your on-premises network. For some use cases, a CoIP can
    // provide lower latency for connections to the read replica from outside of
    // its virtual private cloud (VPC) on your local network.
    // For more information about RDS on Outposts, see Working with Amazon RDS on
    // Amazon Web Services Outposts (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/rds-on-outposts.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // For more information about CoIPs, see Customer-owned IP addresses (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/outposts/latest/userguide/routing.html#ip-addressing)
    // in the Amazon Web Services Outposts User Guide.
    EnableCustomerOwnedIp *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Specifies whether to enable mapping of Amazon Web Services Identity and Access
    // Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts. By default, mapping isn't
    // enabled.
    // For more information about IAM database authentication, see IAM Database
    // Authentication for MySQL and PostgreSQL (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.IAMDBAuth.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Specifies whether to enable Performance Insights for the read replica.
    // For more information, see Using Amazon Performance Insights (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_PerfInsights.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    EnablePerformanceInsights *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The amount of Provisioned IOPS (input/output operations per second) to initially
    // allocate for the DB instance.
    Iops *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier for an encrypted read replica.
    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier is the key ARN, key ID, alias
    // ARN, or alias name for the KMS key.
    // If you create an encrypted read replica in the same Amazon Web Services Region
    // as the source DB instance or Multi-AZ DB cluster, don't specify a value for
    // this parameter. A read replica in the same Amazon Web Services Region is
    // always encrypted with the same KMS key as the source DB instance or cluster.
    // If you create an encrypted read replica in a different Amazon Web Services
    // Region, then you must specify a KMS key identifier for the destination Amazon
    // Web Services Region. KMS keys are specific to the Amazon Web Services Region
    // that they are created in, and you can't use KMS keys from one Amazon Web
    // Services Region in another Amazon Web Services Region.
    // You can't create an encrypted read replica from an unencrypted DB instance
    // or Multi-AZ DB cluster.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom, which uses the same KMS key as
    // the primary replica.
    KmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

    // The upper limit in gibibytes (GiB) to which Amazon RDS can automatically
    // scale the storage of the DB instance.
    // For more information about this setting, including limitations that apply
    // to it, see Managing capacity automatically with Amazon RDS storage autoscaling
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_PIOPS.StorageTypes.html#USER_PIOPS.Autoscaling)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    MaxAllocatedStorage *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The interval, in seconds, between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics
    // are collected for the read replica. To disable collection of Enhanced Monitoring
    // metrics, specify 0. The default is 0.
    // If MonitoringRoleArn is specified, then you must set MonitoringInterval to
    // a value other than 0.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    // Valid Values: 0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60
    // Default: 0
    MonitoringInterval *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The ARN for the IAM role that permits RDS to send enhanced monitoring metrics
    // to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. For example, arn:aws:iam:123456789012:role/emaccess.
    // For information on creating a monitoring role, go to To create an IAM role
    // for Amazon RDS Enhanced Monitoring (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Monitoring.html#USER_Monitoring.OS.IAMRole)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // If MonitoringInterval is set to a value other than 0, then you must supply
    // a MonitoringRoleArn value.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    MonitoringRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

    // Specifies whether the read replica is in a Multi-AZ deployment.
    // You can create a read replica as a Multi-AZ DB instance. RDS creates a standby
    // of your replica in another Availability Zone for failover support for the
    // replica. Creating your read replica as a Multi-AZ DB instance is independent
    // of whether the source is a Multi-AZ DB instance or a Multi-AZ DB cluster.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    MultiAZ *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The network type of the DB instance.
    // Valid Values:
    //    * IPV4
    //    * DUAL
    // The network type is determined by the DBSubnetGroup specified for read replica.
    // A DBSubnetGroup can support only the IPv4 protocol or the IPv4 and the IPv6
    // protocols (DUAL).
    // For more information, see Working with a DB instance in a VPC (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_VPC.WorkingWithRDSInstanceinaVPC.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    NetworkType *string `type:"string"`

    // The option group to associate the DB instance with. If not specified, RDS
    // uses the option group associated with the source DB instance or cluster.
    // For SQL Server, you must use the option group associated with the source.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    OptionGroupName *string `type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier for encryption of Performance
    // Insights data.
    // The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier is the key ARN, key ID, alias
    // ARN, or alias name for the KMS key.
    // If you do not specify a value for PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId, then Amazon
    // RDS uses your default KMS key. There is a default KMS key for your Amazon
    // Web Services account. Your Amazon Web Services account has a different default
    // KMS key for each Amazon Web Services Region.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId *string `type:"string"`

    // The number of days to retain Performance Insights data.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    // Valid Values:
    //    * 7
    //    * month * 31, where month is a number of months from 1-23. Examples: 93
    //    (3 months * 31), 341 (11 months * 31), 589 (19 months * 31)
    //    * 731
    // Default: 7 days
    // If you specify a retention period that isn't valid, such as 94, Amazon RDS
    // returns an error.
    PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The port number that the DB instance uses for connections.
    // Valid Values: 1150-65535
    // Default: Inherits the value from the source DB instance.
    Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // When you are creating a read replica from one Amazon Web Services GovCloud
    // (US) Region to another or from one China Amazon Web Services Region to another,
    // the URL that contains a Signature Version 4 signed request for the CreateDBInstanceReadReplica
    // API operation in the source Amazon Web Services Region that contains the
    // source DB instance.
    // This setting applies only to Amazon Web Services GovCloud (US) Regions and
    // China Amazon Web Services Regions. It's ignored in other Amazon Web Services
    // Regions.
    // This setting applies only when replicating from a source DB instance. Source
    // DB clusters aren't supported in Amazon Web Services GovCloud (US) Regions
    // and China Amazon Web Services Regions.
    // You must specify this parameter when you create an encrypted read replica
    // from another Amazon Web Services Region by using the Amazon RDS API. Don't
    // specify PreSignedUrl when you are creating an encrypted read replica in the
    // same Amazon Web Services Region.
    // The presigned URL must be a valid request for the CreateDBInstanceReadReplica
    // API operation that can run in the source Amazon Web Services Region that
    // contains the encrypted source DB instance. The presigned URL request must
    // contain the following parameter values:
    //    * DestinationRegion - The Amazon Web Services Region that the encrypted
    //    read replica is created in. This Amazon Web Services Region is the same
    //    one where the CreateDBInstanceReadReplica operation is called that contains
    //    this presigned URL. For example, if you create an encrypted DB instance
    //    in the us-west-1 Amazon Web Services Region, from a source DB instance
    //    in the us-east-2 Amazon Web Services Region, then you call the CreateDBInstanceReadReplica
    //    operation in the us-east-1 Amazon Web Services Region and provide a presigned
    //    URL that contains a call to the CreateDBInstanceReadReplica operation
    //    in the us-west-2 Amazon Web Services Region. For this example, the DestinationRegion
    //    in the presigned URL must be set to the us-east-1 Amazon Web Services
    //    Region.
    //    * KmsKeyId - The KMS key identifier for the key to use to encrypt the
    //    read replica in the destination Amazon Web Services Region. This is the
    //    same identifier for both the CreateDBInstanceReadReplica operation that
    //    is called in the destination Amazon Web Services Region, and the operation
    //    contained in the presigned URL.
    //    * SourceDBInstanceIdentifier - The DB instance identifier for the encrypted
    //    DB instance to be replicated. This identifier must be in the Amazon Resource
    //    Name (ARN) format for the source Amazon Web Services Region. For example,
    //    if you are creating an encrypted read replica from a DB instance in the
    //    us-west-2 Amazon Web Services Region, then your SourceDBInstanceIdentifier
    //    looks like the following example: arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:123456789012:instance:mysql-instance1-20161115.
    // To learn how to generate a Signature Version 4 signed request, see Authenticating
    // Requests: Using Query Parameters (Amazon Web Services Signature Version 4)
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-query-string-auth.html)
    // and Signature Version 4 Signing Process (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-4.html).
    // If you are using an Amazon Web Services SDK tool or the CLI, you can specify
    // SourceRegion (or --source-region for the CLI) instead of specifying PreSignedUrl
    // manually. Specifying SourceRegion autogenerates a presigned URL that is a
    // valid request for the operation that can run in the source Amazon Web Services
    // Region.
    // SourceRegion isn't supported for SQL Server, because Amazon RDS for SQL Server
    // doesn't support cross-Region read replicas.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    PreSignedUrl *string `type:"string"`

    // The number of CPU cores and the number of threads per core for the DB instance
    // class of the DB instance.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    ProcessorFeatures []*ProcessorFeature `locationNameList:"ProcessorFeature" type:"list"`

    // Specifies whether the DB instance is publicly accessible.
    // When the DB cluster is publicly accessible, its Domain Name System (DNS)
    // endpoint resolves to the private IP address from within the DB cluster's
    // virtual private cloud (VPC). It resolves to the public IP address from outside
    // of the DB cluster's VPC. Access to the DB cluster is ultimately controlled
    // by the security group it uses. That public access isn't permitted if the
    // security group assigned to the DB cluster doesn't permit it.
    // When the DB instance isn't publicly accessible, it is an internal DB instance
    // with a DNS name that resolves to a private IP address.
    // For more information, see CreateDBInstance.
    PubliclyAccessible *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The open mode of the replica database: mounted or read-only.
    // This parameter is only supported for Oracle DB instances.
    // Mounted DB replicas are included in Oracle Database Enterprise Edition. The
    // main use case for mounted replicas is cross-Region disaster recovery. The
    // primary database doesn't use Active Data Guard to transmit information to
    // the mounted replica. Because it doesn't accept user connections, a mounted
    // replica can't serve a read-only workload.
    // You can create a combination of mounted and read-only DB replicas for the
    // same primary DB instance. For more information, see Working with Oracle Read
    // Replicas for Amazon RDS (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/oracle-read-replicas.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    // For RDS Custom, you must specify this parameter and set it to mounted. The
    // value won't be set by default. After replica creation, you can manage the
    // open mode manually.
    ReplicaMode *string `type:"string" enum:"ReplicaMode"`

    // The identifier of the Multi-AZ DB cluster that will act as the source for
    // the read replica. Each DB cluster can have up to 15 read replicas.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be the identifier of an existing Multi-AZ DB cluster.
    //    * Can't be specified if the SourceDBInstanceIdentifier parameter is also
    //    specified.
    //    * The specified DB cluster must have automatic backups enabled, that is,
    //    its backup retention period must be greater than 0.
    //    * The source DB cluster must be in the same Amazon Web Services Region
    //    as the read replica. Cross-Region replication isn't supported.
    SourceDBClusterIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // The identifier of the DB instance that will act as the source for the read
    // replica. Each DB instance can have up to 15 read replicas, with the exception
    // of Oracle and SQL Server, which can have up to five.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be the identifier of an existing Db2, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL,
    //    or SQL Server DB instance.
    //    * Can't be specified if the SourceDBClusterIdentifier parameter is also
    //    specified.
    //    * For the limitations of Oracle read replicas, see Version and licensing
    //    considerations for RDS for Oracle replicas (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/oracle-read-replicas.limitations.html#oracle-read-replicas.limitations.versions-and-licenses)
    //    in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    //    * For the limitations of SQL Server read replicas, see Read replica limitations
    //    with SQL Server (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/SQLServer.ReadReplicas.html#SQLServer.ReadReplicas.Limitations)
    //    in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    //    * The specified DB instance must have automatic backups enabled, that
    //    is, its backup retention period must be greater than 0.
    //    * If the source DB instance is in the same Amazon Web Services Region
    //    as the read replica, specify a valid DB instance identifier.
    //    * If the source DB instance is in a different Amazon Web Services Region
    //    from the read replica, specify a valid DB instance ARN. For more information,
    //    see Constructing an ARN for Amazon RDS (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.ARN.html#USER_Tagging.ARN.Constructing)
    //    in the Amazon RDS User Guide. This doesn't apply to SQL Server or RDS
    //    Custom, which don't support cross-Region replicas.
    SourceDBInstanceIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // SourceRegion is the source region where the resource exists. This is not
    // sent over the wire and is only used for presigning. This value should always
    // have the same region as the source ARN.
    SourceRegion *string `type:"string" ignore:"true"`

    // Specifies the storage throughput value for the read replica.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom or Amazon Aurora DB instances.
    StorageThroughput *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The storage type to associate with the read replica.
    // If you specify io1, io2, or gp3, you must also include a value for the Iops
    // parameter.
    // Valid Values: gp2 | gp3 | io1 | io2 | standard
    // Default: io1 if the Iops parameter is specified. Otherwise, gp2.
    StorageType *string `type:"string"`

    // A list of tags. For more information, see Tagging Amazon RDS Resources (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`

    // Whether to upgrade the storage file system configuration on the read replica.
    // This option migrates the read replica from the old storage file system layout
    // to the preferred layout.
    UpgradeStorageConfig *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // Specifies whether the DB instance class of the DB instance uses its default
    // processor features.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    UseDefaultProcessorFeatures *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // A list of Amazon EC2 VPC security groups to associate with the read replica.
    // This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom DB instances.
    // Default: The default EC2 VPC security group for the DB subnet group's VPC.
    VpcSecurityGroupIds []*string `locationNameList:"VpcSecurityGroupId" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) GoString

func (s CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetAllocatedStorage

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetAllocatedStorage(v int64) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetAllocatedStorage sets the AllocatedStorage field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade sets the AutoMinorVersionUpgrade field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetAvailabilityZone

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetAvailabilityZone(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetAvailabilityZone sets the AvailabilityZone field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetCACertificateIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetCACertificateIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetCACertificateIdentifier sets the CACertificateIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetCopyTagsToSnapshot

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetCopyTagsToSnapshot(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetCopyTagsToSnapshot sets the CopyTagsToSnapshot field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetCustomIamInstanceProfile

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetCustomIamInstanceProfile(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetCustomIamInstanceProfile sets the CustomIamInstanceProfile field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDBInstanceClass

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDBInstanceClass(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetDBInstanceClass sets the DBInstanceClass field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDBInstanceIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDBInstanceIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetDBInstanceIdentifier sets the DBInstanceIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDBParameterGroupName

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDBParameterGroupName(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetDBParameterGroupName sets the DBParameterGroupName field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDBSubnetGroupName

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDBSubnetGroupName(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetDBSubnetGroupName sets the DBSubnetGroupName field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDedicatedLogVolume

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDedicatedLogVolume(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetDedicatedLogVolume sets the DedicatedLogVolume field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDeletionProtection

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDeletionProtection(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetDeletionProtection sets the DeletionProtection field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDestinationRegion

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDestinationRegion(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetDestinationRegion sets the DestinationRegion field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDomain

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDomain(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetDomain sets the Domain field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDomainAuthSecretArn

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDomainAuthSecretArn(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetDomainAuthSecretArn sets the DomainAuthSecretArn field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDomainDnsIps

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDomainDnsIps(v []*string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetDomainDnsIps sets the DomainDnsIps field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDomainFqdn

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDomainFqdn(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetDomainFqdn sets the DomainFqdn field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDomainIAMRoleName

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDomainIAMRoleName(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetDomainIAMRoleName sets the DomainIAMRoleName field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDomainOu

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetDomainOu(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetDomainOu sets the DomainOu field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetEnableCloudwatchLogsExports

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetEnableCloudwatchLogsExports(v []*string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetEnableCloudwatchLogsExports sets the EnableCloudwatchLogsExports field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetEnableCustomerOwnedIp

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetEnableCustomerOwnedIp(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetEnableCustomerOwnedIp sets the EnableCustomerOwnedIp field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetEnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetEnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetEnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication sets the EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetEnablePerformanceInsights

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetEnablePerformanceInsights(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetEnablePerformanceInsights sets the EnablePerformanceInsights field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetIops

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetIops(v int64) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetIops sets the Iops field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetKmsKeyId

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetKmsKeyId(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetKmsKeyId sets the KmsKeyId field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetMaxAllocatedStorage

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetMaxAllocatedStorage(v int64) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetMaxAllocatedStorage sets the MaxAllocatedStorage field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetMonitoringInterval

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetMonitoringInterval(v int64) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetMonitoringInterval sets the MonitoringInterval field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetMonitoringRoleArn

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetMonitoringRoleArn(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetMonitoringRoleArn sets the MonitoringRoleArn field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetMultiAZ

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetMultiAZ(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetMultiAZ sets the MultiAZ field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetNetworkType

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetNetworkType(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetNetworkType sets the NetworkType field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetOptionGroupName

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetOptionGroupName(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetOptionGroupName sets the OptionGroupName field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetPerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetPerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetPerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId sets the PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetPerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetPerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod(v int64) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetPerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod sets the PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetPort

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetPort(v int64) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetPreSignedUrl

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetPreSignedUrl(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetPreSignedUrl sets the PreSignedUrl field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetProcessorFeatures

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetProcessorFeatures(v []*ProcessorFeature) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetProcessorFeatures sets the ProcessorFeatures field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetPubliclyAccessible

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetPubliclyAccessible(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetPubliclyAccessible sets the PubliclyAccessible field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetReplicaMode

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetReplicaMode(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetReplicaMode sets the ReplicaMode field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetSourceDBClusterIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetSourceDBClusterIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetSourceDBClusterIdentifier sets the SourceDBClusterIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetSourceDBInstanceIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetSourceDBInstanceIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetSourceDBInstanceIdentifier sets the SourceDBInstanceIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetSourceRegion

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetSourceRegion(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetSourceRegion sets the SourceRegion field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetStorageThroughput

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetStorageThroughput(v int64) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetStorageThroughput sets the StorageThroughput field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetStorageType

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetStorageType(v string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetStorageType sets the StorageType field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetUpgradeStorageConfig

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetUpgradeStorageConfig(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetUpgradeStorageConfig sets the UpgradeStorageConfig field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetUseDefaultProcessorFeatures

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetUseDefaultProcessorFeatures(v bool) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetUseDefaultProcessorFeatures sets the UseDefaultProcessorFeatures field's value.

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetVpcSecurityGroupIds

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) SetVpcSecurityGroupIds(v []*string) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput

SetVpcSecurityGroupIds sets the VpcSecurityGroupIds field's value.

func (CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) String

func (s CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) Validate

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaOutput

type CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaOutput struct {

    // Contains the details of an Amazon RDS DB instance.
    // This data type is used as a response element in the operations CreateDBInstance,
    // CreateDBInstanceReadReplica, DeleteDBInstance, DescribeDBInstances, ModifyDBInstance,
    // PromoteReadReplica, RebootDBInstance, RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot, RestoreDBInstanceFromS3,
    // RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime, StartDBInstance, and StopDBInstance.
    DBInstance *DBInstance `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaOutput) GoString

func (s CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaOutput) SetDBInstance

func (s *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaOutput) SetDBInstance(v *DBInstance) *CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaOutput

SetDBInstance sets the DBInstance field's value.

func (CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaOutput) String

func (s CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateDBParameterGroupInput

type CreateDBParameterGroupInput struct {

    // The DB parameter group family name. A DB parameter group can be associated
    // with one and only one DB parameter group family, and can be applied only
    // to a DB instance running a database engine and engine version compatible
    // with that DB parameter group family.
    // To list all of the available parameter group families for a DB engine, use
    // the following command:
    // aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --query "DBEngineVersions[].DBParameterGroupFamily"
    // --engine <engine>
    // For example, to list all of the available parameter group families for the
    // MySQL DB engine, use the following command:
    // aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --query "DBEngineVersions[].DBParameterGroupFamily"
    // --engine mysql
    // The output contains duplicates.
    // The following are the valid DB engine values:
    //    * aurora-mysql
    //    * aurora-postgresql
    //    * db2-ae
    //    * db2-se
    //    * mysql
    //    * oracle-ee
    //    * oracle-ee-cdb
    //    * oracle-se2
    //    * oracle-se2-cdb
    //    * postgres
    //    * sqlserver-ee
    //    * sqlserver-se
    //    * sqlserver-ex
    //    * sqlserver-web
    // DBParameterGroupFamily is a required field
    DBParameterGroupFamily *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The name of the DB parameter group.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be 1 to 255 letters, numbers, or hyphens.
    //    * First character must be a letter
    //    * Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
    // This value is stored as a lowercase string.
    // DBParameterGroupName is a required field
    DBParameterGroupName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The description for the DB parameter group.
    // Description is a required field
    Description *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Tags to assign to the DB parameter group.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBParameterGroupInput) GoString

func (s CreateDBParameterGroupInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBParameterGroupInput) SetDBParameterGroupFamily

func (s *CreateDBParameterGroupInput) SetDBParameterGroupFamily(v string) *CreateDBParameterGroupInput

SetDBParameterGroupFamily sets the DBParameterGroupFamily field's value.

func (*CreateDBParameterGroupInput) SetDBParameterGroupName

func (s *CreateDBParameterGroupInput) SetDBParameterGroupName(v string) *CreateDBParameterGroupInput

SetDBParameterGroupName sets the DBParameterGroupName field's value.

func (*CreateDBParameterGroupInput) SetDescription

func (s *CreateDBParameterGroupInput) SetDescription(v string) *CreateDBParameterGroupInput

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*CreateDBParameterGroupInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateDBParameterGroupInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateDBParameterGroupInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (CreateDBParameterGroupInput) String

func (s CreateDBParameterGroupInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBParameterGroupInput) Validate

func (s *CreateDBParameterGroupInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateDBParameterGroupOutput

type CreateDBParameterGroupOutput struct {

    // Contains the details of an Amazon RDS DB parameter group.
    // This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeDBParameterGroups
    // action.
    DBParameterGroup *DBParameterGroup `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBParameterGroupOutput) GoString

func (s CreateDBParameterGroupOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBParameterGroupOutput) SetDBParameterGroup

func (s *CreateDBParameterGroupOutput) SetDBParameterGroup(v *DBParameterGroup) *CreateDBParameterGroupOutput

SetDBParameterGroup sets the DBParameterGroup field's value.

func (CreateDBParameterGroupOutput) String

func (s CreateDBParameterGroupOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateDBProxyEndpointInput

type CreateDBProxyEndpointInput struct {

    // The name of the DB proxy endpoint to create.
    // DBProxyEndpointName is a required field
    DBProxyEndpointName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The name of the DB proxy associated with the DB proxy endpoint that you create.
    // DBProxyName is a required field
    DBProxyName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // A list of tags. For more information, see Tagging Amazon RDS Resources (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`

    // The role of the DB proxy endpoint. The role determines whether the endpoint
    // can be used for read/write or only read operations. The default is READ_WRITE.
    // The only role that proxies for RDS for Microsoft SQL Server support is READ_WRITE.
    TargetRole *string `type:"string" enum:"DBProxyEndpointTargetRole"`

    // The VPC security group IDs for the DB proxy endpoint that you create. You
    // can specify a different set of security group IDs than for the original DB
    // proxy. The default is the default security group for the VPC.
    VpcSecurityGroupIds []*string `type:"list"`

    // The VPC subnet IDs for the DB proxy endpoint that you create. You can specify
    // a different set of subnet IDs than for the original DB proxy.
    // VpcSubnetIds is a required field
    VpcSubnetIds []*string `type:"list" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) GoString

func (s CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) SetDBProxyEndpointName

func (s *CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) SetDBProxyEndpointName(v string) *CreateDBProxyEndpointInput

SetDBProxyEndpointName sets the DBProxyEndpointName field's value.

func (*CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) SetDBProxyName

func (s *CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) SetDBProxyName(v string) *CreateDBProxyEndpointInput

SetDBProxyName sets the DBProxyName field's value.

func (*CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateDBProxyEndpointInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) SetTargetRole

func (s *CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) SetTargetRole(v string) *CreateDBProxyEndpointInput

SetTargetRole sets the TargetRole field's value.

func (*CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) SetVpcSecurityGroupIds

func (s *CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) SetVpcSecurityGroupIds(v []*string) *CreateDBProxyEndpointInput

SetVpcSecurityGroupIds sets the VpcSecurityGroupIds field's value.

func (*CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) SetVpcSubnetIds

func (s *CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) SetVpcSubnetIds(v []*string) *CreateDBProxyEndpointInput

SetVpcSubnetIds sets the VpcSubnetIds field's value.

func (CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) String

func (s CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) Validate

func (s *CreateDBProxyEndpointInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateDBProxyEndpointOutput

type CreateDBProxyEndpointOutput struct {

    // The DBProxyEndpoint object that is created by the API operation. The DB proxy
    // endpoint that you create might provide capabilities such as read/write or
    // read-only operations, or using a different VPC than the proxy's default VPC.
    DBProxyEndpoint *DBProxyEndpoint `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBProxyEndpointOutput) GoString

func (s CreateDBProxyEndpointOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBProxyEndpointOutput) SetDBProxyEndpoint

func (s *CreateDBProxyEndpointOutput) SetDBProxyEndpoint(v *DBProxyEndpoint) *CreateDBProxyEndpointOutput

SetDBProxyEndpoint sets the DBProxyEndpoint field's value.

func (CreateDBProxyEndpointOutput) String

func (s CreateDBProxyEndpointOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateDBProxyInput

type CreateDBProxyInput struct {

    // The authorization mechanism that the proxy uses.
    // Auth is a required field
    Auth []*UserAuthConfig `type:"list" required:"true"`

    // The identifier for the proxy. This name must be unique for all proxies owned
    // by your Amazon Web Services account in the specified Amazon Web Services
    // Region. An identifier must begin with a letter and must contain only ASCII
    // letters, digits, and hyphens; it can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive
    // hyphens.
    // DBProxyName is a required field
    DBProxyName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Specifies whether the proxy includes detailed information about SQL statements
    // in its logs. This information helps you to debug issues involving SQL behavior
    // or the performance and scalability of the proxy connections. The debug information
    // includes the text of SQL statements that you submit through the proxy. Thus,
    // only enable this setting when needed for debugging, and only when you have
    // security measures in place to safeguard any sensitive information that appears
    // in the logs.
    DebugLogging *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The kinds of databases that the proxy can connect to. This value determines
    // which database network protocol the proxy recognizes when it interprets network
    // traffic to and from the database. For Aurora MySQL, RDS for MariaDB, and
    // RDS for MySQL databases, specify MYSQL. For Aurora PostgreSQL and RDS for
    // PostgreSQL databases, specify POSTGRESQL. For RDS for Microsoft SQL Server,
    // specify SQLSERVER.
    // EngineFamily is a required field
    EngineFamily *string `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"EngineFamily"`

    // The number of seconds that a connection to the proxy can be inactive before
    // the proxy disconnects it. You can set this value higher or lower than the
    // connection timeout limit for the associated database.
    IdleClientTimeout *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // Specifies whether Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption is required for
    // connections to the proxy. By enabling this setting, you can enforce encrypted
    // TLS connections to the proxy.
    RequireTLS *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that the proxy uses to access
    // secrets in Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager.
    // RoleArn is a required field
    RoleArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // An optional set of key-value pairs to associate arbitrary data of your choosing
    // with the proxy.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`

    // One or more VPC security group IDs to associate with the new proxy.
    VpcSecurityGroupIds []*string `type:"list"`

    // One or more VPC subnet IDs to associate with the new proxy.
    // VpcSubnetIds is a required field
    VpcSubnetIds []*string `type:"list" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBProxyInput) GoString

func (s CreateDBProxyInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBProxyInput) SetAuth

func (s *CreateDBProxyInput) SetAuth(v []*UserAuthConfig) *CreateDBProxyInput

SetAuth sets the Auth field's value.

func (*CreateDBProxyInput) SetDBProxyName

func (s *CreateDBProxyInput) SetDBProxyName(v string) *CreateDBProxyInput

SetDBProxyName sets the DBProxyName field's value.

func (*CreateDBProxyInput) SetDebugLogging

func (s *CreateDBProxyInput) SetDebugLogging(v bool) *CreateDBProxyInput

SetDebugLogging sets the DebugLogging field's value.

func (*CreateDBProxyInput) SetEngineFamily

func (s *CreateDBProxyInput) SetEngineFamily(v string) *CreateDBProxyInput

SetEngineFamily sets the EngineFamily field's value.

func (*CreateDBProxyInput) SetIdleClientTimeout

func (s *CreateDBProxyInput) SetIdleClientTimeout(v int64) *CreateDBProxyInput

SetIdleClientTimeout sets the IdleClientTimeout field's value.

func (*CreateDBProxyInput) SetRequireTLS

func (s *CreateDBProxyInput) SetRequireTLS(v bool) *CreateDBProxyInput

SetRequireTLS sets the RequireTLS field's value.

func (*CreateDBProxyInput) SetRoleArn

func (s *CreateDBProxyInput) SetRoleArn(v string) *CreateDBProxyInput

SetRoleArn sets the RoleArn field's value.

func (*CreateDBProxyInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateDBProxyInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateDBProxyInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CreateDBProxyInput) SetVpcSecurityGroupIds

func (s *CreateDBProxyInput) SetVpcSecurityGroupIds(v []*string) *CreateDBProxyInput

SetVpcSecurityGroupIds sets the VpcSecurityGroupIds field's value.

func (*CreateDBProxyInput) SetVpcSubnetIds

func (s *CreateDBProxyInput) SetVpcSubnetIds(v []*string) *CreateDBProxyInput

SetVpcSubnetIds sets the VpcSubnetIds field's value.

func (CreateDBProxyInput) String

func (s CreateDBProxyInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBProxyInput) Validate

func (s *CreateDBProxyInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateDBProxyOutput

type CreateDBProxyOutput struct {

    // The DBProxy structure corresponding to the new proxy.
    DBProxy *DBProxy `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBProxyOutput) GoString

func (s CreateDBProxyOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBProxyOutput) SetDBProxy

func (s *CreateDBProxyOutput) SetDBProxy(v *DBProxy) *CreateDBProxyOutput

SetDBProxy sets the DBProxy field's value.

func (CreateDBProxyOutput) String

func (s CreateDBProxyOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateDBSecurityGroupInput

type CreateDBSecurityGroupInput struct {

    // The description for the DB security group.
    // DBSecurityGroupDescription is a required field
    DBSecurityGroupDescription *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The name for the DB security group. This value is stored as a lowercase string.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must be 1 to 255 letters, numbers, or hyphens.
    //    * First character must be a letter
    //    * Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
    //    * Must not be "Default"
    // Example: mysecuritygroup
    // DBSecurityGroupName is a required field
    DBSecurityGroupName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Tags to assign to the DB security group.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBSecurityGroupInput) GoString

func (s CreateDBSecurityGroupInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBSecurityGroupInput) SetDBSecurityGroupDescription

func (s *CreateDBSecurityGroupInput) SetDBSecurityGroupDescription(v string) *CreateDBSecurityGroupInput

SetDBSecurityGroupDescription sets the DBSecurityGroupDescription field's value.

func (*CreateDBSecurityGroupInput) SetDBSecurityGroupName

func (s *CreateDBSecurityGroupInput) SetDBSecurityGroupName(v string) *CreateDBSecurityGroupInput

SetDBSecurityGroupName sets the DBSecurityGroupName field's value.

func (*CreateDBSecurityGroupInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateDBSecurityGroupInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateDBSecurityGroupInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (CreateDBSecurityGroupInput) String

func (s CreateDBSecurityGroupInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBSecurityGroupInput) Validate

func (s *CreateDBSecurityGroupInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateDBSecurityGroupOutput

type CreateDBSecurityGroupOutput struct {

    // Contains the details for an Amazon RDS DB security group.
    // This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeDBSecurityGroups
    // action.
    DBSecurityGroup *DBSecurityGroup `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBSecurityGroupOutput) GoString

func (s CreateDBSecurityGroupOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBSecurityGroupOutput) SetDBSecurityGroup

func (s *CreateDBSecurityGroupOutput) SetDBSecurityGroup(v *DBSecurityGroup) *CreateDBSecurityGroupOutput

SetDBSecurityGroup sets the DBSecurityGroup field's value.

func (CreateDBSecurityGroupOutput) String

func (s CreateDBSecurityGroupOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateDBShardGroupInput

type CreateDBShardGroupInput struct {

    // Specifies whether to create standby instances for the DB shard group. Valid
    // values are the following:
    //    * 0 - Creates a single, primary DB instance for each physical shard. This
    //    is the default value, and the only one supported for the preview.
    //    * 1 - Creates a primary DB instance and a standby instance in a different
    //    Availability Zone (AZ) for each physical shard.
    //    * 2 - Creates a primary DB instance and two standby instances in different
    //    AZs for each physical shard.
    ComputeRedundancy *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The name of the primary DB cluster for the DB shard group.
    // DBClusterIdentifier is a required field
    DBClusterIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The name of the DB shard group.
    // DBShardGroupIdentifier is a required field
    DBShardGroupIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The maximum capacity of the DB shard group in Aurora capacity units (ACUs).
    // MaxACU is a required field
    MaxACU *float64 `type:"double" required:"true"`

    // Specifies whether the DB shard group is publicly accessible.
    // When the DB shard group is publicly accessible, its Domain Name System (DNS)
    // endpoint resolves to the private IP address from within the DB shard group's
    // virtual private cloud (VPC). It resolves to the public IP address from outside
    // of the DB shard group's VPC. Access to the DB shard group is ultimately controlled
    // by the security group it uses. That public access is not permitted if the
    // security group assigned to the DB shard group doesn't permit it.
    // When the DB shard group isn't publicly accessible, it is an internal DB shard
    // group with a DNS name that resolves to a private IP address.
    // Default: The default behavior varies depending on whether DBSubnetGroupName
    // is specified.
    // If DBSubnetGroupName isn't specified, and PubliclyAccessible isn't specified,
    // the following applies:
    //    * If the default VPC in the target Region doesn’t have an internet gateway
    //    attached to it, the DB shard group is private.
    //    * If the default VPC in the target Region has an internet gateway attached
    //    to it, the DB shard group is public.
    // If DBSubnetGroupName is specified, and PubliclyAccessible isn't specified,
    // the following applies:
    //    * If the subnets are part of a VPC that doesn’t have an internet gateway
    //    attached to it, the DB shard group is private.
    //    * If the subnets are part of a VPC that has an internet gateway attached
    //    to it, the DB shard group is public.
    PubliclyAccessible *bool `type:"boolean"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBShardGroupInput) GoString

func (s CreateDBShardGroupInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBShardGroupInput) SetComputeRedundancy

func (s *CreateDBShardGroupInput) SetComputeRedundancy(v int64) *CreateDBShardGroupInput

SetComputeRedundancy sets the ComputeRedundancy field's value.

func (*CreateDBShardGroupInput) SetDBClusterIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBShardGroupInput) SetDBClusterIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBShardGroupInput

SetDBClusterIdentifier sets the DBClusterIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBShardGroupInput) SetDBShardGroupIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBShardGroupInput) SetDBShardGroupIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBShardGroupInput

SetDBShardGroupIdentifier sets the DBShardGroupIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBShardGroupInput) SetMaxACU

func (s *CreateDBShardGroupInput) SetMaxACU(v float64) *CreateDBShardGroupInput

SetMaxACU sets the MaxACU field's value.

func (*CreateDBShardGroupInput) SetPubliclyAccessible

func (s *CreateDBShardGroupInput) SetPubliclyAccessible(v bool) *CreateDBShardGroupInput

SetPubliclyAccessible sets the PubliclyAccessible field's value.

func (CreateDBShardGroupInput) String

func (s CreateDBShardGroupInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBShardGroupInput) Validate

func (s *CreateDBShardGroupInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateDBShardGroupOutput

type CreateDBShardGroupOutput struct {

    // Specifies whether to create standby instances for the DB shard group. Valid
    // values are the following:
    //    * 0 - Creates a single, primary DB instance for each physical shard. This
    //    is the default value, and the only one supported for the preview.
    //    * 1 - Creates a primary DB instance and a standby instance in a different
    //    Availability Zone (AZ) for each physical shard.
    //    * 2 - Creates a primary DB instance and two standby instances in different
    //    AZs for each physical shard.
    ComputeRedundancy *int64 `type:"integer"`

    // The name of the primary DB cluster for the DB shard group.
    DBClusterIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of the DB shard group.
    DBShardGroupIdentifier *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Web Services Region-unique, immutable identifier for the DB shard
    // group.
    DBShardGroupResourceId *string `type:"string"`

    // The connection endpoint for the DB shard group.
    Endpoint *string `type:"string"`

    // The maximum capacity of the DB shard group in Aurora capacity units (ACUs).
    MaxACU *float64 `type:"double"`

    // Indicates whether the DB shard group is publicly accessible.
    // When the DB shard group is publicly accessible, its Domain Name System (DNS)
    // endpoint resolves to the private IP address from within the DB shard group's
    // virtual private cloud (VPC). It resolves to the public IP address from outside
    // of the DB shard group's VPC. Access to the DB shard group is ultimately controlled
    // by the security group it uses. That public access isn't permitted if the
    // security group assigned to the DB shard group doesn't permit it.
    // When the DB shard group isn't publicly accessible, it is an internal DB shard
    // group with a DNS name that resolves to a private IP address.
    // For more information, see CreateDBShardGroup.
    // This setting is only for Aurora Limitless Database.
    PubliclyAccessible *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The status of the DB shard group.
    Status *string `type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBShardGroupOutput) GoString

func (s CreateDBShardGroupOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBShardGroupOutput) SetComputeRedundancy

func (s *CreateDBShardGroupOutput) SetComputeRedundancy(v int64) *CreateDBShardGroupOutput

SetComputeRedundancy sets the ComputeRedundancy field's value.

func (*CreateDBShardGroupOutput) SetDBClusterIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBShardGroupOutput) SetDBClusterIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBShardGroupOutput

SetDBClusterIdentifier sets the DBClusterIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBShardGroupOutput) SetDBShardGroupIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBShardGroupOutput) SetDBShardGroupIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBShardGroupOutput

SetDBShardGroupIdentifier sets the DBShardGroupIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBShardGroupOutput) SetDBShardGroupResourceId

func (s *CreateDBShardGroupOutput) SetDBShardGroupResourceId(v string) *CreateDBShardGroupOutput

SetDBShardGroupResourceId sets the DBShardGroupResourceId field's value.

func (*CreateDBShardGroupOutput) SetEndpoint

func (s *CreateDBShardGroupOutput) SetEndpoint(v string) *CreateDBShardGroupOutput

SetEndpoint sets the Endpoint field's value.

func (*CreateDBShardGroupOutput) SetMaxACU

func (s *CreateDBShardGroupOutput) SetMaxACU(v float64) *CreateDBShardGroupOutput

SetMaxACU sets the MaxACU field's value.

func (*CreateDBShardGroupOutput) SetPubliclyAccessible

func (s *CreateDBShardGroupOutput) SetPubliclyAccessible(v bool) *CreateDBShardGroupOutput

SetPubliclyAccessible sets the PubliclyAccessible field's value.

func (*CreateDBShardGroupOutput) SetStatus

func (s *CreateDBShardGroupOutput) SetStatus(v string) *CreateDBShardGroupOutput

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (CreateDBShardGroupOutput) String

func (s CreateDBShardGroupOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateDBSnapshotInput

type CreateDBSnapshotInput struct {

    // The identifier of the DB instance that you want to create the snapshot of.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must match the identifier of an existing DBInstance.
    // DBInstanceIdentifier is a required field
    DBInstanceIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The identifier for the DB snapshot.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't be null, empty, or blank
    //    * Must contain from 1 to 255 letters, numbers, or hyphens
    //    * First character must be a letter
    //    * Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
    // Example: my-snapshot-id
    // DBSnapshotIdentifier is a required field
    DBSnapshotIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // A list of tags. For more information, see Tagging Amazon RDS Resources (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBSnapshotInput) GoString

func (s CreateDBSnapshotInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBSnapshotInput) SetDBInstanceIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBSnapshotInput) SetDBInstanceIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBSnapshotInput

SetDBInstanceIdentifier sets the DBInstanceIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBSnapshotInput) SetDBSnapshotIdentifier

func (s *CreateDBSnapshotInput) SetDBSnapshotIdentifier(v string) *CreateDBSnapshotInput

SetDBSnapshotIdentifier sets the DBSnapshotIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateDBSnapshotInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateDBSnapshotInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateDBSnapshotInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (CreateDBSnapshotInput) String

func (s CreateDBSnapshotInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBSnapshotInput) Validate

func (s *CreateDBSnapshotInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateDBSnapshotOutput

type CreateDBSnapshotOutput struct {

    // Contains the details of an Amazon RDS DB snapshot.
    // This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeDBSnapshots action.
    DBSnapshot *DBSnapshot `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBSnapshotOutput) GoString

func (s CreateDBSnapshotOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBSnapshotOutput) SetDBSnapshot

func (s *CreateDBSnapshotOutput) SetDBSnapshot(v *DBSnapshot) *CreateDBSnapshotOutput

SetDBSnapshot sets the DBSnapshot field's value.

func (CreateDBSnapshotOutput) String

func (s CreateDBSnapshotOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateDBSubnetGroupInput

type CreateDBSubnetGroupInput struct {

    // The description for the DB subnet group.
    // DBSubnetGroupDescription is a required field
    DBSubnetGroupDescription *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The name for the DB subnet group. This value is stored as a lowercase string.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Must contain no more than 255 letters, numbers, periods, underscores,
    //    spaces, or hyphens.
    //    * Must not be default.
    //    * First character must be a letter.
    // Example: mydbsubnetgroup
    // DBSubnetGroupName is a required field
    DBSubnetGroupName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The EC2 Subnet IDs for the DB subnet group.
    // SubnetIds is a required field
    SubnetIds []*string `locationNameList:"SubnetIdentifier" type:"list" required:"true"`

    // Tags to assign to the DB subnet group.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBSubnetGroupInput) GoString

func (s CreateDBSubnetGroupInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBSubnetGroupInput) SetDBSubnetGroupDescription

func (s *CreateDBSubnetGroupInput) SetDBSubnetGroupDescription(v string) *CreateDBSubnetGroupInput

SetDBSubnetGroupDescription sets the DBSubnetGroupDescription field's value.

func (*CreateDBSubnetGroupInput) SetDBSubnetGroupName

func (s *CreateDBSubnetGroupInput) SetDBSubnetGroupName(v string) *CreateDBSubnetGroupInput

SetDBSubnetGroupName sets the DBSubnetGroupName field's value.

func (*CreateDBSubnetGroupInput) SetSubnetIds

func (s *CreateDBSubnetGroupInput) SetSubnetIds(v []*string) *CreateDBSubnetGroupInput

SetSubnetIds sets the SubnetIds field's value.

func (*CreateDBSubnetGroupInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateDBSubnetGroupInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateDBSubnetGroupInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (CreateDBSubnetGroupInput) String

func (s CreateDBSubnetGroupInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBSubnetGroupInput) Validate

func (s *CreateDBSubnetGroupInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateDBSubnetGroupOutput

type CreateDBSubnetGroupOutput struct {

    // Contains the details of an Amazon RDS DB subnet group.
    // This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeDBSubnetGroups
    // action.
    DBSubnetGroup *DBSubnetGroup `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDBSubnetGroupOutput) GoString

func (s CreateDBSubnetGroupOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDBSubnetGroupOutput) SetDBSubnetGroup

func (s *CreateDBSubnetGroupOutput) SetDBSubnetGroup(v *DBSubnetGroup) *CreateDBSubnetGroupOutput

SetDBSubnetGroup sets the DBSubnetGroup field's value.

func (CreateDBSubnetGroupOutput) String

func (s CreateDBSubnetGroupOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateEventSubscriptionInput

type CreateEventSubscriptionInput struct {

    // Specifies whether to activate the subscription. If the event notification
    // subscription isn't activated, the subscription is created but not active.
    Enabled *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // A list of event categories for a particular source type (SourceType) that
    // you want to subscribe to. You can see a list of the categories for a given
    // source type in the "Amazon RDS event categories and event messages" section
    // of the Amazon RDS User Guide (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Events.Messages.html)
    // or the Amazon Aurora User Guide (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/USER_Events.Messages.html).
    // You can also see this list by using the DescribeEventCategories operation.
    EventCategories []*string `locationNameList:"EventCategory" type:"list"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the SNS topic created for event notification.
    // SNS automatically creates the ARN when you create a topic and subscribe to
    // it.
    // RDS doesn't support FIFO (first in, first out) topics. For more information,
    // see Message ordering and deduplication (FIFO topics) (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/dg/sns-fifo-topics.html)
    // in the Amazon Simple Notification Service Developer Guide.
    // SnsTopicArn is a required field
    SnsTopicArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The list of identifiers of the event sources for which events are returned.
    // If not specified, then all sources are included in the response. An identifier
    // must begin with a letter and must contain only ASCII letters, digits, and
    // hyphens. It can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
    // Constraints:
    //    * If SourceIds are supplied, SourceType must also be provided.
    //    * If the source type is a DB instance, a DBInstanceIdentifier value must
    //    be supplied.
    //    * If the source type is a DB cluster, a DBClusterIdentifier value must
    //    be supplied.
    //    * If the source type is a DB parameter group, a DBParameterGroupName value
    //    must be supplied.
    //    * If the source type is a DB security group, a DBSecurityGroupName value
    //    must be supplied.
    //    * If the source type is a DB snapshot, a DBSnapshotIdentifier value must
    //    be supplied.
    //    * If the source type is a DB cluster snapshot, a DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier
    //    value must be supplied.
    //    * If the source type is an RDS Proxy, a DBProxyName value must be supplied.
    SourceIds []*string `locationNameList:"SourceId" type:"list"`

    // The type of source that is generating the events. For example, if you want
    // to be notified of events generated by a DB instance, you set this parameter
    // to db-instance. For RDS Proxy events, specify db-proxy. If this value isn't
    // specified, all events are returned.
    // Valid Values:db-instance | db-cluster | db-parameter-group | db-security-group
    // | db-snapshot | db-cluster-snapshot | db-proxy | zero-etl | custom-engine-version
    // | blue-green-deployment
    SourceType *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of the subscription.
    // Constraints: The name must be less than 255 characters.
    // SubscriptionName is a required field
    SubscriptionName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // A list of tags. For more information, see Tagging Amazon RDS Resources (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateEventSubscriptionInput) GoString

func (s CreateEventSubscriptionInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetEnabled

func (s *CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetEnabled(v bool) *CreateEventSubscriptionInput

SetEnabled sets the Enabled field's value.

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetEventCategories

func (s *CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetEventCategories(v []*string) *CreateEventSubscriptionInput

SetEventCategories sets the EventCategories field's value.

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetSnsTopicArn

func (s *CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetSnsTopicArn(v string) *CreateEventSubscriptionInput

SetSnsTopicArn sets the SnsTopicArn field's value.

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetSourceIds

func (s *CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetSourceIds(v []*string) *CreateEventSubscriptionInput

SetSourceIds sets the SourceIds field's value.

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetSourceType

func (s *CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetSourceType(v string) *CreateEventSubscriptionInput

SetSourceType sets the SourceType field's value.

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetSubscriptionName

func (s *CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetSubscriptionName(v string) *CreateEventSubscriptionInput

SetSubscriptionName sets the SubscriptionName field's value.

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateEventSubscriptionInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (CreateEventSubscriptionInput) String

func (s CreateEventSubscriptionInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionInput) Validate

func (s *CreateEventSubscriptionInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateEventSubscriptionOutput

type CreateEventSubscriptionOutput struct {

    // Contains the results of a successful invocation of the DescribeEventSubscriptions
    // action.
    EventSubscription *EventSubscription `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateEventSubscriptionOutput) GoString

func (s CreateEventSubscriptionOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionOutput) SetEventSubscription

func (s *CreateEventSubscriptionOutput) SetEventSubscription(v *EventSubscription) *CreateEventSubscriptionOutput

SetEventSubscription sets the EventSubscription field's value.

func (CreateEventSubscriptionOutput) String

func (s CreateEventSubscriptionOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateGlobalClusterInput

type CreateGlobalClusterInput struct {

    // The name for your database of up to 64 alphanumeric characters. If you don't
    // specify a name, Amazon Aurora doesn't create a database in the global database
    // cluster.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't be specified if SourceDBClusterIdentifier is specified. In this
    //    case, Amazon Aurora uses the database name from the source DB cluster.
    DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

    // Specifies whether to enable deletion protection for the new global database
    // cluster. The global database can't be deleted when deletion protection is
    // enabled.
    DeletionProtection *bool `type:"boolean"`

    // The database engine to use for this global database cluster.
    // Valid Values: aurora-mysql | aurora-postgresql
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't be specified if SourceDBClusterIdentifier is specified. In this
    //    case, Amazon Aurora uses the engine of the source DB cluster.
    Engine *string `type:"string"`

    // The life cycle type for this global database cluster.
    // By default, this value is set to open-source-rds-extended-support, which
    // enrolls your global cluster into Amazon RDS Extended Support. At the end
    // of standard support, you can avoid charges for Extended Support by setting
    // the value to open-source-rds-extended-support-disabled. In this case, creating
    // the global cluster will fail if the DB major version is past its end of standard
    // support date.
    // This setting only applies to Aurora PostgreSQL-based global databases.
    // You can use this setting to enroll your global cluster into Amazon RDS Extended
    // Support. With RDS Extended Support, you can run the selected major engine
    // version on your global cluster past the end of standard support for that
    // engine version. For more information, see Using Amazon RDS Extended Support
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/extended-support.html)
    // in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.
    // Valid Values: open-source-rds-extended-support | open-source-rds-extended-support-disabled
    // Default: open-source-rds-extended-support
    EngineLifecycleSupport *string `type:"string"`

    // The engine version to use for this global database cluster.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't be specified if SourceDBClusterIdentifier is specified. In this
    //    case, Amazon Aurora uses the engine version of the source DB cluster.
    EngineVersion *string `type:"string"`

    // The cluster identifier for this global database cluster. This parameter is
    // stored as a lowercase string.
    GlobalClusterIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to use as the primary cluster of the global
    // database.
    // If you provide a value for this parameter, don't specify values for the following
    // settings because Amazon Aurora uses the values from the specified source
    // DB cluster:
    //    * DatabaseName
    //    * Engine
    //    * EngineVersion
    //    * StorageEncrypted
    SourceDBClusterIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

    // Specifies whether to enable storage encryption for the new global database
    // cluster.
    // Constraints:
    //    * Can't be specified if SourceDBClusterIdentifier is specified. In this
    //    case, Amazon Aurora uses the setting from the source DB cluster.
    StorageEncrypted *bool `type:"boolean"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateGlobalClusterInput) GoString

func (s CreateGlobalClusterInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateGlobalClusterInput) SetDatabaseName

func (s *CreateGlobalClusterInput) SetDatabaseName(v string) *CreateGlobalClusterInput

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*CreateGlobalClusterInput) SetDeletionProtection

func (s *CreateGlobalClusterInput) SetDeletionProtection(v bool) *CreateGlobalClusterInput

SetDeletionProtection sets the DeletionProtection field's value.

func (*CreateGlobalClusterInput) SetEngine

func (s *CreateGlobalClusterInput) SetEngine(v string) *CreateGlobalClusterInput

SetEngine sets the Engine field's value.

func (*CreateGlobalClusterInput) SetEngineLifecycleSupport

func (s *CreateGlobalClusterInput) SetEngineLifecycleSupport(v string) *CreateGlobalClusterInput

SetEngineLifecycleSupport sets the EngineLifecycleSupport field's value.

func (*CreateGlobalClusterInput) SetEngineVersion

func (s *CreateGlobalClusterInput) SetEngineVersion(v string) *CreateGlobalClusterInput

SetEngineVersion sets the EngineVersion field's value.

func (*CreateGlobalClusterInput) SetGlobalClusterIdentifier

func (s *CreateGlobalClusterInput) SetGlobalClusterIdentifier(v string) *CreateGlobalClusterInput

SetGlobalClusterIdentifier sets the GlobalClusterIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateGlobalClusterInput) SetSourceDBClusterIdentifier

func (s *CreateGlobalClusterInput) SetSourceDBClusterIdentifier(v string) *CreateGlobalClusterInput

SetSourceDBClusterIdentifier sets the SourceDBClusterIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateGlobalClusterInput) SetStorageEncrypted

func (s *CreateGlobalClusterInput) SetStorageEncrypted(v bool) *CreateGlobalClusterInput

SetStorageEncrypted sets the StorageEncrypted field's value.

func (CreateGlobalClusterInput) String

func (s CreateGlobalClusterInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateGlobalClusterOutput

type CreateGlobalClusterOutput struct {

    // A data type representing an Aurora global database.
    GlobalCluster *GlobalCluster `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateGlobalClusterOutput) GoString

func (s CreateGlobalClusterOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateGlobalClusterOutput) SetGlobalCluster

func (s *CreateGlobalClusterOutput) SetGlobalCluster(v *GlobalCluster) *CreateGlobalClusterOutput

SetGlobalCluster sets the GlobalCluster field's value.

func (CreateGlobalClusterOutput) String

func (s CreateGlobalClusterOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateIntegrationInput

type CreateIntegrationInput struct {

    // An optional set of non-secret key–value pairs that contains additional
    // contextual information about the data. For more information, see Encryption
    // context (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kms/latest/developerguide/concepts.html#encrypt_context)
    // in the Amazon Web Services Key Management Service Developer Guide.
    // You can only include this parameter if you specify the KMSKeyId parameter.
    AdditionalEncryptionContext map[string]*string `type:"map"`

    // Data filtering options for the integration. For more information, see Data
    // filtering for Aurora zero-ETL integrations with Amazon Redshift (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/zero-etl.filtering.html).
    // Valid for: Integrations with Aurora MySQL source DB clusters only
    DataFilter *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // A description of the integration.
    Description *string `type:"string"`

    // The name of the integration.
    // IntegrationName is a required field
    IntegrationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The Amazon Web Services Key Management System (Amazon Web Services KMS) key
    // identifier for the key to use to encrypt the integration. If you don't specify
    // an encryption key, RDS uses a default Amazon Web Services owned key.
    KMSKeyId *string `type:"string"`

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the database to use as the source for replication.
    // SourceArn is a required field
    SourceArn *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // A list of tags. For more information, see Tagging Amazon RDS Resources (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Tagging.html)
    // in the Amazon RDS User Guide.
    Tags []*Tag `locationNameList:"Tag" type:"list"`

    // The ARN of the Redshift data warehouse to use as the target for replication.
    // TargetArn is a required field
    TargetArn *string `min:"20" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateIntegrationInput) GoString

func (s CreateIntegrationInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateIntegrationInput) SetAdditionalEncryptionContext

func (s *CreateIntegrationInput) SetAdditionalEncryptionContext(v map[string]*string) *CreateIntegrationInput

SetAdditionalEncryptionContext sets the AdditionalEncryptionContext field's value.

func (*CreateIntegrationInput) SetDataFilter

func (s *CreateIntegrationInput) SetDataFilter(v string) *CreateIntegrationInput

SetDataFilter sets the DataFilter field's value.

func (*CreateIntegrationInput) SetDescription

func (s *CreateIntegrationInput) SetDescription(v string) *CreateIntegrationInput

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*CreateIntegrationInput) SetIntegrationName

func (s *CreateIntegrationInput) SetIntegrationName(v string) *CreateIntegrationInput

SetIntegrationName sets the IntegrationName field's value.

func (*CreateIntegrationInput) SetKMSKeyId

func (s *CreateIntegrationInput) SetKMSKeyId(v string) *CreateIntegrationInput

SetKMSKeyId sets the KMSKeyId field's value.

func (*CreateIntegrationInput) SetSourceArn

func (s *CreateIntegrationInput) SetSourceArn(v string) *CreateIntegrationInput

SetSourceArn sets the SourceArn field's value.

func (*CreateIntegrationInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateIntegrationInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateIntegrationInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CreateIntegrationInput) SetTargetArn

func (s *CreateIntegrationInput) SetTargetArn(v string) *CreateIntegrationInput

SetTargetArn sets the TargetArn field's value.

func (CreateIntegrationInput) String

func (s CreateIntegrationInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateIntegrationInput) Validate

func (s *CreateIntegrationInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateIntegrationOutput

type CreateIntegrationOutput struct {

    // The encryption context for the integration. For more inf