Using Amazon Q Developer for full function generation - Amazon Q Developer

Using Amazon Q Developer for full function generation

Amazon Q can generate an entire function based on a comment that you've written. As you finish your comment Amazon Q will suggest a function signature. If you accept the suggestion, Amazon Q automatically advances your cursor to the next part of the function and makes a suggestion. Even if you enter an additional comment or line of code in between suggestions, Amazon Q will refactor based on your input.

An example of the full function completion feature using C.
An example of the full function completion feature using C++.

In the following example, the user generates, and then edits, a full function based on a set of comments.

An example of the full-function generation feature.

In the following image, a user has written a function signature for reading a file from Amazon S3. Amazon Q then suggests a full implementation of the read_from_s3 method.

A screenshot that shows a Amazon Q recommendation to complete an entire function that reads an object from an Amazon S3 location.

Sometimes, as in the previous example, Amazon Q includes import statements as part of its suggestions. As a best practice, manually move these import statements to the top of your file.

As another example, in the following image, a user has written a function signature. Amazon Q then suggests a full implementation of the quicksort method.

A screenshot that shows a Amazon Q recommendation for an entire function implementation of the quicksort algorithm.

Amazon Q considers past code snippets when making suggestions. In the following image, the user in the previous example has accepted the suggested implementation for quicksort above. The user then writes another function signature for a generic sort method. Amazon Q then suggests an implementation based on what has already been written.

A screenshot that shows a Amazon Q recommendation for a function implementation based on context.

In the following image, a user has written a comment. Based on this comment, Amazon Q then suggests a function signature.

A screenshot that shows a Amazon Q recommendation for a binary search function signature based on user code comments.

In the following image, the user in the previous example has accepted the suggested function signature. Amazon Q can then suggest a complete implementation of the binary_search function.

A screenshot that shows a Amazon Q recommendation for a complete implementation of the binary search algorithm.

The following list contains examples of how Amazon Q makes suggestions and advances you through the entire process of creating a function.

  1. In the following example, a user inputs a comment. Amazon Q suggests a function signature.

    After the user accepts that suggestion, Amazon Q suggests a function body.

    An example of a function generated from a comment.
  2. In the image below, a user inputs a comment in the body of the function prior to accepting a suggestion from Amazon Q. On the following line, Amazon Q generates a suggestion based on the comment.

    An example of a function generated from a comment inside an existing block of code.

In the following example, Amazon Q recommends a full function.

Function declaration for ListTables with AmazonDynamoDBClient parameter in code editor.

In the following example, Amazon Q generates a function based on the user's docstrings.

An example of the full function completion feature.

Amazon Q can generate an entire function based on a comment that you've written. As you finish your comment, Amazon Q will suggest a function signature. If you accept the suggestion, Amazon Q automatically advances your cursor to the next part of the function and makes a suggestion. Even if you enter an additional comment or line of code in between suggestions, Amazon Q will refactor based on your input.

In the following example, Amazon Q generates both a full function and the corresponding unit test.

An example of the full function completion feature.

The following list contains examples of how Amazon Q makes suggestions and advances you through the entire process of creating a function.

  1. In the image below, a user has input a comment. The function signature, located below the comment, is a suggestion from Amazon Q.

  2. In the image below, the user has accepted the Amazon Q suggestion for a function signature. Accepting the suggestion automatically advanced the cursor and Amazon Q has made a new suggestion for the function body.

  3. In the image below, a user input a comment in the body of the function prior to accepting a suggestion from Amazon Q. On the following line, Amazon Q has generated a new suggestion based on the content of the comment.

    generateing a new suggestion based on the content of a comment

In this example, Amazon Q recommends a full function after the user types part of the signature.

An example of the full function feature.