User-controllable input must be sanitized before it's included in output used to dynamically generate a web page. Unsanitized user input can introduce cross-side scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities that can lead to inadvertedly running malicious code in a trusted context.
1public ModelAndView inputSanitizationNonCompliant(@RequestParam String favoriteColor) {
2 ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
3 modelAndView.setViewName("jsp/example.jsp");
4 // Noncompliant: user-supplied parameter might contain malicious content.
5 modelAndView.addObject("preferredColor", favoriteColor);
6 return modelAndView;
1public ModelAndView inputSanitizationCompliant(@RequestParam String favoriteColor) {
2 ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
3 modelAndView.setViewName("jsp/example.jsp");
4 // Compliant: user-supplied parameter must be in allow-list.
5 if (favoriteColor.matches("[a-z]+")) {
6 modelAndView.addObject("preferredColor", favoriteColor);
7 } else {
8 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid color!");
9 }
10 return modelAndView;