Tag: amazon-s3

Case sensitive keys in S3 object user metadata

User metadata keys are case insensitive and are returned as lowercase strings, even if they were originally specified with uppercase strings.

Inefficient Amazon S3 manual pagination

Use S3Objects.withPrefix() instead of manually paginating results.

Unchecked S3 object metadata content length

Failure to specify a content length causes the contents of the input stream to buffer locally in memory in order to calculate its length. This can result in performance problems.

Resources used by an Amazon S3 TransferManager are not released

Call ShutdownNow when you use TransferManager to manage transfers to Amazon S3.

Avoid reset exception in Amazon S3

Uploading objects to Amazon S3 by using streams (either through an AmazonS3 client or TransferManager) might encounter network connectivity or timeout issues.

Missing S3 bucket owner condition

Not setting the S3 bucket owner condition might introduce a risk of accidentally using a wrong bucket.