Tag: owasp-top10

Reflected cross site scripting

Rule to detect reflected XSS.

Deserialization of untrusted object

Deserialization of untrusted objects can lead to security vulnerabilities such as, inadvertently running remote code.

Insecure connection using unencrypted protocol

Connections that use insecure protocols transmit data in cleartext, which can leak sensitive information.

Error-prone AWS IAM policy creation

Manually creating text-based IAM policies is error-prone.

Sensitive data stored unencrypted due to partial encryption

Encryption that is dependent on conditional logic, such as an if...then clause, might cause unencrypted sensitive data to be stored.

XPath injection

Potentially unsanitized user input in XPath queries can allow an attacker to control the query in unwanted or insecure ways.

Insecure temporary file or directory

Insecure ways of creating temporary files and directories can lead to race conditions, privilege escalation, and other security vulnerabilities.

HTTP response splitting

Passing data from an untrusted source into a cookie or web response might expose the user to HTTP response splitting attacks.

Server-side request forgery

Insufficient sanitization of potentially untrusted URLs on the server side can allow server requests to unwanted destinations.

Missing Authorization for address id

Rule to detect lack of authorization check when using address ID.

Not recommended aws credentials classes

Find usages of not recommended classes for AWS Credentials and suggest replacing them with something else.

Path traversal

Creating file paths from untrusted input might give a malicious actor access to sensitive files.

Hardcoded credentials

Hardcoded credentials can be intercepted by malicious actors.

Insecure JSON web token (JWT) parsing

JWTs should not be parsed using the parse method.

Untrusted data in security decision

Security decisions should not depend on branching that can be influenced by untrusted or client-provided data.

Permissive cors configuration rule

Rule to enable detection for potential CORS vulnerabilities in services using the Coral or Spring frameworks.

Insecure cookie

Insecure cookies can lead to unencrypted transmission of sensitive data.

XML External Entity

Objects that parse or handle XML can lead to XML External Entity (XXE) attacks when misconfigured.

LDAP injection

LDAP queries that rely on potentially untrusted inputs can allow attackers to read or modify sensitive data, run code, and perform other unwanted actions.

Insecure hashing

Obsolete, broken, or weak hashing algorithms can lead to security vulnerabilities.

Invalid public method parameters

Public method parameters should be validated for nullness, unexpected values, and malicious values.

Log injection

Using untrusted inputs in a log statement can enable attackers to break the log's format, forge log entries, and bypass log monitors.

Sensitive information leak

Sensitive information should not be exposed through log files or stack traces.

XML External Entity Document Builder Factory

Objects that parse or handle XML in XML document can lead to XML External Entity (XXE) attacks when misconfigured.

Insecure TLS version

TLS versions older than TLS version 1.1 support weak, broken, or misconfigured cryptography.

Unsanitized input is run as code

Scripts generated from unsanitized inputs can lead to malicious behavior and inadvertently running code remotely.

Unrestricted upload of dangerous file type

Insufficiently restrictive file uploads can lead to inadvertently running malicious code.

Insecure SAML parser configuration

Comment parsing for OpenSAML2 might enable an attacker to bypass authentication.

Cross-site request forgery

Insecure configuration can lead to a cross-site request forgery (CRSF) vulnerability.

URL redirection to untrusted site

User-controlled input that specifies a link to an external site could lead to phishing attacks and allow user credentials to be stolen.

Use of externally-controlled input to select classes or code

Use of unsanitized external input in reflection can allow attackers to bypass security checks and run malicious code.

Cross-site scripting

Relying on potentially untrusted user inputs when constructing web application outputs can lead to cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.

Unauthenticated LDAP requests

Unauthenticated LDAP requests can allow untrusted access to LDAP servers.

Weak obfuscation of web request

Weak obfuscation while configuring a web request

Clear text credentials

Credentials that are stored in clear text can be intercepted by a malicious actor.

Session fixation

Session fixation might allow an attacker to steal authenticated session IDs.

Loose file permissions

Weak file permissions can lead to privilege escalation.

OS command injection

Constructing operating system or shell commands with unsanitized user input can lead to inadvertently running malicious code.

SQL injection

Use of untrusted inputs in SQL database query can enable attackers to read, modify, or delete sensitive data in the database

Insecure cryptography

Weak, broken, or misconfigured cryptography can lead to security vulnerabilities.

Object Input Stream Insecure Deserialization

Deserialization of untrusted data without sufficiently verifying that the resulting data will be valid.

Weak pseudorandom number generation

Insufficiently random generators (or hardcoded seeds) can make pseudorandom sequences predictable.

Insecure CORS policy

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policies that are too permissive may lead to security vulnerabilities.

Client-side KMS reencryption

Client-side decryption followed by reencryption is inefficient and can lead to sensitive data leaks.