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Marcação de domínios (AWS SDKs)
Os SDKs da AWS (exceto os SDKs para Android e iOS) são compatíveis com todas as ações definidas na Amazon OpenSearch Service API Reference (Referência da API do Amazon OpenSearch Service), incluindo as operações AddTags
, ListTags
e RemoveTags
. Para obter mais informações sobre instalação e uso dos AWS SDKs, consulte Kits de desenvolvimento de software da AWS
Este exemplo usa o cliente Python de baixo nível OpenSearchServiceDOMAIN_ARN
import boto3 from botocore.config import Config # import configuration DOMAIN_ARN = '' # ARN for the domain. i.e "arn:aws:es:us-east-1:123456789012:domain/my-domain TAG_KEY = '' # The name of the tag key. i.e 'Smileyface' TAG_VALUE = '' # The value assigned to the tag. i.e 'Practicetag' # defines the configurations parameters such as region my_config = Config(region_name='us-east-1') client = boto3.client('opensearch', config=my_config) # defines the client variable def addTags(): """Adds tags to the domain""" response = client.add_tags(ARN=DOMAIN_ARN, TagList=[{'Key': TAG_KEY, 'Value': TAG_VALUE}]) print(response) def listTags(): """List tags that have been added to the domain""" response = client.list_tags(ARN=DOMAIN_ARN) print(response) def removeTags(): """Remove tags that have been added to the domain""" response = client.remove_tags(ARN=DOMAIN_ARN, TagKeys=[TAG_KEY]) print('Tag removed') return response