Request production access (Moving out of the Amazon SES sandbox) - Amazon Simple Email Service

Request production access (Moving out of the Amazon SES sandbox)

To help prevent fraud and abuse, and to help protect your reputation as a sender, we apply certain restrictions to new Amazon SES accounts.

We place all new accounts in the Amazon SES sandbox. The sandbox status for your account is unique per each AWS Region. While your account is in the sandbox, you can use all of the features of Amazon SES. However, when your account is in the sandbox, we apply the following restrictions to your account:

  • You can only send mail to verified email addresses and domains, or to the Amazon SES mailbox simulator.

  • You can send a maximum of 200 messages per 24-hour period.

  • You can send a maximum of 1 message per second.

  • For sending authorization, neither you nor the delegate sender can send email to non-verified email addresses.

  • For account-level suppression, bulk actions and SES API calls related to suppression list management are disabled.

When your account has moved out of the sandbox and into production, you can send email to any recipient, regardless of whether the recipient's address or domain is verified. However, you still have to verify all identities that you use as "From", "Source", "Sender", or "Return-Path" addresses.

Complete the procedures in this section to request that your account be removed from the sandbox and placed into production.

  • If you’re a new customer and haven’t created any identities yet, then the SES account set up wizard in the console will be enabled to help you get started. See Set up your SES account for instructions on how to access the wizard.

  • If you’ve already created one or more identities, you’ll see the Get set up page instead of the account set up wizard.

    • If one of your identities is a verified domain, you’ll be able to request production access directly from the Get set up page as well. This is because verifying your domain with SES before requesting production access is a best practice that helps to get your production access request approved faster so you can start sending email right away.

To request production access (remove your account from the sandbox) using the AWS Management Console
  1. Open the Amazon SES console at

  2. In the navigation panel, choose Account dashboard.

  3. In the warning box at the top of the console that says, "Your Amazon SES account is in the sandbox", on the right-hand side, choose View Get set up page followed by Request production access.

  4. In the account details modal, select either the Marketing or Transactional radio button that best describes the majority of mail you'll be sending.

    • Marketing email - Sent on a one-to-many basis to a targeted list of prospects or customers containing marketing and promotional content such as to make a purchase, download information, etc.

    • Transactional email - Sent on a one-to-one basis unique to each recipient usually triggered by a user action such as a website purchase, a password reset request, etc.

  5. In Website URL, enter the URL of your website to help us better understand the kind of content you plan on sending.

  6. In Additional contacts, tell us where you want to receive communications about your account. This can be a comma-separated list of up to 4 email addresses.

  7. In Preferred contact language, choose whether you want to receive communications in English or Japanese.

  8. In Acknowledgement, check the box that you agree to only send email to individuals who've explicitly requested it and confirm that you have a process in place for handling bounce and complaint notifications.

  9. Choose the Submit request button - a banner will display to confirm your request was submitted and is currently under review.

Once you submit a review of your account details, you can’t edit your details until the review is complete. The AWS Support team provides an initial response to your request within 24 hours.

In order to prevent our systems from being used to send unsolicited or malicious content, we have to consider each request carefully. If we're able to do so, we'll grant your request within this 24-hour period. However, if we need to obtain additional information from you, it might take longer to resolve your request.

Optionally, you can also submit your request for production access using the AWS CLI. Submitting your request using the AWS CLI is helpful when you want to request production access for a large number of identities, or when you want to automate the process of setting up Amazon SES.

To request that your account be removed from the Amazon SES sandbox using the AWS CLI
  1. Prerequisite: you have to install and configure the AWS CLI. For more information, see the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

  2. At the command line, enter the following command:

    aws sesv2 put-account-details \ --production-access-enabled \ --mail-type TRANSACTIONAL \ --website-url \ --additional-contact-email-addresses \ --contact-language EN

    In the preceding command, do the following:

    1. Replace TRANSACTIONAL with the type of email that you plan to send through Amazon SES. You can specify either TRANSACTIONAL or PROMOTIONAL. If more than one value applies, specify the option that applies to the majority of the email that you plan to send.

    2. Replace with the URL of your website. Providing this information helps us better understand the type of content that you plan to send.

    3. Replace with the email addresses where you want to receive communications about your account. This can be a comma-separated list of up to 4 email addresses.

    4. Replace EN with your preferred language. You can specify EN for English or JA for Japanese.

Once you submit a review of your account details, you can’t edit your details until the review is complete. The AWS Support team provides an initial response to your request within 24 hours.

In order to prevent our systems from being used to send unsolicited or malicious content, we have to consider each request carefully. If we're able to do so, we'll grant your request within this 24-hour period. However, if we need to obtain additional information from you, it might take longer to resolve your request.