Quick start tutorial for SimSpace Weaver - AWS SimSpace Weaver

Quick start tutorial for SimSpace Weaver

This tutorial guides you through the process to build and run a simulation on SimSpace Weaver in minutes. We recommend that you begin with this tutorial and then go through the detailed tutorial afterward.


Before you begin, be sure that you completed the steps in Setting up for SimSpace Weaver.


The scripts used here are provided for your convenience and are NOT required. See the detailed tutorial for how these steps can be done manually.

Step 1: Enable logging (optional)

To turn on logging
  1. Navigate to:

  2. Open the schema file in a text editor:

  3. Find the simulation_properties: section at the beginning of the file:

    simulation_properties: default_entity_index_key_type: "Vector3<f32>"
  4. Insert the following 2 lines after the line simulation_properties::

    log_destination_service: "logs" log_destination_resource_name: "MySimulationLogs"
  5. Confirm that your simulation_properties: section is the same as the following:

    simulation_properties: log_destination_service: "logs" log_destination_resource_name: "MySimulationLogs" default_entity_index_key_type: "Vector3<f32>"
  6. Save the file and exit your text editor.

Step 2: Quick-start with the console client (option 1)

Navigate to:


Run one of the following commands:

  • Docker: python quick-start.py --consoleclient

  • WSL: python quick-start.py —-consoleclient --al2

By default, this will launch a simulation with a single partition on a single worker. Other configurations can be launched by passing the --schema {file name}.yaml from the /Samples/PathfindingSample/tools/ folder.


See Detailed tutorial: Learn the details while building the sample application for an in-depth explanation of what this script does.

Step 2: Quick-start with the Unreal Engine client (option 2)

See Launching the Unreal Engine view client.

Stop and delete your simulation

Navigate to:


Find the names of your simulations:

aws simspaceweaver list-simulations

Stop and delete the simulation

python stop-and-delete.py --simulation simulation-name


  • FileNotFoundError: cmake

    subprocess.run('cmake') ... FileNotFoundError: The system cannot find the file specified
    • Resolution: The script cannot find the command cmake. Please ensure you have the minimum recommended CMake version installed, and that it can be called with the cmake command in the PATH. Use the command cmake -version to verify.

  • ImportError: DLL load failed while importing libweaver_app_sdk_python_v1: The specified module could not be found.

    • Resolution: This error occurs when the Python 3.9 is not being used to launch the Weaver Python SDK. Please ensure the python version associated with the “python” command is Python 3.9. You can check by running the python --version command.

  • Quick-start script appears stuck at after starting Docker Build.

    • Resolution: Sometimes Docker needs a few minutes to warm up. If this issue persists for more than ~5 minutes, please restart Docker or your system.

  • target_compile_features no known features for CXX compiler "GNU":

    • Resolution: Clear your Docker cache, delete the weaverappbuilder Docker image, delete your project build artifacts, and re run setup.py. This should reset your Docker environment and resolve the error.