
class aws_cdk.pipelines.PipelineBase(scope, id, *, synth)

Bases: Construct

A generic CDK Pipelines pipeline.

Different deployment systems will provide subclasses of Pipeline that generate the deployment infrastructure necessary to deploy CDK apps, specific to that system.

This library comes with the CodePipeline class, which uses AWS CodePipeline to deploy CDK apps.

The actual pipeline infrastructure is constructed (by invoking the engine) when buildPipeline() is called, or when app.synth() is called (whichever happens first).

  • scope (Construct)

  • id (str)

  • synth (IFileSetProducer) – The build step that produces the CDK Cloud Assembly. The primary output of this step needs to be the cdk.out directory generated by the cdk synth command. If you use a ShellStep here and you don’t configure an output directory, the output directory will automatically be assumed to be cdk.out.


add_stage(stage, *, post=None, pre=None, stack_steps=None)

Deploy a single Stage by itself.

Add a Stage to the pipeline, to be deployed in sequence with other Stages added to the pipeline. All Stacks in the stage will be deployed in an order automatically determined by their relative dependencies.

  • stage (Stage)

  • post (Optional[Sequence[Step]]) – Additional steps to run after all of the stacks in the stage. Default: - No additional steps

  • pre (Optional[Sequence[Step]]) – Additional steps to run before any of the stacks in the stage. Default: - No additional steps

  • stack_steps (Optional[Sequence[Union[StackSteps, Dict[str, Any]]]]) – Instructions for stack level steps. Default: - No additional instructions

Return type:


add_wave(id, *, post=None, pre=None)

Add a Wave to the pipeline, for deploying multiple Stages in parallel.

Use the return object of this method to deploy multiple stages in parallel.


# pipeline: pipelines.CodePipeline

wave = pipeline.add_wave("MyWave")
wave.add_stage(MyApplicationStage(self, "Stage1"))
wave.add_stage(MyApplicationStage(self, "Stage2"))
  • id (str)

  • post (Optional[Sequence[Step]]) – Additional steps to run after all of the stages in the wave. Default: - No additional steps

  • pre (Optional[Sequence[Step]]) – Additional steps to run before any of the stages in the wave. Default: - No additional steps

Return type:



Send the current pipeline definition to the engine, and construct the pipeline.

It is not possible to modify the pipeline after calling this method.

Return type:



Returns a string representation of this construct.

Return type:




The FileSet tha contains the cloud assembly.

This is the primary output of the synth step.


The construct tree node associated with this construct.


The build step that produces the CDK Cloud Assembly.


The waves in this pipeline.

Static Methods

classmethod is_construct(x)

Return whether the given object is a Construct.


x (Any)

Return type:
