The launch settings include two sections: the general launch settings, and the EC2 launch template, which determine how a test or cutover instance is launched for each source server in AWS.
Launch settings, including the EC2 launch template, are automatically created each time you add a source server to AWS Application Migration Service.
The launch settings can be modified at any time, including before the source server has completed its initial sync.
Any changes made to the launch settings will only affect newly launched test and cutover instances.
For many customers, there is no need to modify the launch settings or the EC2 launch template in order to launch test or cutover instances.
Launch settings can only be changed for one server at a time though the AWS Application Migration Service console.
You can modify launch settings for multiple servers at a time by using the AWS Application Migration Service API.
You can access the launch settings of a specific source server through the server details view by choosing its Hostname from the Source servers page.
Within the individual server view, navigate to the Launch settings tab.
The Launch settings tab is divided into two sections:
General launch settings
EC2 launch template