We have released a new version of the Well-Architected Framework. We also added new and updated lenses to the Lens Catalog. Learn more
To get started using AWS Well-Architected Tool, you first provide the appropriate permissions to the your users, groups, and roles, and activate support for the AWS services you want use with AWS WA Tool. Next, you define and document a workload. You can also save a milestone of the current state of a workload.
The following topics explain how to get started using AWS WA Tool. For a step-by-step tutorial showing how to use AWS Well-Architected Tool, see Tutorial: Document an AWS Well-Architected Tool workload.
- Providing users, groups, or roles access to AWS WA Tool
- Activating support in AWS WA Tool for other AWS services
- Defining a workload in AWS WA Tool
- Documenting a workload in AWS WA Tool
- Reviewing a workload with AWS Well-Architected Framework
- Viewing Trusted Advisor checks for your workload
- Saving a milestone for a workload in AWS WA Tool