BucketDeployment |
BucketDeployment populates an S3 bucket with the contents of .zip files from other S3 buckets or from local disk.
BucketDeploymentProps |
CacheControl |
Used for HTTP cache-control header, which influences downstream caches. |
DeployTimeSubstitutedFile |
DeployTimeSubstitutedFile is an extension of BucketDeployment that allows users to upload individual files and specify to make substitutions in the file.
DeployTimeSubstitutedFileProps |
DeploymentSourceContext |
ISource |
Represents a source for bucket deployments. |
ServerSideEncryption |
Indicates whether server-side encryption is enabled for the object, and whether that encryption is from the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) or from Amazon S3 managed encryption (SSE-S3). |
Source |
Specifies bucket deployment source. |
SourceConfig |
StorageClass |
Storage class used for storing the object. |
UserDefinedObjectMetadata |