AddRoutesOptions |
ApiMapping |
Create a new API mapping for API Gateway API endpoint. |
ApiMappingAttributes |
ApiMappingProps |
AuthorizerPayloadVersion |
Payload format version for lambda authorizers. |
BatchHttpRouteOptions |
CfnApi |
The AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Api resource creates an API. |
CfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides |
The AWS::ApiGatewayV2::ApiGatewayManagedOverrides resource overrides the default properties of API Gateway-managed resources that are implicitly configured for you when you use quick create. |
CfnApiGatewayManagedOverridesProps |
CfnApiMapping |
The AWS::ApiGatewayV2::ApiMapping resource contains an API mapping. |
CfnApiMappingProps |
CfnApiProps |
CfnAuthorizer |
The AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Authorizer resource creates an authorizer for a WebSocket API or an HTTP API. |
CfnAuthorizerProps |
CfnDeployment |
The AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Deployment resource creates a deployment for an API. |
CfnDeploymentProps |
CfnDomainName |
The AWS::ApiGatewayV2::DomainName resource specifies a custom domain name for your API in Amazon API Gateway (API Gateway). |
CfnDomainNameProps |
CfnIntegration |
The AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Integration resource creates an integration for an API. |
CfnIntegrationProps |
CfnIntegrationResponse |
The AWS::ApiGatewayV2::IntegrationResponse resource updates an integration response for an WebSocket API. |
CfnIntegrationResponseProps |
CfnModel |
The AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Model resource updates data model for a WebSocket API. |
CfnModelProps |
CfnRoute |
The AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Route resource creates a route for an API. |
CfnRouteProps |
CfnRouteResponse |
The AWS::ApiGatewayV2::RouteResponse resource creates a route response for a WebSocket API. |
CfnRouteResponseProps |
CfnStage |
The AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Stage resource specifies a stage for an API. |
CfnStageProps |
CfnVpcLink |
The AWS::ApiGatewayV2::VpcLink resource creates a VPC link. |
CfnVpcLinkProps |
ContentHandling |
Integration content handling. |
CorsHttpMethod |
Supported CORS HTTP methods. |
CorsPreflightOptions |
DomainMappingOptions |
DomainName |
Custom domain resource for the API. |
DomainNameAttributes |
DomainNameProps |
EndpointOptions |
EndpointType |
Endpoint type for a domain name. |
GrantInvokeOptions |
HttpApi |
Create a new API Gateway HTTP API endpoint. |
HttpApiAttributes |
HttpApiProps |
HttpAuthorizer |
An authorizer for Http Apis. |
HttpAuthorizerAttributes |
HttpAuthorizerProps |
HttpAuthorizerType |
Supported Authorizer types. |
HttpConnectionType |
Supported connection types. |
HttpIntegration |
The integration for an API route. |
HttpIntegrationProps |
HttpIntegrationSubtype |
Supported integration subtypes. |
HttpIntegrationType |
Supported integration types. |
HttpMethod |
Supported HTTP methods. |
HttpNoneAuthorizer |
Explicitly configure no authorizers on specific HTTP API routes. |
HttpRoute |
Route class that creates the Route for API Gateway HTTP API. |
HttpRouteAuthorizerBindOptions |
HttpRouteAuthorizerConfig |
HttpRouteIntegration |
The interface that various route integration classes will inherit. |
HttpRouteIntegrationBindOptions |
HttpRouteIntegrationConfig |
HttpRouteKey |
HTTP route in APIGateway is a combination of the HTTP method and the path component. |
HttpRouteProps |
HttpStage |
Represents a stage where an instance of the API is deployed. |
HttpStageAttributes |
HttpStageOptions |
HttpStageProps |
IApi |
Represents a API Gateway HTTP/WebSocket API. |
IApiMapping |
Represents an ApiGatewayV2 ApiMapping resource. |
IAuthorizer |
Represents an Authorizer. |
IDomainName |
Represents an APIGatewayV2 DomainName. |
IHttpApi |
Represents an HTTP API. |
IHttpAuthorizer |
An authorizer for HTTP APIs. |
IHttpIntegration |
Represents an Integration for an HTTP API. |
IHttpRoute |
Represents a Route for an HTTP API. |
IHttpRouteAuthorizer |
An authorizer that can attach to an Http Route. |
IHttpStage |
Represents the HttpStage. |
IIntegration |
Represents an integration to an API Route. |
IMappingValue |
Represents a Mapping Value. |
IRoute |
Represents a route. |
IStage |
Represents a Stage. |
IVpcLink |
Represents an API Gateway VpcLink. |
IWebSocketApi |
Represents a WebSocket API. |
IWebSocketAuthorizer |
An authorizer for WebSocket APIs. |
IWebSocketIntegration |
Represents an Integration for an WebSocket API. |
IWebSocketRoute |
Represents a Route for an WebSocket API. |
IWebSocketRouteAuthorizer |
An authorizer that can attach to an WebSocket Route. |
IWebSocketStage |
Represents the WebSocketStage. |
IntegrationCredentials |
Credentials used for AWS Service integrations. |
MTLSConfig |
MappingValue |
Represents a Mapping Value. |
ParameterMapping |
Represents a Parameter Mapping. |
PassthroughBehavior |
Integration Passthrough Behavior. |
PayloadFormatVersion |
Payload format version for lambda proxy integration. |
SecurityPolicy |
The minimum version of the SSL protocol that you want API Gateway to use for HTTPS connections. |
StageAttributes |
StageOptions |
ThrottleSettings |
VpcLink |
Define a new VPC Link Specifies an API Gateway VPC link for a HTTP API to access resources in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). |
VpcLinkAttributes |
VpcLinkProps |
WebSocketApi |
Create a new API Gateway WebSocket API endpoint. |
WebSocketApiAttributes |
WebSocketApiKeySelectionExpression |
Represents the currently available API Key Selection Expressions. |
WebSocketApiProps |
WebSocketAuthorizer |
An authorizer for WebSocket Apis. |
WebSocketAuthorizerAttributes |
WebSocketAuthorizerProps |
WebSocketAuthorizerType |
Supported Authorizer types. |
WebSocketIntegration |
The integration for an API route. |
WebSocketIntegrationProps |
WebSocketIntegrationType |
WebSocket Integration Types. |
WebSocketNoneAuthorizer |
Explicitly configure no authorizers on specific WebSocket API routes. |
WebSocketRoute |
Route class that creates the Route for API Gateway WebSocket API. |
WebSocketRouteAuthorizerBindOptions |
WebSocketRouteAuthorizerConfig |
WebSocketRouteIntegration |
The interface that various route integration classes will inherit. |
WebSocketRouteIntegrationBindOptions |
WebSocketRouteIntegrationConfig |
WebSocketRouteOptions |
WebSocketRouteProps |
WebSocketStage |
Represents a stage where an instance of the API is deployed. |
WebSocketStageAttributes |
WebSocketStageProps |