AccessLogDestinationConfig |
AccessLogField |
$context variables that can be used to customize access log pattern. |
AccessLogFormat |
factory methods for access log format. |
AddApiKeyOptions |
ApiDefinition |
Represents an OpenAPI definition asset. |
ApiDefinitionConfig |
ApiDefinitionS3Location |
ApiKey |
An API Gateway ApiKey. |
ApiKeyOptions |
ApiKeyProps |
ApiKeySourceType |
ApiMappingOptions |
AssetApiDefinition |
OpenAPI specification from a local file. |
AuthorizationType |
Authorizer |
Base class for all custom authorizers. |
AwsIntegration |
This type of integration lets an API expose AWS service actions. |
AwsIntegrationProps |
BasePathMapping |
This resource creates a base path that clients who call your API must use in the invocation URL. |
BasePathMappingOptions |
BasePathMappingProps |
CfnAccount |
The AWS::ApiGateway::Account resource specifies the IAM role that Amazon API Gateway uses to write API logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. |
CfnAccountProps |
CfnApiKey |
The AWS::ApiGateway::ApiKey resource creates a unique key that you can distribute to clients who are executing API Gateway Method resources that require an API key. |
CfnApiKeyProps |
CfnAuthorizer |
The AWS::ApiGateway::Authorizer resource creates an authorization layer that API Gateway activates for methods that have authorization enabled. |
CfnAuthorizerProps |
CfnBasePathMapping |
The AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping resource creates a base path that clients who call your API must use in the invocation URL. |
CfnBasePathMappingProps |
CfnClientCertificate |
The AWS::ApiGateway::ClientCertificate resource creates a client certificate that API Gateway uses to configure client-side SSL authentication for sending requests to the integration endpoint. |
CfnClientCertificateProps |
CfnDeployment |
The AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment resource deploys an API Gateway RestApi resource to a stage so that clients can call the API over the internet. |
CfnDeploymentProps |
CfnDocumentationPart |
The AWS::ApiGateway::DocumentationPart resource creates a documentation part for an API. |
CfnDocumentationPartProps |
CfnDocumentationVersion |
The AWS::ApiGateway::DocumentationVersion resource creates a snapshot of the documentation for an API. |
CfnDocumentationVersionProps |
CfnDomainName |
The AWS::ApiGateway::DomainName resource specifies a custom domain name for your API in API Gateway. |
CfnDomainNameProps |
CfnGatewayResponse |
The AWS::ApiGateway::GatewayResponse resource creates a gateway response for your API. |
CfnGatewayResponseProps |
CfnMethod |
The AWS::ApiGateway::Method resource creates API Gateway methods that define the parameters and body that clients must send in their requests. |
CfnMethodProps |
CfnModel |
The AWS::ApiGateway::Model resource defines the structure of a request or response payload for an API method. |
CfnModelProps |
CfnRequestValidator |
The AWS::ApiGateway::RequestValidator resource sets up basic validation rules for incoming requests to your API. |
CfnRequestValidatorProps |
CfnResource |
The AWS::ApiGateway::Resource resource creates a resource in an API. |
CfnResourceProps |
CfnRestApi |
The AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi resource creates a REST API. |
CfnRestApiProps |
CfnStage |
The AWS::ApiGateway::Stage resource creates a stage for a deployment. |
CfnStageProps |
CfnUsagePlan |
The AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan resource creates a usage plan for deployed APIs. |
CfnUsagePlanKey |
The AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlanKey resource associates an API key with a usage plan. |
CfnUsagePlanKeyProps |
CfnUsagePlanProps |
CfnVpcLink |
The AWS::ApiGateway::VpcLink resource creates an API Gateway VPC link for a REST API to access resources in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). |
CfnVpcLinkProps |
CognitoUserPoolsAuthorizer |
Cognito user pools based custom authorizer. |
CognitoUserPoolsAuthorizerProps |
ConnectionType |
ContentHandling |
Cors |
CorsOptions |
Deployment |
A Deployment of a REST API. |
DeploymentProps |
DomainName |
DomainNameAttributes |
DomainNameOptions |
DomainNameProps |
EndpointConfiguration |
EndpointType |
FirehoseLogDestination |
Use a Firehose delivery stream as a custom access log destination for API Gateway. |
GatewayResponse |
Configure the response received by clients, produced from the API Gateway backend. |
GatewayResponseOptions |
GatewayResponseProps |
HttpIntegration |
You can integrate an API method with an HTTP endpoint using the HTTP proxy integration or the HTTP custom integration,. |
HttpIntegrationProps |
IAccessLogDestination |
Access log destination for a RestApi Stage. |
IApiKey |
API keys are alphanumeric string values that you distribute to app developer customers to grant access to your API. |
IAuthorizer |
Represents an API Gateway authorizer. |
IDomainName |
IGatewayResponse |
Represents gateway response resource. |
IModel |
IRequestValidator |
IResource |
IRestApi |
IStage |
Represents an APIGateway Stage. |
IUsagePlan |
A UsagePlan, either managed by this CDK app, or imported. |
IVpcLink |
Represents an API Gateway VpcLink. |
IdentitySource |
Represents an identity source. |
InlineApiDefinition |
OpenAPI specification from an inline JSON object. |
Integration |
Base class for backend integrations for an API Gateway method. |
IntegrationConfig |
IntegrationOptions |
IntegrationProps |
IntegrationResponse |
IntegrationType |
JsonSchema |
JsonSchemaType |
JsonSchemaVersion |
JsonWithStandardFieldProps |
LambdaAuthorizerProps |
LambdaIntegration |
Integrates an AWS Lambda function to an API Gateway method. |
LambdaIntegrationOptions |
LambdaRestApi |
Defines an API Gateway REST API with AWS Lambda proxy integration. |
LambdaRestApiProps |
LogGroupLogDestination |
Use CloudWatch Logs as a custom access log destination for API Gateway. |
MTLSConfig |
Method |
MethodDeploymentOptions |
MethodLoggingLevel |
MethodOptions |
MethodProps |
MethodResponse |
MockIntegration |
This type of integration lets API Gateway return a response without sending the request further to the backend. |
Model |
ModelOptions |
ModelProps |
PassthroughBehavior |
Period |
Time period for which quota settings apply. |
ProxyResource |
Defines a {proxy+} greedy resource and an ANY method on a route. |
ProxyResourceOptions |
ProxyResourceProps |
QuotaSettings |
RateLimitedApiKey |
An API Gateway ApiKey, for which a rate limiting configuration can be specified. |
RateLimitedApiKeyProps |
RequestAuthorizer |
Request-based lambda authorizer that recognizes the caller’s identity via request parameters, such as headers, paths, query strings, stage variables, or context variables. |
RequestAuthorizerProps |
RequestContext |
RequestValidator |
RequestValidatorOptions |
RequestValidatorProps |
Resource |
ResourceAttributes |
ResourceBase |
ResourceOptions |
ResourceProps |
ResponseType |
Supported types of gateway responses. |
RestApi |
Represents a REST API in Amazon API Gateway. |
RestApiAttributes |
RestApiBase |
Base implementation that are common to various implementations of IRestApi. |
RestApiBaseProps |
RestApiProps |
S3ApiDefinition |
OpenAPI specification from an S3 archive. |
SagemakerIntegration |
Integrates an AWS Sagemaker Endpoint to an API Gateway method. |
SagemakerIntegrationOptions |
SecurityPolicy |
The minimum version of the SSL protocol that you want API Gateway to use for HTTPS connections. |
SpecRestApi |
Represents a REST API in Amazon API Gateway, created with an OpenAPI specification. |
SpecRestApiProps |
Stage |
StageAttributes |
StageBase |
Base class for an ApiGateway Stage. |
StageOptions |
StageProps |
StepFunctionsExecutionIntegrationOptions |
StepFunctionsIntegration |
Options to integrate with various StepFunction API. |
StepFunctionsRestApi |
Defines an API Gateway REST API with a Synchrounous Express State Machine as a proxy integration. |
StepFunctionsRestApiProps |
ThrottleSettings |
ThrottlingPerMethod |
TokenAuthorizer |
Token based lambda authorizer that recognizes the caller’s identity as a bearer token, such as a JSON Web Token (JWT) or an OAuth token. |
TokenAuthorizerProps |
UsagePlan |
UsagePlanPerApiStage |
UsagePlanProps |
VpcLink |
Define a new VPC Link Specifies an API Gateway VPC link for a RestApi to access resources in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). |
VpcLinkProps |