This tutorial helps you to create a deploy action in CodePipeline that deploys your code to instances you have configured in Amazon EC2.
As part of creating a pipeline in the console, an S3 artifact bucket will be used by CodePipeline for artifacts. (This is different from the bucket used for an S3 source action.) If the S3 artifact bucket is in a different account from the account for your pipeline, make sure that the S3 artifact bucket is owned by AWS accounts that are safe and will be dependable.
The EC2
deploy action is only available for V2 type pipelines.
There are a few resources that you must have in place before you can use this tutorial to create your CD pipeline. Here are the things you need to get started:
All of these resources should be created within the same AWS Region.
A source control repository (this tutorial uses GitHub) where you will add a sample
file. -
You must use an existing CodePipeline service role that has been updated with the permissions for this action. To update your service role, see Service role policy permissions for the EC2 deploy action.
After you have satisfied these prerequisites, you can proceed with the tutorial and create your CD pipeline.
Step 1: Create Amazon EC2 Linux
In this step, you create the Amazon EC2 instances where you will deploy a sample application. As part of this process, create an instance role in IAM, if you have not already created an instance role in the Region where you want to create resources.
To create an instance role
Open the IAM console at
). -
From the console dashboard, choose Roles.
Choose Create role.
Under Select type of trusted entity, select AWS service. Under Choose a use case, select EC2. Under Select your use case, choose EC2. Choose Next: Permissions.
Search for and select the policy named
. -
Search for and select the policy named
. Choose Next: Tags. -
Choose Next: Review. Enter a name for the role (for example,
Make a note of your role name for the next step. You choose this role when you are creating your instance.
You will add permissions to this role to allow access to the S3 artifact bucket for your pipeline after pipeline creation.
Choose Create role.
To launch instances
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
. -
From the side navigation, choose Instances, and select Launch instances from the top of the page.
In Name, enter
. This assigns the instance a tag Key ofName
and a tag Value ofMyInstances
. -
Under Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image), locate the Amazon Linux AMI option with the AWS logo, and make sure it is selected. (This AMI is described as the Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM) and is labeled "Free tier eligible".)
Under Instance type, choose the free tier eligible
type as the hardware configuration for your instance. -
Under Key pair (login), choose a key pair or create one.
Under Network settings, make sure the status is Enable.
Expand Advanced details. In IAM instance profile, choose the IAM role you created in the previous procedure (for example,
Do not leave the instance role blank as this creates a default role and does not select the role you created.
Under Summary, under Number of instances, enter
. -
Choose Launch instance.
You can view the status of the launch on the Instances page. When you launch an instance, its initial state is
. After the instance starts, its state changes torunning
, and it receives a public DNS name. (If the Public DNS column is not displayed, choose the Show/Hide icon, and then select Public DNS.)
Step 2: Add artifact bucket permissions
to the EC2 instance role
You must update the EC2 instance role you created for your instance to allow it access to your pipeline's artifact bucket.
When you create the instance, you create or use an existing EC2 instance role. To
avoid Access Denied
errors, you must add S3 bucket permissions to the
instance role to give the instance permissions to the CodePipeline artifact bucket. Create
a default role or update your existing role with the s3:GetObject
permission scoped down to the artifact bucket for your pipeline's Region.
Navigate to your pipeline in the CodePipeline console. Choose Settings. View the name and location of the artifact store for an existing pipeline. Make a note of the artifact bucket Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and copy it.
Navigate to the IAM console and choose Roles. Choose the instance role you created in Step 1 of this tutorial.
On the Permissions tab, choose Add inline policy.
Add the following JSON to the policy document, replacing the value in the
field with the bucket ARN.{ "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::
" } -
Choose Update.
Step 3: Add a script file to your
Paste this sample text to create your
file for the
post-script step in the deployment.
echo "Hello World!"
To add a
file to your source repository
Open a text editor and then copy and paste the file above into a new file.
Commit and push your
file to your source repository.-
Add the file.
git add .
Commit the change.
git commit -m "Adding"
Push the commit.
git push
Make a note of the path in your repository.
Step 4: Creating your pipeline
Use the CodePipeline wizard to create your pipeline stages and connect your source repository.
To create your pipeline
Open the CodePipeline console at
. -
On the Welcome page, Getting started page, or the Pipelines page, choose Create pipeline.
On the Step 1: Choose creation option page, under Creation options, choose the Build custom pipeline option. Choose Next.
In Step 2: Choose pipeline settings, in Pipeline name, enter
. -
CodePipeline provides V1 and V2 type pipelines, which differ in characteristics and price. The V2 type is the only type you can choose in the console. For more information, see pipeline types. For information about pricing for CodePipeline, see Pricing
. -
In Service role, choose Use existing service role, and then choose the CodePipeline service role that has been updated with the required permissions for this action. To configure your CodePipeline service role for this action, see Service role policy permissions for the EC2 deploy action.
Leave the settings under Advanced settings at their defaults, and then choose Next.
On the Step 3: Add source stage page, add a source stage:
In Source provider, choose GitHub (via GitHub App).
Under Connection, choose an existing connection or create a new one. To create or manage a connection for your GitHub source action, see GitHub connections.
In Repository name, choose the name of your GitHub repository.
Choose Next.
On the Step 4: Add build stage page, choose Skip.
On the Step 5: Add deploy stage page, choose EC2.
For Target directory, enter the directory on the instance that you want to deploy to, such as
Specify the deployment directory that you want the action to use on the instance. The action will automate creating the specified directory on the instance as part of the deployment.
For PostScript, enter the path and file name for your script, such as
. -
Choose Next.
On the Step 6: Review page, review your pipeline configuration and choose Create pipeline to create the pipeline.
After the pipeline runs successfully, choose View details to view the logs on the action to view the managed compute action output.
Step 5: Test Your Pipeline
Your pipeline should have everything for running an end-to-end native AWS continuous deployment. Now, test its functionality by pushing a code change to your source repository.
To test your pipeline
Make a code change to your configured source repository, commit, and push the change.
Open the CodePipeline console at
. -
Choose your pipeline from the list.
Watch the pipeline progress through its stages. Your pipeline should complete and your action deploys the script on your instances.
For more troubleshooting information, see EC2 Deploy action fails with an error message No such file.