FreeRTOS demos - FreeRTOS

FreeRTOS demos

FreeRTOS includes some demo applications in the demos folder, under the main FreeRTOS directory. All of the examples that can be executed by FreeRTOS appear in the common folder, under demos. There is also a folder for each FreeRTOS-qualified platform under the demos folder.

Before you try the demo applications, we recommend that you complete the tutorial in Get Started with FreeRTOS. It shows you how to set up and run the coreMQTT Agent demo.

Running the FreeRTOS demos

The following topics show you how to set up and run the FreeRTOS demos:

The DEMO_RUNNER_RunDemos function, located in the freertos/demos/demo_runner/iot_demo_runner.c file, initializes a detached thread on which a single demo application runs. By default, DEMO_RUNNER_RunDemos only calls and starts the coreMQTT Agent demo. Depending on the configuration that you selected when you downloaded FreeRTOS, and where you downloaded FreeRTOS, the other example runner functions might start by default. To enable a demo application, open the freertos/vendors/vendor/boards/board/aws_demos/config_files/aws_demo_config.h file, and define the demo that you want to run.


Not all combinations of examples work together. Depending on the combination, the software might not run on the selected target due to memory constraints. We recommend that you run one demo at a time.

Configuring the demos

The demos have been configured to get you started quickly. You might want to change some of the configurations for your project to create a version that runs on your platform. You can find configuration files at vendors/vendor/boards/board/aws_demos/config_files.