
class aws_cdk.app_staging_synthesizer_alpha.IStagingResourcesFactory(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Protocol

(experimental) Staging Resource Factory interface.

The function included in this class will be called by the synthesizer to create or reference an IStagingResources construct that has the necessary staging resources for the stack.




obtain_staging_resources(stack, *, environment_string, qualifier, deploy_role_arn=None)

(experimental) Return an object that will manage staging resources for the given stack.

This is called whenever the the AppStagingSynthesizer binds to a specific stack, and allows selecting where the staging resources go.

This method can choose to either create a new construct (perhaps a stack) and return it, or reference an existing construct.

  • stack (Stack) –

    • stack to return an appropriate IStagingStack for.

  • environment_string (str) – (experimental) A unique string describing the environment that is guaranteed not to have tokens in it.

  • qualifier (str) – (experimental) The qualifier passed to the synthesizer. The staging stack shouldn’t need this, but it might.

  • deploy_role_arn (Optional[str]) – (experimental) The ARN of the deploy action role, if given. This role will need permissions to read from to the staging resources. Default: - Deploy role ARN is unknown



Return type:
