Before you begin, make sure that you have completed the following prerequisites.
In Drupal, make sure you have:
Created a Drupal (Standard) Suite account and a user with an administrator role.
Install the Web Services modules from Drupal's core modules. These include the HTTP Basic Authentication module, the JSON:API module, the RESTful Web Services module, and the Serialization module.
Configure the JSON:API module to accept the JSON:API create, read, update, and delete operations.
Copied your Drupal site name and configured a host URL. For example,
. -
Configured basic authentication credentials containing a username (Drupal website login username) and password (Drupal website password).
Recommended: Configured an OAuth 2.0 credential token. Use this token along with your Drupal password grant, client id, client secret, username (Drupal website login username) and password (Drupal website password) to connect to Amazon Q.
Added the following permissions in your Drupal account using an administrator role:
administer blocks
administer block_content display
administer block_content fields
administer block_content form display
administer views
view user email addresses
view own unpublished content
view page revisions
view article revisions
view all revisions
view the administration theme
access content
access content overview
access comments
search content
access files overview
access contextual links
If there are user defined content types or user defined block types, or any views and blocks are added to the Drupal website, they must be provided with administrator access.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created a Amazon Q Business application.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the Amazon Q API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
Stored your Drupal authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using the Amazon Q API, noted the ARN of the secret.
If you’re a console user, you can create the IAM role and Secrets Manager secret as part of configuring your Amazon Q application on the console.
For a list of things to consider while configuring your data source, see Data source connector configuration best practices.