Creating and managing an invitation-based organization in Amazon Macie - Amazon Macie

Creating and managing an invitation-based organization in Amazon Macie

To create an invitation-based organization in Amazon Macie, you start by determining which account you want to be the Macie administrator account for the organization. You then use that account to add member accounts—you send membership invitations to other AWS accounts, inviting the accounts to join the organization as Macie member accounts in the current AWS Region. To create the organization in multiple Regions, send membership invitations from each Region in which the other accounts currently use or plan to use Macie.

When an account accepts an invitation, it becomes a Macie member account that's associated with the Macie administrator account in the applicable Region. The Macie administrator account can then access certain Macie settings, data, and resources for the member account in that Region.

As the Macie administrator for an invitation-based organization, you can review Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) inventory data and policy findings for member accounts. You can also enable automated sensitive data discovery and run sensitive data discovery jobs to detect sensitive data in S3 buckets that member accounts own. For a detailed list of the tasks that you can perform, see Understanding the relationship between Amazon Macie administrator and member accounts.

By default, Macie gives you visibility into relevant data and resources for your organization overall. You can also drill down to review data and resources for individual accounts in your organization. For example, if you use the Summary dashboard to assess your organization’s Amazon S3 security posture, you can filter the data by account. Similarly, if you monitor estimated usage costs, you can access breakdowns of estimated costs for individual member accounts.

In addition to tasks that are common to administrator and member accounts, you can centrally perform various administrative tasks for your organization. Before you perform these tasks, it’s a good idea to review the considerations and recommendations for managing invitation-based organizations in Macie.

Adding Amazon Macie member accounts to an invitation-based organization

As the Macie administrator for an invitation-based organization, you add member accounts to your organization by performing two primary steps:

  1. Add the accounts to your account inventory in Macie. This associates the accounts with your account.

  2. Send membership invitations to the accounts.

When an account accepts your invitation, it becomes a member account in your organization.

Step 1: Add the accounts

To add one or more accounts to your account inventory, you can use the Amazon Macie console or the Amazon Macie API.


With the Amazon Macie console, you can add one account at a time, or add multiple accounts at the same time by uploading a comma-separated values (CSV) file. Follow these steps to add one or more accounts by using the console.

To add one account
  1. Open the Amazon Macie console at

  2. By using the AWS Region selector in the upper-right corner of the page, select the Region in which you want to add an account.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Accounts. The Accounts page opens and displays a table of the accounts that are currently associated with your account.

  4. Choose Add accounts.

  5. In the Enter account details section, choose Add account. Then do the following:

    • For Account ID, enter the 12-digit account ID for the AWS account to add.

    • For Email address, enter the email address for the AWS account to add.

  6. Choose Add.

  7. At the bottom of the page, choose Next.

Macie adds the account to your account inventory. The account’s type is By invitation and its status is Created. Repeat the preceding steps in each additional Region in which you want to add the account.

To add multiple accounts
  1. By using a text editor, create a CSV file as follows:

    1. Add the following header as the first line of the file: Account ID,Email

    2. For each account, create a new line that has the 12-digit account ID for the AWS account to add and the email address for the account. Separate the entries with a comma, for example: 111111111111,

      The email address must match the email address that’s associated with the AWS account.

    3. Verify that the file’s contents are formatted as shown in the following example, which contains the required header and information for three accounts:

      Account ID,Email 111111111111, 222222222222, 333333333333,
    4. Save the file on your computer.

  2. Open the Amazon Macie console at

  3. By using the AWS Region selector in the upper-right corner of the page, select the Region in which you want to add the accounts.

  4. In the navigation pane, choose Accounts. The Accounts page opens and displays a table of the accounts that are currently associated with your account.

  5. Choose Add accounts.

  6. In the Enter account details section, choose Upload list (CSV).

  7. Choose Browse, and then select the CSV file that you created in step 1.

  8. Choose Add accounts.

  9. At the bottom of the page, choose Next.

Macie adds the accounts to your account inventory. Their type is By invitation and their status is Created. Repeat steps 3 through 8 in each additional Region in which you want to add the accounts.


To add one or more accounts programmatically, use the CreateMember operation of the Amazon Macie API. When you submit your request, use the supported parameters to specify the 12-digit account ID and email address for each AWS account to add. Also specify the Region that the request applies to. To add accounts in additional Regions, submit the request in each additional Region.

To add accounts by using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), run the create-member command. Use the region parameter to specify the Region in which to add the accounts. Use the account parameters to specify the account ID and email address for each AWS account to add. For example:

C:\> aws macie2 create-member --region us-east-1 --account={\"accountId\":\"111111111111\",\"email\":\"\"}

Where us-east-1 is the Region in which to add the account (the US East (N. Virginia) Region) and the account parameters specify the account ID (111111111111) and email address ( for the account to add.

If your request succeeds, Macie adds each account to your account inventory with a status of Created and you receive output similar to the following:

{ "arn": "arn:aws:macie2:us-east-1:123456789012:member/111111111111" }

Where arn is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource that was created for the association between your account and the account that you added. In this example, 123456789012 is the account ID for the account that created the association and 111111111111 is the account ID for the account that was added.

Step 2: Send membership invitations to the accounts

After you add an account to your account inventory, you can invite the account to join your organization as a Macie member account. To do this, send a membership invitation to the account. When you send an invitation, an Accounts badge and notification appear on the Amazon Macie console for the recipient’s account, if Macie is enabled for the account. Macie also creates an AWS Health event for the account.

Depending on whether you use the Amazon Macie console or API to send the invitation, Macie also sends the invitation to the email address that you specified for the recipient’s account when you added the account. The email message indicates that you would like to become the Macie administrator for their account, and it includes the account ID for your AWS account and the recipient’s AWS account. The message also explains how to access the invitation. You can optionally add custom text to the message.

To send a membership invitation to one or more accounts, you can use the Amazon Macie console or the Amazon Macie API.


Follow these steps to send a membership invitation by using the Amazon Macie console.

To send a membership invitation
  1. Open the Amazon Macie console at

  2. By using the AWS Region selector in the upper-right corner of the page, select the Region in which you want to send the invitation.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Accounts. The Accounts page opens and displays a table of the accounts that are currently associated with your account.

  4. In the Accounts table, select the check box for each account that you want to send the invitation to.


    To more easily identify accounts that you added and haven't sent invitations to yet, you can filter the table. To do this, place your cursor in the filter box above the table, and then choose Status. Then choose Status = Created.

  5. On the Actions menu, choose Invite.

  6. (Optional) In the Message box, enter any custom text that you want to include in the email message that contains the invitation. The text can contain as many as 80 alphanumeric characters.

  7. Choose Invite.

To send the invitation in additional AWS Regions, repeat the preceding steps in each additional Region.

After you send the invitation, the status of a recipient account changes to Email verification in progress in your account inventory. If Macie can verify an account’s email address, the account’s status subsequently changes to Invited. If Macie can’t verify the address, the account’s status changes to Email verification failed. If this happens, work with the account owner to get the correct email address. Then delete the association between your accounts, add the account again, and send the invitation again.

When a recipient accepts an invitation, the status of the recipient’s account changes to Enabled in your account inventory. If a recipient declines an invitation, the recipient’s account is disassociated from your account and removed from your account inventory.


To send an invitation programmatically, use the CreateInvitations operation of the Amazon Macie API. When you submit your request, use the supported parameters to specify the 12-digit account ID for each AWS account to send the invitation to. An account ID must match the account ID for an account in your account inventory. Otherwise, an error occurs. Also specify the Region to send the invitation from. To send the invitation from additional Regions, submit the request in each additional Region.

In your request, you can also specify whether to send the invitation as an email message, and whether to include custom text in that message. If you choose to send an email message, Macie sends the invitation to the email address that you specified for an account when you added the account to your account inventory. To send the invitation as an email message, omit the disableEmailNotification parameter or set the value for the parameter to false. (The default value is false.) To add custom text to the message, use the message parameter to specify the text to add. The text can contain as many as 80 alphanumeric characters.

To send invitations by using the AWS CLI, run the create-invitations command. Use the region parameter to specify the Region to send the invitation from. Use the account-ids parameter to specify the account ID for each AWS account to send the invitation to. For example:

C:\> aws macie2 create-invitations --region us-east-1 --account-ids=[\"111111111111\",\"222222222222\",\"333333333333\"]

Where us-east-1 is the Region to send the invitation from (the US East (N. Virginia) Region) and the account-ids parameter specifies account IDs for three accounts to send the invitation to. To send an invitation as an email message too, also include the no-disable-email-notification parameter and optionally include the message parameter to specify custom text to add to the message.

After you send the invitation, the status of each recipient account changes to EmailVerificationInProgress. If Macie can verify an account’s email address, the account’s status subsequently changes to Invited. If Macie can’t verify the address, the account’s status changes to EmailVerificationFailed. If this happens, work with the account owner to get the correct address. Then delete the association between your accounts, add the account again, and send the invitation again.

When a recipient accepts an invitation, the status of the recipient’s account changes to Enabled in your account inventory. If a recipient declines an invitation, the recipient’s account is disassociated from your account and removed from your account inventory.

Suspending Amazon Macie for member accounts in an invitation-based organization

As the Macie administrator for an organization, you can suspend Macie in a specific AWS Region for individual member accounts in your organization. Note, however, that you can’t re-enable Macie for a member account after you suspend it. Only a user of the account can subsequently re-enable Macie for the account.

When you suspend Macie for a member account:

  • Macie loses access to and stops providing metadata about the account's Amazon S3 data in the Region.

  • Macie stops performing all activities for the account in the Region. This includes monitoring S3 buckets for security and access control, performing automated sensitive data discovery, and running sensitive data discovery jobs that are currently in progress.

  • Macie cancels all sensitive data discovery jobs that were created by the account in the Region. A job can't be resumed or restarted after it's cancelled. If you created jobs to analyze data that the member account owns, Macie doesn’t cancel those jobs. Instead, the jobs skip resources that are owned by the account.

While an account is suspended, Macie retains the Macie session identifier, settings, and resources for the account in the applicable Region. For example, the account's findings remain intact and aren't affected for up to 90 days. The account isn't charged for using Macie in the applicable Region while Macie is suspended for the account in that Region.

To suspend Macie for a member account in an invitation-based organization

To suspend Macie for a member account in an invitation-based organization, you can use the Amazon Macie console or the Amazon Macie API.


Follow these steps to suspend Macie for a member account by using the Amazon Macie console.

To suspend Macie for a member account
  1. Open the Amazon Macie console at

  2. By using the AWS Region selector in the upper-right corner of the page, select the Region in which you want to suspend Macie for a member account.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Accounts. The Accounts page opens and displays a table of the accounts that are currently associated with your account.

  4. In the Accounts table, select the check box for the account that you want to suspend.

  5. On the Actions menu, choose Suspend Macie.

  6. Confirm that you want to suspend Macie for the selected account.

After you confirm the suspension, the status of the account changes to Paused (suspended) in your account inventory.

Repeat the preceding steps in each additional Region in which you want to suspend Macie for the account.


To suspend Macie for a member account programmatically, use the UpdateMemberSession operation of the Amazon Macie API. When you submit your request, use the id parameter to specify the 12-digit account ID of the AWS account that you want to suspend Macie for. For the status parameter, specify PAUSED as the new status for the Macie account. Also specify the Region that the request applies to. To suspend Macie in additional Regions, submit your request in each additional Region.

To retrieve the account ID for the member account, you can use the ListMembers operation of the Amazon Macie API. If you do this, consider filtering the results by including the onlyAssociated parameter in your request. If you set this parameter’s value to true, Macie returns a members array that provides details about only those accounts that are currently member accounts for your administrator account.

To suspend Macie for a member account by using the AWS CLI, run the update-member-session command. Use the region parameter to specify the Region in which to suspend Macie and use the id parameter to specify the account ID for the account to suspend Macie for. For the status parameter, specify PAUSED. For example:

C:\> aws macie2 update-member-session --region us-east-1 --id 123456789012 --status PAUSED

Where us-east-1 is the Region in which to suspend Macie (the US East (N. Virginia) Region), 123456789012 is the account ID for the account to suspend Macie for, and PAUSED is the new status of Macie for the account.

If your request succeeds, Macie returns an empty response and the status of the specified account changes to Paused in your account inventory.

Removing Amazon Macie member accounts from an invitation-based organization

As a Macie administrator, you can remove a member account from your organization. You do this by disassociating the account from your Macie administrator account.

If you remove a member account, Macie continues to be enabled for the account and the account continues to appear in your account inventory. However, the account becomes a standalone Macie account. Macie doesn’t notify the account’s owner when you remove the account. Therefore, consider contacting the account owner to ensure that they begin managing settings and resources for their account.

When you remove a member account, you lose access to all Macie settings, resources, and data for the account. This includes policy findings and metadata for S3 buckets that the account owns. In addition, you can no longer use Macie to discover sensitive data in S3 buckets that the account owns. If you already created sensitive data discovery jobs to do this, the jobs skip buckets that the account owns. If you enabled automated sensitive data discovery for the account, both you and the account lose access to statistical data, inventory data, and other information that Macie produced and directly provided while performing automated discovery for the account.

After you remove a member account, you can subsequently add it to your organization again by sending a new invitation to the account. If the account accepts the new invitation and you enable automated sensitive data discovery for the account within 30 days, you also regain access to data and information that Macie previously produced and directly provided while performing automated discovery for the account.

If you remove a member account and don't plan to add it again, you can remove it from your account inventory completely. To learn how, see Deleting associations with other accounts.

To remove a member account from an invitation-based organization

To remove a member account from your organization, you can use the Amazon Macie console or the Amazon Macie API.


Follow these steps to remove a member account by using the Amazon Macie console.

To remove a member account
  1. Open the Amazon Macie console at

  2. By using the AWS Region selector in the upper-right corner of the page, select the Region in which you want to remove the member account.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Accounts. The Accounts page opens and displays a table of the accounts that are currently associated with your account.

  4. In the Accounts table, select the check box for the account that you want to remove.

  5. On the Actions menu, choose Disassociate account.

  6. Confirm that you want to remove the selected account as a member account.

After you confirm your selection, the status of the account changes to Removed (disassociated) in your account inventory.

Repeat the preceding steps in each additional Region in which you want to remove the member account.


To remove a member account programmatically, use the DisassociateMember operation of the Amazon Macie API. When you submit your request, use the id parameter to specify the 12-digit AWS account ID for the member account to remove. Also specify the Region that the request applies to. To remove the account in additional Regions, submit your request in each additional Region.

To retrieve the account ID for the account to remove, you can use the ListMembers operation of the Amazon Macie API. If you do this, consider filtering the results by including the onlyAssociated parameter in your request. If you set this parameter’s value to true, Macie returns a members array that provides details about only those accounts that are currently member accounts for your account.

To remove a member account by using the AWS CLI, run the disassociate-member command. Use the region parameter to specify the Region in which to remove the account. Use the id parameter to specify the account ID for the account to remove. For example:

C:\> aws macie2 disassociate-member --region us-east-1 --id 123456789012

Where us-east-1 is the Region in which to remove the account (the US East (N. Virginia) Region) and 123456789012 is the account ID for the account to remove.

If your request succeeds, Macie returns an empty response and the status of the specified account changes to Removed in your account inventory.

Deleting associations with other accounts

After you add an account to your account inventory, you can delete the association between your account and the other account. You can do this for any account in your inventory except:

  • An account that’s part of your organization in AWS Organizations. This type of association is controlled through AWS Organizations not Macie.

  • A member account that accepted a Macie membership invitation to join your organization. If this is the case, you must remove the member account before you can delete the association.

When you delete an association, Macie removes the account from your account inventory. If you want to subsequently restore the association, you have to add the account again as if it were a completely new account.

To delete an association with another account

To delete an association between your account and another account, you can use the Amazon Macie console or the Amazon Macie API.


To use the Amazon Macie console to delete an association with another account, follow these steps.

To delete an association
  1. Open the Amazon Macie console at

  2. By using the AWS Region selector in the upper-right corner of the page, select the Region in which you want to delete the association.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Accounts. The Accounts page opens and displays a table of the accounts that are currently associated with your account.

  4. In the Accounts table, select the check box for the account whose association you want to delete.

  5. On the Actions menu, choose Delete.

  6. Confirm that you want to delete the selected association.

Repeat the preceding steps in each additional Region in which you want to delete the association.


To delete an association with another account programmatically, use the DeleteMember operation of the Amazon Macie API. When you submit your request, use the id parameter to specify the 12-digit account ID for the AWS account to delete the association with. Also specify the Region that the request applies to. To delete the association in additional Regions, submit your request in each additional Region.

To retrieve the account ID for the account, you can use the ListMembers operation of the Amazon Macie API. If you do this, include the onlyAssociated parameter in your request and set the parameter’s value to false. If the operation is successful, Macie returns a members array that provides details about all the accounts that are associated with your account, including accounts that aren’t currently member accounts.

To delete an association with another account by using the AWS CLI, run the delete-member command. Use the region parameter to specify the Region in which to delete the association and the id parameter to specify the account ID for the account. For example:

C:\> aws macie2 delete-member --region us-east-1 --id 123456789012

Where us-east-1 is the Region in which to delete the association with the other account (the US East (N. Virginia) Region) and 123456789012 is the account ID for the account.

If your request succeeds, Macie returns an empty response and the association between your account and the other account is deleted. The previously associated account is removed from your account inventory.