Configuration options and requirements for retrieving sensitive data samples with findings - Amazon Macie

Configuration options and requirements for retrieving sensitive data samples with findings

You can optionally configure and use Amazon Macie to retrieve and reveal samples of sensitive data that Macie reports in individual findings. If you retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples for a finding, Macie uses data in the corresponding sensitive data discovery result to locate occurrences of sensitive data in the affected Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) object. Macie then extracts samples of those occurrences from the affected object. Macie encrypts the extracted data with an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key that you specify, temporarily stores the encrypted data in a cache, and returns the data in your results for the finding. Soon after extraction and encryption, Macie permanently deletes the data from the cache unless additional retention is temporarily required to resolve an operational issue.

Macie doesn't use the Macie service-linked role for your account to locate, retrieve, encrypt, or reveal sensitive data samples for affected S3 objects. Instead, Macie uses settings and resources that you configure for your account. When you configure the settings in Macie, you specify how to access affected S3 objects. You also specify which AWS KMS key to use to encrypt the samples. You can configure the settings in all the AWS Regions where Macie is currently available except the Asia Pacific (Osaka) and Israel (Tel Aviv) Regions.

To access affected S3 objects and retrieve sensitive data samples from them, you have two options. You can configure Macie to use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user credentials or assume an IAM role:

  • Use IAM user credentials – With this option, each user of your account uses their individual IAM identity to locate, retrieve, encrypt, and reveal the samples. This means that a user can retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples for a finding if they're allowed to access the requisite resources and data, and perform the requisite actions.

  • Assume an IAM role – With this option, you create an IAM role that delegates access to Macie. You also ensure that the trust and permissions policies for the role meet all requirements for Macie to assume the role. Macie then assumes the role when a user of your account chooses to locate, retrieve, encrypt, and reveal sensitive data samples for a finding.

You can use either configuration with any type of Macie account—the delegated Macie administrator account for an organization, a Macie member account in an organization, or a standalone Macie account.

The following topics explain options, requirements, and considerations that can help you determine how to configure the settings and resources for your account. This includes the trust and permissions policies to attach to an IAM role. For additional recommendations and examples of policies that you might use to retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples, see the How to use Amazon Macie to preview sensitive data in S3 buckets blog post on the AWS Security Blog.

Determining which access method to use

When determining which configuration is best for your AWS environment, a key consideration is whether your environment includes multiple Amazon Macie accounts that are centrally managed as an organization. If you’re the delegated Macie administrator for an organization, configuring Macie to assume an IAM role can streamline retrieval of sensitive data samples from affected S3 objects for accounts in your organization. With this approach, you create an IAM role in your administrator account. You also create an IAM role in each applicable member account. The role in your administrator account delegates access to Macie. The role in a member account delegates cross-account access to the role in your administrator account. If implemented, you can then use role chaining to access affected S3 objects for your member accounts.

Also consider who has direct access to individual findings by default. To retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples for a finding, a user must first have access to the finding:

  • Sensitive data discovery jobs – Only the account that creates a job can access findings that the job produces. If you have a Macie administrator account, you can configure a job to analyze objects in S3 buckets for any account in your organization. Therefore, your jobs can produce findings for objects in buckets that your member accounts own. If you have a member account or a standalone Macie account, you can configure a job to analyze objects only in buckets that your account owns.

  • Automated sensitive data discovery – Only the Macie administrator account can access findings that automated discovery produces for accounts in their organization. Member accounts can’t access these findings. If you have a standalone Macie account, you can access findings that automated discovery produces only for your own account.

If you plan to access affected S3 objects by using an IAM role, also consider the following:

  • To locate occurrences of sensitive data in an object, the corresponding sensitive data discovery result for a finding must be stored in an S3 object that Macie signed with a Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) AWS KMS key. Macie must be able to verify the integrity and authenticity of the sensitive data discovery result. Otherwise, Macie doesn't assume the IAM role to retrieve sensitive data samples. This is an additional guardrail for restricting access to data in S3 objects for an account.

  • To retrieve sensitive data samples from an object that's encrypted with a customer managed AWS KMS key, the IAM role must be allowed to decrypt data with the key. More specifically, the key's policy must allow the role to perform the kms:Decrypt action. For other types of server-side encryption, no additional permissions or resources are required to decrypt an affected object. For more information, see Decrypting affected S3 objects.

  • To retrieve sensitive data samples from an object for another account, you must currently be the delegated Macie administrator for the account in the applicable AWS Region. In addition:

    • Macie must currently be enabled for the member account in the applicable Region.

    • The member account must have an IAM role that delegates cross-account access to an IAM role in your Macie administrator account. The name of the role must be the same in your Macie administrator account and the member account.

    • The trust policy for the IAM role in the member account must include a condition that specifies the correct external ID for your configuration. This ID is a unique alphanumeric string that Macie generates automatically after you configure the settings for your Macie administrator account. For information about using external IDs in trust policies, see How to use an external ID when granting access to your AWS resources to a third party in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

    • If the IAM role in the member account meets all Macie requirements, the member account doesn't need to configure and enable Macie settings for you to retrieve sensitive data samples from objects for their account. Macie uses only the settings and IAM role in your Macie administrator account and the IAM role in the member account.


      If your account is part of a large organization, consider using an AWS CloudFormation template and stack set to provision and manage the IAM roles for member accounts in your organization. For information about creating and using templates and stack sets, see the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

      To review and optionally download a CloudFormation template that can serve as a starting point, you can use the Amazon Macie console. In the navigation pane on the console, under Settings, choose Reveal samples. Choose Edit, and then choose View member role permissions and CloudFormation template.

Subsequent topics in this section provide additional details and considerations for each type of configuration. For IAM roles, this includes the trust and permissions policies to attach to a role. If you’re not sure which type of configuration is best for your environment, ask your AWS administrator for assistance.

Using IAM user credentials to access affected S3 objects

If you configure Amazon Macie to retrieve sensitive data samples by using IAM user credentials, each user of your Macie account uses their IAM identity to locate, retrieve, encrypt, and reveal samples for individual findings. This means that a user can retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples for a finding if their IAM identity is allowed to access the requisite resources and data, and perform the requisite actions. All the requisite actions are logged in AWS CloudTrail.

To retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples for a particular finding, a user must be allowed to access the following data and resources: the finding, the corresponding sensitive data discovery result, the affected S3 bucket, and the affected S3 object. They must also be allowed to use the AWS KMS key that was used to encrypt the affected object, if applicable, and the AWS KMS key that you configure Macie to use to encrypt sensitive data samples. If any IAM policies, resource policies, or other permissions settings deny the requisite access, the user won’t be able to retrieve and reveal samples for the finding.

To set up this type of configuration, complete the following general tasks:

  1. Verify that you configured a repository for your sensitive data discovery results.

  2. Configure the AWS KMS key to use for encryption of sensitive data samples.

  3. Verify your permissions for configuring the settings in Macie.

  4. Configure and enable the settings in Macie.

For information about performing these tasks, see Configuring Amazon Macie to retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples with findings.

Assuming an IAM role to access affected S3 objects

To configure Amazon Macie to retrieve sensitive data samples by assuming an IAM role, start by creating an IAM role that delegates access to Macie. Ensure that the trust and permissions policies for the role meet all requirements for Macie to assume the role. When a user of your Macie account then chooses to retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples for a finding, Macie assumes the role to retrieve the samples from the affected S3 object. Macie assumes the role only when a user chooses to retrieve and reveal samples for a finding. To assume the role, Macie uses the AssumeRole operation of the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) API. All the requisite actions are logged in AWS CloudTrail.

To retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples for a particular finding, a user must be allowed to access the finding, the corresponding sensitive data discovery result, and the AWS KMS key that you configure Macie to use to encrypt sensitive data samples. The IAM role must allow Macie to access the affected S3 bucket and the affected S3 object. The role must also be allowed to use the AWS KMS key that was used to encrypt the affected object, if applicable. If any IAM policies, resource policies, or other permissions settings deny the requisite access, the user won’t be able to retrieve and reveal samples for the finding.

To set up this type of configuration, complete the following general tasks. If you have a member account in an organization, work with your Macie administrator to determine whether and how to configure the settings and resources for your account.

  1. Define the following:

    • The name of the IAM role that you want Macie to assume. If your account is part of an organization, this name must be same for the delegated Macie administrator account and each applicable member account in the organization. Otherwise, the Macie administrator won't be able to access affected S3 objects for an applicable member account.

    • The name of the IAM permissions policy to attach to the IAM role. If your account is part of an organization, we recommend that you use the same policy name for each applicable member account in the organization. This can streamline provisioning and managing the role in member accounts.

  2. Verify that you configured a repository for your sensitive data discovery results.

  3. Configure the AWS KMS key to use for encryption of sensitive data samples.

  4. Verify your permissions for creating IAM roles and configuring the settings in Macie.

  5. If you're the delegated Macie administrator for an organization or you have a standalone Macie account:

    1. Create and configure the IAM role for your account. Ensure that the trust and permissions policies for the role meet all requirements for Macie to assume the role. For details about these requirements, see the next topic.

    2. Configure and enable the settings in Macie. Macie then generates an external ID for the configuration. If you’re the Macie administrator for an organization, note this ID. The trust policy for the IAM role in each of your applicable member accounts must specify this ID.

  6. If you have a member account in an organization:

    1. Ask your Macie administrator for the external ID to specify in the trust policy for the IAM role in your account. Also verify the name of the IAM role and permissions policy to create.

    2. Create and configure the IAM role for your account. Ensure that the trust and permissions policies for the role meet all requirements for your Macie administrator to assume the role. For details about these requirements, see the next topic.

    3. (Optional) If you want to retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples from affected S3 objects for your own account, configure and enable the settings in Macie. If you want Macie to assume an IAM role to retrieve the samples, start by creating and configuring an additional IAM role in your account. Ensure that the trust and permissions policies for this additional role meet all requirements for Macie to assume the role. Then configure the settings in Macie and specify the name of this additional role. For details about the policy requirements for the role, see the next topic.

For information about performing these tasks, see Configuring Amazon Macie to retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples with findings.

Configuring an IAM role to access affected S3 objects

To access affected S3 objects by using an IAM role, start by creating and configuring a role that delegates access to Amazon Macie. Ensure that the trust and permissions policies for the role meet all requirements for Macie to assume the role. How you do this depends on the type of Macie account that you have.

The following sections provide details about the trust and permissions policies to attach to the IAM role for each type of Macie account. Choose the section for the type of account that you have.


If you have a member account in an organization, you might need to create and configure two IAM roles for your account:

  • To allow your Macie administrator to retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples from affected S3 objects for your account, create and configure a role that your administrator's account can assume. For these details, choose the Macie member account section.

  • To retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples from affected S3 objects for your own account, create and configure a role that Macie can assume. For these details, choose the Standalone Macie account section.

Before you create and configure either IAM role, work with your Macie administrator to determine the appropriate configuration for your account.

For detailed information about using IAM to create the role, see Creating a role using custom trust policies in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

If you're the delegated Macie administrator for an organization, start by using the IAM policy editor to create the permissions policy for the IAM role. The policy should be as follows.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "RetrieveS3Objects", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] }, { "Sid": "AssumeMacieRevealRoleForCrossAccountAccess", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "sts:AssumeRole" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/IAMRoleName" } ] }

Where IAMRoleName is the name of the IAM role for Macie to assume when retrieving sensitive data samples from affected S3 objects for your organization's accounts. Replace this value with the name of the role that you're creating for your account, and planning to create for applicable member accounts in your organization. This name must be the same for your Macie administrator account and each applicable member account.


In the preceding permissions policy, the Resource element in the first statement uses a wildcard character (*). This allows an attached IAM entity to retrieve objects from all the S3 buckets that your organization owns. To allow this access for only specific buckets, replace the wildcard character with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of each bucket. For example, to allow access only to objects in a bucket named DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET, change the element to:

"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/*"

You can also restrict access to objects in specific S3 buckets for individual accounts. To do this, specify bucket ARNs in the Resource element of the permissions policy for the IAM role in each applicable account. For more information and examples, see IAM JSON policy elements: Resource in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

After you create the permissions policy for the IAM role, create and configure the role. If you do this by using the IAM console, choose Custom trust policy as the Trusted entity type for the role. For the trust policy that defines trusted entities for the role, specify the following.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AllowMacieReveal", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:SourceAccount": "accountID" } } } ] }

Where accountID is the account ID for your AWS account. Replace this value with your 12-digit account ID.

In the preceding trust policy:

  • The Principal element specifies the service principal that Macie uses when retrieving sensitive data samples from affected S3 objects,

  • The Action element specifies the action that the service principal is allowed to perform, the AssumeRole operation of the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) API.

  • The Condition element defines a condition that uses the aws:SourceAccount global condition context key. This condition determines which account can perform the specified action. In this case, it allows Macie to assume the role only for the specified account (accountID). The condition helps prevent Macie from being used as a confused deputy during transactions with AWS STS.

After you define the trust policy for the IAM role, attach the permissions policy to the role. This should be the permissions policy that you created before you started creating the role. Then complete the remaining steps in IAM to finish creating and configuring the role. When you finish, configure and enable the settings in Macie.

If you have a Macie member account and you want to allow your Macie administrator to retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples from affected S3 objects for your account, start by asking your Macie administrator for the following information:

  • The name of the IAM role to create. The name must be same for your account and the Macie administrator account for your organization.

  • The name of the IAM permissions policy to attach to the role.

  • The external ID to specify in the trust policy for the role. This ID must be the external ID that Macie generated for your Macie administrator's configuration.

After you receive this information, use the IAM policy editor to create the permissions policy for the role. The policy should be as follows.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "RetrieveS3Objects", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] }

The preceding permissions policy allows an attached IAM entity to retrieve objects from all the S3 buckets for your account. This is because the Resource element in the policy uses a wildcard character (*). To allow this access for only specific buckets, replace the wildcard character with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of each bucket. For example, to allow access only to objects in a bucket named DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET2, change the element to:

"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET2/*"

For more information and examples, see IAM JSON policy elements: Resource in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

After you create the permissions policy for the IAM role, create the role. If you create the role by using the IAM console, choose Custom trust policy as the Trusted entity type for the role. For the trust policy that defines trusted entities for the role, specify the following.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AllowMacieAdminRevealRoleForCrossAccountAccess", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::administratorAccountID:role/IAMRoleName" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "sts:ExternalId": "externalID", "aws:PrincipalOrgID": "${aws:ResourceOrgID}" } } } ] }

In the preceding policy, replace the placeholder values with the correct values for your AWS environment, where:

  • administratorAccountID is the 12-digit account ID for your Macie administrator's account.

  • IAMRoleName is the name of the IAM role in your Macie administrator's account. It should be the name that you received from your Macie administrator.

  • externalID is the external ID that you received from your Macie administrator.

In general, the trust policy allows your Macie administrator to assume the role to retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples from affected S3 objects for your account. The Principal element specifies the ARN of an IAM role in your Macie administrator's account. This is the role that your Macie administrator uses to retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples for your organization's accounts. The Condition block defines two conditions that further determine who can assume the role:

  • The first condition specifies an external ID that's unique to your organization's configuration. To learn more about external IDs, see How to use an external ID when granting access to your AWS resources to a third party in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

  • The second condition uses the aws:PrincipalOrgID global condition context key. The value for the key is a dynamic variable that represents the unique identifier for an organization in AWS Organizations (${aws:ResourceOrgID}). The condition restricts access to only those accounts that are part of the same organization in AWS Organizations. If you joined your organization by accepting an invitation in Macie, remove this condition from the policy.

After you define the trust policy for the IAM role, attach the permissions policy to the role. This should be the permissions policy that you created before you started creating the role. Then complete the remaining steps in IAM to finish creating and configuring the role. Do not configure and enter settings for the role in Macie.

If you have a standalone Macie account or a Macie member account and you want to retrieve and reveal sensitive data samples from affected S3 objects for your own account, start by using the IAM policy editor to create the permissions policy for the IAM role. The policy should be as follows.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "RetrieveS3Objects", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] }

In the preceding permissions policy, the Resource element uses a wildcard character (*). This allows an attached IAM entity to retrieve objects from all the S3 buckets for your account. To allow this access for only specific buckets, replace the wildcard character with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of each bucket. For example, to allow access only to objects in a bucket named DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET3, change the element to:

"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET3/*"

For more information and examples, see IAM JSON policy elements: Resource in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

After you create the permissions policy for the IAM role, create the role. If you create the role by using the IAM console, choose Custom trust policy as the Trusted entity type for the role. For the trust policy that defines trusted entities for the role, specify the following.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AllowMacieReveal", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:SourceAccount": "accountID" } } } ] }

Where accountID is the account ID for your AWS account. Replace this value with your 12-digit account ID.

In the preceding trust policy:

  • The Principal element specifies the service principal that Macie uses when retrieving and revealing sensitive data samples from affected S3 objects,

  • The Action element specifies the action that the service principal is allowed to perform, the AssumeRole operation of the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) API.

  • The Condition element defines a condition that uses the aws:SourceAccount global condition context key. This condition determines which account can perform the specified action. It allows Macie to assume the role only for the specified account (accountID). The condition helps prevent Macie from being used as a confused deputy during transactions with AWS STS.

After you define the trust policy for the IAM role, attach the permissions policy to the role. This should be the permissions policy that you created before you started creating the role. Then complete the remaining steps in IAM to finish creating and configuring the role. When you finish, configure and enable the settings in Macie.

Decrypting affected S3 objects

Amazon S3 supports multiple encryption options for S3 objects. For most of these options, no additional resources or permissions are required for an IAM user or role to decrypt and retrieve sensitive data samples from an affected object. This is the case for an object that's encrypted using server-side encryption with an Amazon S3 managed key or an AWS managed AWS KMS key.

However, if an S3 object is encrypted with a customer managed AWS KMS key, additional permissions are required to decrypt and retrieve sensitive data samples from the object. More specifically, the key policy for the KMS key must allow the IAM user or role to perform the kms:Decrypt action. Otherwise, an error occurs and Macie doesn't retrieve any samples from the object. To learn how to provide this access for an IAM user, see Authentication and access control for AWS KMS in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

How to provide this access for an IAM role depends on whether the account that owns the AWS KMS key also owns the role:

  • If the same account owns the KMS key and the role, a user of the account has to update the key's policy.

  • If one account owns the KMS key and a different account owns the role, a user of the account that owns the key has to allow cross-account access to the key.

This topic describes how to perform these tasks for an IAM role that you created to retrieve sensitive data samples from S3 objects. It also provides examples for both scenarios. For information about allowing access to customer managed AWS KMS keys for other scenarios, see Authentication and access control for AWS KMS in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

Allowing same-account access to a customer managed key

If the same account owns both the AWS KMS key and the IAM role, a user of the account has to add a statement to the key's policy. The additional statement must allow the IAM role to decrypt data by using the key. For detailed information about updating a key policy, see Changing a key policy in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

In the statement:

  • The Principal element must specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role.

  • The Action array must specify the kms:Decrypt action. This is the only AWS KMS action that the IAM role must be allowed to perform to decrypt an object that's encrypted with the key.

The following is an example of the statement to add to the policy for a KMS key.

{ "Sid": "Allow the Macie reveal role to use the key", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/IAMRoleName" }, "Action": [ "kms:Decrypt" ], "Resource": "*" }

In the preceding example:

  • The AWS field in the Principal element specifies the ARN of the IAM role in the account. It allows the role to perform the action specified by the policy statement. 123456789012 is an example account ID. Replace this value with the account ID for the account that owns the role and the KMS key. IAMRoleName is an example name. Replace this value with the name of the IAM role in the account.

  • The Action array specifies the action that the IAM role is allowed to perform using the KMS key—decrypt ciphertext that's encrypted with the key.

Where you add this statement to a key policy depends on the structure and elements that the policy currently contains. When you add the statement, ensure that the syntax is valid. Key policies use JSON format. This means that you have to also add a comma before or after the statement, depending on where you add the statement to the policy.

Allowing cross-account access to a customer managed key

If one account owns the AWS KMS key (key owner) and a different account owns the IAM role (role owner), the key owner has to provide the role owner with cross-account access to the key. One way to do this is by using a grant. A grant is a policy instrument that allows AWS principals to use KMS keys in cryptographic operations if the conditions specified by the grant are met. To learn about grants, see Grants in AWS KMS in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

With this approach, the key owner first ensures that the key's policy allows the role owner to create a grant for the key. The role owner then creates a grant for the key. The grant delegates the relevant permissions to the IAM role in their account. It allows the role to decrypt S3 objects that are encrypted with the key.

Step 1: Update the key policy

In the key policy, the key owner should ensure that the policy includes a statement that allows the role owner to create a grant for the IAM role in their (the role owner's) account. In this statement, the Principal element must specify the ARN of the role owner's account. The Action array must specify the kms:CreateGrant action. A Condition block can filter access to the specified action. The following is an example of this statement in the policy for a KMS key.

{ "Sid": "Allow a role in an account to create a grant", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:root" }, "Action": [ "kms:CreateGrant" ], "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "kms:GranteePrincipal": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/IAMRoleName" }, "ForAllValues:StringEquals": { "kms:GrantOperations": "Decrypt" } } }

In the preceding example:

  • The AWS field in the Principal element specifies the ARN of the role owner's account. It allows the account to perform the action specified by the policy statement. 111122223333 is an example account ID. Replace this value with the account ID for the role owner's account.

  • The Action array specifies the action that the role owner is allowed to perform on the KMS key—create a grant for the key.

  • The Condition block uses condition operators and the following condition keys to filter access to the action that the role owner is allowed to perform on the KMS key:

    • kms:GranteePrincipal – This condition allows the role owner to create a grant only for the specified grantee principal, which is the ARN of the IAM role in their account. In that ARN, 111122223333 is an example account ID. Replace this value with the account ID for the role owner's account. IAMRoleName is an example name. Replace this value with the name of the IAM role in the role owner's account.

    • kms:GrantOperations – This condition allows the role owner to create a grant only to delegate permission to perform the AWS KMS Decrypt action (decrypt ciphertext that's encrypted with the key). It prevents the role owner from creating grants that delegate permissions to perform other actions on the KMS key. The Decrypt action is the only AWS KMS action that the IAM role must be allowed to perform to decrypt an object that's encrypted with the key.

Where the key owner adds this statement to the key policy depends on the structure and elements that the policy currently contains. When the key owner adds the statement, they should ensure that the syntax is valid. Key policies use JSON format. This means that the key owner has to also add a comma before or after the statement, depending on where they add the statement to the policy. For detailed information about updating a key policy, see Changing a key policy in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

Step 2: Create a grant

After the key owner updates the key policy as necessary, the role owner creates a grant for the key. The grant delegates the relevant permissions to the IAM role in their (the role owner's) account. Before the role owner creates the grant, they should verify that they're allowed to perform the kms:CreateGrant action. This action allows them to add a grant to an existing, customer managed AWS KMS key.

To create the grant, the role owner can use the CreateGrant operation of the AWS Key Management Service API. When the role owner creates the grant, they should specify the following values for the required parameters:

  • KeyId – The ARN of the KMS key. For cross-account access to a KMS key, this value must be an ARN. It can't be a key ID.

  • GranteePrincipal – The ARN of the IAM role in their account. This value should be arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/IAMRoleName, where 111122223333 is the account ID for the role owner's account and IAMRoleName is the name of the role.

  • Operations – The AWS KMS decrypt action (Decrypt). This is the only AWS KMS action that the IAM role must be allowed to perform to decrypt an object that's encrypted with the KMS key.

If the role owner is using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), they can run the create-grant command to create the grant. The following example shows how. The example is formatted for Microsoft Windows and it uses the caret (^) line-continuation character to improve readability.

C:\> aws kms create-grant ^ --key-id arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab ^ --grantee-principal arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/IAMRoleName ^ --operations "Decrypt"


  • key-id specifies the ARN of the KMS key to apply the grant to.

  • grantee-principal specifies the ARN of the IAM role that's allowed to perform the action specified by the grant. This value should match the ARN specified by the kms:GranteePrincipal condition in the key policy.

  • operations specifies the action that the grant allows the specified principal to perform—decrypt ciphertext that's encrypted with the key.

If the command runs successfully, you receive output similar to the following.

{ "GrantToken": "<grant token>", "GrantId": "1a2b3c4d2f5e69f440bae30eaec9570bb1fb7358824f9ddfa1aa5a0dab1a59b2" }

Where GrantToken is a unique, non-secret, variable-length, base64-encoded string that represents the grant that was created, and GrantId is the unique identifier for the grant.