
class aws_cdk.core.DefaultStackSynthesizerProps(*, bootstrap_stack_version_ssm_parameter=None, bucket_prefix=None, cloud_formation_execution_role=None, deploy_role_arn=None, deploy_role_external_id=None, docker_tag_prefix=None, file_asset_key_arn_export_name=None, file_asset_publishing_external_id=None, file_asset_publishing_role_arn=None, file_assets_bucket_name=None, generate_bootstrap_version_rule=None, image_asset_publishing_external_id=None, image_asset_publishing_role_arn=None, image_assets_repository_name=None, lookup_role_arn=None, lookup_role_external_id=None, qualifier=None, use_lookup_role_for_stack_operations=None)

Bases: object

Configuration properties for DefaultStackSynthesizer.

  • bootstrap_stack_version_ssm_parameter (Optional[str]) – Bootstrap stack version SSM parameter. The placeholder ${Qualifier} will be replaced with the value of qualifier. Default: DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_BOOTSTRAP_STACK_VERSION_SSM_PARAMETER

  • bucket_prefix (Optional[str]) – bucketPrefix to use while storing S3 Assets. Default: - DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_FILE_ASSET_PREFIX

  • cloud_formation_execution_role (Optional[str]) – The role CloudFormation will assume when deploying the Stack. You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the execution role. The placeholders ${Qualifier}, ${AWS::AccountId} and ${AWS::Region} will be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack’s account and region, respectively. Default: DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_CLOUDFORMATION_ROLE_ARN

  • deploy_role_arn (Optional[str]) – The role to assume to initiate a deployment in this environment. You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the publishing role. The placeholders ${Qualifier}, ${AWS::AccountId} and ${AWS::Region} will be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack’s account and region, respectively. Default: DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_DEPLOY_ROLE_ARN

  • deploy_role_external_id (Optional[str]) – External ID to use when assuming role for cloudformation deployments. Default: - No external ID

  • docker_tag_prefix (Optional[str]) – A prefix to use while tagging and uploading Docker images to ECR. This does not add any separators - the source hash will be appended to this string directly. Default: - DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_DOCKER_ASSET_PREFIX

  • file_asset_key_arn_export_name (Optional[str]) – (deprecated) Name of the CloudFormation Export with the asset key name. You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the KMS key export The placeholders ${Qualifier}, ${AWS::AccountId} and ${AWS::Region} will be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack’s account and region, respectively. Default: DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_FILE_ASSET_KEY_ARN_EXPORT_NAME

  • file_asset_publishing_external_id (Optional[str]) – External ID to use when assuming role for file asset publishing. Default: - No external ID

  • file_asset_publishing_role_arn (Optional[str]) – The role to use to publish file assets to the S3 bucket in this environment. You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the publishing role. The placeholders ${Qualifier}, ${AWS::AccountId} and ${AWS::Region} will be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack’s account and region, respectively. Default: DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_FILE_ASSET_PUBLISHING_ROLE_ARN

  • file_assets_bucket_name (Optional[str]) – Name of the S3 bucket to hold file assets. You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the staging bucket. The placeholders ${Qualifier}, ${AWS::AccountId} and ${AWS::Region} will be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack’s account and region, respectively. Default: DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_FILE_ASSETS_BUCKET_NAME

  • generate_bootstrap_version_rule (Optional[bool]) – Whether to add a Rule to the stack template verifying the bootstrap stack version. This generally should be left set to true, unless you explicitly want to be able to deploy to an unbootstrapped environment. Default: true

  • image_asset_publishing_external_id (Optional[str]) – External ID to use when assuming role for image asset publishing. Default: - No external ID

  • image_asset_publishing_role_arn (Optional[str]) – The role to use to publish image assets to the ECR repository in this environment. You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the publishing role. The placeholders ${Qualifier}, ${AWS::AccountId} and ${AWS::Region} will be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack’s account and region, respectively. Default: DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_IMAGE_ASSET_PUBLISHING_ROLE_ARN

  • image_assets_repository_name (Optional[str]) – Name of the ECR repository to hold Docker Image assets. You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the ECR repository. The placeholders ${Qualifier}, ${AWS::AccountId} and ${AWS::Region} will be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack’s account and region, respectively. Default: DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_IMAGE_ASSETS_REPOSITORY_NAME

  • lookup_role_arn (Optional[str]) – The role to use to look up values from the target AWS account during synthesis. Default: - None

  • lookup_role_external_id (Optional[str]) – External ID to use when assuming lookup role. Default: - No external ID

  • qualifier (Optional[str]) – Qualifier to disambiguate multiple environments in the same account. You can use this and leave the other naming properties empty if you have deployed the bootstrap environment with standard names but only differnet qualifiers. Default: - Value of context key ‘

  • use_lookup_role_for_stack_operations (Optional[bool]) – Use the bootstrapped lookup role for (read-only) stack operations. Use the lookup role when performing a cdk diff. If set to false, the deploy role credentials will be used to perform a cdk diff. Requires bootstrap stack version 8. Default: true




MyStack(app, "MyStack",



Bootstrap stack version SSM parameter.

The placeholder ${Qualifier} will be replaced with the value of qualifier.




bucketPrefix to use while storing S3 Assets.

  • DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_FILE_ASSET_PREFIX


The role CloudFormation will assume when deploying the Stack.

You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the execution role.

The placeholders ${Qualifier}, ${AWS::AccountId} and ${AWS::Region} will be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack’s account and region, respectively.




The role to assume to initiate a deployment in this environment.

You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the publishing role.

The placeholders ${Qualifier}, ${AWS::AccountId} and ${AWS::Region} will be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack’s account and region, respectively.




External ID to use when assuming role for cloudformation deployments.

  • No external ID


A prefix to use while tagging and uploading Docker images to ECR.

This does not add any separators - the source hash will be appended to this string directly.

  • DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_DOCKER_ASSET_PREFIX


(deprecated) Name of the CloudFormation Export with the asset key name.

You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the KMS key export

The placeholders ${Qualifier}, ${AWS::AccountId} and ${AWS::Region} will be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack’s account and region, respectively.




This property is not used anymore




External ID to use when assuming role for file asset publishing.

  • No external ID


The role to use to publish file assets to the S3 bucket in this environment.

You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the publishing role.

The placeholders ${Qualifier}, ${AWS::AccountId} and ${AWS::Region} will be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack’s account and region, respectively.




Name of the S3 bucket to hold file assets.

You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the staging bucket.

The placeholders ${Qualifier}, ${AWS::AccountId} and ${AWS::Region} will be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack’s account and region, respectively.




Whether to add a Rule to the stack template verifying the bootstrap stack version.

This generally should be left set to true, unless you explicitly want to be able to deploy to an unbootstrapped environment.




External ID to use when assuming role for image asset publishing.

  • No external ID


The role to use to publish image assets to the ECR repository in this environment.

You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the publishing role.

The placeholders ${Qualifier}, ${AWS::AccountId} and ${AWS::Region} will be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack’s account and region, respectively.




Name of the ECR repository to hold Docker Image assets.

You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the ECR repository.

The placeholders ${Qualifier}, ${AWS::AccountId} and ${AWS::Region} will be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack’s account and region, respectively.




The role to use to look up values from the target AWS account during synthesis.

  • None


External ID to use when assuming lookup role.

  • No external ID


Qualifier to disambiguate multiple environments in the same account.

You can use this and leave the other naming properties empty if you have deployed the bootstrap environment with standard names but only differnet qualifiers.

  • Value of context key ‘


/core:bootstrapQualifier’ if set, otherwise DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_QUALIFIER


Use the bootstrapped lookup role for (read-only) stack operations.

Use the lookup role when performing a cdk diff. If set to false, the deploy role credentials will be used to perform a cdk diff.

Requires bootstrap stack version 8.

