Viewing AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory information - AWS Directory Service

Viewing AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory information

You can use the AWS Management Console to view your AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory details like:

  • Directory type

  • Directory ID

  • Directory status

  • Networking details for your AWS Managed Microsoft AD like:

    • Amazon VPC

    • Subnets

    • Availability zones

    • DNS addresses

You can find the following information about your AWS Managed Microsoft AD:

  • Under the Share & share tab, you can share your AWS Managed Microsoft AD with other AWS accounts and learn the networking details for your domain controllers.

  • Under the Application management tab, you can enable an application access URL for your AWS Managed Microsoft AD and enable AWS applications and services for your AWS Managed Microsoft AD.

  • Under the Maintenance tab, you can enable Amazon Simple Notification Service to receive notifications of your AWS Managed Microsoft AD status and review snapshots of your AWS Managed Microsoft AD.

To view detailed directory information in the AWS Management Console
  1. In the AWS Directory Service console navigation pane, under Active Directory, select Directories.

  2. Click the directory ID link for your directory. Information about the directory is displayed in the Directory details page.

For more information about the Status field, see Understanding your AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory status.

AWS Directory Service Directory details page.